The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-03-15, Page 2r I-7 V $Tq .69OFFItE A11. rlg44, re4er. �polyqlx bag, cot yet at.�_ - V64a At' Large; d, 1110 in,' Grapho. 13u� gra449-1 — -71­1�� w here, it is poselb 4 Analysis, the 80iQA0.Q_0f ai -Sioo4ings apo tiap ,tq,.anxli,8o illinggq- from, hkad writing Ilqea, from* dw j, � L JUPS Vi§lteir with, entirely s6iontific 1(lp b A St. Cathar 'to� brought, In, its traln.3foi 0111 A qAI ' s rt tb T494q.# "Tq f" Het that mO and co, us, With it rqce�Cly dis q;,e C11 onviris,,but P ,c I . I b t h loe a research Will, 111144 D 4 c J#L­coi�e* or parchaOe "at S kft S One Olt, the fre no . - . q h adwritin UeUj,L0bJQ`�tJQ of kly ... L G 'i's the't: not Moo in Canada. Well, ak from cIpte qqqol tq 64 pure air of the htghw 14 li6sed'by th0d, f4d'asU "How C e4 fact.' Apit, it is alsq, true efe. alone. handwriting, show lest altitudes," e went t4 why try nal 9a14an064*,P.bP'9IVenr 'the;, better,tQ eUJOy,La Wrl§0 ano view. when we, are, taught ho to wtitia'OPIn that vQ0tIO 40: the�pamq c . opybook i chool?" , - rLspho-a.nalY4tO' , 1. This recalls an lucid ated.' y f by triined nt: Tel own - the. b eAuty of, tU OL zd. there only It you war,. , ' TO rel a it to discover yQ - ' ' " he M A. IL'U� CqIq0 U8W'qj, to�, thip object Olt Ton A p an tbUL wond, I; die ar..meu of q,,t4. kshopL�audl a ma u Show cmevpg PIP1 d a bo6 Iit. y Will :by your, handwritipi' take'a ]36CA .1 the. tqpt� , rJh H14. a, m. And He eiitqre or to arO0A 'Pectael""stood, behind. tkO�cPW# :Ot O+ 0", d eguty. A greate�.balo shine stuii� ihe wiltin .0 ixts article., ihiiiiI III have -zew ad for a' ab c6pyb bid head jbian, If,he had died In,bed, om ,stgd whO10i neX writing Ifb*6en, lookfiti arou , , , # - . , *, r U I'. . e,w years ropItude of 61d, age.—Le Scilello� �i from ther-sar . , . _­ , 11 . V, L I ypq.,Are t' 410 L kwi)( W , 0- DIN. - hQok'enUUed .0 le" Unspeakable" Sr.. V.11 h u, fiE�'4" 'n- afterwards,. you W1JT12q "AeoFA, aiald,� the bg IQ . . , : ". ivrite- alike, ' ,: . . I , . . 1. d I, , L . � , I Y'ou-are lit be. bet our,sympath_.� one wr buiied r to AIM* NevPr, larit, -a iliffeint pro,ssdge, and inell L'. .0 i ned ferent- a diff or ItintormatiPhs' gog'"poerit -may bqAd'fas4 ink d of , fetters. ev(den, :or d J'tL IOU, §61 e,6he getting ailed out a �Pt e OQM OP L Ri OL -Rainage gr6ws; .onp's, joa'jet.reall qFW It D Ing narle'star. This shows that, As oni. of a snowdr! L --Sault Ste I _ V I ­ ­ I 41 ik U the rabbit.cycle is, again at Ch6. pe str an character pligngeo or A y.tiii1qg, you find no dillicul-, cOff- - tS' Iting changes- -too' oH nearing lt,'jddgibg'by f6por LrOrA If d or iim :.. coutirdting- all yoor.Voweft..on it., Tow Pause For coo vatious parts of`thls,:prbv do *411st I am discussing LQbj0-_ ar 6nd;..t9'ch4�qge ine., A.deab 11ke, to move 0 r tion s; I would 111f.6 to, AtrOW Th' inc� in he� qOOta 04 . Of patch fromDappL that Itr Is vironmeni. Yiou.,�are uot.oxite.nt to m he other day reports a 