The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-05-17, Page 3-�tl 7 Q. . .. ....... 0 1 tTU S 4 411d V a top it �Ot .W�le iii. nu eengo-, eviousbe wo Ja s a,�qp, pint r14.)v Ar was , te. -recpntly-w�th th of the, o pra e IN ip C NQW' RAC .'W Qvep� f9 W. p4okpd Wltk 00PWOOPO: Papiq 1.2 pn -;1 4 geo awr9pgj, eitho who e .14 ne.44 yog q44: 40, 61... - I �op 4 Fb o, qbtain tickets, 9411pry: to', wk Pnnngsq,,lb, tlI6 ql#, of, POC 9W 04 on 52A queAIOPOTUIV TIM t4ii t P. Per 94. p, noth ltIj the Iloy-' r, !!Fdr, five, years t! -was �Aj P�Iiipleq 44pi 44tjo� gq,i6 the C Von _�Inon 16 May t A4 , 9r, the, pi h ,as, g� YP 40, 4ergy bitl* on had adgy Oiys� to 57 �,daY d" I v qq�14, go 'er �Ojoy alt, events, fthlighig, Anbld meaf *'Ithout. my i664 repeatlii.& On Ap6t and�, Goo'd, 4r9m One-, day, an o Reid, . th iTop t , Wrj e. J9 Czipt4t 'F' .or, x1enlok Rvotta")r4eht eek told mg. td.Ar qohe.rc -eL Richmond 13,4114104", pnto, Q;r elp- ave It tk )ne,:WA,ve 6 4 and e V., 4, sit down' good ;pqA tinils� foitnij 'bAckgfI6ufid aV8 U p. f6r- All Cnada but tY( thing had t d U f ipr;;, -held crystils -which. f9 i as the Ate the ad Ioilg' our: coL. h io ketting: about ihQ,r; freely, pop: tes I eljigjndting� organ at., pe.lAng AM Pilace in May 1 ana,, at up and; Ut tk$ fire,, U . . . I - lkruichj�en-. �gas�can alw�ys III wbpn the King ...m.orning 1,9 eL jUlivi and' Queen i0- OTTAWA-, 7QOkWm1&Q, n1_ :rAL e 0 144 ties L 1 9 Is ng, t e puAly: mother cpive, s a 0 C 94 was crazyj. because tho_g I saw-, als from the: systeM..And.inre! t p 6 ial I Aumeroi4s, 0`1 Jisc year, e 0 ed',my, old crutches up, And: boiled. tne aot t tered, e: t e 11' efect, InterM -re- thet- counirioq.who, are luck r ilr; naure. such p L consluin tj enough :.,,*et e with -them. s. 4,07,�74- man'%' cl ip* —,ask j6r gulirity"thit po* such, body. -po sons o be igVit46d. e, at, jr L .. . , I nignths, of its uric a Id are, ever lible, to accuma, .,e want �a 111, a lio "That was six years ago.. and 386,-,: c rdifig to, A, ietufg, talilled In V; jke�o ;dj., back At� my Old )Oli' jj a chef-�­ late Again.)Kr4splien., Silts is 61AA111- For t '-on- the H.ouj�e of Commons. 45c'., aA,. ft�cal. year,10 3�-Jbe iotal: was Y ikh" Level 3, 3,728 8312,086.' 74c,, per bottle. H n ear Smokers, Altogether pa zbje�at r1eis a tire DQ1 :, , I I . ' 1.1'n u and. a-�. ef rs. 411' Drug' -Sto il,� Woo of Au's�r-ailj� lisis' hThe' wool"fidustry _11��o theidven Dominion vntn.e 'WnW-of Coi,Vlete' :LU. N —te $24,624,262 as A on' ac . 9 the',h� ns nges, of -�rl6e recoyery in �a r'ea6&' ho ' I . (Gro.Lp -Analyst) . '.'. L I : " , I I . liat they d garpttes. gu tory of that I . . . , .; "I p a pit ;io4blrdls- 'By- GE L R- r 6 -t `6 duties on OFiFREY, St. Q 'All: , 4, . . I-, its varibuB to ndustry. Price ed to adejii�p of t IsAotaj. "id the high9si since the 1928-29 9 All ightw reserved. tho� Cigars eem6djo be jolippifig -in 9son r ool se� vei Wpei cent'6f iotufttrit -Durin uths'of',;' Y. g, thg 11 mo which ;will be available this 'season totafL Was '045. 