The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-12-28, Page 1'lit W, `PER, *EAR. IN ADVANCE.. 1250 OTHERWISE
URSDAY, December 28th 1933
kl r.,R ryL.
Hours: 9-42 A' M.x 1:30-5 •P
- PHONE 53 .. X-RAY
-of ' valuable,°: property in. the
Toa' wp "of .Ashfield in `the " County
of Huron.. ;
• Under and by virtue of'tlie powers
of sale contained in a certain m rt -
gage which .will be produced at the
tithe of sale there will: • be offered.
for sale by public auction at.. Joseph
Agnew's ' ' office. Lucknow, Ontario;
on Saturday, %January 3,3th, A. D.
4. at 2 o'clock 'in" the _afternoon,
ellington Henderson, Auction -
Small Attendance A
Nomination Me. etin
Hegira' Warm Discussion Ovier: School
Matters —Reeve Rae: ' Points. ' Out
That' Unpaid+`TTaxe* :And'Arrears.
Approach $5000 Mark '
School'' Board matters ,offered "the '
only contentious su`lhi eets; to • brin
criticism` at the, 'viia nominatio
meeting on Friday evening.. Earl
in, the meeting it was pointed ou
that Mr.:':. Farrel, an outside 'heating
expert had been granted the contract
for; 'overhauling, a troublesome, beat-
ing:, system 'tit the school, as a result
of .steam condensation, preventing •, a
uniform heating of the: rooms;: alga,
Mr.. Garfield McDonald' had .the
'thrilling experience . late Saturday
-afternoon 'of hurtling down a ° thirty
-foot embankment at Dickie'e Hill in
his Essex coupe 'which; was unharm-
ed and the driver "unhurt.. Garfield
,had picked Up "Mr. **Duncan. Kennedy
as. a passenger and- was descending.
the 'east 'side of ' Dickie's Hill, when
g: ris car slewed on the ice• coated road.
n (That; he, wash, going • down the em
y : bankment which is a steep 30 -foot
t drop was .• apparent, 'so the 'driver
swung, ' his car and hurtled dawn
wards, nose . foremost, ebeing brought
to a stop at the foot: of the
"gullet' by•'a wi fence. •
That the car dki not turn over, or
was not in anyway. damaged, walc..
...may s :-., .
.All and singular. that. .certain..
parcel', r 'traet of land andpremises t
. situate, . lying and being in the t
Township .of 'Ashfield in the County
of Hilton and : being .composed of
the south half of Lot number Six in.
• the • Fourteenth Concession, Eastern
Division, of.. the said Township of
Ashfield containing one ;' hundred
acres more 'or' lees. , •
. On this property 'is said; to .'be a
7 -roomed frame ' house 'said,'
28, ft:
by:. 22 ft,.. on stone foundation;;' a
Village to Vote %r
Reeve and Council
Reeve Rae Retl E ,Robertson;
And ;A., W..1familtpn TQ_ Contest.
Reeveship—Six In Field As Coun
cillora-=School ' Board, day ; Aoclit
taatioii. ti`
• LUcknOW •ratepayers willgo to the'
trolls on Monday to,,elect, a reeve and
four councillors as a result' ;of' nom -
;nation developments,- on Saturday,
•then two* candidates qualified '
the ; v � q ,, -d for
reeveship and, sixticandidates for
;he four seats'on the Council Board.
"he slate`of contestants is:
ect, • in carload lots. It 'was, •.as , the
meeting was:being brought to a close
hat Mr. D. C. Taylor,' secretary of
he' Board, sought to 'explain the; rea
son such'. steps were taken. The ex-
planation became;'heated. whenstate-
ments by Mr. Taylor brought ,Reeve
Robert "Rae.. and Councillor Wm.
'Murdie to. their feet in; reply on ,Mete
than one occasion: '.
