The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-11-23, Page 24474,4 6.-6 .444.4174-44.4444• 1 ' • • -••4 • *14 Canada. rhe EmPire and The Wntid, at Large 44 4, • " .41," 4'4" "4,44 44.-4,4•7'4% -4"44-44' 4441/41.40•44' CANA:DA, .• • . • ...Pilule: • 'Manyyeara. will gobybefore all our Blain highwaysand all our conntry , road lIPArn 'he91!: fregcl •frOut grade- . crossings Neterthelese ,We have rear .on to holietbat these death:try:pa will disappear smne ,da3r,• 'And it thia day • ever dawns if you allikenbtedly„liathe • commencement nt.• he milleillum tor the metorists, ;--6.La i'rliolorte,, Sher- brooke.. ' placed. upon permanent record. In operation for decade after decade, they have been rallying -points for the dial triets In whfell, they are situated, a point ot contact for the entire region. Vet In „numerous cases very little Is new- li.lio*n• of . their origin.Vital: re - cora : marriages, births alid. deaths': have, heen lest or destroyed to the re- spell' of :those who *mild new verify genealogical information,. , It might,tiot heat alt.a hadidea, if eapli and every congregation :establish:, , Want Amid Ol\uir ma thts llet • appointed an indir. etity. • ^It ts a terrible confession ,9g the vidual or a Committee, of 'Individuals, •tailure Of. t.he, world s distrib,ution. gyp:, • . 4_91n wbenorn L h'#40df CofFee.dinceP" the:ocean; , cotton liieligeed .• ui- derand 'hogePraase.aerecf,t'O, 'create; an ••-svh.,tilh.. are, reqiiired • by ,Many 'people • Who are''deetituteNiagara'Valls.:„Re: view; . . . "Crop peatruction • • •jhn H..,SialpSon„ preeicleot,Of tbe. National Farmers'AinlOn of .the United 'States,. SayS: 1t is Ugginsitbeiaws of I POdaud, nature to." Plow u0 cotten,, des- • ,-•,,troy things . that, Corildr„ be used,;ter, fb�ct,aud limit ,,prodofionx. .Tho- tion: dog, Advertleer-„eadorsee tkIie.w aa. ' :Sett ri ht. Ina * rld..in • • ' wilt& eotfThions e u der ' *led, t •Under.eiothed. and otherwise" in *ant :Curtailment- of Prodoction. EihOuld• .74,0:;;ao ,economic a we1 as • naoial,. ootrage;.—Moose .TaW • .vening, Wirges;I: '. • . . - ' , ;Wonting ,coffea 1 . Coffee Werth.. 000;000,000 has been wilfiilly.tiestroYed by Brazil shine July. !•,163164rolese. than1.3,0.50;124;000,Poniuls- been bUrned.ortinniped; into the oc,ean, in recent iriontbe the Brazilian „ . , • Government . has rntenslfied Ite des; traction' of the coffee: *There aie some who would do."11:iiit wlth Canada:ie. Wheat :despite :the, tact that mini' pec - le di' net.; get....411•;-they. Vantito, gat,: at -a-411 to serve -as- arehivista:L-,Brockville Corder. ' • • • Newspaper Advertising , A.;:hpeaker, here,!the other night streese.d" the" value:Of. the local news- paper as a moans of letting the puhlie kno*, What Meat .410phi:tits have for sale. Newspaper advertising,still holds 'Its own .ast•he best known Means of. displaYing Merchandise .be: goTe. Newspaper ,adyertig-. ing can be seasonable, something obvi- ously Impossible with Media Issued: less • frequently.