18 fallacious. 'art every 0 7,140, '(#dkor's Note:, Minj letters- of ap- This sold,.a . t an avera list year t�p Cat'H Vhile,�tbis- approximated.1be, number has been .910 adianc6 rom �side of d yot b ozi - reieivi�.d tIll"iind married FarWers et -7 thdeS offer pprag."Ini, ca it .'total. back in. ­1919. Sows w a are un al Via SL. ,you, an in peop e i. -when -the-, Qoite- y- i1thfU1_:_;__ ideri wko have,, accepted the au. �au iscon C 11). yeae.S Ii :-Re I is tonipd ,be use�Lthcfr n Urbs are so with 'the pre i .,was 119,097,104, e woo reag. ir bf* th ig Canad&.4s,-car' 210' tbe'total as- '213;858,046. from their, own hand, i -it n 7= I Have un I e- g. ty of -in *led. in C ian -�StpAjnshlps Mari; ton't: your.0 See, the announce i4go, demandi GOverrklyijent an& 6r4ift y� t6o.in t6 In pr is a ask, or� which. pro%�Ide direct service be en"' It is i1cli t, t in stress,',the" ate.LMsl a. al -opera of Grapho-Anii y9is, is 'expect, tbat,th6 wise,� o 'ney vi -d an t is have All he, Qj�fri ution �t th Wh4g da A Usti Ja -and,XeW The, value Z - eal dfid' Refie. or ore e' t ame'igt4es�qi-.'the* same assist Cu stay! s between Used to For it 'tears like�' and dAhire, is' a- "All womew are squirrels because The. cat d di,, 'that lo I Of r'. ,q . pipromise . necessary, pe e. YS' .&A eiL Od A they' Insilnetively, hide thifigs.I-Ed- LittlefilloW. e -age ople and _g d c tdon, Dre�r; u er ve. :so ofti. go ea the Merlin Go at weav� 'i, - atid reveals, in most., marriage -na-Perbei. unerring fA§ for -the Swift,'Canadian "TpAnyq, 0 t n; e characteris cs a e writer. ut a y�ung'c6ujple- whose nittakes. Tax - B s U. S. in - aest Sinte QL't L.� 'I DO& r9n Q,As 9 the farm&s. i..: E is, '6pp O'site- 6)q,: as is Oni e e A. up ion of hon-' Are at tfie end of the y puir, yea jd 0 524 For Farimrs' Of ex.- and Xent to mptove their esty d r r, are starting out with a treihOndogg, --And' Ing. stock and, recenily'distributod a - g, t, a e '.to handicall.' "An gr�at a, omes,. d'that too Small qe are Oi V -the far thou h e. molIg ir,trj of the Tilbury, dii clasliffi Ad *0 111 6, c e "e ions AfidAh6 penalty, is seen, by, th dr.of u Says, the ictoria. Times='!Alb has' a:: Ar.16 b ooicp gr be' onsidered. T hington--Not' since'., 1924 c ad of ch breedin bgree 'Of -expre4si*6i ''those u. �s , I ria es. Pitys6n Terhuno, wha the 3jVi[PU d iess a!- s' ce sfU - mar -novelist, 6mall.Aixpayer had such rellef'4s ron., QIUI:dZ Sows tI''Senate and made available. few , t6l n6tloiis�"these. are of v a mpprt,. has wfitten so eloquently of his fond - would .)-pay'uhder: 'the �r Th.;s sqw,.:are,, eomp ness, for dogs,� broke down''the other '!House Greatly! reduced.. Cost far lesi, Putnp ance, M. H;j Tor6nio.