The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-02-15, Page 1.3(Al?, IN ND:VANCE; $2 50 orpApAwIsp.. ‚4 ,FOR '..SALF.;-,7-.Franiehoiiiiein good , Condition and 5, " acrets', af', lana '1174 miles north Pf tocknOw, the prOper,, tY of the late Margaret, Camphell, ApPly,to WM.., MacKeniie,. t3ox 201, LicJnow NOTICE RE 1,43Q,S --•-•'Ah, we have :how .sedured; .all -the , lege we require thiswinter, our yttrel ..^*111Z"' ciOae . Saturday evening; VohrnarIT 116. • , TI1B;I:.,11.1CKNOW:VABI* CO.‘„ LTA. . AUCTION. $ALE • 1.40 tons of choice quality hay to. be, sold by public auction at W.. IL, I,ot 9, Co 10, Ashfield on Thur;',:i- dr y,' „Febroary 22Od,. at two o'clmdc P.M:, • consisting: Of 35; tons timothy, 30 tens 2nd 'cut alfalfa and 75 tons mixed hay. -Terms ' made, ItioWn. on . day Of sale„ : AleiOilackett .& Son ' Prop: OptiWS10.PeOad'o,S,., Annual Meetin • '-'77.-.Mirite"Giiyier'-'-:Auc;: NOTICE CRBDITGB. In the matter of th,e Estate cf .111argaret late of the. ,'ToWnahip of, .Kinloss in the Connty Of Bruce, • Spinster, deceased. Notice hereby given that ell persons. having any claims ; or de- , mends, against the late .1V4a'r.garet Garanbell, who ...dtecl on or !about the . lath day of November. A.D. 1.933. rt the TownshiP :Of :Kiniess • ' .Connty hie' required .to , send pest'prertaid '',O,•? to: deliver • In 'the Undersiglied, 'executor of the • • • r , ! estate of the said ',Margaret. Camp- : tell, their panes .Ond, addresSesard. 'full Particulars in. weting . of their claims and ". statements of. their A' -ountit and .the nattire of the se- curities, if . env, held .by them, duly verified, bir affidavit., •' And , 'take • notice tht after ,the Srddav of March • A.D.• 1934, the FiinciaI Iteport. At Vflited, Church • congregational' Meeting Was Most Oratifiing.",•Parrent Av14enalea met . --With Balance: 'On Hand To Commence. Ne* Year „The- LucknowVnited ChurCh held, its ,annual 'contregatitinaI meeting' pn 'Wednesday evening .. the .7th of February. One ' hundred and sevently Sat dowii tO a :splendid :sup- per prepared by the ladies Of the churcn, with a' group " ofyoung ladiee waiting •efheiently, :on the tables. ..Fellovving the • supPer, the .husiness' Meeting. got 'underway with Rey. S. Tucker 'as chairman, , and: Pr. 0. A. Newton as .secretary. 'Re7 1/10XLS-12LiiWP.1,_eivist_joyrn each or- " ion of the-":"ChIth; sliowing thati. all "dePartinents had; been well maintainM,', throughout thet. .Year. The '.financial reports revealed the sustained :interest of ,the Members in the welfare , of ,the church: .. The total ,Missiprar,Y,,eontribiltions arnoun- ted_to : for all ptirpos.es 'anionnted. to -sriidtexecutor.7101F-preceed,'--to...,elis- •.: tribate the assets of the :said. 'de, - ceased among the pertons • j'entit'ed thereto, ,:having regard: Only to the claims of which 'he.