The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-08-16, Page 7• it's funny` the way some people's minds work. Perhaps 'I'd better lay ' it's funny' the way some people's' •;minds don't ' work. , There are still quite a few driverswho think it. doesn't matter much whether they 'have one headlight or two headlights. 'working,at night, But if they only, Anew. it, the one -eyed car is about as i. big a menace on the road as the reek "less driver. ;Sometimes even: worse:: I mind; a •case that happened,'not �,, Is�1otg ago. HI was heading for .home r ,=bout} 10, o'cloOlt one night, 'It'wee not exactly raining, but it was threat-,` . ening--rblack ,and.- stormy like with out even- a star shining. Just this side' oL Jonesville, a r car cane round • the bend with• only the right hand ' .headlight lit , and • . pretty nearly ran me down., I had, to swerve violently to miss him. At that it '.did not take Die long to turn round: and `go after him. -"Sorry, ' officer", the driver said when I' pulled:•him up, I'll get, it fixed at the next•ngarage.". • "Mind you do" 1 told?him, , pretty emphatically: , "1 omit-you-know--it-is- Hav,e, You Heard Jean was, Henrys small :Scot$' niece and this i(rst "yisit south of • the Tweed. On Sunday tate service at church had!• kept her enthralled. "Do people who want to get mar- ried have to. ask •the minister •to tell• everyone?"' she asked when •,the=y against the law to -drive with Q ie came, out, ' "1 should thin$ 'Mr, Thomson must be` awfully. glad• Miss sometimes, I' think y it's, no: n$e • be- ,Day Is going to . marry him, at ;last, •ing decent with people He had .41P. don't you, Uncle Henry? He must be intentiSn of getting his light fixed, Ileo,.t1igd of asking `her," because xt= e==arning: i, learned.'that he'd -rut' own'.atmotor cyclist seine Henry .gave an audible gasp I uppose. he ntust, ean. But whoi AAfter my :narrow' escape' 1- knew told you all, this?'', exactlywhat had happened. , The • , . "The minister! Weren't' yea, li8ten . poor . victim of the .• accident had ing?: He said:. '1 ;publish. ',.the bands thought; it wasanother Motor cycle of :marriage of Richard, '`l'horiison . and coming••.tawards, him, anti'he• had not ,.vidary- Day, This Is the•third, •tin=e .of been as. lucky as I had in getting "out' asking,' " ' rz of the' way. The driver got caught rr° f all right and he deserved all he got..1 • If that' motor cyclist, sues'him. for' Smithklns• was undoubtedly travel-` damages, I'll be giving evidence for rung fast in„ his , 'baby ear. and the him, believe me. • friend who had accepted, his, offer or • It's such a it matter to.get a lire asked. sarcastically+if he . were . adjusted, ,and . it 'only: takes'a couple, going to a fire, • • Anybody' driving "'No, old Phan," ; said' 'Smitbkine.. of 'minutes to fix deliberatelyat. night with one, head- "hm tryingto prevent ape:" light is ,lust,ag g mean advantageY, , «HOW so1. • 0f tkinother„ people, and. ,when the .dead •'Wein my Chief said -bed lire nie headlight is on the left hand ids, he is a danger' to everybody: els"e on the road; I could ..say a lot more, :but 1 -guess this as' enough for now, ' I'll. be- see, if.I were late again." , TOW ' "What's the difference be_. tween' valour; and discretion?" Bill "Well, to tavet 'on. an ocean, liner without tipping would be vat:. Oar."' Tom '1 •see " ' Bill "And to . come back ODA; Consider Mother At Meal Time Her orts: Are Too Often Ignored in the Bickering Thtt Goes 'On, At The Table- 'The able •The family sits down: to ' supper. That is, Mr Blank sits down and picks up'the carving knife.' •- '- " Mother Bite. 3oiner' up, on'his high. chair and' ties a bib' around his neck.