The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-11-30, Page 5TIIPI;SDA l).VKMBER 30, ,19 33 `f +t" m.• • A • Established 1817 n res,entato. i i easily -:� ..... ,., :v� understandable o, f the B ink's TEMENT st cOrtobet-, 19.33 0 •.P ,'.. • LJA;,BILrTIES LI I3JLITIES TO TTHE�: PUBLIC Deposits • Payable on demand and after notice;. ` x ' of the Bea in Ci %- • Payable on demand.. - Bill's,•Payable: . 'Time drafts issued at..1 ou:standing •Letters of Credit Outstanding Financial responsibilities undertaken, on' behalf' of cuitcim}rs (tee offsetting amou;;t ix)•iu 'itesources")i Other Liabilities • 'Items' which 'do not come, under' the. • • .,' •• $641,346,710:12 ` 33.8'19,807:50 2.58,518.04 6,151,280.54'• • a tin •n under The Finance Act +qr �' Total Liabilities �to'•t`ie Public' roto tie Ciu:aIurt Go. 0eittsent LIABILITIES' TO THE MA:REHQLDEI:a Capital,.Surrlps andUndivided Profits ,": and: Reserves.for l:?ivid This sa 1 mount represent th arrds e share ' •.: • , holders' interest in h' . o. t e dank.... ver )Which h liabilities the pr•bl+c take precedence. :',Tota1,Liabilities . RESOURCES To: meet' rhe fore Dirt L' i�h httesshe Bank' , has � g 'Cash in',i'Central M1 y is Vaults a •d i ` i n the e: Ce teal 'Geoid Re �'ery n. ,. es_ .. Notes of and.Clieques.•on'.Other' Banks•..' Payable iu''ea,rh an presentation. i, Money cn•-Heis.psit'NOW ther ')inks . .10,642,442.25 ' M;, Finlay Shackleton;, accompan ,teli;,by Miss; Mathers alld Miss Jatnes •of :Priceville; spent the . weelt-end; with his paxents,,.Mr. and Mrs., Nor-. mail Shaekletonf. Miss Jean Anderson, of Goderiel, Collegiate : `Institute spent, the week- end at her ;home ;here Paltrier Kilpatrick motored lithne from Toronto this 'week-end-,irvr,n• Reed; aecompaniedi; him.; ands visited his grandmother, Mrs. Sara Girvin ''Dungannon . Leo Clare & •;Harry Mid dleton returned to; Toronto , Sunday;. The;' Qriner .will visit friends ill "the' city and the latter 'will '4proceed, Quaebec From there he will 'en barl. Thursday for •Endinhur'gh, Scotland 'ybere he ..purposes making an; ex- •' tended visit: with his mother, ° ane' other mem, berD' of the family: ;Wt, wish him 'it safe:'and pleasant voyage The Ashfield Circuit W. M. S. an nual meeting was , held ' Wednesday •afternoon at the.. parsonage, (Rev.) Tavener, the president,. wa' in the chair. There was 'a: aplendi• attendance. Mrs,.. Tavner, Mrs, •lienry. Horton and Mrs; Fred `Ander .76,317,093.23 768.535 :26,953,876 v2' :. iwa'ilable, on- d'mand;or as.thor: notice: Government and 'Other Bonds, and,Debentures: ,Not 'exceedir;g. market'"talue:--=• ,he ,greater`_,: portieht .cons:se o + . , f g13 ed8e• tecuritiet which` rnature;at early dales. Stock ' • . Railway 'and industrial! and other itoki. Call Loans outside:of'Canada r 2t..0•, S Setured by bonds, stacks and other ne doable ‘senv+tic.r o •, greater 'vine:than•.ihe loans' and repreientiii moires quickly :.. iva+lable with g t 9 Y 1 no •duturbntg of erI 'on-cu+d+llobr tri C�irtzula. Call Loans in Canada_.•,7 t 2 7 • 7,,,,I ).3.. • 2:5,33 4,85.9 b7• 316,961,375:69',: • 5.14,9'1:) • 3.6:3•5..4,; Payable :on demand•; and secured .by hands 'and )toffs greater. value' than 'the!owns: Bankers'. Acceptances.' • Prime drl is accepted' by other banks:', TOTAL 'OF•`UICKLY AVAILABLE BLE'' RESOU)t (equal to 71.1.5,0 of aall'Liabilrties to the Public) '''Other. 