The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-08-02, Page 1• •-•"" •;66.6 667, „••?. •••• Co • u 4,7,-;;•••;;,• 12,00 PER YEAR N ADVANCZ; PAO cYls!AWISE. • ILUC*140:1Lir DAY, AUGUST 2nd 1934 •• TRUC VeU cab FQR" SALE toe uch.,..-Apply to • Wm, Arnietrong, Jr. ' 'LOWER PRICE ON . ARR,OLOCK SHI ,GLES It will interest rou; Get Price before, buying— • '311.1RDIcE & SON. PBOCLAMATIO ; At the request of a nu ber,'of citizens,,, I hereby proclaim, nday, the 6th. day of August, 1934,, a` ivic 'Holiday for th,e village of ',nein w. All citizens are; hereby' notified govern lieroselvei. aceordingly. A. W.. 'Hamilton, Reeve. , FALL TERM. Now .is a geed time to enroll:La, proved conditions •are again enabling us to Place our, graduates'. in lucre- . tive „positions. ripme study ' coursee. tartany_time,laY when coovenient Write today to Toropto's Greatest „ School , of. Business, Canada' Business • College,' (Elem. and Bathurst, Toron- to or Whigham Business, College. . • , George Spettoii,"' President. • TEN ERS HURC'N'BRUC PIL A* OKE 1110111 ON FURLOUGH SUFFERS PARTIAL STR Stricken with a partial,: atroke TELLS OF TAISUI of • • paralysis last Wednesday, Mr, C. A. Robertson, •for. Huron -Bruce, aua° Dorpthy13°°glia "rrl/ri B°3°•° is confined to his bed at his Colborne Fri, ilY on • Year 'Furlough Alter •- • Township home where the 'first of Six Years Spent In Formosa Japan this week be ,wes ,reported to be • • • . "getting along very, nicely." ' • •• Arrivieg at her home here on,Frir Mr. ;Robertson- was ye -elected . in day after, a monthlong•• t Journey June by o Thajokty of over 4000 which brought her acrois the Pacific votes, but showed,the efielts of hie and across Cinadefrom far- Tionatii, strentiouli door to door 'campaign. on the island of Formoaa for her first About it week prior to his illness, holiday since She.was sent hhere . in while attending a picnic, he eOntrac. 1028 LT the board of m1sil9Wof the ' • • s Ato ?VT vatin d a severe caseTeof ivy poisoning, 'ch Was said by physicians to have through his ' system, aggro - bis condition. •• Preebyterian Church n anide , br Dorothy Dopgles, principalof the sch061 in rrAteleeia graeiOUaIY granted' an 'interview; on SaturdaZ and gave a glimpse of the *irk an conditions in the island At least one:advantage the Fermow san enjoyi liver Canadiane'7is .the SB ,FINE '•Sealed- tenders 'will be received by, • the undersigned to purchase the North half of Lot number Seventy- four in the First, Conceassio,n tif7the • .g1N,TX PPM AbmIT ASIBERLEY HEFT. 44..4,RadfcTat.age 20, of Wingl/anl* o,irrhaa;14ve P aa sq u dnoita tedl e , raogbebiln6; °SfhiTe°11%. ,• re Amberley on July lst and reeking' into .Peter Shiell's store at incoydine kit week. . Picked ',up near Belgravia on Monday, and found to have an, assortment of pocket knives, they . were arrested. on a Inominal charge of vagrancy. Later, under 'questioning they ,confessed to jobbing the two above mentioned 'Stores. They were placed in Goderich j• jail and are, being taken to Walker- ton for trial. ' • JULY HOT AND DRY , The above Caption is net news by uty oilman& but a fe :highlights of lack----of-depressiom Vit.oilic*Ir_xecord!I ofthe past inonth SERVING TEN: 141ra pression in,Forniesa, :Mum: Douglas imaY be interesting.Therewere sev- • " saido--Whilemsome---.•Peolile-there-hnve eral-days-during-the-month.