The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-11-01, Page 6••• • 'the ress Canada* The Empire and The World at Large cAN.ADA • EUROPE'S DEFECT , . • Trave1lere:4. vidul letura from; Europe are fond of telling the great number . • of • ways in ,which Canadian life is more pleasant - than 'EurOpean, Hut if yentattled, for a newspaper Perreispea- •dent to get down -to the4ea1essen- , Hats.. This . man remarhe.4 ieeentlY Ihat 'the Chief trouble with, Pqr0P4 that You can't buy decent to*tit,ees, or corn on the doh thete.7-7,4TanC0tiver Son. • ' •• "$ • CHURCH ATTENDANCE • CoverflOwing congregations ire. can- • shIg sevoral Ettffllsh•eath,edrais to • enlarge their' •acCommodat1on, This increasing interest in religion is not •Confined to any particular area Of the country, nor to any clasa, or, soolety. '131aekburn in the heart of the cotton industry ef 1.,aneash1re is to spend 190.00e popeda on additional. space • for public, attendance at :its cathedral ' 'services. -St. .Thomas 'Tiares-Jeurnal. • SLEEP . 0 RGI ES • There can he orgies. of ;sleep, says „ Lord Herder, the King's Physician. •,Yeeng people 'should not be denied • ridetpiate sleep, "hut," he celltitaled; • "when.young peoplebetween the ages _of 20 and 25 still come down to their, .hrealiast at any old time:after father has gene' to .butinesa-:that Is encour- aging :aim: Of sleep;: and1 Would • pet it iii theicame•Category. as bad ha- ; bits which arniaduced bY alcohol. and' . , ; Iiypnotic druge . and.. shOuld. be resist - .ed. -Moncton TrrinacriPt. 1, • • • ' ' DOI-LS ' , There are considerably More than 2,000,000 dolls. made .in Canada in a year, dolls of lall hinds. Thcse 'char*, Ing playthings for Canadianbabyhood and: Iiirlherid, ran into real" Mellen without taking account of the„iniports: The factory pricei4or, these two mil;. lions- Made in Canada aggregates ab- out 23.12,000.-.-43areisirrof Statistics. THE , REAL TEST ' You think men are stronger -Allan womins? Then ishoili Us a man Wheel* •eook a meal With "two babies-, ender. feet;WithOut going crazy. •-- Tweed. nevfs..: • , VINTAGE YEAR FOR SARDINES — There is Se,ot mulled 'Hear who •-1 is alicensed Vatiquer In Old Loudon ;7-1A° ;features sardinesofl his menus • Mi. .31o:sr-is an, Jsritliority on ,sar- dioes,:and aPeaka:'• .61. their vintage . years- with .the 'seine affeetiOn. as an '.. Henan, infikaaPer aPealgi efi'ivinok.He has, his cellar for staring.•them for ear,s, turning the can aver once, 3110 thiti*that th oltve Oil will Rret..• •..perly 'see ugh •the fishes. • For . thoie ,w are', interesled in • take st d • . • ear es,. r. o t .. ern; ies are 1908, 1910, and 1917. ' The 1908 vintage is So rare now that ;Mr. !tiger Only eekves. them:tell* spe- dal friends and on special occasions. • He'layit down the 'principle that .ear- • dine:: are not "fully Matured'!: inuf . • . , l'thelr•liaie been kept In the easr for 25'. te.30•Years Thomas TimeaJeur- , • • , TH RI LLI NG FORTY VEARS It May,..Well be doubted whether the Canadian: ;.clisheirer entertainedantan. a•mere.unicitie Careers Or a great-, • ter • liere;Iltatt Sir 'Wilfred Grenfell,. Ito.recent ineat...1Aa rt, yming. medical. •.• Man he chose 110 east his .hfe. among the figierfOlk: Of the •Pihrtidar 'Coast.. 1There he • has labored for two score . years and hla work has awakened the. ,liiterett theEnglith. slims:king World Per years he has. advocated that • :trader, should •beeerne. part Ofpgatuitta- ,,HO'inits.,esMblitlfed hospitals and also- Sieted at 'a preacher,' teit- Phytician: and: surgeon,. magis.