The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-02-15, Page 5)13-4, "0110 irrylk : e Answer to 4.0 ISf.nt'1*- s*: • . . arliBliE never .was a time. offering ..greater..opliortunity. to the, via:aerie- 'fa! adva'itOcr. This laaa.alaY of "great ws aeriedwhen aptalli.;- ...g:r4iy ativertising space „vvill stiJl PaY 41a1dends. -Yea how ,.faa• aneicaarita are using the ..'ifio,Oce?'„ , -they. -al-mad 'or- saying - *hat , they I ght 1.6 ' aaBRcITANTS know there a is 'often great difference in polling., power batweeo aavettiseMentsof the lame ze, l'here' may be two. single_nage • ealaeil,tiacmenta for the same ' type „ ore in, the same oewspaaer, One 'will get tae attention of. 19% of the ' aeadets aind the 'ether will be read ' ba'. 95%., of the 'aanie readets. Both ads cast the aa.me amoont of nioneY, 3;et one doliveved a..1.'2 'times the rd ership and; therefore, in, terms' of. Sees.Root 0000344wat... ite'ss .Slow. "FkliCFETCHF.R"' SAYS • 'INCH -14eaM14-4,AN TO INTERPRET • FU- KIEN REVOLT AS "MADE. m OR hiApn IN 4.1,4N" , Taiwan, JaPnia, • A Pia -TO: pion*: .4Orioari 10%, '1934? • For china is only *pr38 a Pena, alinratiVelY naafi)* channel. 4: ,tFil) to Cainamay sound far a*ray'fx(Nn Luckywa.bot. for na it means only • „.. , an over -night„ boita trip, I ' caught special :•tesacarrying steamer bound ,for the South *at; -eller,. and, teel. • Dear Friends; - January the tenth; aintean, .Y -four. Ho* tinte Masi- It 'Aluata.•be eaer.a1,-„anentha since'," ',last' alfaetea aven'' Chalainfas has ,.,passed -and 'New Years! 1 should !jou& -4' ePeeial- O, ahriattnas. 1ettei'tetig •about the the regular .attatlenget beat back: Way,l'tap. oriental. people,. particularly' rhis allowed lour days in Amoy, one a a ..be Japanese and Formosans go in or lePO. •I?Ort Tcities Of thenow., revola., ,titt the Christmas -New Years, cele- tiainart aroVioce ef Fukiena brations with all, their 'decerative, , Revolution, of course' ia nothing aenjus-, and spare cash. , • a • . new in China Spelled wit.lieardinary ,Christmas n Japan: ; letters, the 'woad Merelt indpetes Shop ' :Windows begin :to dresa theaordinary turmoil. Tile' 'Fukien ,situation, however, is revolution spell- Christmaifisi 'early in DeceMber. As' the red -figure -aide approaches shop- keepers virtually - move out inta the street in their desire to ,terpnt even the most casual passer-by'in+o buy- 4 I,e; e. rest, s,. a z Dias • greater opportunity. . NOW what 'must tae. advertiser' do? • kle "must give more thought to his advettining.' He, mast' .Put oaeraa message' every thne, he eavettiaes. %Every 1void: *should be thought' over e .trefally.-Theaadvtaagitould aiaraaliat • Tau wguid Sea :When theaascaistOaiiier. • "aaMes into ..t.he store: . .ADIGU.RNHE) ShColp: CQN ..Anothet ; • week's adjantainent atti granted' Bob. Steaclart., Gederieh 'ZleolForl;.. ng ) 4V.S'L 00i.donf.:111dinnes •left o eleettie -ligliits;• :end in running cou-• h ,•t VI sick 6fLaa_eholarg, cities, particularly *here rainfall is abundant and the sun's real; severe; store buildings, from, the aecond storey up, project out .and, supPorted on pillars form as it were a wide to - verandah beneath. This • leaves a course et world history May be ward an expansion of the Soviet coveted t side -walk and , Protected ' s '-„ At type at government •Piiiria, ho windows in all weather. •Christmas and New Years. the, outer aeems-far