The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-09-06, Page 61*.7V1MWVWl Aw- 7 k" 7 7T wk 'M.. -H - q 7-1 14 To r awould, oil A 10'a1v h 6,4�adef wit h h hoi filed h ft t .. . ........ Oa thei rush the,, solrs,, anilit'"Ahe lead Atch h I om $40tits uh er 41m Gly;m e lal Fre rqu p o'. Gar4e PA., With �a 1k; hear4:the� -Volcl�.. 'yell A'' 111, the 16 er sq4tetied lip. & -heavy, odify�, TrUth to, tbili'all" t . ..... on GI nu ites porr' owing tPeirl 14i d9w. n, -war, days 4� On from the. i0od' I pre hea(4. He 'drop" _d 'and 44 pit the . I I , T, S' 0 et boot .6overed.�' b no 'Sh�k"ed, the g,,blo Since :chisparolli launched H614 the%, do a- love Ilie, b or until I . d Olill, the inaster will re-- PA;cagpl—The -.4qw.Ost debate meot: t Its cilplipara.' it will the Idea- o.f,:fisli And - biTd silhouettes. fresh 'inny little,,.flos, d tr Ptj .,on I vwlt You we c la Is whether the lip914'scign ng fresh ess—putting 4'' ur�.itonp ecoppiis'to ih ib c'uts'.6t Jili'dr ill :at tbe,shoulders,the n d wing Mo - U 414 hit4d,, StAtog later, boolii6lyl. He.gbatche' Cali Oat Its, way' back veal nd � L, 4 'the clf4in 114, :441. � On— and Jamb, tit as, flapped - and flipped tbi,ougb of the,case, jeik� Jo. prospl:I)Ityl, mutt h d, opqnth4 lid t0sigh of What promilts 4t Is the ex tihtts6'of fashion, cleaf.dq*ii to, A.0 00ok ut the -0194rette'ease.'T platmetO will, be paid for, the stodk his. I fe6t-where hig fhe' standing tongheiil' topi"he inatqheObp�n, and, ��whlcfi �bieqamo a Cd a' activtieg -ofi.thb Fe4orAl purp m dity of neW thor�e U lw�ler Corporatipp;, get up. to buy e sort d a give n anO, tabs, of,k. A.! I x-� when the'd t! impossible han aged, Victory feeling to foot. Kl 'he t. cesA foodstuff 'ofi I he to f e6d, the �4a wil and'iet Ad t. lamP," 6rlod.., flHol& r yy`$. ��16yed 'will eat problem OUi of: shoe, U !�m ey tone, als�and tho'uxiem, s in a nat faffislay Eel g ppofatibia feeds it' ii:"li miy *04 lure tQ',tho­count WV8090. to,wirti, are44 very fmart voi -While a, in d. e corpor�- see nloye i6xiRte0ce;. :1'Thliii�phas6 bf'th iieldt JKojat� Yeast. (n-. me to. It there-. thet"0ader' liO4A .0 shion, OK'any . pd, p -Sys, ena "M. Jj L- ., reqsf!s,, )elggth of fill and qmpk t, "fa kind, in to id v4difillied: p ork free to., relief'' outside of ordinar profit of acce".oi e iiitit;4 .,it; k6tingl 't �come And put, f th bats. And ll mannoi Clopel�,. heedl , Or . . 4-0. , 4 P40 �,P tai Wi.pop a�lon, Intend -i dd the.dd6r,*'A -, I " � ! i!iili . . "I 1 2 . . Aoes; that the. Shoe -nd. �the. �ratklqe� d ot$ -fopt in most idecisheely, Therb",q -eaking panelq as the Wood' i aft dettsimim qutve r 9 Tei, U jig a'pmart effect. *Itbout con�' n. - S d 'radl. 'no 90ttl �'th nee has, h6wever, Aeparte OM few. der -o ble* t1ij sialtiIii1ard- ulting &Ie fpot^fQr I�s, c -opbration. n=9 I eail�: from' iis',.Nibits III regaTd to '106" vteltieq eiiultankIk�"'aj:his, jaw a,i6lose levels'. -Tho.'"nerease in. Is 4epth., And while -fancy' abrics' c onie iin'd, go t3p 14 0* -W Pat& , hy. Vera es on P na Ure, kio�gil ce!b fac4 on a *Ith the..whinis of h , , -I' yea e e .o Of wat6r' ih th(F ri�ei­chainxie V91 c,,i n,,arilt:11len nar r being p6p.alir, s!l C And,d n -spring, -to mi si een very er's . . . g the film Arough..