The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-05-17, Page 46.- It 161UCKNPW. yce re rrvry nu w on, at. xaom�� 0041* vioncoov*r" rue*, Ammoclatloh n000r, j Lucknowitiso Gql4en Veddl NacKenzie,, �how OWN— j, Satir4a, y� T IW V� Odium) *n On" of Avg - spent,. for a 19nk that Ulffie wis list -night -when' my wife lit It,:.to., the 'annual inocting. e af the, Bruce U. ind,Airli At a14 7ho 'Iwo, jall A, Irbir.,ju lot, of haiadshikini,-ppd D attin: in. IaIt Coni y at acquaintances and! formed oon v to uclelight ill' ne*,Vnesp we 199. AN 3ff VA ivery oom: eto soon- -i '44t: at 4- teg-PETING- IN INIF MW ut Ab6 ,two; hundred,', pv,�p 0, F �A hom ha com 0 OX NE -town village es P ve. � 's es EnItLe CANA h "U Don't forget your slo"n­­TRAIN�; ;�fte t e ky.1 SPECIAL 8411 i -1 sing- YNOT ING, FOR ACTION U; o t �an ' twit", there, w 8 Coln JANET.- GA few of the'N. ""K I At a i 1W b 49iiji all (Tura). al WA4NEr BAXTER' aC. IL .men*drs, Luck bw US knwn airs. 4.0oxon, soaks, t n ila'Wednesiday, Tfthto, the bo. Ient usui=Ac over the P02511 ties ith great-hea ti iung w 7 Of . igettin W nu r4ort showed tauc qui A absuret's hU.U,4 -all voligi set up locally. I wa toting witions there, ito. go t9wirdii tile aX010 joupt OIL r in it -le"t half it: do U inli:irestod in studyi o1quic: -to e lip_ k .our Vresent da-T'IpflbblpTs� It was in uly. 01 decided to call,�,a. � meeting" of :i all mong, other thing e see, 'those " interisted 'J"' ther','.NCK '011 death ' during the 'May, .22n �6t0p* ,,0vpnj*& d -1 ib Or, lAor yp#r of, U r . jioio - i4 this ',46nibvris, a4d the: audience,, a Orange HAIL The odz f or -- k - t, oad in. In ence meei* . 1-5 cuss p ans , * , U �f nar ol� TeapeA at ust - the, wng� 4. CC I ss West Wawanosbr which Rev. jft. to orate, in In prayei.. with" next row.. Akostron Hd in, a h '16ii .011 ­nqthiog Ir 1V Is ru- ageri. vie . elected I,iori-. 'Aeii.io wim Half penny .(Kiricar., -ON E tstTHE- N.' C�N. fli AIR Vice-Fres.. '96. bro''ad'e'a's'ti over Stition hi ped.' Past pkes.e 1 Duck V I ... 0-A'setiels,of p Winghain, h4S been, �Ftesi eat, I C d' arranged ilitchell (Ripley), suitable yice-'jriosi� 46 from HoiW 'local Young,.1 ople W stallon, (pal dy). I'edi vitally hteakang. .sub- A). Ouiin � (Underwood); 2nd * Vice- T,m ate Planting. A 93t t isley)';'. Ti a vAriitie J.. c1s, Tune in eia�h Thu ay even J.. A. ,'�Giibout (Pit roift: 7.4 Kay (Underwood)j f a td 8.001. ng 'd Wisrtoji T have: a a.-supPly 4 T1 A-000-6 Kursdiy-ev ti of - a'. -t of kifilo'se �explahied the n Cane a A','pPasintiatib Thrip, Killer a And- reviewed. � som of, � tb j pi6obleins �4. . ba,io�611I (Loucknow), Anil f witit a*Straig ;ight or bulbs' before You %,to grii'Davison. on' rbich Youth iS.rfAced todak,. The �)4quit,of:fiowerj text �sjlftaining the 'golden.. anniverr "it is 'the '�i it ;,,tnd eisiest'.:' yolli'm6nek., get with - �, 9 11 In 0 following scl not:meri)Y, -a eautlia. bile, t 0, ba, . i Year- "! "their. �weddiflg *on much djC bQ­fjWjd6k�..t 0 6f� . . I I j. A h othe sicond best400king �ai of i oitin., t.r may -17 �­Wa,r, apd.