The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-07-26, Page 8ISDAZ, tb,: 1, ,1ga. ext .Week's Paper. nnouncing �ti��to�k-Re�udrig 0000101141. sstar t value.;..... �11�►u Ill particulars in•issue of August 2 . si well ani • It nal brei 1®\mss TIIIS NEW BINDER HAS A WORLD;WIDE •RllPUTATION: FOR DEPENDABILITY UNDER ALL CONDITIONSFOR.' STRENDTB . 'AND HARD.USAGE ABILITY .. TO STAND USAGE' ALONG ° WITU LIGHTNESS `'OF' DRAFT: THEY COMBINE maims* FEATURES' OF, BOTH THE FORMER. M4CORM- IC AND, DEERING 'BIN-IDER. WHBN:. INTERESTED IN -A NInu BINDSR:;_tALL..: AZ • 'X ve' atl Of Lucknow Dies In . lie ern .n n r rd tar 1 Nwelinsei, Beata* Passes • Away' ,iffy16ti Recentlythe i ommnnity P. of O Ahir , north of Bruce Mines, Northern :'On- tario.. suffered<r':ene of ts” ,:i greatest los's'es when. one • of its :mosthighly regarded .citizens- went Peacefully ,to his reward. 'Mi ''Norman Beaton, Sr., was horn in 1858 in the Isle of • Skye, Scotland. In 1863 he came to Canada WWI his pare>ails and: settled in the village of Lucknow, Bruce County, Where he grew: to manhood. Mr. Bea- ton was the son of the late Angus and Catherine :,Anderson -Beaton and i brother-in-law of Neil McInnes ;of A. He Woo marose,,-52 yeses ago.. to Miss Annie Mdiinis; a sister -of •Mr. ,r,',. McInnis of -Leeburn, who has ,a-- ways ',been it wonderful. help; Many.' sorrows , marked their Married. life. Three ;children died in'.infancy. Their non Gordon -les "So n`mewhere in, ..,, Francs". • Their ; .only. daughter Flor- • encs' ,died suddenly at the early: age. 4' 19 years. - Their son Angus and his 4 . iafe: opera taken;, leaving two .young; sons in' their Care. Four' sons,' Martin, 'Malcolm and Norman of Ophir : and Findlay of Claudette deeply . mourn a Either Whose interest in 'them never 'waned. There • are tell grandchildren, Two sisters. Mrs. Mary, • McLure of ;Bruce Mines and hire. Annie Cocks' ,of De troit survive,.::'' . • , . After a few ears spent at Calu snet,, inch., the a to Ophir, in 1898, setiling `pn he Aim wh ch his.• since been the . home. The small • acreage ;under miltieation was 'ey tended' and splendid' buildings were • everted through 'their efforts, in Spite of financial, difficulties Which would have. ruined' moeat people. He was fore about 30 years an 'elder of t he Rock Lake Church; and rt waR largely tlrou�gh his efforts that the. church was; built. He .ween member of the Masonic" Lodge.• , ' or. t 't ' • O was. . " A sh t aorkvice a the h pie followed by, a service; at , the ,`Rock' • Lake Church, which ' was filled' tc ,. capecity, llir. •.W. J: tichard., s►ssisteca; ap o i sto''"a d ice f the n ther n ldocal pa � • sprattion be had received from, the decsrtsad--whileaa, . pastor „here. Rev. iY- titter od char`• -t, ,nod f.l . ' Local G ener tat, SORE •°FEET. do cause other ins='-' Use Cress Corn Salve. At. McKIWS' DRUG STOREc• Mrs, Steve . Playford'. and son Poo - aid 'of Galt are visiting with 'lir, 'sod Mrs' J A. Geddes. • . . Mrs.Baebuin. ofWoodatocs x for. mer Lucknow resident, is the guest ofMrg, D . Paterson: Rev, and .:Mr, 4. J.' H. II Geoghegan and family are spending their boli,= de` Ys at Big Point $.y: • Mins Alice Littleand' Mrs. (Dr) Marr of RidBetown are visitors, .with. Dr. and Mrs ; G. A. Newton., New Hosiery'' and, Gloves ,for child- ren, Women ' and Girls.