The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-03-22, Page 6MOWN A A...... screwpiliat'ihould have� held it. 'T 0 dth' th" "So of 0row, t& ic; fd JiA 4%lato "Pay ig, tip., Wow niWeol u: dv And what i iiied, perh thought 'd py to) k filed.Off alVbqt,',A d Ox screw, and Rejoggled; the­sw� 4q place. The' alightget (in heard *qm back :in At Croydon Aemdroxnee,- 'Plypin, uld'drgw man 11 Liner, 41an. Air, M4, -heartilyi, turned of their- fu"y 401( 1. The thq,x -y searh.0.­ t'tho%last MO- ni6ets Norah, pt 1 beU,,.A "d: it -en pdA prewe -hard bea id6r�d'to �tand, by �pr. W t4pele ob it, Glynn Is, 0 it r noe..4c utthe�:r%ei* :or I ' 'of Napat4ja Is and jn tint;cipoa.lon.. Of the 017- ilatel job., safe, lortu Y, , III ha4te� tO retut-4 to. ndia, vhe�ehlq, or, died.' Re, Mus rivaf -driiibermaid where, it They 0m, -lain the "thr6p6 �ihlchlhis set as teo t tnisse& geti t be presen t w 0 c t s�oize. ituie,'k, plotsj o -arriv uctions- W :�fiY, 4� OW, Wthrli �.or, wat6rbroof, voel.60t 0, the, Jus - ' -' - � ed and lutto: yfin gets. Instri Hethe a a r& but - �.t., Oc Re, stood, L din frorn'thq, faOOKY A to'. On 0 -doctors he PrInce, p phe, k , yi, ,,th of teurOnt� tbv. j..� toO ar'�"Straiipe As, a IV, d0clOAD the,prince too ill", to fly O-Pnj I ce bast,a, short, stalAing haid, at the b gL*ntL rt, ast..repoort-the .,,r n t Our binisOlf'� readin 'Or, K'I ills ye - smoke. YOU FITIOR9 Opip or, 13,43janiation of.10erit4nize; -Tr ythtng of -t4j he the" atiach�-,csse. i� thro.w­hIs' hti.& the or nark, air,route, W as �he; had left i hashish. or An: ugar - b di 1, Glyn , n. ine I e still'' A04 -d,and- broe4 heRQ Carefully ponceate, -tal'-socket platia forwar 6: Do her into'ziothing.1 W. 9,pi� slid w . s yn Find, - ...Who IS' n aked oos 'i�h d sfiatchi4 the f They. renei t a ni wi, di so, a ]ran q4se rpm urrying .. DAcK 'to should hove n, Tndia., W, -Not lipwing yo 'R ctm �U Li 'n n bite, hand and"V h tossed only -holes 'fe- k Agt�;warning, pboidl out pTap,",, al' of the screw his:rAind! bacl eaas - of �AvvO NOW. C&O ON VilTlEi jr;M �ST41r- tol"show' *A had been gL ed, e one Pa- tyfeen an �4b, Heiivy Sinclokef A 'jateS,.Lpjj. C,aibdn rug tit, d A- "But (Contld,), a lily , I : L " _ r hi Ad, mairmpg the Indian OX cl�qxid Th *Tr down , and peihaP ­;qiged., geep. me Yale. lay -the -bolt- rfetor M P all' W06W 0 the Nan ed ex Glynn Who knew being i*hatL had, hap.? To Re Q ontinu plate where. it' had f . allen b in toil d toplainod"Llori0fly, the tO­ d they'arisd T04* iet, New 'I discov ti ne 04.r forced r all pxamina ing places pened, And a, ion, the, leirn "Outr the i.ntereit but, lie -people like, to, amoke oefi ed that �he ien' that. iliainls,. e -the action Of t, doctor thed The'. door sUA locked had be simple Inatter to d r; and a _Y, 40ge ith w I I nAdoer some. Uk "There d, by 'explaining to g' hd%,6n6b. ojongL t SU±t Himey'Banishin cause nlgotipo reeases gar in, r km- hat it. was. r u can b� little, doubt, that this