-lb.1s: fifig 'd iimoir' has b for�eve, -to another. length I�knOWn,:,PwImming instrUctor, less� thanAs' 06rmally'. 6� ca 941 sawl recog- .4, . . . . . . . riling hat ai�ld' Th -iri swim much t 'ig, more, subsi enge �-,hos z -able picture -8-61! f4.'r: -j�eo ar,,,a a ifne, e ore 64m&:, N13 I tea- on the I floor. i,"Thb -himp he hea I In 'i-'no'w'p'os'sible..f4.r:'�'eopl4 6. indulg air �ady. this, ye t Flyng 46 ti is go d t6' fit' a I b st1mUIAtI4;1temQougIy and' if tikon pl; �C6� at Such a rapid"rat64hat f giI4 00 a" Amt be �,-recre tnrougA-: the Whea Me fiv'this, healthful a ""blitille 0&eilIi� -Ad- e" tlii ieizod water. should. po''seSs' its great the cbeapAiii. I nip, est. 4 educ! ,ge Z , out -the'y�ari" a -knocked Ihe glass pth, ho.,fewek than two i�,r xy 'G 'Would natilially and Ought 't s, els -pas ey 0 rPater indulgence V of ve 8' tidfis in., the dfaugh Ag he smok4 ------ "flanle, ' ifit6. 41te,­mid le pf.'the so-anals have,:., beei., maKe the eiltb of 'tha':nation grept, d 6 say. sinj throuih. the L iih tumbled': Oak A S 'A e P. mea -at Viator coils 'of - film,'umped back for ]3.k � ille Marine, Dei.artmitifit it� to oar. up n au Ili-` 'St Of Ing thii� and,`�andtherls. 4ife.' 'w..',aAnds "at'' thrteeia- �cords Tzike' Otant blit Ottawa. iC'no As,an.ex rcise swimmi .... .. 131. 'ha - Ong een -e . It rropp d from 'lIg hsi few ex, Net, e t f r - "� Th Is b T F:'g P reatmon 6et. nine inches at t e com. -But tlier:e,,,w ercisd Wkth which to �o . ciompar d thirteen f h as UO'suc.h leap:,of,fi " b f C may-, e per ormdd to suif: the Ai� and one'd the he Oils' ­Of film AbOYe the - fla 6 mencem sea�oh. rs. rancis a colim f di id nr: ed slowly., p utt6re.it A ' hippmg,4 It Profosso o u writhed and twist i#iqA �q the I v qal F Marsh B�ld- p The,' I o s's' -o s I' ue to 'blis ered, buVdid,not w 'r and t, eduction of .*in 'and Harold R.'Rohertg ITII�: art bf �swimming has also�,06 taild pmq. ed alld, t ai, Y'Aoyd ate fie- enfoic�d - �i Urn.' t Tile man -s ared'AghAs. draughti in-� passing Arb4gh:,' the ljnl'vei�ity of . golathbria Cdiifokn,ia 'iitho y -the breast, w the eitly. da b� cana smidy. e' ea d d Ave its of, film nd, strokeL beem. told-. it , duld burn' or:.e"ven I III sily UndoIstbo syn stroke; and, gVep-h' '-were. 0 action is, alrew tumbled,.c Jumo.ed back -for high-altittide record 61PS111i 1 .1 . ii� suc ly: c6nside ed to',. break the incliesi', word altimly melt.; 'cOVI . . . monly u ed':; Tho� Glynn, Vulturli? WhAt-46, you know of Ail ji mpr tban s trudgdon and- id be'il:ios�d.. was e ore they wou be permit- Airwayp lis:jrAyelling : glq. 6�er aifia'str6k6 "were, fiextevo v- . . .1 i, Q, mper at iiecesir la ou ithfpuro y,' t e,,sltitation at: �the, close .,.by - Air ing lad --chhrring6 Atill the door of the- season, unlets - I there s a y b f ld qqibrc 6 ygen es of.A,,ta"Ing It bag been bu4tifties th. methods of 11101, of th-3-,PrIr,,ee,,of,.N pr nted in the 'papers, on the point of., bi-�aking An ed. The apaita, Who ia too, Un x ee improvomefft' in con-� telix to. leave tho -I,, hi inch at.4, time f nanling. 