The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-01-25, Page 7By Mair M. MOI:ga!"
••• Noodlea For.a Change•
yoo,haVe yolks of' eggs left from
•- cake -Faking, ,you an safe thorn. from
:...going 'to waOte by 'Malting, -,up t .batch
• OVnoodles. Noodlea Always are a;
•:valuable, addition to .the etnergoney
• shelf, but ones especial,.
•ly eonsidered a treat, when they.;
inade-.SInce ,it takes hut little'
more tiafeto: inalce end:ugh:for .seyeral,
ieals,:add on, ot,tWo. wholeeggs to'
in'crease the onantity. •.anilfonality. of
, , , , ,
„the noodle's. I)na.tablespoon ci..ater is
added tor, oach'egg
d Noodle dsettP•4puticesf.4 splendid Win',
ter luncheon diSh, 'Or 'noodles mit 'in
straW1ilte. -lepgths • add. • Mitch to..
the cu P of ,dinrie.r
When liood les.' or e•
Clear • dinner soup, they ithpuld be
belled in salted waterrand..drained,be..
fore adding t� he' prepared. meat
Stock, •.. •
AinoOdle ring filled With creamed
nieiat, fish, makes a:delightful party
'luncheon • •." • 4.11;
, . ,
.4. platter Of fried noodles ,garnlsbed
Following -Aro simple %rules, Ter :cod-
fish .halls and codfish sOujilef , • • -
COdfl'eh• Balls.
• Two clips .fj 040 raW,..potat09,4,1 OP.
spiedded co4fis1,•1..; tabiespoin.butteri,
1 egg?. yt, teasp,eon ,paPrligy,,, . ..• ,
Fresiten 1,4eWar4n:WAter ut
rcro. lielnii C4angla...' ‘,".:0.,-- three,
times, Put .ilsh orni..pototoeS into kitec4f.
pan. with lipil ing ;water to .eoyer. Cover.
pan andoiC!tiatil Potatoes _are- ten.;'-
der.; lirain tnd shake:0,er. the fire•to'
'Permit'. mi:x. ire. to •beeCime,anite dry,.
Iash,:theroiighly "and ,add :butteri:Pab-:
rika andbeaten egg,.• :Beat until; th,.
mixture is 'very light..prep frorn-SpoOn
Into :deep het fat.. ;:Tlie isalla 'shOu1d.
brown In tv.kY'litihtitree-, Pfain'ionbrown
lf",:ttifir.:Ke.tve lit epee.- r.•••:"•----- v •:' '•••• '. . •
• . • ..' . CodfiSh...Sauffile
, One. env -shredded ,coOked codfish, 2,
caps blushed 'netatoes,..3 ,.egg, -1 cup
nil*, .3 tablespoons butter,' /4, tea;
spot% pepper. '
' After•ireihenIng ,fish,.pick-'verY. fine
with a -fork Or cut with.rniliSora. .8int.
.. • ' b-.Lwta boffin ' ' tfor
smooth cream: sonp., • The nletlind, ae.
well As, the.PrPor09.4s, isimportant:
1 Many recipes,. add .podo., t� ..orogtik. Of
tomato soup. It, 10- better to avOid, do:
log thle because. the itoda.•tidesi. not
*Prove the IlaVer; I eet.,,•-*Itenhae
in; otaall aniount. p .soup it 'to .Al-
most' impossible tp ma .40.4. in Small
striOngli .antettut got tO, ruin the flavor
of the Oett.,P entirely. 'If ,I./1.6•.teaspoOn•
-,spda, to one, tgatatodansed; the
flavor is affected, very.:alightlyand'the
Acid Of' the temato neutralized -But-
fielently -.toprevent curdling 'of the
gfreent 'of Terriate, 41 OP • '
Two 4.4.113
4 1••Sinnli•
011ien. 2 teaspeOga 0104r, •telkepeoti
Celery...toea, 4 tablespoonalputter,
epopns .fienr, enPa•. 1./8.
te.aPeolid .peidoper.„.•1 tablespoon•, minced
p,arsiek, 6 peppereornO.: ' .. •
.1 .tahlespoon hiitter la Sauce. pan,
and Add, Onien..10eled and cut in thin,
over a 'low; fire, for 'dye
minutes. arid 'ad d' tinnatees,• sngar, o aft;
Gde;QD., tdps andpepPercorMi Cover'
!pan and Simmer.fifteen rninutea:jRub
throUgly'a sieve: in. anoilierpan Melt
reniaining,' batter . and stir in dour.,
Cook •aud Stir ant4 bubbly. $1Ow1y.
