The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-06-21, Page 641 II. ........ ­-- 7 dM C Etn' -W, llit, orld.. a that projectiles ca ng ink, e4 ave b P Ink e 4� eveloped, d ty n RE T4. MON, . , , that with 'a. la ­ h it, 1.4 estimated Xge P girt i#,� ruQ In-%, of e Q d hurl rocketbas s 410ation 0 prmany epul, V. the trade. Xjj� o0,000..ton� o: 'ti _h "dxploshes, ''on: e he on then 0 F imi; CL It' hro rIcAn, contin6nt Are the. 'half., Th e,40 py 4p' $50.%' A' MINUTIE,' trited, . , , �9, .1L R co ro.! ,, ­�: eonlm tincts: qf their 0ces- ife of the tor hp! 0119win ently paid '$3,00@L 9 for, a, sl:� M'4utp- ,hrpa0a.st. afid 6c, revea During the,'.terk �y pars, pbeti to receive Paynienta-, of to, !t933. th6l �ipjt� ther $500.a inihmite -for 1�ke.or Ion& % he '4nzidit were of at 'tutna, 411 �h of" $49. 9,-Uni ekA ' Q. cbari- tbibl�it,�qbjet4 but, bo--ratq pf.,her e� �$14.31, United Ki arded' as 1.149rts, CgAada, $87.'00, Unit- otherwise n iethan .An _Ma I ion. 'Brantford Ek Iotal tkiidii of Canada� $86.M 4M. t ptStites $96.66i Unitled Unite A, r!fAWS, AGES Man- in`31ilwaukee�,gave his'*agq ori xnsqrapc�,,papo;e;a -140 'HIC S,64 58 countkirelief 66 i'I'l, his, 414471� ari a g& paper s� an , A .11 experiment 4r big U 70 appligat!6 'it 4#94 is to be � un��.rtaken by-thiii De- for, relief, In, ease � you th* I --on- 4ii"fJ�ubftc:_W.orRS a­ene� ba' biq I I ph of readAntAll'Niagara was A nl4aii who, did thisl—StTatford Hydro, engino,pr $_ Will co- l3eacon-Herald., Proclaimpd to be* the s -family in the� United State' f -Italian P.areptgge,''the Latora, family,of Chicago ptiMbers, 21., They ree"Ar opera e. e trial, in.gets expee we I re g air Ads'. It took fiv transpox. mana e �nt on, If th ta- s" 0 tions thl ON; uests - of r f pro IF g' in .a �rip'th e taxicalis to eio E U 0 the Centu.,y, 6 rough the grou 4rea,pay be e . � ) N 'POP, ,Xtended,until 44 . . the them. They:boast of having- pne trq ubled' times without, Q!�e;cent.of charity Improved tnain lines of'vehicu Now. "look her4, Doroth gh these, tro Y,1 Said her,, f4t ,or -.s,,ern y,.: your w h other etells,,Mp you've,been naughty all day. SAO Miln ogYOU thr6w,.mud. up 4ulf surrendered that fortress The nekt ti or wit q4t4t v'e perish. 'Daily Mail atL, ? Ge rat Pirisi' Rome 70 ou,ll I go on o lassicil archieolo ur Aiterps e' PI _ W61n1PA S 't receKid at, - L' id to the victorl6liS British troops. .81 as, a'student of.e xourse, be�­c'onsi4ered s dress.y gyp p1mewbat' Pd thrint Sil _ WANTIM He, 'catne'46, Canada in . 0- t 180 y e: ne .1 throw sge. dep0n on the 'q .(o uesti6n of cost. in, lid The� 9pglishma !$Aa take his 41 1 . n; J tin�e he lived -hi. t ��p -west.' "I'll.*ait -till, plea§ures,sadly. That ;is not true,' Ile4lide A. muski en, as trophy by after, su the fact that n hiSA6 lowest priced electricity avAi S .,un-*, dnta,,�`! ii, San.. 9 -thke� William T. Hunt wh too part 1. for a period ictoria Tinies,".:, He tau i,but he does hi . Playlme,- ght choo abli.