The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-08-30, Page 6•.• °Ice of.t CO4406. The'Etopitle -4ficil'ThP:Worla,it 14argl . I `P.4:4'.:t;l4P*4:196"*''li:n7'1Oitt!47-'1;.:JOIl',.' 4/;.°,!b914t„Niiitai '1''----k:Set°4.41if:61,c;P:Blell:ai..(7.;n...14HJeff:Et4d;°" .4*:..'91i'-t'''' 7' of reeding Omit._ the . Milne npintup., Pl..),TiON'il '*.A.OT Ni4NING. * 1?,.3z_ lets, Ny'ir!den't, We 'get „rt of t ckted •The,wortflititsota is: itt th e ' Yri every , time" there: in. 4 tfipc.Te. hich peldern .•out. of ine:-,tentrei lEuropean says that the. little ladies. have added news'4^' 4 - . ,rhacicordipg ..to, 'a' anotherounce sr,:bilf: Once. Likewise derittanm4SchlPonlgrBitu-I:t*-' It ...Is. 044e -sting to 'read of ',the, chan-; Wrongly,: Whena:-:::aP 'ILT•.P.e.41o,gine.,7;04 very it - geP- Wbinit" ete, '.heitg' made ,•la their widespreed-Prtletice,':4t 4,:Mitile, .SY4!.. • diet.. • -..' :t . . :. , , . :' . r 0 onYntone•With rf•VelutiOn,,f ' . •• ' . The:laat repert' vt40:4o9d..,;In add!, 7 :it :4.4_ cortectly•appllied:Ouly to lin at • glom 'io gilo hipmen milk'Whielt-, Is ffid' teolptedretteititiOn which .'ends in :a ' • to the five, girls. each, one tetelVes. 20,,, ficl.slei, .That •tvaa, the :'oniceme:: Of the :drops Of, tenittate juice per :driY-,. tliat,. ,affgr. at Mini* in :NOverehet, 1928. we Consider as:being: splendid, . •:,... ' that hienglit 'Hitler. to .th • fore and The reason ,tor rulid• joy, ta,..tbat.,:the led te.hiP • 0.71:s1in a beer 'hell after Ivhi.ch.'he. aerved, a, year in prison, Motto: Juice shenid, ItaVe, reeelvetl.TH . , It watin!t in describing ibis. abortive preference over spinach. The 'tethate , is 4. rsgs,l4r, -0)4 standby it "geesInto attelnAt , at trevolution' that the Word It was first eitenailely. resorted, to in •,ketChtip,::chow-chow,2:picklerha :Stewed 1" ' • telnatedS, tomato soup raw, .tomatoes t.": 68Patetl•P. ' But • til".1• .:1419'rule4t and all manner of things, Aida.' :the 04t .mE0e,:•hiro Chancellor was .cer- omato is such 4, 114407.,,, ottsg to, funk Minty, not, e putsch in. the •original .4boet, Wb011:: 4 little. tronhie Stirs. In sense Th4t, Munolled: against •Dollfull, , the 'COMmOattY. it produces; no:10116 Wednesday had the terM'aPPIled to • but Is es/041314a Or the. maximi Sea- it bergr.P..'tlier.va° iti't)'' 'asSurance'''el , omit of, dilicninfott, it. is Such, an all,- theruf lie Suctess ei'leilute,-4E.dnion- Q, - i'eund 'Bert et:thing,' ,:, ', , ' : •• - .: tifinJouroaL THINGS•• TI -14k ...DIDN'T.: HAPPEN• . 'SpIttamIt : has been inaking. ; AnAi; ' • . otemPt, to oast. : itS, ;tow.aLO Hi... • . - - .VQJU_ Let4l' , see. Unless ' the 'War ' debts , Peirettn,•••iitatfeil the ;Te;i:: ;w7oerld,'''e.n.nnel. Led': .`thr...ee' .Y.e,4.7'..*- (I...ill° .. faney...:,,,Soine- -, pint, that spinach had'lltamins, There ' •_• 'wete ' 'ell*. :le eheee'''''Ilelee's Britain, gale India Independence two ' were,: seMer''-iloatori. Who;',fell';'fori'it.' :, ' .1 patient 'came in. loOking.,. ci" YE*g. '1.:ills. '1':Iiitte'''' eiei: 'Wee Ie lie . driv'eninto •,the see; '''And 'this', Year • 4t,tie arhite at put: the:, guln an not 1 . ,quite, hitting on all 'cylinders, the ad-, g:46'."'f'ih.,:i'', 'In:Giob.v.ioegr111.i,,17,aii47b(leiratil:,Idediwlaftlat°.11a ,• vide was that vitamins, Were needed ,..a44 spinach ,eould „aunty' '• these the neit' ,ertlit'k'Snait ..Ste.: *41Star - 4 Astrii.ogk...thiago..,-. . ;People:, Wh'o.:-.Write- t4.1.R8, to..,,tke,p"spers have !leen ' talk- .''Li7I'iE.'