The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-04-12, Page 7I11W "Vx" 27 ;77 joy od;" his, -1 ;lt*!bA*, oo� it: is no oheillF*thqr-who Ixii4 ilesita theme little, ones- shQ'W Iis7,—., rOJ 11stbrys, to reli he, iniuf* ajionj Into t y, the mod- The, Kfnpdom.-,-MsW,1# 14, anpr1I L , 0 tm " ding, allurinj figur' of 1i 10t.14. 19 ja�j$ Gold to the little Ohl 'no !sTbin, were theiebiOught unto, 41M td -for. blo Ithein t little children, that hP4. gme 40. o me'. 44 ohoul.4 laybIj' B$ for to such �qlbridqth the kin do ba, 9 - M. tf!'On thqin, and -pra appears of I 't a ;V@".�-M#t 10 Ist. tas l ;PW IA L301444: for- soTIME—' Sunimer, f A.D. 20f 9411tBAO. be taken ta*the..s.yna*q0e.to0,, d the� be es IOW#r' tfiq� vqrF. simplest kind third -;Fear of Chrio�s mlufstrqy;� also 41e*qe4. by; the ribbic eek up is, in repyersI;a, moo lKarch said'" on mw Coo rJax and, see Inexpensive Of the *jf,ItL*8hO*j look Of Jj:L4j4AatIO4r di " e0t , qW r 444 7r identI, u le" -pup hitare Jq'torI6 ly* slin le CuPil flour, tq4iippoa' .PLACE The C 440, JW7 sting palt, hicident, iA 01' a glad am*' come. for..&, f W_pl e4ta and -their childrin, a baking s0da, teaspoons baking Par 0 spop] T m the 4o;04, -Letpq pAgge '4� mom, !and con;i' pQwd er* % - c*P�E�ou oiled go; .qnt PARALLEL PAS 4�.G littl 10614'.theni �noti IC '50 to come e'.P1 Our'Lo a ma -.10 e: 0 �:�'46- older thp, Tatrle�leq,-� ho A ren Ose Cream shorten14gL';Aqpaiately', and 1517. MA matter that,�hq puts:14 n4, Dr6p:cooklea, belong W stiffer qrop, thorough y; ble 'An. suiir gr4a, uh bot 'ely and eg '11n, -that -bout "dsme he'diielplestuh. ativii;y. 'at -b f�fiour, meaqurlq�, -sift 'With to sum.' re,erenco Js back to such longet the kingdom ob term. lee o3c. cookie4 ',and rolled' nd. pok,100 l;�'sot _.salt, soda,.afi,d',b.Akfug bowd6r6 je Th ter� th6jiiqldenvot, the r. ten tax *hid such��to those, Who Are,10m *lit Lnd�. stiff "douglis.. - Add I , ' Ik'and idjIq#bat ali h Is had paid �by rig a mir. ble,� -oh t- battei and suga Dftn�y The drop,cookles may be Of, the 'b� act c I ter or butter ess ype.l.. n eE 'gradually stir in "the 8 tted, dry. thniA#d, he Iola, 11j" .,ban a - o' I t I tell cas . e IVh Irhe, inl#ture a juqt stilf enough to ,10gr0lento Ao,ma,407& soft dough. , then is, jrogtAist In th and. -departed thence r kG .drqp�.,by sm'ill: spODUNIS bn to. a g e ri- , �fIrtm-1.(This will r64ulke, r a chiliziuntiUve Ithe kd6m,4: heaven ch W14' done, the, little; ed sheeti wh6re­the 3nuat.hold their about 12'houts. ROO to 1-6. In ­eti he � bl thick- 0 .8 did .'�',t 6.w r. , weal ren., He miy'have" liape. without s6reading - Wherefore aegs, using a lightly A put c.�me, to, work omii' board thy,, or the ecelstlistically Prominent great mjj*elI6 or pe It � fis, evident " that. tho. out with - floured 'citter and bake -1 rhgps some subf. :�Lri heavier but, to the. hum�le- fisher f6lk,,the pub- lime'disebyrse, but In. touching th attorsi; And sinneia, 'and .