­--anymihere 'this coiitftl6' PU WRONG FIRE' 'Scientifically. He cah hardly be call-, in, Me capture:of, con' Anne on- or Manitoba, ii�lngi piln8pal of . big leni. Gladstone - an d; have in. favor aring on Inittee 6f 600" 'Known schools, at reof -h ��`Cotn able be ed a''h -Patriots, War r i iiul The ol ..,,,labor lost ard worker compared th his Contine#tal i obfFer, fro ithe, u k -d6c! seldo -By r UiMate� Toronto seldo ore dramatic,% en-, ipJghIi,ou:es,, but he, has Saipk6�6 Onl� M�nb&s, A Rapid City., He _lined�a T61 'IeWer,holidayp than they do,,.,ino 0 use he would, itegram. a�t6d than it was 'at South� Glastdfi� Winnipeg schot'lleca Alaiifii�g.,. Qn farmer had labori6` Not thq, least .Interesting d"orld MAN'S BEST FRIEND bqryi'66nn.�- A Us-: ijoyment ..out... not have' the , time rodire& for' ViW of, -Ae pi hibits'is. the. rtfie with, g-at--the-age ta ees ly ciollecte * I v f ugl­ ,d' a 'of. brifsh. on _i"any-1ns A, Le� yegr-7 EUx',wou d'be tiv4­sIaIn­­Nnr,­RawI from t; a ver bank n. h e t'6'o' pursuerg an be of 600I, which qu! a mail c it! is ihis best �-reasonable safeguards, he�'Set. fire-, to lainis that. c on d-th46ir bloodliotinds v;hoq' cref llcomifiltt he U 1 slty.� of Mafi many. Thes6'fikpd 1.1olidays I e4s,,. it 15 the '�vag_ bonors'deg.r�'e., ':',�I!riend AtA: It last'art0e Withian. should , given over� to, ri�il'Jiioflday- g? ft.� About the �anl ' e iiine there, an be- ��e picapi - �fromL Siave"ry. in i4�, an a cidentiil� fitrm oil ly. becAnxe :i,,400 'and gtilf. is &6*I d he will Part1With.'wbRnJ fi ci c fire nearby.. t ai ar4ggl sti b i.-ade, `qut )d pro�esslonsi : . . HNDICAPP straits. 'i TiMes-JoItirna' responiling,tp a:call, , ing,. o, pageants ma e,,bis way to Ambeistburg via the'. has, tarted, ail, InvIsible w ED' pAhe wrong, ire with' remarkable and . carnivals., -� inerr�6*akink: such u.ndergio4nd rait*ay. P 01 [r.-. 6r449 pqchaged a R" PER �USE f -'old,. 146rri,o T e advances in the Leo 0 as, bf gtinsinith's art couht,'16pale of,mith�-uiis, Ivied uilir: In 1931 'N tturally t�e. I -1 - and'... V' �1ariii a � few-­mi�les,. 6m, Simcoa eiman.Aoctor... as intro, uced in -on i4e n years, and fts" leader .d iciency A04 d6spgtch;' N' 'd d'-- liver, -bilw" for hea;4ing" w''o' u e ort, Fag waste the 'real ire, did ays. an, n eid yom umsy, pi.sto a. and ttmberso rs I recent 's ig test 'took Np dairy farming. 'Owing, to Ads. e stiff,pre taking il thela ication. There is'plenty xnusk6ts..to.th odern.­sha�p_slioot- :says, the und6rworld i e. piov( tit$, w9ilt-th.06�g1iiy, and riner -saturated bru,. I o rejoice, a a evew.if Mt today, ing are: r to. haul ellemical ri'de '. r�ecip'rmeiegted by guil j0d 111 W . ear, internally wasn't the right us there were betiEir'ici rejoice !varletleS4 6' Afi,hertibu r I g nsp red'by it .Jor it 1 . Western,: Canada, Mr. oGrovs -away o a swamp nce.