- shall then haVe. 7-"hadliotice, -Und-lhaartbi-•.:Said-execu---- •: tor will ' not .be liable for the said assets - any part thereof to. any ' rPrion• whose ,claim lie , shall: not. • 'then have received notice. This notice .given pursuant to •„ ti' stainte. :in that behalf.. , Dated at laiCknow;• •Ontario. tbi Twelfth daV of -February A.D. 1934. Wm. MacKenzie. BoX ,201, ,Lucknow. C'ni,igEvents • Pirseinsertion, • Subsequent Insertions,-. .25c." $5365.00. Special :mention was ;made, to the,. great. Ape -Tease' in .attendanee :interest: manifest ...in the 'Sunday. School. and • the , Young People's, Societyj. A.; very complimentary re- ncie1y. A coMplirnentaryresolution of ,,anpr,eriatiop .for the„ efficient work thn iiastor' l'and his ,wife 'was. un - a" ..earried. AlSo, resOlutions, of .hphrecie.tien .were tendered: OP: the ' orchestra; Mra.... l'oynt •,as leader Of the choir. Mrs.. Cr. , A. N.RNyto-ty.. as or(anistt,'Mr, GrePr 'leaile.T of the orthestra and' ilssi-tant leader. of the choir. Mrs. S. MorrisOn/ as secretary ' of.'tbe Sun0 day St -rekr izite.bi6 , s crifectaki-rfliiidctlie teachers' .and: •officers of the SUnday S(:hoOl.. An atinOsrther'e of,..thastilifulnest for the success of flis past. year and .9f Pp- RANGERS AND BROWNIES - 11011) SKATING PARTY On Thursday night the Rangers, each inviting a" boy friend,held a „skating party in the rink. After couple • hours had been enjoyably 'Teat i this way, ` the party; nuin, berieg over thirty, gathered' at the. home' of the District::: Commission'er, Mrs. McKim where -court whist waa nlayed for a . time, after which a 'delicious supper" was served to which aJl did ample justice. , • On Saturday afternoon the Brown ie, in charge of Mrs. McKim, Peggy MacDonald and Frances TharaPon, held 'a skating party; made possible by the kindness of Me. -Hornell and after, the Young lassies had tired of the pasttimeL they were serve a re- freshments ; at the home of Mrs. IIornell. Death Removes' r enrybele* and when on Thursday, ,Pitterson CoId Wave Last Week • • • • . • , Locai'Wherti!PMetere• Rover Around O Below P0.44$ .- tiall..Teineera,tare• At 3 M ,Creer'a • • . , , Was 34. telow, , . • . • WednesdaYi .Thursda3r, and.'',Friday i)f, last -week brought "unprecedented sub -zero weather in this lecality that shattered, low temperature, records existing Over'w period of ahnost half a penttiry.,., During. the cold spell plumbers were -kept busy ; thawing pipes' and repairing leaks and dam- aged water pumps.' Many of the ,feW cars that ventured out were liter,. ally frozen up and, garagemen' were busy in towing and otherwise at-: 'emptiag to start the . motors. On Wednesday , night, culminating a week of 'cold weather, the mercarY • GIA COP= 5 cans The Bread of Health , LAYER CAKES JLLY ROLLS , DOUGHNUTS „ The Bread :of Health. MINCE PIES APPLE PIES- • • CHELSEA BUNS ICED ROLLS-, ETC. The Finest White and Whole Wheat, Ikea d LLYMA.N'S ,QUALITY BA K -EK Phone 36 •Lucknow Local&Genera1 -Mr, Geerge-Haksal, spent-tbe :week . • end with friends in 1.,,istow.el. , • •Funeral Of Lifplonpy Resident Of he 16 below mark anew record waS , failed at- any tine, to climb above Wawantaih• ,,IS 'Largely AP:ceded ,-reated and a, new' law record: was • On • -M,otatlay;--,Niia..:Estieentad In reentered ',that . night •when the. ' Community_ temperature . slumped to 34 below ' • - , On 'the, government -thernienneter, at • Ili 'failing health for "the„ pant .tix. , months, and for the 'past 'intinth,. • At the: same tim unoffldal ther- ,critically ill,,„the 'death