The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-08-16, Page 10 $.2.00 PER 'YEAR IN, DVAlt, ,50.01111ERW41.1; LUCIOOW. ONT., THUflSDAY, MJGI1ST 16th 1954 ;SINGLE COP C 4.104, SALELGo-od purham -Pow, -also her Celt two months Old, new jiulk fed--,--ABIAY • P. P, MchfOrran, I-MdterouN' • ROOMS. FOR„ STUDENTS-4Com- fortable and convenient to school; • use of piano. --Apply to Mrs. Jack MacKeudrick, .Lucknow,.•,. FOR SALE-:-Gre Gelding 5 yris old. 2 'young Cows- fifteen Cords of :Dry . Bardivood.Apply . at Sentinel Office, FARMERS ATTENTION! We 'invite . the farmer ii of This district interested- in wheat fertilizer to consult, the latest Government re- port at our office.. • I,UCKNOW FLOUR MILLS; W. E. Treleaven. FOR. SALE—Frame 6 -roomed Sot. taget furnished or unfurnished, with acre of land on Gough SL Water aystem, And also Soft water Not open for , inspection from .Friday evening sunset until after ;sunset Saturday eveaing. • Apply ,to Miss R. IA. Woods, or after 7.30 P.M. it the home of Mr. R. B..McQuillin. FALL TERM , I Now. is a good time to enroll. Im- • proved conditions are again enebling us' to place our •griiduates in lucre- , tivelpositions. Horn'e study courses - Start any time. Pay when convenient. Write today Toronto's Greatest School of Business. Canada Business ,College, (Bloor and Bathurst, Toron- , t� or Wingham Business College. •Al George. Spotton, President. • ' 'STREET )ANCE-' . The , Tend is staging Mrs. Robert.i Mullin ADTO RNMENT GRANTED IN TURVEY CASE Sorrow Again Enters Passed Away Monday ponceOatagedsearch Wawanosh Home '4'7Billiudcpri.solsrAT‘ItIViresati; Suffered -Paralytic Stroke On Thurar day , And Never , Regained, Con- -Lorne l'urveyi...Bruissels hotelkeepm Eciousnew....mr. map predeceased Owsawnedotnietisdrymelieeog .Court ,_as, rtin Lucknow.400df, His Life 'Partner Only A :Few n juurninent had been arranged --bez tweeathe Cron Attorney and Coun- home that has experienced fa4rear sweals ancgcredfor'' hoerruseadpojilimeeni-Olnn! untold 13-9-L-rrow-,It- a brief few weeks, Ors who arreated. Turvey were un- death again "entred on Saturday able to be Present Is Crown witnesses evening.' when Mrs Jahn cQualin, .dite to the fact that their services 'a la- yin wife"and mother Passed • Siiffering a .paralytic Stroke on , . Thursday shortly • after ,dinner, Robert Mullin,, one of the village's aged. and , moat 'beloved •residents, passed away early Monday morninic, having never from the . state of unconsciousness into which'r lapsed when first stricken, Mre. Mul- lin,. until the seizure, was apparently in her panel health, and her brief but fatal illness, was ' learned 'pr. ,with sorrow , by relatives and . her many friends, ignited in .marriage for more than flftr-nine years; Mr. and Mrs. Mullin were :parted in death by only a brief space of a -little moredore than • fear months:, Mr. Mullin pissed aawayi on , . March.'.23rd" in. his '79ili year, list three weeks afrr.the happy obser- vance of :their 59th wedding. anni- versary. 'Born on the 10th' Con. of ' Huron • Townshipalmost seventy years ago, Mrs. Mullin was formerly Elizabeth one of. n' family of • ,eight daughters and one ion of the late Thomas : Burns and Sarah :Stanley,, pioneer residents of the .Township. .As n young woman, she became the tiride-' of Robert Mullin and for a .few years the young couple • farmed •,,.‘at another street dance, this Friday 'eV- 'Belfast, later residing at up Sontharapton wins this. series they, Don't miss this Aaliee an a f.'34” .a` time, before taking their continue on in the 0. B. A. A. , "A" , splendid street, with mimic by the Permanent residence in the village, sitydowns and the, losing, team con •Night Owls. Band in attendance be- - where 'they iimre resided for .alniddt tinues on in the "B" playdowns. fore dancing. -which will be in ilie, forty-five , Years- • -s• Mrs.