The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-09-06, Page 5„ • • • . • . • • ,• „ . . 1.1.11V, ,4); 04PTP1J1F91.1t..0, • TIM • it's. ¶U r. ean rnor� salary • •.14 • • iv. • and you *nolo:heir slad .• the,Y 6e 'at. 11.4m • koAs. and. Its theni hear th. goodflows • !Or good news or eiriergen41:fOr friend', . • visit, or jS.0You cud heat,Long • twice as an easy, 'quick; personal: msesen; ger, You Can talk with somebody.100mileo ,• I • •`or so away for as little as 30 cents., ass th! • list, Of • rates in. tbe front. of pour diridetory. • !it 1 Errors ',Were. • Cettly.,', As Lticknoc Absetbed A;7 fea to 0 DetIn ' First' . . , , .Of .aerfek„Whea:. -• 1.1311441,The'OCala• To *Pik.** And Strack9at.Fifteep„, Today,(Tburaclay.), Lucknow. ineetS" Nesferd Meek -SOS second game. , • gime 'or . .interinqtatC "B", PlaYdeyne, and Will be 'in there battling ' to take. a 'trictOr '4nfl and the aeriea•inte, threi:Igrnes. • According 00:S0polit were 'airel,-beloW form .in the firat: game lett• WednetdaY „ in :Meaferd,..:wben • ' they took a. 7 to V !Awing. .1Keo; ford..feee,•admitted. howefeT,',.that. the. SOX' Were playing.. over :their. heads and that. Philips On the4nOund; who 'united Lucknow to 3 hitand, Struck Out. 15 ' turned in his cleyerest • pitch - Ing perfOrMaince, dila! teasiOn,. . • •. The lOcalathave no ehbie, far .they realize that Meaford.:bu a• powerful baliteam •Willa Iooked huch better thin the locals in the •litst- 'game. However Thursday it ainither- day and- the Sox • will .find the Sepo3'S different'' squad fro* that they faced last Weekj Bob: Carrick it?' likely ,to start'.on the -0164nd-for lAcknoir and if. he. and: his teammates get in some • effective work with th wiiow, 1 uck7 novi sbould bang up a win. In the MeafOrd.:*ame 'three infield errors Were costly to ',tickle*, and their inability to 'hit. Oet- ings;kept them froni heink-a, Serious :threat •all •day%. :AinlY.Thorapsen.,wee the . only batter to have -much line!, cets.':agailist.. 'Warne. Andy cricked out two. clean ''ssgles-in 4 trips. to the plate Irwin . got & single when In case it is i lack of • knowing ; the e pasted one to third'. that was. tOn. Cate tboroighly. we, ,night - -Make a ot.. to 'tan*. f.Andy's ffirtittiqgis last -effort to .enlighten,the scribe, but erne on the firs t •,pitehest bali M4. if his purpose is justto keep the, facts sto'e • seeend-, and .it-looied. RIM a 7concealecr that • pert. fans Will hence to 'score,: 41,it, .pktiiips. 'Went _think the 0:B.A.A. gave them a rot • work and atriick out .ithe next 3 ten deal our Pencil ,pushing will have batters, a feat he aktip::ft.rfermed served 'no ,purpose. rai the .firtt.3 .inen fee,,,e Pr kith the 2nd and the. 4th: • . • Witp .a.' Cold wind Whipping, .in from .the Bay, Gordon Irwin was. not to fora and was touched fOr .12 ts, one: .a .triple'. snda Brace Of two ggere„, At. that errors re, • ST. HELENS ' Beore leuvnig on. Mouday ' for 'Peterborough Hospital where. she : tra'n as a nurse, Miss Helen. Thom was tendered a shower by -twenty ' • of her giri friends'. at the home of atint,“. Mrs. wall. Gooier, Nor . brifer,piany. friends ; will be: sorry to • • .