—Niagara . Palls - s. '• The:Modern Meter, Car :" • •The driver wili•.have less :excuse than, ever :for,dangersaua The less ntteatiolka driVer. has .t6 give to: the mechamsal of his Vehicle, the Mord atleotion should he :beable to pay to 'events on the:road: end :the More responsive his gar is to breaking and aceeleration, the" easier should. it be for ifintloinaiatitiaLa_vida,tmargizi •between litalelt• °and the risk of acl- dent ,The modern Mcitor car is aline Piece of, work, a • Mechanical: thorough- bred; if all 'inotoriste were worthy of their as there would' be Very few • accidents. --.-Leeds Yerkshire Post. , . „ - Two Killed 1 „ ras .,--iteRigo • Lan*, BtitaiOt • "Hitch -Hiked" . Across caugoa ;Wit}, • .PiirePt-s, TheO.B4iled for .41.10lood. .1,,endori.-7L•4 girl of Who. *hitch: hilozi41; nerenO cannd..46 from -VancOn, yet; .t9:6 Montreal, with. her father ant :nether, then -said 1,alone for Eng,. land,' 2'0.40 the hone " 44 her aurr; at North:wOodi 14iddl:sexr reeent4. •She is Lily Tyler. • $4.4wrived _lAverpc41,pn• White At74%. • liner, Latirentic: • ' • • "Daddy used to be 4,gardener6H said-011er" musical colonial voice. .„ "Then the depression enrne: ile 40, • , •, ,*Ierid mammy. au4 1 set, ut ;to' find ilitn • 14 • "" ' • • "EaCh day. we got ..fiirther.::awax. • from 'horrie.„ 1'eupI6 gave :daddy ,?de... ..itrariic. to, do Just to *help -him along, ' ,'Often we had :ii•fts in .-moMr:car:, and lOrries from one farm to another • Weusedto: sleep j•tist„anywthere, con/(4,„' - "We 414 this for three' nionthe," nnt, • then we reached MentreaC. When got there mommy said I was to con*: to• England to stay with my :tootle' • 'Mrs, Clark. •:• • "Wewalked only about •ono han. diva and forty miles out of the three, . •' thousand," Lily related with pride. ' "(Mee 'We • jumped a freighttrair and uere turned ,Off." .Godelick: Youth 'Diets TFFthaWPractce .after he • ha: • finished football: practice, Herber Palmer, 17:Year-o1d collegiatestUdent collapsed ,on , Colborne' streeC.' and diet before •medical aid cetild reach him .• He had just ridden his bicycle; with.: fellovv-7tud:,-"1 onethe handle bare froo1-7-AgriCo.i rota] :Park, where foo,V! • balliniactice washeld . , , Y�U knor.,-,.1: Shouldn't do this: ;have heart trooble"...he said, a.ndther' 54.11apse . ."He.wa.s,..citrilect into a nearby liernt • and Or. W. F. Gallo*: was:called,:bu- the youth had died. - had been ;re aelving ;treatment for!: heart trou fit I for ;seine One and had ben piarrief . against, participating in streinioue :!-4.6•• , e' taking, aft from Avalet,ifer, Los Angeies. , •,..The'aeroPlanei)it the water from a height. • Of ;about 1 an While ' . Tiny, 'pe'rions were ' kiitati-'mui auptiier •Aericiusi;y..i ilAred 'when an aereplane crashed bite the o Pacific' , G-0:: feet.:, . •.