„ , trate,' evincing2the; keenest and Mast eympathetic intereat in the :Various. • proldemt of a'•iseafisrieg •coast people. He has :trotted :an • interest In NO!- . Culture and ,hattlealtUre . and 'other- ' 'ioheres Of 'aCtiiity, 'until the rest, dents feel .:that ,thelr effOrta..isre' no tenger. restricted to tlshfng. He his inientjd a clothfor editing, and per. • ,fcirree4 many ;,tithet netalee aerviees.. Thenarrsition- Of tense of hie exper- „ .leridea.thrilled.the large audience pre, sent.', As a' niiiiitett: recegittien or, his great tI to this little Irntiwii. teat, • .161i Of the Einlitre, His Majesty con- fetred On Dr.,Grenfeff seine years .agt1 %the; Order tif St; Michael and or $t • ' laorge in Met; he • was the 'prat to .,reeeive this distingeithed order. for, ••- InittiOnary:work: Ile rarifsa as. One at the • .great • lieites of our t ' " 'te iQaiI asid EmPlie •• • STAY AWAY 4 rotteetiondOnt writing to the teS7, from the Sturgeon Rtver g6id field glide advice regareitig the eiSilipment Onelshonld take there l HO says that it is,' welt to • bring, 600, • Mostly in Small hills; :Better 'atilt, he, adds take. 'change and, lese your $200 • at hoMee terth the 'gr,eetiliorn the: tittle tette* has not got • a Clainee In :the new, field.-Stratord . ilettcon-iletald - ' . " SO Id Elrl4 !ha I'd, Al hi• At those 'who take pride in the height •...I:4 their hollyhocks:and .gladlolas may, ,interesfed in., hearing! that a • ter- • lila seaweed,i the "odiOd.atthins ••la length Of 1,500 feet while another Jatiety.has leng....The.1.Vintilnek.-Tritietie. • AND L REar Sir Eritish adver- tising sPechilist, finds that 'bread the • etteaPeat or a11 lcods head4 'the list cl nut -0007.004s. Widespread aecep- tance of that simple trutlywould soon bring about disappearance of the sur plus of the world'a wheat. -Brockville Retarder and Times, CAN RABIES ALWAYS DQ WELL? , Pr. Alzur• Puma. ef TOMO told . gathering in that city , that, tthere _are '407 diaeases, wiIich a child can haY0,1Itit of that len' list, only 100 are formidable: He 11.1130 Stated his belief • that • the .100 diseases are . prevent, At Uwe we read �t folk who: reach • the age of 90 or 95 years and they re, cail;with a triumph which ;s6unda , Setneihing..,:the boasting that 'harp never been tick M bed a day in, tbelr lives. We *kelt that such Pee-, 'ple having felt Miserable at. tithes.; kept on Putteringabout• and probah, ly took their bitters. standing o refit. er „than leaning en the elbOW In bed: •• When Dr. Alan *Own- says child- ren's: sickness Is preventable to the extent of.I.00 per, Cent, We cannot yIth technical intelligence combat such a 'claim. but , with: the. Perversity 'of a layman's mind We can •doubt it. The, Dionne children have had ..splendid .treatMent and much pare hat been inviseted ,in 'their health; but it was • ' . . not Many', weeks' ago: that they had the big world conference of the FeL some-Sort`of trqUb1 in' their. • little lawlthiP'at '"*" in 1'931' all ho then Mamie& and linardt'ginerallycine bad the vision and iniative to draw rigewhraalontte:unpetrattiotonnaar tt.gtid it ran the en4,,.4,at:han4entio4b. t:ttargthTeunItita'a•ifif, icultieS - firelive.7-4tratford_fteaeon-Hemick_. • : HIGH HEELS ' • WHERE JOHN' D. MISSED irecould Only begin to adopt the .