• him" that Mita Maxi:, Campbell. is seriouSly ill • • • • ,• , • . •• Visitors : with Mr, and : MTS. Che-" -• ;• ter Tnolor, included Mrs: *. H: Cook IforinerlY Miss Luella .Stalker) Of ..StStepheri, -0Mrs. Geddes.Of. Mrs. W. Taylor and Mrs. 13en--',.TaYlor , of Blyth, Master Billy Feigueon . of Auburn and , Miss ' jean • . Havens' ei L;neknow: • kk • • .„ Rev.: and Mra Wziknson, Doris and Murray renewed o1d acquaintan, • • • cei at Bluevale where,.Mr: • - "i! •:sem preached annivertary. serviees, • en , g ' Sunday; ' • Holiday visitors. with •Mrs. R. 1. Woods ;included Dr. Alvin Woods of • . Dundas, Mr 'and Mrs. Dougherty and Gwendolyn of ' Guelph, Mrs. • ,•• • •- Whethain and two children' of ..Galt. • . • After the vacation .spent at: their . ;• homes here* the following pupils have • • gone to Lucknow Continuatien school Dorothy .Miller2 Jean •Thom,:''Nornia Weatherhead, Laurnie MiPer, Neely•; •Todd, Hugh Mcdrostie and Gordon Miller; while Vera. Taylor is attend- ing at Auburn., .Mrs.' R. Durnin of Clinton, was a recent guest Of Mr: and Mrs. Chas. • ••• • ' iss Hodgins of.Lucknow,, a former teacher at S. S. 'No. 3, 'eallecr on frienclt - there. • • . Mr: Jas McIntosh and his mother Mrs.. .McIntosh of Vinehind,, were Week -end visitors: at Mr. D. Todd's, 'Scheel* re -opened on Tuesday with ' ',: Mr. .6, s. McIntyre'Paisley ..SS Principal; and Miss• Beatrice McQuil- Jinas assistant in St. Helens' school; who 'passed eivay., The funeral was Mr George Mitdh01 of. Toronto' at last "Thurclai. . Fordyee; Mr Watson Davis'at Bel. Mrdfewitt of Rockwood spent the fast and Miss. Lucy. Thompson of St. week -end with With mr. and Mrs:. 'James • :Aug:Udine at S.' S. No.' 3 Wilson ;raw, fOliewing teachers 'have gone Miss Petersen, • graduate ". to their duties after the, vacation; nurse of -Brantford hotpitel; returned -HO • :• Migge4 W IX Rutherford to Kirkland home hitt Week: , take;. Vera Todd td BloOmingdale; • , Miss Kiite"MCKentie, R N, return.' 'Irene Woods to, Waterlooil Dorothy ed to her position at North Bay, after' • ',' • MOQUilliii to Sandwich, Dorothy Web visitingwith, her,sisto, Mra. Thot. T •• ester to LondOi“ ,,Zytda Webster.: to • •• Virontot 41no Webster to ear* • Mr. john ThOm of FordWieh spent pro ' • • jean Wel:otter JO "Whightim junction; the 'week -end with Mr. and, Mill. John , • , ' • • • • • • • •4, • .• 0.- ' %.1P1111 . case having .ben,lbehl 'direr for; a period of one month. until: 'we. Were .844410 he was qualified, l?!aY, With 1,nciFficarr, His 1:08/4011C0 vas ficaignated !Ia. 994004. at tlie •tithe we gianto4: the certificate, How- ever Sinee,.graetielf. the 0?colre. tertl4 ficate ythie ,ployer. Itolioirel has moved to. MO94! .1mt as. eenhl. not • play with. any Other 0.B.A.A., Club' 4 Inni• alWay,S, been tbe',P°1gPY' .P(oOntivo to : allow .th! ' 14;Prir the ..04nifio Noth club,, Jte. Wes; awarded too, provided hi did not move 'any great _distance away: '1. feel you will agroe iv0b, the Exeg4t tiie On thisAiohit,•• , Carrick bse•Pieved in the ,Iede, *dent League with Clinton but ing. permits granted to othni.' plairere to this league we feel it 'would be an injustiele not allow Carrick' the :same titaevirpeelrentti.,W1 abuses e cthisf e(1 41 e iSgi tnt say. the question of . alloWN players Who are members pf 0.13.A.A, clubs to pity. 