The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-11-08, Page 8t9lPd q,:I,t� T11UA8b.q, V � gn 1, 4144,, ootwea Q .Iami1 4 '"'SPARED WHEN THE WEATHER. BREAKS. WET . "YEW MAY MEAN ILLNESS ,r tock o f • Footwear i. KJoatphd e; iairry1ae Twp Faiio s ,r Eniede.. 6lwirieh; ' and Dominica.. • MEN'S, WOMEN'S, HOTS' ,R. CHILDREN'S LIGET RUBBERS WOIWRN'S BLACK' and BROWN RUSHEE GOLASHES WOM[Ehj'S• BLACK' ani DROWN FUR TRIUMER CAREIAGE!I e,t � i BOOTS, BEAYY , RUBBER S, RUBBER 'BOOTS, ETC. 'PR'ACTICALLY EYEVYirHING IN THE LINE OF RUBBER FOOTWEAR a thwell and Ree oys'.8t ffien's parables is r e•.,4 • mi„ Winter ND WEA � E R R. $HIRTT AND DRAWERS. it% WOOL $HMRT$ AND DRAWERS ALL RODE.' SOFT .ELASTIC it1>R$.. AI:L SIZES CO*BINATIONS '`IN . ELASTTIc R BBQ.. se- :WOOL..: ELASTIC' "RIGH -ALL`.. WOOL. ALSO : NATURAL WOOL. AND 1!LEECED .)r INBD• : ... TB SE UNDERWEAR` LINES ARE ALL • EXTRA VALUE 'MI CHANDISE.• SEB THEM DEFO1I = PURCHASING YOU* SUPPLY Keavy Wool ,t. Ribbed Sox for A BUSwe'11.' LUcKNOW, ONTARIO. IN`n'IGE 'i'=. '[w as+a iid�ta�ieYel�wia7oaYsaw.:. , >laileMMt r�osLHoo�elio�a, am Owe. •sett dps.wistas•n7►aai+s• wN' ming womm.nssistassivyooww. : awfebewiliwRwep tys swoe'hat swrbboblcsa. (sasagis: ' notasrs. sys.iieti Al essoba• doet •1 8 ert)MALAA el M a 'S' DRUG 'STORE, *041146011.- MOTOR ACCIDENT ISctriCatilig>iljpaclf. „Ira the rrreciage . of his .autoiholile:in which' :he had lain, itun ed and ?conscious in •i' 'ditch ,for'fear hours,‘ Reeve . W. J. , Stewar f ` •of 'West Waw�} a- osh l?o Polite at ' re� 4 +ted to lice th' his ' car had been . struck•. by 1 hit-and4un driver. lie estimated he..lay in the ditch four l ltirs► pasting, n: otoziSts faih ug tq, notice', the wreck • 'ANNIVERSARY SERVI ;..... 'AT CK RUN CigU' CII . FTSD Anniversary services at Hackett's United Church wilt be he'd on Sunday November llth, 1934. Visiting , min ., ister: 'Re!. ' Charles Cwnniings of Walton. Servfee • ` 2.30 p.m.; and 7.36 pan. At 2.30 jai..1tev. Cummings will speak; on "The New Keri inn!" At` 7.30 . the will be • Mad, p.m. • Materialism", fieS¢ECIAti•• MUSiC• T etheir will assistedby lr: JcGee•of 'Auburn, Manning Mr. and Mrs,-Maig` of Lodon and n. Mrs -Patton of •Liicknow. A, Mrs. Pgenerour pg'erin is reflest4 , ' •: FROLIC A JUCCE01 "The best Hallowe'en, we ever had," Was the opinion' of scores of children not to mention :the adults who;,"doll ed: tip" fo= the .frolic, ,sponsored by,' the business men • of the village on', Hallowe'en• nightlast week. There were 'more than two :bend - .red: red . eostonied people swarming the streets during the evening and 150' Of : them;; fell _in behind • the :Band whose -`n4` meere smilingly?; J : decked out for. the parade .- up, and: down I the: main street, kick halted at, McKenzie's corner where' a Ion- s!" bonfire. was ; 'lighted -a . � e and Where' the, judging took'( place. The prizes' were won. as follows., fancy dressed girl, ' Elva, Tivamley; comic dressed girl, Etta BelIe'Mac: Donald, fancy dressed boy,' Tonin Pat- ten; comae dressed boy, Bill, Doaglaa who was outfitted $ seltdel boy:' Cameron + ;,MaeDonald, • with 'a five foot. costume ' eiitensionu won'the; prize. for the • tallest person 'and...little Win= ifred'Steward, 2-year=old daughter of . •-and • Mrs.: Philip Steward. :i ipersonating "Kayo'! of the .funnies' von the, prize for the snidest person ,n the parade.. Yoiing Billie Decker n s clown suit, Was a ;elope second. • 'Following the; awarding "of prizes. he:' • parade"• returned ;' down.. street. where candy, . contributed : by., many., 'adies of; the village was.distribnted This is :the •fust attemPt' at any- -hing of this nature and: it was car= -ied off