-that_the felt the results/ Of ,the $16 and costs % a reckless ,driving °Ps • ? • lions anew nothing about it 'Ohe, inerh,, with the ,°ffiehil l'ig.i), recorded eident :south: Al ucknow. Wesley everywhere else are hdeekilredh= ra ionf tit: in•ereurY; sd to' 97. degrees to ae- ssocatatered, iirstancei of relief being. Which wee' aet on July let,'10,01,... aed was unable to raise* t ' amount and "v. ad\d1 last' week -end deliVere himself to• ' e Miss Dbuglas said, but nothing has never been surpassed in the past etonomic pinch--; ' • . ' ' • t. t rormossAi e Given a we lc to raise a fine of , _ __ , five te_ - g Mil. thermometer hovered around the 90 ?large., arising ° °f:' a motor ac- wealthier people who, in Formosa, lais, 6n Tuesday of last week, when the \ Thompson, Whitech --It preach the heat 'record. of • 100.2, •ii. 45h de'alcia '°Iin°I112i cr:e::ic,h.t Teh:reecate a few Goderich ,to serve 'ten es in de- to comPare With that, given m Can os 47 year!. Not .aineonjuly ,1931, fault of aThomu on the th(t'illizsitt;sfer years. She atbtribred has this community experienced as biked -his -NAY "- • largely to te4hecaftemi9lYt stYhsitsein.which ' d hot a ay as ,last Tuesday., - township. of, Kinloas ni the County -- allows large fainilies and their finial'. Aithough.,the temperature dropped ;•• • strength of" a, little '•Wilite lip • of • paper bearina the amount of court iee to live together. • somewhat the latter part of the week, Bruce, ' containing Fifty -acres,- • • . ' "••- • • •' • • • . , t costs and the words: In default, ten • :Home ,ior a 'ear the heat wove was not definitely . more ' or less, the property of the , . d •th , Miss Douglits' who is the daughter . • • - days Jail, he was admitted w broken until rain ell on Sunday 'estate or .the late Jaeob Miller, de- • 1 d the tate • • Gannet Reynolds later:securing' co mittal papers. of George , . g alriL Dotiglas 'of- Lucknow, hos •Ior night, which was the first rain Of • . • 6 , • ceased,. up to Saturday, August 4th, 1934. The sPil•-le a gront, clay ',leant and , • all- under cultivatione., On: the premises is said.to be a m ten rooFrame dwelling, with hard and soft water inside. Frame-barnstabling_nn- derheath; Driving shed .18•x30'. PossessiowiUbe given -to---the • purchaser on April 1st, 1935, with. privilege' to Plow 20 acres : thereof 'latter October 10thi+ 1934. The highest or any tender not nec- eesserily " TERMS—Marked 'cheque for 20% of purchase money to accompany tender. Further. particular • may be obtained, from the undersigned. - Joseph Agnew," Lucknew,' Ont. CONDITION ,SERIOUS... • : • .FOLLOWING CAR : ACCIDENT • '•Little•hope was held out on Monday . • , • .•• • • . for . the recoviiy of Mrs. Harold • , • White; 32 ,Oaitroild SeafOrth resident, who suffered a severe skull fracture in, a Motor. accident pear 'Winghairi that morning. Two bleed tranfusiens . were given, one Monday night end One " I Tuesday meriting and. later: attending physicians stated that the ,Patient . had rallied, and her 'condition was inuch more'encouragieg. Her Iiiieband a district supervisor for `,:the Super - test Company,. escaped with e' miner injuries.i . _ • : The White ear Clipped , the •bumper Of car driven by:Miller Proctor pf near Wingham, who was driving out his lanewity •oote the highway. The -White' cor, is said to Italie turned; over feur times and can* to rest On • its top 160 feet from the point Where • It : struck the other car. " . Wolter Lucknow, among :first at the , scene Of , the, 4 , • The Bread TheofHealth Bread H0VIS of flealth QUALITY' AND SERVICE OUR iforro —.Saturday_ Siik(Oials.r..• DATE SANDWICHRS RASPBERRY 'TARTLETS 'JELLY ROLLS • . CHELSEA' BUNS DOUGHNUTS • , TEA BISCUITS • • LAYER 'CAKES , • ICED ROLLS OUR WHOLE WHEAT BREAD" IS 109%, WHOLE WHEAT • DELICIOUS A.TsTp HEALTHFUL .,HC.I.LL.1(1%1A14!$....Q1,JA4ITY. 'BAKERY: . Phone 36 • - ..