•, . Recent Events Froin Overse Waste off�odhi the tWentleth:Centary, with 11 ita titillated • :der cities ,Stak. A.,. • • • , • Dema „ „ Criminals Pri'oners In'theof• Eastern • Peniten tiarY,;, • Phil:44401k:demand ,tadt9 , . and thedailY newspapers for each cell, , . and'-dOUbtleeS .many."kind..hearted per: , Cone ri1l see nothing unreasonable in I the reqUiet. ,They'..should.'retnetaber 'boivoier;-•-•"that,.there .arer”, many MW- . . , , , Persoles, ' wh.ete,2ptesently, . be. euro ,Of eome7of the ;OtclinatY cell: - 'forte. Whieb. '.1113;;°cOntIned eriminalS en:7. Joy ; at thb.,publiojniPense. people •on themiteide should• have ,first don- ,sideratieniloirtreal Ciatette Empire Tlinber' ••,•, • ,,:Reports.trata thelumbering tlisttiets In.:many:Parte of the Proviliee.hOld out exceptionally encouraging .1..prospects . or emplornent in the 'Woods:this sea:. son BoYMed, any.. dou'be this new nor tivity Is resulting„ (1,1rectly from the ne* Ernplre trade 'arrangement,; the value of whicli etiald net,Welt,be'over- stato•-Ha1ifax :Herald. •"Trvo •Ont Of. 1,50. . • 'I'he-Grat Ze,ppelin,' is in ohleago, • It, Is..interestinete recall •that With One exCeption,:this ; dirigible , the Sete survivor 0! ..edOres , of , airships in the ivorld. after Sepreati-lite " ears, of ..search 44.1c1 exPerlinentatie ' aircraft of this type ; • The .other is, the: tIttited .."States!'igaoott. • lipto the present, one ' and ifitty."-of. these airships beet: built by.' vario.ui natione' one but the .two :hii4hdy nanie4: 'shave come to. grief.' lleuallY they have • been wrecked with heavy 'toes of life. .AnO:theY7 .0 hate 'mainly • heeit lost0 in, :weather to Ship at Sea, WOulcl , •not. he- dinicalt„. •t� .,huge• gas flhled aillelfip • has: pi:OP/ed.' cates7-, trooliic.7.0ttawa Citizen: • • ;' • • . , , • • , . Wark in Algoma . The clia4ige in.:the, employment sitik. tlon is nothing less .than startling, •and it, Came: out :of a Cleat'. SitY. New; :7•Werk in the hpeliren.-tOaiii-atidin' the; Steel ,plant; means • that."Seteral, and, tneinplOyed- PeOPM Thave one [ back tor 7Worit,:"oi7ttre g*g:.shertlY, • theiMprovernent :is , cerning about 'nature*, „There has: O been no wood in „the ,ipteh,.tet7tWO • White:14.. The'lnorbue his the Use Of , lievisprint addedtothe gradual usigg , taP Ok:the wood 0./1,11aNiC1:1Xlea110' a6t.iyftY In aut.:inn:bet OinipS,. The, road work Is neiv .calcledfOr by the ainimut preVithiely.' dope „ this year, and .the • Steel plant :activity takea: on • the look of soinetbiiig Pernittlientanit Ste sta'r, , . Black'Squirrets•I odreasi rig•: • Ae• one walks through. the 1,,94)08 at • this thine attentlien is 'drawn t.o the indreaslng ' Of black 8:plirtela ar.0 soot's log' arottfid. A', kw Yeare' ego Very. few ,ot•theSeI bean - little animals could,he, !seen,- as •. their nuMbers wore' hot .ildwit". .hy • rtititleis hunters. Ileys and ytiting Men refrain from teStifig: their O In marksmanship at theee• letely Mats With their jet,bladk far apd 'huge littshe it 'gfvos ''loVse: vim': "tts.Nthi..01 ,See gi.adnajifi y e.reaSpi nintabersl, and add, tO the lietkitty *041i4',„--,,Arihttp•inter- " •.:.. • So.uth, AfriCan •AirWays • • • • :7 . • '•••Thefi.gniefl Aoinbiled :b.Y.".E.iiion Alr :ways: of, their activitiee tor the Past fent' .; Years for0ma -Very . tit :Mite to the Management.Tha-aafe.ty raptor .ietiohha--99.60. per 'eeat:,, While • • the revenue earned :,in: proportion to subsidy'. Is ,51;50.• per ceUt .compared with the 48 33 . Per 'cent ':' of 'Imperial Airways :".