The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-08-09, Page 6• t4 TeleolloAs.> m from •sO &aI yen , aitrixey'" ° The letter *Was 'rather':np a(ting t the ;pleitera' 'lana,;Once It- mention= ed, I3asltii: as being with the car,: but 'altllough it was at first ,proposed . to suipress and' give' a, verbal' mea..; •sage instead,, the; two leaders After maidens. discussion- ' 'decided' this b r , ,Bard Cab,e`' • Girdle Frlllman,,',pilot of: 1piberlal Air Way to travelling -by Air ail to ` Ind1 carrying. 'two'copies of a 'talking, dim of ;the Prince of Nepalis, who 1s to 111 to travel himself. BTh-. talkln¢.:flim are. sent 'aa a' Inst resort to foil hfs halt brother. fu India to usurp this throne On the same. Mall liner travels Nora • Seaman :who• becomes, interested- in Gin). Several, attempts are made by the Vulture's ,envoys and•rtane film fa stolen- • Glynn liar the other film' secured round Iiia • waist by•.'e, steel chain: • At 'Karachi, ,Glynn' la met by a stip-. Posed ,envoy of the,:Prince, " who re- m:meta_ hhn, to - accompany, him. to• a .theatre, Jimmyy Doyle and°,Norah .Sea.. man go with Glynn, They are followed -The rince's envoys> in the•:meantlnme •have become, alarmed at :the " non-ap• •pearance . of: Glynn , and. institute • ,a search,"Glynn • accepts a drink; in, the hatre.restau ant: which .,has sleeping , a a ddenly . Ain$ The lights suddenly. go out. Glynn. Is. rescued by •the The' Vultur .plans, revenge. Zit fright be dangerous it it had been an Abdul Ail 19gt hurrying to'out them " ran8ed Hasim should carry a' letter, into ezecntiott .; ' F,a • a in the afternoon, Hasiln, the .and they adopted,, another strategem; o : Premier's secretary drove ,oppt item't hen leaving theft? prisoners' securely the. palace ,with an . armed trooper, in c ,P o men to guard; s ted up and a ou le t "tt•ls: well," said The Vulture coin - 'decently. "Reward the • man tor the •information he obtained and sent you.. He has done. Well, and it is, no mat , ter. of . hTs'' the arrangements' . he, ret "ports will not now have: any •use for • ns." `r • ',Abdul All still : waited, as if be, had' not.' yet 'finished,. and when .The:;Vol 'cure - noticed • this :'and •demanded Ives --=-=t,here anything -rater tide maa.':er - ' pd: and asked: if: any news had -been heard yet: of any sad accident- to? the, • train, •"No not yet,"said The. •ul ur ., :Vulture, ' smiling complacently again. "And' see. . you make •ne: ;mention of 'such •acrd- s dent being possible',.until after ! the' news of it:. .Have you' More to;. re= ,ports' "1 havee word of the hour -thin' at_ ternoon the Secretary is: to •leavef the. Palace " '•,x said Abdul -All' "humbly, It would ;be possible, to -make a plan to stop,:' the''cars coming 'rom`'Hydra- •pore and, seize the flying Courier it it eho`l u d iiappeti `�tlie• 'train does' ar._; rive. dt, i -ThVulture "glared • at: him. What • do you mean=it the trade s o l . .. . _ n. old ar-' rive?": he demanded: savagely. • I- • t Abdul Ali x cowered `abs ectl : and' • stuttered. !'It ' is ' only -it .is • .bec use e . eo<m n 1 a ane hav ••; e ai f led • the many t '— , that "it ^might, 1 e''better •.to •have an-: other in -hand.":". °li . it'r ,T e_ vu u e granted.. ,.When We learn -•ft `alas failed' will be, time en; Pugh: `;to:.consider,'further," he ;said;I and dismissed los 'man • But • ten min • utes ',laterijhe lad, him back' again, •. . • and, Abdul shivered' apprelienaiyely as he.. entered and •heard the. bitter„ • raving and reviling:O .Tris .'piaster', • "it :has .failed," he scree'obed " he train is nate ,paat, the chosen spot .And: report a comes; ..from ;`Hydrapore • that ,it was . delayed because the: line • Was., found broken ':before the train reached the 'spot " He • raved off into ;t ji fresh_ tirade against the` Paola: awho b had, not waited the` right moment to .t, do-; their wo k, but /broke off .sudI1en- B is •''� a uniform by the driver's seat and with i them' the party drove on in the can: another car follow!carrying,'tured cars. A$,; close, • another • couple ot, troopers;' all ns;,theIt :was with renewed thankti}lnees P. „1.i.01" :had reported arranged. that` Norah, and Glynn arrived' at As . his car swept• round a `bend *''Of I•{Ydrapore, They ° had been , a • good'. road, • where •it can' through :a„thick deaf •-disturbed ' that _Mara:lug when patch::of bush' and., bamboo, two bob.* about nine o'clock the train was ate- =lock wagons were seen to, be almost naked to• stop, and only movedr'on, blocking the road. A parentl theyagain after a number of ,`lice, board.. P Y ed it and a I ' collided • or become . >�cked:.'in. - - , light pilot', "gine went bad paeain; each, on ahead, :And an - hour later: it, other, because they were clewed across the 'road t” slowed down again and 'o u- wi h a wh,Oel crept . off one and•its load s shed. outs 'as tieusly out; on to. a high •embankni`nt P oe to block what ; little passage was lett, Three' o -r four almost naked men` stood'' wrangling. and screaming and, threatening to come •to biows .wit+h the 'cudgels ' they brandished ' at .each. other. ' To the `angry hooting; of" "th`e :car's horn they paid no attention and when it drove to .within a dozen yards and 'the trooper• • swung down ;the men l' d that carters, 'still screaming at each other; with them a. couple ot handcuffed sul- hurried to the' car and •beganto cls- len-lookin 4risoners. mor,to,'the'Seeretary,�,for justice, for, :. ;Gl l yen• •�vou, d have., got off: . to make :the punishment of the fool wile had >en itirie . when 4 s he saw another'light :driven'so''badly, for .the rogue who. 'engine with a • . g , - van attached creep had -.upset a -cart -and-° its-hiad• al-ong,leviar`7stThem from -:the odder 799: Tnveying Quality ti rash . Bram the Cagle ns l( • F tal1na c • -, Scheme .Succeeds There pare fewer, �. , • . . $ tach h4►spitals ,to come to .a'stop; with a grinding -of with deficits•,and more with surpluses brakes and squeal' of locked w p .els 1 than at• anytiuie,• _ , � , ,. since the�war„ ac_ 'when a • little... group a waved ", signals Cording, to a • statement ma'') he ,t from the side'of 'the; light engine halt. : President' and' _ e a General ' eq :. 'of ed a Inge further on, " King -Edward's hospital•: not e •I hondo . The group moved along to the. train, « n, ,... • and Glynn, „looking, out and wander In z ie -'long; fight with: theresults ing . what was wrong, saw• that the of the.,-depre§cion,"' His ito al Hi h, were pollee an they had Hess said,'"voluntary• hospital finance has one more achieved success. 'In some .ways, indeed, the", -results for 1933 have been better than, ever.".. • The •income, of ,the King's Fund available for -distribution,. after, '.de- -dulling., de. -dw ting.,exlie came.., • $1,546 000. d, Out> of 'this •$1,500,000• was used for the ordinary distribution. The' other wen n . pension scheme grants, tqether with $60,000.., from the special •„pensions .reserve �` In a fewyears,.: the: - i e” Princ a#ated The ,-folIowing ° car' with the two end 'Or the .embankment and halt to 'troopers?'in-it bad pulled up, a"dozen :disgorge a�:gang of workmen, who set yards behind, the Secretary's 'a, mo.,' busil -.1o'' work..about • .