The Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-04-05, Page 611 I � — - , - — � . - . - - — - ___ __ - — — - _____ ---'-- ­_ � , __ _.__W_-_- �� _. � I , , I .1 .11, - __ __ - - _ - -, __ __ __ - ­ —!!!n ! : go" PP , .W T Wrlrw - ;;�7_��_:�-­_ --.-- �, A FRW CONTMPTIBLIS - � I —, - ��_ - - - _­_ 7!T�&­7_­­ ­- - - ,� � , :7" An Editor Talk.s ANIVICANS. �, broke the tkirty years of peace, Aw MEN FROM T*3 ANTIPOD951 .... I I I a � � 9 � 4*11­0"",-_&#� or Cb � " M . Z land Joined, Napoleon the Thlrd� 11 . . . e ra I NO* &Wwt IOWWW A40w9- WA b"a uegegi Aver formally to the - luce, Deaver, Colo. = Turkey JA 4 war with Ru"U4 8091094 IN00riwo at Auetralian.W. n wat IX& WN4 devolo ed,into the siege. of 1h. I - � ever Wwo ia OAks Xam - Gormau Admits Thim cmiatry is %ato than ingd, it , ' dier at Gallipoli. . �. ..Ii" ��, Y. b"topoL VM4 end of this wsrlitill . Vew eseept Perhaps at a* time of a * * * is raving from end' to #Ad over the another treaty of yeace was signed . RETWE9N ONTARIO AZiiI URI- F661rat gwk*ml 610CUOU V1114111 Oft It Britain * 14 04, A fftesing, biting February I had 'tied up all of ber Perfidious And (14&1`1841408 conduct Of I . Paris (March, 1866), by which Russia Morning I walked down that great � TISH COLUMBIA, P*MUW P" *=6440*11 t4w" tb* shiPPtic and her navy kad not �Wn 12 U.S. Senators in 4"Alibustering" so ' � Was forbidden to maintain & fitst in London highway, the 'Strand, and I . � 1. other forlack of loyalty. But we b.*- defending tile VniW States as well AF, to to defeat the Adminiuration mono- I the Black See. and ship*, of war were . ""� ,. Yew* tUt Canadians m nuts" xxl her own territory, where would,G#r. ure, giving the President p6wor to am' � exprMWA41y for e , ore I saw tali young men in I bral to tkofm king =A couittry. What, many be to -day? Her world just American vessels against the U-bost Wden to page the Der. khaki, with queer,,. bunched -up bats, 1404 Proat Provinces Where b1sul,. 4 14440110s, the Penalty being that -they and a line of red in, their kh,,I14 pug- I 'a loya'4? TUO 7*& Xiv** us this 40- would' be satisfied, no doubt. The 4epredatione on the high so**. A were dismantled and put out of ac- garee. New Zealan4prs they Were, Ontario Boys suil Girle Are - SAW04- XAYAI#;Y is that quality whick American ijituatiolt is humiliating to woid of explanation I Von. , I I 0 . P1 Pts a persoa to be tnw to tba say the least. T$0 president waited to those who are unowquaintsd with I T1W Treaty ot Berlin, with, tbt red In their cheelts, as bright living. . tiiag b* uudwt&k*%__we&njnV fixity I for the "'overt acV, and it be* been the methods of Congress, the only war � , - . an the red In their hats. . 0 ef purpss% _dh,tams iA�yoltj' tommittw. Is not the,policy, Of ruth. making power under pur cQnstitu- ', r But undoubtedly the most -tragical . And with them were tall, loan young Dr. WhItelaw, Medical health 9M., . � . =PPliss power, polst, purpose, ballast loss submarine warfare in Itself an doll. .1 r I . trfttY Of Peace ever . signed in the -men, also in khaki, with but britwi cor in Edmonton, would like to quar* i sad work* for health *'Ad succoax, overt act? The NOW York World, a The otsolot), of Congress, byAawr . City Of Pleasure was the, one after turned up at the si4e, auji aomiDtimes antine.la grippe. I , : - , -.-: - Pir4sid;ant ,Vn - - . I the. F,raU4CQ-FfU8#ia1r Wisr-_ - - -swirl -brf,eathets aro-9--p-Ing over -4 -Durllw 10,16 IoAprt .men 7 weto,'-dil- --*--,-- " i , -axpIr#d­-Vu-tfie­-#"-1Kx)vh-0 zovni, - . . The7 Get. with R ,: , Very g0Qd &Anftko. Nolt *Air a ne'WR)aper ftiondly7rtq I _ I ft='xfrI*nd# admire him& far loyalty, son, believes that it in the immediate and had before It for several days the ManIt Marched through the Are de the crown. Australlana-and typical rectly diotributed for woik .on, the . . t.- b0t Nature helps the loyal man. It a duty pf the president to ask Congress eorisidoration of the,resolution tij em- I Tiiomphe. dow,wthe C-hamps Elysees, bu.shmen, strong as blckor:� says -an farms � of Albgrta, � . * .1 . cl� z tWow Is carelsaxi slipslio to the Tuileries. I I Ameirican, visitor to London, '. The 210th Battalion, stationed fit I � 4, indiffer- for authority to use any means that Pow'" the President to arm vilerchAnt ' I � eat end SWtIoss, Nature assume# may bet necessary fbr On January 18th, 1471, the present These are, the =err of the Anzac Moose Jaw, ha4,',their final medical. ( I.. . the Protection V688011% for disfense against the Mar- I ; 1� I I that lw wis)AS to lit X nobody mind Of U -S. seamen and Americans in thb doroino submarines, o' what , Ralsees arion0sither, then]KIng wil- 4irmy. These are the men who fought "ambiation, reOntly. - I . 1�1 . wants I the dealre. Unfortunately prosecution of their peaceful, "amt4 no r is called 14M, Of PrIllisla, visa proclaimed deiz7 through the terrible lainding at Su" .Lieut. LQuis,ffi , erlillip, Son. of J#m .o � I � � eirrunds utrility." The House had ... via , , , �s � �' ' every coM=uglty has same specimens OU the high 'less, The American, re� given practically a uninimous vote ...... ...... I'll .... "I . . . . . . 11 . loan Emperor in the Great Hall of Bay, ln`ftypt and in Flanders. . . Perkins, of Winnipeg, hav . been ' '' � t � I I I I .,&t her rights or in favor of the resolution, and it -was Geiieral luIrla Wille . -1 31irrQrs. 'The terms of peace, Which, - The other day I jilet 4n Anzac who WOO , I of this malformed humam Success public must either Asa , Wed 'at -the front,. ��, ' , i � hinges On loyalty --&W comes from surrender them, qnii if Sh � to tho Senato. for sip -1. The only gener . . . the Fren.ch hid no 'Power to. resist, thik,d; sur�ived.the curious' experience 1. 111911 School boys frqm ,Yorlcton I � I . , e surrenders ul There they have no'-' sio,-1-to Germany of. � �41.� � of beinik Mt. . by, a shell -and ask., real!404100 1. i . -a . I . , blown - , - Society fr ^ - , lleotion of. � � I b*iA9 true to your calling, your busi- them it Was not,worth wh e a I .prove I 21 ilk the Swiss arMY- Were the ,eta 8 ft##,e local Itea If I nessi-Jour employer, your . 11 t go to I , clasuke raq, Should a German, Invailolt .Qeur in sace'and Lorr#4ne and;% war Indein , ' -tie air. e -_ , � friends. the -trouble of spavering diplomatic rq. aa4 uo�,wsy, of shutting oft'dijeusalon. S , . , n, I;LbQut;a .huladi v_ 4.feetL into b H Cross I om ,a. FO I I I I. P � , witzOrland, Generaii Ulrich ' Wille sterling 41 J�ad.`a r - , . ). ity of two bundrea.miiiion�q . �grfeet recollection ,Of., 411 that: Junk. ' - . I. , I I . . I . I . . 