• . footwear Which. had -scarcely a• heel W411 PII-.4011.14 b Rockefeller ballt et. en niarge measui:e.,*of our foot dm; Rad •Cltyr In New York, , the *Odd ablftties 'Weak disappear." This,: 15 the, Gemiinized. Ch , er e* lseic-duf.,4„p Linlwig Mueller is in -a new at.ie for saPtemacy'of- his' church over' all alien, The Protestan church of Bavaria has issued a manifesto challenging, his atthacitY• Yn this •• picture he is " seen hand upraised, at a Nazi Christian meeting is the SportsPalast, Berlin. With him is his deputy, „ Gern0111Y- The -wtensa et the „Neth• • ifiatiditfeaPecta to rechtha her rightt .• When, t4e, clemis ot Pt* tieiresder 8.glitter. . , DreSse ere 'modish artd, 4,44r.' if shortened", even though. QUeen help:dna NIB admit ' her presence no WOM00 'With nebbed hair cr cut-. .011t dresses./ Society womeis, must „ !Cake. a Choice, either, to folloW the conrt or follow Mehion,•' , . Uftinjof U.S. Hay DOT: ExpIeined to canacii4.46. . , . The, prOcibmatierl PresiciOlit Ra9a0Telt regarding the: liftieg of • the' duty en ,Canadian hay expel -tee to the south, only 1s1104..,,impertattens Intotlte States to be, free of duty wider siderable limitations,- the, object the laW ',being IQ provide 1.6r. areas • where, dilate the.drought, extraordin- , • ary Conditions. prevail. • , „ . . This- Was pointed out in Montreal" by wholesaler dealers in hay .wh 0aieled that t4e anefien,qt, , ment had left Quebec farmers "in aa excited condition". .• • Sees Need For. •'Trained Crew Sopwitb ' „Admits gaillOOW ; Handled Better. Th(tn tndeavour: • ••• • . . • , • 'New York. -Future challengerfor the AMerica'S 'Clop Meet . have crews'' • at, least approaehing the eilleienci 'of these of the United ',S,tates defeneers. T. 0. M. Soliirith; owner ,and skip-. • Der 0! the latest. 'challenger. was told the siltiMate-inaaisic .halle :bad been ,acitiered.:... Never' .hed any- thing so 4tie been: erected. :it a.. thee- tre, It was suppiieed'* traits ill the le, test,Wrinki'' eaIn Oniiipinent, and a few •thinge.: that were considered: year!: le'. • stockings fOr-childrea Which. the- • head': ' . • ';', Point .,iirsa • net= aPiieSite the great In% But one old-MahielIC4,' yet ever po: .and deprecatedshoe:yes which therm, performer could net etage. ,h1s• side 'line Is twisted and the' toesnaee, nheir in Radio City. '..11e was Thurston 'ciatatied...Bat who is going to 'set a :.fite:niagielau. When. the Mae of inegle '110It fashion? The.woManwhO,plieeses. went 13 arrangefor his •act'he found high heels feels thatshe must. be lin the had not l3tit 4 trail, door on the the fashion., and •the • hosier and shoe - stage / „. • " :maker Makes what. Ite• knows will sell. •o Thereto*, did. not ..play the world- vhet elusive •. •Custemer who „ myster- • . . . • • tanitsita ,ingsle hall.: For the aliCheat of handy dfetateii•the.,yagariet•ot fashion Magicians lajtist an, ordinary .indiVid•r had nuch to tastier". for -Weekly• 'nal *hen :140 stage has no trap ;doors.. 'Scott:Man. .• • • • • • • • -Border Citiet- • ' • • • , . • , ,LooKEDPart-Time „ , •, .• • A.Regiaa lawyer who took his clientGoo. :. . defendant. In a Wife -beating ease, to • fot,Students. • . . , . • 004 wis..able•to. . • '.•• .report • .0. the magistrate tryung the . Madison, Wis.-1...t.'''Wpaid. be a 'vied; • all students` wOuld'.heve to man that he. ez1P. eeted. no. •turtli, er diffi• • th.l!lit • . elf-MYCliaii,. been. int-Tilf Ei-.;7.-dtraonfethiag ',..to 1e1p--supporVihent•- preated,Judgert_baxe4hoeaAnoyfn._..1o: selves while in.: :college,: &COO;H. sentence .peOple :to church attendance'Goodnight deaf Of 'men at t e ;and jail inspection might he en:Siree.,:!