The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-12-07, Page 7•
♦ " " is •.
l,!' p4ckaigi4>ro u contain
•a, certain, dayeti, the
1933, .4."'greoP of „Petarld-„Oeclge left
motor to, Boutherit ,Huttgary. Our
he peasants :wheel:, We ,eneetinter-,
highways, in. .TugoalavIa. 'arOigOod..but,
:•01 are. Of .eltrfaeedtl'k tt..Opngcr,
, tfungary,.. and having itad, our pass,
ties 'completed, .w.e. Contin,ued: our -sour,
'nay, arriving :at Nagyhnnislia
for dinner.
' Nagykaniska is a. city of
, in. Southern
historical' Past and. has
d public gardons" make this.' the ',Oar-
••.f.Mliture Of the larks Park is'
ont, in the. shape of
reply of Trianon gaye-foar.
or important •:province,s to Boti7.
..• mania, Tirgoslavia,:czeclioslevakia'and
eien :to 'Austria, 'its fOrmer.:sisteriting,
", rankle0..iii,the minds of. the,„Hungarlan
pleasantly; surpriSed •to • find. each- a:
it hail never • heard df before drILL
halt' Was ',white; Aialting
:rage had a coating Cat 'which •the
.:of the Party Were',sPeedily aSsigned•td:
nt.e.hy•thehariti, she led ine„to,
were Set,. our:•:.tabies fes'tooned
With' garlaitd's 'At' the end
Courtyart,ij 'a gYpSy. .orchestra
*e, Were haying Our -meal, these .grusi.
: and pore, return.
are AmericatM;•'a,re they: not?" te,:and'uig•bOrripanfon' Said,
ILI:charge. Of this Party h
rought,all• the way.trom Canada.", :At
an enthusiastic tone,• Saying, r•es ,her
AiSter had said,", 'then you are' Bri,.
Thef*fildly. asked Me to—Aid.
-*hen reninrked that f was dUstk., and
IlLoaki rig 'Is On (5.f. the;rnallager
't,it4Trili-ea 1723
Montreal Winnipeg' Vancouver
Robervat the :pis Edmonton,.
hiS" pretty Hungarian, wife while holl-
&Wag 911 ;Ole' Preach; RitUra. They
1/0 at IYJpsont—not for from X4oadon-L.
hays a iittle gist, of three, and Mrs'.
Hecking 'is More British in 'her ,r4yra.,
„pathies than, is, ,perhapS,„ het -husband.
r hurriedly cleaned' up -a bit and Joined
tbein in a cOrnefof the garden. where
we sat' and chatted. oVer„a. typical Hun-
garian meal' and listened :to th-e-'61'3'
Was a' •Contact• and
the Sequel. tei it a'. feW later
Budapest, • 1.had 'been out for. a stroll ',
when I was' overtaken by a sudden
shOwer. In seeking a• train or taxi to
take me back to the hotel L passed a
cafe and, from one, of 1.he In' on
the sidewalk, a hien. nodded' to, alfe..
waS. pertain that: he bad mistaken „ine
for someone else, hitt I tieltaeWledged
of the table I.spied, my friend Hocking,
who called oat, dOn't y64 lirtoW
oneugh to come in Mit of the rainy?" I
his wife's .siSter and he'r husband—
Now wd eiery man who "rolls his own"' More •
Turret Tine Cut for the saipe old price I On this tnew
'age of .Turret Fine Cut—you'll, actually !ave Motley .17'Y
anci buying your owe' igarettdpapers,
and when , the rain ,abated.sOmewliat.
they- directed, nie to,. a, tram, .
Hocking. at his in., benclop and
r .expeot. to -hear rroui him at, Christ -
week Will haVe,,as. its 'Setting, the ettS'
Qtir Own" with 11
11 the children gained
health and eireng:th
will,help.thein keep well.
;4, the :southern cherniSphere.).
tapee,-inentiOneci Celebrated
moils .L. expOrt
Manager 7. of the. antta, Percha,
:net ,long agd, itiOulry front,.
—ifif Saskatchewan • the PTO:
56 'erea.theries in.. the .' provinee
'1932 totalled: 54i 242. peundS • an In-.• Oyer' the, previbti Ye,af Of. 2211,.
Salmon; Paek,''tti• tbe: 'middle. of
each. is", 169;865 'cases -niOt* than :that:
Of, 'the: corresponding'. Of last
Pack of .662;9.3.4 .PaSes The:
jag', "varietieS are included • in cur-
steelneads,. :1435,
Husband' .„PersukadetLHer,
Take Krusehen
BY follewhig her husband's advice,
Peqement 'In: her apRearanceshe
aothAlly -toOh ,off 32 lbs: of•lier excess
fit. , Telling' bf 'her experience, she
coniniaintS,' And, 1 got 'So :fat that:: i
Weighed '4,61 • lbs.,' Agter:taking.:ktitSi,
Chen` ter .a.shert the'rlieUniatiSm.
X kneit that. Xtrtiselien wag :doing Me
seits Wkieli.assieta the internal organs
• .1933 Champion GoldfiSh
tail and' hititiriifull protruding.. ey&;
Xfipthli--4)1i811111188118 the. Om,
'±OkYo: hail.avyarded 'Win cup,
as ;1033 chanipion..ef the,„.:Itangyo-kai,
'a nationai'Japanese 'society .devoedd
df pet hors::: displayed results' .