'with :independent, ebbs wili be thoroughly debated 'in: the near fntni.V. •• • ' ••• • ' • -Pr-- "r,^ -r,, • The rort Elgin Tiines: devoted* 2 colnnins, chatter last • week to "Sport Slants".on :the ' decision of the .q.P.A.A.. in upholding LucknoW,'a 'appeal..on the Port Pretest„ and said, nothing except ! try •to tell other' Bruce • League 'teams •-they should break away frin the o:P.A.A.. • Whether the .writer of those aim- nients,,(141P4.,1:a know the details Of " the .pro.telitoi. whether: his main Ob- ject is to try qnd make Port fans be ? Here thei had one hung on theM by u ,‘ We. do not •know. - • • Ir1LOUGH _ bou • MiNchr.,"; t4saChtliG141471•^141b4114...41.. paren Mr%aod'ilfro., .4.„ A. 'graham.. Cengratelatiee5 to Rev and Mr Win. A, Townishend, X.49049.o; On • .10* ima j• PPM; Mist Andre e*)11ty.'o,f n• ..1 Sunday iiisitors • at Mr.; Held Percy and friend.; '01' • London, 'wet • 4,?.e‘r• , B. hlondaY 'f° New York l'after :Sending '.the i Pas few Weeks 41Cox. „tb.hhg -ra°therr, :Mrs, ,M ta5.eert ' ;Mr. • Joe Hodgkinson had the ,nil fortune. to have ' hand, crushed wifileet, Work near II:041410k 'Mr: and Heldenby ,and daughter Stella; Mrs.,F. Collins and Mrs. McLean, whO have been lisitieg elatiyes 'here left Mendel for their tome at' Sylvian Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Mellin 'Johnstone Id Listowel" . were Sunday 1i:titers, at he latter's honie here. , Kathleen Barbour returned to ondon after a- visit with • Miser Margaket Malcolm is visiting. ith friends, .in Toronto. . :'Mrs. Levi :EckenaWiller spent', a. ew days . with her. sister it Listowel. • Mrs' Lavine Hodgkinson Visited st week at Mr.: Dan MacDonald's, nd ' • • • • M. and.Mrs." Bert McLean attend,' d the 'exhiliitionat Toronto Mon-, ay: ' . Mr. Marshall .Iones of Mose Jaw. ask, 'visited last, week yvith. ncle, ;Levi Boyle. Mr. Percy Enid' ; returned to.' hi:, Me at Chapleau, after 'Spending the lidays with Mrs. "F: .4., 81acicWell, We • extend sympathy to 'Mr, aer• rs. Wateon Scott'.in , the loss of eir home byfire 'Iliersday.aven, .1 la 2 he he M di ' •WHIT,ECHURCH h , • and Arra.. .Gorges afeqcies;...and family of 'Firetton, spent the Week , 7 end with his parents,, 'Mr: and Mrs. t° Eli Jacques. .. Mrs. 'Alex Reid': is spending a few days with' her ton, Mr. 2 and . Mrs. ftustel Reid .of: Brantford. ' Miss Martha Clifton of. Lnelcnow' visitedlest week with Miss Ida Mc- Quoidi• •• be Mr. and krt. Gavin Middleton and -s Mr.* and. Mrs: ,Penrose and: M • family of. Hamilton apent the Week, fp end With,Mrs. Middletaia siateir, 'krt. Joe Holmes: . Mrs Ogilvie and children of -Tor, onto visited' ;reeently With her parents R. • Mr.. and Mrs: John -Clubb. A Rev: John MacNamara. Of Toronto Ce who 11as holidaling at the beach, called on Air. end Mrs. Eli 'Jacquet Mi one day last week.. •. 01 • Mr: and Mrt. 'Robert McInnes of 0. ponsilile ter, . a triti- of the runs. eaford•scored 4". runs in the seed ning but frem • then „Mn it .was good 'brand of ball. . • Luchnow ; r po •a e i'ThOmpson, rf. 4 0' 2 2 0 .Thompson;:i 31)... 