-- • THE MARKET S• TORE Mr, and Idrs. W. It. Bailey and, Mrs: llrady of Detroit, were' week -end visitors With' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burns. Mr. John ' Murdoch and; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Murdoch , of • Detroit;. spent the week -end with relatives town. Mrs' Peter . McLaren of , Detroit and formerly -of Lneknow, called. %on:J a number of old friends in the village, on Saturday. 2, 1i Mr. and Mrs.:' J. • A. Geddes had .aa their guests over the week -end, Mss. Margaret' Town of Tiilsonburg; ,'Mr. and Mrs.' A. B. Wilton of Kincardine and Miss M. B. Douglas. " Lucknow 'Citieens' Band presented: a pleasing: concert '•of sacred: music from the bandetend here ori ..Sunday evening,. Which ;Wee ':enjoyed, ,by:the° audience ,'which. gathered. Misses Kathleen • Patterson 'and Irene Porter,, of Vancouver are guests this week of their aunt, Ara. Wn: MacKenzie, also Mrs., Wm. Ferris ; of town and Mre. Chid Jackson of Ripley DUNGANNON RESIDENT BURIED The late. Mrs. .Robert `'Finnigan w honored in death,:when . large n n�bers- ofesti s:: ' r 1 ve , fn ends, and neighbors attendedher funeral which wai-helmd-from-:Iyungardioa= tfnited' ::berth on Friday,witk,the °tor; .Pas Rev. D. A. MacMillan, conducting 'he service at the home,„the• church And.' the grave -side. AD members of the family: were 'present for the ; fun aral,,.:with the exception of one dau 'liter,Mrs. Williams Kilpatrick, ';,of aanley, Sask. ' Passing away on. her 77th birthday; Mrs. Finnigan, who' previous to her marriage : to Robert Finnigan, 53 ' years` ago, •was Miss Sarah McQuaid, had been. --a life-long and highly 'respected resident' ofthe district.. Interment' was in Dungan- don;cemeteryi the pall -bearers . being, 'ter three sons, William J, Frank and, Robert Finnigan,` a ,son -in' -law; ' Rob- ert Elgie. of ` Kippen, a .grandson, ifarold Finnigan of Seaf_erth, ...and a nephew,' William J: Reid Of. Ashfield.' Relatives were present der the fun eral from , &eaforth, Egnsondvilme, Kippen, • Lucknow,; Whitechurch ' and. Teeai ater. • N.O....IMMEDIATE ACTION -BitNGA ON - RATEP'A Y -ERS- At ;a meeting of some sixty rate- payers of ' Dungannon school • section held ;last week, the proposed ,eatab fishing . of .a. Grade C Continuation School' was again discusd and plans and. estimates :for various•'.typRs of buildings considered. A' one -room` addition to the present two -room school, 'and a complete ' at* school were . the proposals g#ven•.:ehief con -- sideration', With <the general feeling apparently':, favoring the latter . pro- pgsal. "Due 't* {;the..fact that the hall. day Season. it, toe far advancedto commence operations, ria either case, the mattler,. is ,being* •left, undecided until early next year. • is good", lie likened Mir. Beaton to Jab,, • • who remained_ treating and faithful nihrough: i aany. trials, . Fie. ipoke,ef his • ood"'work not.'only""."" in g the religious but' in the social life of the community. "Rock 'of Ages", g "Abide with Me", and "Jesus Lover, o a f k'[ Sul favori e h inns of de - y t . �' li ceased, were sung. Mt..'Lynn Miller h of Bruce Mines sang "More Love': to T11ed"F.W�th:,;t`a!a!liirYgr � �.` Mr.mand'IMrs..Wm. Robb and daugli= ter, Miss Olive;' apentrthe •week -end at Waaaga Bunch, Port McNichol , and Collingwood;-a}t�-tbe-Iatt�er-place;,they. visited with Mrs. 'Bol►b's stater, Mrs. Hamilton. Clair Jobnatoh had; the third finger of hit right 'hand laid . open to the bole, last Thprsday, while bu , wood with Itrit McGuire at thefurni ture'factory., The wound^,required a couple; stitches. - Mies ' Roszels'4 Mullin:: is spending 1. P 8 a two weeks', visit with her .cousins at Orangville, being accompanied thexe�on' Sunda b her mother end brother ; Stewart,• Mrs. , Stothers acid Mrs. 