°:1:1:ELl14.°7 RECALLED '- ...•, toe' gpluitell, And .the. folk's' At home , The- late • Professor',Donald ,:Stitlier.: land McIntosh of Dalhousie bnilefsity Mahe people •ea t • it Ander the ,guise ' - • -" ' that good for them., 'We were betilleatned. te'bia native PTeinee* of 'teat -114 . that they wOuld be star u Nova Scotia, 100 acres of land in Cape — ug Wetou With the'-.,retittest • that . on it to feed: those Dionne•sisters, • Of • ' ••fiVa -- • - there would be erected a buliding elm - ;them,. on Spinach, and thenthethin would. get into :the papers, .: and .there would be A new' spinach./tampagn un- der way. -Stratford "Beacon -Herald. 17 WORKS--.00TH:,,WAYS - 413 Many ' girls , in , bathing ;suits 'look rmitah..more attractive iti their; street cloths. But Many look more attract - Ivo in their:street clothe§ than' they do in 'bathing, suits,. , -St:. Thothas .Bet, Mal the ood,. e • . from ale:attack, 'hut it Would' ,hale *7. . . ' Japanese. tank display staged at Tank Corps base in Tokio brought out. manY' women, among thern • ' the pupils of the Tokyo 'Academy of Music, .,(1'irlp showed lively Interest. in every, .detail: a the intri- •. ,casles of ;modern death-dealiiig: War :Machines 'Which were demonstrated and are seen -grouped about as offi-ers explain operation of turret.' ••••.' '• ' • '‘.-EAIY ,moN,E,Y, pots it • -.... . . • , . . Why IS business' improving in .Great Britaintl,Beceuse fore*n cOnittles, have confidence in our ability,* nintt, ufactute and deliiii actopflinkftl, cork. tract .2.' Beeaune. the •bankaiibir • Pe3r.• Hai in design to: the "lone 2 shipling" Ing Virtually, no interest ;On ' deposits, :made famous ,in ''Beettilib ,literatere, are fot.Cing idle' Millions . inte . &ethic. PrObAblY the Most 0914, stanza ,itt five nhannon....49ndimi, ROiplay ' Re., the- peein 'called "The CaindlaiiiA0at ferie ' ; - ' ' • .. , . , . . , ,• - / • , Seng,". is as follows: .. ••,• • ,' - ,,- ., •:• ' VOLNERABLE,WOOLINIGH .• "Ftola the leae:ahl,eling, on lslandthe , •..., ,- misty, The War .01fiee is :said to. have ..un.„ ,,,, der neneideration a' project for 'they: MOnntaing : divide As,. and the .waste , • , n : . : ,•. , ,: .. ing:welplyduh Arsenal to South ' - seas • • • , The iiiiinary Objea would. be safety bl 1strong,Snit heart Times journal; ' ' - , •:, ..• • , is Ilighland,, „ • - . great many Lother advantages. --In the ' THE2WEIISKERS PERIOD nil. we. In dieams liehold ,the He- - .. , • . ,, . ... - - . War, ondon proved to be anything " - but an ideal site for an ordnance fac- .,The Maki: .Mtomens Of :,•ljtah have, •, appeared • in , • • alt Sooner i soer gtevni whiskers ,10 order: to fit-. tilackWoOtes Magazine: "la SepteMbeil •tinglY.:celebrite ,this, Year the twilit( has ' ..beent.attributed' te. I -the better, not on y the Woolwich, Ar - of tingly and his ,traiLstain-, but all our aircraft., .factories; Galt. .3•03M., •13,,Leekhart, the Earl, Of Benet:. Will ,have t _ o :be mored to:Vaasa less .cd folloWers,•at• Sett Lake, 1847...•••• Eglinton and -others, , Periodiettily the Ltttle 18 aceessible-to -en:eilly 'bombers, .as; • •:a to be •Said',aliimi the his. discussion Of the-`antliiiishiP is:,reviv- tori :al- Atinecti.of ed t it h beeneettled def. ‘tnatfe: Of • idon Sunday Dlapatehctimintin -,precention,-Lona. garniste; thevviSh will'he general initely ..andaPinhably,beler be.