(alao very good), . and the' 2083.: per. „ cent.7,ofPrench Connianies,- Tbe subsidy ,workeotitlat:70.:.,(about ;fourteen cents); .4 nipe,. compared With, the' -French 5a.• Od.-(about 0.30).. • If, theee-figuires,are:OOrreet;'•Iltion Air- • • , ...„. • ,waYS'. mtlat . be • t4e cheapest as, well- as 7one of.•,tho 'most, efficient; air linee•in the. world .In view of the successo ' the,' coMpany,.it is Pretty obviously ea- .. , . ,fitied,.Vith.theadyent 'Of better' tiiitee, tn. an. • increased subsidy. „ Could not the..70Overnnient; :in. tetutiii :7recip1te that its Machines. ..shOult1; be Partly •:built ln, thie; country; ',thereby laying! the foundatitin'or.,whht is bound :to be7 come in the future ,al.:!.Picey::140tistry":? —Cape Argus . " •• • . .„ , • . - • -. ; New Zealand Ballwaye , 77.1.'ef'in410Y.,Morithe after; CATIprelle0 elveatfOrtsto arrest. the alarming, de - 'cline .ia ;. railway finande had., be.gun-- effOrts which .were, increased in. inten- sity. after the' beard; apenneed, full con- trOliiriproyed yeturuo were almost *wholly • the result .61 rednetione In e ,.0011clityi:e„, • 1.vhic4 Mora', than c'etaPen. gated.- for the aecolnOnnyrag :fall Of; re- venue : The :value ;:it these. economies was lpestimable; but they Must:1160es.. !eariry have their If; "with • pensee cut to the bone, retrogteesiou had contioued,,,toreduce,sertieee dras- tically or bear the los.spa-ive re. 0.0' Only alternatitea, ,Fortunately, heifer •:re: venue, return s are•rioiv,ep.niing to the tesoue. ',4theY'ettp be niaintained; the Outlook' for the railways will be intieh: •brigh•ter. than could; poseibly have been, Aliekland Nyeekly .,6 7 -Better 'British tOiS; Among Pleasing signs„. • point:fag to.. the apProadirt4 a happier Christinas,„„ thipeset booni 11 the iititish toy trade . Manu- tacturers 'itra'aiready„, fiood.'edf with or- ders, tor: the earliest Oliriatmas seas malis will SOO he -1,0401M real British ;Santa Chine will drivbaie reindeer team.. :ill oVer "the W�rl(Lthls Yeat tally' Mali• • ' • ' O . Trade and Foreign. B.:obis:1ga; . • hrf'..6 has been noidh -talk and extti« tatiOn latelY„ over the'.,!..improVeinpat that has taken place in.„•trade, .fietent eVidende Of: a niaterialjefiar: acter:ia available to justify the belie that there is substance" :behind. the Inoteineist, but It •wouldba fclIe td hope that real Progress tow:trite PAS, perity chn 7everT,biLinade'•tnUil eta'. Witty of exthangeshas .heert eftected 'and • entifidbilee, ,Th the Stability .dtifed.::-Plpiegesik Harald, •WageS and -Prides • It 0.1.4eg go 'op oostgrgo tip it vests 'go,u$ prides OUP,. pricos. go up,. waius toast, go up' sOthe. Mete., Thee the eeetornie Tiees With three .1teine three dogs sf'dhafiltig eaeit ,Other arOnnil the traek,. "0,1 Akio 'die ri6hit.th5t .elinibisa pOle �f the,eplial just Ma o tegeli.P•Of itil thiae; Whieh One ought td be allege " dtifititit Wageg, Prites .41m al;41id, Wages, cannot Pay the prides,,,•-•' , Prince peorge 'to C.pe,n 'Bank Prince p,eorge will open the. new . head, office ' cif ;the Birmingham. Municipal .Bank on November 21. _ I ' ti011e-41Pe ilnotheivehaPter.iii, the. linfiles rex:lark, „ , • . • ., • , vis,„hiatory.: • ,. • , •The fitet of its •kindi'..t.he Birining• , baM. Municipal, pox,' was established :M 1919 and the 'Pait. 10 Years its: deposits , hate,' grown •-frominad.er 2,- '000;04Ar to' ;14,060;000, To -day one in 'every three • of iningh.anre PopUlation•its a depositor in the: Munielp.a113atik: and •over .11,000 citizen:: bave purehased:''theit'hoiMes :With the baiiKeaegistaime::,, • •.; , • " Station Studded Landon' • • 'There aro.069 passengor„,in.' lO-nine rads:of: -Char '01'414,Oft ftficordo; :41Onr of trib thia Part' or '01144.00Y t�be . , 4.• 6. • ,An.thesci.,ara Shown in:a new witY niatOtia ' Issued bY. the 'Maio, line. :railway .aMpanies.7''',The''ifibject of the Map :•40 to show *the...gonnec tions • be: tiveen theniain and the. under:': groUnd. railways Y, ;,. 7., • - .;:. - • . ' :j.lt . 'is calculated that 'passengers the ,niaia terniini, ankihnee 'earriedby inidergr.ound 3;000,-: 0.60: a tlaYi: ;. • : • "";; . Feeds Ogg" ,Through Letter Box • ; • dfayeeendiviiile their : employers wee away on 'holiday tyy.41, deineetle, servants, Kathleen and:Ellen. Allen,. of „ ,pratesend,.. lorp ,thaShoOse against, in- structions, and :the Pets..0f. which theY, Were in eharge• .,..;.,• • • ". ';•• ; : ; .A..gardener,, looking: through a' . W1411' .deNV 0! tie .house, saw a dog. Ina. ilia-, tressed boaditien. -It was fed,for three days; with 1)1s:cults. thrthigh the' letter:: A. parrot ; was subseirlientlY fohnci': O deed from 'eta'rvationyin lte. 'ca6, •,flefendants Were:babli-flubd4.0 end ' .cOsta '.Teribridge ter, crUelty. to .t...he 'Parrot. • • ' ' 0: :• 7. , '.:AliViS.O.C1- O Liverpool...,-74"What,' yoti.; want .1sL, :geed :hiding,. and Your•hueba.nd,. hhohi' to give to 61,,WArti, a magislisateat, TAY"; orp6O1 conit..in4di,ifils•reinerk -Tebontirtorivitelibrog-0.-Nvitli4,.•;aged;' 4.0, ;Who ...iviishimbd ;With atieniptiog. ft:, coon:pit stisideby jninping Into the, MerseY..-• , . •:.f. • : • • ' t3ho Was dischhrgedi*Ith 'a..caution,••• • It 'wasatated that Mre. Willie, while seated on a peach at the anding stage, I,IverPop1barroWedjsn-q104611-1roni: .man,. wrote something, on da,pleee' ef panel', and then ,walked :to the ;river ;Thai:din became susincloos, and..fol, lowed her; arid Was' just in. tinie grah her:feet, as she was diving' Into, , • stitte4 that; she"' tad," a fitiarrel with her husband andWas , . de preeeed•.. • • ' ••. Cateer of 'Chanip'•:, „ • , . .-- • • 'The career Of phainpidn, Reild:Rotof .1"Wade Is one:015e greatest roMances Inthe history dog -breeding.. •.6,AS, Pin .eiglit-Weeksold,:ball • of .fluff . . • he was, such..a diaapPointment that his :breeder, 7 gr.,FpgIter.: AttrgOsei. tifferctl to ;fiefl•htna.tp• awoma1ifancferfor5. "thii.'''prosirSOtiye buyer thought hi twee would grow, texi...b* and left him :on Atts,:nufiess? hands. , •.• ; .': • •Then he developed: eo, ;remarkably, •that he broke all 'records, becoming a fuli champion at the ,early 10; of ten.nio#ths..: 1. .0.. • •;1H• • . And ipaw.tlits:8Y2 Of:thee:1:Y, pride -16.