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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-04-05, Page 4
Oar• 4 �rrwi•.is, l'ire�aatm'�art+ii ' �wl�. a ter w.r r.V at,T.iw every *dor their . lea r esrdwly in • xel,ie t ad. li. w tehise a• Soo C. Auer -jowl; herd; .. Ur. Presestre oe;Tresa,.Aiex. Rose. is A A. imits i+ , t* ui R- Q -ory taw v> a „, wilt. ieWoa .l:.(r nd.'ay 8 ..: i�tY. Yor C. tit le. Court Sherwood No. lie. Lueknow, swots every lei • a of the moat le the Oa dfeiluwe' : .1 Oilsbretherecur. J. y i� ed .... Chief Ranier W. (#tabus; Biu. 1nee neer. Rubt. Rausion; 1i K. 304 •A. "swallow lad" Iva. 132. meets 7efaidass wealthWorkm in the Odd- feliewi, U. Workman. J. Mae. Llarnuld; i'ie. Seer.2.11. R. Mawlutoeb; tree. Saw.. (leo. • Treas. . Alex (l. S.EOWLEIt 1..11.8.. B. D. S. Oflloeup stairs iu Button Block. Teeswater. Spec: lel attaee� to trete stabs. crown** an and Wedsbeisliseweric. ," MedsWroxeter let* aeYd+rr. W'edesenay At each ronth; Omrie Thur. O. A. N=WTON �I). D. ,8.. Dentist„ Om e 1 tinow, Ont. All ern used. materials furnished. C owsrsad work. Painless extract- im by the the simplest and eats* :miar� aoefi►1 teeth. Al mlum placate l; ase CENTRAL EVritATIrOIM., owe Ontario's. Best Business Coiled. Students may enter our classes at any time. Commence your course : now and be qualified wfor a position by midsummer. Daring July and A,ug- trn of last year we- received calls for: over 200 Office assistants wecould.not supply. Our graduates are bi de- mand. Write at once for our free cathlog se. n:. A. MCLACHLAN, ' PriaCipai. t GRAND TRUNK SYS EM Plan Your Sunnher Vacation Now . 4.. Arrange to visit same of the following paints --All beauty spotsclose o nature MnskokaLa es , Algonquin Park: Qeorgion Bay a o�.Bays Temagami -Kaa�arthla `Lakes' 0,1 information: end deseilptive' liters - titre may be secured Ont -application to H9Rrins GG, D,1�,A,, 'Torontay. Out,. O. MARTIN, Agent, .Ltlrlcna;ev!►; Phone 2 Al Studio, ' .uCkflow., sn Monday, Tuesday- and Wednesday: Tri Now la the. time to have that •gamily., :Group taken whit they' are all at home. 9005 AND CATS OP ;LONDON Entlituuu *idiot rebind** every Thsre.3ay Aliaehut si.iswltnuw, Omura. A. a MACKENZIE..Pre a•teWr seed Editor. Twat or iicsecsupriog,. To say 'i.ddresa 1s Canada or lireat Britain, oue ear;#,6U.siz mouthsl3.:., three months sac. To the pUnited edvaneeu ratty. w'ien paid arhese mor'. the the craaid te is Mia per year higher. nsbereibers who fail to realm The Sentinel regularly by mail will twofer o. favor.* ac - 4 '~Reit as of the fact at es, oarir a cuts, rs When change of address: ie deedred.. both c1d and the sew address should Oates. ;riven. A44veittai Oat s. M��y.{ii'ttAY�A�nvitarzs irss Itsr �a-Madeknown on application. STRAY Attreto -Onatueertion Mil three in- sertions h oc. rums or Real Estate for sale 60d each inser- tion; 7,tisoslaneous. Articles For Bale. To Rent. Wanted- Lost, lrouud, etc.. each insertion 230, Local iteaderrs*.. Notices. et l„ 10p per line per in- sertion, Sc each 'aubsequei.t insertion; special Ishtar Sc to regular display advertisers. Vara at Thanks Me. cousing Events, da and 5a per line, no •notiueleee than 238. 