-• • • • • - r• fmcknOtY, • 1Loca/ & General at •'ye and e half years ruled ever, the ony -cOMieonenee in twenty-three days MINOR MOTOR •ro •ACCIDENT ON • SUNDAY wide No school, Which ;: coqeeP°nd° .On the .6th and .7t11 Of July a little ghly to high • scitoolo, in tiniorio. an • Inch, et: Toe feu which was Sue is hoine for it :year; during of .her timwill be taken -almost . as much as the total June mach' e • When cars driven ,by Graham Mc- ignate Nee, R. R. 3, Auburn and Roy Illite..k Ban' _ _ , Douglas..\il of LucknOW collided in the. village °i on , - Sunday—afternoon,-1-some_2_11amage _oNnotinsa„ In . Jul' lecturea and other Work des- On ly llth, ,there was by, the mission bOar4.-*•:. enceigh Meisturet to lay.: the, dust. The npiciting tier...luggage, *lee ok W.:State ,ne rainfall : came: .°O. rng 't oath. mtphrenin,igot,•aw. orainfall f ichool in Taansui. 1' an inch felL t e UL , Minor nature was to. tOwn' of • 20,0 0 inhabitants at! 133 July was slightly lesS than 2 inches t telilltemlimutailwsisitnoroeknotp,b0f:wfal.olttihdil,tsrsie..:'51..:.thert,3hiel:nft4lanitaiehl,oeifno•t\rhiceb9inliPt;ivajruoentithaonistatd_ii,r‘ swirouitholYf, I is a comparative-' or 62 rear " over inches Of rain fell. , both.' Faro. Constable Moore pupils,the ler gated the Case ',and adeised' the driv.' itet:rT'Thn° ers to come to anliestbre settle- "re s Presoyterian• "chiir ment.,:•whiels4Ppeara- te•-"have see the Bar ?BARLMAN'i Great 'Unloading Sale -'71Yrii.--Francea Wiliter-of-Detroit; s visiting with her niece Mrs. Harold Jewitt 413 if • • , miss eggy, MacDonald is spending a ten day Visit Otta*a and Cunt- berland. Mrs- James :Fisher is visitinela Toronto with her daughter, Mrs.., A. Reynolds Miss 'Florence McQUillin is spend- ing a few, days Miss Winnitred Johnston • MaisisueAstonaite thTehohmopinseonof0f Mr r2coroanntdo is 1125 done. has. been carried on That ilif.eisstirtyt %ulnakiflg pa /077 . The rain -the. first oifethe week Wis • The accident Occurred at the • tersection at George Andrew's real- endeavour was made -cle ss refreshing and will benefit .gardeos, way a u _ dence.. McNee was driving into the Douglas. Although the ere but •fiawara, iaata and late gram crepe. village end RoY. Was coming up the 7,000 Chrtetlanh i.s! pro: Pasture .fields are so burned un and being o -turning sontla-oir----thegravel.---road.--aje-not-aware-of ,the fact -there nri--Alooked-toraff.old .fields_even if plenty A twisted 'axle and damage to the ul missionary pointed -out that -•the of rain'doesfall. ' land 6f ornwsa w 'eh Y 250 NuMerrous farmers are feeding gress is n 11:.:ir 07'1: g con- croppe--------------atttle pestering 518 street from Anderson's flax mill and verts. For- the bumper and fender was received by a the McNee car. A twiSted front axle miles in length and 80 miles in width\ . than the combieeo cattle, and Some are facing a`scarcity. • not muchlarger was the:, thief damage done Black's •,ounties of, Bruce and Huron, has a or water. cer:• oopulation 'ot ove,: .5.000,006 people, -mishaor-rusted-,-the injured- lady—ta. Wingham 'Hospital, • al.• CONDUCTS, SERVICE .4 ..11; • Ms o Pearl Henderson had charge 'Of • the Sunday afternoon service at ItanP's Church, and delivered a force- ful address to a large congregation 'who were much pleased • with the service. •"Members of Miss Render - son's Bible School,which had just concluded, were present and ably assisted in the Service , of song - .9 REIO ILL ;Ust half of the. entire' popolation of • aeapAS MADEN'" (7dnJenese domination, : ana.Ud, .