9, rt)utlneway, t jO.age or main Pas pf-oducts indicatdo tha farmers :not,possible EQ felt qporsbn 611ve I arm, shot two farmers, in, that vl�lnity ha'v6 have, turned t a corner Olt the L 00 0 x Its t ei Here, ud� are 210 abb -in x rbd liandwrit!ng; pre.96iolij lthough they, not by any yov av 'b " "' h' conalderible d tb, (pUp_analy'st will e Winter SQ, far. ther a grg_ means at the e e roubles. It 41ned ad ofAh lr4 . er azard, a. guess., - Thete'lai.no offeelifig 44.4 4edire'to get on iDL the -A-lorin fore igbr living near Is--cofidolvabW that, kgridultaro cannot AtL, T&I able to Y L. is'A balance "Wolf Creek.'*rIt. o th6 :Journ. sclentille. fowidAlon.for it,. howeit6ri orld. . There of *s t `ot talk. t-oi- pi enter Into fu t, t e re ol UelL alese- prosperity. after such a 'When I look a h my 'coniequ6I1tly;'n6 table jrapbb- il)so,14yed- You. do ed to .0 suits and crisis, at, �'Thls conV oine, nalypt. :You :forts to aro, igglin e C.,%L on Id mIt. W re-eaU IlAiiirenf rom. now on other trdes,,but the erse r. look 'd Jasqqltnia, a di,, pop .ec an c talnty,'aid�Canadiaujarmera can now sprucei birch and' 'bxa .sticks. 'Without exaggeratin ha L v ned t 'riting.,'. of men dimf Rve congdeniiie the future. r-- 11A Those: ire, 9 course mkely brief- 'th t at looked. for all the* worl,4 like that Are f Vress4, Molatrea ehu dr,ed . abbits in, v pT,ening,' d6stroylli feed, of 'AwQ en. fl�ga L in, Some yo aIJ qxtrgcts analyae�,. yard ever. - I 9 . _. , i g itacks .,chewIng eVer' -and: shr4b Care hand, Ri '6!! *It� .. 1P I4, . I Frills and Frays..-. y,trdo , POP, T to I h' d not only; in my e r Of hin reac an yard: the Ot r. hand, I' avq seen the.wrIt! fto do. a �nowipapo ibel��­hark4- d, were'grfested Two, women, we rew es of f emed to be WO to send ,very zother armers, yard but man'ot 50 whiqh'se for a. characte:7 for fighting at a. writing, to the bargain saW. priiing dibs of seven' 4 ioath la his.. tee oyer hundreds and',hundreds of"miles re found In ihe'wieck9g6, us. We qal� 011 ther(?s a, ineti'and'a woman'*e letter hqe therwo a.. of -forestland IIIg h�nd.r4Ing_whA;t'I8 _411 Yale; Sind an long, a ofth �ab ve klant. trausportzeropane Wixich, sh -an ot,,yq -erb. ed�-,QX.L in acri.s,-and-'acres. ight-fiollak d,w 60! lig� L . 'rite, your,usu# scr pt rowth an being desiroyed.0 i . Cho emis . ro Ce to, Leoff r.ey qL .' t �Aeo City to y W h that. roes your ton Ju Increaftg.L eVJ 0 ajn�, ailment�a, C44 c6rued lair,: OM,L Fio 4711,i 73 Adelaide �St., W�j dia; from a#dwTItJhg,, F�b a and a rom, thd East tells of", An THE c6ildren protectgd.,by immunization. vemome. OPIq,L suff ering.. Totonto, ond eI itoryL Icibed 16 COM Ir SL Mi'offered. a otected,, thero' Wm a po)oaddioosed- on�.ejope.. 