• Hortense, a bit, older;, liscovers 'that she hasn't a napkin.. Mrs Blank goes to the sideboard, gets ';one,.,. pushes ..Hortense'in closer to'the table; •Slie surveys•:the table- and then .goes out life the coffee, bread ,and ice water; vvl;ich;.•Mr Blan>) likes -hat; -fresh and gold • re'spectively. ' • ; •'Oh,come on, .Agnes Can't ,you ever'•get settled: I like my': meal:•' in Peace•; You're "forever• fussing." • ' be :there. You 'three• go'• on," calls Mrs: .B. TABLE DICTATOR, ::Water and 'coffee poured, • Mrs.. ]Blank -says. '"Don't give me'' ,=much meats I'm' top, hot 'to eat.7- • "There.. you • go. -' 'Heat's a state ,• :of mind., It doesn't ,bother; me: He turns the steak Over With the big fork "It?s all tough. And I don't like -it so well "I know. But :1 :have to; get cheap (mets aii.d cook' ittill .it's:•tender. You. and. yoiTr -meat: you'll get no; dessert,"- his father says ' - "There isn't any," announces liis' wife uncertainiy , "No'dessert V' • Can Jim believef his ears? , • "T was goingao get Inelen but I • hadn't enough change.., -It was too hot to'bake anything." •' Mr. .,B , reaches in his pocket ",Here,. Sis, you. go ,down to 'the corner; 'and ,get a..q.uart::of" ice cream." • that's' .. the -laundry inoney..1• know'it is, And let her finish first anyway" ' soltti IGNORED • Goody 1' shouts 'Homer; pushing back''his plate. He 'hasn't, touched :a thing; but..bread and butter and his sister 'hasn't done, much better. Their. father has eaten a big meal' .:hjo„done notices that .Mrs:..• .Blank hasn't touched a bite • but only .;sip- ped her coffee She doesn'tlike ice cream. 'A: 'pint. would :.l=ave been plenty.'' And . the..'laundry', trial= to ,put off. again: •,And the. meal; 'as• usual', wrong fru Jim's :eyes'..' Ile ;worries,; or at ,least' feel. responsibie for the children but' .not fors. her. '.•Yes -'she - doesn't -know ;xa'ctly' `Why,, 'but she does -feel the heat..'• No one notices mother,. ferent• boat would be+ =tAlt?+Crton. 1Do You get >tne?'x,• Toms• "Yes;, ,.quite „a good.l)ltt Two Hebrew: ggntfemen fro,ni,• Bir minghani, beard 'Qtr n job Not: of goads. going cheap in' LIyerpool fol; £:10,000, and they went ;yp tp ;see it.- I•,ina11y, after much argarilenty; they-• :bought the goods,for £7,Q0Q., -As they came back in the train=key said, to, Jacob;' '"1 don't see, Jacob,; leo! you need have been so hard:on `that man and' have beaten him: oiyf. 'from 410,000 to £7,g00, because you know we don't intend to pay for any 'of iti." 'Veli;' was the reply; "you gee, his rather •was an. old ,triendof mine, and 1 don't want him to make a bigger bad debt than I can help.” • Farmer, Giles;; "You .b:e on time, to: day, . Garge rs •.Guard .of locate train; Aye;_:we had the •wiud, behind" his all .she way,,'!, 'What terrible:.crime' had this man. committed?" :. "He .has clones uothii g was• merely an innocent' bystaudei! .when Tough Sim -tried-to kill a man and we are 'bolding him as witness." ,."And where is. Tough. Jim?" P, . ' "He's• out on bail," 'sorry to keep ' grumbling, =sirs **gin," said the: boarder,': "but rea1W 1 cannot: sleep in:•jthat bed an- other' night " ' ' "I'd have your know" was ,the• land lady's haughty ,rejoinder, +that. that bed.'is St for the, Prince: of Wales." • •. "Ah." ',replied the 'other, "that ez- plains why. it 'has 'only three fea[th. CHICK SPEEDS:.UP ,.ON-• EGG` PRODUCTION London -Living•up to the • condi do s and .deinandiSsit.the speedy and productive niodern'Worl'd,.-themodern �. -chicken Pari ;teacl3:. its grandmother can't get• it rare." �. bow''to lay' eggs:— ;3 you: 'didn't, give :me any.! 1ln.;five Years :the average•yield:'01 . •' eggs per 'hep; ,according to .the 'latest • "It's' tee. rich." ministry .of, agriculture census Of viol: "I can't • eat . 