�, ybut the line,, r Hut went before the vociferating carters , whet he went • do • dismount, ,he fou •d reached' the toremost''car. •: Then in.' police stationed at, the door and alon all, the train, : and : was told that' no_ twinkling • of ,an eye, the stupid villagers' squabbles diverged'. to very different `and, sinister ` lines. The - trooper' who had jumped . doWn j p to' kick' and. curs*, the men • into mov- ing their carts, dropped like' a stone, under, a cudgel's blow, on, the .back: of his, .dead. • At the same'instant, while other men leaped from the ;ditch, -:the driver was seized and tak- en. completely ' unawares, jerked , out nto'" the road, while: the bewildered Secretary, ltore''.he could grasp:what was happening,pfound the car e .doors flung open andtwo, men `hurling in on. op of him, bundling, him •out, with "a loth over his head and rope: about is arms. $¢0 000 t body was allowed to'•alight' ' But •h between: $10,000,000 and $15 000 000 a soon learned' why... year, in . London alone„ , had ' come fr • ,•:, om volunta '. 'fts: ,. ..The police at Hydrapore dii�d,, been.. , i'y ,g� telephoned the night••before"by an un= •. known inforitant:who told them a rail was to h'e'removed and•the';train de; railed and. wrecked at,aspot exactly named` and described, The. •informant• gave an : urgent•warniri • ,that • n ' g,. ore; port of 'this fact: should be • allowed .to leak out because this 'might 'Mein a renewed attempt' at another''s of P of which no' warning 'could 'be •g�tven The: police; ;acting ;.in concert with ,;the' railway - o®rials ; .telegraphed,, ser- 'fain urgent `orders; ,to••.the station where the .train' had-been;:flag'ged, to A..,continent' discovered a stPg and sent, oft' a: li ht. en ins by the, 4,/ine . At; the.: same instant ' as the- first , g ,. , 8 �• •�• and van 'wit A most ephemeral .land that S mm blow ,was ,struck . bra 'the : foremost. h police, .a working gang; :. • ...: . ,.,u , er >-, ' <lengthen� made;_ of ail. cars, troo r and- equipment;. ,This peas �':°the two ,met i>i •the.,, : ., _ ; •. ,.." .. •A brl ht ill i; son• " little• train ran towithin' a"'mi e b • .0 i •like •the• ,poets Car :Behind ;heard a harsh, 'command •,... , . , ..:police I f. , •, , < : words. . the, embankment. dro ' ed P oli ,,. , . from:;behind them ;warning; them not PP ,e.. p ce, hbove the sun, beneath',: the broken to move-:: and. there. and waited ' while they •sklr=• ,, at the: same 'trine- sin-: shade , • • • mished along- to either side. of the t -: dine •under cover. :A .,few minutes b ',. o! be open car ..to seize a coat col- e. St><litmer.. ' I:. 'came upon.a' place 'ot, Bowe n ti, g trees. !; The' e ro n ud�. g beneath cath .the ' was . in. a different world The;, •skir k. ab Y o e, them. em yet another these,. • Green `', !tinting an ` d ser g . tai ly unfur, led: ewy hands reached In over the back fore the Kar Bird&•, take::me with you when .•You lar and thrust a Pistol undk r theache ,train was deer_ their' . rough Y nese of each map. Their driVer.",with saw: IziPn • r'uti scr.ambl;ng'.4°•`-vn .-*hoSe. laoyiintlis and lattices o t7ineekly obeyed • orders . and .seized 'theni - just as af-dinamite _ wade Sumnier stays' before the resi- ,•The''.WhOle,, thing was 'over ,..in'.. a ,':.'Section of rail ,liad •.bein.' broken •'and minute; ••••,all: taosel,waa had 'been!. )11, . twieted 'Ant& .0•0 sa. sipoe that., the .,kte gathered .