Add ..millt,stirring„,eoristently...: Son
PlePPer.,and_ _hying 'to the
.pcint. Doll one WM0,, "Stifiliig..-OOn-
stantly. Take trio Oance.from the fire
ad add the sifted tomatopulp.. which
haa been kept •hot While the' . tab*
white. .sau'ce was being made. • Four
the. totnatoesd.itiewly • and stir con.
stantly;Add' parsley. and 'serie at
"once. : Thie seup. Will ,:separate or
-Curdle. •if •:,alloWed • to, •stand or if ref
4-8,.F.-4,Pror,.-404-e-•-•-•*-4-4.4.--.., -041
Leeson -
lV..-Janu'ary .*,Ptandarch!
of the Kingdom.;
Golden Te?Ct-,-Bleesed are the'pure
In heart; ter, ther OhAlt pee. God.-
• Iviatt;, fita.,, • - •
• TIME -Midsummer O'f A.A. ;8., the
•second year of Christ's minbtry, '
• d PLACE: -The Hems o'f.-.•Hattin, a
hill west of the Sea of Galilee.
"And: Peeing the mnititlides."..Ihe
groat muititudes that had gathered
around -hirn'attracted' by his Miracles
of -healing, "Ho wept Pir il;tto ' the:
mountain. • The •traditiOnal. , 'Mount
Of the Beatitudes' is Kurn Ifattin,•ei*
Morn4 :H4tin,", a. tv,'In-Peehed"hill
about sixty feet• high 'llearth e 'centre
of thetvest reaSt theSeA 'Of Galilee,
two or' three Miles .frora the Sea. arid
'Wen eopthwest CaPernanni•
c!And wnell'heltael•Saf
al WM:hers. Sat. as, they tanght.$:they
-did not- stand. `fIllis
unto hini."' The twelve whorn he heti
just Chosen, .who 'were, grouped Most,
•eloselY aholit him-. • ' .; •• •
"And he .Olieiled- hiS • inenth.:`'. and,
taught ' 'Distil the Meaning-
-And Message of this ,sermon into a
sentence! Is .it not this, -God is, Fa-
thei monis hia,child? • •
"`OaYing) Blessed are the poor in
spirit!: It is Characteristic of Christ
that his -first 'great .utterance points
the Way to,happiness. . We are,haPP'Y'
if, our spirits are peer; literally; if we
„.. _
• served with- a smooth cream oance ,is,
inviting and nOtiFishing end 'can be
• quickly and easily prepared for .any
' emergency supper or luneheon..,
'. '.' Noodles; •'
three .egg;,y011ts, . 1 whole egg; -3
.'tablespoons. water, 1% teasPcons salt,
,2 2/3 - cups itnir•(ithotit): • 7 • •
•••• Beat ypiks of-egiTTW-IleFenwhole
egg Until, thormighly blended. , Add•
salt and enough sifted,flour t� make:a
Very stiff 'dough,. Knead well on. a
.lightly floured - niolding beard.
Into six parts and ;reit eae:t• part • aa
thin as -possible. .Cever. with' a.clean,
• 'towel •atid--let. stand, fOr. 30
. Roll' each sheet sepa!tely,. likeany
30„ minutes. Drain. Addis
milk:and 'pepiief to:hot mashed' pot:A:-
foes. and beat well„. Add. yolks of eggs
beaten- until thick sand legnia -colored
and Cook and 801-'0er fire anti!, thigh....
-Fold in:whites of eggs, beaten until
stiff: and dry and thrn into a,Weli hut-
tered baking dish. 'take 39 :Minute's'
• .
la modefete oven, . When firm, to.the
toneh; the' Sandie. done Serve "it-
•onCe frail :baking dish. • d: d.
• • •
, Paris Styles.. •
. ,. • ,.. •
!•Paris7.Man brocade'
OVelkinegown`W.Ith, w cane Of the sa14,
material'trlmrned With two' yellow iris
It ,rdight.''be, called "Pervenclie blue,"
. k4roln 'Molyneuk. •
' '-elfirfedresaD
a Olt PIM'
7.Shake out ...Mice's and 'tese Ugh' ly ota
hoard 'tit 'dry. • When. theroughly, dry,.
otore in ;covered jars • o.fltiixeo for tu
. •tute use. When Wauted coOk' 20 Min.
utes, In beiljgg• Meat broth or: salted
•'worth mind that One egg
• or ,ite equivalent -of .One.egg'yelit'.'hd
, One ! tablespoon • „Water will Mite
enough .noodles to'serye.•;four nerSonS
,with a 'generous. amount 'of %noodle
:.Cut,,SotiareO • .