0*1 reff I d C prSe.,'a ial. The, B -.111C., we awe told,�LJS 0. ftgreqct lieutenant Veiliorship tq� roun "Pat B Sti ffed B, iiin t and 95,000 not pir 'n judge who w I,o. L Al from octogenarian d' r For attack rate at least ten 'a tion in to6k ;w,riting.., 0- ro.p e added go la :0 in as,, among tuffed- crow -aud to ..P g imon' h" 'llut,7. the Jtl(g, the fb�; gje a!in ufifi�ed - Ont. ---4 to. g.t 0 non or -super or t6w9A antilin 41what am I going to do �a the, Immunized. g the a Mon du�lk PrOved,­ oViet M *111 .take� 011dien-0: The boost w.BiUns ari reinulbeg 1 attleol -in 4 oottlipg' _pet wl�_Jju JCjCd 6- Ur i B_ L th F per ; iirkiai 4r w �4,Qeo aWng the non- m'l� V of' ore . . .......... with, Cdkeeri and t e th idiniv ey: Are- N*16hboro iloll We, ore. And, TK. itL -eoldothq owl aw b over told, endoraii.d. the ,gilt ItppeArs,11 d4doL 'the di ed - ack Ao 11W.and b 'n pariA of New Ba S�dska,tPon­ ebaft: I& It -ii' f d6n; 'Globeestei - Cm6untyi- N.R., dialike puzzled e- ecamt a_gentIO. - Wdren i I t �the question wheiher"w, Saii e0a; fts� iterbist. the, -Ptetende. 0. Dothinj the ' ­ . , , . ..;. tIMe_,the' Hijh . or siober. :- Iffa 'a kizu WhI eue M�rtj the other b ird 9 6rw treated -to 4ee, tlie- appioach, of' du$lc - j 3.61 F (Ion, man.. Was drunk, childrewof�to4&y -tire grown menAhe 11, I . aveen RULe %U 8 a,.: gravi� irseniii. royetd, :evenifigs,.41id. the, l6huich bell'Att,,Oiind..� by 262 Foot toon Men 'isu question we nevei-46 ­ , L" Whowl est Will i"rf NX NAVY ropor- h D1 -1 to, Or" wo "" . "i . - perlsUed f. 'Iiatileis4lps, andlaf�e:,&Ulskv the dri e at Work Anse. am. a avow kmnv., —R as -eyed duck. Agure on 'ovt Z110 I X�w Bandon. is zndei curfew law. on' the 4! Tho Kensington rublic. 11 om . an 9L;,A oiete, the 'use Of., ealth C o-u-nusua, parx.sim, Sk�scrapers! wull b miind& that arrhn'kements L. a, fis - Ahe result mittee'recotld rulsbra wil L L sPepla, comn M c to:, he'remoto Immw iza muat he off Moscow,-��A' liftee, OV tion o.atllnd lit ih drrinance,� Mkd. all 4z4i� 'Babk7j; pirts' of'the E�ftolre: U, L oic . hAble a we 1,, Goldei� We(ong' Club L 1 7 ' ., ' ' �Icdr , , , . . I ' pl" nr =11, t41 0 tt - .execdtiv am 60L d* -t -of - bulk ri , �., G I - $ - -'- . I L -tto Of L , e- lt- cost of ic Soo .6i Ienepiy�, iT s ag ear ­io� Ri ging oilrespo e a bmirineii and a -a -g gantic-, �j,W'6eik .50.Q. -and ly r 60�k venifit.- U e c hiling tim ouyeiirs, , I L hard 7- r .- . � � :, So:jj chluaren. &4ld-be UUM zx�, FrU On r 4. .'Of In f -Jk `ld - th,--- hi h 11 h for squito". surface crart. I tffe X1 10 t; 40 ''SO IleRAjiJ6j' h h Franckim Weddi iu *a ak� poptllation,�Qg- '09viet.: 041ace',. 1,361 reet hig, sur� Dat;�r Hera, Wden wishes to , perf TV e, thlis, dtatri as t ey, Were a w ners 2t t. y a I 6 sage Advi", to. n ed b- statue.o(NjkoIai,Lenid �that WeO' from, afbilin let', It" d6, iuieth a Making ify L 90;9 an ia to �6�tal �� L . - iiwiii;rd original y frdlft seeking .262 feet'high.'' i�sDtre's Ab cafixe .� I I e e th r children air -m nded. Th r Air Oider *it4'i t6tal-li'' 3' t this, ow Gets P�q 'to be near- eight of I 62 1� ago.: t1f, your tenipm appear; L farWhave, come backagain. - A W future 'L D!ot':Only, Lin -L -War but,jw U amilly—*ho-is- -trijgq� Staiso. build fair the 4,,orld!m ike avood, Ing be b earner .V JA rd7. ifig the hair e ce nRolt Jpve4lnj� flewo.. be&.' rlevilv ]�� New_ a dissipat Die 181 ;in Biy,- , . �n aM work cii Obb onlyJ 249, feet high.