The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-08-23, Page 5TUURS•$AY, AUGUST 0RD;:' 1934 •McLAUGHI,Iy-$;DICK'S: .!AMI D STRAIGHT' B.,ENGINE. -".-�.i Arlli JSr 1 ._y .M� iitagcri,F sriL McLAU UGHL1 "•' ..._..... N B U•IC K S .BODY. BY f FISHER du tu'. it r;Ki II�.}._...rl� PROVED DE. ENDABILITY . ,L ,. O ItLD • RESPECTS• P E , L have:'a habit :of measuring 4tomoti g .' . Progress ;1)),t, the features; and improvements;: offered in.McLau -hlin-Buick„ Beca. ' McLa h-„ h .,.. x#88 .ug, • , . Se - lin -Buick has led:' in proving and pioneering the • kcal' auto w. i mobile a hi.: , ,, • . • sevett.*ear@. � c eveitnents of the fast twenty, y ,:The Valve.in Head• Strai ht-Eiaght. 'Engine, ng>ne, for'�one.. Tor" ue Tube Drive..Sealed ''. "Chassis.' To -Draft Ventilation. And now, in 1934 -Knee-Action Wheels, eels :Fisher stre• mlin :d n15• .vacuum -P " V ower Brakes,'ut mitre Siartn Air o... „ �, IgG Cushion Tires, Center -P iin� ri •..... o t S ee ng and: Ride Stabilizer.Certainly, if you:; wish to learn:.every;f . thing about the • pleasure and 'convenience of modern motoring in one revealing ride -you :should :take that ride in a McLau hln-B o ` ` g wck- M !orate` .� ' themselves are proving that by . buying five times :::as man new McLaughlin -Buick. is any other Eight over $1500'.- ,.,K.. ase Acfion W ,..• Heels , . •«�Yaaaam='�ws�!'.flreko ..•, i4i Cu,hloo: Tiros....tieto a Si eetor .. Au sum e Starting .' r, . All-stlos�' Syatro-a sh SilNiog , .• Fisher Yoefila fon :. . Lew Priess,aiud GMAC'Toros ruh Port. Eigi;n',Two• Straight (Continured from Page 1)r • Port •Elgin. "reinforced!' their line- al) by using :Pequenat and although he goL .3 singles an ,a walk in 5 tines up, didn't look so. hot afield; and Pon tributed three eriers.; • • • He started; off at Second,, but'.went in behind the, bat .in the , 7th. •Itis. worst bungle ,was in the 9th' when Gnrd Irwin outguessed hitn when trid land pped•, between .3r ;and •:home Pequenat dropped the throw. as Irwin `'dashed" byhiin . to cross, the plate With, the tying run.' A fullccount of just" ,what. a. � t a= h p pend is impossible through ; lack, of 'space, but -,briefly here it is. A' walk•,. an :errs"; at 3rd'and a wild ,Control led • front :Page 1) Jack was given first aid treatment on. the grounds'by,Dr. Finlayson and wee, then removed to a .local doctor's office where the fracture was attend ed.to. ,Tack returned to the, bail park for the, .latter, part of : the game, but was, feeling "tough". It was and "un- fortunate; mishap that. put: a. great pitcher out of the game and ,was a" blow to. ;Port Elgin's ',confidence in winning the 'Series. s . • . Sturgeo n wassent ;to the monad . and; held Lucknow scoreless .for .the, , ex threeree innings.But the 7 th. arid, 8th, the Sepoys got to his offer- ings for ;six hits, and aided by 3 er i; or's, ran in 7: runs. • Carrick got his customary •3-laggei• .On the. mound struck out 8 men• He• 'WV given"practically errorless scored twice in theirhalf on tree support'•with his: outfielders,.covering, ',singles, a f'ielder's choice arida high acres of ground for a total of 9 outs. throw to '2nd by, Carrick. = Carrick contributed . one of two er, Singles by' It. Thompson and' Car ros „in the 5th, .inning., which • robbed, ruck and,•a stolen Base apiece and an ,pitch . in the 2ndi semi C. Finlayson nome: • with the first, run. Port lllgin and ,him of a shut out.. error by McKay' on' Miller's hit gave ,With' Roy , Finlayson and • Gord Ir- Lucknow another pair in the 3rd.."' win making •,snappy plays to .cut off „ In the loot