The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-03-22, Page 7P Si Maiz M...Morgan A SUGGESTION If you likeonions (like 1 r o) you will agree that the', follow- , Ming suggestion is no amiss and that restaurateurs `.might well''. take heed and -profit thereby. ~ o How many . times have we gone to a show and after t, hours in ' the : warms (sometimes stuffy) atmosphere come out with' an idea that Weare hungry but that hunger must be satis- fied atis fi fled -by something piquant and tantalising.. In my case onions -raw,. fried pickled, boiled, , stewed; etc.;, always appeal. . ' ,attendingthe ,cinema consequently Gen- erallyI : am'�-not alone• when . . steak smother. d with onions,, sadly -pass .-up tempting Westerns, ., 1•. a • "ham o f. m g etc. ,.and I now have the. dubious. reputation, sandwicher." Yes, my: escorts really;believe that I have no appreciation of food—that imagination in this field is extreme- ly dull,: , . This is all very bad. ., •: ..; Now$S 'I suggest that; instead of the puny sprig:of.parsley Which is 'never • enough to defeat friend onion—a. few seeds such as r restaurant offering this gracious courtesy I!believe; the cafe o . ...,._.._. an increase crease in its number of patrons. would notice, quite. n . . ' would 'boom the people would be- satin ..The onion ' industry ry � . . • Bed and healthy (there is nothing better than an onion -a -day - feeling) and we onion -eaters -eaters' would not. be offen- sive;that, peppy• � P those who cant take em, What about it? •• James Agate •writing in''•John'O'L.ondoi's Weekly raises ,a tario. The following Cities:require ail` ° nice .point for dlecusslon, L ' n his estimation the six greatest Milk 'sold .In ,them to. be pasteurized,. • . living'. actors are Emil Jennings', .Charlie Chaplin,• Alfred Lunt, namely:' Toronto, Hani lton, Windsor, Lynn Fontanne, I udmella Pitoeff, and Katharine 'Hepburn. • When 'Past Windsor, St.' Catharines, North ta• e ie. -screen,, Mr : _Agate declared ``fit is Bay, ?n Y, . Tim ►ins, chs f ha ,. -"-_=CUS_eTl.:Of-�LIIYIb11n`g� $ �� � � . �, -.• -t3alt-and-•hhagara..F'alis, making�ll, In: as 'absurd ` to' keep the two , apart' as to pretend, that Euclid, all. or the:, remaining 17, six Of them, : Algerbra" and. Trigonometry are not all a; `part Of ,ma them ties.` . have their milk pasteurised to' an ex .Tames Aate-is—we.-allow; fully__capabl'e•e a tang in ' LO un `tet varying' from 64 to 98,per cent, g s This means that there are 11 cities in which the population has no, 'protec tion as . far as its 'milk' supply' is con= cerned: _ In the -towns. ofI ntario, 13 have compulsory pasteurization :of.` 190% and 4 have 100% . pasteurization with.= out':compulsory: legislation, ' making a total' of 1' towns' in whieh all the: ,milk' sold is ;completely',: pasteurized. There; -therefore;-remain28 to`vns=nvVhicb 9 *4, Enga gea-to*be-Married, { Miss.:Carel-Marmon;• only; child: of, Gen, Howard- C. Marmon; multi, millionaire •auto•mobile.'manufacturer, and Prince, Nicolas, Tchkotoua, • of ,the ie-tim'.e 'kingdom of georgia, plan..to be married;; g Sine ao For. Thou • • Donkey,: The` Don When fishes flawand' forest walked d A xrd figs grneal.. upon bhoTn;, • Some moment ' When. the .noon was. . A, long, ,cold winter in drawing .to a close, At least it is the hope of •Most Canadians, even the younger ones woo must. have had their .611, of ice and snow . sports this :season, ' that soon the \weather', will moderate; and • once more we may venture out,of;doors. In the meantime ga'r'den plans, may be diknee ed; Nothing will retore health an. quickly, or.. bring order to a, mind, unsettled ' by the business, political - and social Problems, • so :prevalent .to- day, as