so `.successfully Prat no 8h . doubt i big and :better frolic; •• Will :be : ,tanned:'neat year. Little evidenceP 'or"re of damage. ,gas seen or'heard. followed •this .nnual night of prank playing and he crowd : about' town . during the evening 'was quite order, • .'ENGAGEMENT . ANNOUNCED '; Rev 'end' Mrs' W, J. Taylor • of Rockwood, Ont.,announce the, en-, •;agement :if. their. oldest •• dau hter. ' Dorothy ll glen,::to Mr. La Verne • B. 000100 .4 • Retro`ft., oldest son of the 'ate • Alea Pentland and Mrs. Pent - !obit of Dungannon, Ont.. The weld- *ng :Will' be late in November. DIED AT:'DUNG NO AN N Following a .,brief . ,,iillness: with )n eumonia-Mr. • Fred 'Reit . o •,, beloved. 'iusband of Florence Duff, ''passed' sway at Dt ngmnnon on !tttesday:' The °uneral service.•' will x.. be held •m .Dna.. Tannins Presbyteran:'Church toda- •, Thursday) , at tvvo o'clock with m- teraenp in ,Dungannon ,cemetery.: 1'o Our Friends: We warm' ,,anpretiete yonr ' ind expressions of •s th `during ant.' . Yinpa. y - g u . recent bere'avem'ent caused by ,` the death of our''' ore . m r, Margaret Kenney. W extend our special thanks to. Reverend .Father O'Shaughnessy for his kindlniess . 'and' ' Splendid', .coy operation. , • The aieinbers of. her family Card Of Thanks ' 8 The famly`•. :of the late Mrs. Alex- ,ander+ MacGregor take this Opper- .tunity to thank their frauds and neighbors for kindness and sympathy � 9 shown them in their 'recent bereave- ment' . r Cara Of . , Mrs, peter Torrance wishes to eleresa 'heartfelt .thanks to friends and neighbare for their many, acts of kindness eirprelaionawof, em- pathy yin- th . •a e ' e ,:. h pa y t, the'., time of the dtat��•her broth. an- . . heather d to, the .m the • �: rge' (Wet', ,:. � embers of Oranler their service°' and ►rata • oMca enera Mr R. J. Cameron is . visiting friende; in, Stratford ibis week. Miss,. Olive ,Alton : of Bronto spent the v9eek end'. et her home. here.. Arthur. Andrew: `of Toronto 'spent the week -end at his home ;here. Dr. Clarence MacMillan of Toronto spent the week end with his brothers on ibo, 6th of Kinloss.,: Mr Jack Beaton, who iii with the 'imperial Oil Co, in, Toronto,'apente the week end 14 his home •here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Johnston and fainily of "Goderich /were' Sunday vieitors with Lucknow relatives; New large: } size Flannelette Ruin l kets-lboz—w; White: and Grey at special prices.. THE. MARHE"I' STORE Miss. Fanny Wall: litte Mary and Ruth Anderson visited over the week end with the tormer's ' parents; ]iMir and Mrs .Wilson Wall, The regular meeting of, the'. Wo- men's 'Institute will be held at the home , of Mrs. J ' S. McKenzie;' on Friday; November 9th, at 2.30 o'c10 k. Contest "Lemon' Pie". . SALE OF MILTANF tY—for .Fri day and Saturday of this week, Noe- ember owember 9th and .10th. Good selection of hats at • $1.00'and up -- • :. ' BELLE JtOBERTSON Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Annie wall and little daughter Leslie Mae of Wing- . ham. "visited over the week end . at •the home -of 'Mr andTMxs Wilson Wall,. cm. Kinloss. as. Have 'you heard. the talk? Ever*- place they're talking about '"Marry, ing Marion".' Presented 'by;the choir and Y. P. S.', . of 'Lueknow United Church,` Friday, November 16th: Ad . mission 25c. Mrs. D M.1 Johnston and- daughter •Helen. and Mrs, W. ,C..Jbhnston spent the week end at the homeof Mr.> and Mrs: W. J.'