of Mr,. .nuitretere in tmlndropped to a point ham • • 'Henry .Patterson ;occurred atbOVerhic at variausreadinga un to :hi's, homa 011 .the beiin'clary east, at. a 50 below. Situated at a lower level. late • hour Thursday evening. The finteral •service Wits held at his late residence on aloaday and was large:, ly attended: of the Com=:" rnunitv in which AS ,a,..lifel(nw, resi- dent, Mr. •', Patterson • was respected at Mr: Greer!S and it 'is. ,.probable as hen; honorable 'citizen And.,A• -thel'hiibitlie teniperAture--been-'offi---- vote4 husband ,; and father.' , cially,;regOrded here would •,have The deceased,who was in his '66th reached the • 40- below rnark;', Fridia; veer,: was born on the farm:. now moderated , to a, slight degree, but owned by Mr. Themes Inglis, His that night dropped , back to. father wiis David Patterno'n 'Of .h,Tes- 27 'bele*. However by eight :o'clock here” in the, village- and ' enshrouded in a heavy "frost 'fog" on Thursday night and, ,.Friday: morning,: it IS generally conceded that the tempera- ture was lower than, that -recorded .sisr--Halten• Ccranty;, Saturday -Morning , :the temperature rs. aend with her mother: in Chesley. , Mrs. Hodgins has goae to, Woodstock,' where ahe will visit fOr twe , Mrs. ', Andrew visited in London. over the week-ehek.With her daughter Miss Fora 'Andrew. • • , Yesterday was :Aiii,-,Wednesday and marked . the: . conunenCeinent; of the Lenten season, Agnes -;Iiithis,:;:of--Edinboreugh; Scot- !AIS',51100ting:11P7RidyWititrbpt-:-:5-4e- len& Paine to 'daii#0.4 as 'a •child. row. The weather continued to. mod aath: her :permits' croiaing, the. ocean eriite during. the?' , and •*,Punde•Y in a 'sailing vesSel on t :pabsage. that braUght, weather,, 'when the tiri.jsm._for.,_,:l.the_coining_,:year...Per-- Id:Oki three months. - teralierature Wasonly slightly below vaded , the meeting. • • • tperi his marriage ,,to Katherine,. freezing aeirit8 . Monday evening the Wind . shifted', to thec.morth'..and .durnir the night P. 3A01Ing bizzard iaged Which :tempor- arily ,StOnped. motortraffic on thd' road • south. which continued tr be the only exit or entrance to .,the VMage 'for mot* ears. • TtieSdaV . L. O. L. DANCE There, will be,an L. 0.1. :fiance in the Orange:Hall on Thursday een. big next,,"FebrharY 22no. Gents 25c; • Ladiepj 10,c. Lunch nsetved,., 6opa. 'CoMe' and enjOy.yOurself. • •. • • HOCKEY' MATCH • Weather' permitting, Goderich.,. and „Tale -know High' School hockey tearaS ,ill .competein the local (to-. night) :Thiliaday;; February 16., Game called at eight 'clock. • Adults' 16e; al ‚school lOe., OLD TIME DANCE Tn .th. Town Hall; 'Friday, Feb-. and three fiddlM6Creight ers. Boy , Calleroff.•• A real. oldtimer with a 25C adniisaion foe for .everyone, 'Aus- pices •LneltneW' Vire' Co. , • ZION L. o. L. .DANCE ;• • • There . -will he a (land° : the • , Wife of Fortner Pastor, Passes In Vancouver • 'rearY • 2 id,`inusit' by "good, „cireheatia Many friendsinand-aboutC•llhick4! , novi will regret. to, learn of the 'death' , , . , . at, .Yanconver..,i •Decerriber -;16th.