The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-05-03, Page 5Sacrifice m'n"m'7.r!PP••••y.'.: F4r010.h..ttigs; . . . . • , • • • • •.. • • • • , Shoc • and. Rubber Footwear From .Heacl to Foot ...fOr: Dad and. Lad •, uitting Business Sale ZION The ninny. friends .Of Mr. John ."Helm,.will regret to learn that his condition .,,ef 'health at . present is AVeh as to 'occasion his friends. Much concern. In failing health • for • sev- eral ,months, he this week contracted pnenmoniaand but slight nOnes, are ,entertained for. his, ; recovery. . .•:, :Misses Jessie, Andre* adj,,,,14„.0.1„,a; Anderson; accompanied • Rev. and: Mrs. •Tavener to Menden. last Week: • Mr; Datid. .Anderson ' Of ;.•••Donlep, .'1.4)cl %Mr.. Sidney , Gardner of :Port Albert, spent the. Week -end . ander 'the 'patentel roof.' •• • ; ' Messrs. WiH,Pfeli0,-.-411_4•:.Witi..Rit-. -visited Clinton friends. on Sun- day. • -.Miti.---Gihhenis of ZuCkne3yi7has•„. fakei.La.71570.,as heue • . • IVIr. Fred Ritchie,. • ; - : ., • Seading is lin.. full' •• awing this Week; with the 'tell working 1Vell. • •MiSs Gardner returned to _ , •_ FOre -Albert last efter • spend- inr s. weekat her .hon,e here., 7The'Zion Y. P. S. entertained.' the •ceinmunity. on Tuesday etening, Of lest week.- A debate'•"Reselted:,that a -.short Men is • handier; at his wetk than the tall ;rani! waS,A .feature nf, th PrOgraUilred-Teaused-c7gterst- ainuteMent..fQnife, an. ,.enjoyable qv--; ening Was spent: f MAFEKING gr,,,e714'-'--Xre,,7-40ht..' Phillips . of dederich „and' Mrs. Will Menary Vance.. and Phillipe',MenaiY of Dun- gannon,•' were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Menary„ 'Sunday. , , , Mr, •and Mrs...Hemb •McQnillin; and children of LiickneW, ..visited• MeatrJohn s ,and . Will Cook, Sunday., . „Art etjljn After speeding a. ,feW:, weeks • With. her friend, 'Min. Starts Durnin, Bet fast. • • , ,Mts. Will Ritehie and pens, Harvey andEdon.of Zion, visited the form er'S' Sister, 'Mrs. Thos. Blake,, Suncitty: -Miss Anes ',MallAek of Crewe snet, t a few dayS' :lett Week. with Mrs..t. J. Kilpatrick •. r. and, MY'S.; Kenneth '.'.Cainnbell. and, -daughters, Marilyn and Doreen, Mr, and Mrs'. Aubrey. Higgins . and Jack of., Detroit, ':visited Mr, And Mts. Herb Curran; and other MA: over the W441110. Mr; Finlay 'ShaeliletOn an d MiSs Harrison o riceillie; ;were week- end guests At the former's home here. " ' Paliner Kilpatrick was up from Toronto over, the week -end. - ' Th t - _f_43,1ake,sunciay-sehoel, the young men and .bey_s'„„elesset an their"' teachers; attended the, illus- • 1. piTt anything on them. Someparents are rude, but others • have learned to' keep Still when •the • are, talking. • eighbors Honor AI delightful evening Of dancing , and "aotiabilitY, Marked a gathering friends andXeigilbchr` 141 R.91$1,4 Mill on Tuesday of Islet week, who ^ssembled to do honor .to Mr,and Mrs. Ross MacMiIIan, newlywed, Ind popular 'young people of the lommunity. A puree of ' nioner was •resented them. by Hugh-qntherligid lftei Dirs. Allister Hughes had reed the following addrees; Peafig'e4ant?les ;10n41$44.11".1114:18:1" - rom.