'Loans To manufacturers, "farrners, merchants arid others; on condi.'. • trons';consi'tten: with sound b,.nking • ` Bank Premises • Three 'propert,et•only:'are carried +n •the nN:mes. of-Y�oldirg compnrries-, ; th-e-nock r;nd bonds of these comppuies are, en- ti.ely.ou'ned by the'B„nk,',and::appear onthe books at11•:00.` r' ach reale• All 'othser•;0f the i1ink's .premises, the value t, ; wbtchrlurgely exceeds •514,10:0:000,ap, pear milder: it herding. Real Estate 'and-•Mortgaa ;on g g Reel cal Estate:'. • , Acquired in'the•course''of the•B,isk'i .1 usiness:and rrt`prvicess • ,of being. realized•b 0on;- - 111,2.93,C 1 :, 42,526,984:90 251,885;262.6r i4 sin ncn;s?o:.,' it Customers' Lia'l ility under Letters of Credit Re resent.% liabilities ,o `I custornerr 'on 'as-ccoins of 'Letters P 1. � r of.• Credit, issued by the Bank for 'their'account. .. • -Other Assets n'ot-included in .the Forego'idg :Making ' Total Assets' of 16 meet a e i' m m .cit o abtli ie L t.to'.th _ P t s Public o : y. f. leavingan exces.s,of Assets •over Liabilities tothe 'Public, of 1,7.32,750.77 n -T • f,q Just reminder,. You;will have received your booklet from Dr,' Hese & Co.,,telling you the results' received' from: feeding DR HESS, ,STOCK 'TONIC,, HOG ,SPECIAL and PAN -A MIN;; ETC. WI 4AXE A ,SUPPLY ON HAND F,OR ALL YOUR : NEEDS':: •cattle . Salt: HAVE A vILKsH, STOCK OF PURE `EPSON SALTS; A BIG SPECIAL:• 4 LBS FOR • OW IS THE TIME YOU WILL NEED ;'HELEEBORE''''Ai SULPHUR. -WE RAVE`IT , PARAMOUNT'' Keep Friday, December . 22nd open for the Paramount school and corn- :nu—pity Christmas concert end danc(. " In the hall. And Orr's orchestra sectional 'meeting'' at ,Bayfield., 'Re, ports, were •Tead..by the;. secretarie•, and treasurers : • of • the W. M. S.'•:,.and Ladies' Aid Societies. Several 'crate: >f: fruit and eggs•''were sent' to 'the Deaconess, 'home;` Tioronto.' Mrs. Tavener -packed three' bales of , quilt' Clothing and shoes, some new, all it good •condition, vyhieh .was eontribe, • ted• by the'Circuit for the need it Western' •Canada.. The• "parsonage• Ladies' 'Aid' had ,the parsinage:;••ex-. terior •painted, and;,a nea'. hot water tank installed besides taking care -,:.I,• the eurrent 'expenses The W.; M. r. ' election of Officers resulted' as 'follow: President, :Mrs: Campbell :Tavener upar.nzer,=Mrs.. Adber-tµ .-Alton pec.; Mrs. ' Sam .Alton; Cor. • Se John, Mullin • Temperance: Charles • McDonagh; Christian Stew ardship ec., Mrs. S. J. Kilpatrick Stranger's Sec., Mrs., •:Jack''Gardner, Supt.;' Associate`;•=Helpers Mrd. Messrs-. John and ; Goldie Martin , sand Mr: Leonard'Webster. are show- ing their colts 'this week at ;Toronto'' 'n, the Foal Club class: We are sorry to report the death' sf` the,A.6, months ,old daughter of Mr' and Mrs., Harold Stanley • Our• :)athy is; extended ,to the bereave): odes.. Mr. Pat Gilmore returned ham( from Goderich ••Hospital,, last week very. much improved :in; health.::::,. Mr. and Mrs.:Jas:` Richards, Flesh: erten; spent the week -end', with hi:, parents;; Mr.. and Mrs; Dick:: Richards'. Mr.