The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-02-22, Page 2et4 nada, The .EnaPire eTid The Ntoild eAti,A0A. , -Just- making Sounds-. , ' 'A Toronto school teacher • tells n that be .had his P1444::wr1te, out th :Lard's Prayer! and,":foUnd that man them (11411't know what they we eneeting. CVO*" morning.. One of. th • !ColnraPeeet elietaltetrIFSS in 0,4. eac- •!end :cletise.., 'which -•aeVeral wrote ite -P.liarold bo ThY. *Plitg, 80901 t0acher, had been tenin talry story 141inthg, with the inane upona time." When she Sake or a'470411214,,; 444 was 41.1P1'113,q41, to "'...find, one girl 1,Peginning her.240;*7! 7-44 • "90epolincl!,9fline, there was . Vergua.', NeWe•Becer.n. • : No Teacher's,fiets., ; 1•CIlP(.401:1),f a VIAPIP4g...40:00.441i "got .,show," but theleach ; ,er's variety were exhibitett.--,W144 Dek-- Free 0 . I • • ..'vaeatitY and Thanlia to the • admirable concern of wemailltlnd • rcr• ;their .:R.4114144 Chnadn, • •lise One • induitry • which has ijourhilied, even when overy other! was ietthtt factiirer,0 :Of ;beauty Pteparatithie 18 Canada). had a,PriAtlotien 010,973:640 In 1926: • :1992' it "reeehed 44,171,- • 098, h1_reprepts an expanskn..ot - pev•--.,eed Yo.pr1344. "-a eiy;- 14 the:period ot:general:'depreselon.: This ladnatry: has a very 'Ode ;o, . ' eniplOye• Mani' %hands,' ' and distOlrates: a •inilliohTd011ars year in •Patrie • Montreal. •• • ; , From the Serie Place. ••'• "Seeing. a nretty'‘girl Si good as . , a tonlc," says an And . . . . aoineninee they are ' •made up at the 'Sarno Leader -Post. : "Canada's.% Place." • W, , O., are interested, to see the ling- ' ,gestion.-in: 149Oden:' evening: news - Paper •• that . .'WeatroinSter:;City ••Council 'Should give: to, the island :Site on which Canada House. and the fine , Lire. et, Canada. building •stands !the name. Of. •"Canaita,::;,'Ineet' • •;••: • • , ..•Yeara age "Canada" iinggesied :that • the' short length of Cechapiti Street intght, advantageously :changed 'to "Canada.Street," • ,:es; ntitins• .the ,eillees:, south 'aide .cif the Can- "Iitlitin. National' .RailWaY.S.,and. the i:k414 Life of Canada and the Iiorth ehte -great 'neck:.0! the • 'But -Life' of :Canada: adjoiniiig Xitnedit ''•gottse- :•••'"••::• ;.• • Possibly lonr.-CenteninorarY!'s stigges, tion 'might be:Mere acceptablete the. • !.:,y7,eatiniester' authorities, „It . • Would'not do away with the out' sties: •.•paines,'.but..`weuld,..inerely give A.,,xte* postal direction to the 7:feis . On -the sidawhtehfeenSiati-Only- ' *hit 'Li ..' S Lit. ' -• of 'the ;• ar new. ,un- .e Canada, •centtitit•I-tottile,. and the, Royal "•roilege Of :Physicians. We Can Wavily': SOMpiend the suggestion to the Weet+: Minater City' Connell. :--r• :Waged*" • ; ' • • ' " " • t?' Living ' In the;7fresent..! •Halifax 1Harbor has -had an eicel., lent, yea:1.i, •with, tonnage considerably 1arger.:-than-,1,932•and,A931: -The East-• • lern. port now is among, heenest. - Wit:eta:for ,„Ocean:traftto,and.., has !Mitt dwelllng upen, the :great and ailing of wooden �" -Toronto Giobe. • •' , Cheap . Licenses for: Old:•Cari, 'An ititeyattga by, the:1:N'oVinCiai. Government in issuing • cheap flicentes. • to aged :and more, Or less ,decrepit trutka and Cars may not trove an un- inixed ,Owners ef:.old."Carti. • :/n.eSumahly are not affluent. Giving: 'them a .ten dollar license : Will :•win• !their :apnroval.. easeful: inspec- tion of :aged 1-,ehleleS: sliotild 'Precede :the ,granting of• k•iotittli to operate '16i4ta on the •piiijiio:,!,h1ghWay",...