The Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-03-22, Page 3••••••••//opeav.,...111r," AN INVITATION !CANADA'S NATIONII !hew Canada mild Muster, with a NAL; couple of sheep, arid MistrlY three million pisbrining up the TO SICKNESS . GREATNESS rear! te Impure Blood Means a Break. Down in Your Math. Impure blood is ea luvitatioa , ckness. The bleed la et work daY and night to maintain " the health, and auy lack of strength or puritY la the blood is a WeaLlIO1315 in the des feriae againet diseese. 4naentia the doctor's name for lads .of blood. -0 There' may be" an :0,ctvief ls in the eqUantity of the bleed, or one or more of •ite constituente 'May be lack - ng sweet symptom is pallor. Anaemia is "particularly commonin young girls. It is not however, con- fined to them alene, for it ie this Sante Jack of blood that•prevente Xecovery after la grippe, fevers? neas laria and operations.: It is also pre. sent in old age and in persona who • bane beep under unaeual mental or. 1PhYsica1 strain. I yo*: are suffering frOni this trouble take Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pille for Pale People. , They Make pute, •nee&bleod, with ; every dose and tAis neer blood inearr health and st ngthThousand e. have proved truth a theme state merits, among them Mrs. 'John Hyatt Metiskow, Alta„ who. says :- "About a year ago I was in a badly run down "condition, my blood alai watery, I was very nervous, slept badly at night; suffered grorn fre- quent headaches and housework an almost intolerable burden, my appetite was poor, and I did not seem to assimilate the food I took, altogether my condition seem- ed sericnie. As there was no doctor hi our neighborhoed I decided to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial, and •I ham much • eause to be thankful ' that I did so, as in a few Weeks I cOuld.„feelea great change for the • better. I continued the use of the • pills for some time longer, and found A cemplete cure. I feel better than • I. have for years and can therefore - -cheerfullYarecommende Dr, Wfilianisl • Pink" Pills to all who are weak. and • Y.911 can get these Pills from any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents' a box • or six boxes for $2,50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co, Brockville, Onte ' BRAVE CANADIANS o••• A BILLION DOLLAR COUNTRY, SAYS FRANK YEIGIL Agriculture, 'Expiate, Natural Re. manes, Manufactures and Mer- cantile :Advancement. How inimet:Caileditrs know Can tr? • • How many Canadian realize her ratio of progress, the tiches of her natural resources, oe her present de- gree of development, under way? • How many comprehend the . big thing e being done, despite war condi- thins? Take the wonderful story for the hist fiscal or calendar year. It tells us that Canada is a' Bit1ionPo1lar 'country, and; more ein the big totals and aggregates; ever a billionibank deposits; in life and fire insuranee in force, in manufacturing .capital,, in value of manufactured products; eta for.eign'trade, in productive values of the soil; fisheries, foreSta and Mines eeenbined, Then there 10 the striking and sug- gestive list of higeundertakinge7-pri- vete and governmental -under way, even though some may be -temporarily ltecl till -the war is over. It is pos., s le that few realize the great works be ng carried out in connection with harbor hnprevernents and the de- velopment of transportation facilities, What •ofethat big Halifax "job -of spending $30,000,000 on ,new terihin- als, piers, and harboz slips that • will dock two -score of the *aid's' largest tallps at one time? When completed, It will make Halifax one of the great- est of Canadian seaports as Well as one of the most important naval sta- tions under the British flag. • Gigantic Undertakings. • • ' ,Inimortal Fame Won at _Ypres -by Men Who Saved the Allied Line. • During the Battle of Ypres, twheri a • gas attack