- JOkfl. _Af44Pin, Passed Away On SiturilaY hist-. Si Weeks After Her Yonnirest ter': Ruth, Met Des. th By Drowning .. were required in the wide spread man hunt for -the bank bandits who Mrs.„MCQUillin's death occurred just pulled Off a 'daring holdup in Cargill one day less than six weeks' follow: on Tuesday morning. ing the tragic drowning of her ,16- , ThUrstliaz. He is charged with keep- Year-old Ruth - Ins liquor foe sale bere on the n:ght of 12th. A surname& charge ' against Pred Club, whose cage is interlocked with the forint% was also adjourned. Club W$ s in, the courtroom but was not asked to- plea d. Turvey Is te-, appear here next •!Ianymore. nevi ,Dresees .are to; be putonsale. at LOW Mcdent PEARL.: MAN'S -GREAT IJNLOADING SALE , Patiently bearing the pain Of her distressing illnesies, „which she bore without complaint, death has brought 1,1aPPisnreileraweseto..,Mr:op McQuilli'n, who was in her 53rd year, Mrs. -Mc- .11iw!id4ntainai About a „ Year and a half ago, :-and upon "ter recovery enjoyed restored health for 'a time, but during recent, Months, has rapidly faijed in health ;.and Strength. , SEmi FINAL SERIES • Mrs Mcgaillin was formerly Eliza - STARTS ' HERE TO -DAV beth Habick, a daughter of • John ••• Habick and •the late Elizabeth Smith, Thl afternoon (Thursday) at- 3.30 who as a Young married couple came Pert Elgin and Lucknow play %the from .near Galt' and settled on the first game \ of the •semi-finals in the lath concession of 'Ashfield, where local park, The second gime will be the deceased was born, Mrs.' Mc.; played in. port Elgin on Saturday and 'Quillin's early education was received if , a: third -game. is to de= . Zion school ihe, coining with her , \s, „ , eide the, *inner; it will be played on parents to Lucknow to live, when in neutral ground. Th'e winner of this her early' teens.. She Spent three years series meets Sauthampton-in u 3 out in Toronto ' prier tel. her marriage Of 5 aeries for the League champion-: twenty-seven Years ago te her new abip.and the ' Malcolm trophy\lf liereaied Iniaband. Since her...mai-tinge Mrs. McQuillin has resided continually on their ' present -feria, .and having been,".life-leng resident of the 'coin- -muluty.,\line formed a *mi. circle Of friends, who ' speak highly . of one whose passing IS generally niourned. Mrs. meQuillip,s interest centred delivered forceful addresses to , An interesting vilitor., in 4Onin, chiefly 'in? her home (circle and , the ‘PteCi,!`ti' • N, over the -week-end Was the Rev. Fred .best interests of her family Were al- He expressed his PleASOTe in being accOulPaAked: r thought:a: he had 'scaaSad .hall in case of unfavorable weather: • IadustrY0' thoroughness and h"Pi''' • RETURNS AFTER' 25 YEARS 6 tickets for 25e. tahtY marked the life of Mrs. . rwinat' DISPLAY The Lucknow Horticultural S,ocieta Is holding a flower display in Davi- son's "window on Saturday, August' 25th, , afternoon and evening: ' The members are strongly urged to con- tribute exhibits to make •this display a success. The society is planing On holding a flower show. in the town hall on a date to he announced lated. and were factors in making the board- ing house; which they 'conducted'here inWriy•fenta, one widtly ind favor -is ably known. I A faithful member of, the Presby- terian Church, the funeral service was :held there 'yesterday, conducted by -her Pastor, Rev. C. II. MacDonald and was largely attended, especially by older, residents, . Who sorrow in. -thi-death of one who has many years a kindly and intimate friend. . , • • The pallbearers were those, whit BIRTHS ••such a nhort, .time ago bore her be. , ship, place ,ihusband • to , his lastkMcKenzie on Thursday, taugust"9th,' to 1, •'34eINTYRE— I Kinloss T.