� mint j)lauie.'Jor Mr., Davis( i rat work ou short nyeari bijkjbe First'place, being',takeri toy A car 6 , g ov fo te Y. per.!'. Rotchison. 'blind- en t. notice.. F.O.BL Lucknoo*; ponti.a46.1ilies are'loni sta i I I ithfUl. land, p0oula ow. A -very, a H 1...g is ar, to fectly, roriip6rtioned. Aiistreamin 24;..-irhj New,, Cahada. qv4q�: jf" long,- Aaridiu,k. He.. it related without.- btin&,extremc- r-111 the kind of Ift: mene, her. Ds Lvisonsof L o d be proW, to 011MI on anot r mW ;Uy, nown, -in. race. STEW "d waS:1�'well'k a ca aOW,, An to -1, f ".Other g egg compgrj6j; wit arnsrm qn -And pron. Sinoot e- ay!" d" �mddil.­Xnei-Action- is Aeli4er'."a rot MACKiii-I Mi4s', Aveiry'11 Asbfitld. �ije& With'- "Aphe 16� roam, thrilling "Floating Ridi"that leirels out C4017 zle By-, al way o Wiast jnq 4 .,4 aws, 10 ill. (Tafa) 44 t unon tional- two enor AIMS, 'bumOU Extra�weighto stithtifie wer 4nd Ide as solidlY'a's a traiti, A 9 Gaunt A them 0"When Yolk'. aiid'i akes the OAr ri ling, 011: C Wa*anox&, Zoang , MajgW1,, alteria i w,,r .7 I., 'th odang6roukTiA th* ""Don't forget �0. itors particularly 1;aliply to rudq olm #fn at. a turns;,Andbigh ridsbui6lyappointedintiri e QXAC Tivrnw�',-. ity, of,l ;9 00 M., Thiitsdom. o ne of' U6 ribvide-ples ingi er� 'The oveattat Further oil lainiW- hoir-and., lee �'clu t ito,ma e -up., fashioded,'eiiy-rchair comfort. In'tacti through. ers-,of �-Vinc�uver amolkil, ! ]K , , � N G So "ORSI Wilk STRAIGHT me siumininig up oirt'ant, big Car C Canadi'MoVeinenil' -fit rep jVeIy Ow I?riCe you all'the, imp.' t that b )rk,',. and teferri t rac r o our, Comp,L W pgAM 0CTAN1 SELIECTOR arat I inoria than a waY � o. . insure: e. ear s,. w( na' - 9 ' - 9.11 slim a f -fore- he baa6d �" on zhe'L4tjj4inj Ch RE N '40AOR 100 a1itili:about ier main -industry. iatheii'L'.fn 'Br um. w L as. mo I at in eit.� kol�y, OUL tw TARTINATOR weoo�i triid to tell Y tbQoL:'ifiteiests of I otor TheL' esYo di the'sellin'i of Smart W�ar. C s- e- ing.L:T rsof� t e evening.. was S, gm cen , �,t' . I r "W*RADIATOR., ma igiie�ltue. -The New, tDL i r Prive - the new -eve :given, bY Bradeno - who 4: by, a" 1ikio ' ybuth­ miovemen w., arbleS'. L*fo*r owen, RAKiS Yeoil.L onot &jgfe me]] a C. :... , � ­', . .. I S, 101016IX: AIR -CO politiac.. pe n; I W ' 46 W AnY parts of 09t6i S'' it D e s Vh ff. �0', a. W,Ule�'n6w I t AWS" yevisited'm In So . . S Id � r S es 431C, U,.= agger Iftd L at'tltU 6. nitted..L,SUI'tg, t d' .13ru New ere is thw:�rcquire- I ce L. QUrf"K obili t III Life,, a 4 than t6witr rIA, K .that, h ...... . . menits oz 1; 444S L: y. er ---- --- -------- Uuals, ahtd wore insirried in j ery.., wore,than a coil , e on of' indiv eswate' and ..Hosi thii e& ie h -while quite You His LOOK LADIES insurin r onom e -came Crneral -in uence. Nturi.