had . emptied the • French • trenches for almost smile, the Cana- dians stretched their line to 'twice 'its length and occupied the position, that the 'French had lost. All night they held, Saye .Every Week, and all the next day and all the' next`night. Beat- ing off attack, and counter -attacking, • losing the weeds on their -left and .gaining them again, being forced out of, the little town "of Saint-Julieh, • rallying and driving the Germans be- -fore thSna' without' artillery or in- --efantry Support for two -nights and a day they held on, and saved the Al -,lied line, • •' Behind the town-f-.Saiet-Julfen• , 'far enougli'beck 6e- well: protected, the Canadians had a hospital filled 'With •cenvideecents. They Were, lyirig, , bandaged and nurSech but in good spirits and well -along toward recov- ery, When suddenly the • news , came that the gas attack had hew made - and that the Trench had been forced tO give ground • ' , „ , - With feveriiiichaite the'..iitiriei and' • doctors made preparations to move ' their patients hack to-aafety, • When they came to get their men, however, every bed except three was empty, and • in :thoee three beds were three. men ' • complaining bitterly -en who cauld net get up and walk because they had • lost one or -both feet •1111e others were • gone -not back, but forward -hot- • fOot to the trenches..Most of them .. died,' but they • harintetheir • share in . holding the, line those two, nights and a day. .. • Have you kept lour -eye .on similar undertakings in the harbors, • of • St. John, Quebec, Menteeal? Every time ot-Tor hitiits these geitit-Caniiidian ea- Perts new -docks are seen, neW :eleva- tors rear their huge tea-caddy fronts, evradaWarelioeses shelter vast stores, and commerce is carried on on a vast - et scale. a Has the significance ever struck you of ocean. liners finding a 30 -foot channel at low -tide '800 niiles from the open sea tight to the waterfront of lelontrealTeir-of smaller craft being able to sail over tWo -thousand miles further the very heart of the Con- tinent to the Wharves, of Port Arthur and Fort Williarei? ' • • •• • Of, What about the $24,000,000, work' under way ineVoronto harbor? 'When finished it will make 646 acres of fac- •1tory- sites; '180 • acres- -of:- newe watere ways, 235 acres of streets and railway reServatiens, 80. miles of .public road ways and 30 miles of railwaysidings Then, there is , the - new Welland Ship Cadet; tole of' the biggest plitiw works ever uhdertaken the-Donfin- • inn. Its ultimate cost of $50,000,000 • is not the only. or thief feature,but its magnitude, from an engineering point' of view, with seven gigantic lift locks 'instead of -24. in the: piesent" Canal, and ivith a 80 -foot depth in- liteact;eof 44,7 :The estimated time , abf • pessing •a laded 'freight •vessel through the entire canal, feom• • Lake Erie to Lake Ontario, is eight hours, half1 of the time • now•required. The azieouneof concrete used in the 'canal would build a solid *ail 20 feet•high, six feet wide and 100 miles long!. Do you know that some Of our 50 big Canadian pulp and paper milli:111'e being enlarged,, and that , new ones, 'equalltz large, are _planned or int pro- cess of construction? Or have, you heard that. the Can-. adian ship -building laduStry has -a prospect of being revived; that ehe. lumber industry • is expecting, if not already experiencing, a emarkede...mte pension owing to war demands, and that the 500 flour mills of the •'coun- try are taxed to capacity, that the ,total capacity is 100;100 barrels' venni 24 hours.; that Canada's pulpwood eropein 1915 was worth $15,009poo, and that only 88 per, cent of the pulp - weed cut in Canada in 1.910 yeas' made into pulp in Canadian mi11s as against 59 pereent. in 1915? •: a • „ • • , Commerce...hp Vast Scale. • • • Just Another Libel. Scotsmane who sufferedeterribly • from •inionnila Was advised • to con- . • stilt •a specialist. When the &mut. teflon reap over the• was • otit 'Man asked whit there was, to pa iiifhe old man paid' it. Thee he returned • home. Later, recounthig his expert- " once, he paid, with go. pathetic quaver in his voice :-"Yon man cure me o' -sleeplessness! Dae ye ken, r couldna • on whit rhad to pey him!" ' sleep for a hale fortnight efteernItin" .. • . „- ..