- talesa Covertnient-7-:'-effiCials cue ,.:Sa4stled :they' are roadworthy, that they are ''.,tot,"potential: Menaces:le Other • traffic, • the cipetiment is 'apti to result •nn-• happily.—Edmonton : journal., • ' , • Protect..: Art Treasures. . iire-iitOttaWa, in 'Whitli a large *Welber IA traNti.tior classical bitiotiote Overo clefitreYed: in it 'nitrate:J. house, attention to the .• gene:ashyof roteetiotdrent fire for art .trettittree of • ieVery. descriptiOn.:.•:•The•National CalletY, at Ottawa 1a•no.,exceiition.to tuie and needs atteittkiti., There .1v111 be Eiginnat44f�r Mr. John Hirai& . . • „ . • Changing -Time,. A. rodent item Of, newt front. Great Brltaln drew attention to the fact that • litti Old family had. been forced by the Oregiure 'Of ,1 Changlag World to ere tip an estate on *Well for 18, geneic, :attoila it had made lts home. WAS thc Ore:trey' faintly, one of the lett, OM 111 et to reins -hi In pOssessfoil 'of an estate granted In the time 'of Williare the Conqueror: • • kern la a. fain* -which has seen, tritain .develop from a feudal (tern' te.iii,•indiistrial dethectacV,•;lieS. aeon ruling "dynasties Cottle and go; -end it had itself reniained•tinelninged, now the ofid has • Contd. NConernic. Contlititine have ,forced the 'family to .ptit the estate; Up tot sale, It 'has been *night, adeording to the'.neWs hy:a real" 'estate' firm ;tor '"Atee'•• 4 • pr,esslon have ent .wide Svhitlis in 'what' Is .familiarly known • as Britain's .r1stocrac. Tho btettltibig 'Of the • tit • •t at Large 0 • er •••• • .4/' OV . cfre414Y.: u,'w1t/4' .tc4(141 tl4y4 14 4,, 0,*mbel:-.et '1404)114 -Nir,111.4 tb.g: aris tocracy 18. lindergOlog !!!-, Victoria • Teat, of lOteiligence.. It IS 'either a slgn1flcant cOMM'en, ter7 .on :the standard of. intelligence ..tho' American people, nientaq on. the ,intelligence of radio announce, or POO, that .wher,IN an announcer names :7"Washington AV9-, be adds that the 'Spelling ie -W A p, OA Spelling it out letter by 1ette.m:7St, Thomas Times4ournal, • 4 THE EMPIRE. f ' War As :Baca Sutqlde.•: Man geigi to war at the present time is a man fighting with his bare hands, against a, ten' thpuiandliorae: power,. Machine of his On He 18 Comparable,to an infant:attack- ing:a ateapil;roller. Logically .speak! ing,- he can do .it;: realistically apeak- ing, he can't; it beyond his nature ,a,a a. human, 'creature, andif he in- 'aiiitennon: attempting' it he can enlY. UMW tpriykr4 to the fate that :attends a'physicaltraposeibility.• it is ,possible to fall alx: feet without 'serious dam- age.. That is' what , man 'aid before gunpowder,' It is possible to fall 12 Not ,and to survive.' That Is 'what Is possible: for a whole familyto from the roof of their house, and some .will, Hie *totell the tale—aa in 194.But it 'is net possible tor hu- man ':beings to ..junin .Over • BeachY ,Head and, to resolve anything except the problem:-.Oriexistenee byao do - 'Ing And the fall Beachy Head to the sands: below is- what 'war_:is to man :today. It is an act of' race sin- En4liali 'Weekly: r • • ' • ; • •;•., ' • • • Business In Palestine. • - :•'.1'here was one Bedouin iveinat Who was approached • 'by 'a koclak-iiihand tourist, While gathering' herbs.' The .strings Of coins 'Whieh. ,covered her faCe! jingled: vehemently' as she Made inevin her PricEtWO.shillinge for a POSO: • There.:*SS Seine haggling.' She .reMaiiied. obdurate. , , • The tourbit taru- ed away; •exnectIng tobe recalled: But tho Ntiti!" etnitinned. nlilegnmiteally to , pluck the liarbi wttlicait a•haekward ,glance. Business must he •'ga0d.! PalestinePest (Jerusalem).,. • :.An Arcitic Journey -- • r