•Harold' ;Ghent,; Mount : Forest: ;vasa visitor at i' -`' rec., ...: Wm: iViartins, dor-:' c ing the 'week.' :�` 'Miss Minnie ''Richards is visiting ;with . friends: .in „T,oronto for: 'a fevi •. Weeks '' The teacher and: pupils' are busy iractising`for the Christmas concet -o be'held' on December 22nd -in the' ''aramount Hall.'Keethe date- o ' 1i- e Pen:. Paramount C1Mtb Elects:06cers Alton;_ ':Supply Sec,. ,':Mrs• Ernes'• Gardner. Supt” Little 'Light Bearers Miss,' Olive }Anderson, : Press Se`. ra,tiRichard .. Johnston .At; theme:close of the •'meeting, a': dainty lunch was gel d by the hostess, Mrs. Tavener.. Mr: Cecil Johnston, visited.' sister, Mrs:; H. Moffat, and Mr: Mof- fat of Sarnia, over Sunday. Hi: 'mother Mrs., R. Johnston : who bae t spent+;a fortnight in Sarnia,.returner haine With him Monday • 'Cdr. and •Mrs. Howard, McAuley e Flesherton were week -end guests .`.o •Mr..and•, Mrs. Sam' Alton: PROFIT and ' LOSS ACCOUNT _Pr .. -�eerie 31st October.. ' 1933 Dividends paid or payable to:Shareholders ;.. $3,0•60i60, 00 Provision for Tafd's Domrnion'Goyeriituenr; t• 508,55 11:111: Reservation for Bank Premises .. • 1:00,000:00 Balance of Profit and . Loss co f s Ac lint 3asr t r. ober, 1932'' ,. Balance of Profit and Loss.otirich :cirvrazi +. "'' ':7`613,5.3.5.,908:65 .692',218,81$)45 S 76,317,090:20:' CHARLES GO'RbON, • Piutdc M S •4,003.153.39 ++6 • 31, 6B 138:'81 -• ' ,•. \: 336,.394.78 • $ 1,385.4.51,;28 /8".. A; BroGr,, JACKSON DODDS, ':.• loirt general 1Nattaaert• • The '.stren strength o a'bank is determiined ` :sts but. its oli its management 8 f i'J' Cir p c1', and the extent . its resources.- For 116 ars the Bank. o °�;Motrlreal has Jbetnsn.the forefront of Cad adsaitFina e. ` WHIT 13: H,NGS1DI ., - ASHFIEY.D;I�tOTES. ' Mrs: David 'Gillies,_is' ending .two . .. 1 spending Mr. and Mrs. Russel ,Ritchie of St - Mr. • R• ,$rown of ltlemloLk Citi- -her- ity 'wee`ks with her dau ht rs, Mrs: ge .• FIelens,• spent •Sunda With` �Mr': "and sp cit an ::afternoo•n at Gordon Rit• Cringle and M o •.,y Y ie :. , , g, rs. $roger and Cher ••, ;.. •..., , , ' : , , chic s last week... -relatives ,i . airs. ,R: 'Tlfnn. '. in Detroit) Mrs: G E,' eD' ria o . M o gh spent: M n Mr. Gro c of ,h. o Mr. and ' Mrs. Scott of rge M, Quoid had . the rad{ ' Gordon' , deli '' fternbon ' ,theest of Mrs:. R installed laat Week: ,, •l • . • Ti�p•ey spent. Sunday with relatives Andrew, ` ' 1: . Mr. Duneen Kenned ma e.:a busi-: ' The ° •. dhere many friends of Mrs:.. IT ness •tria'to •Toronto last week. ' Minter ' and Mr. P Gilmore will : li r ...Gil r • ' — be Miss Grace Richardson has re- , ' 'Mn Johri McGuire• visited,' Mr. `Jack � , glad: to know that;theysshave` returned Gillies one, da'y 'last week:, turned' home .after .spending a few home from Goderich' Hospital 'last Mr. Dan, M artin' s son -in -law' ,of weeipswith , Mrs., Jas. Wilsonof , week both feeling ,• vetyr Much Near North .••130, shipped` i'provedrnhealth.- rt . 3m, ec urc y a • deer last week, and •a' number of his ' Mr, Will HelmSpent •Sunda with _ i •. 'h United Vit,, M S. of the. 2nd i, P q-,Sttik�A;{a�q` of i T e tr h !~l tool:. .