-: It i the' spontaneous Ak Was, , *,bout the ff -bf the' S'Smart Itommit Sprin� C6ats, P 0: ho� b6 I t zeni , new. Writ in, Yout , h .,4n I , 0�g.. t ma erg o &New Canada. Gre'ent:Navy,- Sand and DEALER: and out of It IS,, are yo.springing ift� t I st. It was full of reminis�- ever �-060tilaf Tweed' effect U a ho 'have beeni, orommen ge er of 0, tt e seab3n s, of. �I -:Brdce,l on.thiii;46-i C to' lid oinprising to t : ..dvdry' ;Community in C� dent CAL rich Grey as as in Denmark and 'olsi 7 of, Lucknow; of d Satur Ay, *11.95, oelk 'PHONE 14 I -�hilosoiphy._ the 'richest , of, Aid !I. the, n cmirtiLGARAGAr he 30 �GIRLS! A, )ther* -thin To ;be nti u d next week.. ium= mong 5 a . , :, T 6w.: styles and co ors hat,;be-'1,had' given'.. scores of .after sinart Tweed and'Monoto, in linner speeches but it #166re-difi-' . RAPID.ClT thi. Sites 4 to- 1i Y TiN'IT.-�-Yout,'spoke4-6 U6 , _j nneg. , utii6u aer"? aadxess ;;6I A novefty.: As'�i be. I nces a 9.51. Thursda to 0 ja eYe go ay UL, �"O IMAY ''for, Mond !nin �Aturd Mr - - ­ .1 , - , . _X�_ . ight7 ly-,at', t e, Roy Mae 'ilt thaf' others besides mSelf Y Garles St*ard 7�rf$ Ifie concess 3 001- 1 R opsis, EXTRA I A raejj of pott. 'Ve x0 oiclo&-gve e .t 61- emptir plate waiting td e W ed Wi W The Supper, radEled 1. Ir would Cut b' filled, come his alk'sliprt. W '.Csitherine,Ki g, who. has 4�0en Cfi6ke of" Z9, 'oIIoWedj;­pYokninent . Bruce-.- men- - it-�- - -77A n, �is now in Be -suie, to t ith EACH $6.0 Aght.fThurg- icki g their. jobs as�waipr 0 uch improved, tuniift�t6t Ls V or- t'hetini othe Wo-� th# L nie'...grini seriou e an T n HERI nua� S, ANOT ICU_ I . "*, L L - i. on,-Wi�mhanl-'Mf� .Autchison ir. sa d iiix.ed Wa e an Robb of - u "te, It- RE' 8 Vtiie. Ii6m� e-Arnianivilt ff-Abit-charactei- I , itbL jollytgwd w 'fr JJL , . Riplia . Chos, Steward,, with t e s- ,'.pea ing, on -a of MrS.L I . h ­ i " ;u`bject of Ized, the.. And now,; called� on' a erg,!. IbdSh,cleir fig,� counter , ewr, brbadcl6th: ommie, 'Mon Doug las in t e V!W reft -dially , our Ing bairin.' raisink%-an othe rpew 'A �Lj GiLyn ffay. to .2%. "690( r wOr ' k -I itors ith ri. Sarnu�l Hamil-. -Havoc".. will li� their .inibstbrsAid'. when -Bruce $E40 .and, :$X.98.�, a W oilowl'o, g the , r it e, youn ,ro 0 was o0enIhg exe c e S, of �h j evie 'O tn' Sunday last -�fefoj B w* , A n6iff''doon I o to the 'Wo. hav'b' the' filitSt L' stock '.of ftm*� Win t IRNI�HINO Geddes, %Glen ritlie 1 appr�, Al,Went down and.'.Dorothy dedddso, AINO 09 ;FT the over. ft A and -d: t 'T POW kh 'And, Robert. Irwin Tupsday.elfianihi in -the f 96�g�hgiii,, -D ' ds of. kineardl the, '�billiiDom oup e., o tape Iand, INOOr f0rihg§ bUtSIjie 7 Fowler, w 6 r6ides kh houirse, daheing' was .6hjoyed, - There, -Vs" 'ha --Wn io C As,100 Aitchison its sente Y Y, c 9� from the or ancersim- "n- and k.., tot 6n"d ' I Lwb * -Alt. n g-irentres"t, . -arrange 0 dt theidddor's card the rei: I p. S267010; .4xpendiftAbi local joYqd.thii.pit',a8;.rhuch its tbe others t mine see thifth his. been und disiilet t '.2i4 arie j"g, 1ther6 is beauty and, grace. a d re- ng k e. stokin, pat vee I avi a , balafte on tthe 116wef h by' of $27.Q1 The e 0 N B R O.S' Th the "Young r tok 207; Allan ota4to 6min in th-ii dantifig of! Bruce AittlilsoiI. $60; Xur- 13 bitiouiet tive 's -0boi -that make it -,a' jo'Y and plea. Ki fty Bill 0 row 01j, VaEt. 9 11, sIES' '639; Doipt Webb Pebtilb'g �"IdLy An I vin, Iii Mrs, Youn-45 71(duiig, Oe60le of the' nimu 16" this i u . 