of the 4th, ' Port Elgin runners at'Ord and home, Fort Elgin .;tatted on a scoring .rampage, that saw . two 2 -base hits:go for nothing' as the side was retired `without icor 4ent 6 men across. the rubber. Peque- j rat, Becker"Smith and Sturgeon,' ing in the 1st` inning, ,when Becker' singled in ..succession and ' Garton hoisted to: Art :Andrew for .the ,3rd ;dropped Schrarik'a' fly, sending Stur- out.. From . then on, with'' the excep-'soon to •3rd whostored w of-the--5th---when- I'u� t E , sc r d h scored' their lone run, only one • man reached second base. . • In the.. 6th, • Sturgeon struck ' out. Schrank 'singled and went to second, on; a -fielding' error in • centre field. Carrick ,threw high trying to pick him off' the bag•and Schrank romped to 3rd, to' score,- after -Duncan, had struck. out, `when McKay hit a groun- der 'through the'. box. Jack°,.G'artou:. 1o"oked 'good' in taking _Gerd • Cottrill's sizzling drive to'•endd the frame. Andy Thompson led 'off .fors Luck-; now in the first ''with:•a' two -cushion swat: Bob struck' out. Andy .went' c third while : A6: Andrew" was being thrown 'out' and scored. on a passed Ball. Carrick' lofted one to McKay for the 3rd out.• : Irwin 'singled to• start the :.4'th• ani a 4-runscoring bee. II sto1 2nd on m4C''.• ENTRAL GARAGE' hone<,148, LUCKNOW • �% y■�EC U C Mr.; and Mrs George Fisher .and family of `Lobo spent- Sunday . with. •hisfather, 'Mr. Wm. J Fisher.: Mrs, •Ro Cringle ;and, :daughter, Y g t; , i etroit are Miss Helen r n le f D • M s g en C g o . , visiting thee• •former's mother, : Mrs.. • David Gillies' an Other, relatives: ' ." lr `s s D n an Kennedy,Mac Messrs. , u ;� • , T:Tn lis and Gordon 'Godkin are out • threshing es thea mg with •their • Mr: Albert Walters and Miss` Mabel :, Walters spent Sunday' with Mr. and !Ira. Gordon Elliott;• , miss 'Florence P e urdon " is •nut nursing her nephew, Master Rellison Falconer i• ra• �:.• n Orangeville- e•• hospital.' gevill ,h p t I. He didn't have ,his arm:'arn putaied Last week.as was reported:• Mi. and ,Mrs. Fred . Stanley,of Chesley spent Sunday ;with ' Mi and Mrs• Duncan T{erniedy; The insurance :'.'agent 'asked the prospect: Did you:.evet ha�ie appen cliciis� ` "Well," answered the prospect, "1 was Operated on, but I` have never. been 'quite certain. ,whether' 'it :was appendicitis 'or' professional " curios? pp p Y Just Plain Happy $etirkett, iiidulghig hi a, fraternal handshake before :going on with' wo= -- T Fa-�atAecrd n- • At .diver � • r Tiverton F a When Gordon Pattep r son ,. i6 vest - ofd 'Tiverton :lad 7ued -from the ,running board of one of Lloyd'sfruit truckks from • Stratford, whilei6was in. motion, he received internal in- juries and : had''both legs ',fractured • and died • that -evening in Kincardine Hospital. The driver of • . the, truck, 'who rushed .himto a •doctor,• Was not aware of • the 'youth's death :until in formed of it,: while delivering : goods in Lucknow the ;next- day. -*The < ac - cadent.• happened on: Friday when :the lad was being gijen , a ride from. Inverhuron to Tiverton.,. This is the. third •motor ,fatality`h( the Patterson feniily: m three yearse: The boy's father, a car dealer, wsix. killed, in a accident• 'between Amber. -' ley and G`oderich, and `his mother .war# later killed 'in,* ranter accident while visiting ' relatives in the States. The boy's death leaves an older ::sister. ass' the only surviver ' she shaving visited' 5, 5555 ,:ottOn' Atte To O st Luc 1 no Port Elgin Just: ,Can't, •Take It And; Pretest, Lucknow's . Victory On t' A Technicality -.