4taf6s 11M.Ake YQUI R o travL self.' The­talklng ftImS 444 the, and tre,:.,sent.;q* retorted lilligeii: uAder sW1 iou each#d' their. conclusiblas' After'' ulynn, to , foil his diti6ns, will.be indeed'4.spr sors r, g: last: refildirf. mln s*one - .'haMbrdthori -injilidia to, s T116,vultaiia, ',*ho I flattering -ram. J.)IoW-.. �­The thai.you,viill' Ileartwor lmpio�e.,- .1 Mont h g -.Usurp: n -Reduction of cargo s ma's r6. h. in"'I6xpe rone '­ L .,; 1 . : . I dediiesip eael e n ri edvith,*hite, rats. th hat 'I carryl Who butL' he -would' w la,� am, firepro f4ype.. T06F,crAwl' Aroke is the moA'populai. breathed �oxyFela pity gs a, After' hAVin W. iiiII1,11ner travels: i4orah 1404 to.�Olunder R? acc of earhin nd' thus los 'of Samgn�,'Woo '�b of A-11-sWim lstfokis. 'Cb�;n`pioons all US-., i�. . fgr'25,. 46, -all 'in ith a fierce cry'ot r4ge" the' man 1.0.' d i36- minutes 64 eo. t v I use I and it i'�4dAt.be- I is chdinber Tom reS' I eeomop . ed �nQ only of, pighial rofit, and Aake and'. river, sbippin g. an o�er*iho w6ild� pAyin and fell; to n 6verAIL little 0 ts are oxperie'nding t boatii In coming Ihe :stro�i� jr evetybo y. In !3�P S: are made ,by the or,. tb robber but f ' , 1� jt�njj�dly' 'd dite ra Nvere plalged hiring: the at�,,ihe �oi hich air Was hem, twistIng jo _,Posit rou. -6kplainiA ullturtts?,,envOYS, mrrrsUgh' diffieu ties witholat" havinia w GI . of ah,-. .9 -taking hin'dfuld of, -t -thle iiravvi '�tr6ke- attefit oer" -film �' seci�Sdd . nglishman �'And jou - . . I e condit' his; walst� by L dL additJolipt-pnes thrust iipon'them. : -that evacuat�d Space ions -he'will a ion, breathin; on steel -chain �Wileni heAs 8.0 accuse -tip them- �ard it At'Ralrichl Glynn r, W.Par ke rolle strands, knotting -IS. t " h Mel e g4Vo* air] Ct wator in 'the St Law prevAilinglin t e stra asp ere S by. a s - h Because.loW ere o a , cc L or ' q ' pany: .,o year swim. 6'read- htfif - to a L the4tre:, naessOnger was to. -be hur -�cobid'ljft the haim"mer and.strike - lIning be made.,o4sler y:.th 'pqsed'envqy�of: the Prince who requests er �Ao bair, of the, t1ibm.' batterli 'them, a:s'fast: as he F hIng' t", . 1. oduced. 'P�aetice.­At this time JIm6Y Do :and NL -rence. is ecoming, th� rule initead of repp yle orah, g!D iYOU to nd that: Rats, ivilich' had not, :been',,dosed' killed gains* the.etceptilih�—as it. U Wit'h, Glynn.. The t* those 6rd-drs. ffe,,',,�The dooi jivibwitti.a: ren . di of such a� wrticle-7 ng cr na�ir- he' With -TheY*ar followed, The into t much soone�- cumbed Piffice's, ellYOYA, In the,meantime ,'IhW�e -eT6W.ding 1jat6, ve your, beks to �44a Is Cc Illon aranc liangffi' ed dili - 'gt'nn -fh—jin rats become alarmed, At, the b6n-eppe 464 tecaus of thi es' Mo. khe ea er. 6StL perio (if cotrect it- pro. d, to', e the. d lioth. C w i.ch might bL ell, 'to . vb , b ex. -and' Institute wsearch.L save bld own tbe room, -A man -besi e that had'.' Seventy minut of Glynn Ilynn I d Iturhnt .