�. M. tie si , In " air�r = lxel ih�i *n]r. p , ..• zl-•- 1 , i a �. AIT chi�tl're4 its ti�ie1�resTjyfe i n .. . , • . .: Mr,""�r��G"ar�er,��wa"s"ihe.;guest"'o ono 'Wednes a tint of Mis.:: �'. J:';d'ohnst n d y .. Sunday Soltool arerayquest'ed td"be out . �, .Miss Meati Long' over :the weekend to " )seri a e' Chx•stma' . •tree 'afternoons s u.,..,,:..,.u' �. ar..• ..u:uu,� .c :u_..:u.....�,+u. .... w'.. W...r•.a,.,:_, aturda . ;afternoon.t ' .sl ....:.: ..., Mrr 'Wm. Brown ts' busy Peso day sup acid Ilfr Lanrou nn hair M _ s _.�_ _. � . = o .,.t , store. , . �,�... ..��._ .3� xe deer n e .�. �,r have moved' into' 'the lioiise 'formerly " •. i. .. b • The ptip{1a of Si S.; No. 8,• are busy' oCcu led y. Nirsr 'Dan 'Molnnesi , .,. ,:.. e arin fee? a i'oncert i;d :4e given ,.�'We riaxo'_.g'lad to repbri .Mrs' "John p p g' .,..,..� � ...,:: .Kin f I • oul• • . d Old Tont; )Iere s s cidllar, tor • ou b t e" w:a , the, lad .• beat'. o Y y h Y door want':10M-cone to Boat: her runs;" t r i lazy ` tikes -t thanks- #er the Wati int. eb . ( _ ars f it stti as t u r ill` : s rr • ` hr r •,. Mrs. Jas ',`Durnin; and Earl were visitors at. Inger oll •on Tuesday.•;.. Mrs. Richard : Martin of Huron Twp: spent' the week -end . with :' bel father,' Mr : Wm. Woods. ': •Mr. Bob ' Fredrick was ,a : week. -enc visitor with:`Mr.' and Mrs. Souter. Taylor D. The'; December meeting of the. Wo- men'•Institute will be: ,held` •at Mrs. , Archie 'Anderson's on, Thursday,Dec 7th.. Roll call • Cheer• for'. Sick Child, ten.. flints on: Christmas: Giving Subject ."Christmas in Other- Lands' by 'Miss Greta Webb. The' annual Thank -offering of tht. Harris' ;Mission • Band was 'held ':at the :manse:on •Saturday,• with."a ,.'good attendance of members and.. visitors Miss Ruth Ramage the ' president .presided. the Se i tures' lesson was read .by -Miss 'Helen• -Miller - ierald, re -- 'ports Were read by Dorothy McDon- ald, 'Iona• Swan, Jean Thom,: Dorothy Miller and •Laurine Miller. Mrs., Wil' kinson' and `Ruth Ramage . contributes! a piano , duet. Jean, Them ,read a Storyand recitations were"'., given;' by Merle (Swan and 'Mae .McDonald. Mrs. Wallace. Miller. ,told the • story :oi • Mary Slessor. Lunch wads' served at - the conclusion. • SECOND CON.,•'KINLOSS : , .e c r_ and Mrs.: Clarence Irwin, •Harvey Grant ,mere - visiting ,with . her mother Mrs,.Stanley'"at, Brussels.' ` Mr•,'W. 3 'Trwtn• 'and ',Calvin, also Mr. Harold, Campbell and''Catherine' visited' with friends in ' Wingliam leaf Thursday. r • Mr s. ;3. IX-Ansi is' spending• a few da s wit t'her parents in• Whitechurch Y. l P lied ver • su' Mn Frank Miller :had a, y, c-, la t., eek:. • cessful wood bee 1, st. "vie, ',,. r '.• and Mr. acid Mrs. 'Herb Laidlawrid family visited recently' at Jas. Irwin s Miss: Mary Jane Irwin is• spending a few. day's' at' her ,grandfather's, ,Mr. so.. s ds n n. Miss Gretta: H>X • p � . ``e sister Mrs. 'trays 1ast;:a+eek with .h r r r Miss'' Mer: � Cam 'boy 'Spent Snfiday .:at-har:•ihottte�ere��. Messrs..Donnld', McKay and. 'Aden's' 'McQueen were' in Toronto last -week•: ttendii.., 1toya:: ..