`lie majority of the people on de is- land are chinese and the religion of CAR THEFT HERE . pen , a e mar Y 0 eons dents. is -Shin- /Limy Watson, lige 22, of dente cottage it Point Clark Mr. T. s Wiwi. Buddhism or Conine= • . ' . and Malcolm Harge age 21of W d Reid Of Orillie, contracted .a 'cold . ' . ' With h •awn.stock,' ' ' 1 ee - a. ruili.,.area and large appeared ,beflite•Magistrate and with, it) developing chest congas -1, populace, 's.an4 •'s bound • to he Reid in. Goderich on Saturday, chem. Oen' is ill at present at the home cot more ,or'leees crowded and existing ed with the' theft tit an automobile :in Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Newton to whert. eustorowshedno,tnhoety,t,.eranadrotei'erteulnievetot.ihilvse. Leehnew on , jt4y iini.- They were . 4. not termer their wives. ; f . • - - • • - - ritnlis'their fathers, taking with them remanded to Sail for one i •f yes. n due time .their sons sentence. iThe °arrests followed'. Di' he was brought On FridaY. Althougl Mr. Reid's' condition i ' ' as serious, his heart condition result! and "••11. mighterkin-law also.; take up ending af, -the cai., cl...:;,Roy senderebsee lit his illness causing' considerabh their abode, so that in ManY•instan- of •Morris township, which was in the concern. When sufficiently Tecoveree 'es over 260 people are found living hi one house. ','And the else of it ditch near, Gerrie and 'i considerably the Reids will return to Orillia: • e as would imagine' i damaged. •The car was :taken while Mr. lieid's trip to the lake was tin ksfil:;ItIlos II .. Sanderson Was attending the i2tli' Of first journey be has made since suff- . Tamsuligwillhierae° she stationed, is July c.o.ebratioli in, Tauckn'.0w. • . . . about the population of St 'it db ering,a ' severe heart attack a Year • . ra . e'r ot not I the size. The irls' school . A fter one t t theirdi rit f'th ' '• ' APPRECIATION . Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cook wish to thank the communityfor the gift of ith Aladdin lamp. - • ,*sr1v • g ago ,sold with the change of, atmos „mai is situeted in••the centre of the LoolN.G.. PERMIT WAS COSTLY phere' and the excitemen t• of having ',Own is supervised by • the ,mission Mrs J W. • visited at the home of her 'cousin, Mrs. Robert Bonthron' of Hensel Mr.'. D. McMorran. ; Miss Ruth Baker of Southampton, is helidaying .with her aunt, Mrs. Jas. Smith and. Mr: Smith. Mrs. J. .R._McNabis._spending_8 few days at Port -Albert Beach with . , her Sist.er-in-law, Mrs. Crawford. . Mrs. W. D. Webster and daughter took zand 'awe of Alrerontwo- are spending at few weeks at Point Clark Phheonllea3b2.Laxative for' Chronic Con stipation.A. E. hIcKIIK, Druggist. -Kipp s Unequalled Herb Tablets -7 Miss Olive Alton has received the appointment ' as teacher in the third room of Bronte School 'near Hamil- ton. Many 'friends' call on 'bina eiaee ii;+..:':oird; though it :is ender Japanese • •,,- • . • g :ow-- b-oach--a, atieved taInrisdiction, es are' sill wheels . and .Picked.,up without his. driver's. per.,. Miss Edith Cartwright, Reg. N, of is visiting this`, week it the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thontro- •7Mrs. : and Mr. and' Mrs, Dive Callander of Glielpli;•spent . • . • the week-end•.witli Mr..lind Mrs. Jas. •• Forster:. , ' tr ffic-"• ffi et -on Di .1)ur;.' at have combined te bring ,upon his ill, 1 -Continued -on -Page -4. nil a 0 C e• •••••••-;•-i-- . ham Reed, GOidie. Carter appeared in nesS.. ' Bargains in 'WoMelea and Walkerton on Thursday, before Meg- TWENTY RINKS .114 'SCOTCH 1 DOustV:., Twenty rink& competed in tie Septelr Double& twilight .at the greens On. Monday eVening. Prize winner' were, lit,' 'Douglas and, Thioaloue . of Teeswater; 2nd, CiaWford and Miller of Winghani; .3rd, Fred Morgan and Wia: Nephew, Kincardine, 4th, Dave Huston and 'Roy Finlayson, 56, Robert Rae end Wallace Miller and Gth, Joseph AgneW' 'and Denzil ,Statteric., .