� f,.,gtib -that Tribu, t at some disia� 'ibldlers broUg4f f ib ire,. for arza Winnipeg ii,appoal, ok Maty Rob. i6vitile: ib� over ma I rt art noted- wr hi 911 hi,,lzbor PE" n:mercies than: to fritter home - -rom. e, --wars 'e s.RIneh il'or, to. wo has , to -ANOTHERFIELD fight er MeI ik farining I vpx1ttIre: has FL ING IWCANADA . '% .411 I girls -hours "away in. gjooM-��Sund'ay` Des- of tfie last hundred -and fift, - Years. men of Ae cutryto' tag S' H In a huiii1red, je�rs,or y .7, �Jever&lel�ss 'succeeded and, ho, how 'patch, London. the. �oinpi the. outgrowth of nclu4e# In'the., many Mee !was ill be* beautiful siys, ..'No. country 'Be and least. of, all a are 'in 0 pure ston pro country � like. our o*n, � with its, Vast meme . es, that. have, pleAdid. It ard of red JUST AS IN' CANADA lito In4tviiival a plan evolved. by. the' Dlogo possesses as�, essor. And then t�i co's Metici manuio tCliole CEini�e. Vnd�i the. ip-tseis.- fe'eturers will prob 'Ipt�e�rest of theiii 'own apart. oZn .,Ablk, kart work'on -stretches of, tefri(tory.�fo-iwhich the The bVerseas market for 'imported. hav , e,: . not -ye io-ricat associations.., 'Aniotij'�Ahein�lis Plan as, evolved -and bartied out, by -While living in:ihe.iest. r, criov6 psoocially r kut, railways and. the roads t Qd ,�and f o thelmales.��Ottawa I izen. f -1 P- ' ' ' '11" 'ILI, 1� p Aed blackth6rn - cpi* Mrs: 'A. L. of life �atheriq d—,,cah dfforc' drerfie hQ :cirried me a 'nidi idd M penetrate 1 iss AINTING THE'�LILY 1, to� neglevit"Its IT SePsitive.' ,It is, �swiyed, monti, ar- ens, daughte,r of . Mr. , I and Mrs. airsevrices. If a`suffkietly,!.�nlikht- to" a remarkable deiiirep, i)y l !C by; Simon. Girty., io'f indilia-'ri.. vir'fara Civic 'Centre. cflifio....000art il Wi manufacture -prepata- ab j. f 'a' the . ]kit:. of * Mii Diihic, ere . me e o. A ens,,�.,Slwlf ened attitudeil�.Is'iio -fas joh 'and p;'r- judicei bui, Jor �l rangernEnits NY d 't have -100, t. ,,.'Ourent, �'..'Sask, ions will. soon, have to. t':.displaybd by'the h' e s the tidistinction ---,in w. omen. anony "-Arthur,, Le�6naxdj itbe.reckoned 'Canadian, a'dthdrities- I is lia§--t i. . ya. un Inn ed T h )n,, Caniadji ave.�one­.s( a major industry'. "Th" y aj�.wo_ the. Crimean -War;: and a 'be a .three 'and one-half. that outsiders, 'if ,'oing, ekOT4 of,the'w6rlds best. these d4aria4r of ih�:'slx 6unclinia0c districts. of. to- ilioid-_k x1y: lik� s on a,'earoer ;.'-min --is-: said, b)� ear slikes are :Sqbje' as Xpen_� ahC 4re- l4mo—w -n . _�,_7 .0-0. 9 and,di h pd`7� 'COWIII n ove wks %000 axmually� on aid .to pulclir!W6 ct, qud, en r S -Jopment whj4h.-is blu�d to" changes and rapid fluctuatio I As. -Elizabethan times. numbers, assigned tb#m". conle. dei6 a'' e' �,e ent. S in'' ting 6bstA-' ,Thus . . I � �m ur pan 'Made in'-6anada"," Ite fedor I -live' In daily.te:ir� �of criminal-A.�A,eleg- vf-businos in addition to.Im-�, Milliollls--6t'-,Mil-6s'.irilnuallk,,ar.Q'..flbwn;'�it',,Ii-�quI -.,.p 4.1orm: s . reversed: ith signment 9 an tick ded ail 'in- P�r"t'itions'',*'Muet in 1932, at. -$797, by these an `f y'llarticular variety tthe two-'cehturl�s of gress Mrs.,Simp�qon.S�41d ,but the, 4nd ill h6althi he,has'crow pJ ;and, w ie proper eI1. ' This, duringhard "times. . 'There cemmulated. .Precious,, * fgtti!d �-w.o.rk, orou'r Comm . I tee tire of the k t, im t.,to be oncouragerfiefit from the koviaiftmehA- of South African .rUlt�:Lto ruin for a- or t6ie�ting 'life witb, the* 64t a e p e 'are �seven y-onq in,,-, Canad at ,exosini - K ri.k_a; domand that it, 40cu 'and the checke ��ave.'