'potatoes ,'without duction for 1980.31• gravy."' The: laying.eapacity, of the average, "You can't 'have it ' Stop, making, hen has advanced , from' -12 eggs=, ' a : that face. If you cryyou'll`,leav,e the year'•In 1903.10 120; in'.19:30,, and there , has been' .: a.'turther •improvement since' then: Homer: sits •back and' drops his' chip ion his, chest-, , ••,: "Qh, Jim don't start that all over, again. er a8in. Give some gravy. Ihave• (to . make' it for, you and he , see's -it And; 1 ' do • , want' some pease and quiet". • a • •:. "I won't give: hiwt gravy lt'ortense' hasn'tany " 1. "She doesn't` like it. Do sit tip, Homer, and eat 'your dinner'' • NO 'Dts.sERT! .But' -Homer' doesn't; He drinks` water and eats bread and butter and '!If' you don't •. eat Your tomatoes` STOP T'NAT ITCN� In One Minute D. D. D. Prestriptien Speedi Relief, ; • •Ittsreally surprisinghisee hOwbrrD.D: -Dennis' pure, cooling; ,liquid, antiseptic ";` D.D.D. Prescription quickly stops,itching torturesot essema, pimples, mosquito or • other insmtsbiteso rashes and other skin afflictions: Forty years'; world-wide sec-' • cera . Its. gentle 'oils penetrate the skin,, ' soothing• and healingjhe inflamed tissues No fuss= -no muss Clear, greaseless arid' stainless—dries up almost immediately., . Try. D.: D. D. Prescription today.. Stops the most intense itching instantly. A 35c trial bottle; at any drug store, isluatan. teed to prove it—or fnoney back, D. D D. ismade by the owners of ITALIAtN BALM. :hies what •e8 out of.•100 *omen say after taking thief tnedictne. It quiets fluivering aetves, gives them more. strength before • and after ;. childbirth tides them' • Oct' .Change o� Life : makes life ' Stem worth liying• 4 • agaiii it, LYDIA EetltiNKHAMIS `.. VtC IABlE COMPOUIio snub leo. ,'>.L ..... , • 1. Young ':.o•f>ri , it n]ts . Ma ,_ Rancher �: • TO arty R.a Somewhere in Ontario 'a• ytiung'lady is pining; .to -'marry.. a" 'rancher frfom Alberta's foothills• country 'and Mayor J • Corrrwmah, of Lethbri Alber- ta; has been., Selected forth, role of: marriage broker The name -of: the xeung ,'lady •,who. gives:' her age as 23, and the town in. Ontarjo are ;not -divulged by His. ,Worshi'p. She is- not 'particular' r whe- ther the prospeetive groom ie:4arlc, fair,"handsome or' othe}'wise; but.. she does insist he 'must, be a rancher, sex -foot ' talland a: Canadian. The' Mayor' has" promised :to .do h'ie, at, most:; BLACK WATCH ON 'DISPLAY.+ London—For the first time at the. Royal',. Tournament at •Olympia the 2nd Battalion Black Watch has been selected to ,gime an historical display, the history of the lemons . =Black Watch';dating back: to 1739. ' ' We have • Vdry otters wondered • just why it taken two •pages„of fine print. ed • phrases'.to say .legally 'that d the borrgwer ptontises to•,pay'„back what he .b iii'OWs., . • Two ttaveilers • got• into conversa tion: One. was most attentive to 'the; other, pressing efgars,•'tiapers and re:!, treshnlent upon him; Tlielr 'dost nation 'was 'the • salve town,. and ,the' Seemingly much 1ti'ter ested• one insisted' that the; otter should,, accompany him to .his home for the t=ight This completed the lat:! ter's';atitonishment;•He 'risked tlae res son for such un)ooked for hospitality, Ile. was enlightened by . bis wbtildj be, host reply' ' • +'11Ijr: vv+if0 sage I'm the ugliest matt' in the Weird and 1',11iet went her t0 have a S'odk 'bt.your„x ..•. a 4_• _'_ 1 • Britir's 'I'b1. i1 ' A ianf ' T tb,A . 