The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-08-23, Page 6oe 7".•.4.1.‘, 40Yd Cable) .• fitness's •., ' . , Glynn Eftiniati. • pilot of. 'Imperial Airways is travelling by. Air Mail to , India, carrying two copies of; a talking. film of the Prince, Of Napalta, whole tOo, ' ill • to travel himself. The talking dlins are Sept as a 'last resort - to 'foil ' his half.brother in India to '. usurp' bis throne.' • .. ecri . , On the sama.Atai liner travel's 'Nora.h . Seaman, Who. bhp° , es 'interested la qlynti:. • , , ' , ' Several ',attempts are, Made by ' the Vulture's envoys and one film is Stolen. Glynn nas the other film secured round his .waist by a 'steel ,chain. • • • , At Karachi , Glynn • is 'met by a, sill)- ; posed' envoy of the Prince who requests , .htin to accompany him to a theatre.' - .eJitnrup Gayle and Norah . Seaman go With Glynn, They are followed.. The Prince's, envoys .inthe meantime have , become alarmed .at the non-appearance *Or Glynn and. institute a 'search. Glynn ' aogeOts .a, .drink in , the theatre rest-. • aurant whieh has a' . strong • sleeping .' draught. The 'lights ,SuddenlY: go out. '9_,IYitti, is rescued by, the police. The Vulture- plans revenge,.' and captures 'Glynn- when he arrives • at 'I1Ydrapore. • , , When they reached the headquart- ers offices of the police,. they found that news of the abduction had been given. the Head and that already he • haCIL-Ge.7-riko,t1115W"`Witat" Whee.IS—Ite could for the tracing of .the car in 'which Glynn had been carried 'off. "But it is a ,bad business," heltdde& gravely.' "Roth cars turned off 'the 'nutin streets andseem:Whave disap- peare(j for., the .rtioment, The: Courier, •of course, would not suspect be 'was, not With friends, and "would know nothing of where he Was being taken: If they get him to enter some house in, a quiet ..side .street they will he able to rob him at their aide!? "Glynn will ,fight:" • cried 'Norah. "When' they attach him he will fight if he had a ,.fraction of o chanee. • They will give him little chance." , Terror stricken; at .the thought of his „danger, She dropped limply to: achair. What the Head of the Police feared' was exactly. what'haPPelled• Glynn, after a few minutes 'fast .driving, waked ' to the fact that a mounted ipeort had set out with t4e1:11 must be left, miles behind. He mentioned this to, the 'supposed Hasirn,' who ex- plained gllMy. "The troops," he said, "were mainly 'intended to draw at- ' tentiOn,sirom . you and from this 'Cir., We were a, little afraid• there might' be some ,:commotion •• Made in the streets, and posaibly, an: attaCk. Made On•the•car.•',Meiting at the pace of the horseswould, for example, Make it more possible to throw a bomb and • :'.1t Would be it 'a• car •surrounded by troops ,- such a' bomb would bn.fiang. .Any •bornh thrower Would now he waiting for the car and escort to pass him." Glynn Was .satisfield with, the ex- , planation, Which seemed a.reasonable • one and of n clever precaution. From the windows of the car he saw they Were driving rapidly, and *even rather recklessly; though a number' . of itreetS; e9* Of them rather mean and narrow, but knowing nothing of ..the city was still entirely mtenspic- . • But when the 'car pulled up sud- denly in a narravv street Outside, a large house, with a, somewhat shabby nrid negleited, looking, exterior, : 'he was very Much surprised. • , "Aren't ,we going .straight 'to, the Palace of Napalita?", he asked, but, • again :"Ilasim" was glib tvitti his answer. - • ; • "Stich was the plan that was given int;" he said, "bat, again it was:for • the • Misleading of any .pOssible, evil- doers „who might lie in wait.' on ' the road to the Palace. :The ; Premier, • waits you here, to see what you • bring to him.", •! Together they alighted and walked pide by side to the house .door. By comparison with the blase, Of sun - outside, it was •• dark and dim. inside the deer, but 'Glynn stepped • Some en forget fast.t know' whent.leatned