.b t I ls6rv'ices dre.capable.61.9're' se-' consideirdbI Monts are. tinder glass d'.' I off?ired bribes Plerwimedal p ants e' -ati�cins. CreanIi idix.—Hainilt ',ta ered'wjt1i and iold"t `-takil� -it easy." b auty prep�ax J on S t t' rs. of paiingtaking,-'. en-. .1. 0 An other distiri6tioii.-,he enjoys .. I is r -has. en .ftA waU5 fthe�mubdumirecov 0 ped at;� uct, C BUILD] V. to -,create.�'. To 'the �aver"age pletureir and The, c6M.nxittee`6oi.f8l­ 67i the Fed- Idgely A A w�er�.'-thp' principal- pidd ZRi ,�hot6statle o ieit, of d deavour c a of 'having eised . nioioli, Cani. E N�TS by face 'powder.. lf� tal6urn Firank Air 8 adian, club ­Meet; 'followed' oers6as e6niuMer iLbad'Sditth fri- aid h maps.' sk�tciies Ii t' plaits bral,fielo-the most important itnil th .'He it *as . bdiiie iOO such ii'bas� died, in po;.v- brands all South a- 6en s Wo i . .. LaSc6l]L . ngs. t,. an any o.. er, ��ow'der 'we're .'added. to�..tbe lattori,' erty at' -1 African, ita*0 I'' okder�, d"' ash ngtqn: Information* dL a"Phes' as h .,; and cven�, a oles, land inscriptions that faithfully1wbrkers. litAin. This w6ek; itxii ed -i man powder creams. The o de8igiiedt .'and supEpw� e'd the_. a_twiaL_years_period_' would "Surpas ad S 0 here ktLh f :,eral windows, and cotirters.of all. - v _A_xi_en_*ach_wi1I 'n ariOus.,4 -nidst-46n&rl Aiiplay4ha aid tot -entice- -pres- oseh represent Canada at la M. i ofille 6tion from ts ri�als uAl, t0j, it M2ada, `fqr-th fiom'Loii Ang4les'In. c stores b ince. 'hit' 6v .. . , . I - tongress -of'En iSh: ear��evide of a la I egg It Is morti Ing S" p kt,vt �C S. . er seen na . - , di�l I � I I on —, g . .. . he -eajs th t., any ln�Lue W e� in.. , !�7 . flourishing.Jndusfr�,, pla� A -vi bratio*. at 'Quebec ill' 1908.' T ness in r -on I;I -0 egra�h"I, bdautY �alld W01114 er of -that t d to. ail a ategie lipsitjil, A neverA e,.,. ergo, ep, as I, can, How " : "b y tkely 'tq'. -the - con re of; many BRATING THE: L�W - can'.' tt Pag. in impress a�r nuxnb�erl ot' h.eittburg as t hekitit-grow4is. .-South A�fricaix. f is. beatbn'sas told. y, -a rpassed. Mr. 'Lascelt Kt stirring events during., that struggiei,-L w never e. su: eg, �e- o en, oen'. as- pain,. er a weil ace' A Kansas paper.: A tiavellive IpAithi,. howeverio id' -,the lor��.of- thlAi, s Peak I& W:A 1 ­ Man -says: wag, - noted sculpto' - . and t I appears 'ito. be. an ii of PrIr oo: strongly. be eMpha§Ise -that s xce'ssi've' rf�116t- it iwas'ajainsi e it 'd� KI . � a. .. agoin iry-: . is, 10" it mbled in' the.misiseubt. -6f Cateor- C _d,Jhe' aitentlo�.�,bf �gihkink in." gut 96 estern *,oil as a. Misiq:otr it'cannot t itA icid 'in .6inadfin history b ,gnerosi y is said o 'have op. and -Can WI, half: the vy e law to- usexo or tow V 'd EA t A, ces... to off It oAd s6pkinj. now resultba ifit iiis' A a rowr i Lind drants*, A Illilf,bnly pr6dubts 61i tbi�finegt ConSp he 4ocuments' W' Writing. - W H end, its surph e- at 184iiiii,on4o,th .other,. inning s id.the-landlord� biit.that'16wel ­711amiltcin eraldt� F, cu us- among