1. - 11 , ISLoyalty is for iho One.,Who, is truly Tations. with Germany, was'it? Every. of 'tile measure, beoce it was easy for woul4 be in command of - entire, 19 it a matt�r f4 wozAer that t e Vxl. I had h*�pine4 ilp to the in . I i loyal. - woven through day that America the'12 Se"Wra to tal - . . the I ., lit of he ' During.the Year, and '�a balf they � �, ,. it is a quality . I lant . 'arhe " ' . I . in ,ships are, afraid- to , k the oro 04 Swiss ar*y" 1 1 . " I ' . . ' -'� to doaih� when mel's , n o4ld.b*4 waited, int istru4z- _tchewarj' - � 0 . 44 very fabric of one'* being and tllt to xe4 because of German , do, ibe ,78 Sinat I . . W Freneb. natio , 7: were in operation, the,7 Saska , . . ,� - . � , +"-" I . � , . �. . J I , .t I � . � " - never a thint'&Put 749yaltY Makes fiance of -law And civilixati6in the 'favored'Ahe meii I :1 . � " . I . with impaftehe� Or , "i "*A ItIng apotbpr nian, 13 u. -liquor stores a-�profit, of $jr_ - I 'd . =6 Were, r YAn :, . I ., ,.a � , Af ter-, 027,000.1." , '.,, - I '' I , . . . , . �, � , � . � � �, I .,, Of Americans are �Inv ed, their loua to vote on Jt, before 04 end of � I I � yours the ,thing or object to� which. you rights mbst vin � . , . Opp to 'I, I ' d ' . yielded., " � . � . arls� for'OhatVull, I emselves ia out At SUVIA ,said, lie, Ita I .a , yc� the� ,eyes of aer WI)rld sn . tt,IIW back fiw warin dr d, ',sti�ir�ted 'The 4raymen qf� Yorktan, -�Mi4k - I '- I � . I . , ' I . I- " 't I .. � .1oveg It 11�3110r, is sullied and *the! 1powee s a 'Congress. I And these. twelve traitors . I .. - �� .9 . - - - I 1. ' 'd' ' funds of the 'York L, . I . - are loyal, bat'disloyalty rem r a WE .. R I I I I ' 4t 0 go home. , , . . , . the. I � airl , from You. Work is for tho workei,' great rlstfo4 to -their cou ir N4 provtn I I'The iiiA. I d bee. - fgirl ,. jet -all gave $22'to the . . � ]a 01wilenged before thQ ntr3r, by this 0eciel of . I I .M? . . tout � _ 'I . � love 6r the lover, art for the artist. World. The � DO I day . I . , latest news is thal . ­ �, ,and - rMY And Navy V�0er, . q . � " ,an, ,,, the night , extra.or- branch Of'the A .1 I t, tbi� ' I � - . Peace ever signed was *hit'is 86 Wei L I . , . I 'disloyal to dent WftsQn will arm 1ELS.* merchant did delex � - BA AINS' The most spe.etacular -treaty oc * t preet- A1ib.uvterInr,*were able to defeat, and . . , nu 3 , t : , The menial'Its one w.ho 14 . .which the - . , � . i I dinarily, dark. I J 4144 I I I . . measure .. I 11 � . I I Ilia duty. Be loyal to ev�ry 'good Ships and give. them power. to � fire O4 whole country was, c1qMorous. of . -4 .,.........., . .� �-. known and- often quoted as "I blundered 1114ht, thealoppy, un. Xr; and Mrs. Jarqqs Lowe, pioneerw � - � � � the 7*ftty , � . I ' I I . . . I � . . . I Of Berlin. - This -116 t 1, pavied footwayi hurrying uneasily In 'of Manitoba, died recently lit laln-�, I I . (*usei . I Roy submarines on sight.- ' - adopiilig. . . . . - . 1. was t on come of , I ' , I � - . . . . . MANY, TREATIES HAVE,' BgEN the Berlin Confer e,wili4 -a patch of paint pale cafth, Man., withi - W days ,4f Thus the power of,the President'to I I I I . ene ., Was st.' .:j the direction of I I n a 16 , *' I ! Earl Kitchener had a better knowl-4 Many newspapers are Carr . g big Protect American liv;s and shipping . tended by the British Prime Minister, blotches that I tOok to be 'the touib� :ach other. . .1 . . . . , - . � , I . I I . I . Fill . . SIGNED'IN PARIS, .. . I edge of the real 0�udltlons than many announcement on the 4igh. Seas by. proper armedneu- I I I Lord Xleaconsf! ld� and by, a future sthfies in our little burying ground. . _ The fifth annual meetill'i of tho. , � C I . a about the'new Canod- � I I e 04Fr I . � I I I when he declared that the Present war 'ask War Loan. Itis' Possible that tralitY, was withdrawn. This is doubly . I — I � I � Prime Ministeir, Lor� Salisbury. , am someWhere behind me came,� Boys' Arts and Craft4 Association . I � " Would last over three years. Few there are, few People in Canada. who unfort6qate attlifs crisis, for it goes Int . Out, of compliment to the'. Brlti;h a faint inbaning sound. I stepped for. . was -held - ill the Y,K.C.A. at Edmon.: I � , the nations: of the world tbkt oreisting Account, of the Outst4nd- delegates 'the, conference was con- word uneasily, but before 114 do ton recently, ' ' . . .., I . � I " L . , . I a ' I ,Others believed it Possible when #a, realize that the I*w Loan has A far- forth to _1 - - , . 4ucted in En .. . � . I . l said It.* Their thoughiwas that with reachir)g effeet.u;6n the questi4n . of there, is dissentlori in the Congress of - Ing Treaties of Recent , 91169 - Of course. the Most yard the noise be�ame more pro] The , IndiATIA 4*tog Blood - , ReservI3, I � . . . , . � .. * for . ex, M . I . . ?ngr r,OtI,m . , ' ' � modern rapid firing machine guns and ,the hit), coot of livir -the U.S. and that the nati , . - famous. hure therb - was the bon e.do irawing louder and closer'until I alipwed. their � � by. soll,41n . I ' ,xg.o If... � anal wEeca- . � - � , Times. - - wing , .111 . , 1. I I . , . , Othei instrumentn of death em�loyed Ample, it were Possible for the I -purpose . . . ,' CbRU4110ii, Bismarck, the real.mliker could feel it conlifig_--comli g--6' .�440 to Macleod branch b *Ar to tive has been blocked in'llis � . . I . � I � f the Ri- I � �*by both contending partieo the Sol- be 1116411064 merely by our . of that German Emplie -Whieh.. has with.tremendous and' ie'ver-* . Cross Society. .. I . great finan- of malting �ftkctivo his a 68itiori to, " Paris h increasing I . . . I , PP as. undoubtedly been the since gxown to be. a menaqe to e Tr -ifiel'ierink, , The loss from, fires In the city d diers would. be killed off .before three,f Clal institutions - and finailcigi mog- the Hui . I , th , speed -A. ho ible, nerve. .., I , apubmaiine warfare upon neu- seeng of moire Peace treaties than- Any . . _ � . I I . . � I . � I .. . � 9 'too i years. But the war has nearly cover-, note tral, Allipping. � � � world. " . . doaTening Wallin shriek, I a 4 daz- � Moose - JAW for tfie pase_iear was . . . � I � . . I . , a, in other words, by the 'Very ' I other city in the: world. The. one sign, . . Made in London. � ; ed and paralyze& --rooted to , the sp Zly K22. per cent,, again - , V-' , , . , ad that period-aind In spite of the thou- 1,arg s,ubserlPtians, the result wou The Stone -La. - Follette ' filibuster ed there -in November, I . � 1, I I � -at, . at lqss of'. . I . 4 cla trans , Id . I 1 1782, is.,a. dodu. . . I I sands 6nboth sides Vbo have been 1twoiild mean a mere 's0ceeded on the eve of revelations .1. t � It is. more, than .,pass e that A With a scream of hellish intensity --it 10,6 per cent. In 1915. . . . . � I � .. , , Inept sacred to our cousins a4oso the clause _W th . IbI Was I al I I within a, a I . An Wait to enforce. the 'vae- of.' ' . .1 � . . 