-Which, has w - strong ,- sle6p;ln' 'tit ePts li'drink in 10 me' lie -ba fire( _ 4wo*'s ."a revolver, b e exp ri-. he th Th Astrip. rest - .9 OD� With a from draugh t- 8 ftkf6Ine#s aft- ut 'that� is 6fider' a la �ui!e, to,the..oxygeri.,. T -h IylL T eAlkhts suddenly go,.out, e,heard the talk- In ah�wei' panI6 rapid ba anadi t6r e ental 9P, ink 0 -G in -is rbscuo a0 t N merk.ters acCOU 0 e�. police., . v:-, j, e bieak L ng fli ift"f6r the e In.abl: '6aught gentefic6s police, plstbig� and .Of ily -!Vulture P bt. tbe'' oxygen on, e- 11tvor'y hait li6d q *!ellis tj ly every on has - �bis own and -CAP uI718 �that, Drove(] III lans ren e fla t when be e r I g arguments admitted'-- ed meP.! a ve at Hygrappre. lexplanation of w, riv r �con. prcce�s& are, �chanigd- like' those of redit L. e especially. those that: d14 ed 'The 7tlf#Aqader's hamirieiln-� stopped ib --l. ot." Al� r wh"o, d" �yin L of ..tinus 'to' rl�naaill.lo. ��oiI� -runne secon ii6re�sgoodi faith, j�6 U lihis 4tter en&- r -al utte'n, e , 1� -the diversion l �d aniii gs�t nptlY., '.With *a giodh. h gtj ght - bertA!bas passed aa.chd6li�g'Xief �Or' M the n I on L from the ledder.� a molgient, tho. hammer. droplied, the: proVis . ions.9 'I d -buto it to at Chi . c L others 'w* moves, and,Glynn,�foughi degiliIer.' curt order - If the' airy- ift u.stry Qi i�liter kro Bne4 -he co lapsei I'll, Lake,, Nflichigan e hamm-er' an this h' 'IELtely io:,ii;e6s his' thodght and: I a leap on. to.. g6me into orce wit in the it his blood 46;6ny� plreci.oitiiti I op d u'rig thE, 'SnOW. e or,,the Yrea Ife: lock; - .1 , I .. I province so. ar as a mmor'. rst 40 -rO film w i'lt wIllL attid' 'b 'not, on em. They tried 11 b 6 the d be for1lydrapor k t sprhigi. sunimer. . seasolasi otlloet� -Prince .'only 'The * Brit- was a stoutly maCile" brass one oto deal mlih �but It -ading land niarkefing;;Of -creamery. 'ffect. which 'rem(wal - -of; And. although still' to the ifid flat-` gi Ish Raj the`-'rirkar, III 'not test -:UIA.� Whilo qome.% of"t-hib poll�e,,hdld .-their butter.' -The grades., of butter 1orest growth' has ad ipoh 'the N<�w blooms the 0ale tit satisfActioa Is giV'en P'iftialsh­ toned it.,Lwith:-mgjl.�..�18ws, Ie Ii4SD prigoiaers.litiddled in a, cornei, Under Gratk -mete o ers'xan o..cu prage o water in InIALIad 'b 'Gardenia 'moon ment d", ut.?i: "of held" 4il d ':In deed, inay have beeJa. -oth ''t" Gradb. Afi&N st asin 'their -pistol uzzles, o Gia(16� NO 'butter "Will qlkAp free,and try. io,:1. -bi -d de hich;. i4i toQ fr6sli fron) 90tor6logica I -p'llerioilaena "are Alsof Above: ­ closer gripped', 'for'' the each wrinkled. OW Can It be nown, whd of us rev ve m,. An be- blamed Y Set to work. on e'd M cruin�led 'the aiid'de- �Pon oceasions., Sannitb dulie. the L tormine.. t e:qudbt� Tfie' *' 0. tfi L q h, qhain with, ying a -hear -man am . mering. g churn� d' One W.hatd�er thL 'battore&j film; a 4 inL the easot! faillur- if a lad. kAtfi6r up. propery; an., e e. r�ason, however qpu nswering.ano er's - his powers of ching hbd(IL cleared' -�:'G yn, I . A ughed -loudly #41 to trY'. I mAy.-we e argument " 1. t 11 b , a co'nabiraition of all 61y.nn, zouillt A—: gn -the part of any 6wher, to. cc inply' ".hav hoL r ;beetj' lani. -thol, 0, �o rerid h the 'regulations, the thdie suggestions which L ..!rh'e 'of the Prince, dii.thena'a I.-enoug 1 It embet what a ap� galn remin Ing uce', d 'the St., 'Lawirgric I e is excep io'n.., y l�i . f I , - airy.- PrIodi 'SeelijS' er'led - An English 6131�0, ..sahib" e that . JU'.tII6, pas The -Vulture pened,' the. first thing he'askoll Was isio,'"of 0 may eize rkl carVed... y '16t -had'ifi � 'aie � been .1 an 0 buti ves no, prospect'. - o: e ony,.,,, Big rewards, - nine' of. 