-`, By all means -sue'. schddules. ared, with the i6 'r. -4 Witt, 'and - da�y. Ekciaptlonall ..the co4piei�iflo day and adinitt6dj-hat catil'. the farmers through er,niKht y.bui1usbAnd,fo`r d Yours is,.a "a eally and;.pyiiients fen year,, 'Company p giViha 0 .. aw d Write-tod r XA? Pr6 ent I' Of.. the Swif t �an ayI for �Of E dPLE It 'th 4 aSeh Dw t, k' Ow kissioner-of the- ias, e Ives -C Makried� -years .-ago,1- lAwg .$20i HOusa%$8,_ x j9 Limlteq 1�6rgus.. Qp��, Box. 2,3 T. e� They are I, smarter, 'that Is'If, that iiusbaiid 4e a=i ; CA ar'e ordered' m. zd -1923 at,, ---they was come th g veil a Is 0 here: I s, t r' u s: two ft y rk — ------ d- sold: 'things. very deeply,, and whb expresses! a.youngian -�id7 -104- -in now you meet hie p �on., IbeeL one.'., -A, dog, *ill.,give you his Vance an -are you. or- loyal 7 ty an& tlQk't6 u "whei . I .�pFpdit 'Of.. er ma i Ot -price, � thd-, goveinmi T I :Ae is' it. feeling. She'li�es to'be loed4nd who Ove 2ti p ent'payfiig Uld her, h vard,�young man, and.1 ce QV I C or very un a py. ithut the fi h I him. But the -freight charges. in,lots-'of'20 . jimint also u4&r ap-� -erg. orei' Th of oth P ��,Ohich cannot �b �6jjr �fo irot anyt Ing_ n,,it.,for In 19ig, �:-19i,], 1915,. and.' 1916, there M. Itchiiij not a caL m! egover was no x, at all on.a net Income 'Of Affection rtlip 11: �u �jy b6ars ould t d d I b ind,4 Ain - be- --have 11hpd a or b' It it jis w But,AigICZEMA Met 11 ' - 'May . io What ance, of :happiness you.direct Ybii, prove, cp P g sonal'mAtter. Ah" e. In was.. --$60, e a ove yp -have, marrie- to,; a man'who is I . I Mrs" . viri per 1'91% an I " I WEezembicialcogtonn2yiegam tri ear�: and have tnht6d� like' a free, she" d i920:,:$46i, P21 an'd 1.9N'L ected, 1 d 'ed are care ahn t OL&t 'any man an,JGeo rey r ny -at Oudiot relief it on it I n -allys Mr. Terhufie...�`I come' cool and: unemotional, who diilikes Thq�e f ully' se1j thi b ttifdid ndLgoo. f3 Leg the sinarting, burning -and ithing. ifestatIdn' 6t aff6etldn, and- tf St Claii -help y u? ong. a ier'kitcheii Aby,'the Swift az�adian­�Cbinpa MVW.� f Coll and Are �All go4d ba. who is -.so governe 'b mind 'that -Wo6lid jou, like, you �ap- more' Your ct' d y r handwriting their lerful-bintinent... I cannot-opesk h oohi" of it.,! 54 6tr ak, in his d YP" 'd'to gillow sefid an jj&Ir . nature ou much eitir ' e to a move co.Olatment is sold by 'know?: 'YOU- Q'fil Farmers are e y —23C he hain' a If iiend whose gladly Q01me to my on. and des erf. 'Tail Re- t gonerou e ysed-­or.� ave �,Iou a nature? d T ad'a cat w. h, loyalty would' o. 35C. (tube) 991sts YL letter' qg one wit I ve ears. 0 1 the- kther day, I' -roceived a Send a' in your normal -hand-l', -be liko 'findi h ff. 