•• :STREET DANCE, There will be a • street dance ' in Itnclinow next •Friday night; August 10th, under' Band auspices. 6 ticket's for 25e. Bend in attendance prior to ' dance. In event rain dance will be • held in:the Town r Hell. Music by 'tient • orcheatra "Night - WARNING , Complaints have abeen receivid re- gnrding bathers swimming in the • river at the north of the village, inue 'bathing suits and Constable Meore.*smiktiiot thliodet)tio rt,•)ie stepped or action '40111 to • 0 141 against offendat, • ' , . • , HOLD InNE•it . • • r • . , Cool" Undergarments in . Silk . and istrate McCartney and was fined, $10 Cotton —'J'H MARKET STORE and tests ' Of Goldie had nor- , chaied a itermit on July 1st but bad "quITE:A GOOD BAND'' lost it After being stopped by the WArEitl.b0'.IUDGYI SAYS Officer Goldie made' the purchase of ' a second permit and since paying the The remarks and criticisms of fine, has found his first permit. Nile. Captain 'Charles O'Neill', adjudicator taking this little --document. proved tt the Waterloo , Musical Feitival, costly,tor Goldie, hut now he will he have been received by the . local. well armed' With it . pair of permit' bahd 'which 'competed and speak for and is net likely to he 'so onfortune- themsel*e& In ' tis..summarY, • ately' caught again. .A pleasant afternoon was spent' at the bowling :green • 4a,,ben, the local ladies' staged a 'jitney with about tee Ripley 'ladies " 'their guests. Lunch was served when playing Was eon - eluded.. The :.•Priee , winners were: '-lst, IlleLeed,.Riploy; 2nd,' Mrs. Well. Henderson; rd, Mrs. Temple Clarke; 4th, Mrs. Fred•ArmatrOne ttbi-Mr0,; T. Watson; ConsolitiOn, Miss Mrt tiOallUffi; -9 • • , GL Ciiiatirty —PRICES Get Our Price Before Buying strgwART Planing Milis • Mr. Lorne MacDonald Of Peter- bort:nigh lia.S spent the past week at 4,Ite home Of his mother, Mrs. Thomas MacDonald. •Viss Wiiinifred'Johnston returned home Stolidity, following'.a two weeks' visit in Goderich with Mr. aoct 'Mrs. Fred Price. Miss Hazel Webster .returned on SatuudaY from a two -weeks' visit with friends in 'Rochester, N.Y., and Port "credit: , •• , , , • . O'Neill says , of t Lucknow Band: • -Quito agood heed: Technique is :YOUNG 'MAN ARRESTED . quite gii°0d; tone goad. in ,ttill him& CMAiltdtio Witt THEFT Raggedness 'occasionally in full en- senitile>:Precision. is fairly' good; in- Roy'Watts,' twenty-one year: ,old tonetien Isfaulty getietellt, (a aim- fanner, was arreateeciri SitterditY by ilar comment was made Of the Forest Constable Moore, •and will alilleae: 'In Band which Wen second Olitai).A 'lack Magistrate's Court bete. on tuted4Y of attention to attendee. .solptits. 0q04, eluttgea ,with theft, • . • , Band 'should develop into4 reillY The yroling„iiithi: is ,eitiployed by fine-, one. A ,tendency to a101ineSic. of , john MetientAtio Second Coot, teenpOto . • • ' hating madehis beam , there sines The bind Made a "good StrOht 601' nine years of age. It is alleged he eping'°` and stole a quantity of -pine lumber from ing their teat p1000, the 'cornet tele aneigbhoeand else it gang plow, Woe. PiaYed" • and, the, base owned by Alvin hwin, Which Was ANOTH:ER; CAUSE OF : ' ' • • FAIULTr VISION Imperfeett.eyeal•canse .imperfect vision.•imperfect • Vision canse-a eye Wain.' Eye :strain catisee-7 iiithorities !recognize s as so • caused a long 'list of' what are caued .4uid. prim- tauonern. know tau, the success , Of •a great 'loan.* ihdivSlizta Would be furthered if they :lie-. • curet the aids to their vision lomat are now everyWhere.' avad- able. . AttaiSTRONG'S Eyesight Service . • , s. Special sale of good. Bath and ; • ' THE MARKET' MICR:. DRY GOODS AND , •• ' SHOE TRALEVNOW 0 B. Pearhna's n. g, C711."'' -tinliefitAthWeit And , Riot. shoe • Safe Coaaencea Last week. . the Sentinel ; Printed' ' 2400 bills for B. 