0.7+s Part of 'the crowd of a million people, including hundreds of American vacationists,,'who gathered at Liverpool, England, fpr : the • formal' opening by the King and Queen of the Mersey Tunnel, longest underwater tunnel in the world, Connecting Liverpopl ,and. Birken- miles lon took h er.eggtubetwo and.. cost' $4.0,000,000. Y• qr !SOW A. THICKER',: HEAVIER f LUG FOR THE .SAME • If you want;'a better• chew, ask forte PERFE . hewing T Tobacco DYED" MOSQUITOES There are .half a dozen ,stations-- in the- Country- where : enton'iologistsof •the ;Plated :States' Department .:of. Agricultureturn' atomizers on •cap- tive mosquitoes. The'experimenters are not trying to test the efficacy of some new insecticide :but simply, 'to. dye the mosquitoes ' with 'ermine (strong pink) or methylene blue.. Thisdone, the insects are released to: •,f—and'-fly--'pvbither their. "fancy or their thirst for. • blood will' urge. them., ,r a ; Behind the:spraying with 'dyes -41o, Mean •trick:'considering the ease with; which a delicate 'insect can be drown= ed by what is to. him 'a pelting, rain-7- diet, ain diel{,a'deep scientific purpose, How far do mosquitoes 'travel from their homes= -slimy. 'pools and `••'stagnant' puddles? • How long ,do•,they,live? ' n what places db they , prefer to •"lay, :theirs eggs? In i word, 'it is- the ob=: ject of all 'this • spraying to'; pry 'into 'the private life of ,the .mosquito= .•' ' A' ,'good .deal bas• already: been - learned. One 'specimen ^'was stillbnaz_.' ing' about 104 days after a ' Shower• bath' of methylene .blue Heand his 1 tinted pals may reveal much that will make it, ;easier to .combat malaria, -•s Border CitiesStar. , . The .school 'or 'experience is' open 24 hours a day, with. no holidaya; bi' . vacations; •CIramified Adertiising . Tobacco For: Dail Vrginia and.. Bjtrely Leaf ' Tobaccos, :5 pounds, pipe. flavoring. $1.00, poet.,; paid. Donald'. Fuller., ;Kingsville, •Ont THEFAMO11S'; RUBBING •'LINIMENT Rini pn-pain gone. =Get the new large tem - piny size—Also avail-,:.; able in smaller; regular.: "igh Sclool Boards & Boards of',Educatiod ' Are authorized by late to establish Industrial, Technical • and Art:,Schools With the 'approval' o f .the, Minister' of Educcatton. Tbecjretical' and Practicar' • Instruction : • IS giVen1 various trades, .The • schools and :classes ;are • 'underk the, direction ;: of 'an Advisory• Committee Commercial Subjects, Manual Training, Hout1eholdAeiepce and Agriculture and Horticulture Are provided for in 'the 'Courses of Study in . Pill:die,' Separate, Cori tinuation• and High Schools, Collegiate Institutes, VocationallSchQQls. and Departments,„ s tp. C e o a RE 'elation` '. ,e. f , 9 . , s issued by ,the, 9ifinzst. r oJ' Ed- itcation may; be obtained f h putv from: ties De.Minister. Parliament 'Buildin s ' Toronto.” •Day' aid--Eveging.:Glasse=-'- ,`:May be' conducted in accord-. ance with ttte regulations issu- °d' by the Department` : of Ed .ication ;'Application for attendance should be"' made • to the Principal of School • City dweller .and 1.agriCidturist. alike delight in`' the unique displays and diversified presentations of Canada's greatest'.industryy at the"Show;Window` of the' Nations" *here 0100000'agricultural pr==e hit attracts "the finest • in the land."' • The largest show building in the world is devoted to the' display of farm products,:.. Equine aristocracy of the Dominion . live -steps groomed to perfection ...Poultry, Pigeon and Pet. Stock Show .. , prize-winning samples of the world's fihest'grains ..... fruit and vegetables; that tenipt the: most; fastizdious4ppetite the very latest in •agricirltural•machinery and. equipment . gorgeous blooms, an arresting array. of colour{ , truly •a ; , most comprehensive' presentation of inedern agriculture at its 5 t. See all of these and a 'thousand and one other attractions 'In'terest .and • education for everyone, 'that's your'Exhibition This is the big year. COLONEL F. H. DEACON • EhWOOD it, HUGH S' Pr'e,iaent' ,General'Manager ` t•: • • • •' • 4