6ke of -ts, lwcrii, lid' there III'. Church .,on Moiidayt 6*ciiing - was tan'. dild In. news of, the onloolkci,ts *@I� on to the 'hy To' WI.N.GHAM Asl made a Iso,iiii. oumn.. S, 426. alfair� lte�i IT Mmif Shirl * BU04anan!p orijbyable , '� I I c i6t tit �� or, tulvtl else that ey bf":Rod On handi jrg''Jov "Ofilt �m how, MAIW, "were ;th!Lnkihjr of, dan�e h of inie Address: &'C: Luckhow United -Chute was thA dice -1 ...... t may e sorl Meb"old 6164. your Wier 'M they',had '4tefitt6d' n Luckhow (inily, E tipeaker get- h �oceasi n., �Mrs. W.-E'L McD4naI4.- & be. j11.L.th6 old Cal dbhian,'Hall there JIPhL unin i1o, �-T�� .: i ol Ackpow., titirieli abeti4 d: Nei Wiilter -Lane is - riving 'the A thing of C gi Eor6ident, Uro . ..... Chat. StOWAU -no' Gamrgw Wilin Gaj OA whlioh' 1 hilieve is iverWood'is. tiu�ck, the Riplia 066 AU -4. - N.:'E Bushell; 26d pastYj n Ripleywj '! Kincaid i, nc r YZI. 8dc!y;-treasi, Mrip'. xki 'XLIdX MCarr huckpow. route. th j, ujidefgo' TeeswAter,' Wilkerio& or one: d' �r sceS Which,! ;j. calledd, Tho" marked , r8. L , , - oI 61'. Sedforth, Mi I0 ' no Mr�. Thoi;, I ng ealp "harke- A3raoth­ diie* of. the'-, dhit � pl! etit, the e�k.o - 'with. Mt.. And le .0, Thot edicAt treat k6jjtdj At jLj,. If., Thompson,. ri� rh IAne nd ; miss .of of6aio home,', and ii? which' *0 Mrb;.' W 1, ri biothot �ejider niembrieb. lit . 001101). present. itchh3on; Difif. W. j;.L Douglas. Mrsi, 4 'The T�.,T. ofiXtiox PtdAyter- Nni,' Connell,: Mis: W. V. - Johnatoo'. sfoeiIt'the eek-ohd With 'hot' and Mi Robi. Webster kf �oUghjL their Mri obii"Kilatrickt� linton on' -friends her I L, Canipb of, thk yed to a,closoa,� in the form, acthri krs. 'R.'H. Th6mpSOj nnigan AKINLOUdH A in Church, b iiieetinkis 'and 'Mri. ei District dif- Iror March* and 6. 'AA ni6nd'L Xii' an r tr IV-�-4hfs lilli W fill i, L th. te", of a hAnquiat,' ,A, spl4ndid' proscrant Mr.4. A. n and Mt We are sorry. kvv r a o - t ' 6, report. of no i 'Grambiaii Liter& 'Mrs. J in Mt. Johh"If --don History, w go. - gi�dh, nterlperAiad by to0ts, Music. Cbm.,.- W. Olin's - in ti.. " loci 'Qhainn�y, BdjgTa�e.' Congratulations., to! Mr. -and Urs. Arithr loll 09LV�4 Go Geddes; AUditbis't' Mj�t MrS.'Wil fr ditlqn. a's yet, Miss eha'1tobihd6fto. xi on,, dAhO60- aetk. Lind, their 9 u es t is al joytit 'And M ellingto, r I' d Dkeiinari and Oi Bushell,' (nee Beth ;H es. Ged; Mrsi,W Riodlag�-$,gdle- FArt at' -the W rP.. deg �ilid With g'lit S , iiinfriage, took place.. tit Uoj�don iMrs. Chas. steward, UkA. foni un ay. even Mis. Will Oatdriet sten unda A�bb 0 The -RIO Y,.jW6'M-en#s Instituif" MO J'.. S., M'd en- the fokinet A,, Jr.,, IV�1-41112 -ClAil *ss exiinined at Mrs, Raddilek' MAtty'S'L fit;, Miss Lkzie; obgtek� fid ra. on Sa , turdity. last. fth her. u' with th ison', Mr a' meg, w­kAean; Mrsi ]R�i, A., Gra-1 gil wi I*title&. k4or"Phy0i Lry, peniog eicercises. the j)q1ntikjI ieprdsehtuti� -.of Toronto is- Edna, attended 'the annual literstare, and; igi Geo. Pfbck *Or ' A I hditiftlJY #to Ing weaker of h it., 9' brenn0j, *Kifitdi 0 JA , Grain�irj� �5011111 d e t' Mrs J. tt.