•the Most Vainable deg the Workilias- ever known. :;" ";. • ; Redd-Bei:has earned that.diatinetion. by virtue 'ot, at offer made for hftu by 4:4•1014, Anierican'.vienian; one O sepr.,. eral;breederawhiiiiitive,cOnie Over dur "ing th.erpast ..nionth to try to buy up 'oor4eist•Pekinese, •• !.. • ••• •. Her.eiter •:Was. in: 'writing,' •andi In . chided 'ablank cheque, oa Which Redd „Bor.a.....o_Witer-;COUld--Write-linynainnina; he liked... ,.1Pire., Eurgess banded :th.e cheque •beekr. .!:. ; • ,••• "No figure was natne4 for li.ead'-floi"," Mrs, ilurgesS:saxd but 1 eduld have had; 'ore than *1,000 had ;been *III - :Mg to sell." •• ,• • The d diaappointe"Aineriean•Visitoi as the next:hest .thing ..te Redd -430k has bought three. puppies . from . the kennel 'and : lias been preinieed . • .;• . • 'Mistake" StamPs. Cilen'doiek land stanins, a' tot:re:el:my and,e, two - 'penny, dated ,1007,: dailsed • a stir, In. a 'statiMaitle room, ; 0• : hi" 1607 .feW' • ot •the ivefre• printed,' On . Paper , With.; the .: ,Wrceig •Waterniark: When. sent .to the BrItieli. -Islea-they--were: -sold-by74-rdeasler-tOr .16. each. .A. few yeara pig.o they initl- izO . t • • At ,Harnier'e-sale room r'ecebtly they wer,e SOld. ter 'R225. .., . • The. stamps were In the famous forined,lby •A. W. Cox' 7of Plenuolek,: uhhe• •4..441:"p.o.d• ••• • • tpaleutta, India. ---Three European inagietratei :have bp murdered at Midnapore. A fourth hasjust been , .appointed .to. thie' perilone 'ana.7unenti- 'able heFti :He is •Mr. P. J. .Griiiithe • now on leaVe Whe Will succeed. E J. . , . '•Riirge as. distridt Magistrate. , Mr: Burge was Murdered On.Septem- ; bLe.r.4„.,jiiet he was about to take e. ,ercise, it is understood.. - ••• ' ,part.in a,footbalLinatch a Mnapo "New Deal"testid 4 .•• • Ii•61e iincieritoodthat. in inaltifig**- other aPpointMent „the. Government • has ,yfelded to Abe. Piesenre .Of• Euro - lean .ofilcers; who have urged that -this sotion,must taken • ordet the:.lioner. of 'the British. nation and of Service• i • Pcere .declared ' that ' they • :will_ .1 esigues-even if-t.wen trot-146'0re abet." • ntr.; Barge's, inimedMpe predecessor, R; .,1;!Onglits,. Was ninrdred 1.32: :and Mr. Pedde in'1631.' , ' • - P. Already, the GoVernment • hie been' warned ,that:the ; next . niegiatrale will be murdered ' The distribution' o. leaf: ets 'stating : Midnappreinnet. remain Withoot. a:magistrate is.the•latest form of• terrorist ..activityiii the . die - New Channel Cabie •..benuoni 'Exig.-TWenty:.nine. miles of1; telephone ...cable stowed .:iboard :the DOM! tpia;: thejargestealile-ahlp-in-the- morld,. M. waiting tp' be 'laid aercies ,:the Straits 0! pilver,•te 'Mfg:tent ' the eitist,. 41.11eiA:atenid'"'1,)ah°rIlics;.:17•4:ci.4fle. be,\+..74' .14.117' Phe Iloniiniti,r7 is tying off St Mar garet's Bay; and, provided the Weather is suitable; she:.'will' Start: laying.•:the •cable. shortlY; .;: • '7.6' Hints ,Costumes • VOU. can build a ;whisle WIpter wud . e ' .rebe.:.around. your .Get a: • touple,f7of :dros1;y edditiiint YOur tailered•onee. and the sUit• can, go ,te .tancitecii •and tea ;,Pia weB as to the ."