'b' r inv'6k-6d ally low 'and' I of f- n safe' and N about e c la money. will be ijorid - puntilh iffes' of my,'murdierers is father' n such timq. as the I IftiproVig I t' waYs) an t.ered",'for the-laa e t because h, ,opoii�d.,For answer they shoVih � hit' ejUfati�ns d when an. 0asi ,the Prince, I . . t � F iohi (Xine,'to d:q' nie One of ou vdll- lived,., that now Ill r6miins 'of his 'film' -have� beon conipli6d witli. I lows ship'pin- uffers along 1he wreekdge - an' iiii w nd. b the names, c s,�Prince wa,, port an t ., po , is' that 'bulter be ma int6jeStSL w n red. foot-:p)rints show ers an 'the t; lked,,'diracked:- a (f bafte iy other 6 r bu wo the. pth d be t and' i - new', -cp Y will Prin6e el -how So T of the exact'4Uality.r6ieed And Dredlgink- is':no up er way d'! Cloar-C lai as in th'' ju�tic -ho' h 1 6 �§Cofod- 6L 1 6 Ow to re)vard 'those w e it., he Vul Uie me 7 any 'containing, creamery. diff to -he had 'fairly stiri*ed them d his friends , and bitterly' . punfsll� he §a1dand laughed We ekebt �oitg ila'an edoil; im- X.ew-fallen' snow. akly,., buitOr sdid, dfferi�o 'or, eiocis d and:. he could beat t robbed or I red i-hom. le t 'Co IS" -Situation, nju 'drititued.) e OT �Provv 6at A�eojing;, he hilm',aid iniii (To �Bol C sa I U —4ohn Riela mut tal eheAd ifor mers, or1b; any often it hiiy 'be under. Ard �Moreland, IlTh of k amongst tliem,. -ader it last., fearing perhaps I 1 1, ., ow hit Such . talk ml h person. i�epresaffflfig a consumer', mus Texas: Again: he.catight Ilougl, f A' ' ' i - t, takehiI -doi6s'rsot* hold the'�'solutiqfi �f Mendor.11 (Pa enten g it have Some 6f 'b,,ftiarl�e4 so- asto: g, 'u can. on.ly be t6lftisw6r o-aice feet,. struck, film fiatd,'Ac�oss th'id'faPet thq: q es Ioni, kalAdolirAph. Press a6cuiat6 d6scripiioill Of tile quality'61 br With li, fllO, and man, who, $Did 4be iiallies .,knowing .02; sil­ Fa4hi6n,,Hi ft -thid'bufter. The ew reg' , lal ought aboixi thro'ugh the establish- ili�ai t16 6t6brs wo I Is WOuI0 ,be, ga#kqd. en e I!!less h 'johL' 9P iiagr,'oi works certainly give A�ut %r sp-rasp, (he flow, of ter 'and 'maintaining More 'o'v6.ibI,6 'qc�o zied, 9 br- throdgla'3vaitilalg 0 alld at -last. the. fopp in 'any province , I I ianoS, and.. ate�4'for Orgian i Amie to the' po' ply, to. �1.1, t his )I L ,!Fho ra pf -.the - Ifie'went :on 01) pr ' ols", cri lice a, e .* I' G.Ynh �­scorrifully. ot uslig, ili'll, -by that r tion province. .64su: e)y you kn6W, one may give: !"I'lley SUffi man t led. ell back'and"8 I man la�lng e fal seasOfi.. pit ks wear for/Nature to supply. cien moist - a d lt� shpuld earn' pardon by' break no�k W more O.Verblouses in the fall,� Is the sXing's Vidence and A godd-bhnimer b at, t a prope .Send for.,oul., balgaLl) r. h because the men� aid' not, know m rake a d er'lbvel at, hd'' use'd a �bringing,666 s. to t 'e LaWI, nd even B I�f low. h 'r" intervals td koe'P UprijIlt, And. Gri fid'� d ment niade. 1by the �rlidtical n ry s t. ir norWi can if that ere not done, one of you or, sombatbihig. -OW: .1ver, roe Recorder. ian0s -enough 'to put'me a enne season inuch' hke'an,41— All? P, it Dos 101T.