- last of • Mrs, 'Wide* of 'Rev, R. H., Hall, wh� was pastor of the- Ashfield circuit Of the Methodist Churh for :the last fur years ,of last-letiti,nW. She ihad bcen. in failing ,bee:Ith -for : ;•serne.1•Weelts and . passed• aweY at jhe home Of her dau•ghter,; Walter : • • ' ' The •Teadral • service. WaS conducted by .16ar .ministers " .0ef the United Chir9h, Rev.I•E. R." 13.'•,;(1Sterliont; , Bev:. C. E. ..Betzeld. arlcl Bey, J. "spoke • of her her bright distositen., .and' her ,great influence for good in the, oonatuuttit3i, :•'• lev, J. pi' Vestinair'-'•knew''.• hi. whan. 'she' -went as -a ininister'S 1,4ride 4..,,At:tejtc140: Sanday. School -,yearS'ikagO. 1.3y.' her request, Mrs. WH, Babb ...arg '"God Will . take •:care. of -Yea". Ore' Of , her ':favorite "Thee Shepherd'. et Israel 1V1ine" ' was , , , . • :Sung. • Mrs. Hall,, fOrirterly Miss , Margaret .was tern :1VIareli 21; ' 1853; .netir Tliorrtan; Married'. in .1876, and worked 'With, her bushaad' restore'charges at Granton, . . , • Kin - tie. ,Rortiney; Dresdoa„ Clcnallan,:.Chatswarth,,••• MairsVifle, Elfaira; • Ltreka9W. itha. Nile. When .Fta0oped •at,. l;ekflovit,. she,. used- to •-•otnetireeS.' take:. the "preaching, sera vice. S When Hall,was sick. There: ..r.Were-:--three appointments 'BlakeS, Hacketts)". and Ifieii'w,as, Welcomed and loved, by all. Of them, as '• well ,in LrteknOw where , She had Of 'friends. While itetioned at lNile; Mr, 'Hen &lid, 'end' th fmilv innVed io Clin- Fair. thirty ',yen's' Ago; he moved to the farm. on the boundary, WS: Pat- terson'a death eleerred ..,yeare later. In .1912,: Patteisea rear- •ried • ,-,Elizabeth Ann ° Egglestone, eldest daughter of Mr.. •and Mrs. John_ Egglestone :.of Whitechurch, Who, *mar Servives as Well as two "'morning thelotillity, was again dinghters, Catherine.; ane Aimee and the grip_ Of •sehraero-vieather. . • :two, sOna. Alfre-ir John.Mr.' Patterson• !as.* school' MAriy. SPEND WEEK - ,tee •of s. S.' N,e. 9; and e ineniher-Tel' . .1N „roRoNi,o Orange Hall; Zion, on • Thursday. eVening, •• Feb,. 22nd: GentS 2e.; Ltd ioi 10e; tainch fserVed. Geed musie. Good „fir*. and a.. good time. Itegan's 4 -,piece orchestra. SEItMON, gEttlES . , • . . , This Sunday evening; ' BOY."' S; Tucker, will eornineace ..aerliaa"'s of Sermon's on "Appeeta, Of the 141itture Life," which, *ill contieue for Ave consecutive Sunday evenings, With subject's as follow • ' February • •18th-,-Prg thot..4 a Vetere Life ?": " • „ Fehr:miry' , there an int:el.- __ the Canadian Order:.; ''Foresters e of, • From .1929-82 he was a „memhr Mere than a score of periens',from the. ,'reitiiagieg: board of the the Village and district tOok,, advan- church PresbYterian' CUrth; andh s :t tage''ot the excursion to Termite, to P.,asto,r• Rev. john Pollock, ;CelldUeted 'sone the .week -end in the •Cit3r.. With. tho f-tneral service on aIemigrc171.7.ve, theiiejority, of the me#. ,attending as service at th the hockey Match between Cana - in : Greenhill eeireterlY, where inter - 'awns': and. the Leafs • 'on •Saturday • • ' . Mrs., Albert.. Granamie , underwent an operation , in St. Joseph's Hospital in London on Monday. • • , • -New. Big Ibex Blankets "Flannel- ette", laygest size. Best; makel.