-. • • •• , • ' 4 • that 00 Idea 01 exi3reseinkiiibnte.by Totente. Mall ,• teViving, the hirsute decorations of .e • ' ' ' ' . past. period'. may not beneroe . , . . _ .infec. :POITE POLICE • 1th The .Gangsters L • tfous ' Our own sturdy 'forbears ' who • • - •• . • _. a • , , . ' , . ere' also Worthy. of ,all 'honor, leaned . 'A- PtoiThid.al..Itiet,O0Ycie: rtqleet has . "J. am not being, boastful," says Mr. 'tatheritionilysto.whiiketa at le tittle been re:46°46 cif •430--aiRlegl. °n''-'''. P1U. PcirdOtt, ,Fell.O.Wen. in. "They Took Me When razor a .were scarce •it,Pd-barbOre Stood of . dipaturteeY • to.,. inoterhitil -. ter a' ,Itide'•',. (Allen and Illivfin4 .6s.), : iiiiknown. , '., ' . .-. • „-..., , • °I 01(4 •for : rhe .'.ceriStIOWEL.,i-eorg "when .Ioai. that, I ani One Of. the few: : jot, wtio, know.sy one or thoso,4ays. hair. ..., • General : 'Willianis,, „chief ,. , men:. wb,o : have "ever been taken for ..:: the, geg.geetteti ,thight,, be inado. and the Pft•vietitti Pellee,'44nOuseee."!7Are a iiile•bY. gangsters .and 'lifted through :'AttePtenthatWe Should abandon the intei..1,. that Or: Men Shall' be court.. .04 Otdealio ,It .Certaittly, sounds a .,mt., ''fill.e.ling• habit and. give a befitting,de, .eoh% and . itilY-, 'constable. that . 1843' piezpely. U4eoiutortahle'emiuilence. He - nionstiation of •':. what our :'antetitilia courteous can '.get :Mother-. JOh!.!:: ..:- was acting is a PtiMinai,:inVentigatOr: . tooke4 .11k0,, witi. tbeli ilowiticbeods; , On the whole we believe.' Ontario 14-,..st.,.. •Lottis •itt,, the. time, and could: AS:a hOt 'weather thought the • thing is 110 ' 4'.1•Prcisnrial. :P011ue i"tePI: Of net have been :too popular with the agonliing;---Braniford 'Erniosttor. .. ,..' a!,,hieh: it may Well.;be'preert In all de- :gengsters. SO: they arranged an ..1417' 1 ,, • ' . : : ..2; . • •,. . . pattmente • it •seeme to be tieing • geed:. Pointmerit with him:- II:.'uRANDMOTHER_S . , . . , . , . . , wor•k, The.-metercYele division ,in Par- , "AO .g. Walked :up to the -main door. . , . • A.,,Chicego ,womana, a . grandmother., timiletly.:0Mart and efficient and the of the Pierce Building' four mei con; •..-. •at .32,?. What, of It? :The tePott, failtt••to various, officers With ,WhOin We :have , fronted ,Me, and.1 realized at a. glance ...;,,,hitpress . MIS,' Lela' darn...s110!a ;.. a come. in contact left Mithing to be de.. .thet rhadlwalked into a trap. One of : .greet. -grandmother at ., 4.0, :She WO ,a sinil in ,the 'Wity4 of eentteay,-• ' ,__'• .: thenir..rit big, ' blusteilinf nien,., Making. grandMether at 32, Hen), niether, is a ': ,,..wa .quite agree -with General.' Wil- no pretence Of, .Ciineeb4ing the 'gin in • 'great,great4randinotheil 'it,, to. :.1:1er:. liamt that it is \desirable / to have: the."1110 '.Orandi. barted•mi.:•waY,••. ''. , ', • . , force i daughter latterS chilli IS -e mother, at 1.6.. coot cortrieouri body, A traffle Mier to take You for ;11 ride." -: daughterer• is ,a-grandmotherat 3,3., andandoe knownOleryWhera e.,rt•e•I00 Per "Fello :, vies;" . he Said, "we'reigotiii . Aft o( which recalls ; the... • ancient can do hie, duty and Still. ,he tOuZteOutt-'1.• "fkriew- it would•bonseleatiloargue, command: "Arise, ' daughter, . and; go 'odoamonaity on .finds 'e tOnatehle. and. I . knelt 'Met Inall..litobability.a., f , to your daughter, :for . your daoghter4/. Who doe's .not appreciate this. • . Met.] was about to begin 'my' 'Met . Mint of 7 daughter . :ha! had e" daughter,-Kam.'Stich a- ;Min, Or course, 'is ...unfitted for i.:iis. 1.71i,ad a ,elitious ,,feeling ,.0f..eir,, loops' Sentinel.