. ,
• •Itistead of ., cutting the dough into
'Can., be :.fflit ,-in t tiveinch
• s.gUareS and .tteed,',. to '.inirke • ,noodte
Tbis .is:. a good way tonTO
':•oVer .meat or .the.taeat from:. the soup
..,bene. :Carefully trim .off„;fat and • gris;
tie, and :chop:meta very tine., easerr.
•••• tiritksalt -and pepper and PairSiey,
• ..cir.!'onion finelylninced..' Add one tin -
:beaten egg: .and"mlx . well. •d.Add.-inilk
, ettOugh to
sttek 'together., '0111 .st1.110.1'as..of,noodle
:•fiettg-h with prepared ' :Meat Mixture,
and draw corner's I:Ogetlier • Dampen
edgeOWIth, 4ad.
..prp4a totioi.. Drop trate
• Water " or Meat broth, and bob •go min
ntes......SerVe On whot,,platte.r ,ittfd. gar,.
. . .
nish 0!
paroleY, , d , •.
.. To . prepare ',needles for nitotvinein,
sprinkle ,•2 •-tablesPoons., salad. oil :o0r
one Penrid noodles and -.Steam, . fifteen
..rainutes,,,lifting needles :carefully. With
a fork- :in order ,.. to .Separate welL
..„,Spread•,on melding -board and -let cool,
.... Then fry Until .crisp and a golden
brown in' deep ..b.Ott oil :or fat;. Drain
thor,onglrly and Ilse. • •• .•
• ' Cadfigh, tatiffle
There.rare many .ekeeffeht brands' ef
• -.salt ',Codfish On . the Markef ..and tliey
offer : :ectmernietti., ways.,and .imerrns to
vary :the;wtirter •. •••
• A,: Alener. °et...cream pfto,inate.Sotip,,
Codfish. SottifiejbroWn. Greed andhut-.
ter,.,,,sliredded'. !cabbage dressing
• and , bread Pudding Withliquid settee.
../is a :nourishing, Well,•,haltioded invit-,"and• edotiontiCal • Witt. •
• -0%6:Med Catfish %.,another
,.oid-rashloned Served 'W'ith, pinin
• hPiled. pettitoee or baked. palateesy
1. 1.hattlied,litittered beets end .trpit Whip,
' . this inakes an annetitilig
:tory :.41finer 'that: la,,'Inexpenkile. but •
rieb- in food vaItie, ,
If hearty dltreakfaits are not want7.
ed; cedifsh,L, balls May be served: at
• luncheon or dinner,' eroinicd yoga..
table or a dream •Sioup, should be in-
tincled itt the tbenif to ensure. the pro-
•• Der •ttiri"otint of: milk. in
with ;cog', leathere, Cape sha.. .e,d••••frorri.
dark' hitte to „ very light blue; • pro*.
• • •: ., • • • .• • •
' pale ,Bitte. Silver Brocade ' crinkled.
C.repe.. evening ensemble' with; a 'deep
Froin411., •
house,: . • .
Chid'en with effet.
around the arnis btit molded •over the
shoUlderS;-' Por dinner , .‘
„with a
Gape effect,,-witb
.shoulders dbirt.not to detract' fro* 'the
rather .daringlyeXpOsed argas,.• . .•° •
• gold .nlvage Panne Velvet nilikes•
t eff .,BrOWn,.• es trich. teeth..
er s • tritn. theAtidic.e andbrown
ler • strapS panty brewn gloves': CoMplete
the ensemble . , : ' . • •
. .
. "Panne sanvhge7,
.molded.: Shoal:tiers Yanti.•.S. Cabe efWt
.with .bladit .fipty.erS Of the\ Same:Mae
teriai around the ifinS1-• ,
. _
:Facial Masks •
, • • . , • .
. Masks. are Veruable.'heaittyagent
?bey: ilurge :the peres, stiMulAte,ieir.