fetahed-ha'weveraatcaaglae- bfoscown credit for such :direct ed with blacker ink than usual. Some see in it a•anovement,ef what they consider the invisible kingdom l of the Soviets ,:now 'reported to occupy a large part of central Mina, feeling • or ap ou eO e ,sea. interpretation the newspapers • We read in Canada and Japan, in gen- eral, shout out in bleakest 'tape. It is not , impossible that the future la reathea ii)Ss: aires.43'' ,colleted around it a floating maim, pfaihoogi aVery type of Sranil graft tio.***,een ia the Orient, what ilaineinte biz aalia4- one inta(iflactMn to, Chinese ;riff -rat These .0aMPalus, manned' ha yelhng aeitin'ana Cling:. :to 1 every ;agile@ nt. port -hole; aOpe. Or rivet .chey Nan reach witatheir hook and aittinapoipole„ aat they manoeuvre with and hanWn for Position ' adja- the gank ladder- One iaas 4 a :glance ,that &anomie 0eziatence .n China is nOta,easaa not , even fot •he brna'est and bent' Only the fittest survive. - • • . • • • , I was alone. I hadn't sent word. to :riends to ineet me, ao it cost me forty cents to get across to the Bond. Double .fare. The boatmen were quite frank about it. 1 was caught, so a Paid' double, Would anyone take me across, for thirty-five or, thirty? Not mach! The "fittest" in ..'China one soon learns do not dependmerely on 1-116 individual alone for survival: ahey ,have learned the ultimate strength. of closed guild. My' know- ing the ropes in Amoy,' and a bit of their language, availed nothing. They held tight., One simply took the near. "oming tat China wit!, to, lee., le,M,ea hing of4aild ,leani something. Opp* lila,• new develoanient. , :Chrigtiala" 'Work In the . ,Oale.naa, ' The firat .:laffieraa tiaaemblY Waa' r, aeld SlianOltal caCtoaea :190. The. 'second met, in canten 1/15•09aalii= 'Per 1,9,30,.. Thgt the third :404 to. FOiO10.801, . •'4" OPPoatnnitt.' age 11143ertaitt,'•to, 'iasa'One C941W, *Tito. toigos. , tbia: .'Llaiect I wish- Only to make .a. few . _ , • , otes and then 'clone this letter, • a • • The, Church .or Christ in China is, union 6f some of the " churehea, istialigaed in China ay mas- ,sOcieties of Britain and :Am-. mice. At the Present time it is said " '6 include from one. quarter to. One bird' of the, ',Christiaris in . China," . vith new groups joining from time La time. The object of .this church ' • 's according 'to its constitution "to ofiana and promote with . -united atrength, the. spirit of seifasopporta. aelf-goveanance and self•propagna, Ion,Inorder to extend •Christ's gee*, .pet, practice •Hi s Wap of Life,* and, nweaa His Kingdom% throughout the ?fetid." It now Works. through 'fifteen at !nowt Synod's ana has a common -a on roll of about 125,000. ' • :O. side between the supporting ,pillars is closed in with boards. _-This en - the hni kenerB tO . set out two lines •of ,as -tables on each ‘siii-rp oftheewalk. . In -Min wet; evetyon s forledto pass, in welk- in ong the sidewalk, ,right thrq e midst, of . their display -of Christ- mas end l'sle* Year's goods ; decor- ated: as• Orientals alone know, bow LOSS and „ usually -brilliantly lighted, by electricity. Usually the shop-keep- McKayaarid Adam era organize by eity blocks or streets 0 in Toronto fol. n few and vie with each other" in erectina : On Monday,...who- is ..aluirged . with Week, • . • arches, decprating, tae streets with abteaking-theajaW- of,--Aarield-Dciak-af finence in