•Todd and: on• their return were accompanied by: Mrs:: Todd;' whe. *ill spend. week•in Strathroy. Mr. and Mrs ' . Themes • Aitchison, Cliff and Mrs., Horace Aitchison': `at tended the' funeral 'of'.Mr.' ]fired, Car. rah, which, 'was held from- the home of Mr, and Jigs. Ernie. Aitchison" ill Harriston; to: Wingham cemetery-' on Friday.' Mise Jean.. McCallum if Hamilton, spent the week' end at her;'fome here. Mrs. McCallam, who:. has 4heen quite ill and in a weakened, condition, • is not regaining her strength'' as •her many; friends.: would' wish. Miss' Mai _aha McCallum, who' his been: in c_ on 'stint: care 'of' her another, spent the week, end in gingham as,: the pleat of Dr..and Mrs Wm., Connell:: ' There was s_ good, attendance :at the Anglican fowl supper en Tuesday :•sight, : in, the .Council ``Chamber, when ,a• delicious and • bountiful supper Was served : at tables 'that were groaning ender their laid,: and,.' : which' were neatly laid.:So, freely did' the members contribute,. that ip 'spite of the =M.: ber served there,' was a anrples. 'of food cad font and, a ';splendid 10c sUPper'i'k!a<s served Wednesday. even - The'., Women's MisaionarySociety. orthe <Presbyteri an Cfiarch will hold their',Thankolfering ,on -Sunday •even- ing, November lith, at 7 o'clockTl'iie_ special speaker will:be Miss Dorothy, Douglas, who=:, vill speak on her work r i n'Ta math, Formosa;: On ::Hondas evening a set' of slides. will •be shown at 'the guild. The pictures will be of :ormosa erld.Miss Dpnglaa willgive e accompanying lecture.. Everybody welcomer:.. .. Moine' Front 'Hespltal •• ,`After twelve dais 'spent 'n y pent i Wing- ham Hospita'. withperitonitis. bo* - aids ' ThomPs on was brow ht � her . g honie�here on :Wednesday. Possibilities of': an o ra 'o pe ti n, being • necessaryhave. '1 passed' for the time: beingat east, .., and ;her • medical" attendants ' are agreed t hat her .recovery, will proceed Will as favorably at `tier home, While yet not out of ,.danger,.. the : inflamation appears to be slowly subsiding, bit Donald* 'list' be confined to, bei bed for seine week*, en S neth Camera?, Dirt. M L. M. Bradberry and Mr. and Mrs. Edw , • ar(� •. Franks and son Gordon of Paris spent the. week end with ,tie former's'O ar ents, Mr., and Mrs R. J. Cameron. Kenny was . a , valuable member of . the Vocal hockey team last *inter. On 'Tuesday, night he had a .workout with the Ayr team olY'. Halt ice:„ . A s. iunior teem i all that Ps ria •Yana on.'entering yearHenn* this ' and as Keri ' la is; s little: over age, his friends here Wish him luck in ,eatchin ' Place p e g aac on .t'i'e senior team in the neighboring feria• of Ayr. WEDDING. BELLS McQUILLAN-akii 111ON' At Sacred Heart Church on Satur- day morning, November 3rd, at Six o'clock, Florence, C., ..only daughter of and.•Mra.,•John•McKinnon, Cul roar, was united in marriage to Mr.. Wilfred McQuillan, only son of Mr. and Mrs. James. 'McQuillan of R. It71, Lucknow After a short , motor : trip, the bride and' groom Will reside In Weet Wawanosh.-• TNOMPSON-; JOHN$TON • A quiets wedding' took;. place, in the parsonage . at RRagersville .. $aturdaY afternoo; November 3; vyhen.:liuesel H. Thompson of .Auburn,, Younger of ' Mr.,and' Mrs. William J. Tlomp son: and,, Marian M: Johnpton, o' the second concessionsof Ashfield, daugh. ter of the .fate 'Mr. and Mrs. George Johton, 'were • united in marriage by Rev.. Gomm; a .former pastor .of. Dungannon church.; The bride wore' a burgundy Mk velvet ' dress, trimmed with cut velvet • with accessories Ito match. They were unattended. Mr.. and Mrs. Thompson left by 'motor for Tillsonburg, Galt and 'other parts:. On their return they "will reside in Auburlt. ' • FARROW—McLELLAND• A quiet wedding took place at, the nits U ed •Church•so i ',gee, ' Par n • Cheeky,: 'On , Wednesday, •October 3lst, , when, Laving McLelland: • 'daughter . of Mr. and Mrs.' Fred McLelland of 4th Con. Elderslie, .