'John Mullin. Murrayo h hni on`and Jim Wain of Y t *Ingham have'' been appointed. ' dis- tributors for '.Marathon Blue gas and Red Indian Motor oil in'this`district they will have storage ' plants . in. Goderiehr'and', !anthem. Mr.'R. M. McPherson,. manager .of the Bank of Montreal at Mdldma-`: and formerly. of Lucknow, is on a three weeks' . ``vacation, -the greater. part; of which' the• McPherson family=' are ,spending in Quebec. Mr. and Mrs,: Robert MacCalium' Of Detroit returned on Sunday having spent the latter part of, the week here with the forainer's•'mother. Misr Joan M Callum, of Hamilton, ; is also holidaying at her home 'here. • Mrs. Katherine I. MacLeod and hex( err daughter, Mrs. Arthur M.. Wolf , ',of Grandview -on -Hudson, New York, were visitors here, returning on Tues;= day, accompanied, to Toronto, by Mita Eileen.. Johnston :: who will visit there Mr.„',GeorgeDou' glss .and I+riary a` Mies Christens' Carrick have return ed after 'spending two weeks at their cottage `at` Kintail. .Mrs. Horace Aitchison, and sons Elmer and Doug las are at Present holidaying atTthis cottage. Miss, Emile Buswell left on' Satur- day by .bus for North Manchester,. Indianna, where she will visit . her aunt, Mrs. E. ',G. Buswell, • She wit accompanied ask far 'ie. Detroit by Mise L. Hood,' who will visit with relatives there Mrs. `Ilii a Miller of Windsor, wile d 1 � ` is. on' two weeps holida s accom y. p - lid her sister, . Mrs'. Olds and ion, Geo o Goderich the r e,-of--Detr�t.. er ch Ili G g tl...God o� ,h ek we end ! t weeh, here theyr e a camping and visiting. with their sitter, Miss Edna . Campbell,: of ' that town, Mrs. Cecil Myers, Windsor, and Mrs, (Dr.) litanies eat son of, era Faliis, after' rrisiting.with" their parents, Mr aped: Afire.. R : $. McQuil n, returned to 'their respective: ores thin week, accompanying their lsusbaande who Motored here .for 1p Presbyterian Fold Hel &nnun ° Outieg We f ,,Atteadet Picwie Wei Held'. Tkis 'Year At • Kiacariine- Besek. The annual congregational picnic; of the Presbyterian. Church was held' Wet . Thursday afternoon' at Iiincar. dine, Beach, and largely Attended.: •A' pleasant cafternoonwaa spent which, was thoroughlyenjoyed; by " loth: children' and groan, ups,' `. Rain . threatened about. ' the time, the ,picnickers.l:were malting ready tp' leave but the weather cleared~ and .a brisk breeze sprang -rip ''that made the temperature •quite pleasant; .A full ;program of sports .was run oir, before ,a bountiful supper was sere ed. Eaeh of the . events: was, keenly contested. with the following results': Girls, 5 years and . under --Bettye, .MacDonald, Joan McQuaig.. Boys, 5 years. and 'under :Billy Mullin, Girls.'.6 to, 8 -Catherine ' Agnew, Muriel Patterson, ' Boys 6 , to 8 -Buddy : Orr, Bill Johnstone:, > Girls 9,. to 12 ,Helen MacDonald; E;: ei yr -,-Tay? or:. Boys 9 to7.12-Douglas • Aitchison; Ross •Patterson, P" ' t i Giria'' 13 to 15—Marione Janiieson, Marion MacDonald. Boya` 13 to 15 -Orland: Patterson, �T. C. Johnston Young ; ladies' race --Marion Mac Dougal, -Margaret MacDonald. • • Young men's race—Frank McKen ale, Leonard .MacD onaald.' Married, ladies'=Mrs.•Bill Porteous Married men's Clare Agnew, Needle Race: Marion Johnston, .Leonard .MacDonald rose Race-"-Maudie Fisher, J: C. Johnston. ,, • Boot race---'Maudie Fisher Boys' wheelbarrow race -L, Orland Patterson,; • Donald`' Johnston. Managers' and ;Session race, back- ward-B#A Reid, Largest family Mrs. , Phi iY Stew art. Eldest lady Mrs. Stewart, `Youngest..;dil1d=Shirley r. . 