to drive I wai mighty . glad that some other drivers ,practie" ',ed the "courtesy Of the' roat„". ,know appreciated it then, and I. ,./aVe not forktitten it now. Pot the. life of Me I dan't.See why anybody should forget. ,, , '.After all, the courtesy Of the road doesn'tcost you anything, other than • a thought for somebody's welfare and safety: Littlo thingsilike care" Pi ntention to • • -LI' Sio14 MOH A bit Wh.eil--hnt 'Is, passing children, r going thrtitigh' Villages, or, giving the other fellow Share of the road, Mettti qiiite , lot to others: And th'ey dbiet lessen • your oWn. Self -reaped Or, safety an., tiny, degree. . I see a. loCof driverS---lea, part of •yiy, Job to watch thein as they go by 1.14-latidbcfleve ine, in the main the t inside, 'still without thought of any- thing wrong. s''' ' 3a.r*Is.77-thPearisresn'tayil:salenzeaerillte4ilittngonniae silently shut , The _d°°' 'el"ng 1 • • )i."balieIk.,!a°ed to the gay days' of Vienna, ehelehmill44himret;ielhoPnihr:efi 17.74:4/eri arm:: twheeeKiv. inter 'style. ShOws revealed ni., t s wafst oVer his , ''7- arpsi, and in an, inetent.a Owarn1 "1 coat sereq,:iiinanue,d bodice, like. a liright men ,had seized him, 'Clinging tightly! Uneath a little 1$0109 t� his hands, arms, legs and •- every grip': Glynn tried, to fight 'back, not understanding ithe attack or the res., rtooPw, inch of hjm. Where they could get a ---;-1 Slr.irts continue. straight and..nar- , ' to the days of knighthood. fowrithaftaernvaaaant• &w.ecianroth•hai rkpts j ebiaoe: . son for it, lint only,:thilt. it, was at- in..!h . at; appreciated in these day's ' of Nova'. cotia tack and he, .774et fight. Slit g depressi9n. „.•,, ,._. , such :odds be was imwerlesS. For • al, NVinter; will see many hanil-Itnitted : a kid*, Fifteen" es, from Flo° 0*norifmBareWorn rainsinArGold oH;ing F Likea Medal ;f•P• • • l•ree xquisite uality few ininutes he rolled on the floor dresses finite and hats. with his assailants hanging to . t"ilig^te Pees. thongs about }Om' he r fed" 'evening dsre°sms AnnYBlatt' Ws a :rgedoefroeul.kttll kicked -batted with his head,' itatbac yarns. gied to wrench his 'arms free if enlY1 Designers seem agreed that it is not for an instant: It was no good. Heneces'sary to change daytime ,skirt was over -powered, bound hand and. lengths. Most hold to the level of 16 foot, dragged to a bench and lashed inches above the floor: down tT I IAiIeen Rice; whose sports clothes His captors drew back and aquatt- are the sensation ot the winter Style , , ed panting, :to recover their breath' seasen; features exotle. color combi- • ue Lbe buis Gip* had nations -such as emerald green and managed to inflict' in the rough' and sapphire blue or pine needle green htly wove key 'gave orders to, the others., Once wecillen a leader, l,ensembles,tign„ : feel like Then' One who seemed ito, be: and plai:abtar:fie..ta,. hand-hnitted rose .and producing alittleensembles, again Glyrin'a clothing was wrench- French Wenien have no need to envy Atiopen, his shirt roughly 'tern away,, their be -medalled husbands. For, wo- and the chain. &and his Waist expos men there aro AnOnegrainir in: gold or :• '• • , ,crystal hang from a crystal her' and, k•light was brought and -for, a; worn Pinned on the, Jacket. . like ,a minute or two the leader fiddled with 'medal for bravery.. ' the hey, trying. to insert it in the [.. lock, 'finding he sow not do so.. Re '• I left that for the •moment and turned . wmore to an examination of the chain and VI omen ant tho case through' the hasps of Which C;J the chain .was passed. When he, had overtimerit o $ satisfied himself that, the --case could not be opened, without the chain be- ing Unlocked' or *ken, he called an- other man forward to have a. trial with the key. 4' • This man quickly gave his, opinion Gets Survey U Fall Elections to • See Campaign _Launched , , , $elr 'York. -='-Women intend to fel:, that Something had been stuffed into lev'the traditional. Method of •organiz- the