The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-10-11, Page 4• , 4 • G THURSDAY, OC+TO R iftli, 1.04, Mcclary'Rangss, haysi d as. chs .neat. gipeelence back of"ths wscau tsdinfeauuiesand'' rO1e'11 sod in. ng 9thae PINK ., tClaty: will blur!, any, kind .0_ fu lsbgF-raviog feature nown soodunra ye. Com. in 'sod let • show rose the::Ilicqur,; We'u :hive a fog yoaa. AE-& PORTEOUS ' Ldcltnow; Ont. COAL and .WOOD' 1 k° ,for .GENERAL STEEL WARES Produc.ts� ' EKING Anniversary ` services w be • held . Blake 'Chanel, Sendai, October 21, it 2,30 and 7.30 n.as. Rev . S. Tucker of Lnchow U> ited:. Ckarch be 'the west:' speahar.' Special ss lt says` �Asna'= Irvin' ofonr was ,hose for Thanksgiving: Ellaabeth` $others 'a Arthur spent • a few day* 'recently with, her cousin, Mart, *erten. Palmer'kil � trick: of Toronto :spent Pa pen, the week -:end and.'Thanks ivin Day g at his 'home here. Mr.. uta Wesley Alton and fagiil7, and. Mr., and '. Mrs. Alfred Arm.tronr of.: London apent :t he week ,end ,end with relatives here returning home' Idonday;_., Hiram:Moffat and Keith. of ;Seknia: and '' Mr. , and . Mrs. Wm. `Henry:,johnston of Exeter were Smelts, Of Mr.iand• Mrs. ;Richard: John atoll ',.Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. Finla Shackle on' `t y t o... Arthur, • were visitors with IThe form- • er's parents,:.Mr. and Mrs. Norman. Shackleton over the holiday.. ' Miss Grace Blake took ;:advantage of'the ._holi Monday, 'to spent the week -end at the' World's Fair, Chicago Mr and Mrs .," James Peacock • of • . ueval B , e s r h �•' l pmt Sates dy att a home r. - end gra S J. :Kilpatrick. � ,Richard:, k` l;a .trick .s t ,the. rweo .. pa►.: • pen . end‘With his, :friend ;Sidn Brown' at ,� ;Sidney • his hoiite. ataimilton. PASA U.T. A good` tune !wee e njoyed. by, aL who attended the.' danee last Friday nig-ht-in-the-.paramount .Eal next one will be held, en. Friday night • October'19tk,. at -which a special an:- nonncement will' be made. Everybody welcome: i'snd'i[tii; °Win.' i[acGill 'pen Monday evening ` with Mr.and Mrs. Mr EmigKing and Mrs. Frei:. Buckinghaia and Norman• from Strat- ford, spent;' the ;week -end '.with Mrs. Spindler, 'Lucke Me..Johnn • .Cameron, -..pine spent the `week -end with. Mr . and Mrs. ' Arthur 'Cook. Mr. and Mrs Grant, MSCDiarmici were", recent visitors with'' Mr. lies. N J'• MacKenzie " . Recent visitors with Mr,. and Mrs, Richards' were, Mr. and .Mrs; 'Spanner and. Miss •Marguerite and Dr. and Mrs. ..._Armatrong,:from Toronto; ^ Miss .Pearl. Richards, Peterborough; Mr. Norval. Richards from; O. A. C. 'Guelph, Mr• end Mrs. 4JaEmes,_ Richards; Flesher.: 'ten and Kr. and Mrs, ' Nelson -Bushell Luckaow Mr. Fred Martin judged horses et the rill, Fair at Rockiyn, near • Mea-; ford' 'and at Pinkerton Fall Fair, '• ; Mrs. Toro Harris and Mrs Howard Harris of, iolyrood; .were'.recent tori with ,Mr. 'Mid Mrs. John Jamieson Miss. Phyllis' MacDonald, R.N., is Noire after 'Pending a few. weeks. at Woodstock. air. and 'Mrs; D ck=Martin,',:Lanriee and :,Austin, 4th°;; con., ..were recent visitors with , Mr. and Mri. Wm. Martin , . 1" Week -end` visitors at thee:home^ of ,Mr. Jar.• MacDonald were Mr. -and Mis. Jack 'McLeven and•family, Wood- stock, Mao Lill. Legg and ,Bernice •Tenianie, Windsor; Mr. Joe McCarthy M.D., Woodstock;, and•. Mr..• Frank. King of Rrantford. ' ;• ASHFIE;LD •NOTES The • ; October meeting of the ,W,'. M, a. of the!, Presbyterian 'Church his been' "postponed :till .next, week.. • The Presbyterian .' Young People's society meeting took the form of a social' 'on Monday , evening. The Kintail ";ranch of the Women's Institute met .last. Thursday at the home of Miss' Tena: Buckingham. ,,The people of this district learned ct 1 ed with regret:'of• the; death'' of Mr. A- R: Finlayson 'of Lncknow. Mr. -Fin- 1 yson was ,for Many' • years: inthe, general store at Lochalsh.. Mr. Jamie: MacRae :of Toronto spent the week -end at his: home here He : wais 'accompanied by: his cousin, Mise Mary.. MacKenzie,' also of Tor - Mita and Mrs. Ian MacRae of •Stra- throy and Mr. and.Mrs. Duncan' Rae of Acton ,were: • guests at•' the .ome of Mr. `and Mrs. John; MacRae; Miss Jessie, MacRae ,isi` spending. a few days at the'holne ofher broth- er, Mr. Duncan; -MacRae at Acton. Mrs. Neil G. MacKensie; and Miss Margaretspent the week -end visiting with friends.' in Michigan ...:Miss Isabel MacLean Mr .Duncan n aee ts of artsstcali, : aranged • Mac� ay ;and Mr.