.and . make the cpniplexion
'give yOursed d •eau y .rea men• ,
first :cterinse'yetir,:faCe With
.4PPly beauty, 'mask ;rem. the base of
year ' throat:right ip over 'YOUr., fore-
head. down.:and relak until the dry and hard•
When -you get Wring a. totiel Out.
.e?.warin water. and 'place it over your
'face .and'neck to dissolve.' the rhaik,'
With niiWard and ottkaidtstrOlte.e; re-
mote every* trace. of. the mask. • Then'
•cleatise again:width facial Pik', Pat' on
a :little .Oltin Louie and're •readY,
. d
for • fresh, Mak eup.
••• a
. Soup Siei'Ot
one ItneWs :the prober tnetliod• to
tiSe it is 'nomore:diffiCUit tomake
Cream of •totriato oup than it ka; to
•bake. o hoidato . Or tpitst_ agleca• of;
bread, .bat one niust,kiioW aa* be
catie two foods exactly opposite In.
chemical °Composition are combinedin
st..ereain'of tomato, ocittp.f. • •. ,
-• In." order",ta ••niitke ,crettni tOmato
''0ul th-e-tionk-Wife firstmist ti__Aster,
the Secrets .of, a:perfect' White sauce;
for •iii; toittatti:as,Th'•ineSt .creani situps,
ft• thin white -satteo:.:forits: the riiiinda,
.1.1lidonittedli.ilic cook's groatt,,t
ficulty -lI0 lfl coinbining.the., 'White
sauce. ,witli, the. tomato. puree. Too of-
ten the Mixture onrillee and an 'unap-
petizing :soup .is the result.
The folic/Wingrule' 18 • carefully
Worked ,Ont and Prodnees• .d'elielous
• •• • • '
•••'(4. • r
30f -,,,AER6,QUici4,,,
Rum toWN'Tto ttie
NA -r s•toRE AND BUY
. ,A ?EASY
• (3't .jI;(61 Eirt
*hipped cream may. he served...On
'this -,soup. 'Whip cieani until iirm and
season lightly 'with • salt. prep one
deoSertspepnful cin each plata:Of SOtip
Freshening- Han!. •
--When fresheging_hani•LAry_using.
• • .
sugar instead of soda. Simply throw
about a quarter of a'cup Of sugar in-
to,- a. pan of :Very Irot Water,: put the.
lain ill the Dan and lailOw it to stand'
Or fifteen, .or twenty minntest:. .A11; of
-the--salty.flayer will be -gene, leaVing-
a fresh,ltweet taste. •.
'To Clean. dstecie §hties
7-Stredirstees-s-ho-fildd7hre., letinect-twatht
see rye.. iu ••
'rub hard enough to...fejt:re orwear, out
•the• suede. -.Nit a few .gentle strokes
Should, he sti.filetent.1 , •, • .
d ' 'thlid'aittla'nkets • • "
• . . • • ,
I tHs7-ditilCult--te *Op. the blankets'
Clean• 4. 6114W:bed, .as 'children.are
l'uSuatlY :More, restless aid the.
ings:aie bandied h great deal: more.,
One: norther solved the problem Of .Con.;
--gontr wOorb-Itti-lyetiFV0t.Tilien.-Fittfolds.
of. an .„older double' cottim;blanket
made -i lovely Wartn•Cevering and the
Outside••!bianket:. took till tile •,,har4
knocks, keeling: th, w��l blanket.
.clettil-anclAnnrder • . ,
• •• • -7-77
K ich u• urt los ; V•v( .'•
. .
* ma,ying kitchen • curtains it
li iyiseifte 'put a•:threeleell hint ot-top.,
;Onti. bottom, If the shrink. after:
pig' one 'hoe-saki:eat '.iivttertalto let
doWn. !They •?0an,.. aloe be 'reerd•
:the, betint are. eireni.'••whiCh
. •To Reg -Mae Seet;
d d • • • • :••••
Th, e. .pptailnotedbptoyall ove. . 1et••:.I„.a‘
place titer.. the sp a layer o
starch . Mixed to. a S'ste.ith eOld
tihter., d Alto* to dry ap4 When .thor-
Mighty dried tiut.lieask offltitla s. 'sett
brush: .Th ip sootdtgazpeOecl-...
.- • • •• •
orep*per . Ads
For Isleof ;Man.
Official SairS' Campaign •Never
'SO Profitoitle.