was iuip� lbcifioire'th passed'aina ifie" �IS TKE'PuBLIC. JUSTT, - ' : . I .. I �'.. I uo t A' a id: e qua the gran s or 81, c ie emen as, itY, -carefully graded and., A It V I t .. , �a aw, is no retv ciive.il, ThEi� law h "Th alluringly are' t' '' Crown laid within e good that men'd lives after tpackod; -- stand any' cha�ce�. of' 6 'the to*&SIte-to British , army war. yet.. -succeis. a say- beon� in ihe� bo6ks. over �0_yi ppms:,to us,: we:1ecall- e m e ,�X Sixh-coe Regideiit; oharneibur� il.as.thby` or ketir dtfib s " r; an s- died. Ing which goes Something lik 'tbat� W 6 tt9t I - Cathfilifie: an n o Fr 'kfi�irt( e vice. Ali ingpectloo-of;one �& the Poor,', Simeoe, Ont.�A*gided the J.,orne �C- iCkIME.,.ANb PUNISHMENT at'.anj. �A� the'sentiment'o ca S a 9! Ju'siic.e'i"ni�e...lUnii�d"8t�ie�su'ffers have r I e, n, i's tfue.- Unfortunately Shows th t Antheisitiut s- ol- tstanding contri- vr� e i ' High Standard go' ior,6u. on, orrn to w 'tt air, it6T , it pring dier settlers served in Ail! &. England's I' at to d in-Newl -its weakh6ss. 'If it bad t hiiiioq to Candi n6iatly frohi� th men do, offect s oric, it is also' tihe that e. 6vii, more -yigtir, in reign, wars for. the last c��fitury And t e', y edorick.. Philip -car. 1999 'Ft' "th It e punishment, of has -,'a habif ­4hii � t, * " of Ii igerifig in the EW .YORK c ulren, .7oiA!t mem- nbighbors, would hav 'Grove Aifth& ­&�fiy Qr, crime, �.our ii0t ory; aild'41ten -pe'olide beconie a half. hl6rd an ed eacher, 41 e approve, but th -P r6ifte:.wi Is and he wars with hits brought, no Simcoe A�h'ersi6urg-s ory front At 'kroin�'�t' 'to iecord'� a continuous. indkease: in by theJoIstaVes tbek have made; even, In4Ig a director Of ie�.. on _�rfolk 1111 Y, I na it E iole and the Indian' Mufini;' landt -Co dr -ea on. I o . t Nei# Ygri?s parks crinill I" Le N6uell!Sfie hree� 'flidugh, at, tinles,':irijust4 Id it' . Y ic may be' . depart ere on! t Ab rl_ ]ON� ONED THRICE IA6d'.bk'tbe'4Iiabiljty. of b1iie', n he sc]&A671�uni men n. announcing thai -milk wili Inea fghAhlitmi, Me Orovi­publigh�4 * on - 6ne 'book,' t f t NEVER GRAIJUATE, o, orge 'repla'�g goda -,Pop ice 'Anti Asbant0p, � / . , -_ - - - . cream for -instance; the:oth i'ri,iuits' 6f the, arth," in 1039.�' but The scliciol'i)fe;kp6r[6c� s.6pon! 24 or da -Pefer, Cl can.0. at I itY. AMH911SUftIRC�­ The 109t I oric I. it Now; and ii.nd t q. Trans- I 11u. C p ayglittilitlB. -heeir pro- '-tell I It u-Iff via twice before is AS hours bf-'.tho',day.-��Otiawa Journal. -former orovincial. treasier, -c' I h me his e of -anything ol ectlowAhAt has been assem ectlon hag gr6w prodigi- posed.fok the Il was, R. so- 11�1�e bled Ig irliti edil I I - t qoSt, ol�is Wit n. rep imsdlf Orohibited. e no` no,tices In - every Aid 4 fe' * iqnop&9 ana is ' And; it sitsyss, 6pefi '365'dAyS of the- ;�p4sscid; . Away, and' , tl e obit Musen ofioi, and it IIS,0- the Public t1b peop'l 6 dd by Mr. -Pie h newspaper �, 0 tl*'. ��herstburg %,fifilmar, . I mention, it SY.mbOls� lig" It' ''It! additl6n. ..the pairk's 'deparitme''fif Year; U -SOME Viet gradli-, Is 4. cc y inaudi ' sti,11, incireitsi do] fund to'4pro, titb.