'Marketibie, sow t6 'the &6ing c9m-� 50C and. Stan. o have owned ed ;L witIL Joe oin and a 3C F4 pany, and teceive-one cats The curi-ent issue, of the- British Me. 'of the..select romwh �be Inclined to. ouirrol'inuch with .-dical,Journal Cities tw. daS*Sr of ba7-. --,%he--waff --*arr4ed- -icy' 4-3 on�s in oxchanee. Clair I -Graph . o,-Ap;tl . yAt, Rdom:421, 3L _W I - - fhdiedo the odd tw 'been -this. "gettib � Nes both dituffig but.'has in6ver_ 7 n.,. e -..:ttie packing nou years.ago, e, on o objct., _W e about It. ig that� It 66 96 "A 4ndT -th&-'-g Vernment In," .1 ' y '410 , , L , . , , , . : "b assis Ing . in lia since - th Ure§. do- Ad�WJe 'St. West, T zifi; nte, b, I to�. y 6 PI I uff: first A y; not re ated the --parted. 15he is of the type'L whic makes the ficla-�o ' canada enti nf ease, efte ose coin for each Pee led, get.fishiless The, tiynd: 's imen unr this way is to r, isme why she is un' f Y seeW,:wi� discovered to haveL at its. at'.of assuring-�he iarme s- W bit - .4 pig jr above' and asks 0 writing you one one. jour.analysis i share of th6 English bacon mar ­ 111, , . d iralfgbt 'n Ike th appy an wonders whether Iihe. ii will her a revelitlo : t, For IV the dog flatterg ego I�i n o you. plunging teadlofig into' th6: m45t 'tino' It. was. zibout.i�tee-incht�s-.Ibhg.-.X�-riiy- anistin of e for -their hog&, responsible. tt, ter Oic Ut 'does �it In wa Wre. The �ap�en age:was agecessfbIly. that d, "Groat "'The, writing.of hA',hu.sbandp which critical Mid ug'selftsh'Idyaltyj tlie cat' revealed- it. to be of. a honLWhy. up� CM0 to Min. le endiosed,- Shows has abo C a fiidr�,'s�btle' �,by means. d' me,.are�' they who �op ion., eAft Ion A$` r ann of.ra haughty condeseexis' t" when the baby -spiritual,,js Aronger thah'4�y mater - as Much ect' renioved'.,by-, opera ion 1 y A.dbg goes bLihts -rule the 'da 'about the hou t :fo ; : e humbl eal h gargoyle. na was five weeks irmit- lat force, that gratefully at you' for Pc The second baby ad a, short flesh' two are. rhismAted; 'I can see Y. world."aw-Emerson. .These t -bim to'stay Mo t af.th there. A.'ciii "'goes ce:of happiness for- Until rece; , years e o� ,tail, highly sensitive which was;.also Very little chan h you proudly, regdlly� lopkin t r6ug �removed Item. I Hoes -b a ease' eptic ements for canned peas where the a& yotCand, ypu. Vile ce, 'Analyst w6uld,ba or - "nfina Improving", past quietly letting', -of it Grapho- ce were. supplied b,y.,,Ontarlo,, or by lm-* bu-rajon. ps e. 6P-00SITES., �and-Brlltls -C ltiimb1a,-ha_ve-estafiIIsh­, ILO�ovlq�eth FrUit. Export Qiialitk portafioir . ..from Eur Ar'ge: M -rare Pri avod u�h� unhappiness. Quebec undeistand that it Is'a go AR Mel iffy -,1UPAI daily' t i4 M "is - An old saying hat, 0 'and eipan There 11�- ed ded In Output r and chopped liver. That's what 98, alit if �Ordly' 14 kven whenAi"submits tb.being -piiet- 0 1 S sites make.tho happi&'mal-riageg; 921 herecorded' itcreag of.6annin Buenos Ajres.