, • • . i•
• • ToJn-
creade ,tavenditure • ,
• . Ramsey, Isle ..of ,•Man. Newspaper
adVertiiiing:. has so:Well Sid 'the Isla
ot,Man thi,year-that..the 011lcIaI iitih?'
Unity Board is asking the Manx Goy,,
ernmeat,' ter an additional stint' . of
04566. for advertising next seasion:Ito
supplement tbd .eu stemary..grot, of $36;•-
'000..WhiCh'slegislatitie annually • makes
for-this_Auttn_os_e.._ , .-
Publicity -board' officiate 'report they
haVe ..never prevleitely received
malyithhliOttiOns tor -guides to the,,
islanctin One y„ear.
W. A. -Giagu'e.-the rrecretarySaid the
eillcieney of ,a . judipionti • ristitispaper,
advertioing carapaign in ' attracting
visitortf•had• long' been proVed by hJ
toard.. Iv, was not jnst a matter' of
eliance7the. restate.. Centict be •Catinted
. •
• •
A DIEsit.BY?
a dependIng on the gifts of • another
for the very neceisitiee of -life. This
'cannet' necessarily Mean external- pov-•
•ertk, for that.% ,consigtent and:Indeed
often fennd jinked • •,with. dpride or
.oevettionahossi 'While this: is the beati-
:Of ' "For theirs. is. th
• kingdorn. of heaven.;"!:Poverty of purse.
'may' prove irreParable • •wealth atiraits,
. • • .
-the-poor ;
. • . • . • '
"BlesSed are they • that. 'Mourn "
This is a hard saying;••experiencels
needed' for its.. uiderstariding. Every.
erreqahrink.s from..scirroW At Arst, and
needs to ,learn its' blessedneas inthe'
sChool-rof.„ChOsti-• "For ther. shall bed
comforted.. , Comfort is frim .two -La-
tifi. words, fortts,.: strong„ -nd con,
iogether : •Inade.stronglteg,
7 -Christian .comfort Means: the streitgth
t conies r.ow, OWS
.Christ . • • "
; '"tiessed, are.: the- thbek:. for they
shall intrept .the • eatth.... As. the.
• eek• who; really: inherit the dearth -7
the unselfieh'; -the humble, the .relig,
lotisly 'minded,. who, regard -it. as 'me
of. the imarry‘ roorns in their heavenlY,
'Father's rnansion,-,Which.;.tbey, •as his•
Children, ..,are free t, use and: eitfoy.'.,
"Ble,S;e'cl are they' that.hunger and
'thirst after: rigliteou-Stfes-i':-:for.' they
•us • A- Man ravarions' •With: -hunger,.
' 'arched and panting with thirst, and
ns that when We king, for:' goetl-.
nese • st.s ninth., as,. Su& .• a maw longs
Lor food and drink, then we are among
-thirblelgatOttite-L-ordt'. '
• . • . . • .
‘Blessed are . theinerelful.:.• for they
shall Obtain d• mercy.," •• Blessed are
• thO'ne who, • halt:Mg-heard' the -:itmat of
MiserY, have 'run ,.t� its •
•.9.11esse,d, are the, pare in heart: for
• they shill •se GA:v.. Parity of heart
Makes Possible 'the •ViSion... of God, and
the -vision of God leads .the soul,- into,
a higher Purity.
"Bleseed .are the :Peaceniakers. for
theY,Kball,be'called.Sena•pf 04:Ai"• Lot"
hlehem song of :hpeear:e1.4,,•oati*.ealgt,;
Thee SAMS. of. God were net, •It must
be noticed, the. Peace -foyers.: .the
.PeaceTalkers; they..were. the Pate -
.Makers,„. the'....Coristructive, .agents of
tranquillity,;:the'effiCient contributors
to security, 'the. Mediators of peace....'
"Blessed' tit :that have lieen.
persecuted: for hteonairese.;• Sake:.
ler theirs is the: kifigdom of heaven.”