„Only $1.98.aLpair. THE MARKET STORE. Mrs: R. J. .Camerdri, And Miss Arabellei were the guests Mr. and Mra.. Wm. Martin of Stratford over the Week -rend: • • ' • *.R:RN. WAKING IS TORTURE uSertreds Corn Saive 1t sure , does Ask-7-tor-it•Hatt.41081-MIS- DRUG -STORE. 1 James Henderson Dies In Toronto . Was Ferrer .1teoident Of Concession terday. - ' • Mr, James Henderson, • aged ' 63 . , 'y'ears,' passed away1 in Toronto �n 5unday, after a • brief but serious • , • illness. Mr. Henderson, however, has not enjoyed the,, best Of health for a number ,,of years, being a sufferer • with chronic • bronchitis for which trouble he underwent a delicate • ago Mr. about twelve Years ,-. Mr. Hendersoa 'as the pen of the Late David , Henderson and Sarah. MacLean, and was born and raised on. the 2nd coacessinn of Kinloss, about. two miles from the village, his old_ home being that now, ocl eupiedi.hy Mr. Will "Statireir-,---*1- • Abont.' twenty years.: ago. 'Mr, a .Hendersian. lett. the' far' m 'and: moved to Toronto where he engaged in •the real estate business, and *here, • he has prospered. He is referred to by thape who knew him as a man of ifilr-chiriteter-stirdtsolindAadgenimit,.:' ' Mr:, :,••114Midersen's :death :. 'removes • New Materials • 'foe --,, and CeniforterS; also lie* ' fittings, and . ...• • .. . , . . Waddiag..„_fOr.„;filling4tranfOrtere.'TliEr. 'MARKET. STORK:'.1. The, nallbearersi ',Were Henry Math- Pl,ght• (M. those making the trip we ment took place.' , . 'Tbeinaa Inglis, W. R. • Far- aware of the -, fol o g: Dave era, rier:„ Williain Wraith, Bert Reid and 11'?rne' Jim'' g.leive:rt'' Morgan 'llenr ' Purvis. ' . - '--- , deraan' . 11°"rti . Agnew; Claire ' and :Edwin ljesicies the . bereaved wife ex' d tileyd MacDougall,,..D. A. -Macten John ' IC. and : Bill Mackenzie, faiTitlY MI. Pattersan is „Survived by ja6ran3 . Mrs; William. Egglestone of De- troit attended the funeral .oti 'Mon- ey of her brother-in-law, the late Mr.. Henry Patterson. Mr, and ..Mra, 'Freak Cole returned. from Kincardine : last' week after at- tending the . funeral' of Mr. Cole's brotherain-law, John Hewitt. The many fill/1476f 1E1.11 W. "J; MeNall will regret to heti: she has •been seriously ill .for 4 three weeks With: erysipelas and is ,still confined . Geddes, Missei.. Elia Greer and Griswold, Man., . and four :brothers; Jennie: Pearlman; Mit:4Tlicartaa Alton Mrs. ,,IIiirey7Connett, . Mrs, ,: Viola . James" Of Valhalla; Alberta; Edward Jewitt,Misset "Jessie . McRae,: Mary and Alfred ' Of ' LlOydraini Ste; Alberta. ' MeKende and' Myrtle - Mc(iiiillin. arid-Alex:of Gilbert ' Ittajns . Me Mrs: Archie. MacDonald of laicicaow is a' niece. , ' ' STOVE BLEW; 'CP ' • •:. '"'''""."-"- ' • • : ' • for a short interval the firdt, ef- the , Mr. S. C. ,Rathwell left for Tor- the . San •of the 'late Mr.' And Mrs. David Henderson, -pioneer residents of Kinloss. • The , • deceased is survived sisters, Miss Margaret Henderson, Who made . her ..home With. her brother in ' Tor- ; oatO, and, MO. Mary Itoss'. of cences- sion.'2, Township. ' , ;The, remains. were brought ., to Imam* On Wednesday, ...with: the funeral ."aeririee. being held' in South Yinloss Presbyterian'Church,- follow. -:--- ng the arxivalof, the afternoon **Taila. !-Burgest-cOndncted -.