China as this interpreta- tion implies: It is: true that many young Chinese with Minds thirsting int -ideas; that can be translated ;into innie hope for their' confused society have ,drunk . deeply. is, they :Are: itala„ Of refteiliment:-from the aalos- eoW -springs. But • this' is, not the source of the tretible. The root :Of. thel -problem seeing, to be the back- witadneits of Chinese iiecietyaind tap aggravatingly slow. progress' ithead: The .'condition throtigh the centuia les of tae rieh tit:, adequately :help the poor, of the well nOt`anowa • lottery -gthemaes.• The latter ng.• rig°wIll:..caurne educate -the ' ign r a -au ' bl o . • %lats.(' for*Dettoit—havinga-sea _ the, same town__ When„he._s tuck _ a • _ • rolig as ". mit excit•ement,' !Yell-Y.8s • . ; • . -cm eta a ainsition„ e- • s.• teached a pont 'Where Yining • with, Ilia, fist .duringYa:,,pancalee' Fa'ae• " • :" tbe Trish , sweep -stakes., ,de rine n • endure 'it .\iia -Ionget.. oae a ha. to repartatliat.'ailsa art of Canada. • 'DOeteiga.dentiatsfaaospa a a, eine heiason, --who :was operated • • . They res d. to anything thatalooks- . . . Costs have to be iteckoned :nith in on: for anneadiaitia last w'e a • The season- j'uat over has been, in . like Et •gospel; lid to them material- s(inie respects the , most ;brilliant we . . , a e . r underway'to settle the ge.aina -along, as well.as•,elin he ex, . - •• have seen' attire"Foi-aniadikaiiiiiitaliee - ease.' Bob and the injured lad's baler aerted. : ' ' ' all, had their "katisinniteu poroaur, brother; are, important acogs. in the • alias. Grotta Hadson had Mr Vamnwhen the displayedtheir ' 'II A t d 't • o .ne ••wore visitors at 'W 'Irwin's ' agOoda-newsaaJust student group ineae• latela t tock Onaince • : best talent froth the junior, kinder-. Ca.derich «O. eam an was , • ,•, . last Ivealt,' the lat.ter remaini over 'feared' that Vie incident ..wr ild k, „ .. . nee . • . ••aalisa• alvatleaMettuillin retiirned -a „ goalie is n • , „ he „,noiae in Locknowa. after, spend - ''a b on the Iine0ua' "and ' • , : . effOrts- ate.' beluga tnaile . to -have tae, 'in fit 'faii• aYS • Witil. sister," lairs. topt the team.. .,Itowever Doak as • wholta-ailltaair •frainealoueStelija • . ; ' • ayea ,-0 raa •• , lien( s- .• . r,a Pc.. arc • • 1: . , . . . ha, sa" Irwin' visited' laa--J-94;-hossaaaisitedaarecentlY„ ' throaglieut:'..a „Season' tared' ' 'fa 1 t *fat • JtI ,• :penalty., • , recently., with Mr. and Mrs.. Crump tiliathe atianaaay, ' . , • • WAR BOOKS IN ;SCHOOLS' • Fiae..tlieasand :copies 'of a : jai alitidged, ....edition of "Cry .P0\704,637' Nichols' '.nOtad. 'dentiiiaiatian Of •.:Wara,,,atealt is learned; .lieing ,pui.• • Chased ...Oa' the Ontario Deptirtieeni ' of 'Education for distribution amona ,a11 _the aeheolaa ,.the nitoa,in i"..lateinicia Henna 'as -ef.th department, haaaiestied nstructioas. .• ( '..-ijitiarBit 'FACES' . 31 AN S LA UGHTE R • dilABGB , 11 COmminian• (At Time Of .Fatal i s p Near .111ildni ay , Has Charge Against Him : Wtalne,s(lay niorning Ceunty. Ma.a- aarata la. W. Walket, sent up :for • - taal at the Agsize, an a : that. the edition . be, bo.gla,.. 