„?.044.13g , cig the, irounii, -aa` Avaracht train' traifelling 'al any speed;, ., ..-:.an'd oi , .•'• •• - .' ia need . the other Plan pigskin :he; altered, the ..PrciPosed :Plan to capture ' the. wak 'out '..deiloita 'route Might:. be taken; • even pOsiiihle that the Picture -Might' be . being -litinight to the, palaCe:It *Odd. be more eariy; and as ;effective to WaYlay arid ,capture the' -ears driving in to Hydrapore.-sloce. there wOUld. N' tilde attack as there.' wOuld be With the „Courier and • his 'package . -the' car: the detalis tvere."arranged!,:and When, th e was. riipaired the .one.,bY 'one the troopers, an . 0 ,er train vont en:, with the pilOt engine *ere strip ed and those who pad _ro,ciw_cfooitor of ._,,zolio_oheo,d;_a4,11 captUred ' them. dressed earefanY in the police' ' with : the Prisoners on theiri• clothes. . The' Secretark Carried a:; letter and , .', (TO'' BP uontrnued.) thitewaii. 'deftly .opened with the great.. ' est 'care .and read. It Was .Signed and sealed ,,by. the Vizier and addressed, to the official WhO had g'Orie. to Kar- achi to meet Glynn, : and .had acCom. panied him in the train,: of read = "Come With . Ca:Pt:trill Elliman and Hasim in the closed car Sent for yon„ h • ousf? where' the mirror in your. bed- the'escorting2. eat and tit° .trooPers 'reorn. had' that Strange disetme which 9f the. meunto",escoll with sing sadlY • hampered by hiving Yon , Wiil leave him; and. drive off - Worse still -7 -one of yobr cy pit.. . tors may hay contracted t e com- • I 144„:"Warried that man ;at lead it• himple Of tithes 'before He used' tO ' What about hini? 4 -ening • Ile Was.a 'goad 'driver ell tighti. 'You knew., Miat ,nrean;--could riot had' is -Mira): right te' drive' on the, •Xight. , Suppose he thought, anything abdtit the, danger of it, and •' What 'happened?' .tellssingyeti, in •a MOnth:. *get ltrekier still if 'YOU itnew.:00. 'bCod in the • read., PIS' east of .lonesVillOT- Thirt's overt° the let hand o .he r ad ,-•-prebably figured he Could save' a figure'there,Might be ;Ora coming tile other Way, : Well, there happened to be two of thent The first Managed intbe world: him like nobody's bdsiness.. TOSSeil ,hiS tar clean over Intnthe diteb with him underneath, if: ' 1 came along, just after it.liapperi.• ed and helPed to get hirn eirt. he was unceriseion§-1, wonOteti if he'd get into hospital aliVe. bili; end a big lawsuit for heavy (lath. ages •te face when he gets-citit=-:-just because he *Mild not keep to his'own yes, ears, aha eirerything fot the ;eerie One fatal. and' Die -.Other. to:look at the broWn patch ,t0,' see Whether., it. is reflected: The reflection Means you can remoVe It with MethY, lated,' Spirit -,beerturite• it la on the Mir, ' if there:IS' deffe,e'tiOn. then it is the fatal. kind; Which inettna •tb,at 'the Silvering. inside the toirrer' ed. In' that etiee' the enly; thing ,Xeti can da 'is to :Call professional -aid and have the mirror resilvered." • , 'Illie".chief: clime. of. inirter, disease' ts damp, The Makere put, tin oitide acking. on t ,e ir or to keep out darnpneaSsaand protect bat when this hegits..fo. wear tlanip It You think ydur wails have the. can preserVe your Mirror ming a piece ofjough,surfaced Paper Lon the baCk... Then take it.•;eandle and rub It thOrOughly‘ail 'the Will pevc yeti the . trouble' and ite,l'esilvereit AS lOog Von Can keep thg.,,000 oat the'brOrt,:patelies • • 'When Oiendlni: the gaping holes in of net Winner color ,OVer the hole, Darn Mid' bat througb the inesli.