The Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-02-15, Page 3i • e. 'HighWho's MIS to Blame for the TEE DRIS It may be the fanner, it I OF ROYALTY >rnsaxr Iew +tow ."4.141.-_.--), !,, •ata in a pealessraitiMa scars site evgar So leave the Revd tenPlor. Alpin t..'s Yaaaaa y Waistcoats, The King of Spain is also en en- travaigentiy attired monarch. Hina ... ......:� .;.a. ii g4.t7^74 Plrq l p.*,t rt �'n rl-^in'/-'. ey r9. e alis may be the weather --but - annum. His htaje ty lute zt vehicular WHAT THE WARDROBES OF laking for fancy waistcoats, of which iteVe, mind_.you 1*VG SOME MONARCHS COST. he has *hymns a very large number` Shredded Wily# at the in his wardrobe. Settle care of the same Alar prise, the same "' loudest pattern, but King Alphonso o,t the awing, it is said, to as friendly hint high quality, the one r» interesting SGleligbt l from King Edward en, newer W'e$ril thea a startling garments when in this country, In Spain, hewever, feet, complete food, . sup plying more real nutriment filar, meat, or eggs, ,or veg. etabless, costing much less :...and afore easily Ali est Cut out the high price foods. Eat Shredded Wheat for breakfast with milk or cream, ' Eat it for dinner with stewed' fruits and green vegetables . A deliciously .).riouri ling', ti leaf for sQ p� few cents£.. MVIadL :�a _ow EVOLUTION OP THE GROCER, "Engrosser" Was F st; a Dealer,in a '' Kinds of Merchandise, Nothing is so. necessary in any corns Inanity, nothing so unescapable as the grocer. It is the fleet business of the frontier settien,ent, and. it plays the Most important role fr 4he business drama of any tewnn, ,'One can hardly irnagirae a city, in any age; in which there were no grocery stores, and yet . the institution is a comparatively modern one. Do you know how gro- ceries originated? . • -Only a few hundred"years ago cer- tain foresighted tradesmen in Prance wentabout the country buying up bar- - gain lots of merchandise, They bought • fire damaged goods, bankrupt stocks, all sorts of .commodities.. They bought these things "en Broa" 'and made money out of them. The 'trade was carried to England, where a man who bought hardware, •thread, furniture, .e ' vegetables "en gros," or.in large quantittes,`+called .himself an "engros- ser." ° This was later shortened . to "grocer; but the terns was still ap- plied to thwproprietor of 'a general business. The grocery►' was a sort of racket shop, like the modei;n 10 -cent ,store. a • Gradually, it appears, the ".grocer" found it more profitable to deal in tea, • coffee, spices, fruits and non -perish-: able foodstuffs, and he confined his at- tention to these things. • He took over the business of the "spicer" and in, Prance the shop we call` i grocery is still known: as an °epicerie." So far was.the ,original meaning of the terra lost sight of that a man -who deals ex- ' elusi'ely in fienh vegetables panic to, `be known as a 'green. grove ." i '' S*rtorls' Habits o£ Kings . and Queens.. The late Xing spent a, gond. neral Adalnamflle, Kent Uo., N.13:, Jan. more on dress than tixe present mon- Both the King and Queen of Spain; •0t'ii (Spe�ial, '• 6fi flan TeeQxnmen ' arch. sell alt their leftroft garments once a . , '-. Xing -George ip: always- l Ire a y' Tenn -at-avec ageany is lene n }lays lannwe nndney Palls to evens woman well attired, but the difference be- the Queen of ..Spain's Left -off gownse. nn,Wc l knos. Se says Iijrs. Williams, tween the dress bills of lather and and they have often been resold .in , wn and •highly respected: sen la Remained .for by the fact that .lsonden. lady, residing here. yAires ears Wtillia he whilst the late King ordered dozens .. A lady in the model-reozza of a Re -' was 'a sufferer for two yeartill she of ,suits' .that lac; ,tamer wore, perhaps, gent Street modiste may be frequently used A dd s Kidney Pills.. She 'found more than once or twiee, because he seen wearing one of the Queen of cu their; quick relief and complete took as dislike to the material. King. 