'Ana. it . • - • , • • :a rattrap' . - irainalaughter, George , „ Will go,. on the' printing...paesaes , mediatela, :and will- be made. ,avail- able with all aoSSible speed:. • The prime Miniatet, great perSotial interest in the:' bee]: it is aid, and feeltata•tt-hy-brinaarra .te the' •attention 'of youi h., it • • • Rita:mi./1' aDick) 'Hotteii, vilie-adan • • Sobnaider Jr. of alarrialaaTraanabi* ra.ivei; 9f the Tar that killed Anthony .taanital of Waterloo. on IIighWay aboat one mile :'amith'Iof 'IVIildmay, Lt '\(g of Poceiraer 5th aast. Tae ataidont • ocCuared-Tin t dense , Will go a Jong' War toward. hoildrair ' nes:idea. of' C.arek, -6a, hr ',a ut om I ', pleaded aaliv te a ' aliaaga.of setiminat aleaa , . up for them propor conception of war and ethisequentla creatinwith. in them a properx desire- for'para.", Batty Clogs Of school will roreive . . the book, it is said ',Dr. Georarra'F._ iaence mid elreted ,.sunincaary trial, aaaaaaa, cadet, airacaoa . of aata.aaan, ,The point. ,(0:10(1, Crown AttOrney looking' *after the distribation of Vaettaart what evideace be re' , p - iatica,philosophy- recently one of m !tete Met young , 'returned from Moscow '\ four heat' cenverszition to gartentral: Whispered ' "Jesus loves 4T-ri . ' ' ' ' iniii-"thet-reii ' ' • e this.l.„ knee to aold-tare per-. la ..„ • , .• . Pala!: Om . era on Chinese' stringed anstrna i7e6, ,,w-,°bP4eunm 3-°!suf tshe.ilies sopallef;neieid ,G.t ine s ' flutes and drums. These -Per- , centre" • '' ' • ..fOrana es were Seen by audience! Russia i's 01:. Ia. pot Net The ceitie .. that crowded- 'tint- into 'seats ._:fot eigata•thata 'Wan- window sails,. and Some see in ltbe .Fukien -revolt the stood nretind,teer:14or twe-et three hand et. Japan. , All. these Who are aoots; aKuriatima. ", eitteitainmenta iesions,.. of japan's. iiaing • snn 'in the are, put, on in. Formosa only once .a Orient and as a 'world %newer, sus yeata but they are calcaleated to sat- ,pect her tined stirring, every Oriental isfy- every 'fotin of entertainment 'Pamt,. They Csn. trace the history Of hungerviith a areal feint. Thiyakear'S up to the eitrasa leading right audiences on the whole 'showed en e ,.. twenty-one demands, even interest.: Th. audiences tatawa theretothe Present trouble, , and 'see the was'iptactically:po amOking. I heard- pointer -turning !toward Japanese - practically :no load voices, and . for desiWns, .on Fukien. Many Fukieneae the Most ,-part, despite the.th1orig,.,;sit tobfefmase;:v-P...tharese.euil!,:ies 4';thefinger on ,parrOv4 hard benches, ere as [ - aa their hands say - rapt attention. ,.. . Plga "A second .Manchuria: alai nur ffetaata Throne *Whew; a'atstiajtja..a 'poor -.China!" - As it is far fetched Nor was he-,, nennoran - joyousness o interpret „the ,Fukien, • revolt as. lasaened :riatiOhnila by the birth an ,. "made in •itosco.Wi's,:a.cio. fil.%iitheahlnaboaetl, ,Deeeinber aatd, of .011-;'-ileir to the as taalatebet to iniPerial throne of Japan. This event "made in.:Tip n'' on'thrown:ew:prOvdaiinCtt. Intapenina'a tight in the midst of Why not Patica1 : n say "British .' made" ' Or the 'Christmas festivities foeussed .vv"Y "made • in '. U. S. A."? japan Alga does and 'Will continue to focus further a . whet .we • do.. After all it is. made in light' on the-, already glistening, oe- es oa . lea an r n done :in the best spirits. I enjoyed the situatiOna. sal did they. Chinese love .bargaining ' better than - any- thing. As for _me, I got a dollar'r -mirth of fun and, a pleasant row • with .two expert 'boatmen in, the bargain:nil for forty cents. In For- -mosa---that, lare..-would-be-exactly- twenty. 