lock, : and an effort 'Was made ed labor. and pit one political. party With the , wires! and Various iniple- against another In the United States malts to pick it clear. But the liquid tan election ::caMParga' ler'. the tilt. glue' fOiled'' all these efforts and the therance,of their interests, it was an.; leader began to grew impatient. , nounced'recentlY by Mrs:, Einine•Mac, , While , this slow performance lwent donald •BeWmaa; president Of the Na.. on, Glynn triedto believe that delay tional -Federation of Business and Pro. might be helpful, that. his . capture fessional WoMen's!'Clab. would quickly be detected and a Or= . • What the Federation wants; Mrs. suit set on foot. But the very. anhatite Bowman ,asserted, • is more 1. Govern - WO 'which the men worked.was clear mental•potiitions for qualified ',Omen. - indication that they felt themselves , "We're going to make a survey ,Of safe and in no ,need to hurry,: and every 'State to find what recognition Glynn Was forced to: the unpleasant women have had in appointive or elec- conclusion that, no /matter , hew tiire positions,', she said. "We are go:. energetic a search might be set on ing to pit the Republicans against foot, it must take time ..perhaps the Democrats and let each one kno*, , hours, to ,track down • where the car had set him down. " "Both parties'4...-lk a 'lot about •the From tha.*talk: of the men' about eSPe- him, he underatootitthat7theY:meanf, around. election •tirne': Wboit te..Waste•to time. An order was given theywant the .women to: get out and to ,bring tools-7-.7harmiters, .cold chisels work. • We want, to •find, out Whether and files, to break .the leek- or cut this"is. Jest a pat on the haek or whe- through.the chain. OlYnn,groanSd•tit,, tiler they really Meaitl‘ tha, thought that at !ant •• 'he, was results of our survey ought beaten.; that on. the thresholdof4Mtike pretty :interesting • reading 'CessI he' was to be robbed of ;the film around electiOntime." he 4%arried: , • , .. • ' , ' This was ad enough, but the •Itext turn of the...talk...Sent a .Cold -chill ., • donthis spine: • • k big burly men • •up. ..1i9010 with :iv badly squinting ''eye and . repulsively 'ugly face, pushed. forward London -rnagazlne asked'fil‘ • ,:ii;e-s7 to t1'- leader and, •Witlr 'A' . keetioli avyli,. at, is home?„ seven , towards the helpless figure of ani*ers Which the editor celled gems noW striPPed naked frora thewaiat • were selected ali&' published and. are ap,. he offered. te'• Make quicker as lollOWS: work o it. than ever they :could of Home• --A world' of strife shutpa, tattingthe chain:. • . • ::..-2••• •' • ' world of love shut In. •• have been a butcher, and I can Hoine*-•The Place. Where' the small be a butcher again," he Saidtre great and the great in • repily4..5 .the leader's 'of'. Hinne-The. father's klngdo, the how he would Work quicker. "Cut mother's World and:. the :child's -pare-- the Mea in: .halves at the waist:: and disc' ••• • the, chain is free.' Give me a htitcher's1 Horne - The place where We grunt - cleaver nd 1111. put the whole thing • ble Meat and are ‘treated the 'beat. in your hands- in . three' mintites.','. • centro ot oiii-affeettiin, •-• "There is in that," said :round whiChour heart's heitt•wJshs ' • • • ' • ; . . drivers of this province are, a pretty decent lot. That is What Makes the exception Stand. Out AO badly: • • 2 When 1 do &Mae AereSS One- et these, road hogs,4 without considera- tion for anybody but thernselVes, don't feel very` friendly: You don't blame me? No, nor any Other decent tab. • , I could give you titilte a few in, StatiCed Of Where inconsiderate driV- cis -hate been responsible int ,atC1- 04,a, but they alvvays get theirain time The *Away Is ler eiretY6titiWped. estriaris ts well as antOnnebileaf'.8fid the Man that. CO4tPerritea in 'driving Safely and Who exercises the courtesy of the road when he ia.driving is the men Who is liked by ali. .7 I'M Preaching, no "Serinon,4.4tinitiat seying What Iihink. Many