• versity- of Wisconsin •• 'deelared :in a tire ueterreat;.partietitoili.if •Werdent talk to educators attending. the, In - could be set the, stage 'a ..Stitate.' for 1 •Speetintendenta.. .' end little lienirehandatiatoen. ';gtar... Principals,: held at the'. State-,.Uni- ' , . IvereitY "recently.: •• •Dean Goodnight• on •tise... •HE:E,MPIRE lation•;sap be.tw.ee,n ..s.ta.deat employ - 1 tan1h.raalty'oUstadeZrk_ti4:niv4xslw.Tventiie- : INFANT MORTALITY In SCOTLAND ,1;sge.. the Oen, said, he ...thenght. . It 'unfortunately the ease that the :04 -meet was i had. -thing for the intantf:iflortality Bffaree. for 'r;atiaild :Ancient, but his .experience with sto- cohnparo badly With those for England ',dents.. ghee their has ' eonibiced bier. end. Waite, The ,1993 rate;•ln:'Seotliutd, :otierverisc, no.discovgirod: rthat..it • was • /11, •and 13 .Glasgow It was as :him .eiwieseieut but Other .factors 4145 VC' The dirrerence 18 probably.; due which erd , with, cesege .14r:tcli partly to He cited several cases Of *irking and 3 housing :conditions,-Glatgoir Herald' .thileAieigw,:okinheresittcW,IgTaildeist7,4di'itf,ii. PATERI4Al.." THOUGHTFULNESS .tnneit.,• . • . ,nunotd• „ • • . Lord ;Canibridge 18 among the tath-, ;ern; who 1kes . 0n. daughter to *tr. -In one.. study taken at the. niiirer- sitY, 57 cases of etedent*... *4!) were .something asellga!ro an that he can • entlieli'self4upporting• :.Were con - always recognize her in the?park. red :with 57 eases of ;nonemployed solopoRg,p ExAmPt-E • Itiuleats, .al) it their 'freshman year. ' it not Merely ''a •slti• The average grades 'at the 'end of the On." It 121 'sound advice and at the Pre:-. s,r_hoer, year. Were', virtually the sabre,. 'seer tin* It MI auPPorted.by an appeal .4, peak, ' Geodniglic said Of 152 freth• .te the: loyalty "er the people of :Hoag Min students . in an .erigineeritieclass Kong to Benoit • !British Empire Trade in;the battle keroverseas ket •with foreign rtials. We ;congratti-, late. Siegal:6re On itit" enterprise'," in fielding ita',dectind'Ilritith Trade, Fate: and 'with ,thein the .silcceas• they de*, • , . • , . . •. , erve.• •,00d. helps thoge who • help them sallies„l' and it, must be truly' said that. theStralialarte, acted up:40' Ole .014.., in& To Years. age they; were tn the, depths .ut •••atureilI ; and now: by. their I 17 Who dropped. out Of -ach'oel, dnly energy and foresight they have pulled two Were those Who were Working themselves • out .Ot the Mire.. Rubber their tidy though school. !dm suAgin . . , and tin have •both paled round, 'anti..n nails •assistant dean. of Women. .to,, ore, their • enterprising• teadear in studying •the eases Of 80 women ,cies,' they inanediately Dritiih; students' who had a, •-percentile :Siert Velr: Could net, Heist ;Kong, tae 'a' nee of from '911 to 100, stild that neir• 'leaf but of ging,allere7s ;ther healthnor eraPleYMent alre0ed Xeaii Press. • •' ' • their 'pregrama Ih schOei, the; demo . ,• iiew expressed, by ;Prof. 'John Fraser: Edinburgh in addressing ' the 'autumn Convention Of thet, Incerporated Se& iety of Chirepedistal He „ condemnedthe style of teens, or• We year ago,.21 received hen:sr rat-. ing .at the ',end of the year. Ont of this number 16 'did not do outside Work and five did. Of IS students from the greup who dropped, out of settee', only three were 'doing outt side work. • , In •another class of 177 studenta. 24 were on the toner ratingl, and of these eight .did outside work, Of the ' SOUTH AFRICAN '01,IfjetEi%1S. ekosd, ' South Attica is • faded, With' ninny ' • prribleset that de not affet niffitforArbor Day Revived Iit• Aid tunatelY titiitt'ed tenni:lea, Ifs east ,.