°172 and Rae, WM. Murdie. Wm Greenhill cemetery, Reber! Mrs. Archie:. McIntyre, a daughter— , Mary Ann. • • W j •W -W Hill and G. N • CAMPBELL—At Kinhias, Village; •en Thursday, August 9th, to Mr and Mrs. Nornian Campbell, twin sena. • . D'UNBAlt-,At the • 'Mime, of W Prancey, Ashfield, on Friday, Aiig 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. George, A. Dun: lir. of Ethel, a daughter. , . McPHER.3N—jn West -Waivanosh,- en Tuesday, August 14th-; to -Mr. and Mrs. Ewart 'McPherson, a7 daughter. 'PECULIAR : GROWTH, The original 'vines . dead but with neW shoots bearing pods and .,blos- . soms, is the strange -phenomena that May. .1m, seen in a plot of garden peas, at J. M. 1Greer's."The peas are Of -,.Anicriter-Vander-"variety • and , here abundantly for the Initial crop.' The Vines are now dead, but growing :out 'at the ground frem, the stalk, pf the dead vines are green sheets' which are leaded with blossom., A few shoot's have already' pod, and on one shoot were counted nine Pods, the Majority of which have grown to lull size. The new vines are quite short •and • the .pods are clustered 'bunches on' It. VVith sufficient "Moisture, it is he-, • lieved that a second crop ' will be • produced, -by a freak growth that is unexplainable. Smith. There survives of the family of nine, three sisters, Mrs. J. W. Elliott New York; Mrs. F. J. Frezep, Vee- p -liver; Mrs. J. F. Primrose, Seattle and her only brother, Mr.- Thome:. Burns, ofoLucknow- , -- Relatives . present at the'. -funeral were. Dr. -and •Mrs. Reward Strong and Mrs. J. M. Leslie of Tor- onto; Mrs. A. Paul, Meaford;. Mrs: J. W. Elliott, New York; -Mr. ' an Mrs. • Stewart Burns, Detroit; Mr Stanley Burns of Toronto and Mra. Mullin's nephew, kr. Stanley Ewan of Los Angeles, who Spent the. past month With. his mint, prior ' to her death. , • KINLOSS GIRL APPEARED,' ON PORGERY CHARGE • - Court DishelieVed, Story Told Here— ,. , , version . Wien At Hear - 'ng. In Walkerton On Tuesday. When Dorothy Foley, young Kin. loss ,Township appeared before. 5/a4istrate Walker in pelice here last' Ttiesday,,eharged With forg,.. erY,. she was remanded to, jail' in Walkerton where she apPe,ared , on Tuesday and "Was glen a .further 'reinand.iintil September during whieli tithe .the case -will be further inestigated..thie was given Over to • the. careef the Inspector of the.Child- , renta Shelter Until' that ' • The girl in her hearing here told the Magistrate she heen held up by two men;. each with ,twe, guns, at the ..poietS, Of Which She. had been in- strieted to 'fill out a cheque for $200.• endorsing it with the ,xianie of Min, McLean, and then. instriicted to Par- . ,tliase-a-ear and, deliver it to these rneit. The, Court 'refined: to believe the story. • " ' * • When Foley' appeared walk,. The Bread H Ni IS of Health, 0• The, Bread of -Health quAil#,AND sERviicz MOTTO r,aturda SpeCials,- -DATA siNowicuzs RASPBERRY TARTLETS‘, JELLY . CHELSEA 'BUNS - , TEA-,BIscurrs BOUGHNUTS • LAYER CAKES ICED •Roils • OUR WHEAT BREAD IS 10.9%.WHOLE WHEAT DELICIOUS , AND. HEALTHFUL L LYMAN'S QUALITY• ...