•,secretary Of Bruce League Appears To 'Be' . Strolirgiy Backing Their, Weal eg Holler.! • Through;:a technical; error. on the Part ' of the loal club: •in 'not ;having; the certificates'. o o ri is _, . •f B_b Car ick P,k Miller, Andy . and ' B.ob ' Thompson signed before July 15th by J. C. MaePonaald,' secretary of the '•Bice; Leone,. : Port • Elgin Ammediately entered a; .protest after their `Second : defeat at ;tile hands of;::I;ucknow fast''. Saturday. „ Lucknow soundlytrouncing-,Port c•nguPor ,uckn win tr n i _..,;t Elgin two straight, won n; the semi- final' aeries and .the "right to meet Southampton for -the league charm pionship. ^ Port • Elgin's6: ' weak -legged protest, :shows that .. theyy' just can't take it, 'and raised a squeal which' to all appearances h reere;- --is: being supported by the secretary of the league: Certain conditions have arisen that wreak 'to high heaven. Russell',• Robertson, G. Ii. Smith and Bob ,Carrick had an interview with 0. B.=A.•A. 'officials •on Monday; and . an appeal has• been entered to R wh' lr with°'• ' • a i t ` last. night with Luc now Iimlon g ;h officials. present.; We go• to, press too early to •report'.the'outcome,. 'Pert Elgin players, were awaiting Lucknow on . Saturday all primed with the • information that' Lucknow had' ,some cerci rates unsigned. The game II was played under. protest and a. meeting of the Bruce League offi .• cials ' and team representatives was held -.after the • game, that brought little results. • "Big Jawn" MacDonald, , as the Review -Reporter ;has so fondly. term- 'ds"^him, attended a meeting of 0.11. A. A. , officials, on Sunday ' afternoon., ind "laid the facts"'befor'e them. No '.ucknow..delegate •waspresent as G. 1. Smith ,was advised on Saturday by the ' 0. B.A. A president, that if `• it delegate was required, be would be; en Duncan• his--bod,�� is are out' to'centre. McKay hit to Mil- ;er and; Schrank was safe •when Fin- layson'dropped • the throw to the Mate.. G.'Cottrill singled. `'Ii.. Cottrill and Becker. struck out with Pequenat sandwiching' 'a hit in between , to ,core 'McKay::. Art 'Andrew scored rn the 5th after oetting'an walk on 'a single by'' Car- ick and a third,: error by McKay on iart;on's ]lit. - - Port Elgin came; 'back • for. 3 more on a • walk; singles by Schrank . and, uncan: and a •triple. by G. '.Cottrill. In the • 6th, singles by A,;: Thompson Jarrick, Roy, Finlayson and Miller,' 2:'stoien bases -:and an. error •at 2nd, gave. Lucknow"4'• more' runs. • Port Elgin : added one' in their hal on a' walk, a' fielder's' choice', and ac error by Bob Thompson, who dropper Schrank's fly.' From . then: on Por. Elgin as,heldscoreless. In the 7th, aa single and a walk b field hit.'. Bob Thompson . struck out. Andy and Bob 'Thompson, a smash - Andrew lined out a. clean single' to Ing tri ole by:Art'Andrew•and a pass - right, ,scoring . Irwin and Carrick's mammonth triple far,over. the right; fielder's head, drove' in two more; runs. Carrick ''• heat Cottrii 'who ;came in to cover. the plate on•a passed ball. Roy Finlayson went down `swing and•:•Mil- ler grounded;out.••, q ' - I'Ln the 7th, McKay threw but Irwin A. Thompson singled and went to" 3rd on Bob's single. who advanced' to: 2nd on the . throw:.in. Andrew hit a hot one :through Gord Cottrill to: right field. scoring , the two runners, Bob .beipg, safe at home When Schrank ,dropped the ball in tagging MM.,'An' error. in right Yield.' on Carrick's' fiy put Andrew , on 3rd and • Carrick on 2nd and Pick •Miller slashed out la' ,hit to drive in. another pair of.' runs. Pick started for 2nd. on the throw to, Mite bag -to retire the rde. an attempted bunt by A. Thompson Elg' *as le notifed: who on• the next' ball, beat out an rn- g y According to a• despatch from;, Fort ;Agin, !the. Bruce League executive met Sunday: 'night aro . ordered' ' the whole play-off , series to. :be replayed; with Luckjiow deprived of the'-gerv- ices of all;. fou :players,:; • _ , 'faking kin With . Lucknow on :.