3 .0 -0 3 , • 1 .0 4' ;f3 , , 1b 0 "f3 12 0 0 Finlayson, 2b '2h . 0 2 ller, as. .0 9. lop 0 arke,- if: 0 ' 0 ;0 4) Finlayson, . . 0' .2 in,••6',1- 'co -Li ming; ' cf. .; 1 0 .0-'0. 0 0: ' • , 4 •, •;29." 4.v 3.24 12, °afar& ; ao -e bertson„ lg. 6.- - pi .0 : 3 . 1, 2b ' "5' 1 'a 3 0 •,..9 6 ith, cf 1. 0 0 0 co. ach, 0, 0 0 .0 .0 ight, 1:, .4 0' 0 apple,:3b .1' 10 . 1- 1 14, b - • , . 36 • 7..12 '27' '5 1 • • F. 000 099.0 3 -.21p enunerY—Two,- base hits-7.1tobin „Wright; Vail.' Three .bete • -Stolen baset-r-A,,ThOmpson, inson, ChapPle: Struck out hips 15, by Double ;plait hilips to Wright R. 'Finlayson to Carrick. .Left: on 'bases.-Lucknow 3, Meaford' "7.; Wild, lliniiret-7.Doc. \WPC: 8enthaniptOn; 'Art Nichol,'.Owen Sound ' TeesWater visited:reeentli with Mrs. Tr*, David : , ' . • Cu Mr. and litre,: Wm. '1. Henderson o wingliani, -visited last Tuesday with Mr. and Art. David Kennedy. • M AW. MS. tea of the, United "Ro church was held nt the home •of Mrs. Ph Gibson 'Gillespie. last Tuesday. yid Mr. McKay of Weston took tin Be service in in '.the'Presbyterian church Srn last Sunday. le Miss Catherine •PattersOn, who has, wr pet several weeks' with her uncle ch Mr. Will ;Egglestone in Detroit, re- gpe turned home 'last Week; Mr. Will' Eggiestone ^ of.Detroit visited last week with his mother. Mrs. Catherine' Egglestone end his Lu literto milk pert- Reid and Mrs 4 Me Henry 'Patterson. His son, Mr.. Dec- ,g lit Egglestone rettirned, home 'with .ioti after Visiting here. • Bei Mrs. Wesley • 'Leggatt spent two Rb weeks with her aunt, Mrs Trench of phi Tees,water who Wei seriously ill and _To Misses Bess Lane and Winnie rcy, 'R.N., left last week 'for Mus . • Mrs. K. Miller of Washington is siting with relatives here - Mr. and Mrs.J. Malcolm and girls Galt visited on Thursday. last at L T. Malcolm's. ' Mr. Jas: 'Percy of Huron renewed acquaintances:here on Monday: Rev. Wm. and MM. MacDOnalcl and Pe k� . . As far as'the Thompton .boys and Yi Miller are ,concerned little need be said. Andy and Bob Were both ed °f in June, as soon as they 'arrived 'mine froin .school and Miller in June, when his emPic134r-'' granted him periiiiit. akin, els3'.. With these three' there • Old ldren of -Agincourt, were recent • -Could be no arginient It was a' case chi of neglect in having their. _certificates 718 sent to the Bruce League secrete 4', • lir * *, * YO itors awith-the Lane families. Mff'"Louise Mor n .an family of rt Colbourne are.,risiting 'with her Carrick's certificate was not sent br° in either, but was signed earlier than :the otter three plalers, •on Mai .,,we 38th to be exact. There were affi- "O daVitspresented .to the 0.8.A.A. to i0LAttitliNG * *44 $44410ton enio)44. a `pleagant Motor .trip..threngb.Northern. 9„fitaila SuclOnry. dintrkt 1nst ;00; Margaret Finlay 'spent, a few d4074 lost_ week at: the C. N, tor,. 9i4.4.,„74044r4!" 