• Langside's hills10 ,414ea'e. elye some to celebrate the tying Of this; sacred ;One?. And offer our -sincere- congratulationTo Y:Ina'tien14 on te• 1.1 r ". May you inspire the bachelors, spin- ster, all who 'should • Followyour flee eatmPle, they would. Of -Ross, .his quahties are such we cannot speak toci4reat, . • • A neighbor ef the finest type. and, 'like 'hmate' oUghtfal; generius, kind, discileet. Oh,.. what a blessing, he -Should, Meat And wed a girl like, Chris! „A friend' to all, (Goad 'goods are always tied, itCPar• • cels small). We Cherish this oceOsinii„ Which We hope you AS new, our hopes' for :Yen' are rea- lized. „ • ' And While depression -Oeele 1), sting- ing •r 'The leamake; itbe in we : have togrew) ' • • 'et •rwre_ranautuds!.„.s:exp,, • e • • keeePt. thier`Please ;end nee it for Your mutnail gee& • rhe .intrineic . worth is Small, but, , May beneath it beam: :43;• far itt truest Me:Jeep, Mir heart - eft ,esteem • . • knd all we relish in: 01114 • . thought for you. • : ay God Mit.00,t ad guide you • safely through •• • ' , Life. May happiness, success, be . al- ' 'ways. yours In 'stare; Thill is Mir; wish, -what could we wish, you more 7., - •.,.•. 'Signed on behalf of your many , eriends, COMING! ' "The Threw, Pegs", te.1 Blake, Hall, Friday evening, May 11: ' trated lecture ep ,"Literature and Life by „Dr. D. M. Solandtin Tuck - now Town Rail, Sunday afternoon: 1'tiss Marguerite: tong 'ef...Hing's.; ville is home for A two weeks' visit- , with her parents Me: and Mrs Nor- One;thing• about ' nudists, you,ean't man,: Long, ' More Covering Capacity , for, theMoney . 1...Tite-Lap" Galvanized Roofing is true to its Aletme... Every sheet ' has .nine' *Ices to nail across the bottom—only ' 4 inches between nails. The end lap is so tight as to be invisible, and it posi- ' tively excludes driving rain, or Snow; , . ante -Lap" is a development of the famous - Rib Roll "which we introduced ten years ago. It has all the good appearance and Weather tightness of "Rib Roll" but, on account of the re -arrangement Of the rib's, each sheet has. '• greater covering capacitSr. Galvanized roofing or siding offers the utmost. In durability -and "Tite•Lap" is the type of • ' -galvanized roofing which ensures Ott gest appli- cation, and most permanent weather protec-, • • tion, at low Cost. , • , • , . Tell us what, you want to roof, giving ridge' and rafter measurements land we will fiend you T,ITE:LAP estimate•nnd show you how. • you can save money. ' • • "/Galvenarnellea " A durable, fire -proof, galvanized roofing and siding in attractive', permanent colors, .for , • your house or any other building. Cannot warn, shrink, creek, curl or bulge. Another • unequalled tooling value.- • '• Guelph %oat .PRESTON, ONT. Pit dile t tett in, rectorial alio at ' " Montreal and Toronto • 1°Iiii-La_p" applied,. with Staf: te Led -Fled' • Nails , No\ to nnilinct spnco--4 inches ',apart, nerngs end. 'of sheet, "Tao. in especintly seerel „for re.roollug. ,gliontolo ,h41/Ti her tightnesetiesurod, E.S.P. Bam Ventilators Prevent• spontrineous •rn , &bustiiin, Priced • from 15 up. 111111111111 11111111111111111 Preston Galvanised • .Tanks " fflopec at valuen. now. Write for prices., • ' Preston Barn Door Hardware, We eau 'tome you money . on your barn door Wird. aim. Write for pricee. • 'Preston . Stec T uss • •:Barns (India:element . • Buildings , $._ ' 1 71, viiitite i ., A killid ii " gt WA MI lionY , A2 dr'life:sereW 'n-tifir,' Wog ilcs'ef011retfrit of therreston tollItrifi Ns% Taitot,'Ily6 itants-sp.tretit toWstitettifie, It ntist; tif `..ic•t[ibiithrlit• NArd.. itg eisurisistiltiob6Cmi. - ITr anil. . , PARAMOUNT If., F. W. '0. • , _ Mrs. H. Ensign 'entertained th members of %the club in the Pari mount hall for the April meetin ckURCli ISTOTE Presoterian Y W A. T.4° ARril. meeting of the Y W . . wanr,held at the home of Mrs. Philip Steward, on Thursdayeven- ing, with BUIL Will ,Fisher' presidr 01g. The meeting opened with psalm 42; followed by .'Set`i,Ptare reading and PialPr • by Mrs. Will Fisher. After hymn 038, business; was trans- acted and.' roll called and offering taken.