a, Vine "May I have One miaz ute, please" 'has ruined an entire • the reader thoughtfully, "and the Mester Said nothing of it Mattering if the Men were killed, • Go then and find •your cleaver. • • , • . The others Were so casnal'and cpld; bloPe'ed in their reception of this pro- posal - that instinctively, Glynn knew it would be hopeless to make any ap- peal to therm. He thought of Norah and • again . greened to himself.' TO follow what WAS to happen, it is necessary to go hack a!little in the tale and to bring in a 'another char- acter new to us. • : e, (Tir Be Contintied.)' ATTENTION If we gave you coin:note facts of a company that has exceptional pre., fits In Sight, You Would weleoltte such an enterpriSe as an opportunity. worthy of inveatigatiori, W e' have full detaila of an fri- eustry--14 Canadian Industry now in 'the nialcing,-,that Will absolutely re,' Volutionize 5 Phase Of , agriculture and hortictiltttri* an Industry that: &in , look ,fora cdnatiiner of.its Pret ducts in -'every hdtne in Canada.' For FO.thO litleOntittio,h •WeiN and'eorniiany • 812cMetropolltkii Buildi ' b Ft 0 N. t I • , I Royal •Commission Wilt Study Its' Relations. to Doininion. • economic welfare of ,Nova..Scotia,7and fts relatioas. 804114 •cially and otherwise to the ,Dominion ,of . Canada are gOng to 'he.' checked UP.- A Royal .0enunieefin Iva he ap- pointed, Preinkr Angus L. Macdonald heti'. • annoimeed ' which. Will investl- gate: tlieSe Matters.: The 'former Mg- leger professor and football coach named Pro. J. H. .70inefihea'd•"Of ,the department 'of.- commerce of I.,,eedit ,University,.'England tts:chairnian, HAS rub ASSOCIATES , .Oeseelote4 •vio4 him III be • Tor. Alexander .JolinstOn, • CAtiAl.i :0tfeive; former deputy..thialeter • of ,..nittrine, and Dr. Ix.: aseo- eiate'professer of economic 'geography Or:ttin Univrsity' Of 'T.oronto e. • ' • . • . Hearings Open. in Halifax short_ . • It when a 'brief.. prepared : on • behalf Pt the '.proitnzial.,giernment by Pro teaser Nornlan ; *Leo Rogers of ,Queerre..1.7niversity, retained. :Seine menthe .40.;,W111.•hd::1?"regientre.4.. •' :."The cominiscibin- appointed .for the purposein an .exceptionally taring one in every • respect, and :it •shMild. con- tinue; to command the -,..-tesPeet and ,eonfidenCe.of the .people'not::Only of Ntuitt"Oeotia,,- bat ,altio„ Of . the •,pomm. loii;" said. Prezider.:114tedrinald,' in an. flouncing thepersonnel. "Its scope of .the broadcast. :It will • he , asked to Investigate: and Iconsider• net ,imerely the ,effect' Of Canada's trade and fleial P011eles.,npoa Nova Scotia, not only the Present financial arrange, 'inente-'•betiveen Allis. Province.' and the Dominion, but also •any'ether • Matters th.at;maY., affect theeconomic welfare of Noire Scotia."' ' •::. • " • DUNCAN:COMMISSION% : The report rf. the Duncan C,omitils. .sion. Of, 1928 declared atas beginning • , tharmthe ,Ontetandiat tact is that. thia MaritimO vinces. ,have not pros .Pered•-er Veloped reither In popula. tion, I •cnimitereiali Industrial : and rural': enterprises, • as fully as other provinces of t7,anada.", • • ;,•• • Prof.• &Mei who has headed; the commerce department :at Leeds sine 1019, will arrive:hi Halifax next Week. gerVed• with thewar trade :depart, the ministry of munitions and the Minfiltry2oi labor during the World War,: and was n member of the 'trade boards ;trellis; 1919' to 1922.. 'He has acted as Member economic ad- vlsory conneii Committee • on -live stock, ,On -the board Of education' con- sultative cenunitteeon adult... edueti-. don, and as "inviartial member of west: tiding agriciilteld • Wage,. comMittee, , • • • .. . •• • ,An . honor graduate. of. the •Univer- sitiets.' of Cardiff, Leipzig, and Berlin, he has leetnred. since 1907 -it Ahe.'util.'