a few hours in the garden. To dig in 'the earth; 'to,::plant seeds' that have ben.iianded down. carefully from the dim ages;;'and in a few short.w.eeks' to see a picture of our own 'creating 'taking: shape around us -this is real satisfaction. * , Garden Plans; ' • Planning is essential. Tall things •must not be planted.,where they will shade. smaller .types. Very early. spinach, radiad► and the first lettuce can he planted in rows twenty inc lies apart .and' the later vegeta/ilea put. in pefween. Plantings of each vegetable ,may be • spread over weeks: in. ,many •instances -so ,that. a_ continuous 'supply and ,rate varieties, of he same : vege- table' offers another means of spacing out the crop and increasing total 're- turns and 'the , introduction ,.of a few, absolutely new '.things each:. year Will also increase the trend in that direr tion: It Is quite possible in every set- tled • district in • Canada:'to .develop; a • • Province' of: Ontario. ; Toronto:-Tfie' Canadian: Facial Hy- giene Council have just'issued the fol; lowing pertinent: facts,; Theresent. state 'of. asteurizatlon P p in. the Province of Ontario is : as fol, lotus: .. .-There�are altogether '28:cities in On,. certain terms his choice, • as he.. has thirty years of, dramatic criticism to. back himup,; as well as a number of novels essays and hooka about ;the.".theatr• ae. should screen and fit° s , no're �rk whythen , g. After all I;see . a;3 sat be linked: After all many, of pus would never:see some of not made: through Iambus stage; stars if it was possible for us 'the medium • ofscreen. . the. , DID -YOU KNOW? s Then surely." I was With moxletrous head and sickeliing And ears like errant wings,' The devil's wanting parody' On,,,, ril four -footed things,' . Thetattered tered outlaw oi:' the_,eartha Of ancient, crooked .w'ill, Starve, scourge, deride me; I am dumb, I.. keep my secret still tn.; Fools' For I:° also had my hour, • One far fierce hour and sweet, There was a 'shout about -irny ears,' • And�palrn's before -My -feet.. -G. K. Chesterton. --��- . 'nuns Hoover .Takes Up.' Earirnin' � S. Fresno, `Calif. -Le urns' a "white collar job, Allan Hoover, seconds`son of .former . PresidentHerbert' Hoover, has tuned to the -business 'of "dirt" • _, .of ma of the;• reat of both screen faraning: ; / Cama is the birth place ... • the milk is_on1Y partially''pasteurized` For' severi_al_:i the young. Hdo.Y r. xd� stagerbuA,>+lY n� „'nat`iv'e native-er—reached°"grea t asteur-zea-at al. - he pr no p , l has -been--w�ikn�-et�-f& vegetable..garden which will, prove 1,, - continuous sources ot; table revenue. and, in doing so; saves money,`„. and, - what Is more important, it adds. liter Wing variety to the things that go on, • that•table, '• A ,Source of Income, .Throughout, Canada people, ars,. casts •.' ing about for ways of making an extra': • dollar. Young •people •losing employ7 anent in. the cities have' returned to •. the old • farmstead for shelter.For fifty; miles around ,the larger cities;: countryside and: villages are.-o'rowded k' with families who: are. trying• to estab- , lisp themselves on th•e land. In; every.• comunity there' are m,good citizens, who have . more time on their hands 'to -day than ever. before. Gardening • offers at leasta' partial solution: In addition to giving them the major por- tion, of their food .requirements• for at least six months, it, offers 'some op- portunity of making money: This may 'takethe' form of specialties, like green peas, sweet' corn,; mushrooms, canning, or truck crops for• a "Focal. . market. Perhaps, there, is 'a main high - Way, close -at, hand which offers a .site for a r adside• Stand over which they can and cut . finwera. • Maybe theta114 a summer resort colony within ten: miles:• where the highest prices may he se ' cured.. To, capture this sort of trade, earliness. is 'essential, but' this' only means a good hot bed,: . planted in ,Match or • in ' heights •t an has 'Math son' Lang. Few, indeed; know er actl g g ; h c that Lang,waasborn in- Montreal the -son' of: a .Presbyterian imin- ish descent. .