*as united ' in marriage to Clarenq Baker Farrow of Holy'- rood; the' Be6.: A: R.. Huband offciat- in,g'.. The bride, Who 'Was attired, in her travelling ensemble . of navy blue crepe and ''hat 'and shoes to m. atch; carried • a bouquet '• of- mauve white baby chryyantheuaums: She was attended by her sister, Mize. Vera McLelland, who 'was dressed :in •81431)- per :skip-per 'bine . crepe with black felt ,hat.` The groom` was : supported by , hid; brother, Mr. ; Eraeiit ' Farrow: ' Aft* the ceremony. ' Which was witnessed by only, it dew. 'intimate friends of the ,contracting 'parties,'' the - happy couple left:. :14'11104W `forma trip to points in Southern Ontario. On their return • Mr and : Mrs. Farrow; Wilt's reside at Holyrood, five miles ' north *f Lucknow. Don't fail' .to. see "Marrying • Mar- ion" the musical comedy' presented by the Choir and YP .5., of. Lock - now United Church ,in the Town: Ha11, November 16th:- Admission 25c. WHEN READ1x1TG • 1 BEEP. 7S NEEDED Yea Moat hive noticed that some of your friends :. hold their :reading . matter .falr 'front their eyes., :Metre you ever ,wondered Why they•.do that* The' cnuse is a Inas of the focussing .power" :of ; the ..eyes.. Can'this.Jbe ;restored'!. ;Not natally..But.it,can 'be'`sup=•'' '-plied by a competent eye service: All who • read', with difficulty .should note the above. ' " AEMSTBONG'g: Eyaei t•Ser'vioe New Fllannels, Flanelette, Wash Materials,' Shirtinga,, Cottonades,':.etc. THE MARKET STORE.: ' MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER WOR BRIDE'• ELECT A- •pleasant. time ..Was spent Thera- day afternoon at . the home: • of •Mia. T Robinson,' when theladiea : � in tile: neighborhood met tog ether, to surprise Miss Alma"Y Carruthers;.with• s miscellaneous shower .in.' honor • f 0 her approaching 'marriage. Progres- sive -euchre was rig„order :before the stock' wedding • cereanony took ,place. which tinged much amusement,: Leona •White'acted • as ' bride, with 'Margaret ,Maclntyre' her Bridesmaid, while Elizabeth . Robinson act” ' the part of a `very' nervous ;'groom'. •Blanche McDpugall took:• the' part of the minister: After the , gifts, ::which Were nameron`s . and • : pretty, 'were tethered into the loom. Lena Robinson read 'the address; after which tiath McKinn'on,'nnwrapped •the presents, while. Myra '$rooks :read the . verses attached t0':eaoriented and "resented them to the bride, -to -be at the. conclusion. Miss: Carruthers 'thanked the ladies very kindly for. remembering 'bei, A 'progra)n. followed filch' consisted of a -reading • by Mary McKinnOn: solo by .Mrs: E. Aciceit, 'accompanied. by Mita' Win'n fled• Ackert;: pan inatruh. mental' by Blailc`he McDpngall; quartette by'�Mrar R., Msrtiin, Mrs,, D McKinnon,!, Mrs W. McDonald , and Mrs. R. ddleton, with ith Mrs. Bright* at the piano. :Mrs; A. Sutleerlancl acted as chairlady.' After thero- p grana, everybody sift down to • the tables, when a dainty • lunch was seried' : rind a pleilbarit thereµ spent:, alb o" ra res hu rsday . NOV be �o,ts; reduce: t Messes: reduced itsreduce • 4 ompson's Specials. PURE CLOVER HONEY, 5 LB: PAIL ` ... .50c 32 OZ. RASPBERRY, STRAW " JAM 32c 32 OZ. RED PLUM JAM ., , : ••••••••• 25c 32OZA PRICOT JAM _.. ..... ,; ▪ 32c' N CANED PEAS, CORN, TOMATOES, Choice Quality,. 2 25c PEARL SOAP, 10 BAR _ ,... ▪ 33c 3 BARS TOILET SOAP . ,.. 2 CAK7S CASTILE SOAP . , " SEEDLESS RAISINS, 2 LBS • ;25c B 4,: LBs .• . ;25e CELERY. CELERY HEARTS.. E . 