Our Saviour,'•looking,:ithead through:
the centiltiOki--bealOrig series of
ofinificts,betWeen -his church' and ,..the
world. Whoever le for .iighteetiStieSs
strongly a together, mnst ex*
the eltteX O6osition dof thoseho are
fOrgunrighteolioness. • ••. '
,• lessed; are, • when men shall re-
proach you, ,:and persecute yew -and
Say °all Manner of evil againOt•• you
'falsely,' for My. peke." • • 'Ilia io the key,
'phrase which loCk.S. ,the 'whole .list
of, tleatitudes sake:" It,
this that trImsrnutes ,poverty of
spirit. 'late heavenly hundlity; that
brings comfort tothe niourning; and
glorittua riehei.tOthe• Meek, kiailietity_
to .thest that hunger and thirSt, after
righteousness: • ; . •
; ; ,
..."Itajeice,7and be excellxiingglitd: for
great. is your reward in heaVen." A
Christian =St, if he*. Would tallow
Jests, be a jOYOue and lubilint: man.
'"For se' Persecuted the Y the proPhets
that, were hefete Yen."' IlsihreWs 1itit
is a' glorious fiat of Giitddts 'Persecuted
Sainte, and the Chriplei is full 'of their
rre011ipeziSe,or reward. •
-'Ye have heard that it. was .said„.
w,HAT CoLoR,
en et- r seed orpen-m-
agths.ChihikiVh,0,..Ri44za NI*to.0•::004. PtilICC80,•• • • ' Wiritier0•, .„.
. f:40.4..._”.,it'gxi Aeledng• th. willies% of• ,Prineess, Colongae of /tame; the 'Pneh4
I' •
b NtiAttNk . Y.. Plk091. Y 00 NV , .nr. 4 of the .egS VA,I.P.4.- 'Of '1.Yietirl4•;. op ,c044teati
'world were elected recently, to the '00 Saab, of Qalre.; liftfle: P#4 de
p" . ',.• :
halla Pfd feminine .itianinOr, Iffy • as the cher:ens,- Buenos •Aires.; the garoneat
best dressed v...ernen late , . world. . yen, Icrieger., Aine,tordatn. and' Tho,
A.oll of leading Paris drOstnakelsHague, the gounteSa. genres P9t9!
aheWed surPrising•aec9r4 and resulted eky:',.IStanlitilf,.`.0.0.- the 'countess 4'qok
In. the unseating of several` preVietis TheptOky, Athena,
queens of the `Wardyelie... . 1 - • These ten WOmen bY 1Wean end
.1Q M ,
. 4_ ., .i. . ....- .., . ,•,., - .• •
, • T14..r.careness'gukeao:oke Rothschildtrke W4,19.f. nitro' smart OresSersas in .
' the, best .ciceseed 'Weinaa, in.' Paris.. 41e'dele4, hy. FarpiaShiCeesatZ4tertsit.epAngp..uiinti
.Phe•entertains :ectensively in 1.?.or, ele, '.pe.S•diat. 9f
her `Cnuntr,y: chateau. `S*i.s.tyineal'ai ''.1?v,9etiPIng4et.h1401?''e°xfitra.4ocirsdini:e(11116Y.(1%,db‘.1107'•Ibil:' '
gantly furnished. dtewu honse ,.ancl
i;; levet. e„f,"and Of • &PM .Aga ,S-11a:11,..'t,hq.. lga.harafti liolitar
'braelt. and WhiteAnd. -w.earaz Peant.40, ' g. 'Ind,Proi,:i:i'lli.nert;D4 :0•..rit„..,fell.13.";°:4411%:•lil.,:l.!,:ag,
.. . „ . - . _ . , . . • , . .
diatnonds; ' uses :. tile t.fin7t.i•'perferrieo .•:9;4914," .
and•ha.s:an air br: cemplet, .• diattectidn.: ',.,1g4p
1...ond'on's fathiond•.queen ts.-the.Aont
orable'lW§.".,Rtellard, NOr(On:, itall,,..slen, eaa.„7.Ouheff 'aail ,L "Countess .-ArriVitrea. ,
der And dar.k eyes, he 'is. A freenoilt: °elm', twin '•ItAiiatis, Who live le:Paris. '
visitor to Pars and: traela eXtensiyie.:. aridthe Prineess de 730niton partga. • i.' . ..
i; ii:'nr4oPShe .Ilk-es..,rs'rOltc. ..c o 1or s •.Otb.set sT-art' wo'7n,"in.e''U' 'ne;e4'atria‘and bright Arturo 1raita 4ieoset4ajovnier.... '
bosteS4,,Polled the greatest vote , as
ol'elVI:ilrie,4.t.liciraerskilesodavio.70:1:-Er:Sti'ie'ufa:iteetict- d,./rikjei4blri4iccifin:tiip-.:;.,cio,...g,twetlrie-r$r• -1.1:1;..1,aBorpca:Wriihe'rtAd4;.-
§dt4pi„ '.... • • • - • •• .1... • 1 • ' . • hassador'inLondea; aid L..4, .54 Niencli: '
.04k, .stately ; .with. ,a ./oir•er • .66,14.f.. • •si TormerlElSle de • Wolfe• who hal •
.4)4g. Peeti, faMeusfer her sport easell.V
'Plexien, she leans teWarcl.,hright colors
.and.' her cesttimes this season fever- bl".'. ' ' 's ' ' • . .