'cents 'according to govern- ment .regulation. ' • At the -Bund about twenty -mother- rakish ricksha men tame dashing elision; The former emperor's death China. A -Foochow barber vvho trima marking that day officielly ted troubles in Sverds Or's reign, Clnistnias and nnich it is that everybody wants to be bead means is ...rapidlY, being d , • : tut the other day, summed °centred on December 250, tiara InY, tae,. calendar': Inathe :Present empea. like these, aAli; China! What's I,V1•67*•. everywhere. .:-What •Oiitt , haPperi it Was a .stOrmsi, piesiage' :aerbss: -Whose birth OcCurrs sO near Ltec, 'took .a lot ".of Walking the deck ' • . ' , • . • . , ' . ani pulling,. their •cart contraptionsAnether ' guild. fron't 'the nearest three, 'rather • likely -look - in -- "Do apu. know where the. Y. M. c • A. isaa0 asked.; " . .• "Sure", .he. said aonfidentla,,. attai,2 alitenina' the seat' cushion to inake sure his passenger would, 'continue to • clime his Vvey..0Ilitneva myself. ir to the reign of the next emperor, he the channel the flaw' I went over. It • the , neacal. to. prOdne,e in this' ease, and. tan ropy was to • the effect that nyi d enc ahato. Monday- • ..af, ananiort, , when Selineidet bad.. his he ng.' '%,;(5,ald apply' in Ito ' s Case,' tits WaitsiiiPadiaitiiag,, ad falaa riataa0 'aria 0: Fa 'Tadoita. iieting ' ., n of aohnealer,anitd. 'be Vtte n TIotteo'a,:•cage. : Yaolincidotat tibia WAS. •rttetVeil if) rinonnt" of aa.a00, three auatea-a ara,aa,Walaerton Telescope. . • , _Stilli OliDElaBOaTHEM:: -EAIP; 'AC .1( - -... .-tk.1-,.. - „ '.''''tatItr'.':: 'iN '.. .. iht.,:.. . . .LIS,f0WPRICES• 'youR:00t.IER.,PHQNE- .gt.EFO. Re .,P:::.,C..0:..1,:f., ..(:.... ...• . ..—. ..„.._ . .. . . i1.1.0.-. .v E M.6,P1d..•'., k. .. bality. .,..44. 404..*. oro., • cnIqpIri rang -down the Til" , .amikantline, 'orid tho' artists retired to fatal,' ategsial retail g... 4 :f , ftht vnt. ,v„"„;lie lovely bunch t -of 25th, May the season in futute be- develop sea legs and a sea stomach' filled • With • great 'possibilities for this people se, interested in the spiritof childhood and in Chriatmag toa, making. • • Bat I do not i•-iropose malting this "foregoing is „ ania introductory. "AinoY is a' areffressiae looking citY' What I. have 'had in..inind. for •some• fieni the dist"e.e. :RewS' of business time is a iaeaiiil aubject fOr the alocita along the ;Band, year bY Yen goad „enough to eat the second -clags meal of sausage and .,potatoes, buteh Cheese and bread. „supplied by the, Dutch tea. steamer. !Steaming up the quiet inlet into port wiz, ,therefore, special letter On Christmas. •The ,a' Welcoine change. ' aentinet iny.,trip Chloe ' hkfAt gradOallY . pliSh tiksaviatd, Bealfia is to -ocibliatou may well ask how docs 'ahem there is evidence of a wind Christmas come to 'b,e easoaaited in deel. of blinding 'end many coriifor- °nes mind with a trip to Chant last tthebisle.isiosoelati7agg'airnes;idaelzek. giBotionta 8.011f October? MO be only con.- „ dence arising out of the 'delay in getting this letter OM Or,it may he the depth- of tae iniritegsitat Which • 'that visit creitte(a, Or again, it laity tollinga rockboand hillCenturies of impoverishment arid ifteh of public spirit ave wasted the one loUtstand. ia,tayet ,,,Plaatea • f1.0:11.0*.:tree. ,W:hat ing posSibilitt.of tbia area, its forest ittai 1..ataaa" twirl the • ptindiaiit ,boy, aay of tio,, . • general WaY, but was. not sure of the • road from •this , section.' of: the Bund. "Are you sure you know • where the Y. M.C. A. p,isr. quizzed, latex' he had run half a blochin/the wrong direction. "Sure be said again, cantinuing at full 'speed: .