'a ot-famous tieaty, which, I I .. . econd, really.�_It. was I . 'killed and wounded there is, no lack of enlargement of efedit and a Ase In from,the Preal&4.'regarding 111111 !'berring pond," To them it -Is lsiome was called to settle. the ou .. . There was x'flash.Of bli ding Y - " � * :. , all , - oil We', OW Exiglioh � men on either Side. They, count their the cost of living touildi. while intrigues 'to array � other natiorig -triaty, In 'it Britain acknowledges I tcame of', 41 n text-book9 in $agkatche.-� '.' . � � I ,) forces yet in the millionsl - After a d, in � )Against this the Russo-Tur;kish Wai, is the - Itght, a. feeling that I'was b4ffig burl- , .. chdols. was defeated At a' . ,11 these causes woul their turn, be country; but the gravity their Independence. That it � . em wa Pub)ic'S . . .. . .. �*_ * ; . . . that Awo been done in Cnnudg( the talk aggravated'by tb6� fact t I h I at the - lqdi. of the Situation fell. up�6n'the ears of this Peace e . ter . al 1,em makes , T � ate ed up, to'the iioon,- over it, "'and des- I trusteds' meeting.. , I . . . I . � .1 . ;1. I . . .. .11 opeau war. .. . i ' vidual',.Iha � tho,Plotters to no,purpos.ej.thpy-,ca,g_ London Answers. _. �.." gave Bosnia:and Her- - . , O' . ving Contrikuted nothing ill I . ly memorab* SAYK I That'conferen I cc nt Eur . . . I in League- - -, � .- - : ' - A W Is Of raising for home deferlie Z .� . , cending slowly, sf0W1Yt like it feather! The Farmers, Noli-paxtis4 I I another hundred- thousand, an4,Cafi.. the -way- of subscriptions or, . I 11 . 1. I . 41WAS-1, reall , . -feather bAve-naminatid-D- J. Sykes' -48 --their ... �;_­. ... ... �. � only, . SPI e ____­­­ ---,---,.- : ­ " ..,�r --- ­ - I - . . - , . . ­ ried-out--their--unholy, degigna-Z6, ,-It-'* ­ - ------ Xego t AuatrWj,une� of -the� gri'dat, Perhapsi. Very cur . .. wift, Current' for. th6 - , : I � I . � 46oh , I I " , , This peace, tgoi represents, the final �z t,ov1,na . � . , after-ull-T can idate, u. S 11 :, t I In at - � I , - a4a is d for eyen a gmater num, would be. ecintrib his or her th to I d 11 ... I � .goo o unanimous d*mAn'ds of the people _E �Oes ever made. by diplomacy. . � U � . � � _ % , "Theh--a .. . ... o . .. I � . . .11 . act iv one of thq'worst times- this old, .En . her; . . expendfture.ta.the , further r -in tbat�the ftesiden-r-be, ' ^Zeno'-,tb _ n jund re Saskatcbeww�n Leilslature.' ' . . � I � ­ � gI ,ceived.-,the Island, of- ft6r .4 , i6119, - i#terval.:- I I I , . . , . . I . . - . 'It -in * . � - wer. I � I Cy' 'Huslit.-Hushl' said a t n, gIV : - . ., ' . f, .0 *' aja prices and to a yet )kieater exa. 'quisite �o Thas - men earmot .' t 8,011�6ndition th4t.she would , the doct9r, - iDonit�' L9 to , 0 * � I . I 'k � . , ,lee,, � I 0. re- e -y - ' - - i d-' hr6uj&.4hat -The city of , Edyn n 0 .;, I - I . : * . the, . 11 . I I � . I ,ounta over warrie . I 'Pra . pro- Imo . ve . 0 . . . . . I . . 1. I . I . gland has '.*done grandly and pansloW,iji.er4dit. � 14 . . now plead that. they were ke ' *retched time when Lord North, wailtbot-thd Asiatic Possessions , I" I was in a queer, rocking lit7 .$7 �0. 'towards an.. Edmonton exhibit .. . . .. I . . , � there is -no let-jp 7tQ4 theIr * ' . � . * * L *.. *� 1. - .. , nor, I I Pt in ig- at the helm of. State and did not know. 1 Sultan fro I III - luvAslon,'. Hen of the, tle room, wit at the BlltmoY6 Hotel, X I , 0, . . � war spirit. 7 . . ance of the'lapts of the situati ,. . I b is low ceiling, an.d .my , ew york Ltlty,,' � .. � . I The. latest'talk i The big finfincial firma�, ' I ­ an �is job. First of''all " - consfield arm was lying. on something ibeavy .brin to I* that of extendij* , in. Canada ,If the6 men who. faile& th4 ,Corawallis, driv- ' , in order� to . .... I President , . ieturned like 4 king, and *drove from I 0 . 4.g uristtradeto the . . I 1. . . . I ,the Military age Lin the British Islas, Are Investing larg * en. by a state"of starVation the Fleet,. Ch . Cross, -to the Foreign - office I outside the bedclothes. Why, I was City. � . . . 1-1 ,, - in -most needed P, ,w a , . I , e.siims of monef.1111 at the hour ' W1411 he . aring . I I . I . 11 I . '. . . , po�rerless.' to -'p revent, actually on board a h6spi I A ig�nerI4 . � . I . � In the face Of' thp-edrabing thAt.b6uj,_ the,,NeW War LOallis ahowjna� niteil C A Owing to.'amid deafenink cheers ' He. addressed . tal, shipl I I � ­­ '' I . .1 C Patthey u . . ongress assert that they, did. .the I . . � .1 conference Of whole-" ,4 . :� � tr.Y bas had still morerm'eu are neetl- - * I 'the, sehe . a to I . -teinporary, ascondancy 'of, �the the Ler . ",IF6ellng eamfortabro?,), said the salerg, 'retale n ankera,will .'be .. I. . . I ' . . . ., . � , , have Ot4dence, . W;e something - avert -war, All - Ji, . .owd'from a - window, -,.and de�-. doctor, .. - . � . �; . , - in me. to I . ey. . � ,,, to - I ­ 'Frenc . I '. __ ed make. sure work for th , Was MAY Add that �ap to the. merits -of the themselves, for they baVe' . �h on the briny, surrendered ctlareC.that he� had - b " I called at'an early datel.to ionsidet,. �,:i �.._. . � I ' . . . e A , ili iL not. Only'. hi dt - , . . .. I . . ,now that the wArhaa-entered upon its lOan itself as an investineni, they.spo placed their nation . ,a- ,army to� - George, Washington- ­af -"Peace -with, Honor 10 - h- - ---: ... - ...., - foithb-pain- in.. I PlAns-for imptoving the- --Miakebantspi.l. - - _­- -.-.-.-;-.--,- ossihir _ - Za-166 ­jikht, York Town, � - I " I I . .a p rase- . , I hand'.'!, -1 my, at- . . . I . . I . . . ?. __ I . - . . . . - situation, in the,west. ` " - - � - -,.":;. ­ ` , .. bitterest and'P deadliest,phase.. Bufficielilt Wsp6ak lor themselves. The* but have -given illeentivet to the enemy 1 ' . . -§� appears', every sprinlck�, - we I . , . � . . " . 1. . ' , ' I . "He looked' . . . . I �. �. 1. . The 10. oke.d for, big, Sprin , drive - is people of *Canada havi lo�g . How We Got, "The RocILP - -4 primroses, on his a . down, and so did L .' Dr. -V, . E.. L �-. .,. -:,-. - % . , I Since e to 'force war -upon this,Country., This . tatue"in- ' Al - � ,,, � . I . I X ome� I r I I � I . atimer, a wellkliowni .. . . - I , I - . I . � .. I .. � . ' I � ­.� .. 1. , , � Pending and the sacrifices to the conclusion that the �4tup ous , ninority -in. the r wa]s� in a state' pe .