The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-04-26, Page 5'A Z, 7, - FF q '41 .40 "All 1:rl_",',�. 1. To "PAM W, t, 75% 'W'' 00t M_ VA 0, wa P*4 fkoft� Itimicips Coilipil, '777 eop A "peoplo W -b er, it Imlenk All, M be 0 Bea1l" roWith ggqVe' ti'g. fin e"' .9 mini; vot Ok JiBn ;Uj#r..mq0,4n XA*494. And gAlin PP04, g.ve who rp, Appr an heabe agetunAble: 0,sak much 'rit&he-knet�lt Thi t U n. 0 ash t astieor trc usin centie b pg ;or 01, OR? �)Ob :in Ttb 4 org t p VIOM: 1P oil. of'thig,. IQ ill u d J41 be. *Tqi 'P d' he�, 1P w wei lid t 9se who, were over 6dneiil, �'th Very, k6kenizie'nomaFeElliott, alien t�'e ti ish BUM 'be The,'.G6der1cfi fl heDf-- $5.00 d re, e�eiy.,Jd Th R fi forwifiterrpa A, gorTly . '44y, pery. . ... . wit e, ot t�ai foi1ei, ithit �G Qr9q hig na. system,. -afi all. dwed or, (They Jli�b. 10 v6 beBe t imOHe, e ievedi the 1or r d. ftare ZIP bil' ask, him Pre woo for. di Ott, �7 'fri nd and, he, ': ' now : system would hae to, aq e: 'the poder e R I *Ott, �7. treasure W 6, su e. 'lus monie on�.the. TT ............ .... . Olt d as. !k proy .3fackTreek and. AU., n in glad f under prose t -Drains in,, two, sephrs, e.�,n d 9 all of ieAn4 I or ere. I a dition was, thei, 1phygiooto y iiiy keeping them dis' B there ou-know­ h the. lin ert.� eiler�l to�vmsb I e irom�'tjle G Ip sqme�bing at in rc I . " .,hgi#s sThe ;QU t folks, ho k onet-L . 7to'f9lks he� I 104­401�e!10% the, C. or -tt h I pre, Y near, !to Ing e imi, 9. nare ON Cheyrolet". give, ithe., ChOrow of a_,:w!re,_he.,bad: , e ,t wa.,. ciii. trust'. s in Kinloss 'assessed be it I Old' The 'lines have, exTw e -or-years pros t-_ r-e=m4py-;y_-h0_"-L n a ass smen.. s are the. thought th.,gonuine.OKnee ;vro st 'eture wotild 'have to be higcv? ve at, vhole r ey shouldn't' 1b% d, 0 action*'wbecb. iinfied 'for 'the jow due, and' 1.0 t 41ie treasurer, utributing- features: Im- Yes.. 'The rsement d, 'be -remarked. have r'bO to. day 'Ie strongeit'ei2do Usiv. of-ov thing, coristruc in, o -of - Ay, fact that car- p" is the. le -y goods, the 0 M iteeritig,. balanced wi j,,bt'T ifor hevrq;et r bt d.Ii I 10 n ha V oil owe 't e .,poor in t g,,large-se giykn it oil ction ba. S Mr. Hamilton ag+f?ed t It eichin for I- bdy' Vh springi Seri' he ne* tstan4ing 'kc te'. lot i e time to pi McDougall, that and ersa-3m. as G b noc6ed,' other tire and. ra e. Its leaderkhIPL over aU o 0411 mont at aiitime, Mi)[#nzie f rs i Canada' rkFi go out .paying :80,-mue �146whship� 6' �'A got wo that. iien thi With It dime, erk notify the ca (and,thewo on tb -tb ield, 'that t4ei -.is Opportune,,.all, wilfbei; Ad Je jTbey?Il..put,,-pn t eir, part 08,' t 43 h r s6ssineiit 10-Stati-the 4 9 "t advantW itter 'the situ V� nieip .-Drai jnissj#. b;. sh -v dei4s6nFiCook_` MU �aj� rea=er dii an&-piyabl; rea is., l�o;,:..angr of slift ingbeing.- plj� au he 11 xe e'.:'idded. _Cilnd�r- Head. 0' 1 d d t halfty09 of Frame has. the. the ChevrbkCt in tho-heaf Utur.0,11 It if XinIOS , - or. r at they �wi s� on e e 20th:'#a The',gi 060 MiVrolet?''. 