- :.:, :.:'• . . „ ' .'• s... •.: the Wtitk.•,-.:Border Cities ,Star. - ,•;"•:;''..,hileration.:"..."...;... :' . i'2 . : • : . '' couirrtSv )7(• PLEASANT...TREAT, • :•;1.,PyaLidszmo ...rilE.. Fii.G, , • , •'. THIRD DEGREE .*E.ri-OPP: ., .. Making : reference to the:, death icifr,4„... ':ii :an-, explanation . Of • the' 'ant:threat. - ' ,Theyr..tushed hitn.fitted§ -it' ,a- tit • e notable .Pithire ,rnan' it' was said "ot preference : for pork in .. Canada . is .S.ad "sat hint in . the 'back , 1 between . „. . . . . . . hind. that he will :be'reniemberettlor S.:night.' It:niai perhapsbe fond:in' them.They drove himinut to .a deo- . • his - unfailing courtesy. That ' feature the pelyer et advertising. The • merite,,lata-• Dart of thecohnpy, and set to O : . :Wstressed and that, is et it shcruld. of Vat ions brands Ot, bents, ,baton,, ilait- ..,' .. :: •, be. here Is tething, as, fine as Unfelt: sageind other pork ...Products, are ..tiet • •.' '4' . , • , .. tog deuttesy,•Whetheilt b.o., in- manor: forth cOtitlisteritlY ', in. the ' packing cif/Miran; it smooths ...the' pathway - of -,house •-,aillettisingi . but .does.'any .1Onoi :$1hiPt-j.,.. TEST . . TO., ,P1..,SCILQ,g. .4.. oto and makes contaeta: with our fel- retail: elm' having read An „adleititie: -- - : • , !' • .• . ' t CANCER PRESENCE FOUND . .• . . . lolls rr,nch mor, pleasant, It 'iri a plea-. ment: cerreerning a.' teidipting,:roaSt Of • •• . : ,. - • .., . • .• ' • ,, .., '' .• • , • ' ' . • : IMO to de bits:Mese' With ,a,enlY deur: beet cii; a',•teader juicy. ”§tealt,--•Matine..... - • ' ...• :' , work, Whzt •glie7 really ,WentedlAvaa 14 OA' 'Whete he kept ..a;40PY: �t the''terifearikiii lot .another ,,gienOter, . who had betrayed his comrades:- From Seyen„thitty till 'noisily: Mid- ufghtuiout- five searched,: struck with . tme and tIsta ;and subjected to: every shicl•;,phyttical Backwards .an forwards; back.werds and forwards, the ear ;drove - along 'those' quiet ',toads, ;and :in Mtn each „man,' ' queitlened, threatened, cursed .and struck :until I Was!, hardly ?..(n :state ,cit cenitelotisneak.• : But, . in spite 'of everything, • he re,: :wood to . He; felt that Mice; they knew Where :the corifeasion was hidden, ."tlisi..• 'held .dawn Would . have ..found. my body a ,ditCh7, "bumped off." As it .iree they , let him go.• : • • „Later be received...:anether *amine He .• was Working prominent Senate! who Warr determined' te-sup-, preas: the .gangaterriand.,he. knew., that. they.. both.. were SUefietted: One night, be says, . , '1 . • . oi ansWered..theiutelephone 'to .hear a :voice, Which: .041 not ,,ileCogniAe; saying in -cold .-precise tones:- 'You're on the, spirt, and thisi the hist warning you will ever get. ,..pq ,• ,g6t. 2I Wonlit have, been a .hale. igne'red the Warning.: . . • Kewent to the Senator' • and tad hfin' that he was : doing ,to Ile ,lor for a bit. That evening the .Senator murdered in the :theatre! • ' ••• • ' pOLICE, WARNING,' , • 'Actotding to, Mi. Felleweit,. •many' of the polite Work hand in band With: _ , „ the ,criniiiiele,;,He was shot at One day; amt. nett Meriting was summoned to the police 'station t9 identify , a cOuPle 01 possible • 'Arnie-Stmts. the .ante. room, , • ••,: ' ' . An •oflicer: walited..pp •to nip With.;a- milenot „Very pleasant "Say, he tottered, •"you don't knoll:Ogee ,guys. • Sit me?" "Well:" I 'i.returned, "I• should • rec- ognize the: man „tecialt lt shot at, ine."' • • ., :• . , 'You'l1 do'Otlitrig • ,iof '.the ,,eort!". • Snapped, the officer, "You'll keep yoUt- . Mouth Shift."' .