The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-10-11, Page 1i • 1 x • • aK, • • • S . : res—!-ApP to T. 'W. Smit;- ntral TG age, NOTE CE �Ve .have: some good type Yrade ewes ,a hick will be • et out',on • Ahares 'to reliable parties,' • Stotl ere, Arthur,, Ontario DRY'WOOD, R. SALE—We .have "on h nd;.1u„ iuixeci ,wood,. ;.good. quality. This 'has' been ,kept :PP* cover since. it ;was cut. Wm.'Murdie & •Son. LUC NOw,, ,. . T, xHU 4iDAY, BER- i itha, 1934 s'. L. Former • . . I+ueknow Boy • Resew" pinion. When .Boats ':Sinks Rae Watson bf Wellington street, Lontion, ,son ` of lar Jack tson, ':formerly- of Lucknow, sae+ed' Sidney Benbow 'of9 Tamblyn's Corriere from drowning when a boat ` overloaded with camp: equipment, . sank :; near Wasiga, Beach with the two memberi from a hunting, party of 10 com- prised by employees of the Holeproof ;Hosiery Cojnpany,. Limited, on Mon - r Avers Drowning FOR : SALE• or' RENT AT ONCE- valuable village , property, and :eight room frame house with.. bath, lights,; water and garage. Splendid •1 a _ Ooo4 gravel ,pit : in co n iwith� property.,..' For further particulars • apply to Mrs. Susie Miller; •Lucknow .LOST—A scarf, brown.'' silk With orange spots; either in Lucknow, .on day • Con 12, . Ashfield,; or on Jamieson's The 'Londoners left by motor early• .fico,. �eadq.aa-t R t I is r ON f NSPEOI ION TOUR IN NO,iITUERN. WOODS • Mr, Irn Campbell ee Falls P: ,,4 P Co , •accoa panying Me Gordon :Cousens,• :chief for+ester, of the Spruce Fans P. &. P. Oct 'on a tour •of inspection of , lumbering and pulpwood operations l ebween: Fort•. Willie* and North- ]clay.. Mr.: Cousens was recently appointedto the staff of .the Faculty of ~"Forestry; Univers sity. of Toronto, "'mil. with Mr. Camp- bell is. making this tone of inspection to obtain all possible ,aspects ;of' logg- kg- . Wood W utilization • :will ' be. Mr. Cousens .course of lectures at.Toronto'! atderoad. Finder please leave,, at Monday.morning and making their this.. winter: Senti•+e! m O - a + e+s( et the.Rustin nn were AUCTION SALE` Y eros t Chattel. ,Mortgage sale .: of. •fari i One :boat with.the .guide had reach. sing o an island in two,; boats ea WEDDING BELL stock an : implements of.,,Henry J. the island and, was too far, distant Kerr, sLot 17,:con: 1 West W a_to be of d• •• wanosh, on Friday, October '12th at Watson a • ' one o'clock.- Ter ash.' See, bills: ltho ugltb dressed .i endersun, Auc. ling :'togs, ,including high hip boots, 'dived for Benbow who was unable to swim; •and took him j to the shore, a 'distance Of , 50 -or -more feet " away,. IBenbow . was quickly . resuscitated by the first•'•aid method •and the entire party returned to, the hotel fez.- a time. Later, after ome of the mem- bers _ is of the °arty had' recovered `the lost gun from 12. to �14•.feet• of water, ••We AUCTION SALE.; -of 10 'Purebred . Shorthorn bulls, ` on': Thursday; to Y, ()eta-, Ler' 25th, at two o'clock at' the'' farm of W. A; Culbert, 3% miles west of Dungannon. 6' months' credit 'on ap ,:.proved• joint, notes, or. ' 5% off for' cash.,' r. AUCTION SALE Under and by virtue of o Y the 'Pesters contained and a 'certain mort age. gee, ' which . will be ;produced at the time theT-original-huntinr-Pla s were"'re- sumed, Benbow by : this • time having sufficiently recovered y c vered to go with 'the of sale there will 'be`offered folle sale rem` by public: auction: at i�he` `: .0flice'of R. S. Hetherington;. • • Lucknow, Ontario, bn Wednesday, ""October .:24th. at -.•1:30 P.M. 'the followin �" . g valuable luable property: being Firstly; the North Fifty-five, acres' of ' Lot number 1'went five m Y tae 'Fifth concesssion of the: Towns i hp of Kinloss in, the County of Bruce;- •• Secondly: the West half of Lot main : •.ber'Twenty-one in.