- . fi • A HEALTH' SEkVICE •OF TME',CANADtAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION ANC ' LIFE INSURANCE, COMPANIE0 ' IN- CANADA DISTRESS,:RISEASE and: HEALTH; :):When --it, '• is realized -.that distress disease and even death' .may follow apon:,the_use:of food,'•it•-becomes'-ob= vious Oates we are., all frequent and regular consumers of food, we should '< . be': informed on. this subject ,We ' might :begin by correcting a ceinuion . misunderstanding. 'There is no such thing as ptomaine; poisoning. as the term' is comm my use • p , y ed There AR ..''ptomaines, and'' they •.ARE pois- onous, ' but;'they are not present . in food: which.; can be Ptomaines :. are produced, in ;the late:: stage' sol putrefaction, when':'food is in ,such a • " condition that. no.: one; .would :'ea't it if they are: 'conteMinated: by.' certain seasons,Tsome fishes::ao4 animals are • The: November , tri • unwholesome. We know too that• there eeting . °of the:., are. some, poisonous vegetable foods aramount U. F. W. 0 club was held it the hoine'of `Miss Lizzie Reid, the )resident.. occupying' `the- chair.: The, •meeting ,opened .• by all singing the Club Ode, 'after which 'the; .Lord's •►gayer'' was repeated in unison:' The ecretary:• gave :a good report' for he year after 'which ;the' roll..Was "ailed: It :was ;decided not: to : sen. d'' a 'relegate 'to' the' 'convention this year 'frs: J. 'Webster•'after''thinking tlte- '•idi'ee for their' support�:to:her'in.her sosition as ' president; resigned, /rand. 'Trs Grant,-McDiarmid-ewas asked to `ake 'the ;chair for the election of �A cers: for the:'eom{ng. year'.' Those' ••lecte ' were.as follows President' �Trs. Wm. Mc '1 Gi 1, -vice-president; 'Its. J. T.; Webster, secretary.• Norms \nderson treasurer, ,~: Mrs." `'Grant 'fcDiartnid; Organist: Evelyn Reid! g Yn ssistant,' • Verna "Hamilton' ' . cess ,eeretary, Norma: Anderson; auditors `Trs; Alex • McDiarniid,� Mrs.:_rDan; Nicholson.; Those • appointed to`:geled 'otnes'' for the meetings_ during the' -'oming-year- were Mrs; ` MticCliarles Ars. Ensign; Mrs. J. Maclntosh. and. Mrs: J. ,:MacDonald It was ' decided that , each; `member should; ' bring 'unch to' the ..monthly meetings. A 'iearty.vote of thanks was• then ten lered Miss• Reid for,. the:. use_of her 'iomp..Thn, meeting closed with sin Meeting g. 'rig the National Anthem, after' which the hostess •served.• a• dainty;'lunch. , ' The December :meeting of the 17. W. O. Club :will be 'held, on• Tues-; 'lay, December 12th,.in 'the Orange Hall, Lucknow, •. at, 2.30, pin. 'Mrs.' Tack Henderson, Miss R'uby_Reid and' ,race :'Webster are, in' charge of .the program: The roll.. call: is to be .an, such '.ase,) n til.;� e,g�roup •of mushrooms and • other fungi. -1,11e'Teal danger . to us, however comes from foods "which; in them pelves,,. ars :'perfectly'. harmless, but ,I .which may and do become.dengerous , t, f they are: contaaminated • by 'certain ' 'ractearia ,or germs.. Some changes in foods; which. result from the 'action, If germs, .aredesirable; Such as the touring of milk, the makijig of cheese sand saner kraut. The 'effects '.of a:, few 'ee. rm a e ha mful 'and danger - e: • • Botulism • is 'a• form . of food. poison. ng which;' fortunately, is rare,'be- • •ause it is''deadl •:It'is'caused''.b the - Y y. • 'ioison:'that 'is given off ,by: a germ rn • this 'country, most cases � have r'"e- _ sulted from the' use " of home -canned ` vegetables, -where, in the'. 