�qtherwlse a, moderate ovan,.360�. deg6. F uAtIt than our, Usual. drop b souls of''thoa � 0 �,Ilg I y­browiagif o'chf1dr@h, and im. ht common, pea in, t esisbe,'selict- p 'im Mon ro h r par� q.T. " 4 G Olanting there!' -ed- the': love od -meq w Oi�i. iiiiii0a 46W41e, the he, deparal' jles for �p4*e ..aking 7 e, hese Snacks. prea6hQ the mightiLptf all a for,tfi4 c4 ooinj -of ingrectle4to, p ire. ermolifik f rt, in thq�-,kftigiom of, God in all ro, then rar 'agiss to some.'? ja I 60n. Mr. cookinj jbk.� geitliag reito Mov ru I' e a. aileo, Q And .1 le.all, the, Ingtedl b lid: of .Ch to called to, hkm a, 0411 h b ..... .. C xIa,n-mfttorshfD--Ta1-Y-I my tI.30 its d ilijayinig abion hold, I a, e neral W Press slides, firmly togetherII, Fry In ni .60f an: n o. fog is'' For" here, UA a1litIV, hot baconfat. Serv6�on a hot 9,me an inoit d6frieU i4d tugs'iefloatei . I . , - , I , , , y Alai- garnished - 11:4 parisley, dlit. own hbme Itn& quItd accustomer torbo- th Mayo Clinic, of &,dlet which th Q*SA't.bmpqr&ture may, on, with Occasion, 4umah--bodi uses -to 'n"utneturq'i filed. tomatoes or in It ipir noticed by 4 I for. -small than. r: . large us rooms. . . ......................... be Cher go oI I sum. I" - - I ­ them-" OF,4: germ- Illin h Dort g 0 0micals to report 1tr ifieApi Pe merican, 0, he] Tr Releasing the,--littlb one,. Christ thin to.1he ailthey, *01' hive baked thfoug ..To open a &sq--bottli i -glass XnIil'set'him,in,the mirit of more. quickly jtjgoUt,6f �V, 'motbh U4 octet topper, lijht.a Y 'Iseed him in itbe centr of angry y A.,,& i -The. b t P od 86, Slowly i io-dr 0 t iB - 116at 1%,Igues rown, sauce, -te& O,tlO will openImmedi' e -mad IV�l u: ml. 0 110111 cill sure the ov6n� bakes, ereul) and, Avoid sociOn'., Ish an& one toopoo Very eully, nquiring men., need t boll d a' I'' A96.16kve', to Use"Naine-foi - i'fi he qaute. as., healing diags but ard g�-t -e�door,--tDo--oft6W.--,dgriijj.- -,then- aid'' Verily I soy. ujit,6 and "W Pilot and mortar 906 Ahis olieis. the; ,6�eii add lb.-'co6k4 keat green Pan .71? Atffit Mid VeFfly Is-liwallk a6in-Jilo-chrision ti may o re- 90131mon. Way. o4st.,veal, h( upgor. ntion to I oWo UPA' -codkiiij Make moved from wjijd6*,s'W j fstt� wlth .-where It in, dim ­�:mauv OnIA 'I h" it tto re#Lcb *fth mediciiies'.,, ind,'il be. 0 i0pped C614. r I;k the body Pierbake 666ki at Piping hoit� a"! serve W, t 1:.ne potio- f- they are Ptubborn ui6.. t rpe ' I 44vtterance of 00 -:Many oP 11 at rt* uger "'And' se and sand. children,"?, I Mjt4 ejj softp, toes ird' 'aiullbower. b " 0;" 0 U ' - 1 'dk germicid Co C III) their', Aealinj itetto; rhou .Detroit. 