• He wg�nt on'.'the :stage against the dabs. of Scott, . family; who.hoped that.;too woul., enter the • ;wishes' sof his fan y, P,he, d. Church but•the lure Of -the footlights. was- too -•strong to.beesisted= -=-and' now he has harkened. to the latest ; medium, the 'talkies.. The latest' *film "Channel „Crossing gives' Mr.'Lang admirers exposed to e opportunity. '•to -hear his: actor's perfectly modulated voice. 'Pie of this Province ph. -'• every , 4 da>rgaars of raw milk ae well' as renew; acquain ace (as many of us. will) With all the , The failure to -pasteurize. iii k may, 1• follows ala s. i of the ove:oC c Thher t a ids g :roan'result n `re tan eCrossing..ifsa `eJiCitem nt Of a � , ... :,... •• •: . , • . , • p P1 . � � . , eases: typhoid, and Par"atyphiai lass-•--bugs=towne-witb --the-silk ' The population of Qntario` is about 3'600,000 people.'`• -Of the' cities `;towns and villageswhich have either+ com- plete or partial' pasteurization there is a _population; of about; 1, 500,000 who are ,protected, Asresult there are about two-thirds of the` eo- sii sPav 'T ,'�:h id, k To a e Them �M 'By. HELEN WIILIAME. stunt d'' resennaki fLesso Fite- lire e . np, n •i a -it 11 .r. _ a • - sh d h ve P tterit W v • yon. select.• `- •. •.•Styr; No. 2893 is designed for . 's,zea 14,16, 18, 20 •years; 34, 36, 38 and 40 inches bust.'' Size 16 : requires yards of 85 -inch material.' HOW ; TO ORDER ; PATTERNS. Write your name and address 'plain 'plain- ly, such �. giving number and:. size of s h , g V ng.n ... be patterns as you want -Enclose 15e...id stamps or coin (coin preferred, wrap; it carefully). for each 'number, ; and address your. order to Wilscn, Pattern Service, ' 73.West Adelaide St:, Toronto. -'It Pars To -Ile Iind.:,Toia' Dog: ver, ccarlet .fever,, septic, sore throat,'diph theria.. Cases of bovine. tuberculosis lant'.fever a, ,disabling dist 'and undu _, 1 f-un'a eases which may .b; a sena two , p •l . ost'.fornnstof surgical Leurized •m> k � "' hildren are 'a direct tubereulosi l;�in _c. result of 'ainpasteut ized• milk Each: gepjeration will see' truth .a ,i the more :clearly : and comprehend the:riglits• and welfare. of others a. lit -tie:more' tolerantly' - :Carrie.Chanrnan. Catt. Halifax. -A little -mongrel' dog that :dhund Sind: r "i?te • heti ,befriended more than repaid 'its obligations by,'� saving the''settlat'', from avhat. would .' Probably have been• a lingering death.:, Incapacitated by, a, broken leg;' he - Isuffered in a fall from- t.he ice:near, Ifennetcook Corner;• Singer was lying •0n -the roadway clogged :witlr snroW,at the height of a bliszard :,:As long as hisrength' remarried he shouted for• help,:but hia cries went, unnoticed in the howling gale until 'the mongrel haptened .along,'. Tire 'injured with was ahuost"•bvercome••,from cold';:•,and pain •aiv1 the dog. e i ^i+ti, soniething' wiling. Away.: be daslysd• tri his uitister's .tioine and y,elpe<l. persistently. tently.. Ile 'was warned• to' • be quiet and even threat- ened; but he kept tugging at' the coat' of :loseph Barron,;•a lumberni,an. Final ly Barron followed hisdog and'found h,is.lieighbur almost unconscious. The ltinibernran" bundled iiiin.h . in is. owl) coat • and carried . iiim to the cabin'. ,Through the Use of hand and horse sleds the .