1�,a ,W� advertising lUa and So per line. Auction Sale . brief notice ono, longer notice 'lOc per line for tlrstinsertion 50 for each subsequent insertion. Black facsd lypea count A lines for 1. Aar special antiie. **CO cfwhich lithe peculary benefit of say ladlvld ul or usrs;ocie. (leu, Is be considered• u advertisement sad accer .. cY±itgm 4M1�ty' Business Verde of elir' hues( and n>lilbr 45.00 Pee rem. THURSDAY, APRIL. lith, 1917 WHEN THE U$1 GETS IN Canadians generally have been pretty • well disgusted with ,the course of . the United States"regarding the war. But it is not the vihole people of the Republic that have been wrong, but an element— unfortunately a large. element -which chanced at the'ttme' to have the'' ear of stood by Many, and it is. so glaringly the government. wrong that the landlords should -stand - From the beginning Mr. Roosevelt had idly by exacting 'enortnolis revenues quite a respectable following who thought the- country shouid.11ave entered the war against Germany' immediately after -the first Americans were murdered, and. thousands: more felt with Mr. Roosevelt that the people Of' the "United: States. could not afford to have, their ai¢htu open the seas denied' and yet retain their national self respect. And now. that •a state of war seems -imminent, if it does. not already exist, the.spirit of this more truly patriotic element is beginning to show'itself...: The Chicago. Tribune, ,one of the most widely read and influential. papers of the- country,' after. wobbling :more. or less since the outbreak - now with : righteous wrath *end ind,gta tion ling snoya, yee can imagine - him • born. denouncing the course of Germany' and again raising• i howlbbecau a .Britain •searched Atnel�cea9 mail bags or °ieter- rupted;A,mericali..trade—has::come.''out etrgng for a-MO'st eeigorous` prosecution of tlie- ,war against' Germany. adopted` as its slogan: "Universal . Ser - :vice, American. Troops to Europe, ,p6 Se P Th (l. 1.404t4* Aktti tM ed'`ected other refiernws Mill coutkt for little. While the workietg, producing people'of Britain • have to support in luxury a emelt army of landlords who naturally evict what they can, healthful social oouditio m will be imposeibis. Few have realize i'how unnecessary is the Landlord, r landowner, as such. Iwagiue a hundt d people occupying au Island. Is it ne &eery or would it be right,, that one or a half dezen of these should own the island, and that the others should pay rent to the one or the six felt- the privilege of hying on went tisanes :a .part of the land, bidding against each other for the choice or fee - orally located. parts until theygaveellbut a hare living for themselves to the own - eta of the island l That is the condition in Britain end Ireland, only there are a some- WHAT BRUCE MUNICIPALITIES CAVE TO THE !BRITISH RED CROSS FUND Herewith #s given a stateaieutof the grvinge of the various nlvnicipelitiee in Bruce County at the hut caa#peigu for the British Red Cross Fund: WHAT `i'lideicsilety, April 54 4, 4y l y Municip l3itl'C5 Townsl Albenbarl Ameba Arran. bl rxntruce/��rrtcl¢\ (,3'ulr sa Eastnor F,ldersne (xreennelr Tinton few thousand owners of the land— Bincardii landlords--;. and -the situation is some Kinloss . what obscured lay the fact that times the 'owner of the: land owns the St~ eeee Sau+teceen. buildingsu-on the land as well. yillasl The eta to should be the .only landlord ' Ilepwortl and the rents (that is the price which Pa el©nw bysiness men 'are willing to. pay for Port I,+xlgl choice pieces or locations above other Tom; �M pieces the poorest which men- need to Teeswate occupy)- should go' to the state. ' This Tiverton Would putt an. end .to rack -renting and Chesloyn provide the state with revenue relieving rmeareil the_ people of otter fortes of taint -len— Southaml iu whole • or in• part. , - Walkerto That this reform of the land system Winton will be seriously put forwalyd hi"Britain after the war -there can be no doubt. Fno`rmous revenues will. •have to be raised to. pay off the war debt; the in- 4ustice'of the ' landlord system is under - from the producers; that the system is not likely to .stand'. o THE CZAR SHOVJtLLING: SNOW, (Daily Star) .