'sI�­George Bernard Th, �vorlA has always biezi *mdAing a so fit W, now known tj odyl potato C-hees� rdGiW& 'Beware of -t '06, -blul 'th the ,0n$ft9ed -Jq a Us With, an d _and,f he**"o' � I . -L I I TYjOtCAL, OLL10" C )�oi!4,tractof bi bi OOKIES 'They -b4glnLw,6jj,:,j,, -im w4i eXt 3 9 with 4hIb kidnoy'- in 49 IYit valf - cup shortenin a -pound of7 Cooked Potatoes. f. Yon"40youir *jIlia n4d,. came but. sive,it from. tielf. g, 2%,dups 116uk ter fu�. which,' .ograp 4finter it Fy no w me feisPoons,ba� ellow g and sei46ning. Y W11 �tka .. ; ih6m in time in I" ,ezkte'rini� ig 2, pound 66*, �-t e*' dow bf-.-h-eavefi.'? The' 'Beat the, el a4d� reia jgdom Itingd6ni-O it, Salt IAs rail % -teamoo( )n Vjuljlm� NPOO, ep w- 6" hits I auto- ldOML hokt*ning � a to,. steii with, Very L Be Gdi h!,e d'potatoes -andnidt I4vhs- for, �rearsj wro e 'a Cr"m the,4 4�c hi6na, in th g polite letter 'glbry- It- ii -thi,' 6�ten egg. koulA hitoi., ia ryd rmaws - meAnq G Aijenti t46, sug4f, #40uailly',, and'-bi t h )"Ii tollictiiit, he Ven, �jan ng. an L autograph No- reli y it 9 at until and p1de n' aeaq4d'tin ba Ij 194t, A, Ind. fitifir 6eat6� a:,,hot .0ven, Orfle caFne. �MacDonal&beca Add-', the."'w6li- lord mil Sift -the fiou meae.� so called, fs.,the, .69918 and L k �tejt a � few� -days ot. - thq#ght,. be. t. or Cold. - max'AA&I'the: Ure, bt.oWpedl., S#ry to LONDON. -One, of tile bigiist, 09 ind'ie-aifi with tljq,� a 1pitil" I , , j 0, I I .1. . 9 'e carrlLiaLa special re.atIng'thAt,MacDLoia,14�h d, Ito Org#nIzed.,m',co"A . ny for the of"' LbumblL- ea a -in, -years' Ig about. to be CompketL)i %ge r,cently OlLbakint-powdei with pk 4d to theieftq§ct that new, vegetable :cop &:C ii6"Royal b.ut6h C -dukli Into, thel Witier-itijir-oig 46iPatch trom v,Th&me;avjII ho:soeiei tbe�iioke Asl d "I ijajhi P, I 'Y on re� �!on turo,,!'Adding th r- ' ' 11 , , L ''i a himself" as; this I ' ittl - i Child, the'. ia?n4 ompan .4 ­20-yeat-old h6is�; Owned b�.­Walter� digesti e ing om of hea- ri ne ,oyq�n t 44 last measur6,-6t. flour. Ve' t e greatest inih d iti'd,thi Arge ell f. !;TIC q6: for. is the'-, M x,1 b. Tean minced 16�i t G Afteri aaking. ItioderatIp! ha, ni With o C 'thi,begin1jing nist vijjj.� P y-jitiff doiijh',1(&M an ump AISI61i'6, use his. "&6 in *Cthe 'mi d Twill 'PrYdArma U, �-Of tlikt- town Pull . . 149i Iri- itably; flour, may'be requireil).� Flavor.- �3j Upe� egg an 'a 1. ki ar e ing, e. :. , - I . . . �, Is— ' ' , QI churt OfL Ch re" �jtorul. at' re, to reply - w6il& be Roll' , , . , I . a dr nk Of ater cdmp0end-,�M16D6jfiJd h risto ha �Under the "deal; the Royal -Dutch 'is otUils!�miituro I to to ftiglit ick 111ablo w1iiij,69se d thin of ness between, 3, ave seen It,) failu some, 1. g this Vea . do sent. the C, an.n- er nk r 11, ut, To'the avera'&i indMil ai' take� over 'the - x -paper, Cato 116und Cut. with: buttered- V am, as -044 � �� --- 'known b'k" �riiatsed sh6ej I' a. Serve �witji a a L .e likiK er, a eon a.g a mod- Our 99 MAY a lr�i t ose autograph Uinite.io'did not..hkv'd HOW com0letely odgl`AA .Are. he era, long -to wait, Y Imieutos Pet 61ifeiros. Flaci� es t all It6o*e'n nalse -dev lied g kho Thathesville ait� k,a hot �Cbiliri -God deorf�W n, as il " h f nj woudejr� on -an. bb-- ing the clia W. n, rgenthia, COOKIES tiffe' eter 0 12 O 15 m ilutol a:1046ij Written 'in loi�jhaid turi as repr6sOnt we as,.: uge, lie North;r u aboi vIII6 ong.