• • I • A .Foods_Are- Incteasing In Pm . . _ But you can still._ 'buy Grapc.Auts ,at the MEW price. 'This' staple cereal in it; air -tight, wax -pro- tected package will keep indefinitely, yet is ready to eat at a moment's notice. Grape -Nuts ' is full aif' . compact nourishment w t h -a delightful wheat and barley flavor. The lost Economical or •Pr.epared Cereals Therea a factory in your town. You e the procession of toilers going to and from its 'doors every day, but how large an industrial army would you seeif tho empleyes of the 20,000 in- dustrial establishments were Willie Up? It is estin3ated that Canada's present annual manufacturing produce tion reaches the enormous total of $1,- 399,000,000. Few also realize ,that 500 branch United States factories have been established in Canada, represent- ing on, investment of $100,000,000, and that tile number -is steadily increasing. This fact reminds one that Great Britalnehae invested' four billions, and the 'United States nearly a billiere in Canada, and every inventor knows that the security is good. "The Maakzine of Wall Street,," New York, says: "Cenada has un ex- traordinary record for prompt pay- ment of all munieipal obligations." - Row Canada's government aeyenue has grown. Since the paltry $13,000,900 of 186741 The estimated revenu,e for 101047 is $200,000,0001-a tidy -sum, in itself an index .of the 'ceuntry's properity.. • • e RAGS' RIGHTS. Econondee Both Little and Great Are Needed in Canada To -,day. • There never has been a time when greater spirit of intelligent economy has taken possession of ethe people of this country than now, Many of es Seem to realize that little economies are needed. We study menus and food values and remodeling of clothing; we tie not deprive ourselves eif neeessary things, but we make better tise of 'what we have. •We have learned'our lesson well, thus far; but ?onyx of us have, unfortunately: stopped at that point, and there is yet another step to A recent magazine deplored the in- ferior quality Of the paper used by many publications nowadays. The reason for this, according the Magazine article, is that scarcit makeseit-riecessaiyto' use -gr ere quantities. of woodpulp: in the ma ufactere of paPer. Which show e one waste thatsine houiewieres have not stopped -the burning of old rags. As an economic principle no one has a right to destroy anything that can be used anywhete, , The country- housewives of thirty years age saved every rag. There were haltedozen or more rag peddlers who madearegulaaluarterly. trips -past the county home of the writer, then a child. of ' ten.. The tin and glassware that they carried seemed something wonderful, and still more wonderful the fitct that they would exchange it for old rags :and rubbers.' These" tra- arelingsragmeir.were extrernWy; well- known; not so much by the names on the wegOns, as -by their traits: One Open up a Health Account by eating foods that make you At for the day's work without over. taxing the stomach, kidneys or liver. The continued eat- ing of indigestible foods with large percentage. of waste means diseased livers and poisoned intestines. Keep your stomach sweet ancl.clean and your bowels healthy and active by eating Shredded Wheat Biscuit. It is eAsily digested: It contains all the material needed for the nour- ishment of the human body. Open a health account for you to draw Upon. For breakfast or any meal with rnillc •or cream. Made in *Canada. .1 tINTATIVE AGRICULTURE. Showing the Native• AfrIcan Obtain Results in