• es, stitching 'firmly "tato 11i6 :••eacii time .dtbsSiti Unit yea win LONDON'S -BIG aEN GIVEN NEW .GOLD'FACE Ainiost.;ani One' Would .turri the ,etber ...cheek to repeive One Of; the slaps that, •are. daily being smacked 3po feet above .the',streef,• are ,slapping, the faces. of , • the fnMous Clock enscened •in' the tower of the •Thinies of 'Parliament'—and they are "double One"' 24 'car ' without alleyi•tO brighten th 4'; dial of . the. Every'. day $2§0 worth' of the' gold. cations are expected „to .,last for a KEEP THE WINDOWS OrEN. Detroit News; ' . Feel dull while' driving? ,Stop and .get a breath ,of fresh' air. Re- cent 'tests made proVe that Most auto, Mobiles 'afthr, being .driven 'far ,iterne feet seriously: the mental. 'alertness and muserilar,tOrielation of the'driVer, authorities' are calling attentiOn the fact that While. it corrinionly linOWn n that Party Motorist are nsuf- in &lied' garages,. it iS net generally stsieetetl that, gas aCeumulating in, Moving. ears may he.• the Cause of /nay ,hittiiri trato ac- cidents • :',MA ES „FALSE' .TEETO., There must be a reason Dr, Wernet's ' Powder the world'alragest seller and , Prescribed by leading dentists: itotholds t teeth so firm1Y--L, they fit AO comfortably --Abet all da len ou for et ou ever had false plates. yes ne colored!, tufnuaY Purtel-keeps mouth sanitary, Athl cs Ve mus A Child's -Heart : r Wo d r.ofAviice to Advice ... Ove -Anx- iousy: Parents' Normal r mal Heart Not -Easily Strained • The young generation are 'keen 'on physical culture , and :games of.ever sort, which, is all to the ,. good, s g ,. writes, Dr. • Elisabeth Sloan • Chesser, But parents are • sometimes worried ae •to; 'whether their • child is fit for strenu, out 'games, ' One he s a hit :o hears e talk timet strained heart," and • �l' have known about a child -being ton deli- cate o dei cate for violent games.. - `.The Norinai- Heart. - If a. ,,child's, ;heart is °n mai"` that rci undamaged � g d by eumatism, which is a common cause \of valvular, disease; of.the ' heart, . or akened temperari y perhaps, -by -the '.:toxins or poisons of diphtheria or influenza for example—it. Is not very s.easy. to "overstrain." The heart le hollow, a Pump . with.living ,co_ntractin •-muscu- lar walls, "a.. shard -working, Organ, cap able-indeed-of--work-to-the-point what .we may call. violent egerti It' works night and,day, rusting. on for a :fraction of''time,:'between it beats, which. send the'. :blood aloe the arteries to: every organ.•and tiss 'be'••ia, `not suffering from "heartdie,. ease,' • There,are toO many adults »vine a a ' laay:and anxious Elie because• parents• a generation ago talked.:,'tbem into. _ - "heart neurosis."{ When 'we are well •- we should not'' be aware. of :our bodies.• at all. Dlgestlon., should be as easy as :•breathing. ` The heart., ought 'to, be able to do! its work, ,without any fretting or worrying about "strain" on our part. Our organs, like •:our_ selves, are all the 'better for plenty, of work and physical exercise. like,• tiainking-thatis brain • . exercise should have its due' place in o •Our . lives.' ALISTRAIAAN: S-kIlz- TO ,..' RE GROWING �,. ...00. TALI,• •• So steady.. is the increase' in the :height 'and :weight • of h thesYerage.,. Australian that. Dr.' Janet Greig ' :of • Victoria visualises the time'*hen.8 • .kf will be a serious' inconvenience,: ac- cording to 'information reaching an - official. .:, of ••the. • Canadian National Steamship.,. "Already", She • says, "doorways in trains ••' and trams re too .