400 ean Gordon, Dresse ,extra guslity'. percales organdy Inas-. Sizes,14 to :20 yearo�'., ;Groups'. of VOILES,: Novelty. COTTONS, ouch as seersucker, 'LINENS;,. PRINTED SPARVA ,, ,• , , , ,,, , , . ,10iv DisSouut" • ' SOCKEES-perfect„, fitting ;cuffs that retail 'smart • apPearance aall tlmeu. Pair ... , , ... ,, .•. . . : . . ..... . ... . 98e Ind $189 SUMMER SKHTS,-•o,I ,One 'quality' •'pique,• button trimmed. For ....1....••`;;•••• , , .4.• , e , .... , . , 98e and, ;1.98: ,SHIRTS ,•and SHORTS -Forsyth Shorts, for belt : ,;• 49c Egyptaia . combed Cotton Shirts . ,: • , , •,•.• , , 29c* .and 34. C. A..INF CTION RESULTS IN FINES ¶two young •men,, one from ; Weat Wawanosh ' and ' the ether from Ash Bold, were fined $25. 'and costs ; for illegal consumption under :,the L. C. A. when they appeared before Magis- trate Reid in rich tc Code on Saturday. County Constable John Fergu8;0 on' of Blyth,, aid the charge and the young ,men_ciaimed in court the .had`found the bottle and were .smelling, its con- tents, when accosted by the police of5,cer.. 'That the Sepoy Orchestra is `highly rated for providing •old. time music, -was evidenced by the fact that they filled ::an engagement in Paimeraton an' Thursday evening,, .accompanied by Roy McCreight. caller -off and were booked for a ,similar engagement in two .weeks'' time. Accident Victims' lmProvriug , x "Both doing fine", is the 'report on the condition of Bill� ebster and: Sid Whitby, injured'in ' auto ac- cident, two weeksago a' Bill was ,cident, two weeks' ago. ;On Tuesday Bill wee' brought from theHospital to hishme' here, where he is resting and being kept : quiet Sid is ` up a little each 'd his' home here. ay; at h Mr. Arthur Barbour of Saskatch ewan_called on old' friends here last` :Thursday. Mr. Barber :was' born on .Con. 12, Ashfield, a son of the late ,Nm..•Berber. He resided;In-the"vil lage for `'a ;number ; of years where he was employed` as grocery clerk in Moody's and Maclntosh's 'Stores. It is about `thirty ,years' since he deft Lacknow..• Mr. and rs . M T. S. Reid suit .ton Eldon of Orillia, are occupying their cottage at "Point, Clarke at present: His. Many friends• her will be pleased to know that Mr. Reid has sufficiently gained in health and strength to Permithim Making 'the trip here. It is; just a ' year ago that Mr. Reid was stricken with en acute' heart' , condi- tion, so serious' that recovery was PraC icallY despaired d of.. Wr W king• Lobger; Nbors With ' the announcement of the Ne burn 'Government that hotels will be licensed to sell beer, by`•,the 'glass, the sale confluencing ;in some Centres on' Tueaeday, there has been >i rush of orders' for,equipnlent for the bev- erage , rooms • and orders received for bevera>>te ' .tables by, the local furniture factory' resulted. in, a: nine. lou"' rl"abeing co mueneedon Tuee- , cloy. The factory las now operating can sites' hour .daily from : seven Cirti peccials When Going oaa Your Week -End` Outings, let Me, SuppiT k'bur • --Needs--in-PLATES,-CAPS,-SPOONS;.:SERVIL t, ._,_,SAND- WICK SPREADS. 'CHOSE. (Plwn. ...Pim nto, ",and . `Itelish) OLIVES' SWEET ' GERKINS, ETC.' SPECIALS FOR 'WEEK—END = .P. Se G. SOAP, 10• -BARS, •• .4.,,• ▪ 33,c ,CALY,' 'LUX;' PALMOLIVE; 5 BARSS " , , • . .25c TOILET PAPE1t 8 -ROLLS `:, , .~:` ... , 25c... - SANI FLUSH; CAN . , . • 29c LARGE'CA•N PINK `SALMON CHOICE CORN and TOMATOES, • 'TIN .