-. BA KERY , . ne 36 • Lneknoii EYES STRAINED WITHOUT CLOSE --WORK A question, if you pleat*, Are • you aware that defective eyes. are strained without any reading': Sewing, ok " other ' new work?" That is an imo:rtant fact that should be more widely knoWn. • befective eyes are strained just by 'SEEING. Consider if the above MIGHT apply to 'Y'ob. ARMSTRONG'S Eyesight jService _ Large Congregations Greet Rev. McKerroll Former !arbor ' Delivers Sunday Messages In Presbyterian Chiirch Soloiets Render, Special Music. 1ev..;i0x. D. T. L. .Mcierroll of Toronto, a forme pastor, here •from 1904 to 1910, and who is always wel- comed back, conducted Sunday.' ser- vices- in the • presbYterian Church in the absence of Rev, C. H. MacDonald who is on holidays. Large congregations at both ser- vices greeted Rev: McICerrol, Who has lost none of his vim and vigour and by Ilia 18 -year-old son, Quiuin eitlYekt"'inwaWs me.mTPaloyYleodr'singrteliBeciby"i'stitoertvs.- munity wt:Isnd'eartetaidiveng!"::d":111faithf:11 an;addY1 a scanning l I are' it t-leaPeeewnsturite '.51sgat' and active member of St. Petees manY,fami!iar:faces'`acaaP3dag PI -ac- ne left here. twenty-five years ago, and later entered the Anglican minis- . After his ordination he minister- ed in South Anie.riea' and is now rec- tor -of -a -parish in -We've Scotii4.1118 parish ;adjourns that of Rev. Charles Saunders, former rector of St. Petqr's Church -from 1905 to 1910. Locals Advance In Playoffs By Beating Chesley Suddea Death "Game In Southampton • On Tuesday Want. Eleven , Before Lucknow Took , Victory In A, Brilliant Fighting •, Fisk* To store Buns. Lucknow misted. Chesley from the Bruce League race in it midden death game in Southampton on Tuesday in a nerve. racking battle that Lucknow won bi the llth inning, with Muir- Chnrch. *all* the Caine seats they .dids .11/e,funerat service was held at her atil;ink :his ininistrY,,, but he, added, late residence on Tuesday afternoon death has left nianY places ' vacant' the ,morning r. McKerrol's conducted . liy her pastor,:.„Rev. J. H. In Gelkhegall- . The. demands'. Of a busy seamen were then., forgotten , as.. a 4s;A:0; by him, ,smd said, Be of good the night foliowing the Lord sorrowing and sympathetic neighbor - cheer, pant for as thou has - testified hoed gathered in'y list token of re- atiect. IaterMent. was. in Greenhill to me in •'Jerusalem, so, must then Robt. witness also in Rome." cemetery, the' pallbearers being Boot: .,The theme of the, .discourse ,was Andrew; ;George ' Andre*, Charles the storms of life We all: face: Be- McDenegh, ;eines' McClellan. and _c_o_. ,0 mother. • - at time Of the text tor. McKerr • Ankorrts, McQuillin. .. ce7i,iting, the sten. ofacede. ferred•to it 'as "Just ;a Picture of you Whasitill. survives and has passed eight years ago, ,.and her ,agedfaiterhe, and me", and "although the. setting, experience and 'Condit -tons are in- fant score mark, has -since made bis erent„ we each. face. tunes. at e diff - home •With his daughter. . in our lives. There are'tiniei at the Besides the. grief-stricken 'husband, fent sarrOWing thlildren.% -Fred, Dor- height of these .storms that we feel unable to, cope with the Struggle,' but °thy, Florence an F syr he continued -by putting our -faith in MeBsie God, 61vr (Mary),e lieaJack,sthree a sll isters, rInMn Minnie • an • We are ill facing the 'storm of de - we are never forsaken. Toronto. Another. oression, and the speaker added. brother Andy, was killed ov rsea -' thank* God for this storm, for it is. While William died about six years bringing people . 