• • . !Vali, You don't," I corrected. "Its this way." He turned and proceeded in the Opposite direction at the same rate of speed and with the same apparent confidence. confidence . what, I vonclarearialt-tur-faimortunity qlat woo'*:.mostit for the nnahle to forget the. fact that civil aainaiiaat agita" 'grad' thc, fatty prin., wai---tagetf- In tlieF Part of,tchin'a aaat. iittilithe-fact-is-athat.•the, pruneaat s e interior; an fate ' r . tylititos ,itiowtrw Antite4. !lariat ef the Present einnetot's I the Arena . . I was much impressed. with; the Troup of .representatives of this 'thatch who met in October in Amoja. A few - foreign .'missionaries from Britain and America were delegates nihosen by the native synods in the. • aelds Where they work. but about sixty of these seventy ,eighty Aelegates--aiere .-2,chinesea.--Many-of these .Chinese leaders are men and , women, a graduates ,Of well-known Universities Europe and Ame.ricat.aThough the majority . knew yet Mandarin Wite the. lap-. fay age. of conmunieation,J of -the • •taingia ;Piet Impressed ;One. Most, ere, the orderliness with which the „ 'neetingZ'Watt conducted, the great . <aileyea during diaotionit'eaateiseaa the aetioatiness. eitninge , big big issues; and yet the healthy aumor- that never was far away. SometiMeis • in the Midst a of tie .. 'most .serious discussions ienee 'would .,break out into. heartya: litnahteraitasoMeone's expense or'as lireaaafiailoweada. aemn: leit-defiagaratti approielt .4n n nynbl'ni and laughed With Iiimawlien he *elated ,hOw own self-aufficiency toppled over. It 1 was great, t experience to 'see this noweraad a leaven ofthe'Christian soi 't at work in ,the iniditt of that massive ItIMP called Vhina- Thne and space forbids further'. 'comment just noW.1,pasia on these , ambhng---,,notes, --of last -October's— to earn bread. To '-doathat, ' almost wanderings with' Season's' greetings the intelligence remitted is to ,rorn US Sincerely,get • -passenger loaded in and then. Hugh MacMillan. rim, T ,se tickshamen can get aloha with ,-th 'ntelligetike Of it • hetivel If the flaSSe theyajust subm possiblearAnd ,yet about twenty-five - to take anytnterest in b him :to use his unawaken aeon, might doworth while for Amoy and even China: On the: way, up' towne the ricksha-. man ..a.a,t asked five time for the Y. M.G.-A.; three times from police- men and twice from people ,My 'inert theiight should know. Four of them vtinfidently gave ns directions knew I,vere wrong. We thanked thew et. uses the 'whip, well and tun 'faster, if is young man of ' en. aome one'. ifl and train intern- thinga and 'liaised along One policeman aaked....atraightetied himself up and scolded, in the Amor dialect ;because I hadn't addressed him in Mandarin ale ' didn't know i either, where the Chengqian-hoe was,tboagh ;at that :time . we were quite -near. One ,cbap we .asked was a soldier on guard it tlio, mayor's office, He was one Of five who, slouched around at the door of a big. building leaning on 'their rifles and supposed ,to be voiding the place. If a• real gurnan came along ipleran Istria Mr. James MeTaaisa, . and. cona. who underwent, se criticalg operation