• .: MAPLE --LEAF BAKING .;:POWDER,:.TIN... • TOMATO CATSUP, BOTTLE'' ..10c LARGE CAN PORK & BEANS :10c' MEDIUM, PORK A BEANS; 2 CAN$ • FitESH: FRUITS and VEGETAILES ALWAYS ON HAND.. Andrew. -Lane Re -Union Held On Saturday The sinking :Of a', articular'' red :Pion er *Oinks moon.,.below . the horizon off . Poiti DeAdendriattas .:�t Bold Happy Gathering On Satur- Cla k,, eeariy"last"Tuesday - morning, y`;Wfiith"About-150`1* Atte>dance-.is-.believed_to_.hav0__created naa_effeet_._ that. made those who: saw the .spec tacle, believe it was ahurning launch The. effect. of 'clouds' and mist Moon th . ` e.sinking ,�' . 0 M n made it appear like a blaze in the general belief. Kincarduie; and Goderich ofliciala - were ;advised -of :the a ' arent blaze PP. but later investigations • failed to locate.a • wreckage and nn pleasure crafts were known:. to bein the '.vic •,'F inity. .Observers who watched ,the moon sink he fullowitig night tieere quite:: convinced that its resemblance to a ,blaze.,solved'the mystery of the previous night's report. • SETTING' MOON •' TAKEN �1rOR f BURNINGL AUNCH One hundred andfifty descendants of. the Andrew -Lane families, gath- ered at 'Point Clarke on Saturday, a ` picnic which. marked for an' all -a y p their eighth, annual gathering.. These two time-honored' Pioneer families, played prominent roles in the. early 3► development ." of this . community.,, chietly.-rn-As ihfne' td -and on -Sat urday- " otllneesrof dehs ened,„ from far, and near, proud no doubt to be ' .`in the absence of ,Mrs.' Wm.Reed, to Mr. Isaac'' Andrew, 86 years .of age, went the honor ` of being the oldest person in '.attend nce,. ,and Mr. and Mrs.: J. F.• Andrew of•Ed 'nonton hada the., distinction of being those present from •the farthest dis :ante. Following' the ,dinner hour meal, a rrogram of , sports .and ' ball :was ' en= 'oyed and in the evening e . program f speeches: was presided:, over :by. Oiivid Andrew of Vermillion.'' The speakers included William .l cQuit- lana• Rev. I?. 3. Lane, Goderich,'': J. F Andrew, Edmonton; S. 'B. Stothers; Arthur, J,; C:. Stothers:: and . Bailie Stothers, °-bah, of London, : and• • Dr Carman,Stothers, Picton.. ., The sport events: resulted as fol lows; ' Races -.boys under. 7,Everett Lane,,--Allan-ititchie -girls -under; 7, Kathleen Stothers, Doi1s `Reed; Goys' under 10, Gordon Brooks, ' Frank Barkwell 'girls under 10, Elizabeth. Stothers, Janet St. Bernard; boys under .12, 'Billie Andrew,' Gordon Brooks and'F, Barkwell' •(ties); girls under" 12, .Ellen Andrew;' May' Bark- well;' ark-Well;' boys aver '12, Arthur Andrew,' Bob 'Barkwell;: girls over 12, Hilda Lurie, Ellen•%Andrew;' 3 -legged rare, Ellen Audi** and Irene Barkwell, *On , and -Melds' 'Lane; hoop race, (boys and: 'girls, any age) Billie An- drew, Carmen Stothers; tossing the caber, Bill `Andrew, IHarvey Webb• nail•dirivinrs:,.contest,: ladies,`: Mrs. D Andrei!, lire: 'Geerge Lane; throwing, the- rolling -pin, :women; Mrs.' D.'. An- drei, Mrs r.;S. B. others; married' men's race, II v eY We b .E,. Stothers, .. Wesle . Rite a,''Married d women's race, Mrs,, Oliver .Barkweli,, Mitt. ,J. F:' • 'Andrew; fatmen's race, Bailie Stothers;-Rev; t David fanae.a Rirls' naililrivin8ddn es :-- (Irene Barka-tell, `,'Ellen Andrew, 11 the bora doesn't take -beck he, „Mid in nit I shall Witco., "What did he SOP:., "frau;rte : isa�lakedi►j , Bois' . en's es Boys' BLOUSES 0 U SES FAST . ,COLOR. AND ' WELL TAILORE D.PRICED :TO SELL ; Q'. .J • ALl, SIZES: EXTRA ` VALUEV" • E' YO'IJTJIS', ALL WOOL, h. • U FANCY 7`RIPE'S.' -Jt7ST I':UC H S �' ',FOR R -H ARllWEAit; PRICED AT,'• .95 is LUCK OW r• aONTARIOr,