0 their1 senses.All ago frora disabilities resulting from man's 'efforts are not going to solve tette of ringing hits that scored thre service Great War. rens and broke a 3411 deadlock .that .ad .existed froth the 8th inning:: It was a finish l that Sent the Herta. mipperters int :rmizy of delight and sent the letals into. the Bruce League ,semi-finels 111 abeit tate-Out-rittiiree. games aeries with, Port Elgin, which gets underway , neve With Lueknow playing ,che 2nd ,game 'in Port oir Saturday.. ,• Roy Finlayson was the 'hero of Tuesday's game. got a single that drove in° 'Carrick with' the inn that put Lucknow „on even terms with Jhealey in the 8th, and ' his Single started off a- batting splurge that sievelePed into the winning run in the Ilth and to tap this performinee he ,eaped. high in. the 'air to • spike Mc- itories drive in the lOth and retire the side with Chesley iiinriere bul Gordon hwin firie formAeep- iiig nine hits well seettered.except in the 6th inning when Chesley; bunched 3.9f them, aided by , error to .store (Contintied on Page 5) KINI,OSS YOUTH • . SUSPENDED SENTENCE PAmids , Guilty To Stealing Lumber— . Said He Was Put Up To it—Mag- istrate Showed', Leniency.. , Roy -Watts, , youthful Kinhiss- farm worker, who until few weeks ago hu .niatle bis htinie With Mrs. John McDougall, was given two years' sus- pended sentence,. when he appeared before •Ittigistrate Walker', .here • on Wednesday, morning. Watts was charged -.witb stealing and pleaded guilty to the itheft of 'a, quantity ;of 'weber, Ile,tdenied, the theft of a hefet 4 d wi ii,which y z anbrush, ,was he Wig; alsolharged. SPOKE. AT ',LANES Accuased lithe Was Without counsel, when '.quetitioned . by Magiatrate. ,Wilker, Made th statement that he had been . Put , op.torif and' tied been offered 25c a 'board, . but ' the Magis- trate did; not 'press details and proteeded: to give ,the young :man some sound •advlee.-gey gave his age twenty, birthideee as Bieg, Inlet an fstated his • Mother and father' were dead. ' The .court took'. a lenient:vie* Of the affair and with Roy's amen -ante that he Was "Berry:he...had done it," and ttit, lie would„never do thet like A .service of special interest that attracted a 'congregation. from Wide- spread points was held at Lanes' ' Church on Sunday afternoon.. An evangelist, .George Lowey, ,former , Detroit taxi, driver, 'delivered a force- ful addreas. Mr. 'LeWey. teatified to hiii ciiiiVersion When Speaking here year ago and last Wednesday night . saiiisted , in' holding an evangelistic -Meeting on, the Main street. LONDON MAN KIDNAPPED .---.. I ..., . Canada's first Case ' of kidnapping for, riinsbm was .pulled off Tuesday Meriting when John S. Labatt ef Lon - den, president of the Labbatt Brewin, : Co., wes snatched from his automobile while on his way to London from bin' Sarnia Beath home. Mr, -Labbritt's , , ',abductors left a nett intheir victint's ottalo. His warship replied. 4ern The next service„ at Lanes will he ciiii' deirianding $/.56;000 ransom. as ,give you - the chance," and'''' paised .1 week from SiindaY.- The'. sPeOer, Well 'el the threat that he wouti„ be: jp,•'-'dgement of two years suspended killed unless Instructions ,for payment •sentente' and in -,a0 doing' remarked or -t at ried Sion Will be-iliter in- -erten, she aii- entirely different . , , . .1 of the ,ransom were carried out to there were lother angles in the case •tU4iCed, . 1,.„*.o.,.....,..........; -, otory, A .,,..1.: the lettett.,, -...„,„_,..,- 101 )9W4' 401 '42 jAto4 „ 1:,.. ' ^ our .Problems until we pit the pro- per emoasin on God. "The spirit of peace on earth, goodwill to man, is, the need of, all the world with a pro- -per. return. to, the church of the Liv- ing God to worabip in earneStneas 'arid• truth! At the morning service, .14. Cam - ern Geddes sang- in -fine voice, the solo "Guns". At the evening heit'vide , , • Dr. McKerrol delivered another in, spiring ,•address, When Mr. W. F. Thompson tang a pimping solo, "Thanks be to God". • • PEARLMAN'S diA"f` VNLoAD- , /NG SALE' is still' going on With More Big Bargains Ws Week, _-_----__ , , . . .RECOVERING FROM FRA—CTUBBB SPINV MiTed Rice, formerly of Helens and .now employed near Pais- -,,,,.....