�`Finlay MacDonaldeutiimnflowers with ,the addition , of. ofratfor,o o. St d. Normal .icho l, spent tfre the bridal; bougueteof the' "Hardie= holidaY at their respective homes. WoodsLL wedding, :provided a rlieautiigl :setts . : ,t ' :. � • . ng for the anniverearY anniversaryservices held in the United. Chur ,...cls on; Sunday. .Large :Large eongregat ions, - were in ' atten- ,.dance atboth' servicesheir to Aaf�ofr;.' mer pastor, Rei. John Little...of RocIF,- wood, who, despite the `feethat pi t he is in his eightieth year, delighted . the people. with his forceful sermons :In he=P-resbyterian=cliurch -Friday - the,.morn: nom- he-°-chose-aa "Pias, subject vening at 8 p m., ",and communion "The Balanced' Life," .takine as his vill be held. on Sunday at i .m. L-ANGSIDE Mr.'' and: Mrs f gorge ;Harkness and Miss, Reba . Marshall ,spent Sunday with Mr. 'and Mrs. G Kerr, East Wawanosi . •. - Mr and Mrs:H Pe r.--of,T-:- avis .plm: tock,' spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Y«. Emerson Mr: and: Mrs..' Fred •Thempsen and Bob, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Malcohn son 'Donald land.' Pats":o ,Toronto. spent the .' holiday visitingMessrs. Orville Geor ge and Wesley Mr and Mrs. Emerson Austiai , of. Powassitn,, 'apent : a • day ' with Mr. and Mrs. B. Stewart. BORN—In ,the. Win EarnHospital .,,b' oh Sept..0th, to Mr., and Mrs:. Albert baby. irl.,Con atulations B gr Mr. Tom _Cooke is. bus cutting curt ng the swamp down inthe front t deld''of Mr. Johnson Conn's :place. `a He, has •also. cleared ,the road side in front, which is A great.- lin rovement.. -. P -. Mr. Spent and Mrs. I. `Tiffin s nt a few .4 , days with Mr. and Mrs. George Tiffin. T. `'HELENS WHITECHURCH TEC tJR Rev. Mr, Penrose of Ethel, a form- a. minister of, the 'United church, will preach here on Sunday afternoon; Preparatory service will ' be held Mr. Roddy Inglis left last; Week for Cingston,' where he, will remain` for x• few weeks: text. 'John 10-9,, and ,in ' the: 'evening he :spoke from the text'"The' Lord. not .willing that any . should • :`periali,:. but that 'all should come and; have • life" .:SpecialMusic wase provided by There was no service in the United the choir .who were' assisted iy Mr. .hutch- llast Sunday owing to ennivew- Garnet Farrier of 'Whitechpick while 4ary services., at St.. Helens, 'when a duet 14 Mrs. 'Harold Treleaven and Rev. John Little • of , Rockwood,` a Miss Mildred 'Treleaven of Lucknow former minister of St. •Bete ns •preach -and a "solo by' Mrs.' Treleaven accoai- �d very; inspiring .sermons to a well Ailed chnrch.,both.morningrand-even- ponied by Miss'Euniee Newton,. added to, the success • of the morning service: • The `United :church people are haw : Messrs: Ed.' Miller of Alma, • Jas. hg s chicken Miller,. and son John of -Fergus. who pie' supper•, : •followed^ by a•: good prograni'`on ,Friday even. log, October 19th Mr. and 'Mrs: David Kennedy, Mes- rs. Peter' rand 'GeorgeKennedy and .:`diss. Annie Kennedy, Mr. 'and Mrs, puncan` Kennedy and neice Jacque- ;ane 'Larkin; and Mr And hors Lorne motored up for the funeral of `'their; uncle. Mr; Wm. "Miller,. visited rela- tions her•e": on Saturday. Rev John' Little and ';kis son Joh of Rockwood were guests of „Mrs; K. Miller over the. week -end.` Mrs Leitch, Mr an rs : $illy' aurnin ,,and. little son if St:, Helens, Leitch, Mr and • , -Kruger-Aid :pent Thanksgiving with the former'' Lois of.