•rette, blueo .in all shades,. and, black,' ' .
The outstanding' feature ef the. eds., ... .
tumes• of these Womea. whoa°. Sniaft4 ' She ireara gorgeOrte., je•Welit and furs . •
Mre.. W. illiam. s.. *Ts. .M.O:Itt 'Shrader• A!/t81. 0,7 T114:)714•fatr1/4tItP11-P•krr'4.1, '
Harrfs.tailVilliaMs, atilitiea magnate,
. , 0"--71-CusiTiW-4244141-:-.4.- . .
. • with, a rare and. well, Chosen:ime ot
maltQrs that. of conservatierni ,.
in 91t9h:e6; •;;1:.i*lin •ttlela'Shidn...elec- deoing, adapted to each personality nre. .
eccentrleffy. Richness , ,of material,'
. Sobriety." iif. coltir emphasla en. line .and
goo, Or Oen.. ceuntries,,v;reret '..The the A,B.C,''s of the -queens of.fashien,'..•
11.41Og.shalt love thy neighbor.*4Christ
finOtes.'.frern "Aid hate thjn
Thi.S. 'Clause" is .nel in -the:. Old
Testament, but the rabbis -added it,
regarding it as. a legitimate 'infetenee
freni.t1,1fir:St7:dra" Ie;• •
I '9314 say tinto :yen.". • The S,aviour,
•did not liegitate, 'Oiace. hintaelf . in
-direct eppositiOn tip 'the' JewiOh"reli-
•gious leaders and -to .condentn-as fat •
eit,etrine the -teachings of' their 'rabbis."
"laird- pray- for,
them:that., ersgeut.e. Not 'flier&
ate ; yop:r: nenites, • "•, patient.:
with them,. ignore,thern, bat actively
thent:ond 'intereede With the
ther for them., •„ .•
-•°"Thol-Ye .dtnaY serb,a.`”. of•-yotir . Fa -
titer -Who is in :dheatren."'....,$ee. veroe 9:'
:sens of Gred;,:hecause,like" Gd, 'taking, the cliyirie nature; for 'God
is leve., "For. he sun' to
rise on the evil and • t.he :good, ••• and,
• sendetb. rain on the :1.1Ast and
we.. -.Say ..thAt
shines'atr' eqUally7ott2a11,-` Carew',
nothing for gOod. Or tacit '
'hut iniliartial nature .has. .good,
newt. to tell; that.thiFother in heaven
c'are$ • for all' •hle". ..• .
'"Far. .tf love .hen: that lo -ire. Yon,
•Whe,are kind: and love for. ldndred
• quire- nb.special graced And ;is deser.v,
:ing-er'no partkular retioard.. "Do not
:even. the. pnblieans the: saniel".. r• The.
mot ‘despised;,-.. Of • •all men were: the:.
plihlicarts. •tax -gatherer e ..for the Ret
°rrtans;* Once. they. oted:•.itheir poWer-
• usually. be eictOrt and oppress.. ',•
• "And. if Ye • salute your ',brethren
What. do *ye. nitre than •otherst".
-,Referenge" made, not to castiatt greet-
tations ',Which the-Orietittplo- ind'ulg--
d.• "Do :net • eye-.., the ,d:Gentiles :the,
'Sarner". ')he ,heathen, men; of 'other.
than Jewish..faitb,!uniVersally ScOrri.
ed..ampagthe '• •• "
. "Ye. therefore 'shall 'be perfect; 'as
*our lieaVenly Father is Perfect!''..The
absolute perfection.' 'Of;.God is net at,
thinable, but love ,which 'porfect.•
relatively to d than's: eapaCitY•nad,
'• •
.dit, .
n is
• •
ott.*: tod b •
o ne • y •
' • TOtOptO linen
Fer•.00 -years' its. It, • B. .1ElaiiiiitOn,.