�Wforts to. r4i�e- the say after takie. I for -that n en.wheu, standard of entine fruiti-, exports woloen P ased-7-0 i.ttttgr e* n. 2,262 acres in t eniap serves, n., NO.'. had .'9:38'5 'acres:- QU0., comes over, a.nd'd da, petting� to United a tish rq.dim.' " 1 . . 0 , L. . I . . L and 'St t6s and',Bri gives ihiew more It . does, so .with - An air � thht -lets: Y'QU p bet ?,161 0 s�, British -Colunibia, 131onis' -r ed. In ih destruction 'of stren th " before ,.pre 418� _easncl small a ge' 4,UUU tons- 01 Tfuir ich— prea s in other pro-� OW-74dd-StoMa In11r-Vq=rAr f t, committin E sp makes life vj brought the. total' omatter,and that.itLis no 1 9 Of' 1934 �,ure food in' e6to'rs i&, hanke a .,M g -such 4: ocrb's.' �Ifi the7 past:ryear -6r.two,- Im- it favor: from ne na Y- by. acq.6p.tin akesk 11L. �orts of this-pioduct hAd.'beea negli- ippers profits were inpreased 70 LYRIA! PINKRAMS'r.. his, for some reason,, 19 k ' Lit '' . regula-L an& the, Canadian paqk 'Is. d� per, tent' -by tlih:t6n mitigated Ing export markets asr 1. a -result'/of 'its tions, it was e9tiniked, thr'oUkli eliln.' :L 0 ETABLE t js actually Ifit-' VEG 6 low, rather agreeable. the un to You, ihe ci f WORD higli''qualitk. . Eili6rts agiounte4 to Inatio,g. - bf i6si;eb tbrduili deter]6-rii� ........ t pepple ......... I . - 4 JLere , s t Ot nf, AW An- -193� "e4son-;.4. _o. 4Aon.-Grape­expor 5 34,341-cass the: -qro or anoiliefi D av Is. to - pu-,f WD HERE, ARE THE SIG III one Way ;,73s eases' in the Tirst-threoL TAIM 4 I frm Z2 1 L da kbep the,'dallY,, of 'I C nin T ith, a' good bal t knonthA 989 to 40g,547 qs ARD. 1ti& fically. to "N' 'pire vr�iioueut Hen acheim. Agricultural ituation'Builefln' es tb'e CIt eut like period'' of 1934. oWANTED Ith Ave. breadi! In, the pantryj it is some Ow Mont n6.pen.jione 19" r Wbo .1 A6potijer 'MoUt cheering to 'find o 'Broker and' �pcutiiy Wpsm( qoUr, btth of a Stitte.! ln�L the long to The WL e ' ither scrapes nor cajoles. in outlying. districts district tat, toxien 06' run Is the w 0, "Mr. To "I, �Farinirs, the,.,N ineand Auto.11p h.;61? F bith* i i9e., Individtia 6 dri thune represon ive for jjea5e'� hig'Ifoin, to dairy, n like 6, ca, e, e ver, ing Merit(in 'd.40 ake.turr. oil established Toronto Brok- &Aned�, It..jr S. Mill. Spo T; MIAT ltO i.0 �08 IT he only thing a C4, W 'and farr�s of ffom..50 to 75 dq lodie. ' ThWis"An OP4 h e .ptirtUnity fbk- live ires, Every 421 t in dels a do L2 te'ASip'copfuls of "We md t perfee 0 ..1 tfj something for efselt.'01 't ar in de collegi St.