•..,I • New Zid 'diataiiceS: and, "scattered••• • PopUlation 4:!;:es .Y, , introduce dlflltulties Of nr..."attiaat!eil tuck1and, $.Z.7 -Arbor Day untfa. and tinanCe that are anknewti. • in old, died Into New. Zealand Years er" lands It. poOr whltes constitute but gradsially negletted. :Is ',he* orgilerii that can only; he paralleledq:belpg is alien to be. In. the:Seuthete States Of the ILS:ik...a Sigh et.riiitsiteutug of na Odra] on.• And; our natlie problent 1., pedullatlY •StleiitiietS•toWard• 'trees, ' oht• OiVii; All these r matters are impet- • New Zealanders are beglithiltig ttv tea enotgii to have attriseted the at. r.'ealizohow they here ..t;a1.404 theit• teritIon ot. the greateat living auhor nat�nal forett ;estate. Thia year,. Ar,;• itieri,,and• their, •netiimulated. ;•kniiiri...` her DO was *.celeheittedby tectgeiO flow to he -pike& at otsc ; tree -Planting in. sereilai ' places,' p�sai, for We have to thank the and the doretorit;Cenerlits ore an eln. outh African members .of the. Neri etient address, kiii; the value tit, foreatif.7--- ' •-"" . •- ." , *:*•• of the Air C•C •: jack. .00C4- • .411.1iInds. of peeves., erftleitnss and Orgementa M. -get. eft our. theist • t.hi,s, week; Must reply to that letter from *Ur entliustiatie adadrere Of this' Mil.Z first Here. 'Os 'lett an they ivrate it Dear . (rnfil „wonder • ,.,1304 sites: 'reading' the rather choice lines that jtialt°W-W)OnSde;i1.8Iii)litat"OrAlter•,tga:E.v(iiet.o4;:W d the idea that yea' were a,eritic .of hinge?, ...Persona:BY' ,WO :think; 'Yoe' should, be wntjng eseaysee' daisies and.iptirigee: as they teem to, he more iti.Y.Ortr: Hee,. • 'PersonallY we • d� not WM • Cirnie.n. Lembsiide's 'singMg ourselvea, but 1! yen Could . gel hag is Spied, you would 'itet bo.editing a hgf. piet.hith. town ' • ,••'. • . what YOGI' opiaien" (teak; .theY 'giro us credit for haiing*One)..it good.,'orcheStra? The -Crazy: AWater .Crystall'Beliadeert, Alt ,Hasreigant -1Welie1leyetherernightliti-toMerteet geed ole subtle tercamis In that 'last bays, Or halt -wits). : s• , . e, ParaeraP. en ' YOU', apparently „don't :like Wayne:. ••king. but Whet is: pared to 1.60.000;000NOrth,/imerieans.... • So :.t.t ane,rimsie; critieto another, .; ' • Weremala; , James Pickering, H., E. Spell. c...•E; Gray, /C'"rmapitillan " ' • . . , And thus ends the letter., • . •,Well, inine friehda;:' ea One "merile. criUc tO Teem' quartersof anotherM.e. We fait te see exactly What yoU're..dri-.: r1411.4eepesateWincee rty11.4istithat. oear' ealtUe*girltli.Cethte‘" inAheherticuiturel line his been en- ' tirely insideenate,;heice our aerriees as an essayist on daisies and pansies would, we belleie.be sadly ignored: Still; it slrOaldbe an.' absorbing enb- jot,. and 'Might bo•taken up• seriously as i hobby. 'bat: then, of course; you Weald With Your appareat fainiffiarity, of the Matter, know better. than ns, at, tO Whether at not It is.' an interesting • ; as we in'Our isbysinal.ignerince,' anti-: .ciPate,it.woidd be. • '.. • „ • But then We're hedgirig aren't Wei :Well Sappote you tifx'..':0 Write me Mr. ain Solite thee And State :jest a ,,trifie MOM, defieitely What Val Or 'pins Sit .oisr analysli',Of,denee baUftS :YOU find It hard to atone:eh; ; , •Intbetaeantjme• think- of that •chaw :fitV,datilit ag moroideallY inclieett .13, we tetin to be who,, attending the "Ltinibitidet greed inserting at the Co can:it drove last Beas�n. liatened Very quietly' while.:Oui. asked 'the crowded' tiOet,*hit '010Y. *Wild like for an Core, Whereupon the Stile chappie ,probably, intern mercesle the0 ever: ed up-41thirie '16neal,' • • ' • . . . *oars latest reprininad Of rad* 18 justas timely and true as his others 'hire been. He tog In .part '"Today, the ettin, Watch, 'rather • than :the mas- quet Of comedy and. tragedy are the gods Of radio. The este and natural, OM. et ;n0 artist's -Performanee.