`:the.Thice ,� Third Concs, cion of the"-said:•Township`'of Kinloss: containing Fifty acres, more, or !esti. and the whole of the above-described ,property containifig •in'.'alf'105 -acres • of . lando mere, or loser 'Upon the ','pro- perty'•there; is said to .. be :situate' ordinary farm buildings and the :, ro- rt is iconvenien : p . I1e Y t to' -church' and School: 'p•ERM,S•-OF•--S' LP:" IO per�cent.79 �a • • • sa e' '.iia the balance within thirty' days. Farm to be sold subject to reserve bid. For furtherparticulars; apply ; to the undersigned 'Solicitor. • #: 1L S. Hetherington, Winghani, Ont. Solicitor'. for 'the', Mortgagee. Well Iienderaon,_Lucicnow, Ontario' Auctioneer. 'NOTICE TO CREDITORS:: • In the.Matter of the'' estate ' of Elizabeth Mallin, late'of the; Village of . Lucknow in the County of I ruce, Widow, deceased • :notice is hereby `'given, that ;all persons having any claims or de= minds against the late:` Elizabeth Mullin, who died; an or about the 'thirteenth ;day of 'August A.D.: 1934 'at 'the:; Village of 'Lucknow ,in• the County 'of Bruce, are required to:�send ;by, post prepaid or: to deliver .to the undersigned . Administrator' .of the estate .and effects•.ofthe said 'Eliza- beth Mullin their names. and adds see•:and full; particulars in writing of their•claims and statements of .their accounts and ' the nature ,of the' se curities, �f any, held by than, duly. verified. .by affidavit: , And ` take notice that'•after the twentieth =day-sof`•Octob`er: •:A.D. 193 the said `Administrator *ill proceed to distribute the assets W of the said deceased among the :persona- entitled thereto, having regard ,only' to the. claims of, which he.`shall then have had notice, and that the:said Admin- istrator will Hat be liable for the said assets ' or any part 'thereof to ::.any person 'Of whose claim he .. shall not then :have, received', notice;' • Dated ` at ., L`ucknow, Ontario, 'this twenty-fifth day of , fiepteinber A.D 1984. • Thomas E Burns, Administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Mullin. • • tart of . Mrs. Pinlayson and fancily their manY friends and neighbors for acts" :et 'kindness -and. eXpresipions symiathy, at the tune of their recent at St.,. Ahihaphe on,' Tuesday, evening .4 October 16th. Supper frOM, 6.60 'O'celocic Adniissien '36c and •BULBS' FOIL SALE All kinds of • bulbs,• for, sale at SOI:OMON'S : GREHNHOUSE-, at. reasonable ,p rices. •Phone. 88 BIG; FLOUR ALE, OCT. 12,13 Car Caof M a 'Flour. put, ,in-' P -Pink anblue .�in � d la • , g gam bags,, a�2.75 •,cwt. off ca. Cash.1'' r Put'ina supply=sa?Ving "90c -'cwt. • . W J. Freeman,, Superior Stores, Teeswater. CHANGE IN ,LI RARY, HOURS' Owing to the c d ent suffered by the Librarian • Miss Lou 'Treleaven, the library willn t' be: open, on 0 day...and hursday..-afternoons:-Open- Saturday riiglita and Sat.:Or:is! S` MURDIE—WOODS. • • A' pretty 'autumn:Wedding was' sol- emnized' at the home' Of' Mr: and Mrs. Rubinson. Woods, • *Oki -.their' elder daughter,, Mabel Lsyen Was as united, in' marriage to, Mr..� iexander.ISuther- land . Murdie, son: of .Mr. .and: Mrs: Wm. Murdie, Lucknow; To the' strains of 'the Bridal chorus from Lohengitn played by • Miss Florence •' M cllvride Of Durban the bride entered the living room on the arm of her father and took :. lies 'place 'in front .of, a• bank. of .autunin leaves. and : flowers: mere• the ',wedding ce ony was .performed C. :Wilkinson. The 'bride was beeomin 1 at 'red ted in•` a white esatin"o gown:Made wn d g e.o . r n a� cess lined.