-m�Stratfoid' Hera! iukry­� ng,'ofiislelies coni;- of, ..46 MiJbIr. Z' W. Mc� vv en he erence I t6ibiuil" of, the, dist " from NAlly,' predii an lidlan""'b, for 66' annual S*ard.. The vd� ne migthk6 ilent. of, the Ambers oe o via 0g, ilftesfib'n' apd NOT" 60 MUCH DIFFERENCE isified a ref looked Into 'tile hot huntifi-9 Histoilpal. Sites. and, Museum �Associd- made .1 t -grqu Its -a'll fra'nkfditpm-�: - 1W .�rheii thg� be. he life - ad to' medal Ape le Relieving e4ch'qthg3L�� his !gold— M '66 th pecial h gh still a rdJ tIon, and. his 66hort. of. wor cers con- 114 40-1 eien6day— u'-gervEA. a ,prlgon'. un�niMo IA-,' A fAmek, ..aAd, hii,hiied that b4i.bAd errh as a 6 to ust. e h it re tinue to �gat er. -methe 16 Royal man, at"' MeIC ary, ]tab., ran an' a result. Many Links I 69etiliii htoeg Each tii� j.udglpg comm.1 ete ek drop- develT, of. C,L of ael anada. Formal. - s 'gry beat' into-', dichadstiah' a-ld'. thon the b0d, of 966�n.',Aev' successive thad'ie 4 'the .6 86i Pic' 6ta olitnent 'this frontier territory liit, The o6colonal, us&(01 fiis tied wl%Ln � is naMe. 19 'Menitioned ? 'ti6n of the,"M& por ra Ve - been &kden-'P6W,e1rS 'i j6d *' Ord 4y Thakes is, it lal %�as 4 ha the, I is' dhly thing riglA 'that, a r4an w o may ae- an made -tit the coiWpantion 'of the R60 6'isupeiior.L�-tffisay. Foit.' tually '%urm. io' udd records.' l�f "the Mai ver a new, lebtfP au I ... 0 ed 11 cie e, IC08 � ! -Med 96 iy in, Q*66�, bOi iiindsi �&ev�nt� L K 0 LEDGE, b 'I's Pertoduied?---�Chatham,.Ne' 'Men *lid org 'th# - fillig 'I Heads PART IA -Ni W ' ' i I Is lone, chain, ot, histqy. Above,"the ease A,' dairy -ar� n0 -fierstburig gtit6snian; is described. as ne yal Describing. bims familiar,* with ail public questions. that disp.1i 'A., J. 1 . %TdOaftit�, of nor Mr, Grove has diiiing-ld§ t - TORO —Dr. A the potinding ,-hitteltidt t$THE 'KIN n ry G AND THI A R s 1111 49 8 1311 L' 9, Ad xiie'lien6t, 'was efected preglilont of 'Years residence in the.Siffi et a ,.ansWcrs-�Rdg1'nk L or?-P.osL �Their"Mije8tieg.pi'iroiinittI int rest tho,Ontitio' Medic as� a breed&. ong'a"-Imenf.. was, roc6ntt Aft� ead oth6i Cb�,xilstri'! T`,.�TA 6 ofA1011101tt) 4 Of 0A)'wiguiaw and. tpee :at A8Aodia d A repuiatfiiizi FREEDOM S, LAS N of Iiuie-Urdd lersby cittlei noullce Ili London of the 06n., H-00 igi hangi, a, Scottish s'' Oil' _tw `W6 94th'Ettifillai meeting Fort The w6M'oh�bf:Aihens, tk�rgl'a 'be-� -ah6uld ;oJ be lost upcin re yet Ious '6v P b irs old' Worn by Itl m nx wo, efids,eft as a people witose ufu 'I, build d tgi� Willia aty , ;for! less. he Spends five ok,'six buv$ Wet dittghter,v -or 9 er the -fridtltient te i6sAn'the air',', . Xi, t back In i716- wh6n--, tild noX& Y to 9 ciiftVentio�- AM r.' J. k on ai ' ev -absences' of their husbands at *list cafl�. thlrt�. -years ago - the in" . . # Q - 1 day' at hM, de� . ftrking A g,, lecorded hi r tt W141ifain; .,WA'S Tlainod, G 9, ndic-Bloyd, Aighlan' at e wei A, he *ai wolesi 116vet, which has bee bought -sight A 61111� d I ight e'e Acidge, tiiedt-: who stili of the of P 6 Len gi �-Ett inusk6ti.' ,presideh. dlodl't� Infafitry 'bridtherbf Mr,, AlAn. LonAox 1 I .1 0 ., . I UnsObn, by ar nther ciffider.4 a Ch that town, to Imblish, ai nce� otige. 