-' 'Miss May Davison gate :a helpful nieasage, to all from Isaiah 53rd Chap., A nolo by accompanied:by. Mrs, • J0W14 was •• Much' appreciated..' The topic .14 Miss ‘Casiiia` MO4bOugall abd, a read-• ing The Promises 'of ger 'by Mrs. ; Philip Steward;', cOmPleted_ti_u_.,1 Pre - gram,' '-The .singing:of a hrnin,, and prayer by MO. TOun,. brought the • meeting. :to a close,•71:press, , Presbyterian Guild • -putting UpTanotar 'ten ,spot .07 1-r •• 7-17 '-•••. LueknoW4 • Kincardine and Wingham ..Pianaing.'44:.0t,,p Into .PrUce• Lea- gue -Schedule !;1•41F,T*. in developing weaker teams during the past two teasons it ' ap- peara that the Lakeside ,•elii0ewill to into discard.' this summer, as .l'irtnspetoots %4'it'erer”. fotrtle' LuBoluitneenw fieenldgnine • Lu,ekn°w, Ici,ne.at'Otle' and Wingham the same ',team as Viet • year, with a. probable addition or two to •3trengthen. the 8quad., ..• , i Artet attended e' tY'h el, 73 di nCnrekl, nr ul CYC" League meeting ,. 'in. Paisley last Thursday and by,"'..stikinic-to 'their Vane *ere allowed the ten' dollar lePosit , Which had never been re- tunded since Lueknow *ceased play - ng Bruce • 'League ball,' • and thus .2ucknow can re-enter the !clog wjth, 4 • ; ' , • • ..• - • " . The meeting- was opened with : sain and ,the scrititure -lesson was r •ead by Miss Jessie :Henderson. Tin routre..,*_pratrutt...,...teputt iyinn no. 284', was sung. The toPic. vas. prepared by Mistat,K. McDonald ` Ind read by Miss Isobel Douglas. A /John solo- by Mr. Henderson and e .eading "bY Miss Grace 'MacPherson •ollowed. Miss Edith Smith gave, an t 'nstrumental number, which , was m r011owed---by a very interestiEutpc- Fernrea by Miss Burdick. A• -meal duet .by Misses Vera ,herriff rnd Peggy McDonald was rendered The • Ashfield Young People's iseV -invitation o the Presbyterian '; tthe P.'s. which' was accepted. The meet - guarantee, but by slinply, 'Paying the egulation' entry fee et* $10.. A nine teamlea be is expecte& omp sing as well as the t ree riventioned 'teems, Paisley, Walker - tent ChesleY, Port .Elgin, Southamp • to and Owen "Auld, Two groups i.re proposed, one including tueknow; Whighani, Kincardine • and Paisley: he other grin* 'including the re- ainine ---tes.ms.,--Ifoweverr'an locking , schedule, operated, on the erne basis as the National Hockey eague, is also: proposed. If, suet ecames operative; it Will, Mean eech, amwill play every other teamir e. League, With the ' first, seeene and third place teame in each gronr . . obig-Tinto,411e-7.plitytin teriee--4•for inst.- is to ,be held at the Kinta il . •.•„p 'SIT-----'''S'C'hiel-O-Mci'lltli• ---f antler, e y ... ... . 7 The efferhig was taken UP and thc Meeting: Wei Closed. ' „ . . . , . .. , Imekriow - Y.4 A large repreSentatien, from the focal - society spenta very pleasant social `evening on Monday,:with the Riplei. Young • People. An address of -.ai;e1COine 'wasgiven by the president Smith- took charge Of ,the meeting. The h y m n 'Onward' Christian Seldiers": was followed . the Lord's Prayer in Unison. The ',Scrip- ture reading was .given by Cem Armstrong.