�: . _­ - I - 11 11. I I , 'You have no I 'd the eye,'ear,!n6se and. throat specialist, of. - `­- - - , .' , wlll'assur� end small '' 1. I I - '. Se6t� .,that - QiurAlta of siege- -; - "tqq@Lrj _ � . � . . left hand,',. sai . .edly be frightfully great, but atwbut- ,conflict in, �vhich we a . su6ceeded . ­ .. . ----'---- -- ,46-dtor, quietly� .. - . __ ., i .. . - 11 - I . re. enVagbdis* of' . in. blocking action, was in- A siege Vvbich la#id 8 ye' A treaty -which. even the boys of, , � � Wiribipeg, and' formerly. of Brandon , . . : , , .1 � � � . I ever co . such a character that for uq,.all there Significant in b 1. I ars and is one 1B , , . '41 sawAhat he. was right.' ' ' ' I . bas Joined1he Arm'' Medipi I 111. . �. . � ., ­ ,st of, men and 'material. tile oth.ifumbers, and of the In" in. will 'remember we ' Y , al I . � . pres- . eat heroic episodet in our. his, , rita . .-,a the one MY'ldt ,-,:Car a. ' ., � ,­ ' - . I . . . . �, Allies must eventually tritaiijill, f 9 no* only one -really profitable 'in - tig�, and represented -a few i�qlatgd torV6 Jrbland Was. P�dly; disaffe�ted In, made in Lolidop the other�ybsir isy the . , . P , A . I . I .., I . Ora 11 for -oveiae'as service. , - . I ., . .. . . . . I � .. lrlct�r, , spoto'lli. this,* e . . -and left bebincIVI _.:1 :. , ,. of 'g*n hail:"..'.' ,::. . I ­ . V for Germany after . all. of h Wh I 'aed , envoys..of the liftle' nations,. of,�. the M., to thq MO,QA � - .A� 6,QQQ,Qoo foot, * . -, - I . , . er VestmOlit..fif the ole amely' ,road la�d �wh6te th� -by- -fhose �,days, -an# Jilster, had " . flow � ... ­'. .� .. - _� I � � . . . rai --- , , I - . . . . . . olation Of I every human the f#ure welfarer of trie- British E_nI' Olen, vote pre I ce. of Ek hundred thoustisid I much. use, ; . _7___.A1_- . �, I biie�'encounterecl it 2,680 f ' . .. :. ... - . I frightful vi . . 4mlluttes� but, far more: -vo unteer for I Balk4n�. Alas! 'it. was not eet in W � :" I pire.' 'And. the welfare,of that Em- �d I � ' IN .1 . . � . 1, � I . " law of- life and -'war wouId� indoletd..�be, Vj�e, 'd It stand'for the * - � . ey , - THE HANDS OF THE. RUN.% - Well in t9e Yikin�, Alit*,,. field, . 8'0J1'1__- .I- I -, . �. � �. - ­ - ' ' 6 ' - -- - . ,P9 ,pf,,tlJe,-,._1ndi,-,, men. . Spaiii Would -not listen to AnY4 for th - 'who ,, had stuck , t6gothek � '. �,, .. - , . . I _,�­ lunthlnkable.;�.So the Military , -deperlde fifgtr 'upon the� brave .=. -4 "' "' , . - , '_ � . - - - Miles bast of,Ed . 41 .. . . -_ - _#ge_, is , An 4 demakogle des t keep 0v0.,PK9,P9SaIo Which. .did notj�dude Agnifist'."11le. Comm " . � ... . Manton. The city MAY . I ... I 'We. � V I ..., ; - ____PlX'.,_f00._'.'.turn9d-, es P on. of ur in _4!�� � . . ­_ I to agains - -one�an ther. -. w , . . , a. P I I , Ing aidiv,anced Audi too, - -who,''Oe-fi-litii ­fi- " ' - ih th6,11innolight. The r6le that' � p .1y -,- , - "be' UP 1'6d iVitlikiSfi6lin1hi� 'field - ' _�­_­-_`-___':' . be' I women alre� nien 9 , Mraltdr, and W � i - Hardshipir 'Effili � Q` " - -, � .Iig. Or ,it,. and, in _ gr�, ance'mild ,demand-..' O ,hen - . .. - . - ­ ___ . . � �_,,­,_­_- - fil-_ . . I 1. - . _,�. 1. .. �1 -, ­ � �, ..,... ____ en . , Gerra ft-,Pjison,Ca ­ , '' . . . . ! � "'. � ­' - I . ­ . second, -Nate -fillb. * ,. te- � - - -_ . _ - be'.:.N*A8 .k 7 �:T.All', .SA-,k ­t& 8 , 'Upon ,Men hind � I us r to ­.-Wiiii- - --- I . "I . . . 1. .. . , . . . I 5, a ewa:, , . 7 I -be 011164110d -14, 1161i.�6mbatahtposltiaj* the.', , , rattf cfd Ahe 64741lo-oiii, lndiaiC - osse'ssio'ns, 'except , . 1. . . . I . I . . � '74feat I , , " - .P I . . .. , , ' Men at home .. I . 1. . . I I -, � . . __ � g. , . . in the'British -army., 7 bd� Who are, Working for- it,, the Will 4 thie peoble, .is � e al. , . . . I ' ' ; . ba,"jLol,�!d .0 _. �- ' ., ' � ast,. ,ev#n i - B�il;A'aoldier on his. return' 'to .rs or res I "A .. -, - . I , . . here must . . . ' . antiquated One other -treaty; at Aei k ' I as Y61untee or . ,'3110 creaturp indifteienie-,-there -)low- responding to the un*d'- I , I I . . . . � . . I Young Pepple'will i . .. . 5 a overseas --service. .1' . I . a 't " - I . . . . is -no And Who' ftr�; defenseless. '. I I . I I . I . . � , ` , � .. . . . - Iuat'w � thing's were at their very ij the emember, -and that England �fter fourieen - moliths 'a Prpoent war will be qxempt� fro, I � I . . I --- ��­ ­­ - . � . I call of 4uf in'leAdilli to the nation 'It is, a fetiih raryJQ ibe W, ' I Treaty ;f Ptet6r!�, - after, -the Prisoner of ' 1. . . alT ­ �.' .1 ffer --- War is :no " 1 and cont "��_i' and it se War. in Germany, writis. I . . . _--, __.wteness. � " . . I , . lon -it , is now the, , at fundst. form. of -a freii govern 6nt W I ' ' ' . I . .� their la . .1, ! � . V , __ .1 I . ger a ,game - it,641, to , � . 1 IrOd,'in the; way ei�dd all �lf with" old i 1009 agbgr of the Boer - War.. - I . .­ -ti- . ­­� I— --- nd :1. 31, - � ­ . . I m ,hich rb- England, Admirhl Rodnej-L114 , Ever3r, I the following- - . I I 1.11 I t"ation, �f I UP' to . a Al. - . :11 , I . . I I ctory and � a . I body ,was- t1lankful when . . see on, . 11 . �. I .. 1. I .­ I I 'Evft7body Must do, . great-.' - . . , - . . ... I . busifiest 9f,life.. secure a conclusiviia vi , , cokilizes. majority rule. 'What� took e5t,of all British 'seamen, ex ept Blake � � . � - ' . I his and her'share to *Jj far*the Allies. ]Rating � -­ , 't ­ lupp.4 .0 - thato'long: go far as I have. tslked_withpeaj� Charles Leonsrd has been - ��, , � ", , .. . - 'now , g6 ' � ' i d i6d; Bift I .le . 4pp6i�t.;L I �111 11, . . � I- �, . ­ peace. Tho- call, ' ,Place In" he I ' p�kq��af­ 00 grq4s and Nelson�came. ,to -the rescue., He 1 hoRed-for day. arrive j al ons since MY,teturn;.l f1pd-that the miiri _� , -4. --I.", __ _.__._._.__,­. I- � , ''.. I : n I I I . . . - ­ I . - . fdrth' is ,Ohe ftii!t no loyal . the I ed, chief of tb - - ,'d aj th4i la� . . � . I � . adiah .-h a I � - "" e. guar .. . . i�n lstthfe�'da�� * - -'Are to day '�veii m0ke th"a u a ;, p ' interest is, &'question:. "Do, . . I �; . ..., . I... � . . - . I . 4V. * �, * � * " ". , - - C. " ..of the ession is felki;e& � Gibraltar;' 'be crushid ' pint of . -ment -Builclings,. Pdmon I F . --- and true British ,su the,� � , , .arl . . - . . ads'bA6, ­ bject humiliating chhpter, if not ah added 8 ` ish- Fleet- -off St. Vincent,' only I . . I ,�, Cat �. floated another ' ' I � .- . daie refuse 'SL . � .Pan the Boer Js flow a4gial. iho p'rlaondi�a getbn6ugh food?-)-� ' - �. t6n, ih sue.: - .,, -, ,% loan, od -mllfg' . . - . a imoily Oit . as on - :,:... . - - , : I . . war t6,hdarand.4nSwdr.V ;- 1. � -- . , - te.t' ' 'to the, rePeated � this.. great and Lglori ' I to- I --to'John. B. Risk, .whd Ij no I ... I , . . - - . I . VerY'Short-ind er . I : .,,�_ -) �: .� , I . . � I in, all' the . . --­-� . . - . - . . to Cadiz.' . cills,andfree 19m. have 4 ' �ph�iic A oer I �f - . I , tentiort.that the perscinn6l ' . �.. I . I . ---.-- geant In.,th new, Alberta go ice .