�—B I e n in I L 'fact 'thkt* e jivo the. a 'es io another outside baird eholagh�'ilnd6r-- tile' chiln but other But' the , P16C also will'te I th Udi yourselves Wh I O'Polleeand 'struck 'it a al" st' the , w 6homea ate. so' good, if6r -fall' Would At' -the 'Midst6A th� d' the St'. nto the WOO water, levels 0 C111117ch pur ses; a ape �vmi&' - No Shbei Iniplied by. did' eIr gyr at l. or house,l ii*6t this--­�are hotyour known and rdiik.' The lian�, ent ents in the t1frection river.' d' USUa irgitil for 1&.honlp not'.b: alrrangft' of oVe.r. al, J at, t1v "p P, sedtoft8, the and 66J.' 'the Vufturej;pare -any, Ose Pre-Wat '$)Ays w he ­one' 'hb hired YOU, And 'Will back '�O Work WjthLth� fllo�. blou's6g rather than ttitk4ns. The eighti In labrinal' g n 60d of* tfi'� ree organs: for, g1lard the A,4,Yet hgAin;.L an. bohch, dt only-dinted Ji d I do6m to in�fiuen6e blouib, And skirt nd �man, in' fte vb ad r heir aire�sy. m6deis as,faffetas, o mii,`: iseiL f�cql the 6901 Will n1Ako,,.h1g�owa.neck saie-011: d. -at' that instant there came 0. ih� conIni neeilient ng O-to, oJ 'iliere i iiatiohal cohloiien6� o jily Te I-lk plq" ttimi' will tirdli gr "I'ly t Ea It diod to a d6adly silene' un or, vets with., V6 tal" th th 'd blOWs iipoft tb U ably. -lid Worh as -Jhs,., They ate bie k -b S11008, 964 g :Oti ind one of July And thin suWdes equ'ally gyad, and 'the jiaad6r ;door, krolcla sliouilin tq generally- fitto tuck Solutions tli.�e� la4�, -drew 'close n 9 A panic :At the waistline fla e. �f, I'h& 0' e harshly *Wha -stricken 0ause was Jo 8 sta's n. oi tile t As this ta IsO that they ��ill '16ok �graiceftil,"ibOvIb* d lia WLI lk Of Tbe Ht IN TZMAN &CO LTV, by ergs of, t 6-poliep" and h up, is Ahi k, t t idresig. �iaii jiobk 90ffieots ;that were Ain A r 1,W so c�n� a shoe, n1, F`6i 11id t Itimis, the 195 Vonge Stiree Toronto again. 'by past two laree 812 h the vollod of e 'Pof facc�d, tyllift Shoo' ahity ho '4T o nnthik yearj' Ihe .9t. Llj%� d6o.i a Oka, Indbeh' thick. VOodt bound AnO. qtltt!lilhg Is' anoLhor, Nvig 6 oft t SP ed fb� lIsome *Omeh io 'the Of 'ah hour 'an in 661latq And slibeV6. 0661ant sh'ad6w 6f theii 6*,, two fillfikea� fiill� or� hbt,6 will ierv�, j6�' �finilth fie�61, 66; and 81�'eve'bafids is S, Wla e I ftig telvesi Others "e' 9 gPjL:aWJy b i fh C tdd,l)t Y611 1 a. laund COnitiound I I Artik's' alid Au t1h 6rs, A it ofes8ional ard, ffivitdid thi , I it ld easy, t V r -Skatd 'eg, 11) tistrtilons e Sh s e e e 0orylg to oS6 Ln,cl Weles and to :'end, 6�'gql AbI h eel tthe %latii two.', Tr the lh ad'to 4h, . FAL 69 dh s adie re'e hod look t�the t to s t , 0 P�n Ofi d e aou 61owsl. antl be & nieliibld, he e K6ghiz6d (in Whic en is presod �naojt �Ord th k;rl n., Apd Y,6o Atfi. di ixi' Di, W&I10i's -NWdir­thd'� rl Icisin t"Jibilej Iia the tettil -you pfatticaf-11 no t -6 root,' But they he� offei b"L,''g burelp Coming. *' �iftd D' alll,* T 90� right on' ld h bf J 4 g? Ing amd tind Floerg* UM or ittich6. 'The c 111*10166flardrthblefity edl tAtu:at se pe ;C016tirs. Send 4 word mot :by a kY6 h6t OIR6' so frank)'y - mld'(Iy clicking— dirlee,;0ent AaMped f6f T611 matfo6.- liltive pIngi or for, P0 lisulanOMPGVN into tholroidid' F to f 00 and 'po0re aW th �Crfos ta0 Wt dfid, sooth iilgiire g I x Yfillig9d 0 MY 011461�4&iis,mdbth Aftnitlittk: b -�Mfny TqRONT drd Ilit" toot, Wett lot g6homb EP, A j, 7 li� f