„. •410116Wing A seconjd • hymn a . well • varied . program was presented iby members -of Our -,so- ciety: chorus by all the Yonne People's 'their; • plane., sole, Itexfore Ottni;epuji,rjel... 1)ALtrdaret Rit 'WHITECHuncif Mr. Robert Carrick, is Visiting with. WS' daughter, Mrs. Clia of Arnheritt- burg. • . MO; Green of Toronto, visited bet, . • week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. " Frank 'Henry ,Mise Isabel Fox returned home, rronf Ad011 last Week after her recent ,operation. , ..p, Rev, and Mrs, Jas; Scale of West- ninister, 'visited last' week with Mrs. Mr.., and ,Mits. • Stingle moved to DilPgan°04 last Week,. , - Mr: and. Mrs. Roy. Patten Of Lueen pent the week -end with her mother , ;MO.: A. Fox.: "' • " *Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lott and baby Toronto are going to spend some ime with -the .foriner's parents here. , We are sorry to re'por't that Carl is ill. ° • Quite a, number from here took in, the. dollar. days in Wingham. last Mr: en Mts. George 'Fisher and . ittie daugliter an '.end, 'qrs. 'Jack Flanegan • of Lobo; • 'dr. Wm. J. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs, Hank Kruger and laughter Lois' and Mrs. Roy Criegle ind daughter. Helen of Detroit, spent . he' week -end With their Mother. Wm. David Mr,.:.aridioirs. Chas. Cook and ion rack Lueknew, ,spent' Sunday with lfrs. Cook's motherj Mrs. 'Davicl , „Mr., and Mrs. • George Ernewein', ittencled the funeral of the lattertei tint, Mrs. Kraemer, which •was 'held It Formosa last Thursday. • „,..RAy.jAhn.„,2elleeL-inct Mr. 'John •Auhk-are attending the Synod tl-os lieOic which is heing held at Lis - own!. • , , Mrs. Jacques :teceived , the sad ews:. On Saturday..ot, the: death,of,. ey neice, Miss Elizabeth Lament of Londoni; whe, passed., ally early Sat - play morning at her sister's, krt. League championship, Southampton • is definitely' "A' lass ,and will have to wier,thr. eague title to Continue in the "A'' leries. The • rilltair up, provided. it " class aeullenot'itnantt.liA"eA, :i'lasigffl se °II; ' . •, • 41. • , • BAIL LPR211017S,E, . 'per. 'hitettlisgZ: 'manager • eOP;rptlliey3re'ra re at4 bali practise on Friday evening a .., ''AnY. 'Others Wishing :try for a.•plaee. on the team are. asked to •turn out,- A.RT. ,1147cOpAmitTANNEAYGE BALL TEAM • Club • _ivrackets_fr: pose, cr_roos!.,. s"rells77ing iniaseal,‘ciii.7son 8s ; Home Games Likely • „nice Newton, Donalda Thompson and Audrey Henderson: instrumental, Gladys Tueicelif the tame ,TanadnOn lAteratune'P Miss Yourex• and a reading "The Habi g. The Meeting was opened by th . , • . • prelident. With the ,singing , of th Maple Leaf, '. after' Which the LOW' • • • , prayer was repeated. in umson., Afte the business part of, the Meeting'. seet oyer the reit wats,'esilled and ansitere by the. name of your:.fevorit flower • or vegetable. Miss' Vern Hamilton: gave a rending fon "Siiiin -Fever" nuinity ',singing; •A -pipet on ''!Goo Manners!' prepared : by !Min was read by Miss Grace Wei! -Ster,-.'