blood, tvv key ftvm UUI. 1 #I a "Vou werAe, lVeki to, e6nte. out is pqb.lishod from- thei; Yale Lab- ae, Of soUT of�a least a 'conslder� I I � .1 , u& o "F4xnil . ce t 4uestions rom, otheTs, 'near -so. iio6n,sv'he,con*mient�w..i'Fr6zA y Sug B6*1 cora o p 9YR- f plied Dsed plio6ri, S m9 ar r on, kick to, ble part -of th aid hinIsoelf I Hug a sort, ectufjL�fte on dream, the state. Of I I'd tine, gives 'a 1*16 a 4enly recal the sigh 4 which. pdp�IY spammodic. 1 peopi 'expectiod you. to: sleep another th4'adreiijil teOdrAsr G —n": helples while 16 1noVed 910ut the body 4lw the -Ex -energy, hey in aG ynn T eIre 1 early, perr ti4rxt open Strww th 'drop he )04yp up sugar- W e 0 foceOne. engines, h6tel' ii, put both'filInk4a. the. 77701, have PI4*y Of'Ltin* he'load.] ., ; , . aL - uct ae fptoMr tr we'll & , , , , to* WOUId fuel. 41, Me the phd that the''4#11 0. Bout#' T Ile* this kus, sen-. enjoy er,,. heie Wliook round 'y to belfan4d-over until this 51; ,000vuld'" [Lot i Ve ented the reci he had In inuch'the 011ie aY OlaV sations. They're Well"001th it, too b�en somethi g UjL 'to you he. pm v g.61,- to the, h eire IMt fall; The stUdies, made Uon,� diar; jytel w1jeTe th Then;-. depbating em;. the doe b rilisklyoA . Ilad A on, sniok�'13r H6W%rdL horrible th0ught._-ftucIc nim. ike a yoU* �Ip :4 but you'll'.1wo4obly feel mportance L Of.' honey 'MrinulPeg 'the and L�on A Greenberg.- The details blow. �ft4L�rteeipt--hiS' diined attache -ease itht I N !,L bit gro V" was. 641p published In PeWnce, % to . ggy, lor a. few 61�ah aher'sugg " . . �OD Manitoba Ouse ar would 'b6 anyone iieserviing GlynnA-, 'Was yeTy, aci, uTnal', the � IPT,.,; . , 7 0' ,�ocien�tioc an, Alva& better �Iuicjst eir in "rd.,Ahe - III Z110 tm* Womehjujhe,countrY amd it hl leave the 'hotel nd, tooi*hei d city ave'. Proved Vh. at-. b oAey I[Sknoki ig, we ftd 'produces nouncon"tV. id' snatched, Out and flalthou Aided for, iwi ing n Opened I* w -but IiO, jlor�vi g boat ine, Manitepj)k �.ioqdu*t whose. uses.'Ilareo: bohave be inner' -heavy and' n't4 I tempor The L r celpt' *as 'gone head.y.: W,4 ) be w4goi%.% but �a.#�w �Keillg hig., IrO - only begu the conephtra on.i he �loom, with B;na 'ti, Dfb 00� n Next -Out ��Intp en h*,b dipwa"to "the a -door AID,c instbad A funong.. r -belng­dolie with 19heY . a In s :Own T4 cincrease in the rate �of- the -'his bag, and 1! rolukh Up.: to g6rrid" a'd kAd aid a rig hQadL PO sugar combustibih ters des it, - hij one down tb,,thei 16aAge.to wal the PC. ter will It now r in the bodi'& him uaf�ithermbreo,,� has irtainly, mit, 'ti b cc t�o cores of.the4 moo, ere. e earrI4 Ailollo iili- e, 1111007 -case,. lobby jp�d the he tra�n;fiwred the ew Of ut 0 th H ela, Hgarette a bi effects �h' fil 'Ae to be. lloOugh hpneT 7.MaY di6hi 9!k7P g� 'but 'he 'depo lilocii Ar-�-O& olluepro4aged. 