.their year's, efferts. • '0.1 tidos, deelar
winner 75 •Per 'ein.L.'pedeet,
plaining he had tbree 'of the .'Iotir
'are 'syminetry,. head deyelepinent,,
yei. Wes better than 'tiny Of dye oilie;••
lesS suction Cleaner,. Ouickly
r6noVes dust without spattering .
it, from Chesterfields and , ,ail
furniture and automobile uphol
stry, rugs, carpets, silken drop
odes, Mattresses and ciothing—
from fur to chiffon. Will not,.
'tirm the most delicate, fabriO;,
'Are you fooking soinething:'
different 'in the ,way....0,1 .en.tertaint.
,:rtnpreSsicine,.4!has What is, Perhapsi,
;taken with lilt •oWit :catriera,
some'of the,
'Ro.etn;•421;i3, .Adelaide Street .West;
e Dominion..
..a.,Oples: to Halifax .for •export frOirt the.
'hampers' compared • With' 147:204. 'bar.:
and 298sArainnors,'.for'llie period
'are 'as follows, 'with • the' 1,932 tigureS
in.bratiets, the .pp,,tates and. turnips
'1932 was reProscrit•
iti •MtinitOba and wri lip British' Col,
1,540 'Persons Wild rocpiked.
•salaries and: Wages,
dtainei-,8 .in died led in et:report tal"
"Ole Butts Peireha and Rablter,
• tied.' it • Canadian. organiztitiott With.
• Women anti
Prise Kt per. cent:pr. tne;,ntaie,:-popti,.
Egg, Seale and:••Candler:.,thail,-
New 'York lawyer, wrio • was 'de-
fending three misguided.edplescc"iits
tihaeis..e t:sootuhi,e1 p:eorjuit,rit?
their., riot going,' to2priS•60,••,-. Rah' iinny.e
is rattier'. Mere ' terrible. tit th
0.arry i lig. a. refrigerator' out i ho
field to the 'Corn was tli:e,inenns,additi-
ptirsiste1WP Of corn to cold in the 'livid.
wark end worry have ffet the better
of 'YOU and yon are feeling weak mid
listless,' foltow . the recommendation
of more than 20,000 ;medical men..
Take Wincarois three times dal*,
To thousands whcronee felt as you' feel
;now, this adViee linS.00ed
elements of grapes ?A. in each
is. hot. a.°•drug,:•hut. deliciono,lood
end.tissuo building „wine *bleb telify
soothes tired uor yes • :end...builds' de*
&dills you will Sleep bettor, :wnko .mora—
cheerfully' anct feel Mare nearly' de ;
• you, should. ° Yeti , know; t hen;•:.
hod' wonderful,it,•ift to. he on the road
atistained; vigorous health.
For those *ha ore.•r:Urildo*11, tit .411,10
Classified Advertising
*ore than. one7thircl of creWa Of
British ships are foreigners, including
la Pessible to. play More than,706
different' ganap,s an ordinary', peek.
n y One General
Less Than 60
81:Ottn.. ger'. .Men. 'Who. Cannot
be siXtY :years o
in two months' "
,..2:0tit of the AWepty-two'lieiltenant-
Yet to' these offleerS'the 'active coin,
Mand,of,,arinies and array
•Belethain-is-U,--viltitable-plialatix Of,
Ey the,..tiipb promotion: ruachow.the;
age Or jhirealkiitS;-:'and the •Itolfeir
their ,achnitali and ,air-adlnitals.
Coughs and Colds
Go Overnight
I BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE and max ,iiaith equal
pins. of honey. "It ache-la/5e a' Sada." Oani
TURE rail Iymi or deddy Of ;cruel, cold,
-'11u-oriatonchiiis Just 8$
'quack actiCin iiiiound,yon; Play lade.. Re..
Breakdowns, WOrry Habit;
I, due. to mnreasonahle
• They' melt away undeIv: the
Influence -"of understanding
..and u3/4RUTH. 'kelt earl break , v
book,. 'dealing with YOU •and YOUR '
.ft will ''.onew your eyes ,to nianY
'25;000 cases, Your cotreshoridence
iicited:' Write today. 25 C'ETS
Slate 17:1,4 "58 :East vira.014..ngton S.tretit; •
I. For 4ome•yeau,s past t senior
the arrivp', 'thaintai•ning this attitude
Nc'euld not be, wisq;,..for
te'entrast, 'armies in, the. fieldSto 'their
throe generals :or three
tinction'eati retire voluntarily .,at
eight: years or age there. is ifo.,reasOn
Why ariny,..ort:leers taimotdo the same,
The War office' bound; sboner or
• worsP.':than ever. badn;,. and
• awaiting pron)Otion,
le. top and tarried down '1,11,0,...wherI4
ActuallY the :average...of 6•61:: general
older than it"Wall before the *dr:. The.
arm 1- needg,
Otot Lotto,. low ,yeo,
ever,' havit them pitreeirr Inn H'
Gas In- The Stomach
in ' tvater atter you:' The
at arwi drug "awed,. acid
ea nes
...sigke.tio,yOur Liter Bile
bine." dior'estied. tont. le tits
you arid inaldak you feel *rretebecL '
Crater, laxative Oandkr Or 'abeam* ,gittin:
table. Sure Ask for theni by, name: Refuel •
substitutes, 2501 at 'all druggbit*. Ith