'Spaxrr8 .'afternoon-gowrie, of which re, That is why she is so enthusias,. George never hap a suit put out of the original cost in Paris was $367.60. tiher praise of;them. «. g in his wardrobe until he, has worn it two In Leedoxa, at probably' fetched "My troubles ataxted with a Bold,'' or three dozen. times!. S52.G0. Ura. Witliams states. I .never`seem- 'ed t • ii ' •aater,'King's dress, bills, exciud- The dress' bilin of the King 'and , 9' get• over the .les at.. shad Queen . of Norway are lower than cramps in any muscles. and my joints thnsa. Qf`maw well-to-do middle-class • were .stiff. There :were .dark eireles people, a ,..;under any eyes whish were puffed and Rogan Simplicity • " ' swoIlen. • I had', bitter taste' .in'•Nmy: The Queen of Norway, except on mouth and I. suffered from severe ceremonious occasions•, which are few headaches• " at the Norwegian 'Court, habitually "I felt heavy and sleepy after meals wears a tweed: dress • of the plainest and had attacks of neuralgia. Heart cut; and, Igor Majesty's dress liflla in flutterings and rheumatism were^soon the year do not .total $?60 altogether. added to, my troubles, I took' • just Asa matter of feet, the Queen of three boxes of Dodd's. Kidney Pills.. Nnrwalt sometimes.,purehases dresses annot. be too glad that I did.'sc at *a dress agency the Paris. Icer Every one° of Tars. Williams' symp- Majesty also 'has the services . of a. toms was a symptom of kidney die - very skilful dresser, who can alter or ease. L1($ Why► Dodd's Kidney nouri'hment,. remodel: a dress"• when it has been so Pills cured her. long i., the Royal wardrobe that it w GUARD THE BABY` is. becoming out. of date: : , . • The King of Norway's tailors' , bilis • AGAINST COLDS run to , about $200 • for ordinary lounge -suite. Uniforms bring up his Fas�]i0ri * ' `ho guard the baby against colds dress bills by about another $800. - ,nothing can equal Baby's:. Own .Tab- Ilis ordinary wear when at his own lets. The keepeblets are a mild laxative Court isa .tweed knicker-suit and soft �a S that will .the little one's stem- shirt and collar. The Norwegian ach and bowels -Working regularly. Court is the quietest and least" ex-y.j is a recognized fact• that where the stomach and bowels are in ,good order travagant in Europe. The Royal Each day ,unfolds something new in that colds will riot exist; -that, _ :the. Household bonsists of but ten officials the world of fashion, for many inter- and 'twelve servar,te, and of the of: sting novelties catch th eye of those health--of;the little one will be good and that he will thrive and be happy ficials only three are resident. The wise observe the •wofnen of fashion, and good-natured. The Tablets are others are in attendance only on oc from whose apparel may be .gleaned sold by:medicine dealers o ail casions of ceremony The Xing:and•: every little . detail and _itei' ef_mter .. z' by m Queen of Norway dine .at the homely est which create the atmosphere of at 25 cents -n box-fromeT ee -Win=` •hour of 7.30 and the meal, rarelhams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. y good style;.• consists of more than three courses, Some . of the new ;,dollars are large London Answers., Some rolled .high at the back and low in front.. These have been given' the demure name on =ilk collar, and one ia• illustrated in the ` sketch. fiome- times they are fastened with little buttons end. loops at the front,"or.the. closi' is made iavisibie They are iisuaue .nide of s: ^•in or the new figur- ed gur- .ed`silke to contrast with the dress ma- teriai. •-• • ; :the loose sidepanels:on skirts, with largepockets on each side,` areo also recognized amens of :the newest .style they are' considered quite correct and smart. Tel Yeir,T Wan" "NOM W0w1R> FUL IMMO. C** Olittg 1* An P.slUsti tar data iNhoism Pam Smoothest Objects... Mrs, Williams ° Says Use Todd's idney I'ailleq She Suffered for Two 'rears, bast Three Boxes pf lliedd's Kidney Pills Made Her a New, Woman, .. Jag the cost of uniforms, ran to about *2,210 Per annum. King George's runs to about $7511. M Ibis "Mejesty►s favorite material is 1I blue. serge (which is just now difficult to obtain) or a grey check, and at the - present time, when not in khaki, the King may be meat frequently seen fr, a suit of one: or the other material. s Soft . Shirts Forbidden', ' • As a general rule the King never keeps more than about a dozen lounge -suits in his wardrobe; the late King rarely had less than three dozen. King Edward took a much keener interest -, ,n :dress than ,Xing George. The late monarch would often take 'a fancy. to some material, order two or three. suits of it, and then take an equally sudden dislike to the material and order all the suits to be' put out of his wardrobe. • The late King was not only always 'dressed himself. in the best taste, but •he liked others about. hila to be,` attired with equal faultlessness.' 