at. Kincardine. General Hospital last Week and his been very' ill since, • was, ssomewhatsomewhat improved at, time :of. aping **pia ' Mragaro ..mtegenzie,,,•,eon, ',to,' . rota. „vialted with:: Nits,. Thomas: .1a ten on Monaaaa..' W. C•' T. U. Meeting The W. C. held' their Feb- ruary meeting at the home of Mts. David Canatiaell: Miss Maly Stinson occupied ,the chair and :`,gave ,talk, O ."Tehiperince'a Appropriate read-Ia. Inas were given by a number of 'the ,and a pleasing „solo offered : , bp; Mrs.: Chitties Taiddle. . , .Several Ripliaites took advantage of the cent-ifmile exctirsion. last week -end, to visit friends iir Toronto , and Hamilton. , •".rhe Young People's Societies'. .ef Olivet and Bt. ',Andrew's' • U5nited,'• Churches held :skating part;., in ,. the arena, , afterwards returning to one -could imagipe ' he five taking to."the baaetnentor,St. Andrew's Church • their heels. All officials in Chin'It 'bete a 'lunch was. much enjoyed.. , is said, have guards.' -He aidiat The home Of Mr. and. Mrs. Hoviatd°,' knew ,either -where the Clieng-iiiia Keene, was the scene of,.i happy a hoe was locatea. ' • gathering, 1Wien a number of athea, The Y.M.C.'A.. has been in Amoy friends of Mr. 'Blies Logan. met . to ••• for Many years. They have & large: .present him with a purse Of -Paihey, and well-equipped building built prior ,to 'his leaving for Blind River. lar,ely by, the :Chinese themselves. Mr. Logan has been an 'efficient l ac, it has a big membership and an countant in ROA Bank bete for active staff et young, Wellredudated the pest foot year'. Ainese secretaries in , charge 'of Messaa. John Beatty and Richard 'several agpettinenta of work, among Creech, Who' have beth been patients Young : men of • the dty? lify* good in Kincardine General Hospital, have friend 1niie Taylor, wlio Mice lived, recovered sufficiently tobe brought: . neat -Milainay, a gradaate. of the to their respective bellies!.at ,ine University of, Toronto, is -.boas' work River. ' ' secretary. Ile is the Only foreigner,. The C. , of St: ,. Andrew's• SO whether itis generally known or United Church are holding a Valen-a not. there IS' in active ,operation a, tine gatial in the bitsemeht, of the movement working quietly; but none church oh Friday evening.- the less effectively toward'a better Mr." and' Mrs. Harlirie,ss :of tees-- • . „ lumo„JoLto-motrOw...-- water are spending the, Winter „n s-a-aao Tazatfial •;Atter meetitig:' t le*. • ..thinese Ininet "thorntott.• • • friend's at v.the Y. and. %sang.' ennui Di: and: Mtg.- D, R. Firi/itaaoli Wete OIIIIY ,ehowa.an in. dining -room, :I_ -went called- tO,. :ChetileY on Mendity7intitit,. naaets, 'tlieir Cliristmesaaalveia , „ , aciaisS, the .t.for to 'the ierldnafiscm- ents--arid-tepettof festivitlea • A: silipN entry into the batlina , to toe 'Taaletaa 'honse„ artit'taenee :latter's ..lVfadi 1 for Retires of %mations t6 ,,,„ „ g hi I 1 ' 1 t , antra Parallel cOltnamii 6°4 ola""" tik teasion the t r(1 Done d, editOr Of the Bn- alasa siai Ordered theta," akeldhhea ter-, 'adfo'sg channel' in Old. Inea..a.'1,ta °1', aaneaaa. toofinntist: :;s1 Alta `Ohnaen tetprtse: who itutoereit piraty.f,141 ait-e'ta "da 'anttaltaifiaa. ttifted wfl • nriaaiall naoa. Olt 1,the 4" the; scenes 110410 ..1)0f0TO ithi). ie -up • aurgit kt Ototi 414 to 84°1441 III 1041 ' I * . " )71, 464.400-to,14•1. , 7,41r4ot aa 41 1 • • • •It • • - a 04*.