` Her veil : of. embroidered net was caught in' nap ; sty with style orange : blooms. She; carried a '`.bou suet of Pernet roses and. til of -.the- Y v al➢e. ' Y: Her aster, , Mu<s :Irene .Woods of •Waterloo, • was ;bridesmaid, re ae` .d,sd in a:. grateful gown of pink;corded: with cape effect and trimmed With •'Kohnsky fur.. `Her bouquet was butterfly roses and' flowers: The e.room- was . support by •bis:pbrother; .Kenneth •Murdie; of Lucknow, After the' ceremony a dainty lun- cheon y cheon::was' served in the dining -room which was prettilq decorated: with :-Pic', and'�•w `streamers and bells The table attendants' were the im- r-' ediate friends of;the bride after the luncheon the "happy couple -left on a . short .motor trip the bride being attired in'a blue' travelling snit wctlt4__matching ,. acces- sories. On their retnrnethey will "take) 'gyp iresidence in. Toronto. 'DANCES: NOT POPULAR' Where dances, haye .becoMe of attraCtion,i'aitcept en very special •oc- not;',.. reduced, for Most danceS .te 25c; id in Man* ondesboro milet wedding was solemnited at led 'Church" manse on Satur- and Mr. ;Harry Durnin •Incl the late Mrs. Dirrnin. They 'mere Attended by the Pride's sis,ter, 'Mrs. Flail. daunt. and. Me Gaunt ,Niaon Plowman if not •a /losing proposition. A dance - under auspices of. Bas ball Club was held on iday e\ night, with Music by Carr's pular band, b t, with counter attractiom at several other points in the district the Club has jus(gone farther in the "red". The net proceeds. amounted: tc he something .like • 51345 whith was: . little more than half ibe Orchestre parsonage.. Goderia. .Thoisday, fee, without considering other, ex-, Se te be 27th Rev •• P Lane penSSS. , united in marriage, Della Irene On Monday eveningLkne Fire ?}plowman, danghter,...w..mr..._and mr.x. Bail"Cluti. The receipts -Monday, night dance' end fared even w -arse' than the hnd Isaac Nixon, of Ashfield. , • were abmit $9.041. Arthur's orchestra While ;both, yenturea resulted in hig • deficits, .yet ',those, in attendanee the Smallness of nundiers were More like house parties, coMPosed chiefly' of legal People. • BORiki her .29th. te Mr, and Mrs: 'Albert Tay- , ihe Towner( ber to ykr. and :Mrs. Albert Oskin••! ahd ten: Lthdlai (hoe, DIED IN WAWANOS/1.• dtiiliet, 5th, ThOnitia`lieddly, aged' 12 Years, .the Inneral volis 'held Arranging Lacknoti-routh ,Series On Thanksgiving Dan Southamp- ton Were handed their secrind straight ell ltd Bridge Matters" Before: CoQnci Negotiations are proceeding tvteen''the Canada Surety CO• and. the Village Council , pertaining to. the `guarantee° covering' the Water supply:: fes.. the. new ;well. The, well flow,has dropped from 140,-Velbns'.a minute: to•. about 100 gallons a minute.. A special meeting of Council was -held on Friday night, when the Matter was thoroughly discushed and the matter laid ov; Co: -a reply from the Sueet Co. • re y ga�rding the Councils. decision. • . . At, the regular October session The question .ef -a... next. bridge 't •~repiaace: the damaged frame structure be e Joynt°s evaporator' and Anderson's flax null, was' discussed hut no action: taken' other than ' the:.clerk was ad �Md'to secure inforneation, regarding the cost of : a 40' and 50 foot steel girder : and •it same' was. ;.available, what date delivery'.,, could • be inAade if The • Citizens' Batd was made a three months' .grant 'of:. $50,: payable t16., '=16 qd $18. ; •. • '1' A petition . signed: 'by Mr. Mct ah, Mrs.. Kinnon, Mr: Whitleyn and Mrs. Lockhart r q este C cil' to open the drain' north of Phillip `Stewart's. or: build--a--news one -to -prevent a " .