Farming. The black man has a natural taste for agriculture --up to a certain pint. He is willing to cultivate his little garden just enough to give him the next year's food supply. Here.. his farming ambitions end., •. • At Old Unitali, 200 miles from the 'eaSt coast,111Rhcidesia, a flourish- ing agricultural college .that is putting some new ideas of farming into his irresponsible head. • Under the old regime,' husband and wife go into the field, 'carrying the crudest kind of native hoe. They spend several, days in the back -break- ing toil required to turn up the 'land. This done, the farmer sows a small grain like Millet into the rows dug with. his little hoe, and here and, ther,e throughout the field, about five paces apart, he plants two or three .grains at, of Porta -With whole towel lerttlizer available, he never thinks of enriehing the soil: .• •• . Ile sees that the Whiteman • gets vastly more' grain -Olathe does from it piece of land •exactly the same size, and his own diminutive ; vegetables seem smaller than ever to him when he sees' the white man's harvest, but it needed the agrieulturaI college at Old Umtali to make him see how easily TX einersteerthe settee -64111th or his own little garden patch. ' At.firet the natives did not take kindly to this civilized information and thirteen young insurgents had to be expelled from, the. school. Now, however, there is the keenest interest and appeeciation. Results talk.. • -. was universally, styled "the oldteheet" brink Hot Water among our coterie; not because he had , cheated 'all, but Decease hehaddia-' ITO Meals- To- Stop pleased' one, and, adtertiaing a this• _ nature was as well advanced then as •• • it ja to day Another was "the fair • ' Stom•ach Disorders man." Thisaliad no. reference to per- _ _ . sonal beatity, but signified eppiaval of. hi -business methods. Through the advertising of his friends he , secured more trade- than another tivatavehoSe large ered wagon bore • the • lettering "Honeet John." There •is tenciayeeemuch better mar- ket for olerags. Let us save theta - perfectly clean, ' sanitary •ones, .of course -and let their existence end only when their last Possible use is ex- hausted. We can not furnish •rag pa- per enough, perhaps, bat wasneed net condemn evensone rag to an untimely • All •waste -paper -should also, be Say - ed and sold for, future 'utie. This is one Of the many things that • modern machinery and methods are/able to ,make over again into • fresh • Doer; and our, wood -pulp aupply is sadly in -need of "coneervation. Paper We'must have. We can lessen the danger- •of .famine by saving oue rags to makethe better grades, and otir old Papers to make the grades that are so necessary in out daily liVes. . ,• • •.• . • CHILDHOOD AILMEIITS The ille 9f childhood come swiftly and too often 'before a doct caned in:ureiriedicine obtaifie e us gerir-nSte'pelurther. Slake our enetherecoantreteavath*--eatestradingenneateettraier, tion -junior Member ot the- well= tle one bY•keeping Baby's Own known business firm of John Bull lets in the herne. This 'medicine al- & Sone, still doing , bcisiness at ,the ways does good -.:sit• Caripever do harm. old Stand What a .fine fat total , our foreign trade now makes, for the lastConcerning it Mrs. NaPoleon, Lambert, .• fiscal year of $1,447;378,298 It was St Ignace, Que, Weitee.:—"Baby's Om Tablets are .excellent medi- only $131,027,532 in 1867-8, the first eine for •ehildhood ailment§ and I am under Confederation, And wet& well pleased with their use." ' The the big total grow, war or n9 W"' Tablets are sold by medieine deetlerft with apeestim'ated total for 191647 of $2,000,000,000! or by mail at 25 cent a box from The s, • • • Dr. Williams' Medicine •Coe,,l3eockyille, ottl the total 'Canadian.- expert§ ed irtf,efie,000 in 191546, 84 per cent. as of the produce of 'Canada: an ' a a is now An exporting instead. of' an. 'SOINED SEVENTY ACRES. porting. coantree . Or, take the :tittle during' the war ',Oki French Vtontri Who lied Never "B period. During the second year of erate 'lowed. - the war, "from tfuglisteto.Atigeetaran- ittlithe total trade {exclusive of eoiii and ehallion) reached the high peak record of $1,668,880,000, as compared with $920,582,000 for Lite Preceding twelve months, while the balanee of t4 nit alto the mothers of Soldiers, un - trade in Canada's favor grew to 3r,9, lertook the uninterrupted continti- 860,000 in the second year ot the war, irtre lerench weraen from the. • first lutee taken. it for .giante.d. that theY lutist replace- the men, at home. No. urging hes been necessary.. "Not only thewives and daughters,' -, ei,ce ot the production of food from as compared with $89,088,4" dlitin,, the moirmit the melt 'were called up." , the first year. . • • And again, "French women Appear 'War Muititioni. , to aeeept the caerying on of agricul "- • . tural -work as then' natural end epro- . Over 4140 of our industrial plants are per share of the hardships of war." Making war munitions. War orders One yeoman who had riever touch - totalled, on ' Decembar 1, 1916, $550,- ed a plow, after two days' instruction 000,000, and further orders, of half • as plowed and sowed•seventy wee. Arts much more, are prontised. • , •other -carried on work 011 fifty acres of. It city man ar country dwellerayou arable land, ten acres of vineyard, six flutow a herd of cattle4 a.floek•of sheep now, some sheep, 'fowls. tend aabbite. ' and a litter of pigs when you see This ono French -Ansel), with only oc- thelm.hut did you ever visualize the casino help, kept on by herself entire live-ebeek wealth of Canada? what two Illeid had been regularly ett- ' StipPokte you sit on the fence and a, A -1 P 40YOU to do before. Ariotlfer case on Watch the four -footed procession go record is . that of two yiVing women by; two by two, in the good old ark and One old widow who worked on a fashioneeovet 18,000,000 of • them, farm of 160 acres producing corn, ea, worth $760,000,000. What a iino In.45.. wine, ,eidgronilk, &ow, poultry And dodo our 0,000,000 horses wouldtablas. itiake; what a suggestien of "the eat - tie oh a thoUsand hille," the 6,000,000 Unman ranimeat for We eveirseentete. , - ‘1- A P/rYslolanfi - Advice- --,- ° Thousands of_unfortunate people suffer almost datly•from dyspepsia; indigestion fermentationmSOur acid "Stliniach,,-flato.: lence, gases or distress after eating. If they would only.form the agreeable habit of slowly drinking with each meal .a glassful of hot water containing a half teaspoonful of Ware bisurated magnesia they would soon find their stomach so strengthened and. improved that they could eat the richest and most satisfying' meals without the least symptom of in- digestion. - Nearly all so called digestive troubles are caused by an eXcess Of Reid and an insufficieitt tebe- ore Voo°odo fd "Peg inn the Stonutob caueing t fdigestion can take 'place. A glass of hot water will draw the blood to the stomachand the bisurated magnesia, will neutralize the stomach acids and .make - the feed content's bland and .sweet. Easy. natural digestion without distreas of any kind is the result. Disurated Magnesia Is not a laxative, is harmless, pleasant and easy to take and can be obtained from any local druggist Do not eotiftiSe Bisurated Magnesia with other forms of magnesia—milks,. citrates, etc., but • get 'ft -in -the pure bisurAted:form (powder or :tablets), especially prepared `lar this purl 1)0„Se. ' . The liblabsosest fa* was * mast poor tlduc and homing cenut dalm to *Ow soldier brother, who watton duty at that that she was Wing Won round by his chum. Si* wi4e, of course,. full of questions. °Who is that person?" she asked pointing to- * color sergeant. . "Oh, he Shook halide v4th the king; that la why he is wearing a OrOWII. on his arm, you see," ropliod the truth,- ful man. "And who it that?" she asked, see - hag a gymnastic inetractor with * badge of crossed Indian Clubs. °That i5:0 barber; do you not see scissors-ontbe his arra?" Seeing yet another man with euffe decorated with stars, she asked, "And that \one ?" "Oh, he is the battalion astronomer; he guides us en night manoeuvres." "Ilow interestingl" replied the. maiden, when, seeing her companion's hOge, that of an ancient stringed in„., strument, she" aeked, "And does that thing mean you are the regimental • Took. Friend s Advice ifini Got Reiults How M. C. Lindos Found a Cure in Dodd's Kidney Pills. • , One of. of the Reasons., Why Dodd's.Kid- „ ney Pjlls Hate), Had a Phenomenal Growth of Pepularity in the *West . Ellscott, Alta., Max, .12th •(Special,) --The growth of popularity of Dodd's Kidney Pine in this. section of the Great West 'has been phenomenal. "They -cure kidney disease. That much has been proved again and again. •One of the latest proofs comes from M. C. Lindos, . known and . highly rer spectecl here. • • "Thanking Dodd's Kidney pills seems a small way of expressing my gratitude ”- itatea. '1. 4JIALLLU* ' fared fromeheadeelies and dizziness and was unable to find anything that •Would the me any, good. -I tried sev- eral Medicines thatwvere edvertised to cure my treuble, but they did ,not. 'Dodd's Kidney. Pills were •recom- mended to me by a friend and I Sent for a box and gave them final. The result is that am feeling fine now, I _shall. always keep a botahf .Dodd's Kidney Pills handy." --, •• • • •:Dodd's 'Kidney Pills cured, M. C. Lindos becauseetheirmible came from the kidneys. Lumbago rheumatirn, dropsy, heart e disease, 'diabetes and Bright's Disease are other trOub]es 'that conies •froin • siek kidneys. To cure them cure the kidneys with Dodd's Kidney Pills. • NEW§FROM ENGLAND ,NEWS• BY MAIL ABOUT JOHN 1LLL AND 1118 PEOPLS. - ' 'Orittiences IhntiiiirThat 14104 • Supreme la the Compose . • • • . eliel • Last week in louden • there' Were 1,828 births.And 1,522 'deaths re-. gittered. , Scandinavian •thrushes arid red- wings' are now quite plentiful in the London Parks., • . ' A very valuable ,'discovery of coal has .been made at •13ilsthorpe, near Scitithseen, 'Notts. ase. . - • German prisoners...taken recently On the west front show marked signs of privation. Sir Maurice Bonhatn Carter; X.C.B.; son-in:slaw of ea -Premier Aequith,lues entered the army-. . • • A sum reaching 212,000 has been raised in Northumberland county for the Sailor? Day, Fund. At a fantoreirne performance':given by the Chathtim bluejacketi' 2175- was raised for local charities. , • Now She Knows. . • '• ' A. young woman unversed in the mysteries of base all was presented to a flaomveous playe •me," :she: Confided to. him. love eipecially. to watch' the .at the bat. It is so elite; too, e way he keeps 'hitting the ground gently with the end of the bat Why does •he 'do that?" , • estat enteeseirds` lie player, ""the .worms have an_ an- noying habit of canting- up to see who's batting. and that naturally puts the batter 'out .a bit, so he. just taps them on the head lightly-, and down they go again." . - ':• yheumatism • • Is .11.1y Weather Prophet. Ioff by the twinges in my shoul- ders. can tell stormy weather days and knees. But here:s an; old friend that' soon drives out the pales and aches. . Sloan's Linithent is ee easy 40 apply, AO rubbing at all, it sinks right in Itad fixes the pain. Cleaner than mussy plasters and ointments. Try it for gout, lumbago, ndu* ridatia, bruiser endepraline • Mr. John Murray has annoanced that the biegraphy of Lord Beaeonss field will be completed this spring, • •A lot of tripe washed , up on the here near iSandwich, from a wreck, s affotdingstiefeaat for theseetiguIli. ....Aelarkeelinatheradehhaseelslieesteare. yea mg their elefterred-reginrental pay in the Governmerit'ane-w war loan. The Northemberlarid coal miner have' refused to go on • strike •without a ballot of the •members fire being t• aken, Walthamstow. Counctl has de - tided to give preferential employ- ment to discharged soldiers on the re, Everywhere facts prove the menace of fightnhIg. ono yell reeling that the dower of light:deg Bet I* its concentrated actiOrs ort *Ingle spot in your toof, you will appreciate OA ssistY sod protection of o Yedierieed reef. Pedlar!. 