- TAKC forlij. d'co-opera, ion W assistance an Phillips"' Milk o M'*-., -Ihdught'�%nd look at them continual, Torofito be eitteiidc�l licanits -Ad� HaPIdi'DaVIdson Distrib6iorc.' Oass of, a, fluff in al Us vei carve tfiem Out "The jieii6st- 'Man is he Who To forgi ever�l, mornih� when yo;A yl,. or, we'sliall. he Refer ired. Ot er �ilght Y&I, th, t and ed Patti get up,. TA e, niore, sublftne'than­ 0 bre' �'iablt 0 taspoonful 30. Minutes in ry Ba- h -,most IAvIn6 g ' ' '" out bAtIghin fiiit And And noble II'V, WRITE. TO te,at,ohC6 iot.l e onecao kpr Eddy. Ilit iesolfit #Aft�r gatift. And snothtv, oneself. us6d mo or4pycles'. Tergii arranged 90 to be& .44 ori'�. Sii�eio before, you In------ 0�tiiio,, Oft -T �j Phillips!, Milk of Mithesis PANY., ........... doh'i. ol't JL� yCIt. hid ArtSch6 T�ff -ENESSEVHRIN "Atee it4t, Tablets'-" OW-14blet for exCh' tejpo6tjfUlr' as' dit & Bo'ardrs of djjCtjoh­�. 0M A' k6rized by to 6gtab iot styial, Tdchnrc` 'at and lworlo 9"Utit VER." LIL oil" at. Jf6jft I I e retital Aij, peac Ica Most e8I� of labina6h ulcers , sssIS A &6tal of the jinipl P W10t flid ap of Edttectti6tt Thj� small 'WdosA& of iihilffibs' Milk, of M09091 bay a V n As a b oxel, t,o man to his bla e'llp V Variotis, tra es, e XOJ]L,� kilnce 'acids dorge �ftf caused bV 'I I V e0*n6eted in acco d ek6djlbit 6 aldit cause 'fiefidadhe, StOlIneb ns p r a id, asS ti nj e to a L y , 6 . U. it te 6 After eathig'. 8tontich Viso in- t qiiiig ouiik,o t -I 1 oullwith, th 'gul'ti�n§ d.b §chbols Tid 6isses'a&undef the Athlpteg WilihilrUt Cal6niiel � I . . I ( , Y' 11flin ;in Ad' I 18seg And. degteeA bbli ri, 61111 be� diteidss Ilk � new person, auseyout, in iges 10 the Doporh6ht. Of. E ducatift. Wrestlers,, 'j16tkey - ''I' 'er�j L 'rilfiners Ailis, sour stofilk6b"'I d" 6 PAY lk,et iin!t pdiiring jtjj V spQ P�C t 0 cawUl You got h have, found that' Omegi Oil Call 'be' da)lY two �dbna§ of liqUld 'bjj&,jhtO et" Y9 n hrL r tornintieiii Subjects;- MifitakIlriasming, Ouse old �tence nd. iUbbddA'll,WIfh6ut blistering, Andtfia� ur' bovolst. Digestion tind Wit I C.A'k- A D 1 AN phaupk Milk of Maqnosi6i tfoh rtild bbtl 9. q c ornarovonor u it I �1 ky 11 reaching the"804, Is b6l, Elt 9' -Phil &I Ag"ittiltuire 'arid kI6rtJcUIt , ' ' 11 P i ti k -T,Aii L C ittte''I L St,,�teg, Vo'datl6n. Omega Oil I family' houSo bee when you,buV-250 d0d 'AIZ& 11 a ,�11 i6 6 et, inuatl&i and High 466018, C6114 aqUldk ind4d'Al"A that gboo farthez" thafy 11111AV1 nc rft"'' 't ' tive. And. D rbi ief, fiddi'tbe 0'9111 Of -&Agioed . Atidi s.064 julkierid Water 011, �Iaxl hfid dlatN�S., 6, J'j 1" je�j oYdU An �Odt 4)1% pa men si 86fe,or swoll* glug6je§ rom s ra i -­ , oalidw bi, voni or roug A 61 oonovet-wo ekDos re, FAeh t9 tamet 6 th WWOM er d 6 dts,I aAil drug-, for, Tijal­(3f Popilly ., of' ly6ur tesspoo 2duddii be A4011i0"' dAU-86. 35, An tog tnay 4 , i1ro 4efiuins� ftillipi" Mill( Solo ti ihe� of Ad ely, vppq ab 0, No V., AN Vil ient CANAPI A Apoti ation or ance of �b Ph 0104, Olt' &J.1ijoi 4 1 9: 'r it W st4 0, f 14 wo W.......