• We.ahouknot:be too hard .on'the de- posed Czat for his occasional fits of Weep- ing. His. lot is hard Placed, by the accident of birth,, in a position fohich he was not fitted, he seems to have done his. best: He might have abdicated ' be - tore, but :abdicting the = throne -of all Russia is not .quite resigning the Presidency of the Poultry Association We prefer to think of Nicholas shovel - parate eace.' at is business;, and all that: anybody could ask for.„. The, .Trlbuna has.lona since seen '-this (lute coming; ;and front the beginning with all: :rhg* thhe Seed` catalogues; later on' -digging its vigor•;urged, the government to at up the garden With a.. view to. More Pro- duction, : ' The Kaiser would probably cut a dif •terent:figure in adetiment:yr ` If: he'es- raped.tbe reformatory, he would Ora =bably become a political boss or a mon-. opolist: Ile would make ` trouble ;and weary the public by his. craente-for the limelights - We can scarcely imagine him shovelling'; "snow . or •:carrying..'out -the. isshes, Somebody else•, •would do' it. ossuary ' will -stand by and back the" Under democratic discipline, he might government.in a�vigorous-prose'sout on -of turn' out_ all: right; but We would •-tauter the war -that is, if :there is.. vigor..putt takes chances on the Car. ton. happier Iot•ir, some Ilemocratieland There he might have been' a clerk, living In eiiice'Bis-roomed house. 'nthalliod'- erivcoirveniences-shovelling snow;; fill: ▪ Band shaking the furnace,'arid deify- ing chit the.aslies on the' appointed day. At,, night he would.' hear the, -kids going over their 'Wiens,. and "with• vain pre -•umption try' ro.Solve their, problems in aruhtnetic. To -day -he Would be study' least prepare for war. That in the. event of actual war tiie, spirit of the American: people will "rise to'the bccasion there need be no doubt ' •Bryan and his fool, following' will persist in their•' peacetrat-any=price propagie da and:cripple the government so"- far, asa they can, but there are others; `There is Mich evidence thati-not - only the strong men,: but the wealth of .the. dead: set is being made• after dogs srnttcats in England, brought on no'doubt lithe scarcity and high price of food- stuffs since.'the war began.; It is con; tainted that there is enough meat wasted. on•dogs-and cats in ,Londcn'. to feed, th'qusands of poor people:; Big dogs costing $1.50 and 01.15;a Week tR keep- ares awned by; people oho ;are helping to raise• the price of food. In London alone • there lyra nearly;: 180,090 ;dogs and • in areator lionndotl.ther'e are mire tha.; • q• uarter of a -million, sill :needle ;, f every day, all helping to keep'- up the price of food. It ier estimated •that..in - Louden and Greater London there are at least 750,000 cats. Cats end dogs in this great area of human habitation. number one million. Bread, ::-Wilk ;end meat consumed by them every day most • be of considerable proportions. If ..out .of the 750,000:cats half of them get a sanaer of milk each day, they would': lap up 1:2,006 gallon -a-4 milk, costing $6,000 a day or ever $40,000 a week et the pre