- ,.. I � . . . I � a tile � Soil- Them he, � f ' . e . � I.. . 7.1.7- ... ::: � 0 eeded' . Subsciiptio�s ' P 6, , �1 �' - : . I 11 - nd..flowing - - - `I, -con- four vessels escaping .1 ir Which stands through' thick -and answer,tothat ques I � . !� . allowed Ahe Frer I . I I I . . �'. I . 11 _' in ml 7 - ate is,fast receding iince dir�A 1, jLch - and thin for the * tl6h' ' TVV_36111- force.:., '. I : .,., , � I., , - a of a�lf;;O, have __ 'been L .. 0 NEW VARIETy"OF 1B. . � legis-. another Spanish flept.to. the W � eat In- - greatest happiness of the I Inies. over there , � ,, �, �, .1.1 , . . . . . _-_ . . I . I . .. . . a1re&dj � � . � , ARLEY , iatioti� came into � . . -_ I ireate ' . I � ' - And if the'Britigh Tom ------ 7_*�- .1 ­ . I . � Iftade. : He* grandly the ,people of ' . . -1 . .I.- I � I play. ; � I at number. . . . I I . � - -,- I -,- , I .. ,.:!_!:.. _ . ., I I � - " * . - " ' . ,dies, and on the glorious twelf*� - Of- - � - I . � 11 - .11 . .1 . . .... � 4id riot jet. parcels from thefi friends . � _ � , . I'., ,.. . , . * , ... � . ­ - I : . , I . . en s - - lomin- April - 1792 Rodney's captain hurried * . . I I _�� � ­. at-honferr-and-thr6ilgh .�jI4 ­,organiza_ "-- . OF GOLD, , . _ - . I., .. I I . . Griiat. ritaln guve'e�idanet in theii. Domiuf6ii � , LnezZlisi ' liecomm d " Top6imit.78 members to -b6 4 ­ _­ . ��� _.: --- A �Ai� , 11 . I and . .. I / 4. ' . . . - . I . . � . ,� — � ... . .1 - ­ . . . I . . 1, . lirowbeaten by, - less'. than dowii) � r!-*the-Wa S gges�on. � ti6ns charged with the careOf'VrIson2 , . .. . , ; subscrlptloz� t6 tile Nictary � war . . . � vav6uil . al I up - bered. - . -to his *ad � - Aft,6 r u ­ - , . � I � .. ' 71oan; h6w'enthuslistieAlly, -;1 . I ' . n Miral'9 cabin with: the . ' ' � of war, 1hey would most issured-� � - . ­ � 1.41 .% I titawa 50. - I one-fifill, Of ihat-'_`�u)nib;r '6ring a Wall* le Australila�s " . I .- .. ­� I � .. ey '­ I., Id6tirmin -This - gix�-Vow','-barley I& ­ T, ­0301AMAtton,z %r, �God_�has , - - - . - first new. -Industry 'for era _1111tff�st .Of War. Loans. Amounted - W v - - .. .. 4ed, 1b - t . - I-. i4 -1 ­ I ,,,, . a- i4eleetibfi grave. erAergeticy.,purL-ly,,oti-,t6dhiii�64.T-, - . . .; " - ­­ ". �­. ­­­ . _--�ffie men, 9XV01i You - your enemy a . - � - NSA6,8 ' ' . I � .. . an- a win, the- W,-, . � ly starre for the -food glv�n by� the, _'� . I ' p . _ .: . . I . . , b- . . ', , . , dd in o t I ' ' . -.15." - .... . . .. � I . . . vioman and. chi madiq severhl years Ago by the 'Domin- ities ls:a'repetition 6f,wero's It I .91 b w n the. ' , .56 tot I . 914. ' ' .. � . . lee, the benefit of �teturned soldierb 6 sug- d�rmans'to their unluck . . . ... I I t*Wks prning....-m .. , . ' � . �: 11 I . ldren, God'bleia them, ' t froln'thol �lj 'hile Rain' . P . -Then followed the'famans hat- geiti h ' . , . . . �, . I � , commercial .w , . Ve to. the Mot, Orland. . She has Y prisoin0d'I's Thi'cost of the' war his -now rege e4l I- - I ' 11 . I Plueliedo'simed 4nd,jreI1o4,_ up 0. 67 . . . , tle�oi the Saints, which was'the 'first, � - L . euns of a slight in, 41141ititr -"and ' I lid a h ' I . . I.. 11 � - . ' In r � '� oils I . -But .thire� wilf soon be found a. - - Lhandloom, able ' . .. . . a -fabulou . " . , I .: .. . �:t . ­ In th sort, enoury, which lias bddn,�fi,jpT.�� L.., I -found that, -by in " �, I al a t. undat- adeb. I a amount that tv" , I... . I I e -or" * , � Ap-grogato from fialf-0, );ni- 'w Upwards. ably'known in Canal ' Way .Of those spec�ially .grist naval.., iki. 6oldlers,cari-iia A few'-weiks. be, -taught 7 ' * . I I I . . I ' . . : &� C , da, for. a -long time to avoid. L tfiis' temporary. - defiat'A and m Here is'the unvary . ''. dinary Mind falls to g�asp.- the 041421 I - . I . I .��,� .. C010"ill: surA---an4 still there IS. more And'has bein sue4jifully. grown. in an aimed, nelutrglity-wift be. � umphs which- - ended with. .� Trafalgar to Weave "Woollen or silk articies. This � . .Ing, menu at Mull- licallc& Of - -the millions' � . . . . �... I .. - 4 11 1f)401re is n0ede'd. The'AA And poor,. . 6. . entered and W und ster'Camp,' h peni, tauftde� of,'�p I. . . . . � . very many aistriets. . I � - .11, , " " fiotw I ade Bifta�. ipputed'alist,ie6s industry of. handloom -weaving ,is c, w ere -I 'is ounda - - , - . t the high and low,. till. ranks and condl- - Pon. Ithstanding,. ; ­." . I � 'th i '' ... � a aP- months, and at all I *hich,aro' doily mentioned 'in 04 � - - .. �, : - . . 11 4� .._...___ . _., . Z126—. .. . . . "'! ­.- . , . I As. the tests .fiix6gard, to Yield Are . ...., . I � . of the sea., Needleos'to say, ese sea, . ble of ifidefinite extension. Ten* thou- ' . other caf4g papero.'. : . ' .., �. . ., . I . : : , :,", , . .. I - tiolis, of Men .Swelled the grand total still - In ' . ffghtA- madi all th 'he. Sand returnid AnzaCj can, I)e . throughout Germany; , . , ­ . . I � . . .� � , . projregs; final ,, Conclusions,.' �, HUN,INFL ENCE,IN-IttjS , e diference to f I . . It,h a b , , . . . . � I .. . . U . .1. .S . I .1 � .. " I � . to abbut,%000�'000,000,' Lloyd.Georje caiino . I .% . . IA.�- .. jieace, treaty, for al ab - ' . .PrOfit- -A #jut .of the .,in 1 " �- , , , _ , t yethe 4ra' ; b 'i i - ' ' . . . though American, . 1Y engaged, to,the'16enefl. ' .. . Breakfast' : coftee, or� . .4 A811 Announced ,that � ., , .1. � I I . — , . . . � . .- , , - . _. �� ., � let wouldt W, I tercst On.t)(e.debt created by the war - * . . I . Said the'iifier,bul ­ TM u it - may be . tof-every sandy Cocoa, -which. turns Y - . in this Independiance was acknowle0ged, ,,,So wearer of. clothes. . Fro ,this. Small I . . I ... � . . � - . . .. : �. . :, - . . stated that the now sel-ectioVi appears. & ­Intrjgu6 �a'n& Assas. - .­ . 44 for �the. first -week -or -ten daya�-..ji-�' -0 . 48,� 1 . .. war. Askul-ealk it -will gVen . spo-ftiibN for. . - in our stom�',l anp of 1914-15 arhouated_ i� . I t .b innilqg way -.1 . I I ; . I � I 'COUP � tly help, to be, far ManY sections Of thi Ye .- . -N�rag . B.titaii* .sovereignty of. India, .09'. "" g*,6w activities Wich I t4t. � .. 445,856P or' $192,299 280 for lion. . . I . I I ey of ,the, . . � . . , . P a - , - .. ' - . m . a . Pruadomanhi'lla' J bieditorraneall . .." . . . I - Cl ia eAr which endtd last Mareb., ,- I �_" 1, . I I . � power. Bystafidot truthffilly" re ukk among those 'sortis Whi6h ,. , * - 'served 'hunk of black'bread Y I ,y I it C4 1 Ith; munitions, arid mail .iryj the m0ft-Procluefivebarley kinowik .11 ars. ... and,het retentio� Of t4e��l� " would end the imPcirtation'of Shedd �, Your "initiation.". ,With. this d' fi 104. wx 9 C�114 - . , sination. tot Many .f the I oth.from cive , a . . . . '10 know . : b#ve fairly,,faet�r in�,Rns s been.,a disturbijig ' . " I I . .. � , . . , ,I .. tseas, and the; upj�y - - , " made Supposing it were Possible to, place I *t `� - . � I . . � , Many Years, and -A Premature Peace. ' The line -.of bov, I , s � I 11 that the British Peop . . . , felliefly of ,,a , , in !I gati$factOri Strft*� The -straw of this Sia for . 