'them,, rUS Od to c 'ease, hung, under N1 '''Victok Phillips of - n -his "right arr�oo the in whose hus L' band Is a onqy producer USY L 'lead liVeAeivi�7g , nrecei no', thoughti to- shoul&r ib that"the keturt, a )e litti&�counwr!whei* the rte 11 Pei , ainlea: I I S�, ou was his pjoj*Tty. �Thia 'he �A'05 oloich th to ifornij W,,,r soort� Ain - go Un ' ' i f hi ket; TWO, caru� one, of thi on a, large sca,e E jing. L t" the one film, 4beakers.. Mrs. PhillfPs. has experl.� ing the attach -case wIZn ynn. gasP-; and': with On` his heels, he me e houej, in her -.Own. home' come down, 4 apac owith fornt weni '-down the. in and 6setving and for two ten room.' I� �klnX li has :Ap h4ve,dinner use, until �p. eo�, 'ght L of general - nn a6esGiy' in t in 04 porter. ugaf� bd*l -from er Isi im, he ed 0 to. do�x eir h h in slight; solne speci "Yes, sir, s not banish 17 SUrPrIzed tones., Z.nougnv Yvt& it table. ]During this feeling Ais best. "Hid ,out siri, halfraliLhour.0 A, L ' ' ' . �­Of' four,.- Mrs Phi p V1*I id ' joit, thj&;L MOTU_. y 'ko�,YOUT virorse,, for a famil ett, edat rather. a: 4te! nour, he vaid,�: an �ey -al -117i 1--about-it-on- -11iled poundj4­of­honey,. oU asthe or all ffig., B L' is Y' Were tanerlif 9 ed=irft WhOulary called w gt, YOU! Re "and. Worah wallced 007n, �ne w -h, I. - ­­­­ t. 4 iOrningi n'the ied I'Whxt's�-the Mat' fdr, Past w.D­Y-04r,�' a MO. its G1 hotel ts making Or the-motoirs roofiti. bef ber, sir, bed` ing, wp" e �'�nd lynore urning into, 'idy U'4 don't. look Well' Sir.' developed., TIII eciloiritto 7 hai'lleen ih oo tlie,'e�m­ --mal Ao, whin!) 46�cioug W, 'He autom 'Ali ­he' i' t t.L he aager -last. .were turn -is&e- pyru a the lock ng, tl -67 . " ce Ziit brass� boft. "ovej aiddrilian, iih a 6d to. e appripaeni the hold 'of trint oil the by� tq#dtg the h' 'been tot'her,lif6thazi that"ON "triedi!, idi h he, dried ouC ShRoAply, and 'FR IZA17 and �ool an' dle, d' avp I t,ni. I A * - erff Co. L DA 9TA 'Said My -mom door,'. wa -harged, wit plai&irmand �ulder c good heave Or t Gi vo a man a it 'battekiiIi4stm ' &M An o giving a, last,tftht' and'tht 77 and, after , that. never failed tq� 1 11 r kh r rte y 'h* 'I" anetn" a. I'm ked nd. liolted dooi, with nIY4ePw-,-1 le. po tick, sending Vn, Ig 46 IE;,.the -god - In the mine,.; an-, OUT, ago, Vr- 1. 1 is the. ininei Who works :and f -'each sqp� a.-man';gOt jt.h�jf- mling forward on 1is face.. :In ent testing. tOil out hold o, —in -It tl I'd nq? CL, On t and 1 brin ie receip BO rds',an vdunt he released far Of Edu -Ile--paAeot & Schoo, a' esoestall'1811L t6tic ng Are, gutlydrized. by a dBut t nica .,of'his, h6a 1, e -79C how could h' 11 h i. "Of:.CoUrse RV, qlrL- on He remembered, after, A poillow. War 616 and gin age le'rebt of, 'th jo� , ''. dream of L pdus r that - �hia had a disti,;rbed sell b jo*ing peop Ae ing, being url gum Maich,� A &Mak. alive, of Al an er149 mth.w Pp a rpv about mie nibiving . juldt .- whispering' '&onlk Ohad 'd E im, and of "his, desj;er;4�� Day,an ju�t fujile, gave me, �utj vinling Viisi ��key 110J mu -conducted I! aecorddtice� wl, the­ieg of' the safo-,a a!