ayouflg Scots- woman, who has, been .collecting •fieVA• ;era and-plante•fer7Ke*:',Gardena,7Vali- pat . completed s,"hazardousi and r-e- niarkable...dog-Sledge:.elOng •00 miles 'Ot. the. Artic.'colat.' When.. vfinter:aver. teSits'her;; Mite, MutehinSon:ivas. Mato: ing ,her :Wat by, tea. round Point Bar- row in -:114444--0,--2'44tce1i1g-the-14t, etelOacr.of the • season; but .!ailed to do So. Wbrni frozen in she::acieured, an :,Eskimo ..deg-teain and ''started , off for .Herschel Island, off :the 'Coast' of Yhhek 'where eliefs -reported to haVe. arrived.:11ttle the, W088','for her long, journey, 1 .whiCh.' the, • teninersi tir.O on :severer eceasions .sank to 70 degiteabelow zero, representing 102 degrees otirost.--Invernes •Review. • - .The .'1...eadne:anti the 'Empire The .iiteria.:the the: niore;,ilifficolt it beeonies ..te• :see' liO* the pre-war method's' Of: the. balance ot power •Can Work,even fie 'long' as: they. did ,before the war, 18 the .very .digeieht...doh4ittene that -*ad' today: :This consideration is re- inforced we tarn to tIi8r,:hiia:(irtat. 'asPeet':of• the :Matter.: AS,has. been revealect.at several linperial:' Confer- ence*, and was. brought Mit Strongly at the'feeent, tuloteeia,timPerlaV :Con, fere-nee. in.:Toroato,'..the.:Leaguesit :Na - Ilene s •an •indlapetitatle:'basit ,fOr sck •conciling the .desire for independence with the ' need for a common, 0110 within ;eit'jgthriter!wtteix,:Oemni. it‘ivieee.iroith,4•Itof. appear and the *ova were to revert to: thesitteiii of alliances and prepa- rations for war, the,PreeleMs of heti, trality and seif4etence wittirdithe tin; . Phe Weald' become lity More' _CoMpliez.,andinight —Bt.' Hen. •Artinii ..."kiineteeath •: ' :The Head and the Heart What' is km411 by the 'head, ,Only •and not by the heart also;, does not .b000416.,feall7 Dirt of Our: 1,1fo;.' *wen if great thoughts •arise most .,often In the, heart, they:'nitist go round by the tektor if the eider is :reversed, ' :at any rate both are needed: •• But We ere: only too ant to oniit,inieli 'Super. rational thinge as love, laughter, set - row, iinger,,'.eaurage; :revorettOO, :sy,333_- pittity,,,iMegination, all eleineiltal parts of human, lite. So the • a•pnedl is for balanced •i collaberatioa—Of nn faculties, under ,the •gindance r' - son as the' 'Ada this. WAY, reason, bjjeiratilig on experience, Witi become a sal:Clout inkle Co truth wait controller of ourdestiny, .WitbdUt re- pressing , the richness of:eq. oatiiro and its potentialitiei. 61..tr • etti6tit148 and,par art.—Rev. . eaten V. S. out in , Th6, cthitpuniotityy• t616*., , • , Danger Threatens :.England. • . After the exeent.tonaity,,dry summer vve haVo, a ',drought in' .the inidat an early W,interrand'In ncst DOHA, 'ot the tenuity . the'ivittet.atilirOm- ftffs ' ot anideittie• .ConsidetatteigLofidon, reserves for OVet,.tWO Meiltha, Is free 'fro'to all 'oho, otioro-:.. frohoitit ; hvot',uhioso some Part'Of this • , • 431* e• '3 1101.` , ts, At least .twelve people are dead and over a tihooverthrew the, Daladier -geternment at Paris • • Hera usand welintled Olen rabble army 'ef10,0,90,rioters iek'scene taken ,pf the' 'Boulevard.' St.' Germain.; • • r• , . • ; • • • year's missing rainfall Is soon: Made ulLthere ,may be worse privation elsewhere' than Ceiild be P.44set1 by any winter: --.