>I�Lvnday„ Vin, . g .heir appeal to "the, 0.B.A A., �it vas' .earned that the decision"ori;`Carrick all hinged, on When -•"he• signed; his drat - certificate 'with llcknoyfc,; :Carrick signed'with Lucknow on the night o f' May 28th;'after he, play • - ad' hit 'first game •with Lue%now' in Kincardine. , Fortunately thele: are Plenty of witnesses' to'this;fact,for 4' this `certificate was,.turned i to: -.the .; Bruce League ;' executive vita the. others at,'Saturday ;.night's ?nee ng 'at Port Elgin and has dissapea e - It Was anticipated that it:waltfd ii"e :ass .ng when 'a call . was sent in .about it on Monday:, morning. '• •, - gh • wasc u h oin • into the l to but a t h pa�.. g g In thea " 8th'.. Sturgeon -threw out. Garton.' Clark Finlayson. singled, and irwizt hit..fOr 2.bases. ;Andy' Thorirp- son hit to'`Sturgeon, who saw he. was too late ' to ` catch Clark .:who had started for the ; plate on the pitch.,' Sturgeon. wheeled' and whipped• the., ball over the'first. basem'an's head,. sending .Andy to 2nd, while -Irwin. sauntered home. ' R.: Thompson was thrown out,•'' advancing' ' Andy,. . who scared when • Art :Andrew lashed fent i nice ;another single.'Smith made ;'a c running catch: of Carrick's hard 'fly ed bal closed the gap to a. one run load that ' Port , still held l •' Luckfoa was turned back.scoreless in.the 8th;, the., side ',be'ing retired in order; > ex - cent for': Doug ,Clarke's clean single to centre, , Irwin started of the. 9th with a' single, went down" to ' second without a• play being -made, and on to-: 3rd on Andy's • single, scoring aftershe had been • trapped ' On R. " Thoinpson's fielder"'s choice, when Pequenot dropp- ed the• •ball: Andy scored when Andrew .was thrown :out at•first. Carrick's single, drove in Bob' Thompson.. Roy Finlayson's. single: scored Carrick, _who. had stolen' second. Roy was advanced to. 3rd,• when Miller was thrown out and 'scored on a :passed ball. -Doug Clarke,walked',.. went. to- second and scored 'on•Clark.. Finlayson's single b y. and. Irwin.for_._his''.second lhat'•-of the - inning.. forced .Finlayson at; •2nd for the 3rd out.. • Lucknow ab r , h po ` a A. Thompson, rf.: 3 3` 0'•'0 R. Thompson, :.3rd :-5: 3 1. 0 5 : 1 Andrew, if. ,,... 5' '3' 2 "0 1:. •0 Carrick,. .,.'est .... -6 " 3 5. 4 1 • 1 p R... Finlayson, 2nd ....6 2 2 3 2. "0 ;Miller;' ss. " 6. 0; 1 1 .2 .0 Garton, • cf. • ''3 0 0 2. ''0, ,1 C.Finlayson, c...:_.:.5 1 1 13. 0 :1 Irwin; .:1st, p. .6 ,1 " 1 4 1 0 Clarke; cf._.- r 2' 1 1 0: 0 • 0 60' 17 17 27 12 4 ab r h pa a` e Duncan, L. ..w... .4 1 1' •• 1 0 .0 McKay,' 3rd..6. 1 • 0: 1 0 3 G.,Cottrill, ist,..2nd• 5' 0 10 0. 1 H. Cottrill, ss., .r..b 0.:.,1 0.. 7.. 0 Pequenat,` 2nd, c....4 2 3 4 2 3 Becker, If.. _ „ 5 3 1 ' 0 '0. 1 Smith, 'rf. - 3- 2 2 0 0 0 Sturgeon, P. 4. 1 1 •0 1" 0 •Schrank, c „...-,.: 4. ;2 2 8,,•1 :1 Hill, lit ...... . -1 0,0 3.0.•0 *Hales ,. w.- u«1 0 0' 0 0 0 e 0 Snnrinary-3-base hit; Carrick; "." 