-At the outset, Mr. Taylor said that
if the ratepayers' wanted coal pur-
chased' through•,the local dealers and.
a pro pai ; a as will fig. ' to. do
fit •d h w
ws' experienced in removing the car
and it was not.until a block and
tackle 'was:pressed into use that
,Smith's wrecker was. able' to -get it
back on they road:.•
A quiet marriage was solelnnized
at the Parsonage, Lucknow on Chris-
tmas' morning at eleven o'clock, when
Rev. 'S'. T. Tucker united' in marriage
Barbara, daughter'of. Mr. and Mrs.
frame barn 30' ft by 60 1t.: on. stone
so Failing to ` b reco dk Solomon and ,Mr. Fred . Ember,,
d lean 14 ft by 34 d
foundation•an ' gnize as Fran
Balers with a suggested' profit of
4t. lin. The • young couple were
"1.. B. Anderson:" Robert Fisher
N ';E. Bushell . Well. °Henderr-son.
Donald Ferguson Wm. Murdie
Reeve Robt. Rae's retirement
omes after four. years of faithful'
nd'. efficient service in that - office.'
Tfe "=stated" 'at ' Nomination , that . he'
Would not 'oppose any meniber'of the
Council, who desired "' his office, ' al-
'ho quite willing to continue as. reeve
if *the. 'village. •
Mr. Rae's retirement was thus de
sided' when .Mr. Stuart E. Robertson'
,S councillor of several . years exper, ;
lem'e;`' qualified off"-tht Fire a llin
2Qr a tnii-mad ', Mr. -$a' o 1b P
_ y Mr. and ° � Mrs.Hidney' '13ultitude, being
The �prdpertyas, situate on a "good Would you likeEit?" Mr.'`Taylor'
tiniber„, ; ' • ', ' , Mr.' Rae; :and never' sold a pound, of
-are about five acres of standing business in Lucknow long
e school and never kicke
TERNS, OF, SALE: 10, per cent
.the purchase 'inenev• .on th da
a sale and -the .balance within th:at the school Was not heated by
'Ivo. term On the cOuncil PreviOna'to
the ' present, *ear. Thie- office 'gives
:lust south of :the village. Mt. Em- . 'erriployed-.-by Mi Ew. '
, Y Mr. Murdie later tried to Peint, ant With Mr. Robertson qualifying for
tl,irty days thereafter. coal at, that time' as - the ,Ileatin'g
• Further- particulars •and conditions units then were wOod burning fuin-
nf-sale known -nn the aces:-IiIir-T"iii.lor'S---statement--:that
plicatiOn .to. the, undersigned:
, DATED at Ingham; Ontario,
this tiventy-first •day of December,.
I.,heknow, Ontario; Auctioneer.
Estate of George Arthin.
late 'of the VIIlige „of ,,Licknow,'
• Deceased.
agaihet the • estate of the late
George ArthUr Siddall; who died Oil
or about.the 27th day of• October
.1.933;:at the Village'.0f,Lucknow, are
,tequired to send, on or 'before .the
• 3.1st day of 'December 1933,: by post
prepaid or deliver to the''undersigned
.,the *ill of, the said Geoige ° Arthur
Siddall,• full particOlars in writing, of
-.their •thily Proven .by, statu-
AND TAKE NOTICE .thate..--ifte
such, last. trientioned.:-.dat—e, the -iieSeis
among ,the perions entitled thereto.
which the. said. Eteputrices shall then
lave notiee," and the 'Etectitrices 'will
' • not be liable, to. anY Peiisen, of whose
dairn,.notiee Shall not hAve,'heen 're,
ceiVed by, them at •the time."61, .such
Of DeCember,' 1933..
512 Temple Bldg., Torento;
Solicitor .lot the' said EXeca-
tricedi.- Ida „Mari .Siddall arid
Foriees Nary Siddall,' Tor:.