-- . • . • ' if. ley was iii -the villa,ge on, ,SeiturdaY evening after' five weeks Spent in 'Walkerton - liospital; where lie has been; recoVering front g spinal frac ture, which lie suffered in, A fall froM a liiii• MOW. ' , , , -Ted ' get &it of ,• the hospital on Civic Holiday, but his body is still encased in a pkiii:ttlet parie cast, Which will reniain , o about' another mOnth, When , Is it expected that a complete healing �f the injury Will he e4ted; , •' 4.• GL ES. i?list Quality. LOW- PRICES Get Our Price Before Bawling TgiNyA4 Planing Milis EDDIE CANTOR'. • . - COMES TO WINOHAfil , Eddie 'Cantor' in: his screeming screen prediction '"Ifenuin Scandals" 'is, the ,special feature at the Lyceum ' illeatre this -week. You have laughed at Eddie' op the air, and you'll laiigh 4- him on the acreen.. See advertiap- meat elsewhere in this issue des- ribing Supporting •featurette.• • LUCKNOW, BOWLERS ' LOSE • - • • On Thursday evening last, Lucknow bowlers in .both the 'doubles and rinks :svents ' were put. out of the running in the Provincial Lawn Bowling Play- iffs, • when they played in Wingliani. In the doubles, Dr. Wm: Connell and A. M. Crawford defeated Robert Rae and Wellington ' McCoy, by a score of n'to 19. In the rinks event, Jack Mason's rink defeated; by • a score • 25 to 15, the Iaucknow rink skipped Russel Robertson and, comprised` of Garfield McDonald, G. H. Smith .t and 'Robert Fisher. W. T. ,Douglas of feeswater, who defeated Dave Huston , ere inthe singles, continued in the ' alaydowns by defeating—IiirWintha-m •- 31)Ponet,'-Walir Miller. ' Special sale of geed Bath and Kitchen Towels. All sizes and 'kinds. TBE MARKET STORE. Fall ,Fair Prize -Lists Are Ready SPecial,,Colt, Calf and Grain Club Prizes This Year—Lists May Be Obtained From The Secretary-- Intrease In Donations. • ..Prize lists: for the 69th exhibition Of the Lucknow Agricultural Society *ereconiPleted the end Of the week' oui are new available at the ciffiee Of the secretary, My. Joseph Agnew; The fair is held is usuai on the• Thursday and Friday', in September, and' allows- about. MX weeks .pieptirii; • tion, for ,these :planning to, exhibit. ' The Officers this year are Jacob iiter;.-.,.]President-rat• vice, John ' ifeQaillin; 2nd vice,' &limit'. E:. Rob- ertson and sec y.-treas., Joseph. Ag- new, with a few changes in the:,bpard, of directors and fassociate directors. There are some, 'attractive specials in the horse classes; featured by several foal -prizes and supplemented by the boys' Oar' COmpetitiOn, in this there are nine Prizeavranging' from ;8, to 93. One or more Of the , Coals ' will he eligible for show at the !feint' :Winter Pair, Where tWentY" r)!iin"1ri:80iieofhe an"fr°tinSicattle $ l°' Iclasses 'a. • third. prize has been added and in the .'. swine classes, the prize • money has been increased. A.: boys' Cali Club Competition is a' lie* iiitinduetien locally with the iirfze'ineiley fowling .ada • $15.00. An added 'feature Of the grain clas is a boys' , Grain Clii t • Cempetititni, with prizeS Offered; to - tailing $33.00.. A number of sectionsi.' in the poultry classes have been out. There have been a few 'seetions 1., added to the ,Ladieg department. . There- , increased timelier of contributors .this year And ,easti 'demi,. • • run to iiptvards of $1.6(l Mere" than last: yeat. Get llet early and Plan ta (tut ,St th0 b an • A 44' 14