-. thef:'clty .'116 may fill on ranking' Wt - i 6rt� Richara Wobilt mleiiiberi of al Notioislity 6y'the Hst� -real- Le n1c.ern --tL 0 I 'Ot 'Sure Lot ' , I . . ' ` ' ' ' ­ . 1. I Wee, follow -ed' JoJh: L E'jd'been told port, by' -i X h that- rjJ6 'bthef. chi he building'Llong Plan ed, will.htwe bu' af 'L e 1. "L I e 08 iiiab. ldrang� Ii %h the 'ram, t he, is or VU IM�Ork , , - , , . , , ten,in re cafe�, on tiating f er. what 0 'go . Wood nny 31diThiagil 20,00 food, 6lotWng: and,"B, elt St. ATY a. uentingL yeaTq, ,' Mr.r twilo 6r f6r.'60 . !.yea I the Contin'sniL enjejjalned' myself and ';s it 1�viil have" , I ­ , T Ormier y etidill1ittle, ugid,11 -happehs't,6',bOYs who,pla mtch� PI �thir 4,000. rgus "IDD4., it workA.!' Journal A'' natioA_ conwg4m6nt'.df pop hL ing'at the; it. " b.. "" . L - 'not, know L 69§ lar ell to club'p,� ba tip, Xr,. and. m 114119� am. hiends by'gu Th Dt' es, buVhe. did iWut 4 re -ol, t,L: e pal'iica 0 V�_ 11141d - 01 thrust oDeL' III :th in z"nufacture `b i1ii alitjgL� of ihe other pe�61)le, lit ftL th6'sltoi of (he'Cat So�. CO ma�rieil Jai9t :Year s�O will . ui 510 A ral o merr. c T.;L Luck, _11009-17JULT --Oftn- r t Ka Fatal Rdillco of. War _F . or a * I _` elight, ak _d' tfie-se e ft Ing, ,he, -the Zng.; , , r , "J Ui��'.�r ng to te4.. igw,lilr —7ii—ne"4 5, shipped, -from Y-arry-�QuAG: and sugrst poun U ties pu �, nto."the iea, 4afinj W,6ri_ _��r� manner are affolLt. A g m me, n s in In' +d* W lf�., ­ , , surep 6 t of Stir 5 'the'llial. howeVei oteamOr r 18-hMant 3, hat has oil ,peen thel 4004o 500: ill 'be Th6- combo 71� --- 7de- it s: like a ora:4 Al eq evrer�onp employi6d, on. the' Work. id h� A d rdly. ikiintlk, found one�li co4l:- Lslest totee barn I to "hii tr6yed ed. d'' e*lt (1;OW.11 tjc� Se,4',and :had It � d" the club's flfth'�annbal ngeTs. an . eo'd Oill and 2 �L . : , . ­ ' I . . 1. t knows that -th# ..bowl fikeMe re tire 'frOm.,f he' war''on,e . Swedish'nival-offled has our s ions bo*lers,.Whil�'k in Eng�16hnian wears, :A�nj theL. eyed; -more" han.350 �? d Ifit 'Phe h it r ounCand'destro y L . I I left JohnnyWhome t dy estimated ed, -hi 1, -0h; Whtz, Fall! laD English TrIlLby can b� :picked hidedus- 'engines Ar"Ung of Aais� Ue- E0.rk e damage at $1,20k. Out at Straw $��iers'06 hill- Tirn f 0 'BAtish Indits &at palihe of OU --CiArk7G.016, the movie L 4imore. "Ur1chSV1ILe,-, U. . Mr, how iting,.to slip,into the; s." Mililred Cess- P on.-�-The Due e S f thq.4Ameilcai JOL" sup u0n, Due ivarks,, o -in d6ed I hb to sefid.