2 - base 'hits; A. Thompson, Irwin; Dun-, can, ,G. Cottril; struck out by;Cottrill nings; Carrick 8; runs of Cottrill, 8:, off Sturgeon, 7 in 6; base on balls , Cottrill '1 StUrgeon 1; hit by Ditched ball; Cottrill by Carrick; 401en baSes,' Irwin 1; passed' balls; Schrank 4...left 'on base#, Pert Elgin 7. LuckhOl# run bateeor in McKay, A: Thompson 3, Carrick Andrew miller.2. Tfmrires.:--Salidy and Pin Port ;min' gip 000-1 tineardizie at Kineardine, Sent. Oillies '14111, goof, Itiont „Setwav gent; J4 ,gaiigeon„ .rorf, Solt. 15' Aria nt 'Tara 18 • Surrimary-3-heie hits, AndieW: 6. Cottrill; Struck Out by: Irwin,. 9 in 6 innings, by Carrickig in &innings, by' rick , 7,.ef Irwin d; runi of Garrick 8, ..01 Irwin 7; stolen .bases, A. Thozap- hi-111S, Schrink 1,• Pequenat 1; wild Pitch! Stargeon,' double plays, R. Fin- layson (drimitisted) Pequenet to •G: Cottrillt runs batted in, Art•Andrew 4, R. ,Finlaysoa Carrick 2, Miller 2, Garfon 10 C. Firilayson i; Echrinch 5, Emitb 2, Duncan Pequeitat 1; left On bases, Lticknew- Vropires74Sandy and . Pin' Thompson; Chesleyt Lucknow 014 ..3061.7 On SaitirdaY everting the loCal tele - Phone office had the appearance'. of electiOn night, aS scores .Of'. fate awaited 'the result'.`Of the game and burst into lusty Cheering whert,., a ,Toltir,TOynt, who Was unable ,te attend, the gaineo Was among those awaiting' the tesulte and he treated the" treiVd calls have, siiite then- been received, Some, 000 fang ..wera present St the gaine • here On ThUrsday Cheer' 1014 Of being the .eldeit siipperter present would doubtleds 4ito to Mit, • 1• • • It was • certificate No. 1 of,: Carrkks that was: not.. forwarded Witt those`.of the other three ;players,:to be•signed• by: the • Bruce League se star Y ., g e cr *" r., On August 2nd, ..when, ;Luckgow played in Owen' Sound, "Jack': Marion- aid . informed Russ Robertsi n ritsit he had not re : teived•Carri"s k' :certificate • c, and proceeded '`to have .a• second ane . filled out'which he signed `andawhich he.instruoted Mr:,:.Robertson Att.-slate.; July 12th: Now it is being afitiimed' that'Carrick ' didn't sign .till: August 2nd, and ::although hisT certificate '. which he: signed .:away back on, May' ,28th' is . ' mis iug,:.. of idavits ; ,:to this ; effect will probably serve: as well as thecertificate itself, which=niay' how- ever - just happen ` to turn .Up again., Just' what sports some. of • : Port Elgin are, is revealed ; by the fact. that Mr.' Perkins, something-or:other' in' connection With .the team,, declares that Carrick purposely" beaned Jack Cottrill in the first 'game here..By the ''�Gi number • of cat -calls hurled 'at Mr. Perkins ' in. Fort on Saturday from Bruce County sporting fraternity, it . is apparent that his;'; "pleasant" disposition has made '. hini . "much beloved."• in practically every centre represented in the; Bruce . League. • Lucknow has dans 'nothing that. is not open and'above- board,: and are.. fighting out this, protest to the finish. If, 'they lose, til have been handed• ' a rotten dealr and baseball in the Bruce .League. will \ have received 'a: smack in the face.' Tn either "'events it isevident that a .much needed house-ceaning in•the league in at. least one office, is about 4t4 qort., Mr. end Mrs; Collins and. family, Ypsiliante., Mich., visithd last week Mrs. GOlitlen' of Detroit, and Miss lean. Mckenzie of Toronto,. sPentn tew *is witty -Mrs. W.. McKenzie, Ituagell Middleton arkent Mon - Mr. olitt Hamilton 'of Tortinto, .with ,his brother,. ,Gilhert A little girl arrived ' at the heirie of and 'Mit. Archie'. MileIntYre; . awl Mr. Wm. Robertson ef Tcronto; ifia Mrs. Iturley and Mit', Engle of tittfolo; spent, a. 'week , reCently with end' Mre. Oen tifev-jullut meeting of the 0, was held at. Ow ,Iteine of Mrdi Win. McDonald dit Thursday, •