vltilibg prices in that conntry. This 'amount of milk would give a 'hint to t emcee thau,90,000 poor people.. r -- --°' .,; into it•• It is said that the great -copper compa'niesrof the country . -have• offered KINLOSS (OUNLI[.: MINUTES=. thegovernment' allthe copper it call use - at half the market Klee. ' ' The ehipt Council- met on March '`26 Members building •interests have a puts al:,i14all-present. - Minuies df viol* meet - resources: and equip of, at the disposal 3rng were 'read acrd adopted. _ John ' M a,•- of -the government' anti are 'willing to Dtarmid reported having= purchased one' accept less• than one-third of ordinary Boston and'three. Panama graders from profits. . ' Henry Ford . some Lime ago the Exeter . Manufacturing Company. to' ' be deliveied at•Lucknow for use it this • •. ;Amann ,ippr-oved,, and. Tu ua ei„ • fe d-teelfe ?.:.tlf ::.naaiar ofi.. 00:. to t -be Esete ` 1panufacturinlreendpaitr when goods. are delivered and • accepted. offered the Use of his factories Without Wan' e-gun;-refuseseep-takeeroyalties firom the government, and as one writer. among men of weelth there is every sign IN BRITAIN AFTER THE WAR, There. id much talk of gobial-and in many countries f`after the wax." ' The pentinon people having saved the scions of it, are certain to acquire new power and rights, while the privileges Of he j)rivill3ged classes Will be correspond - ugly diminished. ' - In connection with, the. passing Of the t School Teachere Superannuation Bill tin i following facts are of interest: They:late in Ontario over 13,500 teaehers of all -ranks with an annualpity roll of $9,500,• °i„ OM. Under the epropoged system of superannuation an annual,fund of$475„: 000 will be established. Teachers ere • to pay 211% of their aalariee, and the pro,. vinee contributes" another ti%. The maximum pensiop *ill be $1000 a year, ``* Those who withdraw from the teaching 'profession after six yeah Of service can recover ail the money they have paid in. g ----Nofr that the government hag provtded et for men and vronot of the educatienal o dos, the (motion arises, why all other I, • elitseee should not be tagged to the same th extent, Teaehers enjoy many privileges W Rent, Treas. Ashlietd, • to balance i 9reet interest wee taken in the Manufacturing ComPany, parte payment 8" on four Oraders, .200 00. ' preeentation of the many waya in w ht eh • when the fines wili ots tette. tied in it lo tnittee was appointed, consisting of Herten, Chisholm and J. Bunter, gbt all the. inferroatioo, possible on the subject, both as ta tho set* there .wciild-belor-poiver locally and- as -tO tbe details of the °Amadeu of the elite .1t',gau#s• Municipal sebeele orant = nous of Women (."mend Contnbilw tions • .. , 4 130 00 Total Voluntary Coutrtbas __,4 - 4 140 35 139 00 Total Contribu- tions ti le...4' 4 120 35 ` 200 001 . a...... - 4 126 35 330 00 . w .. a .1X25'.. 4 191 05 00. y`i1 a 10 37ya, •i. p. . , X86 - 1,000 .1,001`.2`' pp10 1,001 .25 ... 1,aa00' 00 10.9 25 ' . .... " 23 135 133 10 1,033 10 .. , 1,.000 00 10 00' .. .... 20 03 30, 00 1,030 00 00 11.41t* . •..500.00 800 00 800 00 600 00 00. ........ ....• . • .. 500 00 ... 350 00- ,.... a ..,.,..... ... 350 00 1,500' 00e' . • , �, .. ... . 1„500 00 1,000 00; 2. 00 .. ,. ... A6 l,i3flz CO 1,700 00, 48 lel ” 15 00 340 70 ' 404 60 t 2,104 60 no 500'00 2 00 ... .... 153 40,' 153 40 635 4Q ... 750 00' S 00 . , .... ' ......... , 5 00 755, 06 . ' ,p200 00 1. 00 . , , .. , . 59. 55 `. " 60 .5°, : 269.50 tads. .,. .. -a..... 7 50: 1,002 00 07. 