'Elmer' ..1.0.1m4ton azid Iiie./CUrran are m000g• tlkosi:.who 'are • enjOiJeg the exhibition 'this. week." Mr. and. Mrs. John •Glee and two .twP daughters, Mrs. Louis Bpothby '404; George Men .Detroit -were 'week -end and X.ahOr guestS ' • • Messrs.: Tom and Walter dlen Miss Olive :Kilpatrick .OiniPonftrle: °d day' leat_week :wiith Mr. •and Mrs.. Iroilpatrick, at. 13ince Beach. Mr, and: Mrt. B. B. stotheis And family,. who'. had,' apeirt „Abe summer vacation at Kintail. beach, returned to Arthur. Thereday.' Before ieeving,,tbeY' • held family picnic, which was :47'. tended by. Mr: and Mrs. J.. C. Stolt- ersiind family of Londok: AMY Krt. ;Carinen ,Stotheri. arid delight:7: • Mary Frances of Pleten, ,• Sfothers ,oi Leiden and Mr. 'and Mrs. ! ' Henry ItOrton• and Mary. • Mr. and Mrs, J. Stothers, were aCcomPanied. • 'by the latter'snieces,, Misses :Jean and Marjory Porter of Toronto. • ,„. Rev. Johif Durrant" and sons John . • • Ind Albert '61 FOrest, Were guests 'of • , and Mrs. Thomas Blake part of of t While here Mr Durrant daressed. a meeting at; 'Crewe . On, 'unday evening and John :sang; "1 ' • • • ave been alone with Jesus,' 'very • - ifectively brother LAlbert; a64.. ompanying him; on thetorgan.. The ollowing Tuesday • evening, .under auspices of .,,the Blake Ladies' a splendid program Was pre-- ..ented Blake :hall Whieh vvere !ncludedreadings ..by Miss Eileen Tro- estven •of Crewe, 'John' Durrant and.. • qiss; Alice Shackletoni addresses by •. • Durrant and Matthew -flake ,of. Winnipeg; duets by Metsrs. Tohn and Albert Diiirant and: Miss Term Anderson and Fred Wainwright ' • lohn •and Albert Durrant niinorous skit. Dr. Blake. act' 83 :hairinnp, and as sneh added Maier- allito the enjoyment Of the' program' ley. J. •,Durrants address Consisted reininiscenceg. of, his Work as Tis, • aonary Newfoundland and' here - sited many amuaing inaidents. Dr.. 3lake told Of the life and :.hardships ; if 'the . early pioneers .'Of :this neigh.• orhood, including real bear stories • ts handed' down -hy his fathei-' and • ther T. W. .Tweedie. Mr. and Wm.,•Percy and Hazel re Sunday visitors eV Mr. D. Mac- • nald'at Kincardine. - bear this out after Carriek'a first signed certificate had been mislaid after being turned /in at the Bnic'e League meeting wiitch fellowed the playoff game in Port. Elgin. This certifi,mte turned up at the meeting in HaMilton and the' date; May 213th, corresponded . to that on the sworn statements," Of course the Port,scribe seems quite dubious at to the validity Of these affidavits,' but we might nuike clear that the publisher of this paper witnessed Catrick ,sign with the local club, on May 26th and made. a sworn stiatenient to that effect, and as well heard the eoniersation and saw' Car- rick sign a second ; certificate in Owen Sound August 2nd. " dr . • a,• It Was on the strength of this second certificate that it Was held that Bob , did ;not sign before the final date for signing ,up July116th, * • * • * • Carrick was a resident of Coder- ich uptil the •middle Of May, and thus according, to the, resident' rule, was eligible to' pa; with Lucknowin the 0.B.AA. ball. * • w The 0 B legeneP14bYae411 4WnlitehilloedlietriPchrt4enlidil."Onn. • moving. to, Clinton, writ allowed" to' Based Their pecision. pia_ With that town by the GOderieli ,Cluh, all of which elms "Ti0 concern he decision of the (:),41.:A;."i. re- with the Port erottst, because ' thS' ding the Pert 'Elgin-Lnekiiew 0.8.A,4. does not recognize nide- test was based on 'the' following pendent league players lanation reeeived try the see- * * r• * .