-white car&- was-,, recel Qhood-',full d ''I e t it -Jt­-'Thkmes ' ' 1. L ve from. ch eye op e� I' pan, YPICAL 4dig 'h -W-a--a,',ufi&kiRQ 9i"he, I in , ;L, . < "'. I . onI,many:,ccc"j6ns.- .,p A heart stuffed -nd N selUbb ibe:mlao hkw., - � T etter iead,' Of Y Co. -4tigh uring�,the�'War. it, -di& at� sense" c ude paymmt ot.'a` J�t steadin'e­as,* on- thing stam iked makes -an, p, shorten fig I qup,"augar.. 2 appeti�L ng,,,, aw tcyi�4iid �i; the.'* k t 4 bpoon:bak- ry nieals.,41ile�: are apt to,ib6coM4 everything that * even to; i4tir 1tter of sum Argentiue,;-Qdverniiifit'-i ras -asked''ok it " a - L sron h'' poon va the 24th g`wjs forpar on..- fhg�.pow er, Ig th�Itbyhf' t -return'. f6i t a -Wh oaite, MO o on o, ent It Pipt to use my, name 'whos . .'sb f Manil o 'cauie."bifte f the,concessions. w li*111-be d* AeaS saft, %'16afi 4 ':,L ous at'' this tlm:� of ipar. or Inin u c concern': In I010 battilloh'to .'ult-, beef hear - is, upper hie opersto For. large a, skatj in the Mpt ng our: my hat believe on, me 0 111: th�;e littlii,ozies I It per orm ance,� ItepAn. tThilt di cerz ed. c6oklosi ido rec pe: a stai,' f' ta 12.1y take every egal.�s to edon,a, 50 149 'In Stu h.,' Chill. W t 'I heboWl!fn owev.er, was: coniecticii with the .to, rem slafficlent,to'make a soft,dou* It his'progress in in ran you �and.'to warn ilb,axid m1bri h aB me t at Ukxi . by. b ch1ough Was mli6d: n, jxn0..soakjtln.wafm.. i9l.7 �fLy6jjj L&,­Therii� are %] Victory Li5ifi. The canvassers the 0W. il y01ifi relf on U Ing,it, , U M O y sneers at -qt&rWd--eu-a�,' - ' id- als" - Que-jntntae�& - ..-in - tur. LWQ , 11U rp set.ting., it bad - �4mplg, by sugge, r 1� rol f q�i d thl It es.. Iii, it C . sting 0 Settle c. n 8,,�, �ii6t "'the �m Eletioll 9 cup, e. � and W rouing citizeng. OUtof lied, G. Bernard Sh4L e -its over �At One O'clock -well as bk d in iting en adifig the. bO�� dttavia April 14.-Rhi A . ors'of a, n or loth ;6x Pape' doubts v br6adcrumbs le. .r and 6hill, for:12: ik I' " 0 urs Ma '4. a forcemeat by te'flattens tog6thiII eabli, .'bf. 11114 e ioll'. ih.by had'telephoned I th the T 06 f , 0 0 eral e e�etlon this yeaj.' Will olk, n the bott 'Ah' ' i Ch. b peppei maebonald -wrote. wlefter anks an& re- -alirbdif t' itpin r6zito morning. papers ihvi�lfio�� girls to do� eVj either b( again slice a herbs'jhe 'tratid. 