• ' ' • • • • : '•• Thinking- that., discretion Was, the "better,•,:patt • Of ;Valet, ; •woild,nOt tenlii.'Inan: or witiOnns :No ,rtineter What ton Tranictipt., . . ., . . •13100a 'Reaction . jriclietion,• ,Says eb441 .sei6itsti- .. . . ,. . I, Pupil the busitieS,4” 'May", bo courtesy ` Is .it ' great faotor In .. liringMg it to •§1iCeetie, . . rtie,:iii.'en°1niiN-tttfitiP-.DtpRI.N1.64'.i:im'en.. '..,e.:f . ' ' -,...c4: ri--•'r'°f "1' .:1:4:•lir`..1..'1).''.•: eA. istml. '4,'11:,..P-a.rii '-''''' .•A'.•11' 11°:11.ric• ea , pet. courtesy Must be issisthloo in, , , , ., ,, .a . .. •ii „,,,, • . • a. 'Academy. 0 ocierice , justiceJ centain. Mere than. 4,40v,vym • ' a,. , a .. , , , . , ... ..:4.,1,iqat4, not -forced. The outward ',..-;;i: t • tingerbrititS, BUICitilY hOnte:', With ' , ' Pa'ri,e,i-A SIMPle, Ii4xpentille .• Mst person is suffertng from center arid ilr,Ptistell't!.f ''ittt InWard State'. Or•ttlind. baby can ;she*. thati.kilitnber On '''Its which dot -tors anywhere may per•ferni to What 'extent. Thus far • We.' have --.N,Itg,are Palle ItelieW..-..• . . , , Waild..--VoOdsteck .Sentinelltevleil, . 4 . ti'fo . ..:,., '. smoKinic :Poiiiti„ipp'Eri • •- • ::. I to deterMine" it a "padent has cancer. beeboon;unable ' to' 'disdevgr a means: of THTRIOMOR.(.* "ti4.tA' , Was .4110M:iced reeentiy at the extlii pointing 'Out the:. eittet itinatitni . 'Of . • Denting. with 'fait ,atitniliolillo driv. . 'No, sineking'' was the notice that live' Oienth kcadenlyi Of Science -by the cencer,- but ,the new nietlion.:Wile , . . - irs is net a new thing. In the: :Ottalla. greed°, they hundreds of, guests Who • Pref, Jacquea kteieneJEArsonval as enable' ,n,ny doctor anywhere to- ert- , . .. loarna . It is reeaiicl.. that , 25 years; danced at ,Ham House, Lord• yeart s . the 'discovery of one of h g ,pu its, ,Dr.,.. amine tho blood and dete ;min be- •' ',Igo thl3re Were coMPlairite• that oars historic, nieritiler. et Itichrikind. • • : • • I taadfslas .1•Copabnevielti;•4 S'ole'.' ' ' tatehtlita whether Einliilcal ll'itE.A`v.eil, • , • irere travelling ann. Wellington. ootf *. It: 'was ,00ry• on candid -On .1that''thili t The. test . CattiliSt ' Of congealing ' a 'don is nedeatatt , - ; , . , . • .i , ._ .titliA,•. Streets .0. fast as thirty- inlittS :ticitiea WAS hung In •Varrinni ...parte Oil blood sample bY incorPottatm 01- 10 ' 4'llete 'eitetY siii months 'Show, the liti*fil'44:i.,"1.• . , ,' a -'' ,• . ,' .' .. • the 'house and•• that ••itititt ObserVatiee ' pet,. cent,- of lactic acid at a teinpera, start :of cancer, 'and itlieW iimmOdlate , . , ,.. . . • . . ,' ., That: was breaking the. , cilia •!hy.. llikthe ritlea W, en teited that • it was I: ttite of One ,degreo eOutigtuifoo ,' freatinent with , elintiat certainty; bfa, i .. ie.w4. In many entail pleteS because. Deiuu•fir,.6. to • held . the; debtltatiteli :bent. , Dr, kopaciewskielti•an.eittitiaile.eri:, Mire it ,treated OfficientiY., early in ' tile 2 speed filth thou was ten Mlles theft), fer-the Mansion ia inahred•- for ..planation "of.:Iiii teat, te- the ..'ll'elteddeVelopintint,:nt the ' malady, -.. fibrin • ,• • per bbur And on tile Ottawa.lniprove. sit Aundied,theiliand peunde, thieiitall: Press, said:, "It 'Wilt now :ba •p'Otintlile• let ;We have-blao.n.e prOgtesti In lee', ••,• Conandissien,'S driyeway., og Nolo wanted to Uliitike. had to ,de 80 for any huntante nriderge. teatii: Cheall,, lathig the :dated Of &thew but When •,pithi4h some Seption§ Were in use, lieV., Otad,oCrti,. ' ' • '• ... .. .. • ' • I ly, art...Often' as he feel -it 'dOoli•Oiret' w• e -eari-iitivi ,prete Whether:a, htitrian •' .nli :trilled fblie Yntniciet..speed •allowed,; - Guests who , In:chided PriliCe ,Atthiir", to satiety iiiniself whether h0 is gut*, • has the disease we' have Made:Ceti) . ' In the eohnuti of The -Soul,. of Optina4glit, the Xing • ssf, Greece, ' feting fttini Cancer. Minor. The bleed . S• idetable progress,". 1 • . • ' iii4 4I11 is ,reat-44-tilet,`theie was rebel., I)rinaess Mahal:ino. of Greece and the ' 'of a notilially, healthy: mei Without . De,, 1,cepat§eilaki iedtured in New • Bell 'in' gi)atu euct kiug..,,latous.6 was Pktiu4-IturittYrit6eee Christian. Of 140a..1 cancer Should ' baled!: unlet thOsi- York .heepitals.. iti 1926, ' ' Being 'Door hboo..0, in the,Streeta •• , . ' : $6, had the,,fitEit.Pine treed to, be plantl'conditione 'with ,the addition Of lactic AO, -not praefidinki he was enabled •: "TIMS the ' speeding' Otos and :the ed in England:floodlit' tor their ,bene,:, acid In: 10. thioutoo, • ineod, of ,,perstrid to, 'terry his etfietinitilt§..: tit), SilccePS: , Xing Of '.80111, voro, inatiete , Of ean..., tit, Other sigtiM Were flOodlit for 'the , glittering, the ,tychit, tkauadere ntingeela,, thitnigir ti e .asaistatitik ti,g, -PtOtOtitit •.; , tool .td ,tittartet 0? .n e‘htuty ego'. Vlie i'ir,st titu.:4„ liplincluded-:the gate that... almost, 'Itatentiy,.„. . ..!..... ' • : , '... v„Altogw,a1.,. gair.i.Oda as the lather 4( tuts eeeut 'fil thal t-47,ileit :,PoSae§:sed, his net . been Opened .eince Stittlit!'. , "BotwPen those twe, .eitvethe. We ,eildttie• thoiatieutie0,4°.*:ho:Jook. hirq ot gt9.a.t0 .0.6*Prs, ,, fatilStillee:•46'ey tliti4A , uedthe lie .- geove04,tiopidOtt have. 'charted an index Which:4)1044 In 'Aft,* -00f;11--'and -.gave .131W„the Ilse Atilt; vooed but to use 'the thstase Of, batty TetegfalM; ' * • - •' -..',1,..,PositIved,'Pratif. Itlia-,Witether or , not. a of tuhertstotes, • . *•,• F, '777' ,. • • y0i14-.aid you ever pee Snell' 4t. and Atith A „cap? 'Arty part* g: .pvar oap2, '1.14Toltait, Yl".414;_oi• tlyht;'0.4tYt: the p4411.0,E4p441Iti • eap,), •', adds bucaP. :end, of the reCim..waa 'ail Mirror.,, 404, it: ,we's himself' and his. frienda. 4at• were 'reflected' it." .„ . **At- " • . „ ".My tgverito story er: tha - A -w.e171111.8 (Ralph Weide Emerson'a),,rel,,,,,. 4,00 the ;Clyippians coneerd decided to tlf...144ve a 111 bet(*it, r'eTria:111191tilg.Clara F.- "4 Tlirougb in ,P• lierson't,3 :study. There Werp-OM- erson: end Hawthorne, ,ancl.. eltott ante. • and Thorealt, 440 I 'qftivt -re. member what others•t. • and ,they Sat.. PtifflY,' While. cOnyeraatiOn,•,, languished beettuse no one cPuld'..think et...anything sudiciently 'cliknipian' .. say. . • • '.`i'reapntly;liawtherne,,:Willitt* to be - social on low *level fib,itulda't, • :attain a. high. erre, askeld:''a a. yott, set's,. lot of letteraaaskirii, fb.1,..',.Ywoutroandtoog, ry4:11,?;s1 • do ' said Emerson. "'Throw then' in the wastebasket.' 'Tut they , enclose atampi,' .said Hawthorne. ..: • Olier..