-the nd and III, ca Ot, on w O:4oev�tb 'bi the 16 'during na. of Cadl Zila n h. Inig star!, w pose Unsuspecting A ptaln�- e sitting by not.,-'�e- was One female he rt, a fi.attr -Bri York visited -the. h Wild Ui4iq W. i irriluitile"j, .by hil h gr4p � .. . L ,es. e- '80, 0 -in 0 Z ileneva. ' Fair and 'mad- af e at C 'h A a w] 'TWO liundrp ion 11 wli4 at Rtingiable'andregr6iting e, tjilefiville Rine Clubr -the Duke ol. York eand the Ui.6 f Attained !a perfect scope of .300 as a, and'fifty W hingt AIL611kGkind ion member�of th' bligses .Alair,�, zl loucestej flIl6d the traditional To o t ii4 it, hid. �n'6 ��he only things TO invited to 1�rgntford d',dain their own tring Of 44 consecutiv we., have a with Oht.— 'f on thia table v .'.a'nd a, 1 dabie:.- a0beaying- of M le.P How many one and only duck -M-0 14S an 8 r4re.'a,bIbtdng,pad ,the wild Ali saWbills,, ilot onik lookers., hi itlers, inallards afid ie n. bu eyes6. I 4.. 1; , , We.kno of men Wh( straw bbal;4, "I began writing in pd here toh� -th-ir- aud� f' d_headso� n L' it) d4feat th6 a ew w Ji� in 'but i��Y, ca A:ud"euab her c ub I"en the o al. par, y. was leay. Ag. = b­r6id -Barne - 9 . v . 6 . ex libltwt U. it knitAnd, do:c or une .11 Club Jin'..a,a oo _e cr hant�j ; f i�w� albinti I , I , I ' ' 4 S.Otate urned f I b". b he 'is w. 4an a &eat, points ta, IJ7 here �or�, a'ii . ttio. 9 Irl wbkrigg. a, ru Y�co 6 Vork ell better It e straw ha and- IG, afi& ol�t t Y.. ',certoin number, -05uARY, ored h m6fi. sar ru p, e ;many wd In: fact *6 know, of one behold'! an inkpot iPW.st1do*d q*641ed. -len, Lays I 1,2 Elggi, �,ntei, tore,' -bu Iwfupo rpeeii I A comeL and t th6g - repor6ed 'the asked, 44W,oft't Your MaJ&ty ays -looked flocks! fititielf- 'M . who. L does the, ilaintidst4ilgings 46r In, A M D all up and saw M. Bri�nd'pyitinj JoAli: B�iliiil�"C. any larger, 100 o6i 'stithdAgairi" worked lgull�_ �C,Certainly'.'.l Queen Al. I,),, to ior ,liandke'icht c t 1h6".9ifaw 6i.P6 his head.—Por und -qg ��er 'A UO: and othef. embroid,-,.) 01 In e 'you gaVe,me'a Oul B red arile h has -00 -it In, the'4;6ndon. Times. ood.--�-Aft eight 3, owlied. by. be; Delti TAnd. i's very good pound, lds,Ugh-, :.,No It ..QP 11% SO Ay pin. er6i emb, b� 01 yw,. Fientidyed. JpA4,. _19en? mpa hlm�P_JL This �samie mall, '�6ouv'er; ieci�.n _Wa . 3L , . . - _ -_ - S - Ugae -and "J,;The'Conquiest of. 'Flu - ect record, through,. the 01 -lit andling-the kn,fttiigL,need1 Lb.or co 1jy Va� tly . ma 11- Je ette E Pilem mitts 'and' an. Screen ctresV oil the anniver- .talned her'Perf -an Ow. thdL e — ----- - O' da . y h- 'week _Iof this., lnfbtx "Utah;, recently swkll(jW d., Iftlie'woxiiiii in tM,Niti hil Instt 6i . E:kperl t Oar. q; h6r 4th i�trtb M ss,jpil iketball i�fijo e, I r OW. �Pea up. 4 'in y I I I - safety pin and, w.eftt,1to,,.,4' ba eeed. -toweater or wo., tute for Medical' esearch,su nOt e, *'46 of Gene' at ere nose. t. is th Markey. 'fihh. mntal 7rm, egg4i]��Ug; conte h' LOtId,Qn. wore 4 ny ruby, In her,. nose. ahave* tl e th 112 eggs id as'mAny',daysL.' le pin.. remvddi Ocated, men liza, : they -will , have s bar , ied-.11ock. 2 Ow4ed. Phen;she: doeld' d their. a unize human, be. *1 native fashlbb. sow,V. 'Notwear?