1. I .. - �irisettlem6nt of everVOs6ldi *dust and Potatoes. 1. . . I . . . ­ I I gr ift andinthnste�viay, What this. w barley - _ha ' W120 fi`6131 look and feel of it is. enough t *: bl�nt ereigns'Which represented i ' I '.' - ' '� " I . . I " ,is -of -good' length�al .a beeft the continuing.-vili ' 1`h9.tASt6:Ar-Arming,-.but, pre' . I . . _ 0 4 . . . I . T � . Means. " they, feelifia A-gtroingth se -of; re- - The,-next-freaty-.6t'Parits" waa:rathei � I feks town u Your g4 Ono this-.4mount-el t it must ' , Voliltion; filtri ii . - . 9tr _' Ml"ii�s_eiiai'e . I 6ye--t6got1Wr-,' � ffi- !I' 6-77-,7- - -p- ' ; a compared with other . guej abdications, loYment. .-Proper] everm1dre. e n S. * , , , , '' tuati6n AM I . . . Y 1. . � . . . -sort , 9 ' SO cottage indus ' ' e . I I I Dinner. -T Ps four P . � I I .. . , . ro!w -Popular six- - "as- a.* hufnerous' qffitir, if ans,thin organized A 1�rou do out.reach from. L' " . .1 it' All costs, far not to. win it , . I hred, .6r perha I b I , t ela"n4)'I 1 , I . , a 9; but it should. be,emphaslfz_� oi`natlona� and- the perpe... . Of. lat-j iatheticall fragi ' - � ondon to Til- . .. that life Would be intalerabl . e . . l ly Cal can be called hu- � 'limit� e* -'e- I . . . P. which bas,j tato all, at . I rnesp - . . . . - . � I e. ,4� � no. - d a ration of ..� , I , � I 7, � .... i... � 11 I ­ ". I 44t even'tfie.-bert,bariieys- a ticins,y6�1lifi-, the empire thit iii - .kit�eX�ept er iness eS,' , wh al - a i -k I - - 1. - - . "� �1 - I ... -.. -They Are will . have the.- .iAor-Oua, --- Napoleon llad'he6li ha�ilig, -A i le-tb�biiy an * dupo'but Wfilch-is n _. ­ -io _q I . ­.* , ... 1. Ing, th&04*6 to, make tendency to lodge -' . ' , , I of :1 e4s, U� a man _1*0 i.hivited to, Pic up - - : .1 . Ch present day- bave.brought abou I � peop �t i . .at nearly so I . , I � y . when sown a- . � t ill � r ft � .. tasty. �. I L 4 . : A. ri . jull-of th I e bad time; he had had to retreat fiot . I . . any Sacrifice, I A` . the, mi ;��?h sovereign separAtbi however great. . I ,.�. :-. 'L.,- - . ,This . I . edicine. . . ey Soil, e. greatest abso � - , I guggggi-An - .-- 4;L: -, ,,- - � ,' .,as . my - moth d Y, ana he ' . in seasons . .I- . I------- -,---. e ,. +?%. . .--. - . W" -_ - " I .. I . "L. 1JUL1r1e_` :,: - � - - aults - � . I ' . .. i tory. - I I . . . . 1.�* r, - !­ - . � pa1uti—an_4f_on-q__,0 41-- ­. . -�kiV6-ffe-'iVfi4i1I I -11 .1 — 60 III'; 1 ty bovereigna, I A%r."r � . , � . - ­_ - " ,,, -,r -- , Are'prepako bud, '��Yeada, - �_v , , .__ - I— W- � 11. � . ___ - A .- __ I IM" , - Ave--done'-in _w,hjTL,:.MA, , - , , - Ui�r_,_ , Mir ': . - ­111­�_­_11 A- __ L . 0i, l6ii hinn--mo -Xoseo;Ar,then,-1"sVthZ 9're , . ...- � 91-6 -1 ----I 10 "u-Marm.- - I'll, . I -of -this.,. - � li�V=L"&0=10 1p� ____M6' r. b W - . �, .:,!,. .. _­­....­:.. reatingalyse ­­ .,- -_ Ae­hbuili-4 �day,,_'_, - ­ �­ , - . ... he .for __ Dowil'ovo .If -W - �- - __ �� , eter 111, -arid Mo, son; I � -In , � - t- )r MS_t tit. will ^7 -soluti-o- n- ... 2�n�-1 " , I W., 017 " 1_�___ ______ - - � g-lry _r _C 1ofi-i Yarlg!!� r-- - balmftm�--Fi � tj 0 4 I An4 e'--av 111020-ofti-my-_ -007elcOP 16r aW and heavy, an' -0 , ­ - __ , . , , . illole"neour- T . T-Wir ". - _,� .. 'Ie��_V�; .. _---1. f was iiiearwlgt-qd-"-in__tili--Agtan�L-,of4ih-,�-.4�.i..O,', '"Vt;3f-_1_.T4 VV _­__,f�____.__ - _,.M ­..." -it would Lt '. ­ , -�'. , . , � � . ��. , *. - I .1,141 � cle . _...'.1--, _46rr­_1;­­____. .­­�.,L* 11", Iii-- I -.1 - -,.-. 1.r.rC%VeJh,�-,Pt-.1=P,,- , -,� --y -4wtii;i,.!�D�fft;.i�,�;li&���ii6,d,y--,iw� i 1-4", "s --&I ...... . - __ _�_V. , �gikfivlplwei V'r-Of"�`6WI, - - -. At- V4 i - ta ple - them up . - ,,mftc_iekk_,�,�_­�­�­ . -,�.'-��--,;3� ... - _ ---- -- aging_th 16.,Aote- the -sacrificea- - � .- an ,Wbioft, 4i 1-7- .,I,.Po,ql-,�-1,�,�p,,vf..d,-±,K�i�r ; �CB �. I ,* i S!�P,R?-,r,,,,._,A"Te_P_0tW. M. I 'k ._ - -W��w I I ', � ?`I" %Z_!�,. �.W�149_11I&Abaut.t . , 4 asses Ina 0, i3d�rtw­or' d was any ody Ii � ... ... . this -is varied by a sup- , Working eve dayoj,4 " ' ' I ­.. � "I'll - . � am e highest to large Yield. In very hig)f .- . ":1ation-largely-to the roseritilidnt of, fli ero,es, returfied-from -the war T There � Occasionally I , to'e, . ry 1. .. . I . - ,the l6we6t: ,At ' th' , ., ' ' winds I it .7st went, to Paris.tb. sign , Ply of burnt CAbb I I I . _, , " . 'first, e Wgi , w,hs , the ' Russians at the Pruselkn ' i . I a treaty . his-, Ailower., .Set. ,ill I . year, : . I . � � I , doe _09 Well 428 Some, ' . � is t age, after the'Useful . i .. ­� . .F...! . I.. . � I - J .a not bebave quite' I ' :inflti-, which put Europe just about Where It eM to weaving -pert' - , - . I . could lie built - , -:4 a, . I usiness O�os a t oence, Alexa'nder' IL.also farfe . . 'good ClOth-' -o'rdero it �Ahcl wear it! ; pr;6 les of thd vege . - I - Or 4 footbridge I �� , - now it IS the 'dea�j� b of th6other - ports its it ill end- life to tb I ited his! was thirty �dars before. . . . - I .. . , game, . I I . .. .1 . . . I � 'd jife. AL11 41se. must gi'v�-.w . . . . lextracted in the pr 0, ctlon of 9� bKn I ackoss the Chanholi f,rom Dovej to I . . ._.. . . . ) , . - - � ;___�.�j__ , , , 0 - -011 Ot salle,F- . . . , I � .� . *0 _ .0 t i'A; endi'.Ibr the heads to break&of? at the I at maligninfluence, - � - ,1� - then London went. wild� .4raCover � I I I . I I ..t . - , , 0, � , . I bi , Iset"tina ' , : . . Calais,'nearl I . . ,* , * . - Thw history of the,Gmrs.is a 10 . 1. kraut. ; ..: - ,,. . .. I . r,4 . fir the kern*els� to th f . - . . I Y two'liet wide, tile Sur.' ' :, . . I rosh out . . ng the rqt 1-ir,'Of' Welli"Ington fr* ;tural, �AoIidon is Itxtengive. ,�-, � I I . I , . I . orh his I . . "%� I I face Of Which 6uld b : ve. I .%-*�:,��` ­.._ thd -ground'. However thes' - and intri-' pplendi . Thor re' 14,000. acre" ' ' ' that'none bf,the B . i ,. re�6r4, at - stoi . . I Of course, it .goes without saying. - Ith so , , , , The'Pldbple*hoh�ve�ot " ' , rn!*7reghnes I e, -laid wi : I . dond.some�� OA . e 6bjec- � And unbroken ierie's Of vIC- 6 a reigns as *qlogQ as - Possible,'. and thiol - ' ' ' ' - - * . 1. . -thing tangible' to help win th t*s, though ,Worth .�Onoi , gulngs Within tG im - I - - ' I I 1, iro . 9 -of 'land, ritish prisoners over 1 � 11 .1 . e wartoj . g dering in � . peria Court, �tofies--TalaverA,, Salamanca, . , rres, apait from public gardens,. lying'idle took kindly..to such'terrible feeding., ! would- only represent. the AlWount Of% 11 � ,� I the Allies, will feet ashamed Ito hold. 