50 1,004 00 ' 07,50 1,002 {� a Y . • , . e , • ♦ . a . ' �,,♦ . 00 " li .. '5. '... • "• Q.t1Q i7 .MMa A1C '125. 10' ' 'f 2,[. 59M 56 f . - ... .. . i , . -.... .. 11 00. 00 1,864. 00 --, nn�M2y0,0�nf 4.000 00 Cf /"��.\•,�Qy'w/5�6 - '2,000 00 ..... ',.. .. ..:.,-- .. . , . 773 12 . 773' 12 773 12 a...' 1,000'00 .:e!...:.,,. 200 00 448 '75 648 X15. 1,048 75 • �, ,: r... , ..... , ., ..... . '. ' 3 25 . , .. ... ... b0 00 .500 00 531 85 803. 25 581 85 " 503 25 ,81,,,85 ... S•. 501 00 ....... .. . , . ,' 26.$ 60 268-60 318 .60 .... .... • a. 78 50 ;..:. .. 1,227 40 1,305. 90 1,305, 90 ie .. sten .. ,. , ' 100 00 : 130 22..... . , , ..... ,,.,. ..... 3,152 80 , 850 00 : 3('283' 02 - 850 00 3,283.02 9.50 00 n , , 97 90 ....... ..,.... , 1,439. •10 ' 1,439/( 1,:5(07 ., .. ,..a. ..,..,, .. ..... ,.: ..500 00 (1/0 500 00' (0 �0 . '500' 00 810,467 90$ 5:18 72 4 581' 05$15;539 X23 649. 00 427.11 00 eel be: appointedto the offices of Path- masters, Ponndkeepers, and . Fenceview-' era, and that they Clerk prepare a By- law to be read a first, second and third time 'and passed confirming the same. Motion carried. • • Pathmaatere appolnted-,-Dlvihian. No 1 James 'Webster, 2 Robert Batton, 3 - John Graham; 4 Alex Purves, 5 William Fisher, 6 John• . Craig, 7 Eli Jacques,, Malcolm Ross, 9 'William Dawson, 10 •' John Kennedy,'11. James MClntoelt,:.12 Wesley,Huaeon, 13'K. R. McKenzie, 14 John McLeod( • • l4} J. , a McLeod, 15. Malcolm Mclnnes, 16 McQueen, 17 • Kenneth McIfonaid, l8 Albert Little, 19 Dan McKenzie, 29 Peter • McIntosh, 21 Dan McIntyre, -22 William Wraith,,. 23 William Conn, 24 David . Johnston, 25 Geore Harkness, 26 Alex Reid, 27 Archie' McKinnon, 28 Peter. Kennedy, 29 Ben H'ug'hes, 30 Ale*. Pierce, 31 W., J Bain,` 32 Thos. Eat -n a, 3 $iehard Elliott, 34 William Wellings, 35 Angus. McIntosh, 36 John Robb, 37 Dari "Mc ;Innes, 38 Walter Hodgins, - 9- William Thee:mim , 40 Elden Bi kenawiller,' 41 John JollnstonL42 Harry Hamdlone 43; Jemea'Stanley,• 44 Herbert-Grahain, .44. Harry Finned, 45 George Malcolm,.46 'James Hodgins, .47 ,VPsihiatii Guest, 48 Roberti. Malcolm, 49 J'amea Glass, 50, 13irgno Shelton,41 Reuben. Stauffer, 52 John` Barnes, X53` Williamd Guest, 54 John. Black, 55 Richard Guest, _ 58eJee Powell, '5,7 Ed Thacker. ' •- Fenceviewers=Edward liat'rison, •Thos,„ Malcolm; Thos White, Alex Nioholhon, Frank, Henry,. Robert Petrie:Alex Reid. .._'.Po'andkeepers—Lorne and .Richards,. Melvin. Irwin, Tyndall Ben MeClettaghao 'and William Wraith. Council Idjeurned to meet as a Court oi Revision and tor geneyal-business on 10 o'cloCk a.m. Thofilas Mr. 'and Meg. Drummond: "day, to Mr. Leslie Gorden Allan, von JACKSON MISS. MA Tells How To Cure Chronic Cough. e. Jackson, • Mies.—"I am .a carpenter, and the 'Grippe left me with a chronic Cough, nun -down, worn out , and weak. I took all kinds of cough syrups; vrithout help.. I read about Villa and, decided to" try •it, Before I hadtaken a bottle I felt better, and after tal;ing;two bottles my cough is entirely cured( and I have • rued new vim, and energy:' -,;lona Vivol is a "delicious non -secret- tonic' -which =_is_ guaranteed- for -coughs, --colds and bronchitis . and for airweak, run- down conditions. DL A. M. SPENCE .. LOCItNOW• : HE MOLSONS •BAN:4 LI I ITAL AND RESERVE S;Soo,000 so Branches in Canada A Ueneral M inking Business Trauslteted Circular 'Letters of Credit Bank Money Orders SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT " Inter'eat allowed at highceet current