. Yeralties of tiverpeoli Glasgow • and Leeds,, •taini has . written' extensively on 'practical, and theereticat .problems in bis flold.. ".' •,. ; . .I, • f . • NATIVE OF PROVINCE , Alex, Johnson is a ,distinguished na- tive Of :Noire Setitia, wlin Was .deputy minister .t M.:trine: tot, tO Years. He sat in the„,provinetal•Legislature and the, Houk, 91 COM:Mann before his appointmentto !the federal : marine post in 1910. The 0;11/1.0 -was bestow- ed upon 9,1m.,:n ; the Itinee.iiirtliday honors lint,lastilune,.. His, Alma mater St,. Ettincie ktiVier 'con, feted tlie honetatY degree„ of Doctor of TAWS Upon him etthe last ,eenvo. cation. . , • • • • The third ..,meinher of • the ceninile' sion, Dr. IL. A. /Alio, •Ph.D., F. consideredan authority'ort Canada' s' rtintibinic development ;kis work it the UniVitsity of Toronto as professor or econom c: geography' ••brought him into :direct Study of Mari, time problems duringthe lent 'fell/. .years: , 5 A. Saunders' theile on "TOO teotiOntic Welfare of the Matitline 1"rOVInces" Pablielied In Ask Mother— She litimivs • Mother took this m: edicine' be. • fore and after the•imbieS,came, It gave her, more strength ' • And energy When she was nerv• ,' Oes and rundown ;kept her: • 7 On the iob all through the ••• Change, Nci*tentiet Athe roc, •,,C,Mmends it. 4 • - ' 'LYDIA Ll'IINKRAMS .VEGRABLk COMPOUND . t 'moor , No. 33—'34 1992: by. Acadian University, was pre- pared,andor als supervision,: as .well as. the TeCento took of Mrs. Itutli Ful-. ton .Grant, "The. Canadian .Atlelitie rielle4.". to, which he Contributed the NreWard. .He I the: author and edi- tor of several volumes 01 particular Interest.. to Canada.' Born at Otter. :Ole, Ont., hereceived his M.A. !rem 101eater 'University and his dectO.' rate hi economiceCfroin the Univer- sity' of ••Chicago. , Study Effect Of Type Faces Psychological Power Is Proir- -ed,by College Tests • /310oinhigton„ •Ind. -=--Conclusive • evi- dence .that different :sizes Of :advertis-, ink type faces have a definite chelogieal, effect • • in doting tones Was gathered In a recent survey at Indiana 'University,. • , • Professor R. C. Davis Interviewed Scores of 'etude. and .others-totuarn Just what .effect, if any, type :lied, .0e readers of 'advertising, • • concerned'abonCirequent assertions that hold type expresses !cheapness;.. feininitn, and so . forth, Pro- fessor Sritith .put the 'theories toac- ' tual,,teats. • , • . • tho,sabJects Were given ,sheets : of :paper on which Were,:prideti tatictus siSes. of AYPe. Varied as to boldness, condensation, use of Italics ,and size. -:the subjects then •, describedthe psychological effect each type had on ' them,. and they deScribid,whieh•type they thought best fitted tor 23 high- ly advertised products. ' The. teas • also' showed that type 1644 expresil:feeliag, the •siZe etthe typo determining the tone.: was found that bold. and heavy' . , , type carried ,• the ',' Idea of strength, •cenfldenue snappy appeal; „durability • • i and maSculinity."Thinner and less bolder typo Was described as aril -171g thoughts 01 courtesy, ,beauty, Set: ap. peal, delicacy and femlnlnity;------ Cdpoled Indian Girl Now Walks Missionary Found Her Suf- fering Three Years Ago • . cele- brated'July •I'Otirth•.bf`galeing. ;her in- dependence, from Pain, and: ' ariPPled llmbs She returned/120Mo. to the Bran- don lndlan Resldential Schoctl,!f011ow,; , fag a snecesefiii operation at a "peal boipital. • ' • • Three, years ago -a young ,Studen missionary:stationed at Nelson :bad . made a ..journey • lnto the Par IsTorth..:In MI Indian' :settlement; ',five days by dog • team from his Mission headauartera, theyoUng, man -found .• 'Entily, 'a child htidlY crippled frotn congenital .hip diseaSe'. 'The •Misalen,:. aty• Made arratigeinents• to bring the. child:46 the '11tantion „Indian School where she cetild receive treatment. , In . Pehruai.p, 1931; the' memorable trip:WAS inade,•The missionary set out With =,five..4:legg'illte,hed to the carriole, faced the hleak, .norili" country . and, headed, for the 'Indian settlement It leek hith 1We dayri to reach the settle - :Meet and another ten on the trail .before reahing MIle 137 Penni there: Fmlly Was brOughttto ,Brandon by rail, throUgh the Indian department the hest medical' and :untied' •thiviee *tie Obtained •fpt tJe child, Now Emily can ialk and telt ' ter'. ni,irindl place in. life, • ' - • • , . Slateo Itt': inetanierOuitted 'Shale or metamorphosed • ,ignoolis rock vhftth .ettaili 'Spits „fete:, `isheets o eeettilettOelbleituess: 'Good it,Y00,:..iiiin..tove.:.