114ini Fisher system,, M Z, f b yo*u'this yel n n inn. re glyp Utio qkred to. -the prbspeiqu�ki, thoely put Thetiew, eidusivd adv�Ln!qem'tnt., thaC Will s Plenty o(L flesh d of, - the �buUf ils ventilation. Roo L front foi.tbe, mir ot, lfflay,� '19.34. v a e CA"of inter, jur condition and goo rVipp on the. street' Chevrolet Oivners'Ahousands4 of ding.. f Built'like -a bridge;, this moe that. 'the C �B M withoutdrafts. Ko,clou South ru mutual 'tbldpbone. MT- !`Amd wbo pijig 'the., fiddler?: r complete 16c - dollars on gas; with smdoth'er t. windshield The me s n ear -We— Irame is.,many Wrl�3, te m", and 1plt a,consolid tion, of siqr' -.4minediatel Chevrok or wmdo%,L be instructed to the,��col chant.they pe ormance.. An formerly Used tion of taxi it Zm:eeiista toll "9 rtban M in Companys. and -irrghkement OWJI. kil�e to gs, that - the -Cheyrdlit-gly.es" true t !n U. ji. wwalf.the iamb t e. laveiti c hat now;­wou I prove -the -l -s for thii crushing .v I. to have A Cent 1.111F weaving rA se for tenders inand !NEI" atjj�el for i694. a :,leg 'EED'GRAIN. CT ntreastd orsopower Re&�� S3�,� _4 11y, I M" sell. the- g� gem. obgalli that orders, e, nolh Mr. G. Aiderson, -pointed, out .'WORKABLE STATES.MINISTER w1m eve,n greater. eco y. . a, ac. e n' e -bills ew that' t4e, objeO of the,'me'eting.'V.ac! tO. shift -from high to issued in -pay all. . What ate the feaures d Inent. of ail d That� ii Th, : Blue ew r3kest dii.1111t and� in 6inerjencieg' ea �cqpunts. OAS$ at to se'e' -if :the present Flam6, head gives morq power, "SilentSecondlligearhelital- iomc*hat iso-� T. LF, enne olate& osition of L�cknow' -could .'not do'; now,' They ire larger, mqre K giy Aeplieg TO Cot :pre, speed, q uitte r 6perAtioni' o Farmetrs�' I so' Elliott-McKenziie, that w,6' p,weff I d tlier "pick-up" �-.af, even .,and �Po4ktve ill'action. . Segledi-, 646iding ef; it ad o rn o meet \gkpi I On'l tues,A low I . J. u er costj'foi 4ag and,.oil 1. � ; I reme ie a pos Ion. hich" *K� 'bit andwittei. Lin- It aaiMi Poblers. ff- the Kay- at' usu e e ie, yj h agai 's, �rti. hi essn and': ifidi 26th;� day 'of' �gs% �.�w ail ess to. carel tr,to ,ast'onger. A2. H GiV 'd 69i thOiraletot Wage ile: other SY81, .1ilite and -place." ind-'tbat the-- Court 1rencie by the v wh -were. gtrontL --10olb I -farm -re Druj ms'. have 'machined coolih tt c a i !, - Townsh ev 9, ema tabiishing Ori�6_ jig' -o" risibn__qn��the­ t1700g, fe. oh V. ref Ili cehti' *,Ili ojen:iIi 1 olci6ck' :in _the f�otholdi, Ili ering to" TO ( Aomery isihi prowd tow. y,addpied'a ros6lution a pki;ig the Udra he said, a rgon ally' to i Odne , it 41f 0OU6 pe I -f iippt n,. zn�tior., - fiter, irea eg ousabd-of Chti_ to sh p,� �rolet Six own r 'I tel YOU - - bad- alway Che�mes 'issued.' I , , received ery air Set md the.isda6 art th s W.A West I L . , - T. . i ' ' ' . L ... : . I . I th6 machinery 0,111,1�, ri - car Fe givis n'. L How fts a that nb�,,otherl 1. ... _. 