•low for many .men,' and soon,the ;Mirage • bed and ship's berth • will -, be too short;.:For a: long Mine I hiive of` been. astonished • .at thee. •'amazin' on. `heig t of.our adolesg' 1' cents •at the'age Y tt�� afYd:. 15 - or '16 years, 'hut in, recent' s years ,it• is,'the' height of'girls, aged 12. •. g' and"e 13. y ars that is surpri'sing: "'.lar. ,:' u.e Grieg ': who is inspector for the td - Ulla ' So: that` a child; who: assess .,,; p s.a normal • healthy heart � is. quite St Por.. the. ordinary `school rY garaeii and com_ petitions . in • sport. But , . „ a :parent .is always well advis • , ed to'have tfSe.lie''r a.t, examined' by ``thea famil' • • doctor: ,Y •If• 'passed : as •a "normal" lhe' e or she •can then cease to 'worry about "strained, ,,. i- wined, heart. A child is happier.,an heal - if ,d_ tidier ' he does ..the,,same things. •`in the, same "war' as the rest.•of his. When Care Is Needed' Valves. are .dainaged ififlainmation, due to. the of. rheuthatista perViseil,,bk the ..family physician. He "should. not, :pi. couriei be deptitr.ed:, of ,erate and regidated; that 'is, snited to the ,child's ,condition. ' oration Departnent, referred to stat- isties,of averages taken, out'•on'�• two wo groups over.;,an interval `of. ten'. years • These �h owed that th�Victoran: child in 1922 was• taller •; and heavier at:, eve a e . r3' g than in : •X912. Freedom front serious dseases:w was one of:;tfie" • causeg 'to' which she attributed tributed ;:these symptems of.good health,' • • ` Pigs,"' 'aeon Will .eathar,k- on Ilia ,iirst, be • done," In,' cola!' .and Will. bring • io the screen ..an' 'entirely. neW let.' Of ' toy ,is 'the.saine did when, they, vitit.. kein'..tihert reels • • • fever; ifillUensa, .ineeeleS, the .heart like .'otherf:titisues and: organs take§ is net' r...for sttenumis ,ntental and '.,Diphtheria' haa a, .partmnlarly ,serihat during and.. ifter: diphtheria, there:•'must be special .Care t6:hvOid: it:exercise Is too,,stretitiona 'for is, Person;. the heart. Soon rit: be leiisnese•. dr exertion ere danger eig, _Mild. What de.sach'symptenia Mean?. taxed- ',Or that Abe blood • 'is. lackingL the ha -4.411,600106 61 the blood Unites flashes...If the, red .colering,:ntatter.4.' • haerneglobin.is peer ..in. quality Or ',quantity„ the.,Patient !Alger& from other Organs, is :depriVed Of gen There no reaSo.n hoWeVer:. treated.. and the child reassured ,tilnit • • inrinetous; no* lie. May extine. :wooden Highlander „ of the :redskin, With • Outstretck, • ed •-arrri 'that used, tn., -stand ".ia .frOnt idr:e,, • that '' the .aheriginal American, V.IttsbUtgli, inn, ti than '70 years ago. He' *raced the' fronts.: of' hie' little,- 8'040nd-hind wooden India, sold the Cigars 'whiCh 'he Mit-de td Anna' butaide city and the State, , o Telegram. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY This danadian 4Corooration onr.iliotig 'legitimate 'Coin, vending machiries. throtigliciut Canada, how .liatirig• the ,1110.4 tit' if ed. of thin age: A ted number of these ;machines wi th cencession rightS offered on per- • centage betels'. lOttitordinerY earnings. $300 investment secures Perrhati. for Information. , Ideas anted. ' to send us saleable' Sketches , Illustrations 4 VOSigh§4 Shbrt Are You ArtistiCally Inclined? We offer you:Dractical instruction and. criticism op Paint - three ,cent' ttaniped envelope' for full informution, Ideas Unlimited •