� H.uibii.:.�aitid,,�Middleg6:i,',Coutiti6�:', Mii�.,.Whbh th �u no.L. Issued :,.bFL M Ad t P ina be, �'efforts, to make a sou. or a. move D rtmi Until kO6 !eaiiie," ment. L, of ted. G ynn4 Ed 0 C ;A r Uitle, es ja' tit Ion. a, in sit hou He wokel wi have nthe Varm seeifi strange, an Practical Instruction 0 th.. a. sloow� heaviness the fear?.. What peiu oar inppet is it.. Thearetidal Yoa� diOu"t 1 d be. thi sti 'heel that. promlitos t.,.hj it,giv . n i Usual to hhp; dimly remembered hL that "that' I 4ri6tis. trad��. Tlie'sdhoois' under the Ing. of the' attl� d� f �-1 fo fi�i I ,. bt. An dvisorp.d6fitrhittei reamed he our 6rds. 71, never pa x ad d (wbich was a so unw ookng.. about t st'U wIt o ?.lid djg�overed that',h he-dausks'-sitich panic aning C 10 Ce usual: to. hiln) i . I i 11 Principal of the school. lipty Io,,jTjje t e summer mon : so. cold I?q -in the; very same vuy as,the the'l act hod 4"(Aidil 'was: aftle t ills-Auring the for elidan 111 II6�da6l% . h old SC,dnee -AgricuttlJ144 a *eut and sat diag and 'd. at Tralhin d splittingr dawln over ih4e neO yei,in ma:rry pdrtg.of rural older ones C riven fast N h 9 , . , .. - - t. � raise Cornmerdal 'Subject,si 101911u, tere, by a: 46Z most unusual of � all), ' nd f6elin fox; the'inarrage.,,j�p'� g; -for- no isez'of Study Ili Publi; ftaratq the door, Ontario armers, v and 'Hqetic��Iture are,provided for, in the Gou that he was' going. t �thejr titils;4b Y eo�m(, , * , . '' , tr_ , and 11gh Behoolip: C61110eit6­1 tit I V *.,be, sick do It ""him fwhen'..flje heel A 'Continua ion' ocail6nit' he suk' moilthi, U es e waxid his cousiht e, war. e mu aiglit. Ye Tal, 7 ft, � -str The heel I h, bl t is; . . -0 t me j: a the tdr.;bf 116dation 'Ilia, b4 novel) i r i�sded 1, k� bull6t, 'Ptild-4noi,likely to AX41n, M �Th�ora is- 0 nie'reasor�,*% olof, the, by, the Affills Copl 0 up. flyi are cos ng n rio ar A- ....... .. sat , with a pain, 1 -paillif -Buildl t hues, to, p igue epu y. p. uF "gu , c.rr va obtalu4d',fiom th money. is, hard' tQ31,46 3r (!on -i e D' through -�jS: head quick-* Gly.111 nd.ff, the tL"!.he e3i- in I eTenC on r y nearly g -Wh case, and ter even- -make. A fair 'note, Of He cTaw14 out,, of..,bed: thinld i. rher, e manaMi.- at the, 1 "' the� do ddAV 48. We lnib0 th PA t ot, the; f ar rtA' 11 �ei -ilia' y L ou, how s:, pr. c..11y rmind TO What Plain0d' , ited this, "Am Y We ilia, 1,1.1 shOw ar eu A bad fee FVF od can n does lot, know that fattening stock yv "it. le was lt or red6c an have ireatiy vidAll y6uldAUV61 upn soL weli;,whn the fly, chases them b: for -the Pilo 4 ce, j'an I. feel ruu d the 1161A, ev -while, 'its', raberg. There is � "a solution N n 6d eryonce in a" tis PI M in the Vhich, if' pr'operly.