1: L " I I s Wi holstery, ShrW.or' d :vic6 of tho.,Sieed Grain fig.' Co,' Ing.' 0 1811 47.50.vk 1 F'tidasuret "Pp leg and app .'much ve, $3.6, bintin6fits ai6finer.: New: so troubk;.free serFi r h'the R"ve and ? de e wre th with the� ..ther pres L ent' system of e, municipa I y en' ore the- tiotea supp 1 110 . '4barruthers. of Kipl4ss, �or his f eaiuie doesa�' jnstfuiiient-.�airet: *i... gl9ye sont ly favored d: r,6 ief j4� 61:� n ist eigh or L , �V .1 1___��mpatme t near ith a , - - - . P. conv( Chevrolet ich- gives him free g rVi 0, .,Of ers, a, raise money a t farm' t jet ailoplies'. $5i53; intio�afstarter buttii. You: e t lsim0y,'press down on the accele- "M Om a 8 Ankt.1br 1be purchase of seed gr4i e an appeal fr n rchii. Anderson, rent* ;7.50;; to pay at ln.,'caso of any ods the oernmen &tiger' of stalling., isi -a be & to I to. u0now G' Rector, o4 6*rS and the e4g" ;ial "itandpoilIt, iiti ST. leorge Lockli i.. tree� f6i -relief boM -Prodxc�d 'as D.-�-VePhirsoni o 'L gOts. pay to"'L t its 6. 0 S, ack b6ttii service.. red n.Bl' Creek.*Irixei 4,J, ohn Colwell as "a director'. credits m1unj�fpaMity (beinA.. lresb�nsible for I n,,.: collector, M �XdPheigo on one sysNAls" Wag We 1 good 1lick -Creek--Ext- Aoei�494,0;35T- _Te 0-oug .'.the %UwKay Cler' uron, W aW&':.' 01- ST satisfied. persbriAily, n co . n i met, 13YU., s res6lu-: V64 Ice' foes on Hendorson-Coo *Puid. li -di t, ervicit6''Lilek-­ nd clerk' a ' re 8 d and Ree Gold- f6r conomoca r 44QM :Was -prekente aneo 4�. now, where he. doe"be Majority-' oif tAge litin' $12.00; L 1)9r, r i;hor�,e And T eaourisr Glen *4re IV— lj�!00. red free,sdr- be, iav6 iut�d th t IF wo I bd $4.19,. �ire I taklig, $4-M '*9.40. to � interview e ownshi Y# ic to Riple as� did. CiiTuthdre i)o, omt�a iii6ial �,olicitor, R. Ci Hay;s, �jr., with- 'the A. Littl- r ighwAy cheque's i, e XbKen' 'F i e` -"s . hould jbj�ct of.. K4 G* - j Z, u annon -be said, businisi ving �a, ibyl' drawn 12,' 5, F. Dzi*son, P.L.. sw UP4 SL' 4, result o f th'i place,in aking use o e 14.65; 6. ThIn. V.L ii, $6.05, T this'.ifitery e�iv, Reeve t e social v age Of s.ebondiry, con McKenzie, 151' 47 80.'L4, 291it' Goldthorpe repor , prac IN ratio t tically, that 'the Acl pli�, si.je na,dSQjI,'4., P; Russell t �vas'unworil6le-FnmLthit. ap '60 `16 $94 i5-. Mr. 'Robert Rae Mid .'that, Onsoli-, . .1 i. .I . '' , , Gau t P.,L�' 17, 89;. S.'Hiltelflsob, ------ cation would have to, be:madw to the didion.. sot 9 0 mded like undertaking ZNS ving in' f I' air o' I n,. un 0, a S Moe. 'ST IX' e, Ou -giv WH TEC"URCHL'.. that c pitaf",puni"it *it banks under the Bank Ct,:Lini6l Th E that if suffidlent sub �jq .9 g. e —,for_a .,soul -stg-.n-a­- on �6fik puld,,. if nieces '"endewyoi- c on d pe 'Ito ij sary, on y it sit. systein. with itrs.':it'k's..Fol!icisiei,'ipcht ihe� W ­c e wag'-upbeld, b� M d ORN-at-. Galt' efiesd�.. Clisig; L -22 $1335- a n central of ct rb e vin . . .1 1. . 11 1.. L . - 0 eOe' payment iamount end, in, Guelph with her., sister, Ir rsi 'Miss M4ry McCOniie -o South in- April to Mt. - &lid Mrs.­'Whit- Luc thMunicipal, and .$93.35,;� Miss b. be bank Tiw nj I`.. 