'Oft the- sh I9s, ftppt�fed.iti, th' Scent in Indja.Ah, 6' t olves .of r lirb� 'district 60 ns, Beside- It i .0 newspapers, of jected: a balloon a , ' .* ' " I Engli publishing 19i4, Ain I I Is 018, earblnos,�cavalry Sword, alriniii oi, for M d d tenda lists: I i ion was, given before ­ ., and , re,as iiWot S'eatr U. �fr �IlEh lodge.- the , , d d led '.Dr.,- W., k" Colbick, Welland,,, Witli h'air the bd or, of Wen glitod' Queen by M, tlustav to tile man, ry a TliA ham -the last. citadel %of niag- 'file ball S, 1 of them qn. arnels'winner . y. Mail *el ' �o tatiotled heke honorary �r P11. G. ,Stew�rt c0pper A�iiA' ittibet eyes, tilis 11 I Derby 6fthe' T be dit "tit I ) . I . �t l' 6f. V'% . for 19 noiVels i4, iof to' fti.4- W,�v (Iu,ortin 6ugh; f k prc�s� moij Powelli 1 9 culinc� "liberty b66h aS8111 preV!6u§ y �r.' he T�Ing e!`ipt or Iroidy 0 thitil. 100 A of tile to 6od old%dg, it - Alan 'W d to the an", �tie'o,v I Alow T.%C, Rout oy, Toronto, ys) I a As a,g6Q . st6vio.i. slid volumes 'of osd�g., it' to, town* Is lst display.4, n�l in oth 'With . f (ir. ; -fit' I . lmv, J� . . . 11 : imht'Voic (I S, J�lie M tot nual A, Age OORN, IN: iN Dr, 3 alk� er 1. d los, 1,Lon(lon, Amos a iw ways I'lis kelit in close touell b cc of Mi,: Grovels. 6r'four eve 6ek ifi niaseu,, with the Adht in al 3er Mallft6t 19 gay .9 naiiectOtit ill 0,01(v oaf I-th Dr., li Ill 8A &A111i; tim- The, i�dst gu 6�sful' III ' ' ind company Insted of Staying, at rapid ilevolopt in' nptice, of gro- r, of Wales, that. gkpaf -�am;',br'-P. AA4.4cfarlane; 11amilt6fil, was "In S�at'h of Ani�; e. --lore f tile s plbli'ciati n c nillsk6ts"" r We . lie e are Adge- 600rge IL s child' en',q shoot. witli Iii� -of tho, I n 1:994 'bu .1 , Agolet t the, 1)t. W, C, *ritton I qt eeft,t&y each ed until 1927, 8666nd in y datc r ; I I T,Aawn of e a. —Winnitlegg Tkibtln�e. Inipoi,ta nde. of fiyi'n`!` Ell Dr. W, j. loties, late fibt It() An 9 a 'a 'Means o, Till , , . * I llt8t�)ry. of lig 'ROCKET.LWARFA E omffiubicam.� nad�nl and' petial C tile tsrf ii -t rilving It, the Ott- ity rankedt 110m S tor. tile' (V�bdaf Miss Badeft tj6,nii". YdSt d _. . 1'ri.. ­_ . I 'pulq 'Ift P . � 'I X I 1, - �v 6 - Not -tip! or ay- wal & nTA 6r� ftie oar�y ai��i' I)($ lia�e bediii io r 1 Nillo A�eiil ill - intpbrtant Most 4 her tlitii. oF nch nowsimpel's rd 'iloftl)l j)Nt6ls 13ay bl,� clittole, and I 'h fit'g JjAfiJ6� re nin W,by ;r ep&tsi 1 I tit Poll 4x# growing ih,bre ljust no tit Is t1lat the it in 'if brolighl ithti by Wit- flhiV; IhArvis: Skid, co nstructing A chain of' ssOliled,Jiftto a . great in, 14 1 $0 Vv Amm 1872. ;,Along the frokiek' �retqdy it: liowet t1le sufisfilh6 of t, mpiret Aid, 16�n oil ef, -avo, 61r(jod soolf �Weiit ong1Axei,i,,d lint lie, nii(At lid, n # 0 oit fid V, it1(Adodntg§ 'tot hiffigs .near tile nitlko� Ild'hoo aim � . to a Idde fie, rolt bv *JtEilT I 60 �,vere e ro� �Qnbny, y �f t eanse. lotod Ito, iIIA i ' . . . . . . . . . . . .