* tl` of the Bruce Leagte:, It was the opinion'. Of the inein- thar,oWing to the Thompten A and. residinikfor some it in Leeknow and hating played: 'that ,Clulf in the past years and • . present -season we cf Id see ne „--- exp Mildred McQuillin to , Clandeboyd; Crag. • : , . Nits titlu WeStherhead to Parry SOnint Mr: Duncan . Kennedy bolie .the '14 .., and Mr. John* Fortin to Ayton, '`• ' ' eIik Abaft hi his tractor last Satur. hers . , , Mr. and Milt. Perel. Ityde and day, which will lay him oft threshing boy !children and Mr, Retold Ilyde of for a few des. " ,.. ly . j ' tear *.c ' Ithitattiliii iP6Yit the hoilday, with Mrs. trighliath et Blyth, visited re. With ...,,. ,„ ., Mrand 1 Mr,e • Jas Hyde, , . , 1,„ eently• 'with her father, Mr Charles the • .:*lsitoi with. her iiother, 'Phe hasehtill' •aiiihr had *miner:1)V tIttle m6,, remit at Mr John dillespiel lait 4`tiri okable time botteld Who has tkivueit alrs ay w . an en3 henie With her. 1,•Vvait'i anent, . • • • Mr, Jelin 'attermini' *he heioagt 41low.iiayoa tome yoar:to the • daft lout *kb geta free le Sectitid • trip tit& C. II'. E. at trOtOntti 01 It Was so Ile tan attending , with Its Calf .thls Week. :0 A Similar cOndtin. in the Bruce teegiie Iasi. Year Was petnitted;. Gerd "41rWiri* ,and Andl Thointitpti philed • Lakeside 'bail; With. LifektiOir end Brifee teagite bali Wiith. Teesa ;•water,.the' nearest dab. , • , , • ., „,- "•`' • I • . • • The only mlstalce Carrick made was to playan exhibition game with Hensel' an 0.11.A.A...' Club on the 14th of Mar,*-hefore he had' signed with any club. This the 0.B.A.A. knew and all ',the Other" aforesaid particulars When they granted Carrick his; card an June 27th to ilay with Lucknow; :Hensel; • wanted CarriCk's services and early :in the season tried to get rano:idler. At Close of the-prO, the Blake choir at .;their rhursday afternoon and evening A Mr and Mrs; 'Henry 11orton enter-: ••• • erved and a secial hour spent, ' "rani, :tea; sandwithestand , cake was ..tery pleasant time was. spent. . • • After" spending a pleasant holiday mitli their -parents and other rela- .• . • tives here, the following' teachers re7. Airned to their ;schools; ligr.•Eind Mrs..; Ernest .Ball and children to Brant- , • ;!ord; Mr. and Mrs. Finlay 'Shackle-' . • tO iirthorilktr...PaInser Kilpatrick • . TOrcirite; Miss. •Grace Blake, to rkOna; 'Misses Olive 'Anderson and live Kilpatrick to S. S. No. 9 and „Isjo. 16, Ashfield end" Richard iipatrick Sheppardton •sChooli • ' Mr:. and Mrs Bowden Ritchie of alkerville, Mrs. Charles Ritchie, iss Myrtle and Mi.' Bowden Ritchie • Zion visited their niece and sister, rrss., Georgemonand.kr. 