;,6Hall, New Yea, "e• niglit, janualY let.
the Board conld buy coal at. a loWqr
'orice than a. dealer was refeted bY
banling the• heating, -system,' by,
Mr. Farrel, was .baaed on. the fact
that the two lecal plumbers had not
been •.aiked. for an estiniate.:en the.
a .motion passed •hy tbe ' Board that
specific/Mobs , should. :be, Presented
them permitting them to.make their
offer. Mr: Taylor' exPlained that
their had rbeen.. fiVe engineers Over
the 'ssystem, no Ur? ,agreeing ..a
figure Wes slightly over the • $300
Mark end he diSpensed with in el.
ectrie- Motor which tither, • engineers
of, from the :radiatOra'. water which
.(Continued. on Page ,4j
The many friends; (.of Mr. johr
jeynt, 'who, ha* been Seriously ill
for the past week, • Will be ,pleasee
to :know. that ',on Wednesday his
he .having passed the inost faVorable,
night since his ,ifinese became
Oa Saturday, 'Amid: Best Wishee
,Of. A.'. Hest .'of Friend*
Wee the Oene of a haPpY, but quiet -
Observed levent'on SatiiidaY, When
her Mother, Mrs. Haye cet*bra'ted
'het ...98th birthdaY. remarkable- fige
all. will Isay, but more.. temarkable
Splendid health: , She ,ie acti‘ie;
posaes*ed of, all' bet fieultiae; en-
joys reading,. she does a good
foods she deeiree,' and tihOte.'ell
aid faked 'a* keen. Interest „in Present
Mrs. ,Hays 'was ;the, ,tedipielit• of
forced to resign' due 'to ill" health.
1179.,,,yancies resulted,. in the Conn.-
• A quiet ;marriage was seletrinize4:1 Andersen; • the 'VW° , remaining 'TneTh' Lucknow .11igh SchOol
The Breaxi
of: Health.
ne and All
The Bread
of ,Health
„...:ay Health and Pros•
.: • ;.. perlty . be . fours
.. g.. q 934
Pholne 36' �, .
eggy's ouble"
Town H4l1.
Piesbyteirian,Otchetra in Attendance
in,, Knot Church Padors, GOderich hers Of' the Board. qnalified for -:
infection. and With twenew•.' spirant.
Inn .sPrned ufi, 'it alineared for 'a time' First Class, kbhers-75 to 3:00%
that the,' Council Board. might re- se60nd clans 4. onnro.06, to 74.
'fore... th. .16.8iixe• hour '. ou... goordo" ' . Third, Class lionors.-60 tO 6fi.
ihen. Selena M.: Giant, denghter of
Mt.;and 'Mrs: Rownlien Grant, Can."
EldOn Johnston, ion" of 'Mr. and :Mrs.,
ceremony Was , perfermed by Rev
1310d.. the. vilaucagnbey:M'ecailltsesdli,' IfYte'tphPeinere.t5illiet6:
Donald. 'Perm/seri and Well. Heider,
evening,, Robert". Fisher,: and. , N. E. Creditl-'40 te 59. •
=.° Anderson, sdp,rdoli•- Algebra 61;
Latin 76; Art 72; GengraPhY 90;
1E13_,:tt.gaunrYLrisii5;87•5101etnA*.cfi2,14;; liviSret;,37 37:72:
•COMmencing. next week, out
Barbei: shop* Will close' even'. eV.eht.
ng o'ClOck, with the etcePtion
of' 'Wednesday,. and, Saturday, .nights
when they 'will • remain open ab
Eldo* Johnston;
Gordon Fisher.
Fern TwaMley ,Wins First Prize -
'needing Eby.
.doll, carriage, •Marien Gaidner,
3rd, bab* 011, Isabel NactiOnald.'
4th; doll; KathrYne 'Agnew.
5th, doll' Betty McCartney,.
7th, Mary° Salkeld.
8th, 'dell, Doris Taylor, clo EWart
- Taylor.
9th; doll, Pansy Charhpion.
10th,. DerothY Gammie. ,
12th, doll, 'Margaret' Treleaven. ,
• One extra ,,dell *as presented to
each of the next six-girl:3,in tbi con-
test ae fellows: Jean., Blieett, Eileen
'Henderson, ideorginit' Geoghegan,
Wilda Irwin, _Ilene Fortin, Ethel
ncl 'Prize, wriggo" Clarence: Ackert.