-Wbite'in e arke. v to ih dW I h 11ho Evelyn M�Leaift, and Aq. iojl� ing 06. 01 h. h e Migo ectio n f officers, lAdt onual nieeting ic Cecil, and - HaroU dardner, Frank ik iM, resdIRS-W for the Jck:,UAcXehzi4a 604, 'ya, 16h, iield,at llol�rbott o*n MAY-aO The Spendlng� her vacAioni WIM' ber� the Womelnifif 1tuxiliary, 1fr0d �Ritehie, are Iu8k sebaing joili Sandy 62. ydar took plAco, As �ollo% r 6fido alliod 40.', d arranging' of the,'�j6ktijn­for the mothe � o­Mts tH 3. Blakkkaind, toroi.h., at �L fiL ast week ReMe., Will 12, con., Mir. 'and 'gon.-, ist viqe. Mrs,. ear. W I at ered, bV cillt- the hafids''of tbd rsHaIdeh I Ick GieAhbi and Finjay Iisis, wil's 0 n .r. sor�kutivL And directox - R Watk­9 AMily of:. Torbatot and ra, Henry In d Ijt#rAtUjeL 10d Martynl.­ 2nd'vicd. Mrs. D,J4 'e, .6 it wag de� Ler-s eity in bf Detroit. ner A I nd h and McDonald*,,' cided to', c6ntinq nidetinst ii eUh 'relaii'veg Lane, spent gat rda� I ral u '�6fijoA'L d Ided to .*Ith�' spent, the wedk-en&,'with -Mr. and P,; n WI#A' 41yi CoftkP�Aitld� Mrx., % Me .1 I sh '60; Eilen l(j�nonv Ja. BrYce, X, E.- ilaldon-ioy ham. l , - - , . I sih.-YSUTI S, le4 r ust in on, d kw'thla 1`U1Y And Aug in ! a I tnfa' Wind-' I` And Mrs. Harold , Thompson to Zion .,I held:lheir dlfeetbri; Mn. M.' kiii Fiiigirald'i' ff - 'prog WAA' enioyeat , M 1eirolt,, vdr the weeli-dn& eetinjr, on AAd kiminiad In' $t6tt,'. Mrs,, Nr.' MdT�enan; Mig. J. A sho ram V 411, L, 4nd,. M sp 'the. * the hOnle ",of Misi ite ie- lolin And pliinq duet WJr. II.,64his CU01 dCd:fh`Iidk*. sistifik Of A- 4 idk-`en& With 'the on Stjnd�y �next �at ti.ni.. to jetiltraphy. Thorhtdn'and Mrs.Robb, M 0 An-MrCt' reenialit , Me noMj§, e her & Ch owlei. .6jA06sjtIon' and, diitflA 'Lilljoadt6�. ' V W�,& ..London A P.00� reto I day VaityAl , tOu"bY . r W . I U010, Im I10' ebarmb o the servi�ds lht 'an( I j! 4m In u L nity Alogin In m rojuL h60 Atten. Chui It h" SL unday umbled nunibei 1: deii the Nilf fil f, I" t , reo IMille tepottef Vrh"� ROt. '.h Ailo� hiti, 'Mis. Nel6ork a3r- lico'n, � 726 911101011 'o,, rtnLd prize wen tobungannon nito'uni­ e n %) Service. i C ., � I'' -r1ftd'j6 any h I 6V ',�t .2 e%)IIald. The' tucki ticket nX4 paer. oi "W4r Vi mS (,h r h 61 Luddridw 9pen d I t Ritcbi� s roble -to -bi fib6t�� wirt not James giVen 'bv. tho, lonthrobe' was it IIao , w Mee Ing., daV% Irie ha it fe., iane1)v 4kizi 11��Ilitty _ � en't olid he d. the �,OJ,4,h Uij v 'Olt r. Er fter U t,hO NA� irohiliehtfl *Iako, giat, held on ih ro, Ut jftdt ,*hjCh't'hd , �b do -this -611d '11A .*0 r "Will aIonal Anth i tn i� iii Iff -t 0 IOUSQ, 1centle. tit 004,00fth* 0. 0 an4 1040 �'# YOU0011 VVIn OV. 444 opt T . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ .. ....... .. ..