'w1fi&s*ep,t i prairie . i Probably, without parallel in. the, hit -.1 Ve;dros, BadaJoa, �*Vittorla; all.'engra'v-. ' SAYSi the superint4nden � I . I lute4st , - I _. -1 � � �� . � ' . - :, -ts i , , ., � - 'p-Aro-of,lao * in Land I I.. .. I I- ,_ -dis,tric .11 I . - on, . I , �- - -,up -their headsi* ' f ' ' impor q* � t tory.Df any'otho I t of 'In mk but alone I- have seeh Weeks go I for. PaXablelin �one. financial year" , , I � , :­�k; . � . a ter 'the War Is, end. t � Jil- most localities. ,r dynasty. , It � I' ed on his splendid catafal 0 in , St. the'Vacalit Lalid 'Cultivation,,$ ", W -not ii mouthful of the I Cieited in 1914-15. . . � . 11 ) - 4,� a re, , qu . . I I ed. Whai'a. very The : 1pletk..with abdications and ,remoVals I , I oeiety.! Past a the'l . . I .1. . I humiliatl�g p ' O� I MW ��.`14. good' and the Plants Paul's-. Cathedral - in, A Even' Maid, , , stuff. I . a, . , . . . . . I , . I neighbors aer t the * Ositi . . I I - pain -and then . iMidlprising to. th Ity I eaton* . . . . . - . . '. - Our, � � - 00 Aine W11 1W of bmPeiaka-by viole�A deEktb . I e majori I . - The Poor.: Russians, Who . .. . __--�.--Zr� I- . I . . . ..i�� I , - ­ f I -1 ­.- �. ­-&- __A_;� � A, __� .11 - , 4_1__­­..,�.',___::�� y I .1 . , �,__­ ; .rq..,.Pc;.i...-,P4'tO-.,,JAtlit-lkble�...ta-attacife.�'-,11,,",,, --'-- ­ _.%,,but,J oler, -the -visk Oi thb- 'soVcrCIq;a% .. , Of.. Loftdan6n��. -howeveri. M -a -go -any­Pa1TeI9­ff6 kf &�-16 . . I .1 '� I I I cup: 116 the W en oUs struggle of A��.! f aus4i . -and Prussia to.'th Prince , em I . I . ­;_ _­_­:��z �-� � �, I . . I I . I . I � A. - � I doll- .. a I -Effect; �6f` Russian Itc*01t, ': . � 11 7,%. . � . . , let and COAOPbratd with the able, " he, Prusgian,14ent. �, . . e . I . MO� Were Only t4O'jlad't6 -talc i . - - by% do'no of rust. They *ithitand-a'r.eason'lgan'Sehtiffil6nt iia'inst' t, . I _ 'ar0'st1ll: 'over i hOt' I Y if th, . � t&ni i -&c ­ ��'�tM�' . ­ � at got I , Will,' - �11 informaiiow-lihat -there " . Allies. amount of drought hnd, will grow'ififl - .. . ei . I � I I I � � 1Z,000 acre's witfiin the metropolitan, i our b9nda". Ai ", i - ' A militaty ex I . � ' I � 11 I ue.fice culminating in the present � W I have Seen-, o aces, sult . port sayt thlit as FL rA. . . I . ... .." ,� rm y the United States by the . -of soil ,Suddenty the sky fell! New arriv- - ' land. ' . of the revolution gle . I'll .1 �q6 an �aaz well on a great Variety . a. , It . area used as form Altogether -" Of the poor de,Ms light. up Allies . I . ihroat, and. is metaphorically choking (should -be rienlembered, hoWeveri that,, . revolution, nla� .be, Said Lto. have be- I .8 I idon boAsts. I . ... it ,s iles 'reaSonably 106k f . or iday ,� , � . � I * I I I the life out of her. OHow 7, � . !aa a rp ,'.borldy,does not's Iguli with the deith in'Juile, IiU* ' ed that nicived the.w'orld Aike a v9l_ Loi 9 genuine JAZIMS �-L, I when we cried to. them to e e .' ' -4 Much iii&e ag.. ". I . :'. .. 1" " . I . ucceed on peter In - n � gressive raid ill. th� . I 10i. ­.­ 't. 7001wich-and jl� �i XMO%,,tbe '%erman dirt,, . tc� . . - . What I . .,who was the -husW.g , of'cani,�'Oruption a,nd an, eirthquakq COM Ind of them in.W . . A war to, be. takeh - .. . 11 9 the, pr'qoent . 41( . -adly n.need ' I- . 11,14'. Of fbined. .Tb� Ogj4.of * - e -War Imes - _ t eir - by'Russia' , . .�. , . �_ I 111� I - � . American republi o0ii-dition Of t4d: ch are b i I -,Of lime., Catherine IT, � ': . ­ I Corsica had es- had nearly ; �eo acres "Own -rog cabing. ,. - �. � '. .-There Will be orgAnigatjoh, '. . . . . * 10 riliening-like I 'I t . , ,-� . 0. ? Arw not tho At- I Whil6 it is , early - - - 1�iped frbm Elba, . . . � I � . I � andi.rau4ing to'restj devoted talivileat growing, t`ha8 al, knows how these I 11%, . - hintle Parts 'of the *.Uinfted Sfates " 116arly. all'barleys of its The Ides.oi r her' were ".'content I with his C ` i I I , I God'only unfor I OfficlencY, loyalty. There will lie' li��. I . . . . I . . . class-lt dOOS'day, to, he will 'reffiembored 'by I . amfoktable, pdnsion, 20 ,At leatt indmill' still ffi, me ­tunate'RugsiAnis exi t ' ' I . 1 _41 , . 11 Ono- 1 *0 I I 0 . �, � Ig in. the. p, I Inore scandals about the 'arming, lkild I - - - . 1110eWed by Germanyl ..Are._416t nOt Fdaturd - excopti�nally parly,,, bjing,: . � . thWPP:9100,000 per dnnum, wdz;-MArehixig;tbough.cloctrl it 11 I .. ; lfs�ti I I I I � I Ic' Y 110W'Supp� Ida its Mo. - MPs of Germany s 4' , troaps, The resources Of .* 1. I I . I da matter of . � . , - . , , American shiPoWliers afraid- t� Assert p6irbaps a trifli latbk. tha Ranlafi6ffs, 'silf-48erted gucc�ss;rs !,'On Paris, greetdd' With'ivild acclariia.! 0�6 power. Thi.q Ud'hdo in Cornwall'fact, they only exisq It 11114i _ I - age. . I . I n'the liver- - to the line Of Byzantine CaegA'ra, for, -tion 'all the Way4i Then, of co I .. A live,, YOU 'been amPlq at all tim.03, I - 1��- 4 �hsir legal rights?. Even the Ame)d . urse, . �MAL-J nusspipalrav� . � i . . � . t , . 1, - Road,'Brix' but were ,Mismanaged thr"6139b ,'G ,er. � . . I can Line steamship's which tftffy the Tbe, a*ha of � this - 6rl ,I ie*as on Mitrch�,23, 1801, that Paul'came the famou, i . ton JIM, And has been ,in not call It. And'6auy' of them -M. � ,*� "I i - ey adhere I . .i hurdred, days, whic�l the Posses8ion of one family -of. millers, p.13� die Of huhgen s' machinations, .-"'The�, Russian I )� I � . ' . . . tilted States Mail .ari*ill held in I 501116wfitit ArMlY, 60 that, for best - � L ,died by, *the luInds 9f. assassinc I 'ended 4n June 15th, 181,r), a, day of , for, ovdr .a, century.- . en, Rus. 1 11,41, e Are ba.6k of th - I . I . .1 U , rd- and'131arch 13, '1881, � that! ,11 ,4� t . I have se ' . - port bV order of the. gerMall Govern- w sults, it sholild'he lit tbor6ug" exander.'day . n- $!an - � peatant'g-big, " naraY-qooking P66p) . . . I hly dry 11, . s. wh eir ajmICs,,o he. . I . I I . I in n . . en that "world-shaking vic- i lole. � ., * . 'says "ThOY are 49, eager . e' . I . - r - . . . I I 0. , - ­ _40L ­ - - - . . � . . '. . � fit6htt -Th 'United gtnt�s tire doing I condition, when thre '.-J - T , aftek four' atte Pht - 0 bb life,-.,,' tory," aq �By�oll - calls thd +,9attl6 , of I L . I chaps when they came to the camp _ I Gertualiy ai�d Abatria'As' to defeat- . ,. � . . . . . he grain finally fell a ' 1 . . . � 1. i crumple up graduallA and I have are the pe'o- , . , precisely whaf Germany coni#talided. is of a ' very -good yellowish C616k, and. Vetift' tO*a' Xibilist'a- Waterloo, Was fought in the cockpit of' . 