3rdl prize, Waggon, Jack Henderson
to the OccaSion. ri
in the OrtiOe On Wednesday,
meniberi of the bt, C. M. are tried'
to be present: A full . attendance of
Election of efildeis and other
Will continned health,: :and
en.loyineut 'la the •Yeat to
rt is planned- to bald a 119keY
ORe Of appointing a manager. The
InYers' had their 'first work out tst
nimears that Itineal'dn'tt: ;'"le
utla Lucknow will play -a donble
ham prefera ,nOt to enter this loop
With sub -zero weather goo(' Sheet
ot lee
and until', ininaget
-rent of Mr. George Aridiew,
Board, hut were.; .retareed, to, office
Robert.MicCallimi, At 'Point of Gun, •
" Stadion Hifi Asaistant BY bloke, clifeord.....,4%.4:,, 97; French
• Foreed .Into' Basement Of 'Service -••
- Currie•Alg." 24; French
Campbell; Iffaiion--: Algebra 30;
Collyer, Jnne—Alg. 40; French
Cerrigan, AnnieL.Alg. 40. French
Eng, Lit., 50; Brie Coinp. 57f Latin
who SPent the sweekend with his
Mother: and- sisters here, was one
sthtien, in that city, who Were held
tiVit :'the point :of a gun recently
and 'rebbed of. 'about forty dollars,.
The gunman had' ,cOrne inta the
serVice' station early in' the evening
nsking• if he ' might be: able ie. get
and sat itionnd lor-.about
the robber*. few minntee . pre.
ear ana' McCallum; went out tq
'cues. "the, atranger,§ prolonged visit,
whieh. seeme.CPeculiar ,to them: On
returning indide, Robertson had ,te
Make a' trip ' to the 'basenient• and it
Was. then that /Mind
from Rebertson, but oh asking tO 'Graham, I)orethy--,-Alg.,50.; French
haVe-, the 'safe opened, he •.iideepted Eng., tit. 55; Eng, Comp,. 62;
Bob's arieWer that the' iiianagor totin 53. Art IP Geo*? 66." History
barricaded :the .dOor with: a heavy Preuch. 70; Fmg. Lit, 59f Eng. eeniii•
deSk, and to Make their..eaCene 63;,,Art 61; Geog. 0E4 His.
.4 Panel -Of Peljee were Benderson, tloyd-',•Altr, 14; Eng:
netified hut theft 'searelk se lat-hee TA, AN, Pilo, tom). 4t; tAtin
son had * good „deicription. at' the'
014 ' 0404 .444Nic.
Shirley Webster , Wins Coveted Car-
dage and Doll 'With, Prized CC
m• Bicycle Being Won By Gordon
• The folloiving Het of prize
son'a .'Nyal Popularity"' Contest.
GIRLS -•-.Shlitley Webster,'. doll
Carriage and 'doll': Clare': Ann den -L•
nett, 'carriage; Rhea Durnin,''BettY
MadDenald; Betty Jean Faith;
.Wei? doll each.
Japk Henderson; Wagon; Harold.
each °awarded .a pair of roller -skatei.
Kinloss Board
Reeve David Carruthers „arid Four'
Councilmen Iteterned To Office BY.:,
Reeve David, Carothers an
CoUncillera Richard Elliott, 'Red MC.:
pougall; Maleohn Ross and Alex Mc-
'Kinless TownShip thin. year, were
returned te office ter 1934:'• bY acchl-
!cation, at the nomination meeting
in the Township Hall on Friday af-
ternoon. .
All new nomineei for office, .wheri
ealled oh by kr.; Fiank .Henry; •
pretided, itated they 'had no
intentiOns•,;Of seeking election this' •
ard ;Elliott, senior Councillor,' .re- '
other Ineinhets•.of the Beard. • The'
expenditure on .ii drain near , Lang -
side,. drew ..censiderable criticism,. but
satisfied with ,the manner in w_
the affairs of 'their' inuniciplity had
been adminiateredt
Mr. Alex Me.Leod;.";-rosid Superin-
ttenntligre,n. t; stimini:rauni4644ized the zw_o:k in •
hfs. 'charge. kr, Thomas Gaunt, tree, .
'E:-;(!!ii°aRi.ti'7tElEliolIttrjo-riliedo'llv' C6111111'.
Por COUncil,4161,iircl
Adain 41.