'His Majesty would not ::allow- any member of the Household, even his ,intimate and life-long friends, to wear a soft shirt at Buckingham Palace. White linen was., always the rule, and' even. King ''George, who thought the rule somewhat- unnecessary, never wore soft shirts in Lennon during his father's; lifetime. N . ' PETS,•' INSECTS AND `HUMAN., Interests of the Native, Quarter of • • Japan. , In Japan it one will Ieaye the hotel and the tourist office and the cocktail- drinkers and go: out into the real na- tive quarter, there are enough things to interest "any•one. One `old man' a passes with.. his load of crickets, vyhich sing in hot weather and are kept in ,l cages. like so many canaries. These • gentle creatures make a noise like a squeaky axle and one hid under` the '.hood' of a twelve -passenger- car. would subject the most careful chauffeur to scorn. They are caught with •' bird Aimeeand-make-nice-•little.-pets, cheap to be and not= re` ring_ gasoline for ,, upkeep. • My .rickshaw ,pan is an old fellow whom - !tired a year -age and who -re- cognized ma' again. He is loin -priced; speaks quite a little English, and has a sense of humor.• Y. have him trained so that if we pass any one'at unusual work or, go' near any novel scenes, he points' out these things to me. He knows` my fondness • for `'Japanese • .children, who are the cutest tots,' on earth, with their' gay clothes, slant • eyes and bobbed 'hair, and if he seen an'unusually:•bright dress or a•' _Ana child,'he points'than ;out with•a. sort of fatherly. pride of race. At two years old the Japanese surpass' all other na- tionalitifes;:in charm and attractive nese, end these sober, yet happnei little r_ti..: �.>_�• ---may---�_,_ ., .� - - -- - • Discarded Suits. • King George, by the way; has in hi's. wardrobe ; haIf za ,dozen smoking dackets,.an artiele'of attire that never figured in the wardrobe of the late King. ^ •For ,his sr oleing-jackekts 'his Maj esty,ptys•from $25 to $60, They -are made of. a .rich, -soft material, a blend f�'si o ]k and wool, are cut double= seem -^- sharp instruments all a razor's e without the slightest harm has demonstrated by a French sci. The snail walks 'with the whole and surface of his body, and it is prom With means to iubrocate the'road which it travels. A :peculiarly .e plea systetn of muscle, enables i. ening In any position to the sm vet objects. In lifting itself over maser'$ edge it elinge with the . Part of its walking sagface to ones Of the blade and'. extends the fete part and: bends it down over the,other side. Then it draws itself `aver gradually and without exerting any presser* upon the edge of the blade. It could not, however, crawl along the :sharp edge • of a razor or knife. Iti is a feet tint while the. eolnmon statin has lungs, heart and a general circulation, being' in every, respect • aza aixlbxeathing .creature, itis, neverthe- • less, able to live indefinitely without inhaling -the least bit of air. F,xperi- melena have clearly demonstrated that any or all, of the usual life •conditions May be removed in the case of the snail without terminating its existence or indeed impairing its functions. The snail retreats into its shell on the 'ap- proach of frosty;we • _d. causes the opening or th of its: shell to be hermetical' sealed by a .secretion of silky tex 'e absolutely impervious to air and water, 3n this condition, therefore, it is plain, that the, .little eature is deprived of three of the fol ;dements of life --air, water and ,et ago been -1: a!ntlst. .,,.T�.nw�. ___,.. erg icledg Oz} E vine 1 t to Doth the hInd: ide PIANO HOW TO CURE STOMACH TROUHLE. The Common' Cause is Lack' -of Blood—Therefore..You- Must --- Bull d Upthe Blood. ;� Lucid. Asked to define the word eeleficit," a youngster replied: "It's what you. got:when you haven't got as Much as if you jest had nothin'.". • Theoun fellow who o:. 