- �rp- currence ' of :'water 'damage as pre- viously` ex erienced. " Council , p...,: _ . cd looked. the drain' over on 'Saturday but re., served.' their ;decision in :the matter and it is possible an:englneer may be Y. called to inspect ;the situation.. LOCAL MUNICIPALITIES CONVERT VICTORY: BONDS O 5 • Code '.c h --Sales r�4, of :'the :Dominion'; of Canada re undin loan of , . g„ have .been. "swelled by =140,000: as a result oft joint' action -taken by the, townships of`Europ and Ashfield and: the` towns n ne . LK ineard and e ` God ridi p These municipalities have agreed`to convert 6135, 000 1934' Victory ,. , Y ry bonds, held.by • Toronto General: Trust' . Corporation P, _ or.. n o ors of -the `defunct West Shore 'Electric: Railway,'which will purchase' approximately *140,000, 334• per' cent bonds. due in 1949. If these., bonds are not` available the money will be invested .vin tie :21, per 'Cent' bonds due in'' 1939.: ALSO ATTENDED . SCHOOL AT St, HELENS kr„ John Welib:' of Puluth, is not the .onlY survivor Who attended the original', log school It .St; Helens; we learned'. thii week.. 'We received a letter from' ,31r., Jell* .Sinith., of Osage;' Seek.. who tells. is he attend- ed this school:when he Was a 4gittle fellow'' and will, never forget the plink seata, set on' blecks, without hacks aid With no desks. , AnOther thinehe-Will-reirie'riibir was the num.': emus pin jabs he received, from t boy who . sat behind and wh9 eventually was tlounced for his Mr*: Smith died' about six years Viet& are ether's who at-' tended sehool• st: Helens,. many Years' ago .and could; tell some inter-; anting storie ,Which *add. he pleased to receke.: 4 It TAI ,RATE tenni won This With the CountY rate a 'fractiOn of Ship Conneil has: succeeded in Whitt- ling the To*iiship rate down .2 'Milli 'The SaMe afternoon i'eneteng it,y-44 fair rate reduced Over half a ted Meaford•bY a to g Score. ,Pene- Mill frOm .last year,. ' tang wet leading going into •the 'TeX stat9theets are bekng printed lipe started a rally that inetted :the arid thiS year*s statenient as coiw count.. Patetang, the bases '14 pare te brat, year's f011owat the lat of the 2th lost ' :1983 1634 'series. Went five Ineteaff of ' three ngiann:s.%cf:tti'lnoTativy:detti.e%firgeier failed to boo a tle score. ; Artengenients Were `underway Vioit; Tieoce Of the Malt Olin "TOWnithip ',rate 2 21 124 ;General :Sehed ;Ate, taxes Mimi' •Paid Py December 15th, lietWeeti4 that. date' and Janottry 154.h. .wilhe added. boring tbo 6itowing, month t%,, )30 itotd, Ifitirmeht. vho Augastirio 1"101014 1460:1111g dlixkito WAS It't•i6W11.,,501, 'Amin Moefi'14,. 4110 tikes The Bread 'of ':Health e .Bread' of Health @UALITY' AND SERYJCE; • OUR; MOTTO' aturdaySpecials-. DA SANDWICHI3S:-, + ,BASPBERRY •TARTLETS, JELL ROLLS CHELSEA ;BUNS; • DOUG UTl; STEA. ,BiSCU S' LAYER C .. ICE R r D OLLS , OUR WHOLE WHEAT BREAD IS 1O0% Q90 WHOLE WHEAT • DELICIOUS AND HEALTHFUL ' ` OLLY AN S Q.UALL'rY .BAKERY h n e 36 •: Lucknow MANY HAVE ALWAYS - 7 EEDEi AIR IN SEEING Many- who. have given their e r eyes scarcely a: thought have all their', lives needed aid in 'seeing; ' In: • youth they'. didn't believeit because they saw :weIL At 40 they are •in/doubt. At. ,i'ti ` &y are forced ' to secure ' help Much ,wiser to have this important matter attended,to• before multi; DEMAND it;. Prominent Merchant •: Pass �...�- - es Suddenly Death, Of Mr. AR. Finlayson Folbw- in....Brie Brief Illness 6, s 0ecnrred�•on Sat- urday Prominent In -Business Life e Here Almost. Twenty- Years A sudden sorrova Wa' s cast upon 'th village : and district when it was learned• that- Mr: A. R. Finlayson F F,c Jayson hada: passed , away on.;'Saturday, • afternoon. Drink ' Fl: Its rel Forth; Youth . Problem • Says' Dry John Coburn In Concluding Address , .Of Suppessfill' 'Young :Peoples Rally .in Lucknow On • Thursday last the Brice ` Youn g' aeo,ple's, 'Union^'met. for their annual,.' ::`ally in ' Luc now 'United Church- . The 'Pening exercises•of 'the Rall y took the . form of a'; Worship Service • led `?y the :Belmore Y. P. S .. The theme .vaa'Conservation'»the theme of the Youn Peo'' - g plc s .Socio for tY� this• year. (lex mitli resid • •n • ► president e t of the .Luc : • .,-.Luck- low . low oci S sty ;extended ''greetings the chfir - ch and the'local Young; Peopla • ias. A.. Little, • Teeswater President, then took the chair. Following the• P e appointments of.,the. Banner Commit: tee • and the Nominatin Committee, � mittee, Mr Reg:' Moore, Teeswater,. spoke ,..:of :.