'creetorge" Shiegles lock 802elawst 018 four 440nr forming.* oinglo shoot Lf mots' from gave to eidgee Lightning ell:not cancers. tote on Any single spot, for Pedlar aneske spread it over the whole outface Of ;Our Art. ° Wrlen prupealy unded, 0 Pedlefized soot se preetheilly owe*. surnoel allow As same oust lei: safe. Off] gwr, by 41ssilariaxar .puozewitb,,, masa.. 'Were for the • . ull4rbt Roar Boekliq 111 THE PEDLAR PEOPLE. =TEO (Ertel:144i IC61) Esecedwri Mai and Factories: ealsewe, Pat._ prearhea: Mustiest, vim's. Turostsuld,'„aden. WmuiPse ' . . . inn.,..., pi,.... Sillpp n g,, F, , , . and ihrostt disearril ye' er .. cured, and al! otherx, no matter howe"oserloseee hetet front having any of then° diseases ayitlx,f1YOK.W17 Eg1177.3) 7110r • TalidEEZ 00310071EXP. Tbree, to el doses otten cure a, ease, 1•46/4 thing tor -breed marers:„ age op the , bleed, Druggists Arid harness shops Or manufactirrer3. se14 it. • SPOHNMEDICA CO, coufsfs GostelIal S 4 - • POE ALEN, 011 ALE CHEA1' OOOD BOARD-' 51"ouse in Owen Soupd. good Lefeir, good location, Near Depot and raetories. Apply H. McOrath, Executor, Transcona.. Man. NEIVIMA,P731111 $12.111 p.931F-31e..12•10 isIEWS „jaw JOB towns. The most urful and interesting of sit 'businesses. Full information' on IIPPUOIlttOtt to Publishing Com - Pun'. 78 West Adelaide Street. Toronto, KTOCELZAWE0115 B'CYCLES, NEW AND 'SECOND -ILI Hand, $12-.00 up. Send for special , Price- .11st. Varsity Cycle Worhs, 413 Spadini)," Ave,' Toronto: • /1-1ANCER, TUMORS. nusaks. ETC. 'Li Internal and external. cured with- out pain by our home treatment: Write us before too late. Dr. Denman Medical Co., Limited, CollIngwood. Ord, Our Non-Coms A sergeant was training a squad of recruits in musketry, when suddenly eteneone appeared in the line et fire. • '514• there!" bellowed the sergeant, "get back, carn't y:er? Anyone 'ud think the place belonged to yer." • 'Well, it doesn't exactly," -meekly. replied the interloper, "but • my-er- father-in-law, yOu know, owns iteand nearly half theettountty beeities."— "Oh; doer le?" vias• the irate sere geant's answer. yer father-in-law • acrorst the range •firing, you'd just as an Y other fool. "Well, if aott was Isself arid walked when my lade was as easily get Shot So 'op it" • • Net News hi Gond News. "What's happened to Brown?" 'Nothing ',guess everytizig is go - Inge all. tight with him, 'because. it's' only ithenetheree ineroubla.of some, 'sort that we hear from our friends.': • We, have• been wing tlVIINARD'S LINIMENT in •our home for a num- ber of. years and use 'nee:other Lin- iment- but KINARD'S,. andeeve cen- •reeoininend it' highly for Sprains, •bruises; pains or tightnese of , the cheat, sOreness of the :throat, , head- ache or anything of that sort. • We. will not he without it one single day, for we get, a new bottle before the other all Used. ' I can recommend it highly to anyone. • e Rejected. ' -*Young Man -al, asked, but I reeere- ed not. • . Parson Pl•im Then a you asked amiss. • Young Men (Sadly) --Yes, I asked a -Miss. • -- Granulated Eyelids. oreEyes inflamed by expo. • Sure to Sun, Bust and Whit yes• Tyirar.eilvifid tztv!ine . 0 Info j.,„. just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's 50e per Bottle. Muffed Eye SalveinTubes 25c. For Beekof theryefreeask Druggietsor Marine Eye Remedy U.4111,440 Teacher -- What_ is A mountain range?