•Detroit,'`we.a guests during .daughter, -Mrs. Harry-Tichborne ',of the week of the ormer'slbrother, Goderich. •Mr. E. J. ,'and Mrs Thom Miss Fanny Paterson of Toronto ' Thafnksgiving visitors" at their, pent.` the week -end with;her.•brother homes• here included Miss,:•Isobel Mill= M'r.•. Ken: ,Paterson. 'Ter :of. Stratford, Normal, Misses . Dor. othy McQuillin' of Sandwich,. Mildred Mr.: and Mrs. Fallahay of Toronto, „.:. spent the week -end with her brothers McQuil in ;;of Ciarideboy'e, Dorothy Webster of London, Zylda Webster Messrs. Charles and James Martiir, of Toronto; Dorine, Webster; of Car - nine Young .People's twice ty,of the kW, Jean Webster'of Wingham, Irene United . ed ' Church, is invited: to ` at. Woods: of.` Waterloo; Vara• : Todd of: Helens on Friday 'e"5eiimBloomingdale, boroth g •y Jean Mi1ler n Miller, Neely Todd and . Gordon 'Miller POR FALL ASSIZES of Lucknow High School., :�`...: Members. of the,Whitechurch�'Y. P. The 'trial of Ear1 Leigar,• charged S. will her theguests of • the local MURDER TRIAL 'SET Thorn _Norma Weatherhead Laerine with the murder' of.'his gra dfatlir, society •on riday evening, when the Philip .Stroh,, in Carrick Township program will be Provided• , by ,the early ;in the spring, Beads the list Whitechurch sociiety., All the jroung for hearing a rt' the Fall' Assizes to pQ0P1e of the colnnnlnity are invited, open in Walkerton on. October 60th. Mrs, It. J, Woods and Watson mot - Extradition and deportation. pro- °red. to 064.676n bfbnday, where ceedi,nki are in progress in connec- �' p g ▪ Mes *red Crump spent .the weep. ' tion With Frank Adarnezyka Anthony end in; Toronto `with hersite s i iiira. How*lel . rr, . .. Diebold " and J hn• o 'wiY ck styes ' ted' in Mies Annie MacDonald, accompany ted by. Say MacKenzie,�.,.Lucknow, at- tended the Presbyterian Conference at Toronto;. Friday and, Saturday, Buffalo a'iid charged with tills Caegilt Bank robbery. "and iti'il1 possible they may appear .for trial'' at this time also." The twd� �,form'er Men ' were. brought' to. Walkerton this week. Ur. Harry Dahmer Lof Kincardine ass we`ll there ••is a lengthy 'civil •pent the'';week-end with Nisi 'lister, fiat.': Mr, Justice Makins' will , eai,4 taste v Wilson *ill resume 141'; studies at the $3AC. • • .1 Mr. Bob Purvis of, Guelph, was, a holiday,visitor`at his liom'o` tiara.' • Mr. George McQuillan Jettirned last Week to the Ot'A. C. atter spending the' vacation: at :his, home Mfr, aril Mrs. Earl Gaunt atten'1 d the. wedding reception at :Lrsndesbor tough on .'Monday night fd>, Mr,. and Mrs. larrnr' Durni a, o .ZION' - NOTIICE1 If those; in tris: commun ;sty wishing .tai` contrrbube towards; the Relief Car leaving .,Lucknow, .neat -week for the West,�•'choose to. leave :their donation# at tete Zion Church ,shed on Thursday, Friday 'and fiat urday•.of this; week.. they :may, .de so `or if'„preferred mar take them to C. N. R. freight: shed, Lu ekaow.on,Tiiars.' or Saturdays : The exact destination of car i,s net yet, •known, but: any con-, tribution which will' help to, relieve the, need of the Westwill be wel- comed by those in ` charge.- of this work �i Mrs.'' Jna Helm visited with ]hiss Mary . Jane Sheppherd andMra. Sanr net Treleaven, at Nile : on' Friday last: • Mrat Ja"s. Cook,, 'who' has Spent . the Past threet.weeks with friends in Tor., onto 'is at present 'visiting with Mr 4nd *Tit Chas McD: nagh. Misses Ads Wpbstjer and Ada. Helm, land Mr David' Anderson ert- tended the Huron ' County ',Teachers' o e" C pv. noon at; Goderich .'on ' Friday last. • Mr. sand 'Mrs. Jack Gibson and lata- ilk' of. Clinton, viiited Zion friends on Sunday; , Week -end- and- holidayvisitors^in cluded: ' Mr.::and firs. Herb' ' Ell;`. treditoi with Mr.. and Mrs . Fred An- • derson; Misses Hathryne . and • Mary' Johnston of Lncknow' at Will Ritchie's Wises ,: