The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-08-30, Page 8jF Ool S, and Growing Girls oeS. For TOILS !'ALL WE ARE OFFBRI'N(, A' COMPLETE' *LINE-UP'' OF''OU18FANPINd, VALURB FOR SCHOOL WEAR.'BU.Y NOW �VHLLIL OUIt 8TomIM S' "PLST$ CHILDREN'S PATENT STRAPS, • �t,,FO �3 Ci#iLDBEN 8 GUl11IiBT L • x. RDS,.�...10y=. 5/.. MISSES' ;PATENT STRAPS, ' 11-2 MISSES' • GUNMETAL 'OXFORDS,. 11-2 GROWING GIRLS' GUNMETAL •OXFORDS, D WIDTHS $1.98, ..$2.50, GROWING GIRLS, CALF OXFORDS IN BLACK" and, BROWN A lit' C- WIDTHS' 't a $2.95 $3.45, ` 95 ►thwell :anee ws Suit an v ,..• t•Materialsu ecroz� J st Arrive :TAILORED, MEASURE ANI) MODERATELY PRICED. A' POSTCARD BRINGS ME, TO YOUR I DOOR Y'R. i�• LUCKNQW tstive -o% `'*he North•Aaieriean` T ilod Prompt` Relief',Fro>,i_. INDIGESTION Don't • let ' stomach : tr`ubles , spoil. th : earSoyraint''; •;and ben t. of your meals. iCIEKr$,, `STOMALKA,: gives `alpsoat . �inatant relief from. Indigos - tion, ; Pains after 'eating, Bloating, Bs Wag, Heartburn, : Dy. Pala, etc., Ati: alkaline 'renmedyt • in'. l euid . form,: it tones up the stomach north *met, ing speed. Sina11ydoses;: make ;it: econ- omical. easy to' 'take: Get .;.KIRK`S STOMALICA' ;today at McKie[ S DRUG :STORE: Nur. Flennelette' Sheets' Pnd Wool - ea Blankets. New low prices.—THE MARKET'STORE. +` a_se S.. ►ASI BRIDGE 1 . C'LOTHE's ARE KNOWN FROM COAST. TO ' COAST. AGENTS IN EVERY IMPORTANT' TOWN AND CITY IN THE, DOMINION , MANUFACTURED BY COPPLEY NOYES c RANDALL LTD.• HAMILTON, ONT.;.' 1Q'ICE THE BOYS and 'MEN'S': STORE. HANDLE THIS L'IIYE: OFrCLOTHING MADE -20. MEASURE. ''THE• FALL SAMPLES ARE HERE ON DISPLAY. YOU. ARE �',, INVITED ,TO INSPECT THEM sW li �j.l ILUekNoWo ONTARio. LARGE CONGREGATION HEARS`. ;DR: McKERROL Lanes, Church ' on Sunday after- noon was .filled :by residents of that community who gathered ; to heara rousing sermon delivered by' 'Rev. Dr. D. T. L.' McKerroll of Toronto and\;a former pastor of the Lucknow. Presbyterian Church, a quarter of a century ago.' Dr. McKerrgll expressed his:,pleasure,..in .addressing the people of rthe community of Lanes and they in return, evidenced 'the rivele: P ge afforded them'in hearing so .eminent a speaker by the large ,attendance.. WEDDING BELL` S MacR Hogg ;, prucedyile' ; the summer home of Rev: J E. .Hogg, D.D., of Strath. coy, , was the scene of a pretty wedd ,ing on Tuesday,', when his elder; daughter, Jean Lorraine, was united in marriage to Mr. ? Duncan A. Mac- Rae, 'B•A., • son' of Mr. and Mrs -° John MacRae, of •Lochalsh. The ceremony was,` performed by the bride's father in a setting . of ; , summer 1'ovel ness, created . by garden, flowere and ever- green `boughs, The Dryads; wearing a 'graceful. gown of, white organdy with' hat -of white mohair and organdy and carry- ing a' bouquet of 'bine-'. ' delphinium, pink Iarkspur and clarkia, was given in marriage by her : uncle, Mr. 'New- ton, ewton• Wylie, of Toronto, . Little • Mary Willoughby, in a'dainty French dress, of -pink bastiste, acattered•.rose petals in the path of the.: bride. Miss ,Ethel Hogg,.:sister of the bride, gowned in ping ,organdy' with: blue sash and carrying a bouquet of pink and blue larkspur,. was bridesmaid. The groom was attended by his: brother,•' Mr. Jamieson MacRae. r ' the ceremon � .i. Y. a: reception waas held et the •summer home of Mr. and Mrs.,," -Newton Wylie. Receiving with • the bridal' , copple were the groom's parents, Mrs• MacRae wear- ing green silk crepe,, the bride's forth- er and Mr. and'• Mrs." Wylie, Mrs. Wylie. were printed silkcrepe with a picture hat of ecree rice. Later the ' bride• and groom • left for i boat trip to the head of Great • Lakes', The `,bride wore a be= coming enaeinlJe in shade of brown. After their honeymoon, ;Mr. .and Mrs. MacRae, will reside in Acton, where the 'groom' id principal • of the Con- ti ipation School.`Gtiests were'present ,from - Chicago, , Clinton, Lueknow, Seaforth; Port Dover, London, Tor- onto, Mot T'oronto,.,Ilot „Springs,: wjtirginia, axld N York.' 4 Ld ?w-8*$T1x* Local + enera 'Wall Jennie 1?earhnan iA •visiting with frieuda int Toronto. , Mrs John Button. 19 spending a few weeks' with friends in Toronto Mrs,, ' Gladys Myatt l of, Goderich, Visited Mr. and Mrs. T: E. Smith on` Sunday.., , • Mrs. Jas Purves andfamily visited with friends' in Guelph and •Paslinch on Sunday Miss . MaNaugbton of Orangeville is R guest this meek of Mr. and Mb.' W. W. Hill: Ross'' MacDonald of : Northern .On- tario, son 'of Mr• D. S. MacDonald, has`' been visiting here. Mrs. W .1.. M gNall, who : was re covering slowly from a recent illnei is not no well this 'week. " Constipation quickly' relieved with KIPP'S 'Unequalled ;Herb Tablets.— A. E. McKIM,, ''Phone: 22. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stoneham of .A1 listen, were week -end guests of Mr.' ''. ettdton. Dr. Blake ,and daughter Margaret of ..Winnipeg, spent a few dttiiis with their aunt, Mrs; T. 11.:A1ton. New Flannelettes - and Flannels for fall. selling. New goods,new low prices. -THE 'MARKET STORE.- • Our Suits and Overcoats stand 'out in . a Crowd -for style and appearance, TEMPLE:.CLARKE, Merchant Taildr Dr. ',Anna Nicholson of ,Saskatoon'' is a, visitor *with her sister, Mrs.. Archie ' McIntyre and Mr. 'McIntyre Mrs: Wm'' `. Webster and ' children spent' last week' at .Ripley with Mrs. Webster's father . Mrs. GeorgeHod- gins. + Mrs. `:E. 'Deiber and, children, Jeanne Marie and Gerald Alan" are visiting' with her sister,' Mrs. C. B. Allah. Mr.. 'and Mrs. Nelson ' WiAterstein and children ;of'''Ridgetown have been rlsiting' at the, home of Mrs. John Button. Mr. and Mrs.'Albert,Smith and Mr: and Mrs. ' Jack ' Newton - of ,Detroit are this week visiting Mr. and 'f[rs... T, E. Smith.' Dr. and Mrs. J.. A.' MaeDonald and Mirth Elizabeth Scot "ofRi Plet,visit- ed with .:Mr. and Dirs.:Robt. jRae last. Thursday.' ' Mrs. Jas. .Patterson, her daughter Wills ani .s`on—Jelin and' his Wife�`.of" Detroit, were',recent guests with Mrs: _Thos. Alton, - Miss Christens ,..Havens returned last week. from spendingthe week- end 'With her friend, Miss Ina •. Camp- bell at Lanes. Miss Mae. McMahon` of : Lucknoir has passed her' examinations . and re:. ceived her diploma at haw :Business College,' .Toronto, "- Mr. ; and Mrs. Wm.. McGill, Mins McGill: and Mr, ," and Mrsi. W. J. Spindler spent the week -end at•-Kel- don withtheir neice. A local ` horse-shoe tournament will be held on Jack MacDonald's grounds Labor Day, Sept. 4th. :Game starts 3, o'clock: in the: afternoon. Ma'a. Roy McQuillin and children, Sue anal RoY hair!)a'b en visiting iyith •Mr.. and Mrs ;.herb McQuillin for few weeks' vacation; Mr. , and Mrs. James Nixon of De- troit, were here the latter part of the week 'attending the' funeral ' 7of Mrs. Nixon's Sister, °Mrs. Scott • Miss ' Eeonice " Caesar '. returned , to her home in ,London on Sunday, after' a couple of weeks'„ vacation' with her eusins, Misses Hazel and Ada Web- ster.' - Mr:}, ,jack -Johnston; and daughter Marlene, returned • to ,Elmira 'the • first of. last week, atter spending two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs: Wm. ::Johnston.' Mr: and Mrs. Malcolnn .Armstrong and. ;son •Bible; left this week for Sea., forth, before setting out ' fol7 Port' Arthur, Where Mr. Armstrong will resume' his teaching duties. • •`• Mr, an. sJohn and, Mr . I'ratf' , and daughter .Mardell of Galt. and • Mhos Edith Shirley of Toronto; Were odt- of -town ' guests' at . the Johnstone- Webater.'ivedding' on •Saturday.' Mr. and Mrs: D. •L; MacDiarmid, their; two daughters 'Irene and Doris and ;Mies ,Rranstrom; •'all of James- town, N.'Y, "are , visitors, this week with Mr.' and Mrs:. Alex McDiarmid. JUST a RIVED,•=Otielarge,`range of 'Fall and 'LS1Oeter Samples of Suit, mgs, 05erooatiil'gs. •Call 'mid. look thein',avor,, .-.TEMP.LE .Cl,.,E, `, Merchant Tailor. ,s. Harold. "Toby" Graet , +and '"Bud' Thompson started oft yoste day txozs .. ing Hitchhiking their way to. Toronty where they will visit until the end. of the week --if they get.there before' then,. Cyril:,.Campbell ,grid .Waiter Roul'stoa spent a qday recently • with, Weir' sister,, Mrs, R. O. Solomon of Stratford, who was quite ill in the General Hospital. 'there,'witl ,typhoid, fever. , Week -end visitors ,at, the'Rae home. were' Mr. and : Mrs. 'Cheater Evans,; Mr. Will Rae,, .Mrs., Walter Vey and son • Owen of St. Marys and''Mr. and. Mrs, Donald . Rae ,T and family of Wingham. . .Miss -Audrey • Henderson ,ripent the weekend with friends in Detroit: Miss Mary, McKim successfully passed her primary music examina- tion of , which .previous mention had` been overlooked Mrs. Gibb :of Belfast, Ireland, who. has. been on an extensive visit : to, Canada and United.:States, ;including California,, New. York -and .Chicago, visited this week. at the -home other, cousin, Mr. D. C. McMorran.'• Mr. Jack Newton of Port -Credit; who is summering at his cottage at Bright's Grove near:; Sarnia,' 'Wafted for couple of days last week' with Dr. ' and Mrs. , G. A; Newton end ..re- newed ,acquaintances here, Mr. J. C. McNabb,: manager- of Silver*ood's' plant : here, is ;on a two w s'. holiday trip, part of "which he xpects to .spend m •the Muskoka district. His ' father; Mr. J. R. McNab of London, is also on •holidays, which_ he . is"., spending here., ' Mrs: George' Gillies, who has been so ill° as to require the 'care, of a trained nurse,` is, somewhat. unproved in health: Mrs. Gillies: is in cher 92nd near and the many friends Of. this venerable old lady- Will , hope for a complete restoration of health. Mrs. G. A. Newton and Miss Eunice Newton returned on Thursday from a -visit with Mr. and Mrs. T.A. Reid in Orlin*, They returned here. with Eldon Reid, who accompanied' by nave friends, • Miss . Catharine., Braden and Miss Doris Apinoi, ,remained here: fur a short visit. • ' Mr.' Weald`, McLean , of Ashfield aecomganied by his hrother Dave of Chicago,rleft on Monday for the,' C. N. E. .at ' Toronto from where ,they.; will continue on . a'' motor trip : to Montreal and?, other points of interest ia nbouQtu ebe ten ,daThyse. _.expeel obe.gone Tom. Menr .has returned' the y to h Leamington- branch of the ,Bank ' of Montreal and ' Joe Bartlett. is • back again on the local staff. The exchange was originally made se that Tom might..,benear his home here' during the- long illness and .subsequent death of, his mother! Ladies Win At Wingham Three -rinks of "Luckno.wladies. entered the' rinks ,' tournament at Wingham on ,'Tuesday. The 'rink ,com- :posed otrlif s., Well'. Henderson,' Mra. C.,Cteward; Mrs. A. W. Hamilton and Mrs. ' Au$ in . Solomon, brought '• home silver butter dishes, as third prize. Mrs. A. V. Murdoch and eon Robert : B ' of:.Toronto and Mrs. 'E.: K. Morton, and daughter Betty of.;Win nineg svisiied here the latter part of the week „renewing old friendships. Mrs. Murdoch and renewing, Morton were. formerly Lizzie and Annie Lawson' and' it is ''about .twenty—Are • yearn since they.' left Lucknow. ' "• . . Jitney Wlnnerd • , The ' prize Winners' . at . thar Lady Bowlers' Jitney :on Monday afternoon' were, .Mrs: Well.' ,Henderson, 1st; Mrs. W: B ,'Anderson; 2nd; : Mrs. c. Steward, 3rd. and' Mrs W. L. Mac- Kenzie, 4th. When ' play was, conclud- ed tea: Was served by Mrs. Temple. Clarke. ' Mr. Harold . Rurns, who ' jtas Been holidaying •with ,his • 'parents, Here, •since,' eompldtipg hie • summer ' honour course studlea at 'Kingston Univer- eity returns,, this ' week to Fort; W ii- Ilam. to his' teaching duties which commence next ,Week. . 'Ile it accom- panied 1 y Mr. Harvey McDougall,' who has Secured a' school •about 150 miles 'west''of 'Fort William. geld Finishet:. ' - Mr,- W. 3. McNall •of 'Lucknovi has been engaged, as head finisher by 'the Goldie Construction Co., 'which has the contrtict wfor laying the five miles Of .concrete '!roan. Blackhorse to the Teeawater Grabel.' Work ia•.going 'on rapidly'and :,Already about two miles. o- concrete • has been" poured, • :,The pavement is a twenty -foot- strip, and ib being; `saidW in two ten-fpot strip% SO as to avoidblocking, of the entire. road. ' :TlURSDAT, AUGUST ;3c 1 Berets' THE, .GENUINE FRENCH .DA,SQUE BERET BRUS i .WOOL, - ANGOR -A WOOL ' .: ' • M ALL ., OOL -BERET WITH DEEP',GENEROUSr DRAPE, 1 •" NAVY :SERGE FORS SKIRTS HOSE,. :SOCKEES ; PULLOVER 'SWEATERS; PART WOOL" AND SHORTS, BLOOMERS, ' LONG 'PANTS; GOLF HOSE., BLOUSE$,' ;SHIRTS,' •CAPS: •, • �eci°il-s SODA BISCUITS, 2 Lfl:; PKG. .., .:. ; ... , . ,...... , .