-Daily Telegraph. • THE psiTED:. STATES. Wt? if 18 not in the: ',least '..impersonal. He smlles.gebd-humoredly; at the, chaff :of the crowd, which ,he is: restraining, He will ;eke' 'do; or of 'akeid Woman who,,6446.t.reinelpher the-way,,henie; ' . give • a. qua,. Pected offender henefit •..of the :denhtbefore: arresting him. • lt he 10 .atander to-asslat him dadthey,:seldoni The :general :public feel that he . • is .0.11...their side, and •lhat the . rules of conduct whlch guides him are those of common,' jusgeoLlio:- other ::Wards; fair play..-L•Fromthe Christian' Science '1VIOnttor.,. • • • „ • Woman4firries, Three- • Brother* Each in Turn ,H011iwoOd.HVistted '' 'daily by• the• Won:lea who was Once his wIfe and who is twice, his Tenses De Tart, first 0!"111r401arotshere.to mar- ry a',01inic here, 4.. • • : woman is HarrYettef•Peat,' . . • • , . , daughter of ii•proniinent Denver Colo. family. . She nOWl.'S the wife Iey De Tarr. . „ On her visits to James in th: clinic, abb. Beyekley, and NOble, De Tarr; another: brother. .:,TaMea :and'. llarrYette wero vied in 19.18,,:'04,diyoreed in 1922.,,..,TWoYeara later Harryette .married • Nobie. '•.18 1929'-she:Was,...diVereed-from her .sec Orittbe-Tatr; :and. in. :1632' she became: the wlfe of Beverley...,;',O;ill-feliiig has. resulted from' the .two: divorce. • • ; The siok,man,:,S, writer, ls suffering from a • nervOua:.:.brealtdOwn:_:•Phvsi,' clans said he will recover; • • • • • , Stole Frortr.Mai_ , •• 'Gets 0-4:at;'besp. V127s,t,'VYears de 'Paul. tenitentiary 'sew,. tenee ininaSekhy: 'Silage Arthur: into.: natriek,'in Court of.poga.lont upon John Albertson; 36,. $.11(161:64; ,Of 'Lake' :1410gazitic;.,*ho was found nay Ote seven charges of steeling': from the malis.:. ••Albertsori was :•sentenced to 'five years on, each •••••conal,' tences to run :concurrently. • • , The amounts Invelved " in:each •case were ,srnall, but ,„accused used a se,heztie to secure goods rnailed 6.0,a. - by *aliens, large department - stores,• without making .tettittis to tho pct .-,The moon and Mars are the only planets. Whore. solid Fittr*O :can ,be ,seen. G.'• - , TOrantil' Landlord's' • Protective. AggOcietion .ToroTita .14ndlord0 have fOrined- a . protective asSeCiatiora Landlords should not be shefrldered - with the TO Send••, :More; F4rniles rn doxible busden Of' vidin • bOthlfree, -; rent an • mosji theicitea taxes-, the 111"tilig' l °the"C.Pe Iv" .1 far. .fl'i401,;:tthr:to 7:il-thO:niM• OY'eateln,ripen:. 1004, from unaniino* agreed- ' writs. at- Toionfo.—Carving their Olk4;11011sea, 329.fandlies ase'ne* Settled:'muler, the prevince'S ;Relief' tend Settlement Sehema 711re ',Present. 1)O144iOl? of 'the settlements has reached:1,768 per - sops, acc,o,rding,to tLreport-to-batuhr• mitted6o the LegislaUre by Hon.` Wil- liarn Finlayson'Minster of Lands and , • , 'aecretesi.',Of ;the Relief Land, Settlement „scheme, fgitriVornai,, 14.1pitTorodpietsjaltitolitedo.oifi'",dtliegseanseolthol,enervie0;i701feeanilairties, 00 from ..t4,1 Iwo ...of the 1.111ienl:bl!,cie'fr,pic: 329FamiliesNow Settled in Noith :tended by about oild lasted 1,aore than three 'lioum• • 'H. L. Rivera, ,fornier alderininAwas :the principal speaker. "it is unfair,': he declared. "that the landlord should. be faced' With .• the ugly alternative of having"either-to•tern a destitute,inan out on the street er:teEite.htui4free . rent: It is; di.shOiiiit o make you pity for relief through ,taxes and then to. 'make you pay'rent.fer the. poor when others who own stocks and bonds have to pay no-inQie than •: 1,500 -,Orivers, Receive • ::Safety League Medals .driVen. On tooto .highways or one yefr without` a , dingle accident; .1.,569.t*Ii‘•"'albcP bus drivers have lieen awarded,a inedathy t4e. onuirfi.,Safet7 tea.g•ue.'