- ,the necessity :of' leadership training i a F o nl s n s illness Hess .an • d •woe d o f f hi u oda e mn to 1 aim is n .Christian per-.: • .i • A,. Pew -there were that,. knew of Mr. in the:young Pen e's, g work. . , Pl "Our death came as a distinct shock. Mr. Finlayson ..had, been.ill for abouta Week, but was'making fav-: functions orable progress frnin' a threatened 1: attack of 'pneumonia, when on Friday 'b evening developing . complications ; made. his condition n cho d n soddenly. quite •;t serious and within .a fete •hours' he son in a Christian. ' society and -hence we must gain a knowledge;of tate t is our duty to train our hearts to e in harmony with Christ," he said.. roam The Departmental Discussion had• .passed. away, when his reniark 'groups s follow able resistance; �►LnFL._.7 t�.•_t_,..�: P �• Christian : FeMow- m ship, Christian Ci "renship; Literacy;: • � • �yssz 0 naty""...fte nand Leader- , edhi'' i m-on—thi ip training: led by conveners. ' • After ' an hour's • discu sion the young people reassembled to hear. an address' ;.by Rev.. J... W. 'Schofield, Hamilton Conference President.'' The ; • subject of Rev. Schofield's -talk- was Y"Young People and the Church. "The • .. outh are organized within the church because 'they are freer to : accept young' people's . ideals rather. than those of `their elders'and.because :the In his paising Lucknow loses a re-. spected resident who for ipmerds ft; twenty yeari has , been prominent in the. businesS life et the _Village; 'hny- and-Rour and_feed 'business in :the stand occupied, previously to his e°elleg c -by William • nd as. ts at at ,Stolines; produce Merchant. • born. near Lochakb, sixty7four Yea azo„. He' receiYed his . education high sch94 anti is a irking men co ducted.' a ',general. store , business Lothalsh; .which he, disposed , of afte coining to Lucknowt ta Mr. Jim !If Kendrick his itephew, and .riew 7 -Throughout. his', lifetime, Mr.' Fin laysen has been a faithful and active • Mr. Fidayson ii survived by MS of. LOChalsh," four sena, RoY, Clerk. iers, ,liristirie and :Anna,' au at home ex.Cept • Clarke, • 4h9: thit, fill cam-. 'naked a course it Toronto .Tiniver+ shortly ,before father .pitSed and; Din daughters,. 'Mit. r !Terry: Meek 'Arid ftehOeiliOni itatbeson,!and 4.6s. and son, Moit: .140 itt0t4 tlitsley,t, oft 16s:;: rnith waist Soon tackle the pirtiblais tina they' need special , training in • • thn 'problem of life—how to live to- gether rightli.When, tile youth .10e 1 eccepted their ideals :they are able, 1... ,to apply them in business. and secial • life 'ai• tiler take their plaee. thp werld..' If ,organizitions are only an . excuse .for' Meeting old ',friends ' a four fold developMent--7physical, religioUS, sodal. and business. 'toting strong 'character; to lesin 2.for„: what they are best fitted; to Serve and . , Make religioni practical. If this is carried On well.lit Meana their mitt religibus life will he deepened an With others aniflhe 'will be intro- duced to the best oLliterature, 'only 'the. Bible,' making life richer and , half honr was spent in direeted re- creation in the 'town hall:, ' *sit 6 o'eloek the company sat dOwil to a hountiful tripper; prepared. by the ladies et the church. 'A table was . reserved for' the, NOrthern Suinater Scheel stndenit. The tables were Cleared Miraculously to Oie tune of "PaSs )he Dishes Were YO'it Are" led by Reg: Maire, Who also directed a sing Atter supper* the yoting people Went upstairs to hear greefings, from Other. Presbyteries and conferences, tfarnilton conference and also gi*e. a report et the Christian Yeah Cain- ;conioninity0 world. 'Oat interoileial as well as A .a