�. hat. must have. n. 0- longjo'-disdovet PIL ied. in War ril- aild.: Mayi.W.M., QW- rjeo is: t�rriflcloss. in the- the morket He 'was -bound -6ut, as We linow the to did' hot, tOW, pu ctti4d. lild' sed,'b�- th6i6- hi, Ap -tle0s the Air 1, been n ihA6ir', fifoii oycie.. the I c a ba&; ahA how'thb., gor a pests :in One s ge & at. his Vrate ,oiclOck; anwe foi the nodti 6 91 is ex s for, not u Ing 'it. go that One tole t nd; on y �Plc UO the - -What-wi sdiekei �eb iijk�d- at si. ft�r another Of th� well imagine n1ust - result Vi ive w6rtb will Sallee 'for the 'roe _atItenj per .,ni a nefrom S" flee a h u th4 xihg Whose voith bnforiiIn tely,JL ere is 'no. mue t t sthe,individual1Arm&, r, y her� ji1siop Ili. irin, . ... L h - bock A� h6ie' grl 9 commun y ch g.r tairl ai t lid mus u I abigortollilis poison 1W ey'; S mount, o1z put in 0 irtalte Inc. work if .w system muA h, The and one., there W be '6buffited,,an 4 that can, Well iniagin of gain thai it why tarrheA i t e�been discuiming the this douse AloTie o a of �Onta�i� ot�)pr,juufzulux� LVIA. ebfuiry dayg,' ThA6, the slightj,� djjte-!- hecffly:o;nhQ 0 "a u n to be dL 'head ar;a �ve.a `061%tt a ent warrble Ilay their. eggs on treated in'Okf6rd Potifity AApdkirnent. Wben you. h stj th dntertain,' always sekvd�. tigbity thousand ea in Huron, 'an.d tie ill of the eat wlit,Cp's' Li pn"tie five to VoAs hi ckm S 10 fty is �.also said,. that"two Clean in fjaky4 They Ingko'j)l�L into the- h1do pwotdis towA ath V townshi'llg -in Perth vori La the begins ono e n -61-A ig] !V e In pilg i , . , ' �e�adkso;e.crushgnd trikk 1 A#1rin Tablets�-. Drinkfull glass 0 f w8ftr dlssWe lAs '4- -d f! Ift , , k, Repeat tee.atffion jh, 2 pirir rablets digestive tract to. theA.'itninial's The heol fly In 4 halt glass ot water When It i.� Costly fiouri. 6ating,"thtoiigh the tissues. U7 aftdr.gArgle according td t 1 ke governm6nt reg ht Mudh'as� We digli i it ptitietures; 'a, hoh�, of th hchek the hide &&tlon� s 16tiong which, in e CIAO. 6 C", tunips, will be fave been inor&.4ing ioo.faii"&�-, tj consi'devable 8izo. -ay 1.26�b Wh6ft:Jt,-,Ah66lAd be im t., Instaia Relief, os T found '�n -the: Jargbr ,�o conipol ges,." ri ibayi thhnbl�g, . Ad C � I i � I 9VQ is Lilt' '0 ampany the proVince to 0' V with , --I . L I � -the na le - wg-.blio ihoway'd6ciots throughout th Lunitdd' and 1110p, our groc r th 6 i6rhi -w� tc Orld no* 466L a "S 611, hen re j."Y-Ub Can llhliS is ouAgri it is rc�6jiz�d s r,. Aii4 thu4s �kork almost Dr. St6vc hag 2�ev tindd 'b' r, I T, 01, (Jul -Pot it' ' ill 'cheek tin 'it labldtis )p iiiO4 theL W. And 'A:d�and la asoliihnost, ag, fast h� V i!t 86 the rolin(I nd Aeli e I A dr, war'bld fly to rd now. and it i's y resusbegihnl�,�O' to h ai ght nothet lot -6f � - TicL Afittitifig partV Mig hbe 'how thilt �ihe The'wtorblo lely 1 �llot it new rolliel 0 Xf il ' d , ' ", 1611t a* o�n Will ndt' bu Mk your iloi�,to c, jllp( 'He A ndwhen y U Oblett -bf bottI6, ()1 24, hsu "VelY ndvv Whn results Will 'b t fto hri loros ehl��] fl� i8 ri a tii j'� the latt&'jet, al, to happene( to. see md% gpon w-�red' b ir there fiq -wild #A: Ro Rd iii, owl T34 hoot bite ill Or 1�1 9, I ug,that. t e oe; DA lid so FE WA L x"m said (NM -W AA