..1t.'48 Et, snip,,11 bronze pin, beautifully engraved and bears' the, iriscriPtieti.: "I. do •••tnY, Part- Be careful. AVoid...eiciclerits4"L. It is:4), one-year • award, and 'itunur!, any -other - awards' Will•Aye--,'made.'ext tending more,. medaki to, drivers.:,,Iyhe maintain theirgoed records. . . , A' '.;••;;. seelPtoLMineersge unard and White Star Com-, panies Complete Alt. , Plana for Autaiga- lOadon,—.4 Pnal.:agreeMent foes merger of the Cunard and White Star ' 'Otehnishin lines,has .been reached with the- trensury," the fleuro a Pelf:mom Was informed laet -week , by rzoli4 ifore-ae1ish4, ."financial secretary ' t.4 the treasurY•An agreenent POI*, salla,nitaneonsay tlev *ad ,the new \'°•91•11PanYlvill be caned "Cultard,Whitt Star, Limited," :.It will .acquire from • . .Cizaard and ,tho White, Star (Oceenie •SteainstbiP' Na*Igatiaa CoPlI)0210 .their North. AtlarSdc,,:tleein -and gOod-, wili;Jffieluding* cornPanY narces Riga' When applied ti; North Atl ' •la,oyir, PROVIDES $16,009,000. ° 7 TO Provide for „completion of the , giant' DUriard liner .034" scheduled • to be the wo,rld'klargeet$ the trea#urg. .agreed to ma,.ice 'advairog,.not exceed.. ••,•ing,• s3,000;000 (a,PtroihuatelY $150 . 040,000):. ' . The treasury else' agreed to etivane 18. the,. coraPanY iron), Mule' to lime • sums net exceeding the total of $10 500,000 .for working Capital. A:1So included is &-prvisionthat legislation to be intredueed in 'Paths" ,1,1r -re• ” Thi plian 18 as f0414:S*$ . ...A"PrOSPectiVi':0ettler-, Who fs out of work may apply to' he sent .4to,, the itY, each ,Ocertrihu0:$600. Thtlinoney is spent in t,iriel.,v01-71-•:-T,rn,ttle,PortatlOn; eeet'ef:• Ooltstiriiet-in,gL,#. • O.Oilt. --41:00-;---contribution-te: mitinteneineo-the' ;drat year, .$20.?.;"`totitributioli main- tenance- second year, $10O live 'iteelt and. :ecill1Pittellt, 200. .•'. ' '.:BETTLEB§.' ' An,advisorl'ee'xinnikthe'. Was vet, Up Departinental and itSiifet* the 'Provibeial *Goiernmient: • in the Work.. tine.seloot*fuofIoikt. ntrance ggap!-Pittes et,tahlielNiietit: of :fainilies Was , , . The Department Of 'Education 'at: '..ae..eigned.• to•the province; and sup - Toronto. :aitiOkuneitirlhe &ilea -of tiv'e, 7747,1scirs appointed. to, carry out the .,entrinee and departnietifiel.. ,PreePeetive, settlers ' Were Ilona for ,OaPef„1.14.4. cheer'. They • 'were old , The departMentali will start on vihat. equipment -*as necessiiry.,'Tbey. • Monday, June 25, and '' conclude ofi: 9.4v4.1. #e*.eal.,10te- ineach llocal- Wednesday, July 11, thus takin ,the ty and*ade..their;9*n choice. MAnY, into,the;neeend week'. in July; 'a little the families were located on burned titter. it4n upt., • .over lands. about eight rnilea•seuth of • ;. - et.4...h6;,.014'.v ie Cochrane. - The landis readily clear - held ;.re4cay,.weai T:;it1:,48exeept in hes 'been; burned Oft and ,the.,fertility the 17.„reachspeakiiii section*, where•.°1L.'th.,41,1t"°P.:"...54.:11,,:':,.,t.O*P...b, natural they are feiv. daYS •• : ••• ,• - ' • •,• In 1932 26 tinterio.mtinicipalitiee Canada's War Pension „ • Bill .$43,141,138.;,iji.,1032 , fa.—Canada paid $43,141,138 or W°itaaccr pensions durthg 1933, accord- -1.4prino,ifix;t • given 18 the House . of OntioOns last week. " • The total...number, Of. 'Persons in re- spect :Or W-111*-:Penslo*!- were paid was 264;80.., The nttreber-.:- of 'do-. pop.daiit ::oetusianmis *de 18,746; and • of , disa.bility pension efra '77,9676;4.. -.4•••-• • • sent -282 tetti,erg;Last year 21•Mati.. cipanties .sent 151 :settlers, or a 61a1 of .46 centres 'will&Sent 383 families to :the nertlf.-; Of this nUrabek 64' have returned leaving 329 still thou. 