—Lindsay di,. in "ter. L ..The pl ingg. Lr hue'' Atibther idau 0 . . i t.h L I V - .1 I'Lt6, ' even W. b _ ' .. ' '�J, a t e x , e e 1). I er Vi'ce to it tied rend6ried ail enormous Kor a :oil by, A. en I ng.� n,.-Ag'agsiz; remai m. letb. . pre L I hi - it -�h—b -one-eg aind Ab:,Paig-setfin i' Chi I - — - - � r ir m4.037 6fr"to'. led—. 1, I I .1 md I . L a L PO, r forceps-: I . 4 I ' 9�L stAeadijo,dige"es, of, our -ti b.' At kpn'with-ill: I id ikring Ittlo.ciftest. k..14p. vro� Alii: I 31 kikil A�cide' st It slays in Ilions. More me r in * the t6m6r I a oin 0soni and wo eD;dI -Otta'Wit, A of '259 p nu"I �fatioll of cen't id t ,rall ena. y6 of 3 � 1. iid ovffitonA of too manyL expert 4918 Oliidem '; h killed'in the Soilo, Gplets tj w'killed an4: i'j6l. Injiked In 1. 11 -1 . . ; . .p n a date not k*nl four years a WA`a We"re s 6arch I work IL dents leff. the , c tyr� I I i - , k. .,.T for tlie ye�a,v e ided., oW aeU -t , dirie, '19 still, . fair:fr6m C amp 46� The 'work;i, adcfdIfigio-a-reNru m- 11 u I) d r; eutly fabled- in Com-, ers thems6ives,Ar6e, to seiefttlAlc tr Ir dition, make-Miq big buthe In on so'lOnIt. as )X� is riot catle�(I.a T.EN- proLg Ah the Aniong pak8el Li ki I I oil,' Id 01 44 CENIT�ary ibe,�,birdiday,'party go uld The 'onl� - �hiug nece mo d and, �444 lnjiire� hip thr.43 has ­-W6re killed;Itnil'. 0 7 I )To ground for 3 njuied". i6t. boen,"baili He aid, that -It'shall be Pr ced'a sucb�ed. U Cloc s. Bc-cdme LIS ,e H' 'S Ldihund %�Wley haii a.'t6lk cirvthii IT . �. i., hity6t. u any orld whi n Lo ithe V n 0 1 in iii. Iiiii th e' w D teh 'Ilia: m, Angliss. n on E To 18 �Phone WA Al),, Wi d li- tadiioeu�W6 od no Institution: Sk 9dinund lit South Afric'i and Mr; 1"Oodo locks, and n4W housing Ito- Angliag is in, AI]istilrdlia and 4t --the PoRtric flutes, ry "much. end i n reat ffi rroW w4thut mf�sffig. It vp )f't*(§tye mj� �kkj.011,114 .011,�ilfelx next el -0, V , s'quito puny Ching$,, bustheig lt�erg�e filif� be hip We are All n Lo-fidon, oitp tht'mill1ofts ot,t�te, n �p6wo fegis Juetice or dim e4 r greatly: tor itill W Will mes�h teet mighty forces; ktid nearly: ai:"yg phone calli in th ntry'froin Ouse t� their bUidlie e N�111' loftbfg I ave noticed. eg. phile they start' mor against facto, t1likt. It tinLf", oaii 6f AII- yet; In":our van j -we vp a ute jburw k, o whd 0161k,li though th,6'*6fld *61nd Londoh Mdly "i (J, 0ey Often. *rIV6, it their md Without hiilr our, time Exp�els, .4 fit l-, 20, or �Jjb tit t; o7cloc 1, that C 14 g to the oublie, tlodk-a� A04 - -KL ler of tHiI4� —0ttftv%a Journal. ag of So to -nty ','C uneff oo every W01 ilif liou '9 Large at do 'R04.41bly the largkt r6lief ulap' in !0d, It. hao been ekirh ��d tha 10 P�lr or Clio world In N'lavit"ScOtIM 'Olt cent, of fl."b4ch y -Show Milits offilth 4 i�e. 'Allie WILH )IF iD.hoiikh �rnotio .6 ago" And Aneit t1jr, PJJ�Jylft, to Dii'l "to, 'Ift: 3�. bi. avi en eoyollg �alid: 48, ilhlft�fl d at night 'by t oh,,� IIwid..,tohn V, -'Fe I chi V '36hn', Jofi6g I' 4�f OngIfteer and qve I000 ut r e 861" Io Ocii as th P qo_jkt 6 MU knn� t I