'Pearlman sinnOtio- cing a gigantic unloading sale which commie:need-last Friday. 'Morning, With big crowds snapping •up. some real bargains. A pair of hose for pc : was offered. the first fifteen custom- ers on hand when the sale opened at: nine o'clock: About 8.15 the ladies' : started' to gather and when the doors were Opened. three ; quarters ,Of an • 'hour •late'r' there were ohOut fifty customers clamoring . to get in. , Pearlman's, tale continues and else- where in this .issue appears •azi„ ad- vertisement • ;listing ,leal values on eeasonable 'godds: „.. '• Shoe gate Marta . , "Tomorrow morning, Rathwell and . , Reed Shoe sale ceramences. 4 perusal Of their advertisement Will convince you that there are many: zeal money, saving specials 4. being offered. The purpose of this sale, is for no other reason than to reduce to over 'stack • . and to clear out somber gooda,:re- 'gardless of cbst. Read their, adver- tisement and • note all boots, shoes, and Slippers are not out of date stock: . but this season's footwear this is being disposed of for the above rea- son. There • ',Will. be -countless Other valeta displayed .in the store that Spice in the ad does not_Permit men- tioning. 'advantage ..LOf the savings Offered' by these two. sales and be sure to..-do-your-..-shcippingthaoekaote. during theriexe-week: • t• . . . 'Mr and Mrs Dave Scobie -and two children -William and ;Mary Elizabeth of LWdonflUedefl On Tuesday, • Xis. Cliff Aitchison, Roy • and Tom - MY returned home from Lopdoh, last 4 , Week, eceerdininied by Mr. and: Mr& Wei. Colbert.. • • : •• ; ' .seln was *very ,4tOo4 ilideedtd.:*4. Uinta; to - °tile eemmenti 1114 i • I. of Mt 010 6,46 44 1 dooppeated *too ,theigtter ttkrnio .. • Mrs. A. IL Hayes returned to her home in Fort William after'spending the lad" few weeks with her mother, Mrs. Alex IdacICenziet Mrs. Congrain and her grand- daughter, Miss Joy Henderson, having. returned from a Month's visit . in Boys but Again Winnipeg "with the termer's; brother. Saturday; SAW Bill Webster . iloWn. ' Chronic Aeld Stomachcauses mei& street for the first time: Since injured ' ' Stomaelt Troubles:. KIRK' S ; STOM- 112 itn tuit°' accident more thaa tW° • ALKA gives' quick relief. Get a bot-; weeks previons::Bill is raPidlY: re'" tle today from MeEIM'S toRrtlq gaining his * strength and looks well ST;if!ItEt. 'W� are Sorito report the iseriout- ilinetS 'Of Mrs. W. 3 Mct,all, but, at tinie of, wilting ie slightly improved.' Nurse IfentrY ,nf• doderich.' is in` at*r tendaliee, DIED . • • • HORNE-7In ,the towriship of West Wiwanbsh-on Monday, July 30, 1934, Nancy Brown, ; relict' Of the late George Horne, aged' 82' ,yeors. The funeral, , servee was held from, her late"reSidence, con. 4, West Newlin'. osh, on 'Wednesday afternoon, with intei;ent in Dungannon cemetery. •7, Week -end visit&s; WI • Dr. and Mrs,„. Geddes,, were their inn Cam, eron and C. L. and jack Yeerier, all of Toronto. . CitMeronlis ieniaiiiing r a tithe.. 4 WG'Son, dait10184 • ** 49 considering his serious ,injories. Sid, Whitby got .,'down street ton' tutaday first time and although look- w ing fairly. :well; Still has quite a Stiff 'neck, which is expected to take' n: month to 'disappear. Sid's, throat Was affected and, even yet he is able to. eat solid foods only with difficulty. He,is deaf in hlalett ear. but it wa; not 'dtAtta • peran ent or teinperary"injiiry. Sid.' waa broilY cut abinit the , head but these a ittnift 4166641....V.• angliceetY 6.a.66.6.6o A