116i , � � also PleF of France, li is, to .th . ) 0M, free -e. presont'revolution. is' I - I v To Win T Ine. . . dir interest I I . . '1*_1 I It. .1 p to blot out Prus'Wanisni, for pruso�nn_ . , , . i , I r ue of SOM6 barleys f . f'Parfs *10qe tilde, E43 Lloyd George, , Pera that British prisoftel-s Of War . ' � � , I , fr6M - the'011jectionable ' 8-1yas fol-, The Only way t� win Cme if; 11of to I I have .-,Ce in the Pa. � th to do. Thii is ackn�wledgect by i quit6 bomb. Th the'EurOPO-littld Belgium. Thi seen More than on6, ofthem dri) .dead, . American newspapers. Wliethei,.Pur.: onish or bluish shittle which Ies,qbna ; latdst examp the f4teful. War&416wed by ,still Another Treaty o I n it Mentioned I isM, in the extension Of Its Power allif 0 t Ifie" val . le of . . I , x6ighbors care to admit it days' in the fortunes of ,the. Roman- I'Which, Was signed by Wellingtolt him- the toUnell ' hav b I or to n p i 1. . .Or _eXliIbI_,, Oils. �, �, .),.. " . Must not lose,tima, in, You 0 een in influence filto P . ' I I I there 18 no 4!artIIIY get -0114 fr6fti tile �fO urP` 0. . � . . � . . tbe habit of selling"thoit otrogrado has been one 1 , � 1 69d I . I I . � � Chamber; you portions Of black bread to *their Pili.g. 0 the ell"69 burdens of the, UuWan - . � ,� 1, . must not , . . . sov6reignty of four -other 1 memorablo, because it i -the Departments'Which oarry out do. � There,. is that the 0 is no I'ailc Of f Said, t000� . . fiet� that. their merchant shipp Iderhir all it ll Sine� 1606, I'Qil Dimitrtwag. A'Ir.l."I"This"titird 'Peace -of Pavia. 6'eier lose time ' In I 40 longer undoi the . Ing Is U411churlati 0 s. charact6ristlesi . siigslftated in' Mog;caw, - I sian gaolets. This is a lie. People, They. knaw�,it,#, It is - -*�. I- ", * � naugurated 4reji -of the 06ftrnment,, VGU Unust not A British soldier In. Gernlany.wbd Sia, nor lac,k of . . . . W United StaNIF * tt4W4 56 'a recommend' Czars have fallen vi& .r .60 I . 'but 1*611Y td by, the Do I img t Rill-fthe lon'gest,term of Immuhity� . I d in Aw. � . . . .. � . I � . I - under Whift Cerealist aA the I ii serlo - troill .1 not los6r tilne, In 'the field, in the Ing,. would sell his r&tj6116 to a Hlit,", Hi trlbut. , . Pr6pekI niean$ 'of di�-: - , - _%As , . 1, Ut that thousandri haft � . -' ' . . � I ' I lmv,Ii Coll , , , 4 - . lstiict� -Whdrd destructive March anderLAL110M 'to have _exlid�ated_th�-na I _'Wh e. le handed to 'tiol, - .. - . .. �. � _�__ .... .. . - Algerican ships must tot "nit the high thood, ­ A . � rks, ithen, he ought to, be"a 0 416 illb verge vif N6Va4­--- " tar, saasins, - They- were Peter 1711.* us war ,which,,&j'ape� -ever 0 ` f�,e a6vereignty, 6; tholing"I aer4 best VAA6tY Of. '91X -Vow 'barley �llne, 1162; Ivan VI., Ih 1164. paUl t., tory,, or, ill workshop. Whoever tar. would )tot so far dtmoan h'1118elf. AS b in t b . ow a6verwellL Gobnany jays the 110111Y All Patta ' of, Cansida, , e3teeDt 0 1 lcno*b. The long , Napoleonic ,VV1r$ a � fillo the camp rations I , I 0660 I of 404th SM4 , th. a Winds nrb to bo leui*d 4hout � hary I I Who-yeonied only too g tions, ther it la� a ftat�fjman, a soldier, an of. the Rusdalls. I I . � . - t 4 old � Government ill tile � . . 4 - ander panafty egt I-x4rch- 2 , . I Ind to get * lit. 11 . .at . . oti, . . r � . � - Tha I . . I I o , . .1 eiah 4 fartner, a worker, i tich Ma --- .. ,4� . , '. � , � , hope that a cry for pime might bo . , I . . � . . . . All)$ are titd, up In their harb6fs 611116.1 11, L1888011-11_-t-1,`7Li1�X tle T69plte- Certainly there *as a with 1118 mono y n . . I I � - . . I A-__.. *,­� . � "Overt 4ef" has boon colillaitt,ady., but . "Wbat sinall Y -he Is simply helping . The Swiss; Xayr. 1 raised Whith. would give it an excuse . i . I -The young beldo short �VA. between Tokk6y and AuG. the I far ; , , , � 4 roter: II . I . Carrying Out'0 bargain wl't-11 G& the ilhips 11IOV6 no �. Gormilo'gould aluve bo-iftr began the Hritiox and ,Pgga!�, a "Y'614, they're not - 0 OMP to 809urO tho. aid of tile , The Owloz have a I)AVIV. eofifti8ting Of Many. . I . � . ." S,041tn?t 1,819, during whieb the floet of tile Most PoWerful factor In this W,sr.t d. a fevi gunboats � I I . . . . . . 1, I I I . Urdly 0106 As ordt . Very lat'96." Wide: eror Moto ONAV6 DINO 96016W has distributod toolt th6ul oUt,ok the llo"S'tall"Ose 10 661161' *49 de's-h-ayed -in'the Bi attle. of, Act, And y on Like - tucerne. ,_-_­�� . I a qll.,, im . . I iWAIr *A Aftittioin shipg itrik co 00 o� Xavarino by the ou act In time'.1hat 1*8 . +_ ___ � 1111'1, Am the t0l*dtaft and Wlots. ind In Teacher: ',Who: Qdn tell,ind , Allies I out They shouldhave tin army Of 600,000. 8 . ' I . '0 . , I - . a thing France an& -Englando Appeal, jo,yoll,�. , . ' ' . I torU,j 0 ftanftlo� at of ImportA. "I'm WOrkII19 0,4r In t,ile it hor submstrinds had: fskon-lih 0, Drloll6r# of (11 flee Ruggia'-sild this Wa 11 I I - .6 populatiOn of Switzerlaild iq thr,oe nju "If t)': . , I I " V6, , that did not elig 11'' I hitlons tactory � � . t a atttled by the Poace . ., Illaking aillutuiliti6it , I . - ed, . amlon of ty.11. 11otbon and , 0 vvo�f '11101`6 til" 50W,000 ebDics- Of the hundred yeara ,a bf Adrianople; I � 1114011, and. its area .' l for t1le del . I %� I , In . I es I , 1h I � , , I � , � � I 1 0'0'4'p 11 . I who 4 'I'Frft . , I I I I I i I I I x f an '� I' w _WJ 11 f itatine nd , ._�, _ F t e�. Y qu i, - 'Plupic', I W4 I I I . I i I 'I . *h I " I f ke I IF I I I 11 . , I I I I I.- I ti i 'I se i , � , y " -'e, '20, " lion )f I I � " 'I I - � - I I 11 I I I I " I 1, I � I I , e, I C - ,e d I , so I � _ I _ V � !. I I I I ; i I � I I I I f * I I I 1� * I � V00144091 of tka& moroUlk #Mpping 801ptuim% 1p Afty, tifferimt. 1411juag .'I,. It go ?" - "ttlo 1"Ife: but if Vaq not 'much ofa . flare-up, 4 1 A trsdi�l b0fillitcovered in )4ada, rolles, Belgium, fida a Poi)ulatlon vanif", llrowni 0010()r t . � �), . ,� 1 4 � I . 6X me 1. '... . I I � � a of 11i0of Uerniailn ?", onlith: 14nolly , he : . , . , . I lt W" the Crinlettf& War WhiCh Wd W At Pfqda"s COV'86 "%lch I 6% m11116'", And an area , Wo flend it . I I _ . I � . � . . I � . I I I asear�bs I free fropl I ftQlL . posto,-fulloo. I . . * , lovor to (116 boys,111 00 &6114169, and, I � I . . .. 1. I . .1 � . they qhoot it over 41, . � � . I � I I I � . �. 6, . .. �. 11 . .1 . I . I L � . I � L . � � I .. I I . L I . . . I � I . . � % .1 il . . , . I � . . I . � 1� . . . . 1. . . 11 � � . I . I I �l' � I . . � � . I h � . I . � I � . . I . ." I I . � I . . . . kl . . � . . . - 1 I I . I . . I . � . I , - I . I ', �_ I I , 7.__ . .11 -, I .- _' - I**.. . I : 1wriou f , , \,� . . I I .. - - - . I - -_ - ... 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