$01:11.1; that'a. Where, T. get my ,s3g, course said the.author of 'The • In case you may 'think it hi..;e, miff - print. for "hook.," Sit.,'Wilfretf offers someadditional evidence the' breadth of pod's,. appetite "Scissors,. .'carla 'and, .Old booth, 'have • been ,found in there. One . „ skip- per w1k1 lost his: keys overboard in identify the men-7-althOugh teceg,-, the North See got thottM in the atom-. iticed , hem nerfectiy• well. And :aolt ,of ,a codfish." hckoes "Two • not. , .0 ;Imore : was 'itenrd, ahout,'. the full-grown ducks, feathers and ,afl, shooting, '•" • were found anothet,:, apparently Mr. Feltowes;tells( Un • thet'he..and 'legt4i;lig.liphtesitt,t2.i.oseivaa41.,eWeiadiy401;17:41!..,(1..Se.;41,e04..., TIT/ 70:Senatorthteh' p%71.464:01,' clal an'the t.°414.1141rarirde: whirls hare, dogileh, MOOS,' there; • that's enough!, •• . • days93:2!1;e astonishing.endere•P• i!navnegr". up i flans )dnet menden thet one of his *midi prison for, ..,a; •bank .. Manager, :elteuld be released. :This was to :be done :by. fixing!' the.., murder ..,•charge On; •ginie- body • else. Next , night. 7,they fheard : .• " • ", , , "Suess tiregOi 'the guy H.is•hamo'ik'Ne,C.-7--,..404 be is., lor: . . cated In p4Paies" ra4hititin: waiting": 1, .1!u.4s ifeo4ir4 Ift sentence iejit ls murder," • . • • •.,' ' , . • . .• ., • "Fine! :knew you'd it tor Me! Hoyt:ninth do you want for .the jobi" • The:police Ofileiel. Was'. Undetided, about charge. He said , would ..content ankh* .tor,an.advante Of five hundred dollars :On account of current expenses..- This was agreed intro, • and the ',twit .men: proceeded .to elaborittei,the detaitif:of a: scheme' whereby •a• high police • Ohl- ciai,shiankl-Pharge ,With-Mutdet'a man yebo•hit.d.no.tiinnectilon with the: crime in order the Murderer should go 'free. . • •••• Tqz,OiNoTplis,INCME - . • The profits made by th.§, gangs are enormous if we are to believe Mr •Of 'confide, • you mustn't extteet to find such trees** trove.,:in the inter, - ler of it'Ectielying in the humble cor- ner ' of a fIshrrionget!s. • stall, • No, : Air; Sir 'Wilfred is talking, about the blg fellows. "The' Labrador record 'cod., was 102 • pounds in: Weight and 5 feet 6, hie es-, long", he says., "The English .recovd- is i'a poor. second. 'wee.: 78,, Pounds.' :in .Weight. and 0 feet 13 'inches long.- The'Ylatgeit Cod rpeotdep:ltom the Newfoundland Banks was 136 pounds. In the, international: ,,tiamPetition the , _ , . , •heriord •toz'Amerttii• With a 'Bank cod •94 160 pounds. An Aberdeen Wan. heoketra'bitger ono but _unfortunate.. brOlie the and escaped. When the Englishman. ringgeated • to him that-. it ..weS....a :White; he replied that ' Was- using a. Whale for 'bait- at the, '• „. • :. Baby kart) seali; are practically• all born -on fioeting• the , same night, 'March the, ,fifth; •Thousands of . them 7'hey. are very beautiful • , their "white coats," tieye Sir .Wilfred Greneell. ,But listen to this:" "To make ibe rich the Moth-. • ers have to le"ave their oitispting both ,• ,FellOwes,'1 Chicago, •4e. says, Jack :in. fair weather end. 'foul, • lying 04 1, partoi9M4.,1 n: teonitt.,g4gs:hear;l.":: before his tne,ice: Whitir has naoyeil Mean.. . return their elle , Weekly, ineOme:': Of . Chicago •netpatticttlar„ babY. among the. gingiiterituidy extortiOnera., derived other. thousands. Yet no. man.' &Mid tell tyn.bAby.:seals apart,: ,Moreover,, •In..maternitY•.beapitelo4, with • (nib% a , few ,dozerthumitil at. meat, "each has to..b.p,ve a break tag chained., to his arm, fa,), r ' fe, sat that, their Moth.,... dis Will not , knew ,Which. is.Whieh." from 'upout'.-Moo-sPeekLetisien;, 2;800, •dirierderlY hinnies :pitying *Iptetectlfort.,, Aoo, Of, the' latger.-,gambling• .dens, • and. ,2,000 bookmakers, amounted to about 000.000 .doliaii: - ., ...il ' •• .