•ifljured: pian finally Was. tiiytight to Halifax' over a* ,60 -mile. I,i ail an ll'teken to ho.-inital • ft' was. jtt-.t after surgeons• ainput, tate(] his .l;eg, that. Snider expressed his gratitude in hospital yesterday. They told him he would recover, brit- it utit: would be hare; •going in the •Woods, with one' leg. Birt Sing. r 'W;as'ol timri- istic-an'd ther'e';s One little ilOg•that will; never''want 'food as long as he' visits' •Rdn'ttInd Singer's. enbine XlfitYst',all of t.s: h ive, been con- fronted with', the nee=essi.ty for slain :smooth-littitig new ur-lies ld`;Wsal with the slendcrline frocks. • For this reason such a.• little set as today's pattern, whish din 'easily and to inexpensively be trade at hop*, is "Wealth, cannot be created by act ' of Parliament only by itctual t'tiduc' t► thing to be welconntiedz , ..,.._. •:; «. P..,;. a'he pantees clo..a' at:the side. The ,tions" --Sir 1ienni Deterdlflg, to assreie with " attached shoulder,-~---'-" i " aorit , has been the coed at the centre -back; Always tae to j Y ry6�trapS 1S � S r ,. ,,, r.. �.... L. crepe e ,si�.. in ,..... h 'the fow have been• l Ven."- •' . arra or c}epe• silt ,fiQell .,cions , t Wa alrrrig, s rtk is 1� practical choice, :Ute tiaiy J1arrt,,' 111110111.0n VPdtC1c • San J•oaquin:•Valley, tioilin . • lith the laborers, 'pruning • vin and • trees, helping; to irrigate th vineyards and wielding a. hose a a,shovel., Fie had ag tion as•_a field man in the laird • artrpent of a bank.. But hesou� g-- t practical experience: •as a far 'car' and. even toiled: on Sundayand �,�i i.. u iness .front olid�a to. learn the: b s Ys the ground up. He' and his asSociwes. recently par chased;.• 500 -acre farm, Which Hoover will: iaa Elk Toll' Heavy Stockholm, .Sweden.' --Six 'thousand of Sweden's estimated 40,000elk were killed by licensed• hunters in. 1933 as re ' with 1923 comps d .w "3S11n . Thrift is a,• Virtue and avarice , one 'of the ugliest of all vices; the •line •between them •• is sometimes thin.•'- Bruce; Barton. t Si: (Moritz. • livorce . Thelma.' Todd,' one-time. New ' England. school .. teacher," • photo. g'ra•phed.:-:iii a'.fte 1 e in ..siren' •a'' divorce from � Pa s- : g ,g cnal'e J. da Cicco,' theatrical:a•gent. Canadian Marine' • s In Ne York •. w • 'MISS Doreen llidt r ,left • and . it.:1ifor'itz where they Are � to take r, inial slti : races., .Y ' r • New:. York '-- Mrs Ceres.S tole Y. Raker, a native .of Ingersoll, Ont who: now resides in. CI.icago,'and Edward D.:Warner, • 52, of' Stamford, 'Conn.; were: married here last week in the municipal. chapel. -The bride gave. her. age as 47 while Warner :raid he was perpetual•,Y.imVum WATCH. YOU R, DIET ByBon on Sa nt te: 'We are. frequently' we hear.' what some people 'think of the question of .;dieting,; To Many it seems to. conjure- up in.their"nds a system'of •martyrdom,, a self-immiposed plan whereby they are "to be deprived or what:•they like' most to• eat, Such; Is,far from,the case. . For 'sick 'persons .diets must neces. n the na e •accords g. to sariiy bvaried • & -ture-ef: the••illuesa,.�liut�to the ;av�eL_ge•._._. Pcr•son i0fibre or lessnormiai health i whats owlet is. n, othing a r- 1ess_the_choo.• ing from a':'great vas :ety .orfoods ot• ; is best to, eat,.•and..eaten accord::. . iyg toe; systematic plan' under•. 'hat,. is called'a balanced diet. et is sir licit' Nitself A balaneed.di p Y , because. moseTmeals ^in .the hone' -and in the hotels and restaurants, are more ... or less balanced,,,but: it remains 'for•; the individual to pick and choose to avoid dietetic errors Diet .is `a •study, but a:simple'meth-, od • of dieting. i ` o avoid white •bread �t�• roducts 'reduce :. trite • soli. u and w sugar .and all sweets :to a''minimuanum n and eat vegetables and 'frdits i q , tity : Avoid over eating and take. • plenty of` fresh. air and. "Same exercise `.