- 5ense.i. of ,HuniOrer.rnanti! Were Devoted to HindenbUrg. •• Berlin. -To Germans, Paul vonHin- denburg not only .an unusual::field 'marshal' ,and president, but a lovable anci loving oharaCter • whose hunior. and goO nature endeared .htmto theDeath . came to him 74. years:after • • 4he wrote., last will: and testament ` •,0,4thei age' of .12. That will, Of toar,ne. ••I •• Is not. taken :sei4ously but it testifies tothe good inature a.nd • sense ot Ont., .were two 01 the • many qualitles which marked his •character. : When young Paid " joinedthe cadets •,. • of the Scholl Wahliitatt he,Wroto."ti • will 'providing • that his' this: should be distributed'betWeen :.his brother and !lister. ,To a."71.eedk3sehtiOliattAn.he be- queathed:a:sandwich• 'Mt..: breakfast n every morning; . , The 'psoiterint On thindOcutnent Was: !characteristic, It read: •••• . .."Peace and .qUiet,',I'•atik forever.," • %Today :ea his writlng timik in the , dint study at ..Neudeck.• there atill stands the mseription that Was the guide; to von •Hindenharg's life. and ‘iiving.'''..Orai•et laboott,':'• reed the in- scrlption: and werk"..".' ' • • • The •Superior human tnialitles 01 G ermany's deadSoldierLpieSident•Wete . exeMpilflecl. by the following Words . whloh he .sOolce7 after the. battle Of,. ••Maselan Likes' • • ••,' • , "I; ant 'rather ashamed, that „I dill net feel; colds back there in the safe, headquarters. , At that: 'vine; I Conld not be at the trent as I was at battle Of •Tannerdnirg..: • "Almost.every :day, I ran.. ter 'two hours ...against the bitterly 6614 to, :bring' to my conscience what hard. • soips' our Poor 'soldiers had to stand .. Up...against out In the trenches," • 11 • „liaort: Precarious -Hour A, bird of. redConsented to remain . , ,. • .4. spin guest artist; in my maple tree :s Where,' glowing as -a. lantern7itt the It balanced a •gay :twig ..Perilonsly... Over ,t1i4 piebald sed: beneath , the • branch • „ ••• ; The thick fog lifted 'Praia the thinning. snow 7arsvteluenli detheA: ei• ..':er,eato. rej .. w.,iao. pc a , An optimism; facing such a, fee. As life Th1 bird alone, ;devoid of. •, 'power. • Persisting through, suritiyal.R the strong, . Tills, Wing riding the•ishprt ,Precarious That brings disaster or toMorroties • Had kept its bright: appointnient Witt , •• :the' : •• Its gay , itinerary' etched .in flame, '.. It was as though.i.:spirit sPOlte to me 'It Was. as though the ailence breathed • • • -.-Florenee Dickinecon• • Stearns in "Spirit" •• :‘ The aie of travelling is to regulabe Imagination by reality, ,and instead OE thipsinehow things may be to Set • them ns,they are.---Dre FALSE TEETH D..4/ERNET5 064/DER,. Would you like fotoe teeth to fit so firmly yet Comfortably' they feel natural -eat, 'shalt, tatigh--all day long you Can forget about them. SiMply'eptinkle on Dr. VV,erOnt's Powder•--,-prettetibed by world's foremost dentiste-.---the on powder that itestireS 100% •seniir• comfort, SPECIAL PEATURE Coln. fort -cushion protects Sensitive gutrui-.;' ilvrayd keeps niotifilt clean !Md./Smite/1 IiiexpetkeiVe+anr druggist • t . , Ideas Waited, Artists aiitii Authors; Amateur 'Of :Pkolosidlial , are invited . to send tis sale016 Sketches; Illustrations, Designs, Short,' „ • Stories and Articles, ' ' ' ,.•. Are You Artistiealti, Inclined? .,.,,., , ,, '. .-Wo Offer you •,tit-qtral,instruction ttpd criticism on Polht- ipoi tandscdpoa and ,Flowers in Vater ,poldukg. Send ' 0 .. , three 'debt, stamped di/V6IotIO or full 4nfotmatioit , • . , ., , , „ • , . ., tl. . id , it, 10 :, oi • is, .' eas wii.rm.te. . ,, ' yolgtv,NINE,14,:AvEN041t0116Nto. •