'I'he,'Afield M.' s. • his release • tom 'Liicknow. Hiscse• 5 was heldlVer•fer month untirJune 27th i; when the granted:Mob his certificate'to play ;with Lucknow., 5' tic , • o •• w • And in ,view of all this'PortElgin, M protested, en the grounds that ar- of rick was not„ eligible • to plait wit} M Lucknow and' hadn't signed before de July 15th. .' * " th Before• the decision was known w: claimed Port's protest wilt a 'weak - legged one. The O.B.A.A. • decision provet it and now Port Elgin give. furthee-pcoof of the 'fact that "they can't take it... by raising an awiar howl abolit the injustice done them hi the OBAA '• '• ;'•• • • '• As me see it, it is fOrtunate that Bruce league tems' have an C.B.A. to "appeal to, to get* justice an Pores', agitation to br a fr'�m affll- • lotion with the •0,13.A.Ait nothing more. than g "tempest in a teapot'. and with one or two: etteeptions will teams: . • • • ot • • • last 'week's Cheiley • Enterprise t. C. MacDonald announced that he had tendered his- resignation as: se- retary,-treitiirer Of the Bruce League to the president 'of the organisation. ,The, reswnation 'take effect at tbe semi-annual meeting in the fall. fali On .deiif • Of oter Bruce piild het have the'Pleireg mention. Lakeside Leagne: :•GOldimith Was iEight, on", th d 41geed to eortliteatee We feel thee' player 0oh9 *oday'i; witit'Strithroy and hat; thei Were Signed. hefOe foaai• 'with teeaivater, • NO '4 21 te win Southainntint tied the te's The thiid game It to be 5th,' shut OWhig to Seine Mititigler PrOtett . Wet ; raised loWettr, T 6 il .• • • . _,., . , tihot gala•ceittiltateg :wpm., if Pori thfiri'aeritset inenteil MUSt IiiiVe liiiiYed tinOrOW id ' tteltili. ��w-' 4 " . hie it6 .. 2- Player Corlett Witt: granted a Chime ftrriek yi eyed a epeo en ettilleato to ;Plat .witli•UoltnOrt iit: :bail 6 8iftiOA,..leitiblO ' to 'pay. ' with .•4560 'poop . toekno te s well, re,,,,. (1-E h ki • t itait Atitilted hell, and etruili d h • leaghe tecretarY. Anse 118 0 OM t eat men bete ere* of tibOall 10.1t,A,A.—oiteetitiv•rlifeotil—oitl:ttokno% 'Presentct`a:this 146*.r 1/aP` giini 17' . • 4; ' , 9 . '.. . ' 1 40',. 0 • , • : .. , ,I. :, •• . ' Yi A' . i ' • ' , , .1 A :1 4•••," . r . .. •.' ..• • , .. 1,.' . v., ,.• ••,, , . f ' 44 , ....F7T401:44.., -,..,..c00 '' • „ eir aittUmn. Thankciffering service • in Blake 'Church next, sabbath, Sept. , • 9th, at2.0, and 1.30 p.m. Mrs., (Iteri) . • McRae of Beinillerwill he the guest speaker in the' afternoon and Rev. W. , J. Patton will havecharge of 9e evening %ervice. ,Special. • Miss Violet Rilpatrik and Mr lexMan Voddenof Toronto were rueste of Mr. and 'Mrs. Milton Kit., reia, , ' • • ,Mr. and -.Mrs. Nornuin Long and' Jean returned from Toronto last Week. They had been called. down the • • preiiOut Week on account of the 111-'•": • • • " , 4 .ftees al their son v4o under-: •. • ". Went an operation:, for appendictis Latest reports, he Was making',a ood recover'. • Mr. CeelliolinKtio visited 'his sister Mrs. 11. Moffat,' Sarnia, part of hat week, Alias Margaret .Blake of Win.•:. • . • • , had been holidaying wiih relatives here, acCompapied him ,to • arnik front Where,, after a sho0 Visit; she would orodeed• by boat boat • to • he' home *21 ' rs: Ate of „GoderiTi=rt . • 4(1 4„ • 4.••i .."'w Week ' , ' i ' •• ' •1' lier'aifeei Mrs; ititoitiaa Andersen titi II' • ., '‘'' ' ' •• ''. , ' . .r.; 1 • - , ‘. ;.,.,, ,,.!'• "There it direct and indirect -ti, * a!intitie"1,...? 1i• an fe ii eitiiiii,.#16, Of. itt,i11reet • ., ..,. :lite ...dg tit; sir,", • , • tillew ,iii that lo .. ' -., • •.1‘Thkdog it Oeti 0t- haveto' tar it,i,. ., . • ,• , • 140 •