1# AD LETTUCE :ion ictur� ►o� ►ome' to. En ''land . , , Scotlen,d veld' :'UNDER AUSPICES Oil, THE BOY SC,OU 511►''. tib• ties c a • at 8 o'clock v er 8 REELS 'DEPICTING A,DELIGHTFUL ATLANTIC, VOYAGE AND FASCINATING S.CENIES AND PLACES,' OF' .HISTORIC . ' INTEREST IN THEN OLD LAND 4, Entertaining: Numbers Between Rech, Featuring ' Cameron Geddes and a : Talk 'on Scouting • Work and Purposes by . Dr. R. J. • Bowen, S ataaster. ADMISSION "'25e, CHILDREN •15c. LONGEVITY'' MARKS FAMILY JMr.; E S. Caswell of Toronto, :in :. wnting to the.. ,Goderich Si goal, : re- views briefly the history Of the Daniel Webster'' family of Lucknow, which. is well' knownto Sentinel: readers:. How- ever a poetion of hla,letter' 1s• inter estingly devoted' to the various aa' vaneed lige* oto Which members of this family lived,, and which we re= `nt: r ; Pi'i , I b d o ' G 1 'lin Old ron:•..co'et• my surely might make a good claim for su P. remaey in the .matter of family lofig- eviY in the e +eco t ` rd 'of the:. Daniel; Webster family. of Lucknow, all"` of whom belie '•now passed sway,' the last to go (June 25th of • this year) being : Miss Elizabeth ' Webster "Aunt: •Liz " as she was commonl known-- •- a�•. t the extreme of ninety one, i age There were ;m all five sons and fivedaughters, a dug rs, the sons, with their ages et death, being James (86), Rob - err (89, Thomas (83),.Richa'rd',(66'', and 'Daniel (74); the daughter's; Rachel (Mrs. Alton, 70; Mary Ann ,(Mrs, David ' Anderson) ' 3 Miss Elizabeth 91; Margaret ata. Turn' er) 72; and Miss' Susan, 62. The. 'com- � bine(' lige" of the ten total 786.lrears., with' an averaged age for each ' of nearly 79 years. Four of the faninil - L Uwe 'sons and •two :daughter aver- aged within a, aiilall'lraction• of trine:: ty years,; Sure''.7` rd this` recent.' ' vdould be hard to -. heat -' • .even id this, healthful` Province," 7 • ANGERSAG ST E bE LIG Tp`L1L, , SOGO1., F a • .Under the, lin `fie rvisiori ' pe ri of Mrs. A: E, Mc-im and�'Mirs. it:: BOWin, she �.. , J. B wen he Ranger troop held 'a delightful magi- Ogrede party tt ;the Orange Hall o 1.. g ,, n *(day eng+ recently' Ranger, and these joining the organization invited ':.friend ;'and tlfe pleasant'' Party Pn Y numberedsoine;; fifty persons, all in cos tame, which made;a colorful and amusing scene.,. The evening wae'apent In` contests,; games and,' dancing"and,' coriclud, befog. . .., e midnight' . wtth.• the , serving of refreshments. The Sepoy orchestra >, furnished "'music for' the dance. ' The ize', winners:, were: ' .,,prize . e fanc jr dressed sed ' ri Jennie Pear loran o; i dressed,A.cmc ' a . Betty. McKenzie, The bo s• ..Y. prizes: went to Douglas" Trench and Elliott Carruthers, both' in coma c costume. FIVE IN AGAR CO. ' WAEN..MISAA P OCCURS ., ' • ,A s • We tern' publication rues g. more details of the accident w'i • hick occurred ;in, : North Dakota which°' .proven#eii members of .the' Agar" family ,from (tending their father's fiine ,.; gal here • • 1 las f week: The Agar car ran into the ditch and :rolled. Over several times,near Minot ,:North Dakota: The Car. driven ` by';Charles Agar, M.X, A.. for Hanley, ands wrecked'and'.burned: in the ac cadent. The`. Western despatch 'reads''in part "Mr. Agar," accom an'' P .led•by his r , two brothers, ., I' brothers, i. L. Agar • of SaslitLff tope, and I. F. Agar; Floral farener.:: 0 and. his ta+- .'si"steric,. Mrs.. JY Lawson o ' f Chebiot, and Mrs. Edward Sterdee ' of . d Qu'appelle, had 'just crossed;' into the United'. States :a ' ,., S Wrday en route, to 7Yncknow,. Ontario', "A.11` exce - • pl: ,,.. Charles es A re ' g .r ceiVed injo'ries • .toy • ' • • head and face but were able to travel' h ntewsird by train after ' . r receiving medical attention` The family o . g ,lug east`tff attend" the funeral o ' f the father. d'a' , rhes Agar, who died recently' in Lucknow." •