�. I••• dail' ` _• _ 'Ice cream can be se ed. every day ". to all the yotings'ters. in 1tonm'outh " " I.I'eilioritif .-H'ospitals try i:be-' will of Long Branch Irian Who died recently. --:lie-estabIthhed'-at-fund-;000-->or- the.' sole. purpose of 'providing ,this diurnal dessert a benefaction to'bring' to;.the--lips:•of•.many .a'giri' an. boy The thoughtfulness of. the• bequest•wilLeniiear the memory of the' giver to those who knowplea- • sure'Tiemug-have dived from the prospect..of • Maltiiig.ehildren happy. tut, the ;wisdom• of applying the ice- ..ereafn fund to the daily.menu is open, to' question: ' woii1d not the joy ot• the young patients. be 'Mote intense,. 'their palates snore d.elici`ously •tickled, ,by less ti egiient, satisfaction? After ,40 days of ice-creain for dessert it Will Seem almost as' inevitable as spinach. -Ne York Sun: , •'alt Is 'very• diflimult • to''be bed -tem- pered With on`e:wlio is good-hnniored," -Queen Marie. • Men -Replace. e la ce-Wo en 'As • t ers "ra h �. eno S s P r • replacin Ohcago.-Men , are p g , wo- Men as stenographers and secretaries, according to John C. Kennan, voca •• tional placemet counsellor ap the Wilt' versity of Chicago. ` " Kennan,, who '' contacts more than 1;000 Business' and •professional men, yearly e ,yearlyin connection with his duties , Ass "job getter" for eQllege• graduates, . said that ixren ivitl stenographic` trarninl 'are being• employed more and `*Moyers 'can irks* men .~it them on business trips, and ..do not. fear •toning their secretaries' through marriage," he :explained. Women Confined., To Alma eur.Aviation Antonie-•Strasaman, .one of the first German, woman' fliers just arrived in. New York,.`. admits •tiief'ully, that wo• men must confine .the+ir. exploits to 'thd field .of amateur aviation. • "The dray,' of :experimental flying ,ie ,post;" she sa di "it '.is• tirtie for i%,4.11 - Mew to admit that,' commercial avis• tion is a man's .sob. ^ Passengers hitvi • •fnore co•. idence in: male pilots. We iron ,are •not found at the .controls of;- ldcomotives and they should.not seek '. 'to•pifot the great commercial planes." "We Have Learned 'From You, • Hope Yon Have Learned From► ?ort of'Spain.'Trinidad.-Canada's 'r -le following • night the Canadian .' little squadr.'•on Pias taught soinething: to British naval forces, • , The 'four Canadian' destroyers, On *their annual Winter cruise'in the Wast Indis With a detachment of the Brit iib t'leet, were co'muicnded by Ad vital, ,tyle t'tire Mind Float; tate they, first 'night's operations off St:. Ritts whoa the sleek Canadian, \ essel5 sue- ees4stitily etaded• an rttack by the Im- perial. ernisere Achille& and Leander. "We, learned ,gomething irtotit void,"' {Aclniiral Boyle sa.icl in a signalled . l hls skiers, a.f. is•s,�a1e uan,lier,.,l,tis. � iiressA'e. Andhe was l'altt as anxious Part.111 the, forihiNtiting, ►lntenna, to 'know i the C:attgdians learned any; ti� • thing froril: n t inoeti\"i>es of his flbtflf: ,. • 9: IV vessels.-.stagih:ggthe 'attacks• failed t4,'' defeatthe er.uiscrs i#'rid ,the„Admiral signalled again. "I•Iope you •feat necl airmetfiifig trent. • Mobilittt aivd'speed of the nett crass. ;era ti.beet liliiilis: of'tlie iisassed',desti y- •era, , dash. ig tb. the attack in heavy;'' seas against a strong' head "wind. • , It . was the first time in liistett that, Canadian!, craft hive erigaged, with' the'.lnavy in•nniiiii Warfare, stag :ed b *ti. s uaclron of •Lour• iialUes i ucr Y q two cruisers, a7 aircraft-cartier, `fi dAstro era'"and the Cawxdian ha'(ryi l; the feree0 of four d r Byer s,