-. the service and internient. was Made Kinloss eemetery.,. -dance when abciat•- eight tit •onte yesterday,'wbere he • will at- tend 'the Itorticultural Assepiation Conventionbeing' held Thursday and Friday. <leek DaViOu of Toronto visited, ie.; cently with Mr..' Frank Cole., Mr. Davimi was employed "with, Mr, pole orilijs farni. at Blackhorse "about 40 ears ,aga." • , ; 11. ' . • • 4 • ' Mrs. Topp of Toronto returned to the city on Tuesday, icilloWiag a short Visit here, she .haying, accompanied Mrs; ,Jamei Cook to. the village • or, her .retern .,froraa visit in 'Teri:MO..' :young people of the village gathered PROF. ODLIJM 'SERIOUSLY •, a time, 1.1as iitiniyed. in health to a ill to his ILL AT VANCOUVER :degree that Permitted 'him being 110 qualitea, oabnedrt coMnu2lnlienii has: •db, e;onr • St Ani- 'developing in • the frozen hi 134tli"; year, 6f Vii0OuVer, C. ' Prof. Edward Odlina,,.. M.A., B.Sc. week, ' Re -Elected President ' Matth '4th--,44"What: is Divine edge - Meat 1" ' March 111:haa"t5 there a 'leaven?" March l8thrqs flute ,a water froat in the. kitchen yange at the home of Robert' Button, regulted in the -stove being completely wreck- ed on Thursday morning. , The fire had been lit about an hour previous and when the confined steam could not find an exit, sa great became the .pressue, that an explosion re-, Stilted with., aufliclent force to ?Mat- ter tbe stove, beyond „repair and send a disa of porridge hurtling to the 'ceiling. „Oddly 'enough, following the explosion, there was 410 danger of fire, as the exnliOn Would aapear t(n. In additionv..te this 'great , bert pavement, she wis, ealled on . to Ter the loss Ot: her ,SOYl liarvey,, ;killed' in 4 railway , attident, .and her datigliter Etta'sfirst husband, aitS6. 'accidently killed,. , When the faintly grew yin; . she theivect ,t6 the' teking •kitheee:;.Frile, 11v,;,1 A -plan is - as • 'Old_ as. he .,feel•S„bdfore' • , -breakfast and , awonian, Is an CIO, „. AO 11%4' 1,001p; 1)eipriti ,.1)ital;fati,t4 , 6z, her daughter,,fiVe Or SIX Yeara She lenVes to' daegliter` Ett,a,,,.(11trea: Walter' Lief) Vartroti Vet, and ,threo SO)la, erre en 3":„ atritt.erii,tralce, Alta.; riViOrleY W. et SaakatOon:iiiia Jbhn yr,1 at :14teine, Wtgc'orisiD, well " known scientist, traveller, .au - thee, speaker, educationalist; finanr cier, a recognized,,. authority ,6n tory,ancient and modern, and phil- ology, and one of the leaders in the British Israel Movement, has been seiionsly ill in JVancouver. . Prof. OcIltun 'it Well 'knoVin in "Luckno* where his Parents, • the late Mr., and Mrs. John A. odhiei lived Ilis.son, E. F.'Odlunt; 'hied irt Luck - now. With bis grandparent. 'getting his edutetiert at the Public School 'there tinder the, principalship ;of the, • to have extingeishe ' the 'blaze 'and lat D. T. Yule, there was no Sign Of fire in, the strewn contents of the fire beic. So great was the datnage,36, ;the stove, that a peW one had to be purchased. This unfrtetunate.'incident' eteurred (hiring last week's extreme !"cold wave and there are ..ValleaS Stories irevitfno .yte--entittacelnin nrant, ,Ilere is one that :prallably tates the,' 'prize. So told „it " was in 'this "partieular, house that pail Of Water beeline, frozen; over during the night., thile sitting on, the reservoir a stove.