- •,".. . !. f. . . , .7-.1VIr, FellOweg is Speaking Of „condi- „ tiiM0 '•:sOMe few years age; Things natiy possibly be :.•better , noW. • BO •,,, SPealtingsl'Of C:id:hrs.h.:,..r..erniiridS• me: ot. . . Index* from:. tkhe• ,publicity . given -to, a ',story' tad ilY' 'filo . late- Pi.ofessOr ' John 1,pillinger atui others,, ,Ameriaa john lir, .Thitgesn'.. of .Coltiiiihlit'Unia, -9- . . iv,ersity lin., Ofteminisceptes of an, Ani, erican.,Schtalar,'t) Reenlist:1'g the days., When pedagegnes-, were 'not. Pitid the princely '.(I)..salariei they 'Pew receive, i Ild. tette:of tlii§; exultation,. off •A , MM.:: ;Os-- 910 Amherst 'PrOtessor,•when hie, ' Pithy Anecdotes. . .., , . . . home. he burat. into, the, "trent' door ' salary was. raised to V.100.• Rt. ishin.g,', , , . ,• , , • • . "Of • his 'Cottage. ,aod cried; out till his 'Of th' Fainci ' • gOOO wifei • ,f ' '•,' '''''•• ' •!•4460. ' "Martha, 'Martha-, thenk God ,we ean , . , ,, • e '______ _us new. have ''tedtkili 'lot hieititfast;"'' ' •stillhas p.' long way to ;go, ,Mr,. loves has certainly written a most exciting account of experiences- mai,- of WhiCh; we iniegine, he *Old notia like.to: go thintign rtgain, Ile now finds it safer, to live in Erigland. , , .Qtipting Andiew: .•Laings •It WO this same .,prOfessdra:!-,"i.0 . • ,.known abelit, the tWe men whom Aralierit Was3'.1h.e eeiltre. of the' thought they were Woking, into Mir- world and', 'Amherst ' College the soul fora: ,and, ..•.',Yere• looking At oath other. of ,America and "of:'.unit.ersal-. culture" through Apane,of glass, E. V, Laced .-1-.7WhO aitlayis !carried an extramidittarY (in. "POsta.Bag, Diversions") tells leoldfig utuureila, an Old blue Caton about an amnaltig •experience eking tbncern tied the. middle .4 attiring.. the..aame .:.11fieS,.that 'mite .,ifs.pparred, "1 valuethat utohrella More ,highly to a friend of his, "nirtl a legal littnin-"than Uatilliiing I . possess", he told a •Fitst, let Me the Laing friend :one def. "It • belotlged to -t1a !Mee:a first :president" .• .33toWn,4iitlt,tie adjusted, • • „ • . ,"Indeed," traiii the 'friend, .'"itnyillie And. Steen 'arranged bbs hair.- Would value 'highly an article tante They each exclitirned„.dlagnatek • used by .Viitishington,". , • trUatete''. • (4•6h," replied the iuwesuet,' rook. 1' -gibe. Was far more fairl'!.. Ing a bit ilo disconcerted,; ;"'f (11(1 not ••;AS Brown his tie 'adjusted, .' ' • mean ,Washington. 1 theant,:iiilesittent • Arid,Steen arranged iis he,iff Nreore•.", . Now ; E. V. Luia story . 'President M'etire. was the first 'Pee, "about hia 'friend, the "legal Iumiii. Amept Attiii:eigt .• Coiiege,"and ho met , , • was, therefore, , the drat. president to 40 And tone lrierids Were *Mit; the pt- fc's,j-_F1n'tii'zor S, 8iteil ,Igigk.istiitii7ttid one day' went;',Ont, tatorlati.' to the 'Oat/Class 'WWII Ak they were , walhlOg OU.4to0' from krnherst , the, 4164' Ono.' '6't lah0 great fitYtlit Gailer. tia;s6of i822;•Lhod '0iiilbeted With 'col - lea, they Lew uDow:.,thetii 'frerri.Pro day • •01)ened until hia front the far • totir similar In death '111ig7g, • . • nOtobor„,.atigo bent, not • tearing ' "Howas- an instbtutJon in Alhheret sectet trent ‘,06.4341MinfiOnittepo Of .thc. ,••gayu .•Pfofeusott Burgess; an StitiLlti0g4. • ,,.- ---neki-ittuheittlfito7400-got„ ; • 2 4 " W.114h en • vehgeunte, Thu:tiriting.:pi;int n i •gret'u, life; ti and !tug compaoittga. I ask Ann ohoiraoi4Ott to, (Oa. . • ' , • air 1 • ,