- 'are aide:Mined when be. beconies elOCY cOniefeus. , 'Yet, the tinie limits 0!,0. rid* •pertOriminee . are such that • eloelccentesotiitnets deieioliesw It it the 'teak' Of., the -producers. 1 Who in- stead tif leaving, a.*t of, latitude in' :a program try to stuff, ineVery Peal 7 We, are of the' ,opinon that ROO, It Die greatest ahrinniab ea radielWit neathis glorielis programs width rei• la* 'their „air or ,dpitgiatai. ieterataL , tcorie ot thecnaenta4k mgt „ , Paul Whiteman it quoted tit saying: 'It's hard to tell irbether Ramona is a better blues lsinger or Piano player, Gend heaVens! Mr. Whiteman do you consider Ramona 'a singerhe she Ersdeavor, told k.; groep. Over so Islue Admittedly' she does - 1 very-fin-e-plano. Ent sing? . • it is said that Rudy,.Vallee is on the owe with N.B.C4'end ,now conies :the big surprise: WIII.Oshorne- his old rt. Is being heard regalarlY on sthe Ree apt -Work. We can7t imagine Val- lee' biting much sleep Over it thong* BY the by the crooner and Alice Faye 'are reilly that way. 'Relined,. HOneist! • Born& Mineeritelsand his •Harinori- ice Itasca* are stilt' very Much in our' Pictans.'as witness their grand broad- catit to Byrd . Way down souther.;than " • • Lawrence Tibbet'a Singing On the Packard prograni Marks a new high in. eitertainment, for. the winter sen. Listened' to the Pontiac :hilt hoer last night: It lack that something with, which hit pregrinnmes are built. And -piithiglineine eivieetordiswiiiing that Al Goodthan has. the ilnest, of all emu:emits' orcte.stras. Frank ',Black . . • or no Freak Ina k. Orchids iheeis,Or whit have yeateSiginuidSpitetk_fotilsin_pat on" the back to Jelin Charles Thomas; He ilp;!nami ,the the; smoothest, most velvety quality to lie toiled in any singer today...". Hairy'. Carry andk1Price�ntht Kleenex program • emanating ,from CFRB are lastabout at 'onsylay" expected. perhaps:if Misa, Carry, sang rt bit More iln.tene; it void:13141p mat: ten infinitely, .oh„ well; we've eitilied Ofit tie . prof:mei, ,enough Icir this Week to; With ,a plug for "Let's takea walkiroand. the -block" •we bld you,all "Heigh -lie' till next. week. Economic Misfortunes DiitchWoniiii • Ainsterdainomen . Of tie' Die& erlands are retre.irting a little atter haViag attibied .most of the •obJec., tire:1:er femin•Hiam ;tie years hinter diiitely . the war. • 1 , - , . , , ,TheY are' being driven hack by the ecOnoMie ShisfOrtune.s.sof tlia, lit: tie atate. Female employees- ot .the GoVernment.,mait reidge uPpn nrarry-,, *fnied-haneithepdrist.,ctfee. carries.; en. -to c�mm. „ . . , But IV Ls not a "back. tO ' the, kit- ,. elien"1„,mereesent such as gent- on: in • 'Tie -never seen Mich precision as 'Yen are got your crew down to". he said. "It's a terribly hard standard 13 Ilve upto, bat it's a standard We have got to,' get close t� if 'We want to ciimpete with ycie," Si:DP*1the ' said he meant no disPar , , , - agenieet of hie own crew,. largely composed of airiat.eurs recruited at the !gist •minute, but that there Was no aeestion Rainbow. the suceessfel - defender, ives =Leh bitter Manned. , :S0Pw1th • anuMed the gathering by reciting a remluit made braise of his. • crew while -adjestiag ittthig, on the metal:maat Of :the boat .during one ?In 'Okra 'name what would Lord ' Nelson say it heastir es setting nI,Itinsai.1 with a wren01.77' he :Opted the man atplying . • • City. Welfare tardens • mew sis,000 Harvest I GRAND. RAPIDS; ihonsand &Bark irertlr of*.egetal4es • is 'the 1934:, prednetitill of the''city's *Ware- subsistence :gardens; iciord. leg to:.Mr Roy LtidgeimperifitOr. • gardea'idet7began-a-year-age • .