- in whialt%there /*TWO S' 4°64 INMEMORIAM' SPROUL-In loving memory Of my , dear husband, WilIiani Sprott', who passed; savoy February 1927; We travelled read together; Amidst, hope and faith and leve, AniPeeitijiiii44tergt*b •Mr : F.• G.-T(4d ,of IR. Heleat at- tended. last WedneSdaY. the Aberdeen• Angu Association Convention lield in Toronto' and Was honored .in being re-elected president for his fourth term. , • ..inVitation to .,spend. a, 'Pleasant eVening. Splendid niuSic was supplied ° Donald McChiries, Elden Hen- :-Iersen mid Andy Orr; with Camern aii° MacDonaldably presiding .as floor 'manager and caller -off.. After hitch was served: daring the e ening, arrangements were :made for the • staging; of such, another event • in. the . near future orie sister, Mrs. James Michie of . • " Attend 'Pairs Association. ' Messrs. Adam; McQueen and Angus" KelKay represented thlocal Agri- " *Rural :Society at , the Provincial Association • nieetingheld in. the Xing ' Edward Hotel; Toronto, , on Thursday and Friday. :Mr. Stuart E.,' Robertson also was in attendance , as associate director of Brute and:. diey distrieti , and at the district . zneetink held in. conjunction with the so Asciation convention,' was elected • .director of the Bruce -Grey district, and 'thus beconaes,a Member' Of the Provincial/ executive, • Betty,. the . four7Year-Old daughter cif Mr. ,and Mrs. ilinfican 'Moriot*ci, of ..''Llicknow,' is ill .With, .pneumonia.. Little Betty 'leek Sick on Thiirsday, and On Sunday ' ' the ' 'medical „ atten- dant.. announced that •anetimonia.thiad 'deVel6Ped •, and it, id •,expected ' that little, change will bi netted , for a, :feNy. •, • d 'ayS. • ,, •, • ;. •ii. Wins "Afghan 1\Irsr: Tenaple Clarke was the .hold- . er,`OE-the' laky ..tiCket , that. Won' for her the Afghan, amide by ..nieniliers of t'14 Ladie' Guild of , St. Peter's Church. The pill** was won by' Mrs, Thomas Treleaven; • The draw With ./itiength and ',eomfort, fr9m Cod ee 11 IliS" presence ever neer (leY‘ when tleePl.b'eve, of the Triis loVq remains With nie Yet,: 'Otlild were ertied at tne ho nteanine loved one will 'never forget,'" • Voting get Ileid Dance re, . Mr. J. R. Magid) of ,I.enden spent the week -end here. Ile returned , to thecity on . Monday .by intitor with his gen Jack, they being. accompanied by 'Dr. W. V. Jonston. • On the re- turn trip that, evening, 'Jack and the Doctor encountered heavy reads .and the ,tat hectite•atianded in ,ra sir* drift near Glenn's HilLaSpenditig the . night at 14ent1alidi5; a tearn was., .rirOSSed into 'service , the ing and drew., the :cat to near Bel- fast, ;Where . they "Were m'et by One of . SiheerWOO6 trucks,. Which. , broken through the snow. -plugged road to that point, ; „ INMEMORIA* HOIllit-In loving ineniory of . our dear "Malian(' ,And father; Leroy'„ 1933. Tlv:r hard if is t� part with •thone, We held n earth' se. dear; Th Aheart . no greater tient knows, SorroW So fever& Vier tviiplenibe*.$1, and .tatt' For he Was the kind at 'a husbaiid; Mrs'nt Edgar Holtiviati. • Sndlv o1304.by his votoo Wife, CM. Friday , 'eve?* the Orange