6" is • h willin . to do a little.morc than his share ,s.. give ing to -be the man that later on the.. shirkers will say is getting more than his. share "Wes ,, t Yes, . he ]•.turned, wad,.. of theb breasted,: and .are all of dark _ colors, . -•e, cured by code. 'last winter, ,but I'be `chiefly dirk. c, imson blue and r-• - ' There ,d" -the •nest intimate-r•elation notes- in :skirts,. -- Thenpanels::being. Nagged if I =call rebebee whit ,:,� plea When at work id lis' rivate between the eonftition of the blood loose flap about in the wind', often die- _ h fwd. writin -r' P and the activity of the storraach •closing a bright lining of contrasting inners s• 'none g earn lin the evening the Kingty The Writ nt onres Co,d:, arta always wears a smoking -jacket. blood depends upon' the stomach .for material on' the Ai^everse side. Prom �e The: tailors patronised b the Kinga large part of its nourishment; while the front, these side panels. seem at •,,w Hurry up,..Tominyl"'called, znamma. have a dummy figure of? his Majesty, every act' of digestion; from the'time first to. be nothing but • the familar ere late Are. your shoes on?" en which the. clothes are fitted,: and, the. food enters the stomach and is as `i' s; mother, all but ones' usually they are finished Without be- similate( by the blood: needs plenty' of e' in „ fitted pure :well-oxidized...blood.r Mulligan: "I sent. a cheque_ to that g ed at all. The King gives .glands _ • The mus nasi:._' •• • funis,- .but �I, don't believe' in parading •' my charity." , Casey: "Well ?" Mul- ®`t+ ligan:.So I si ' 1„ " fined" a fictitious'tame ..to *.•-vat 'of toyshop.--Christian Herald. Getting Her Oene Beek' "So the lavvyers.got about' of the estate. 'Did Edith get •anything?" "Oh, yes; she got one of the law- • Four 'feet nour ,inches is the length , of the Russian -rifle; it is the. lonOest Nine pounds, is the weight of the German rifle. . Before starthtg the youngsters to seliool give them a piping hot Instant Postu food exberti agree on two • points—that ,the child deeds a hot drink, and that the drink shouldn't.be tea or eoffee. ably ant its very extensive use. 'among thonghtf til" 'parents; . 'coupled with the child's fond. 'ness for this fiavory, nourishing feod.drink, show how tompletply nteets*the requirement. amnse hi price, isuaiitvo or siie 01 Psckage. uantity of - Alen ie distributed work eerily according to the qualitn: of Guild, the cagazietation founded by the The most common eguse of indiges- Queen flea clethinte the , necetisiteds t9ino.dy is lack of rich, red bleed. Not nee., Ffte 'Hatinined" Dresses. -.' the product ef the glands of the tn- .' Her .Majesty's ' -dress billseare the tthese.tiadeispatintidvec,omach, which furnish , .. the _exception,. perhaps, of...the. Qpeen more promPtly-cureeindigestion than f • &may.. poi an; ordinary walic_ plentyeef•etire -blood. Dr. Williams' ing-dresn Queen Mary eve $31.50; Pink -Pills etre the safeseind most cee- than p5. The, cost of her Majesty's. vening-gewns Vales from $265 to perfect digestion, strength and health, the P Here is nroef of the value. of these WO, 'arid she orders from eiOtiteen This is in peaee-thne. `Since . Per' several- Years "as a gielkt suf- outbreak of the war Queen May line not .even Metered one ,evening:gOwn. ferer 'front indigestion. I west great - She spends altogether son dresit ly troubled with gas ;in the stomech about ;3590 per .annuin in normal which .ciused •disagreeable sensations: times, which fer the tonsort of a 1 wits also frequently troubled with , iew., nausea and v4niting, which were Very She usually vitstitesIhrearttridZsrewitai Indiysti-ttepaps g. :s • pix 40 Wrier. arf,aePigwit -P1 /see -1. e"".: :'"i '� L�,_*!N9l'. '�1 'llR:. �p n,9 -a n a :.'." .� vr.