'Canning process,. sufficient heat has not been used'tosterilize the:food or destroy :the germs. This poison i•s readilyde-, • •stroyed by heat, and if. these canned :foods . f �f ,ds._ware..�boiled . be -.ore, ;being..used they are rendered safe. The common' form of.food Poison- ing, which begins with.'; nausea, 'ab- dominal = pain, "vomiting and diarrhoea` sand 'Which is popularly, but •' erron- eously, known as tomaine poisoning is seldom fatal'. 'It .is•{'caused by the: • action 'of any, one 'of' several germs which are' . related to the, germ of typhoid fever..As a rule, it.is .;due to�•t. - �areless-handlinof�-food-'or to .im :, Derr cooking. The t no danger;. in fresh fruits or 'vegetables. ' Cooked % foods : should • be kept cold or hot;' -they should not ::. be, allowed to -stand for any` lengthof. time • at a' luke-warm 'temperature 'veered byan exchange .of .Christmas as, that .offers germs an' ;excellent' sifts (not to 'exceed 1'Oc) • " '. • , ... , chance.. to grow : that' do 3 rio`1:. e` community is; look right, or. whiave a pe�culiat. The •sympathy,of th ; extended . to Mr: and Mrs Harold. u taste :1:::°6;eadaci. ur `shoul' be , or onus'd Stanley in the loss of'.their .infant ned should badaughter T oedbeforeben. , Mr.John 'Turner visited relatives in this communit last,:w week.- '• .Questions concerning .'Health, -'11d'• in . . e e• ,,Y � Canadian. Medical 'As- • dressed toy the' Cana sociation; DM' College: 'St.; Toronto '`„ will be> answered. •ersonall byletter n Y HOL-YROOD Mr. Reggie ,'Broom" spent•'•Sunday with his' parents at Wingham.' Miss ..i,i. M s 1lh li s:' ilio is coriductn the .n g 'sewing''class' dhere;- sent thea -week- , n end ,with' her stiter,, Mrs., Thos.'''Fer- guson `of. Ashfield; ar ... , ' We re 'sorry ;to'. report that Mr. Harold 'Con" ram is ' confined to bed g with a severe attack 01 tonsilitis. • Mr. John MacDonald. and daughter l!"rancis of Kansas City, ,,;spent ' the with MissS,., Al man, stepped; up: to a grocer's, co •and brow ht'.two t"ria`• cigar ounter g e, cent cigars. A: •Scotchman who was ' • waiting.to be• -served -pushed• -forward Scotehman `You"sell those cigars e !;', three for a quarter, don't 'you/ ?'- si rover' Yesa 'G , •'Scotchinan Well, here's' a nickel I'h take: theother one." w.. co Ever o el e: .b d 1' Y m Week --end,. w t urvis. girls. , . ..,,:, • the gtrlsR at the sewing•class are,,. . • ...^ 'inf i"iehttti., ases , enga ed''at; a e'rin" for' Miss Eliza- . p p. , g Mrs.• Keatrn of'.•• Walkerton , s d ,g beth 'Pierce this week.,' '. with Miss S• Purvis° at pre t siting ' .. . P , Miss-wMar- WPito .is-assistin at- -- .. t- Wni. ' Hornell's, Lucknow. The next institute Meeting will be' •j°• :Mrs.,,Duneati Cst b l :s ent �3 't.••+- mp a .lip a Yh't� d'_:st�h-'horire'-o'f--lVfrs�-.rvWxll�l•%o'd with )Llys:.' James falter: Will s" . rosy pian h Coni., Mrs: Mcl;eat% . . Dont:. forgot: the-St.v.Antiew''s :Balt- -iir,� -.-.Are io McFarlan ,, ..Mrs._:-. i'.. _ ..:; h at Lucl(how ' thin ly;'rlda F,. 0venfn�r 'Iledg» ta, ProgralY3 will be lilrr3ingodi