The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-06-21, Page 1moo PEE YEAR IN ADVANCIi: $5.50 OTHERWISE r We are :now prepared to glue de= livery, on all kinds of .slabs„ signed, THE • T,UCKNOW4 TABLE CO, Ltd OUR TRUCIGING "RATES; en la ,nbs or other stock to' Toronto, are „ „reasonab:ev'.' Lanbs • 60c each: Apply to' Harvey' Ackert, Lucknow 'Phon"e 28 W - ducting• Lodge ,Ceremonies, '(21-6--c • ).. 'FOR '.SAI.E.,OR RENT•"Village:. '.residence on . Rose St.," 'modern coll.:,. veniences, , in ,good repair,; good barn 'on' property, possession •-about 'July ,lst. Apply to W. J. Todd, .Lucknow: Y.Q.0.F. Decorate At Greenhill Cemeter'.y Tucker Gives Memorial • Address With J, 'W.. Moore Con= FOR . SALE—Brick hoilse. ' it gond , repair with .about: six acres, of work able land. ` This property.' is. desir- ably located outside corporation • to the .south" of the village, .upon: which. is; situated suitable building& for •poultry raising. For, price and furtli- ' er particulars apply to Matt. Gaynor, ..Lucknow.-..:, IIF4� Our very; best; quality. • Guarantee free from disease. Bine bred from : our very .,best' hens. We will' deliver them • to- your home. :Rocks $8. per hundred; Leghorns, :$7. per .hundred;. In lots of 500 or over $1. per hun- dred leas. ;Hatches off every • Monday and 'Thursday. `• Walter .Rose,, Brussels,, -Ont.' Paying tribute to '.:those who have. passed on,' leaving this generation a heritage, gained by „courage and fortitude; Rev. Tucker in :his, I.0.O 1". Decoration address at Greenhill cemetery on' Sunday,.. stressed' the, importance-of=upholding and=passing on this heritage .unblemished. -Al- though we have , made "scientific' ad- vancement, since pioneer days, th speaker: commended his audience to follow spiritually, our forefathers,' J W; -Moore of''`Goderich,. a' P. D. 1) G. M. conducted the ceremony. of e 0.Events g - `:First' Insertion, -50c.;