�' ACTION '1 � 7$211,0114744,1011111M0 011111 1LK piN Eat F9R F,A[�i+�'Y t) k eaaorttg colors. ;arste bends, See poatesen. Sym, entente 3s Orittan two. Sydney.N.st. ANegit, TIMOR., LUMPS. rTc, internal and external. cured wick - out pain by our lion,. treatment. Writ* us before too late. Or. Hellman ateLt+rt' 4,,s.. �t>ntted, Vollingwood, Ont., t f .weal esti Iwaw od es fes a 1!aawm ear. M aceordaa r. wl.b the ,e,t�,,�. Guar. ire �,,�y,,i. #ink "4 .awi.d»a�r .�b�ui 01411'---,,.rj tis I v+ar ari'niw to C•e.cia. areal. 0.10104 -lefe. "°a„') sad *ammo, IftJ&ual"ne .Mgt* none • e of R 74)10 0•4 dlar Of she fellows al Sc NOOK ON DOG DISEASE And How. to Feed th. 411010C Mums new' GLOVER co., Jae. Rag Imam IIS Wast 31stSkies, Now y ,upwAnsittsril VIOL aumwoublifttlf CREAM ASOLUIPROPOSITIONM anal only MM. Closely okirne warm =own. Howl a canton's/ marvel, Crsily cleaned. Difleront bons a °AMP...Anal( I zli°9°371 nSt ICA1:41 271 citC:114:18:P:4•:".4.a Elp:'e PLY I. Ata5 it!Amemmigl TOPPeanwwtt::: dPhseef,°: Oro .4 NIERS .Rem.cmlitr the. cat-Sliortage.. The deepest rivers. flow with the leapt sound. IVait the Last likote To Order° Out' Tour hilliest You Might Oct 1,eft! Canadians Wanted-for,the 'Royal Naval Csuutdien Volunteer 'Reserve for immediate overseas service,' Only men of good .Pay $1.10 1V1ininsum per day -Free Kit. $20.00 per Month Separation Allowance. trperiesged run fame 38 to 45, *ad boys front 15 te 18 accepted for Splice in the CANADIAN _ Naval Recruiting Officer. Oatario Area ••• re- • 103 Bey Street,TORONTO.or Dept. of the Naval SerrIce "Pine -Acte Quickly. Try it tor Red, Wenit. :" Sore Eyes•and Granulated Eyelids, Marino Is 'compounded by our Oculists -mot e *Patent the'Publio and sold by Druggists at bee per tome. Jitsninet Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, ISo end We. Write -for Boo)t of the Eye Free.. 'Amine Eye ReMody OompanyrChicago. Ade she orders a new gown, and is receive ed by the manager in &private re- and what I did eat eansed me constant ception-room. tt rule see tinders pain. I was continually doctoring:but did not get any benefit, and had about three or four dresies at the dame titne nmedeenp_iny_nenesenue-reeeeta-endnur alace, The ,Qaeennt robe -room is 'a for life. One day a friend asked me large apartMent, the walls of which why I did not tren Drelinilimas' Pink are 'heed with Mahogany wardrobes', Pills, fled while I had uot Much hope enable of holding. 500' gowns: 6nd of a cure I deeidento do so. I hed dresses. Here are time of the prieila- only taken a few boxes, heweverewhen '13ald bY the Queeh fel. article's of at.. I found they were helping me. Very tire other than deesses: Patentleath- gladly then I continued the use• ef the ;5,25 Pen • peir; Pills, and in less than three niontha I ✓ • walking -shoes, gloves. fron-e$L50 to $5.26 per pair. •By far the most extravagaetly at- tired Royal lady in Europe is the Pn.ted to run to 325,000 per amium. hen -in London 'same Years ago she e taken by a lady in the Ennlish ablishinent ann --gave an order raight away nor over $2,60n worth e the smallness on the order:. ' The wardrobe -rooms of the Queen of /1111 ',consist of three large epart- ments?,' fitted with dustproof ward. "A man ea= into my store the robes, and capable of holding alten ether daY,". said the druggist, "end heeded tee seven preseriptions' te of a cold,' i remared to him casual:. wife •never gets her. money"s • worth. sWeeqing over' Canada. The man who contracts it, will find ithas been ne Misfortune, during. the, adeustment days otter the •Taa. •1111P. 4.17-"%oesese-4,nansorifill Increased Profi.S'‘: " The_big reason for the growth la the 'consult:option of fertilliers 'Reis in 'the tact that conumercial fertilizers- hicrhase profits Wherever proPerly used," ;lays, a guvernment` bulletin,. If yew. °land ie. lolling itss avstilable :fertility YOU can, easily 'build it up and increase. your • They • give year crops a scowl start, stimulate ,growth and increase the yields. Even if you are getting good sresidts front your lands, Ilarah-Davies fertilisers produce still. blgter• .and better: 'crops; They are prePared bloodrbottes;' trinfidifigaletc., id Just 7the right