-graT7J.7V.,-TWelitter. : gate . . reading on "Thrlifidge :tou'lrgiFei7 Grant ,McDiarmid was followed by riddle • Contest; Mte.,t.McGill express- ;ea..e vote Of, thanks „to, Mrs., Ensign, for entertainieg:„the club; hinch, was jetted and the meiting • closed by singing the National Anthem'. , , .The • May meeting will he hold At the home, of . Mrs; John, .Hamilton. Roll call. "Telling 1,1 the talent . Of , the person to the left". Program W. Kempton and Mrs. G. Me- piarmid. Piper Mrs'. J. Henderson; testling.N.Misti Edna Wolfe..L-Set'i. • MINISTER, INSTRUCTS IN SE0011.6 4.faiN tont" by Miss Margaret McCallum ; The meeting Anted' with A' hymn and s• the Mizpah benediction. Gams and contests were then conducted bv Mr, •Ir'` • • • Carmeni.....peolleele and • .was served; • '• a recent letter ,received from W. Young of Colborne ToWnsifip from. Hon. Thomas . L. liennedy, minister of ,Agriculture, regarding the Graiy Subsidy Act, was tali0Wed up by: one containing More , explicit information in. this :regard as 'follows.: "Seed grain may he secured ' any farmer in any: intiniciingity: ' Reeve or 'Clerk tinit give aiithority ,t6 the *met too to the ban to , .g. Witten, money on 4, note.. When the note beeorsies due, if the farneti ie Mn not "Wi 16‘ tpPa ri! tw'' thhei stn t hbef tCh ne 7 el or I d the intinielPility one-third. » , . , is, not necessarY to :take a lien under 'Sub -section -8 of .;Section 88: of the' Bank Act, and we do not With tlieni to do to. the , arrangement imnly Means that theta Who are Oa" ,i0 pay will pay, oia those who are no 4140 to 130 *ill sow:,. hlitia thial isaketo,' the .so.t HERE AND THERE .tire-reintuns of ,the late Mr. James Ross` were laid to rest last 'Thurs- day afternoon In. 'South Kinloss Cemetery,- Rev. J. L. Burgess con- diieted-the services The LO.M -11•7•079•.-indiowed their resneet, and sympathy Ib forming a guard . of honer'. at the house and cemetery. 'We'. widoextenwd anndnr.,s,doenen. sympathy to. the Mrs. W. M. Champion has recov- ered from a very, severe' attack, of shingles and is able to be out again. • , Mr. Wesley Young and . Miss Florence • Hnick,(ey Of Teeswater; visited on ,Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thompson. • • MO. Harry Champion of Auburn visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Havens, leaving on Saturday far, a week's visit with friends at Hamilton ,and Detroit. , Rev. and,,Mrs. J. L. Burgess held a banquet and social evening •for the young people of South Kinloss in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Wigs Mc- Millan (nee Christina McKenzie). . BELFAST „ (Intended . for Lett Weelc) • • Mr. - and Mrs, Roy Alton 'and, fanallY. spent Sunday with. Miss 'Cun- ningham,- Port Albert. Mr. and Mrs. Zinn and family visited rccently with t friends... it Clinton. •Mrs. Spence Irvin Aid' by sent the •past Week' . With •Iter Parentt, at ' . Mr, „and kik--• •WeitileY and ftimily, 'spent . Sunday With . Mr. and Mrs. Will Alton.' • tdeserm Albert and. 11arriseti Tay- lor of Vest' ykrawanosh,were yi titers. iit'Mr; Gilbert •Vint's,ou toeaosic. Our Syinnatity IS...extended to :the. 'tiferiti- relatives " nt. 'late -4 ' 'Since the . departure. 'cif Reg. Smith,- the selection 01 a. manager for thit..; season's ball teami has been it nine); :.discussed Object.. At • an enthusiastic meeting on 'MendaY night, Art McCartney was !Ideated to 'Act in this, capacity, the 'duties of which will he extra .bindensozne thin year in rounding out a contendiing •Seintdi in that LizekneW Will sten into faster company in the Bruce League and -will -bee, pitted-egairist-seme-claS2' .3rThe,Bn1nrice . .