41ready doubled. their allotmen' profitibl� fo -that ed'or-set.,at rest, It,10 expectz,�, d en very firm lablespooit i�iked' for -the co"Vet0d autoir r hirri town thinly ith aLbarp nifoi: a 0, rind f hit . it lemon ail Wbeaten"e9g. XIL rryddrWan 40s -.been, great'inil stone o"B k 'It 4 W by; th Rhode�-bu4git to�I;bq Present d - 0 age should be'lianged a M -ani sOoA a The. 4 - It is neck; pven 5,degs. F. until lightly brqWn- -to. plixc,4� for ilie," forcenl0at., 4nd'gen6fIg], �counaellor.4t6'tb� jill&g Ha i 's-unk, In the.dip'th of the' -sea.,) � The tr6dudidh bf­tso-:P�i e , Iegl%'4 37 D�6if :, -fie, an ungreas, oaerate- Cut'thr'ougb the middl authorlti. ha'Ao Zster'� .e. of the,�hehrt ears - race, lidise . re On :es�. ch. cL v he session, a nd'th prb�ilxo to 15 then and',s'e'cure- tape',or'st f6i well'ov6k- a q6art6r of a, cefiitiry; eWS' �Jdiod Nnds 'of, mihst6 yRriatl(ins'tor.Eititiir,Mixttire for 4WIth 1 ' - - ' ' "indL. 'nee qo.E�n . I d thread, Rib, ovei PY training them. a IFonL n .Ole' an it smit i Wr ed I byt4e�' Of in ateenith'I6iied, tli� him d ooklas easoned our, p '14 a 1b,alkin Year# ago he his r- waUlted. about *his OLIW aan I tons :'��rho believe a CU91 d f omen,ihh theothei,aJaigo-one -as IS imminent. 9- such -Christ' he o ea- The,Rb1led..Cook*. Dqukh.or1ce,Box ind4meir"with'dripoln, .,dog " .,,w. iss - minfio�ii; that .could-im6k6 A clgars� ork--, I. "f -two thetimej- O'f6r-th6 qu e !nR4, with :in brilered, -air vy at - t must ug, , may -be virf6dt Bike iu�� a moderate oven rom 9' 'xiiail.40d do many A -b .1 Raising --;.# -Add-.�ifi .'Cuo - washed. 'and' to'.fou ips uderfol things. Tfie 20 -year. :of akill 0 lowei -by an''asi' v i Ch UPP Y w oGa jtIonL of flo * wl hi -pump- lf-W .&nsd-the�-.dool�riud-made--��the., q it�%' -'driii 4 add ur; . . t 11, we ia coo. qr awa�':jfi'6� fat, t1i W-ater used1to be *eh-kiibwu'oh-th& egges. ttu66, hlla -a e- diralit po L 4"eUp-: Make To cup opped Ln to.,:Fre L . , ­. -- . '!How.. tliljik-,, y,et Kut L4 Add .4, h t MOM 1�1'ok sitoc' .over th O.r�trather What e h6aft,-theu, 16h 1ricks. of The rant J01;,y. wc' uw P ASL Ov'e igan,. and eVefal 1oble Adi used f the ye? "If 'hiv: b ,,for rAlskii,. It $n ni�jjy it tjoItting ' ' ' I P . I .1, . any man TjGENE. Ort,.,�- diod, o1n servq wit'li red'cuf race against hot new �me a-A-laije ho6k,; -As. - is in kinig- clia binges fir sb6e ' Add-%' eu� aed turn -to but not too KnIbwIng 'Walt.' ind Th�, tifeli on, th4 might am Cos. u teqy, L L oo bly, Christ's, larg., prljiclple� of 1 lit. . Ve. horsej� We. -are -not "an' for the wK -11i0offig daki. :Kitcheh 11�inks yo .1 r- %welcome in 19hepeid, to,' have,'' inAlvidual''.ca, " tiL . -'.. .. iAtInk of Thos j ire. an L. t e-teLItt"li-J-P.rised -tb�f J.t punipsAtelf e. thlng%;.wfilch trV­pp , wit, announced., ree0t sh-1 t --- on 0 e rather dida ointed, oaaffi-eW-pTn-651�­pl t t -goine. -to in j:..and. aVanilsorbi ".�ioi'stur6 a�d frish6fis, W.11'0r, but,,*e ar -Close "reg not. ireani 'ie horse What, -need enter my,'secluddd e -1: fuis ibii a .of. 6hipped ood li that - It it 'get -Ii!6 - t I o thouibti-L­lost piceL 1% teaspoon ,th , " t ne' "b t�pe. of . rotating -itself, comb ts wn a d n 2ri enem. our into a, inw trough and ath .,room men; 2-3 teas r 'A CA JYL In* I out of the Wood P6611 ginger, and '1-3 e 't dri 18 h ha'Jri­anL pialt -it�a oWn tail. I OaY e planed, o Yo L ea Ves',the kag iss "Waghboard' Is., I It and trlmmjii�, ana' Poon ead �Mace, �Ic OVeS, anL A 'gh better 'thalk t L alto d aflipl� elther-ge tihg Id 0 "D.6th he ndt.liave the, �Inety ari� ifid theie ga's AjVd o titke retir, ng 44ftres, 3 zo with .,the, ,floor. Ono!jAside 6f`ifnc,and1t'W 11 lkst. much lazy, or? the 6 cut the wpod, too i6m. I . nifto?"