proportfone to (sanely the plant food Your soil lacks. Let ertaLhelp--you-seleet-Alte-oorrect-ferttlicerio: your own • Ocular needs. Write for our free fel-till:Mr hooltiot and hullettne. • •••• • Ontario Fertilizers, Limitid,„ West: Toitiate:- With -New Meek Cellar eued-naose tattle which appears quite often in the new dresses, showing' the narrower , Another treatment ef side .panels nen learty Mean and to feel that life extends to the lower, adge of the skirt, wai again 'worth- - r alipz; is attached there; and falls *softly over been troubled from time' to time with the edge in puffed or draped effect. attaeks of rheumatishe and the use (.)n Puffed all around in imitatien of the the Pills cured this an well -es _the in,- 'Turkisn trouser effeet, ire :Come•orthe I took the pips, and in that time I supple taffetie; And silver tiesee cloths, have had no retern of the trouble." dresses in tnis etyle are 'extremely, Dr. Williamen Pink Pine are sold by gracefel. the skirts devoid -of any thm- an dealers medicine or may be and inieg whatever end the bedicea 4, tow by mail at 50 eents • a box or siic. rather snugly in contrast. The bailees boxes for $2.50' from The' Dr. wen are reality bardly mere ehan deep lieracMedicine Co., Brockville, oat. bands suspended by straits, of ainisoe et e over the sheuldere: Sleeves there, are Bound to Pind Oat.. - • none, ueless the bends across the up- per part of the arms are ae called. In ever, sleeves begin to ne • more fav- ored than they have been fat SO.Iirie time. The flowing -sleeves which form a kind ef drapery reaching almoot to the edge of the skirt is a etyle with getat charm. from your local MeCall Dealer or from titue *like Minn -VS wimnmr. „ McCall Company, 70 Bond Street, The publisher of the best, Partner's paor in the maritime provinces. in Tetoeto, Ontario, Dept 0Wal • writing to tia daces' woukl.say that do het know of a medicine that has fit001.1 teat Of has been an unfailing remedy in our and has outlived dozens of would-be competitors arid imitators? Thirteen 10109 OD Surfa'ee ated sixteen submerged is the tlpeed of, the. itinosos Liniment Cotes Garreat la COMIC ISKUt SZ,./174. re Ro Ast st of lo gather 1,500 gowns, and they 'are Queen Tena's "Dresser" The Queen' of Spahin chief dresser. has a ealary ef but $1,500 per annum, a merely nominal sum, but she makes at least another seven or eight lam - „from the tradespeoede seeking, the -Queen of Spain's. etzstom. This is quite well understood by her Ronal raistrese, mese, Mid the dresseee commissioreis ,regarden tee part of hos The dresser is AltiO largely. intereat- ed in 'establishment' la Paris, largely patronised by the Queen of Spain and other Royalties, out. of of probably -not less than $5,000 per alum. She isvell known to all the great Paris modistes, in several of Whoa° establishments she teuld easily • • "Ole doctor, if conid telly die," "I'M 'doing enn"best for you,n /4101 the physielan.. . • Twenty. tittles betvvecn 1010 stud 8000 raster nals virltbiu the Month of • ore. shoUlderi, lame back,. stiff neck, al Lpains na aches yield to Sloan's Liniment,„ Dd. not rub it. Simply aPply to the sore spot, it quickly penetrates and relieves. Cleaner than mussy plasters or ointments, it' does not stain the skin. ° Keep bottle, handy 10r. rfictonstitin, lumbeeo)and sore stiff muscles. , At all druggists, 2Sc. 50c. and $1.00. ere's coney our Lump WIRST pull out the stumps; then pull oUt the profits. Change " your barren stomp lands into cultivated. fields. Stop pay- ing taxes on worthless land. Clear it; do h the quickest, eaele8t • and cheapest WV* Get the money from under your stutnpa with a • 111511 nenee et) One Mall' Slump Puiler It gives you a giant's power. ” No stump, is big enough, no root deep_ enongh; to -resist it...I-form% aro unneeesSary. Your money back Willi& thisk_ #ICirstin pulls stumps 'from your kurni. „. Ten daye trial. yos Baas it' St Send for Big, Elittlit Sta. Free Ott olog _ se6 du, Pictured onetaseepa it letapellee; real the let- 4444 .ters front the formats who 'havo bought Rinstloo. 4*- "I" '14461i 66 LIMA iti0760410101 :you (nodal:net lend eleating Don't 404a