* Pupil -A Mountain range is sxr.. , Atinardts Elul:mut Cline panartlar. • Remarkable Woman. ' • "kis .wife is a remarkable woman." "How so?" She can look stylish in bonnets that he likes." •. tramways.• - An•award. of. £5,250 has been 'made to the officerkand .crew.6 oftlie British,. vessels eitgage&-hatheaDogger 'ertenk battle, . • , A fine of was • imposed on • Dr. Heatoa Smith, Baguley Hospital, for alloahng 71 unshaded light; the hospital.• .Thp Itailwaymee's Vigilance Corn: znittee have deeided to ask for an grease of tee eliillings per week he. their wages. ' • • The Cheshire AgtiCnItural and llor- ticultural College has been elpsed, to remain closed until the conclusion •of the war. • t your dt-uggiot, 2Se, 50e. and $1.00. „ Sloan's Liniment MIL S ISSUE No. '11-17 MONE ORDE SEND a Domini Express Money Order. They are payable everywhere. • • Nerdy of Timber. ft is• estimated that there are he- tween 260,000,000 and 300,000,000 acres covered by timber in Canada. Kinard's Edna:ant Oates Murrill, Etc. Inalligeut Lad, Employer -410y, take this and wait for an answer. New Boy -Yes, sir. Employer -Well, what aro you tit. ing for? •, • p New Iloya-The enswer, • Alinard'S Ebilmerit 1461101i Mealiest. letter MON F.Y HAKIM STRIO see, csawen taseeee 7Vtoney in the comer ercial Poultry biol., nog Yesi if you have a larind strain. We auirnit ours to be tbaureetest 'Pea* success In Can, ada, Circuirx of facts Free.liatchingDgoi.00 percent fertility guaran- teed: Stock for Sale. sacecuneroumarlmea Et* sant cuff, oar. The Soul,of a Piano la the • Action. Insist on the gs OTTO 1-11GLII' PIANO ACTION 'Austin's • Pioneer. H. CLAY GUIVER CO., hie. Bog Anstfies 118 West3latEneet,Nen York mor0h 15TYLE -alisemmin4=414444 BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed sranee free to fay edges.% hi .-EAGLE ear?, ;0,2A:11i ;lc 4•41' 'Write to.Idem for boy- bid . r FREE C AV AL 0 GlitE ' . . showing our full, hie of 13icyclea for 14,1 Men and Women ys and Girls - Tires, Chaster Braites 'Wheels, Inner• . • 'Tubes; Lamp!3,113ells, CyClopleters, Saddles, EA:Inv:tient aVd. Parti for Bicycles. You can buy pear supplies •• ,• from us it wholesale prices. * t.1,11., 110Y13 ..cti SON • 27 Noire Deane Strait WAIL Montreal- ' :1 11 • - . • Greater • production per acre is urgent Whether for peace needs • or war necessities. It is a matter of national con- cern that this year's crops be fertilized to increase yields afid• maintain fer- tility. Fertilizers have an im- • portant place in farming " • every year -a double 'place this , 'year. Prices and demands for farm „products •have „ doubled.• • Fertilize your corn and ether spring crops to get larger yields and profits. ' • . Let us help you with your.Soils and. c.rop:prob. lems. Write for our free Soil Profit • Bulletins. .e „ • ::"" t` eee Ton find relief in Zamluic 1 It eases the burning, stinging pain, stops Weeding and brings eese.. Perseverance, with 2ant. OM; moans cure. Why not prove this ? Drug/re,. Rtor€44„--.. rcarwmagioririmmam•m.......111 Prevent locked wheels '• and' hot boxeS' by the use of ' - MICA A :g GREASE.: . Mica forms a smooth • Coa*.tieg on the axle, •spindle. keeps it cool and well lubricated. • TI1V; OIL COMPANY - Limited 'BRAVIls‘zazczreztoter AN IDEAL TONIO When Your head' te dell y:u- ttli;„to,c. furred, and you feel . done -up and good for noteale, without knowing what is teeny the • inatterwith you, probably, all that is needed eo restore you be health and vigour is a tow doses of a reliable • VOR THE, • • digestive tonic and stomachic rein - STOMACH .AND LIVER edy such as Mother Seigel's Symp. Take it after each meal for a few. days and notellevebenefitial is its actitinlipreitheetomacialiverancl bowels - how it restores tone and healthy activity to these important organs, and by• • so doing enables yen to gain new stores of vigour; vitality and health. * MOTHER • " The new1.00 eke centains ;twee ihniS 4S tOtieh as the trial siaie •• sold at Mt per 'bottle. .r • e