• :,League schedule willube' drawn upL tonight .in Walkerton and unless something - unforseen-inisea' Cartney, ,Clark •FinlaYsoit. and Jerry Rathivell • are • among those who art expected. to represent the:local tlub, wh the' dates are tot. • • ' The 'ChM is. Paced with lick • of funds and it is .planned to sellsea- son'S tickets. Prespeetsi. are that there will be eight home gimes' thi summer and: a season's ticket would be sold fee $1.50; not eo include ex- hibition or playoff games., Children under, 10 years will be admitted free, The ) meeting appointed Bert Ward, special constable during. home games to try and keen an eye on, those Who, gain admission to the Park other than by clicking' the ,"turnstiles". • • • 'd A ASHFIELD NT 0.\ES John, Taylor. She Was herr_ • .near Whiteelmieli was :a • graduate eirse prac- tised her .irofessinn._ there'. for: numler of years. Surviving are .two brothers and three Siefert. Tent was in Wingharn. ceineteir on. ?tonday ,•afternoon. Miss Catherine Patterson silent .• !.ast 'Week with Mrst, The 'Institute. presented their Play , 1Y:fitted "Clos:ed ............... the hall last Tneadity with Pod ittendruieS -Present, which wee' en- loiecITIT-After the nlay. a. Social .`ime.: was spent in BELFAST Mr. and Mrs. Raynard of Luelcnow ire, visiting with :their daughter, qrs. . Walter , Alton. • . Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Irwin visited --ecently with Mrs. Anderson, Dun - Mr. Larry , Harrison of Godericli, , spent" Sunday at Mr, James HiCkett's 'Xt.: and Mrs. Geo. Lane spent the, videlc,endf-with-relativetrlit-Flesher„. • :Mr:. and Mra, „Andrew. Gaunt '...and• • Mr ANin • Sherwood Of WawanOah.:. lpent7StindaY-Vtli-',.MO. 'ShertinedT'- --itrid ST. HELENS Mr.: Lorne, Woods .was, -a visitor in OnclOn: recently:, , Res:, C.-7Wilkinson ' attended .Presbytery meeting .in Clinton 011 Tuesday, 'While Mrs, Wilicinseii, Mrs. Winnis',and Misi, M. O. Itulther- ford were in attendance at the Pres- Lirterial of the S.' in same toWn. • Mr. and Mrs. Kruger and Leis, Mrs. NVill Leitch', Mrs. Rey Cringle and Helen of Detroit, . visited with friendet. here oVer, the week -end Mr, and Mrs. John .Canteron and 'Sono Mrs. George Stuart and Mr, ` Ross Murrayi were. Veal With Mr and Mrs. las. Douglas, Mitchell,. re- ‘ - „Mr. Dan MacInnis has returned cently. , itein,a two Weeks' vus4 with :friends „ Mo. R.,K.•.11diller, Mr; and -..-14."-; Kincardine: ' W. L Miller, tiobel and DototliY, -fiS 3 N, MacKenzie of Ripley; Were 'receet Visitors With friends at spent the week end at the home of Goderich. her son' " Mr N J. MacKenzie -Mr Arnold 'Weeds ritri. James Mr, MitePathine of Clinton has Barbour, St .• and Mimi -Mary 'Jane 'Irwin, visited with Mr. and Mrs.. Jas. engaged' with •Mr. WM. • jehntton to help • with the sprini.„ wet*, ,and i he ard his ,faintly hate, Meted be the .."Jamieson house". • . ‘•• Mrs: Fred •IiiiS 'returned: nycrinkliain after visiting for a ,WCek with her brother, Mr. lain:es. Johnston: '' • ' v ..,MacPillvary and MO. MacGilly'ai•Y are An • .Listowel this week attending the meetings of the Synod of .London • atia ItitiniltOrkt Mr. •Walter Jetnieli is lielPhig, :Mt. Sam, Gibson. with his spring „ work.: , The leviers have :made., 4..Stert, , „late this reit,. owing to the.veit told Tames Vitileetti Iventh0t w IVO t‘ 0 - ,"ClOsed Lips!' :A. three -act play, will be presented b the Whitechurch Institute Society in the Community Hall; on Tuesday &ening, May 8th at 8 o'clock.' This play hes beei4re, Sented before to a full ,house and come; to St. , Helens highly recom- mended, The Whiteelitirch . 1:.plece,,,- orchestra will simply music betWeelt Acts And lifter the play. The east of players isE, Grace. Ttobt, Mowbray, Leita T , egt i1iarie, Tiffin; Orton drific:, . ',01S., I , ';••, o30 N regert Ittitto 4'