2'3,. in.:. Would sin.' oatted. e averse R-I 0 ction I *er 0 Ing, L! Alex McLeod', 'P -.L lds8e the negative.Lby Me§A's. Ttos" ormer,y,,j ]Kiss* ki P 2 �njoto reported Jrohn ---- J�_oj'jo&L 5, a �daug ter.-, siture, _b_ - - -1-11 _'. - ­Fotet--. -MacXay �'-of ja ,d WflsoW_�n_d- "ac 'Pollock, 'Irs L gods pley S.,gave-thd decision in1a;Vo o report..,,was, entirely Dbiotby,,'!?�116ck; nuse-1. --train ::-�ai T6rohto; oil ednesday n Bell Ropie�qifttativ,6 Speaks ij WM the. intent -of, ItU . Seed e in tur'ed ti side �uncfi , si th April 18t ;Uce Ili 'the Generat Hoipititi': re , n e .,nega� iv e WA en, to Ur.�, and M, by 0 ASHFIEL raw A Mr. Baird, a Bell Telephone. rep- Grain Act. as understood'; ..mi y 1p hOutd, with thre 0eks? eryeo nd. a social It as spent. tahce Andeiabli" daigh, e, our w ter. resent and - Mr.- W4 U. tset obig 0 tiVe, kt- the yOq e. too Gieta Webb' was a recent e iton. Xen- Mr. 15' n exitess AT his,'-su'rpi" bto aged �oltini �to an: MacInnebi I a vi Q6ite a number from I er attehq,7 Mi rise 'in at, p p Vi Ing 'theL, We are sotiy to reboit Mi�sjsobel: ed tbe pkay . bntltl�d "The Tidb!l ',vi -friends *th her gTandmotherL Goderi6 Rural . system Minister of , Agriculture. for y!sItorL tit vn calls defini d statehient, in this .'mi 0' put. on -by/ the Arii. Arinstroil S ho, is cri isize long 41 t S of. VifitVairi it, London.' b sjj s g r., w .1 ont thi§ system, were. n, . *hich h d re66 -e, ':A. the ue 4r.sr mi. iiist. e , ppe ',for, a Tiand Uri, IkF th. OWFT st.of!;h ot4erj h apedy recovety., day. evellings. AII,Tep6rt A ex`c e Ii Ilifionj reju[Itinj in, c4triplaitits. The present: 6 g, Tuo --W— --lat ft atdaf. igia if 'itie'day iandiVed in ropl5h.'. ns om t it t Nfi* DoLrbth� 'Xnigbt retumed to play4lol 13�zfs, and:Murr&Y� were visitors with 5e Ana 16 ekehazige 'toll bear, Mr. "Younit. This will ac)(F� eid, is� Uri �Stirtnt -of Bayfi London .'on Saturday' a iiin'j !jIendsj at on Saturd syAteni_ g a, result o a new agree- "jDwj fter �visl Pft,' And', Mrs. G66r;g;e iErnewein I ay. wa nin some. time' With, friend. a beie. er is 'ment, afteis deri Ad'' t "' t encd"to th t, b eankrd petit Sundayi wM the Atteeg mot i- thie,d 6 ch Itural, j4h. s an radt e ge �qspec- Mt, alid- Mrs.' 130wei and, jack of Mrs. A.:Mg6caUi,a,re;f)n Mrs.: KfAer"r of HolyrOod. ta' failed to , 11'Ve to!j. 'the previous tin� for s�ei grain. I vantl Ontario, U., wit -be 'held -'Ut Blytho, ikere� gues rece 7 yvitb Agreement *hoi6bYl a, 10t I sayi mt. and ,Mrs. '9 Gaufit tnov.04, toT 6 ;611 wai, Tiotilt e, leai Trti Ber� R ri officiA 9 are Wton., 'The M. S..T 6 the Prebbyt6iiian eMir. A.- sii14 Ulds' Greta,. Webb. 6 'the 7� Ap I c�arged. 64,bof inconi- that t It ., .. 11 6 , 11 eL i th act - not 4ork- Church, :met at t 401he of Mrs. pie 'Vr.-and7Mrs..Edgar dautit. 