cif poronte, c011ect.ed iindHtitade,
knitted . articleeand toys for' cli.tidren
of the. varione ipt,ty,•heeirrt.alef '11a*Ing.
of course,. tfre ;iii tho tidertaking. 'For' da tfriendsefor
Christriias ler • :home looked. , like a
wholesale .tok, oniperium. d• •
• . 'Air:other Toronto! wenran who'liVeri
'near a. market garde* whiCh.. pre.
fhineell•sa,VOri4aerbti, dried' -init:i-trad:
packed tip Small parcels- tO
g� t� wo-
men the..north wile Calf natter Ig4t
the real liOnie-niade fialreir of Marjo -
rani; sage • and •• siiitither-savory,. but
mutt rely Con the "eccaSiiinal . of
'herbs whieltd,oeines, their.Wat.,d :and
itieeraif,, it, "luxury; - .
„ "I feit'like„,a Pioneer 'nether," this.
•philantlirepist .ilectrited; .,P8O they
,inuOt haVe,werked diet their :storing
Of herbs' in • old •daya."...,,. ' •
146PE 'FiTS.
Wearing of Trains,
And Optional
At Drawing Room'
coveTriOnlGeriei;a1 and. Conn-
! teas r of . Beisbotugh
. ••• 006: Ottawa SOgial
. • •
• Ottawa.. -••,.The wearltig ,
featheri . and be optional
at the ,drAwing,room: Which ..the
. Omer -General: and ..the 'Countess ot
.Bes'SbOrotigh will -hold 74n..1. the: Senate ,
,Chamber here ea''Friday.",...eventrig:••••
January 26-, :•• ' •
This infpertant. 'social:. event .:alWaY0
follow s 'cloSely...uPon'the ()honing ,ot
,Parliament ,Notiens" this year, ts••••aot. •:
/or.:AlrartlaY;4iti"." ittit-.57;teltraflts
the.. opening' of.. thk,'Citt430,ai. Isoci# •
,seaeen; and is 'generally; attended
'Moak persons. :front outside .the „cant.'
•tit' who. .come itiittaWa,for the. Sea-:"..
sten, Or be..preeented .to •
• •
The announcement •
nienttlionse.atates that 'trains'. aro `'• '
worn 'bf-Wornen. .4‘they sliettrd' •
'straight ' fr,otril • the Shonlders• to the •
ground ; and ShOuid not eitceeit twe
yards In -:length nor, extend more than
18 inChik ',front.. the, heel. Ofwear-
er .' ,The.`'White :tuile(..Veil,:attaChed...-
to the ' feathers should ',netbe longer;
than 40 inehes." ' . :°' • '
d : evertinr4.-dress, d .
• • , „
In 'the "case of •Women.intentling tol•
be PresentedOr•the -drit time., !tit, ,
requested 'that 'applfeirtiort be inade,In-,
writing .to the' '24:id&detanip:
in Wait-
'ing at Government • liotise befere: -
Jhnnary 22. :• ft IS annoniced. that
no further. application's eali be enter- -
tabled after that gate; . •
$4P0 Skips' Plannet,l'ip piglandi
Sonia American airplane .manufactl
ureir• had better _get' busy, and, starti
turnhig., out ,those $76.0 airplanes ku°-:
gene L. Vidal, directOrof aeronnutico',,'
in the Department of .Commerce, hagl •
been :talking , about. A: Bristol,' Ettg‘i
airPlane.enone manufacturer ,
are now figuring out a ' $400 shibts
$200, and sev.eral British designers:,
about t,O marke, t a motor fer less thik
go with it.
Mrs, 11.2 De:. , Vere Stacpisole .
. British .. W.iiter, is Dead
Lbfition.--Mrs. iienrk. de 'Vert) Stai
poole, Wife Of thejtriiter and pnblicis
,died• recently itt..her Isle_ of With '
Alley were married 'in: Landon' A
191i. "-Dare. Stappoole was the author,. .
of SeVeritt Works, including. "Montt'
'Carlo" and "The 'Battle of FlOwere."
• ' .
Size "Nor Color Make No Differenee.
• /74,•;',-
I -40W
FoRGet r tUANT'Striger
SoFT•HuSte FoR I
• ,
1111111 iJII
1111 I I 11111 •I
.., .,
,i4est ,
. .
as, by a rwaS cirisslira* 'heti* suds air a Pak aeu•P*
'1 '
, tr;
I kV