•.25c .' ' CHOICE RICE -4-, .BS... •. 25o' HAPPY VALE CATSUP , ,,. 10c• CHOICIE ;CORN and TOMATOES, TIN.• SWEET PICKLES, LARGE ,BOT'T'LE • .........25c OXYDOL ''LARGE.PKG. , ... 19e CLARK'S:: VEGETABLE SOUP, 3 CANS •:. ..... ...25c BOWES PEANUT BUTTER, 26 'OT: . ; . • 25c CASTILE SOAP; 2 CAKES ...: , . ".. �. ... • , ,_.._: �.� . 5� -.`_ P and G SOAP, 10 BAR$ 33c CE1tTO, PER, BOTTLE .....:............:....: ...` 29c.. SEEDLESS'. 'RAISINS, 2 LBS:. . • . . 25c OUR STOCK OF NEW FALL DRESSES AND COATS ISk;NO*' COMPLETE—WE -HAVE CAREFULLY" S'EII 'L E C T ED- THIS' NEW ,STOCK •FRUM THE BEST AND N. WEST" DESIGNS -OFFERED: BY LEADING MAKERS WE`INVITE YOUR IN- SPECTION -.--YOU'LL .FIND ALL THAT IS NEW.FOR FALL. WEAR -BOTH .-QUALITY AND PRICES WILL PLEASE` YOU r n ma s l�uc ^ • . ea know FOUND • BUSINESS. An order for spices, from ,a party in Saskatchewan, was the 'surprising< contents' of.a letter..', receivedbY ' R. 114 Thompson on Monday. The letter containing a shin plaster' and .ample. postage for return of the- parcel was received, ' from .Mrs J.. A. Button, formerly Annie Barr, of "this com miinity,, now of Wiggins, Sask.. Mrg. Button desired cinnamon and - all - spices 'buds and needless to say the order ,was filled post haste and start-' ed on its way, so as . not ' to delay Mrs. Button in her :pickle 'making. SLIGHT::: ,FROST:DAMAGE:. This past week has been one of cold and rain, ° and ,although the days Y have been for themost partq uite . Pleasant; the temperature has dropped P PP at nights to a point *ben ',light frosts have resulted: No serious damage i; reported although cucumbeijs' in low lying gardens have been frosted Many ' farmers have threshed and from many quarters come reports- of quite ,satisfactory .yields, with ,grain'. '. of splendid '•quality. -- StraW is not abundant however. ' • Off fnoUnceme'� My Optical Parlor 'located in my, residence, one block west of Bank ' of Commerce, will re -open Wednesday ,. ` Se tember 5th In charge ' of , MI%' F. .r. Homuth of Harriston, Ont, MAUDE ` C. BYRA•NS Ophthalmologist: D ;NEWS :.,.tor... . SUF I~am happy to announce that h have Been e to ; secure ' Mr. F. F: ' IiOMU TH, Phm B., 1I.0., of H.....arriston, Western ,Ontario's, foremost Optometrist tor" take charge ol'.my optical work. Mr. Homuth uses',the Nerve t Methods�'and comes ,'with the`most Modern, Precisio Equipment''\'for accurately Examining_ the 'Eyer#; , I can 'assure my Patients' 'complete satisfaction if Mr. Homuth 'carer; for their eyes.. I recom en ,' r in d M . Itomuth' for Accurate 'Carb of School, Students Eyes l . , He will be at niy. i fee all day Wednesday,. September 5th Write -•o tele h e r p on e r ppo ntme>At,,, 1 • AUDE C. `BYRANS ' Cptornetris 'Te1eph i e' 26xn. Brussels M Ik