11 th 4d ing and outgoing, cillli� H pointed Ili. clilminj thii e is b.26th, A e ladiesIpf the i6hunum A, lim. orn Blida ettu'rol on , The le.' D Out Aw clot a w & prepared but that a to I -charto is It onjyL ab tl b Mae ohald n isited ;last Week 1* th, atio. welcome. rier. V - - L I . I L g It. iP,'5j oji Sun - the jejin " Z the r Land of iChiO enjoyed at of, !traffic -in A il 18th nmeans, g I t�ig Act ate ritibbli &lid thl blink, AtC leaf that the 6oli6itotj v as gon%over, it" A , nj rian he Pkgbie Vobng�, Pebple*s a , 0 Wocks, of Tees D Coij, 'kINLOSS made it 6y� day e InU,1,4*d Church iindef, govern'mett ail ritfit, and j1*6 pr IT; Fneeting was jiold�16jj Frid veh 46 :Bell- Co. 'operates e. evening; wi er, *iiltod -'ioconl ly,� 1-th es ch ter 6rtit, Wh6n't�p pFog!!�4i� -9qF#9 Whi and ihouib dian'Ot 711 _artobted by the P 4 *p6d bee, was n progres a" y pAke4 to. ptocood 'und, r. at 11- 'tted gli Mt. Elwood Barbour hA0 -to's011 -madc.At 06�dvntneht and the jiAnk ire''preTF missionary comml ptovedL lar: e ' sorry to report in, big bitt unwi Ing, tins. xe:kt'' with - 0, cleat 'that they cinn6C'6 sold. unless paied t6 work under It iur tht very intergs meeting is to 6 itune t6 W�it y'. the mitfortine to P h*V IIL W od' Barbotir bad the misfO. it l6t'ro', 'they ire. Os-nd "that "ertainly tO�06 be.& gbnt' jetVde,. it 'daughter, on so .�desi I shoul& -be thei, ji Di Ross# -break his ''ankle" bond, Eit a fo k, taken to -the t, 'it oiniie th.19''lette'r FA r o made *iplo gyro h in M ere e - - t :� 'to n con to Olt, d6h' VIti:tIIe ':got! ',still to do, ee, Ti, L 'this . season Thave last *eekj Tol ite' iblic ras yowt *�i'ki- for, smr weeks. in' Melvin, h4in pdnt the week. 'Pt vealea, At in I ones, n inis er o I bkolit thb: stigdiftag'bedn it r1ends "it LO III the, di;to of ihb�, GO _0 on. e L ankle *jjj' fractured r-, arid I �be -Hut, ri th olt(r$i Mr. the ;brile fIli slen fetuzibdd. boMc: W; WM, Hith ero. ois: Sucker $ ng s Ome time, e d A*Ifhe switching, for ,I anA *6 hear s6ind real "Ash ek visitimi lid T." 6 1. ndiy 'bour, ill be, Udg­ up', for 9' elWoul *bek aft 86fi., me. 11 jjA'L g1dij, Md " gimvice to, lfitt�idntg wokc t wd r6ho st6ties", McBjj�n of Auburni,.' r 9611r3r. *bIct is� mos6 Uilfolitinfite at this heDo M igial jtTI Mt. And'M s. ThosL P Arin", t "the" Of`wAU kr4 rank Itairm L on, . e� Ludkrift, In idtur� tot, which t6ntkadlidt Sug;*8 MVF 110illi tit. L , ' � I *ouldl, p '�, .. "Junicips, a I . . t jbL�A, aoto. SAW d Tt c heute",indige, ion I e, sochetft, Ack of at, MrT; �h d was ome $4,00 a, d., on'Pot wee -ien the ros as to me Out, rge,,, c r good btiginOsg On `b s 86, 4esi - d migi .140 lim is spen in 0 fa ea In, a en 6AFT. Mt; 'Tom wee 6e inon, e 0 6 iot i Ing, ami *Ith tif . V th rpe t ib6 k lid *I the L Ilig hi. getvi e iumm r m n, s, Jack t, 00i tA bb,-t&kk�'up )Y, At or i��nipan ro6k, arm ba*i lf�6rthi Ituroft trfeff 0 y �t& ftlidg6ti, g�Al 6tb&;F,' Olt, eft h -bog bytei'Ab hurch -was t6 q,�Od, wan6s e §06flt fh woo vien &medto draft 6ut4tafiding,e ad jet; X4tej aj .16. V a e reqhoBf6,d to the JI Id itho Th tbAaish, t.b6 tiqqtiltio, Ali the �iomlioi f cot., nt the Vhb cdoIhaannabieere' tncerntill 10flAtti e, 6 lidd At a TA 10, ey bn I r e or Aoilth t ionok�t, 1�*6' f A'g, , gajj6t� I— " L, ofd6wt t, milnAti k&V -p n 10 'no* "for haIWee I om, oUr lot - be ng Aloi f of tre oug rhey e th