'Doo-inayerg , Paris.—Gaston Donmergue, nelw Premier of '11ramee, -Pronounces .lase.narne in'' two ,syllables: .mgyerg.7 ' • M. S. Nelson'Aground • . ,..• 1 ; • • : White, eaving harbor18 )ora tho tIWiDrifltt.tfrieifl the flblp t ti 4 tico, Pet, *eat agrentitt at 'the entranee-to Porioniouth batr, Olt and antmunitlon '11014010. atef.' Steil . idongtIde to• pull her oft. ' ' ••••• • ••"ti, ' s, t,l'eaSlirkatItS1,C4SereltiO* tO advano, to the Merier.'eolnten7 .funds not ex. -ceeding 45,000,00,0' for the Oost of an additional ship or gape. ' : .WILL REMAIN BRITISH. .4`1,t la regardedby all parties hOribti the agreement elates; "ara the , cardinal: principle of: the inerge17 oOlor' ' .t ' Itingtiern. descends limn; •pany-that it be andlemain-Under-7,rr British control." Trarrater of vessels 'fa :di*etion . the :new. CoMpany avail be effeeted ,* an n011Ienn"eemr.leiengt theBe Noble Scottish : — United by Marriage Edinburgh.—Two Ot the n0310 Scottish :lukties will be united );37.-.1,14 Marriage of :••terd ,Robert Crichton- „ ---: Mar- 'quess S Years of age and Lady - ' announced ;recently. Lord. Criehton- The engagement of the couple was 0f;Bute; and Lady iVfonb; Of Eglintonand Winton. Plie&l,tarqUess Biite ,reputed to be t.4.4) cheat peer the 'Endted Sir. Robert Crichton; croated a, p#0in 1487 and the -long roll of farnily - .. S**r(),*la ,,thrbdi, fainily of the bride-to-be do - sends front the time Of, Williani the Ceniluerer, Robert-Moirtgornerie; des., 'oendant :of 'Roger of Mundegumbri wh� acceinpapied: Williturb, obtained land 18 Renfrewshire in the latter haltof the 12theentury. Ile acquired the 11.,areny ,ef Eglinton at : this • ,tinteit-jingh-Montgenieriewair,created first Earl • of Eglinton in 1597: . . The farnens fainily :seat ef„ the , Bates iveiiir.:Rpthea$. faces the Ayr-' ' ' shire coast. Where the: two castles' the Eglintetis stand: Oakes a Prophecy ,(.P.M.R. in Toronto Saturday' Night.); • My prophecy 1 that Canadian nes will, make .great strides during. the -next‘ s,ev,eral _months and 13,,y. s..tnntaer, the,getieral .situation 40krili: be very mueh- brighter. , ' We are going.-.te see the construe- atttont011e industry el44Yini a:. nPar:' yen induetry'r•spring into activity, the boom, , the:Steel planta, both heavy and, • light,.*(ite active. nnemployment-,so,-, 'sharily` reduced bliat1t no longer • titituteS a serious 'eolinnunity bUrden, manufacturers of Consumer goods Pro: clueing 40 fist as :they,;.9104 : if: not.as fist as they e'en, at least q'. good deal faster than •thei, ere " oro happily ,.buyingand consumlng. • • ?Ail.. VIII be Confidentthat happy • : • daysate here again and ,here 1.0:4ity. • The .onili Aistuithie feature for :the consuming public will be .the 'sharply, rising, Prices, • GeWidow�1ogit'ss . • •' " tho tionowl .131*ich geOlogist, died. he• , ,ioni the Lyeit MOM whieli the Geo . 1401 Society teeeody or4i4e<1. bi of the it,tist &vetted had, been presented,: . • • He was •to havo reeeitred it atthi ;It now probablyhepresOntd, ' WS *Mew. , • ' „ Sotietyrs 'annual meeting next month Kitchin, whe'Atte' 63; b:sdf.' • Palaeontologist to,theAeOlogical gut, voy 4tolit ,O,ritttio • sio‘1.906, U.S. Fugitive . . . Capitit..+7 „ . Starlit • Returning Flimle cr,114to . l ):ieWiyokriotkireitt..sio:tioEurope”otofthow fpgitilit:, , th: 4,146,.441-7, 10elte dtien th.i' held of ' the riner, 'ff 1. r ;A•1;1.1. t,W44:4 ,17.*Wata-.-7 Tlrerner rode'vd hoto with hit mood ;value", of ir,560,060--th ohiomolt to ICVe .Eiti•ope ;Sitiee . -.Valuation 'of ..lhe--.A•i'ffellehillloltatV:77'"-- „ •