!L I '.them cylinder hot enough %.to- carbon a Of b the�careii. 'ri� the eild"fast - . .. . .. e� I .. longer.., he safe U choco� It er.andOherds orin, t, woqd..� Chocolaie M�'lt' 2 th 4011ing: Witter, r act- a e over, o bu Wlth,'�table sc r make, k bearth brusli'out-o' 9 Pirsian :Phil6ao�her' Says 'We- -neii'dril iew -j)' but most- of it Is, sup lied y* tho4omoi stir 'Into butte�,sugar seek that. Which g It Ri.h P .. b Ihot -as ayl ic r Iiosdig egg., 61d Womo idAk the old 'b'ooiu 61pi4lifth Ake, turning Info.'eittboti.. a and.Vi'm sh6rt.�, Too. any The., slender inn6r box t'h'* d 'he 4, is *fib him. Nfife-fbid- Oraqg.e;-�- PliL;vor with. 1% table-, w 'ter, -it ;Th yed nine t i k the look ty And ni e mus see d sTootbe4, ilblht' IC *t d" sPoons orange. rind. 10;'Rioiled took. I IPS All djy heL' gft y lamb hich �has a raye away inatid' 861ttitr giof6i "46ad 4vho� ch6 or *Ill 'clean, mfr� Kansas cjtj -Md.�W,6wei' An Cailf�hated Witter n In Amer� d If -so be, that he'find it, *Mly A y,.un A&I , ",?era an .0 losopher,' 'a, thin 14�Ok 6f,sultablo h,- While. Filance't imp6rb- Iced., Pookide �Cover'01d baked, iors;'qui kly knd',k.ithdut att0akffig," Ito dr�L too. buej td b6 beautiful' it.� t. P Another'of 43fiiist'-s: vr6nKarty, At'id at my desk,'I ty asesi', s Owing, lit' u1iesh, lifimill em h '600 600 for, hi have fallen to $291, 'flavor'of' Tehth "They: allow thedii;6, aned and. hat 'of h, a edreai* lipi, too little And �Lftt aM 'd 0 1 e T e P "op f1rgt.tw6'months'of. 1994i And,, p6ice, .1, . meAffaNd bit my task,. light 'i heaven oVer th ed'm t" OU knor dte a dd,d littl n on qlcej tbLiieveloplh6ii person other doors -6 tlia'zi $515;00,0 000, from�'ihol to Vatftl(�i COW' esq alitlesool he it More thin' or fto,fOjoiceth over 01. titi,for the §airao perdd la8tL Yeisfo hS( No,- discus of rolled. cookies 16 �biVd- much re- I bflg�t "''a A0sly Op6i, wide, �na firmly er the,ploky:hfid nine which' btv,6'notI Complete, without '4 few wdi*ds about t contain 6aking powder 666161ilti 'to, be truly bap L Py -and cl6get The expqrts , totallied lkho* redipe'wbi.ch tolf sh6uK.0e, habdied as'litt 61i ap' 9Tfa r po one le 606 bbl6w the' fl . i le as'posAbla. t*fi n as than $1,600 1� ,Ogg peara C .-Ne.lilie R Mac. has :passed,' hr u9b,j e g�oittif the, for O I h - , . ante period 1 AND..,. EFF R' Eli Wot S61no'Col' Sch�j��- F �,w,4r:kwcz 5, lts)(VEN�IVE'tdTwilvrz VERY SEMOR OF: 0UItFiL" IYE A, ftR IN PARM IMCOL it 'il. OK CC-- IS Too44,1T. I16E MOM 'MOTT? C600 WILI. GIVE Mo COARK A146"AOV.' 0) L Isfill ILk II