- When the 'KentGardensaw the possibilities of libliaing, vacant aCre- age for this ,parpose. Oty Officiala approved " and denetea hula. _cirie- minded :person:4' lesiout .Other lands. free •for the project. 'Teals were pro-, . *idea. 'Last year there were 273 plots, 'Whien Yielded nearly 4000 bushels of •litirdMi 'staff. : 'valued at atseat• .$60.00. • •' Motor. Accidents Increise- ft. licQuesten,..6ligeter Of Aigh. ,Ways or: Ontario reports an increase ia.mOteraceideate,fot.thit first seven months of 1934 •Oirer, the correSpont,,,,•, leg Petted Of :last Year. During thia period there were 4,e4' aceidenta or 1. 47 per cent more than last Year. rift., • ' •ine.rease.in 10.9 .1/4,per .cent While the eittmated property da- mage lest finin reported accidents was $4436094 or 7.2.•per centnitire thin 13 1933. Ttioi gra:tett ride of tal' ' In -0 aces PAL 113/4 3U coil! 3,0113 I .31- • NCYC1E3U with , 311,3 increiae of .14.9 per cent. POstibly thia.incre,ate* .aCiden13. is siMply due to :the tact„, „that.iSif trSttiewas meth heavier, than for serer:it years past, ' • New York "Poor Mans Courts Ordeeto Pay Claims • York,-±tife- qoiti,t. Of Small Chet* known , at ',the !"Feor. lalan"s Gortit,'',-has taken a leat Mit Of the book Of the. large scale niainufaCiiirer and reetignized the iiisteuriieut plai es, a legitirmite Imethed..by whith .de-. tenclant.s may pay off jatignieats ;Ont.! .standing againthem. • ,At its • weekly, sessteo presiding Jastice PelliMis St George Missal of the, Aillaahattan breath: of. the, Co*t, 4010 two orders taking into acCiatitit, the phenomena, et, "hard tanes" in • enirisig the *deteudaiits to Mrs. Itenry• •G011ia, ig• the OrtniX,- Who had 'yen up a bill nf "618 for dental tverk„,....tvat.,InStruetect-16 pay her dentig, Di.. Charles Weiman, 51 'a Week oentil „the' enti, amount WA'S; paid Off. Dt. vtrOmm !brought into Court an X-ray illustrated repaid of: the work he had uohe for the.tie- &tidal* to support 1i18 c.iaim' The 'Other ,"ins;ellasetit jade -merit" WaS rendered agaiatt'llir; George E. Horn,,*ho *a1ordelectopny$j a week.. to • Mr, Adolph t .,„S Pirigle„ 'Plaintiff, until the tutu of '548 ,ter *let MiMsaissient due' him Was paid , in fah; : ' ' • Prat:A net please the, client, a' radio Which' weiild not worn and. a Jewith praer shawl Which developed'holea .after a • visit to the 'Cleaner were among the .subjects of litigation Which on ver-,. diets for the plaintiffs Or were 3ec-Q.10SL- 'tied ie the court om, • The dissatisfied' sitter. in the pho- tographer's studio recoi, ered 33: of , . „ his 55, deposit from thrphotegraphic '• • cumPanY• ' ' , • The liwner of the radio receiver, ivOn a judginent" for the Ptirchase prite,rof $15 after the defentisinte t• - produced la Model as eiduiiit A, plug- ged it in to three different outlets 13, the-eoattf-hut-,neasinildLsssii',froni , • . 'Reinert:Mg Unit'. "the .court notes: .that . it• does 'not work,". Justice Bit-, 'sell airarded. 'the Phsintiff the tut ,, piXe, .1 • Stiprenie Conti Justice Isidor Waa, set-x-0ga arineiMted Hie opening of a conciiiatiou eottit to Whichattorne.yr, may, fake•cases When there- is a chance of<settling them The new;tri- tut-14 it intended to clear court talon. arsand eed trials. t will be tilled eath afterrioort, while the :supremo • sonslint; • (`-