rate c v • T. S. REID,1/larlager. - 0, . _. - , -._ ur 'Stock pi Prints, Gingham - r and' G l � :- - �� ate. a . as � . �ow, Complete. The patterns are good and • the prices right, Prints = at 14-, 15 and at8c.,. GiAghains,. Is to 18e. - Galateas, i8, 2d and 250. Dress Goods in Berges, Poplins,u Gabardines, Baratheas a; other leading ,lines at prices. lower than to -day's market. value. ' Men's and Ladies' Raincoats at front *5.00 and' up to $11.00. Y a Our Millinery Department is an interesting place for the ladiesthese days. Our copies of the latest pattern hats were . greatly ad-, mired bythose who visited our showrooms on opening days. a We are •-adding to our•- large assortment of Hats 'and Trimmings , each week and always the newest styles. .CONNEL East. a awantioh, and for the past seven years, at Ladner, a C., has re. ;signed his charge sod with Mrs Hestia °xpecti to leave British Columbia. for Sidney, AUstralia, some, time' in e4eprilt WNW, •A series-vf: in 'etings• was held las('Weeir tine ugh' out a pae.. of Heron County tor the ,purpose of explaining to fat -mere the can be Used to eidvatetage coMptry resitletite Meetinge weee held at Li e• • ' Already the Natien4 Workers' League- Moved 1.;.$' seconae4 14. f Britaireare looking forward to this, iholt the' Cler,k" advi" the C(').neell °f utthey wisely adopt ag their first" cod Culteme ,tliat fhe tteereint le. 811 for be accomplished, tho winning of- th. 'work on bY K11404'4 itr—win the wai first, And then win the dorieet amount leaves a balance heir own rights at home ia Xinloss favor•of 8650 Motion car - There will bev, tendency towerde So& tied. ilt deoeod upon the meashre justice. that the Clerk prepare at Ity-Law for the hat will be obserelect, Nothing will be invitee° of providing, the, moneY wpm, ained by substituting one priviteged ed to pay for the cOngtruction of Einloss; asi 'tor , another. The nationaiiiation Part of the Pitinelcdrain, and that the at the railroade .be publicly owned is tO attend a" meeting of the Council to be elledtitil to the welfare of a country held at the TOWnshiP Hall on ,rridaYt that the wagon roads and tialkW he the 25th, day of May, 1917, P &do& uhliely owned. int. the aftihmen, to tensider the peeing Put the social reform moo necoestry of the taid By-favv, Motion earrjea. • Britain as els4rheret le *the doing 0 Moved by Siciaarmid seconded by Mtitritith landlorflistri, y taste not: Tiffin, thefoltosving persons herein UM- r4nd opportumneabot afforded to those as who work longer hours ler leee pay and as are as maeh m need -of for old p That 21:" rentribntion. 'from . the provided is a Mft which wprhing dales in 00 ate thtt **Atom regular monthly meeting" of the, Aehfield Soldier& Aid Bedew will bo held at the home of Mre, W. IL Maize , on April Mb. at thd usual„hour of meet ing. 81e4 E other gems.,will prove a revela,tioa to you of what /modern recording can do .for IriTtheir power -and fiurity of tone, • C.olumbia Recorde Of stringed in- struments are drq,maticallynatbral gresenta-z dons of ,the" playing of. Ysaye, dOals' and Kathleen Parlow,' .the world's 'foremost virtuosi:of: the violin and, 'cello, who -chose the Columbia process of recording aethe proCesg worthy to represent. their art. • You rharhear iheir records today in any store‘tbat displays the ColUmbia "music - note" 'trade -mark... "Hearing is believing I"' wee continua Recordi on sale the oath o/.ct.fcry ntosith. This adverti.iesnent was dictated to the Picta,Ohone Price $200 •