!•-; •• „ • Htwe"one *lied ,:velvet blouse to : otear to. hindheene atid. one bright. leoitiaroy; to wear: iko:olba11::.,ga,nlee•-- • and on..week:ends;in the Cotintry..: . If • the' suit has. a lone or threequartera; ' efiat have : long tiniie • h!olise!,.. .: lathe or metal cloth •to /*ear.,to bridge!: • taat,oba .inforinal •!' 6: ' • • • ' • • • . • Is. Near ;12 Biltioro"• ...Washington. ---.Thu post of ihe deal" program of President, Roosetell May 'be • $11735 Odii 000 the atio a industrial. conference _board' estiinatee • •The industrial ,statistics .._ estimate place the cost at :$15,:: • 135,000,000-fignring in Reconstruction:- , Gorperation-loans • listed.a6, 'fellows:• ' . .• • -"The "grand total . or liethilities'i'. 1 • 'Public !Works ,"admillititration,: $3;:: 4;:,.5:.'0.6:09m01...090,60:. ' n'' e r: . II' a'..ii.• 'e•••.o..7.pti.r`a-tion. ' . $2 ,. . , • Agrien"ttiral'' Adinetnient . Atinsinia ; -trail:in $1,100.600,000. . • - ; 'Farm Credit Adinialtitrat on $2, 200.00fh000. • .. , ' , ?... „,.... . .. )'-ihir"*Phe3r. : relief .1 ladininistratioe $500,000,000. , ,C, .., .,;', ' i. ' : ' • ,.:; .. Tennessee ValleY. ; .entlierity,' $50 ,: ' 000.606...7; • • , , • .... : • • '0 • .•; .... r4cleita-,f-2dePtgii-t-7110017'11hOe-'corpe".!. a, tion;. $2,000,(i004 -60f • .Jack !4. Throat r A Buffalo, • 0117ght,'n°1:n: ath3r old baby,,,Jerease; Weber,:, pointed. "jaeliP;todged.. hie.. throat . Ura sh oil,. to, wo• 'Bo ftalo- tat sr, : 'befere it 'was Temevecl.:•-: .• .." The Parentei„. *thought : the b.o.V; ' when' roaelled ...'Eniergenei • hospital on y , to learn . they woiq bh-V.O."'Isfir :go • to Oity hospital, .ac Pliettgellck ilad 11 7eiltf,ipMent 'f'Or the ptitpoOe...1,.f , • • • • • 7 • , . '7 . 'A 0064114g pellce :esCcirt rushed.•' • trio' 'blue : in -.the, teea •b,efd the '7:fir`st .liesplinc, had been l'eac.lie Ur genns there:atilt:141y • removed the Jack, • ' • • 'The boy „Swalowed 'it While .olde!.' - -eliildretr;•Were playing, .. Oto the. floot of. his junto. 'A' few.1j�jfrIafCre. Wao..6-11,aleeping f-PeittetallYl” 771 , • 77, :747 4:7 47. maks American Record • Capt. Ilya ten 's ear On the bnnkl. 4nitng lii ierottdm, alciag fits at 'brobltiatida, •,tugtriud lt4T-htfaihed. a, F.pepti . '102‘: mks -tut 1,fotir'in .4-tuithhigovtioWeftd.wint-4 bug *6-tur,-. . . . ' .1. ...., ....1,... ; ...16.,ea " ..... , • wl }Jis..Wife's'", `Death": .• -'.• 'Was just in Ideit- . , , IPLIe6-LJatines. 3 Carl..011, 4%. "adeOrdIng;.to Confessed„ he,„ Serted a.41Otice .of hia ,Wifere ."death" ,In a Meal . ne*spener..iiist ter,he.e0, lathes away !.froth the tathily. :The . O !'. health :•department seeing, dial ' • elleeled to aseertafie Certiffeate of death hail been:Issued ; flnd. fiqtriw thot it 'bad .not;ealled 'upon .np11e4 tcartelis; 'taken into CiiittOdy but , . . *as) 'released r after sighing, a :sworn; • stateineht, 0 :• ' •"1 hecl!•,. . • '.'froubl.o with 'thy •••tritoYH , lottves;',' •quoted 'Carroll as' ; .• * "I tin:night they Would see' , tlitsjit ,th0 • Paper :and thialt siio VIPPi'. :dead,add • that' maid• .kosP: • biota' reoui tis Fog 'Civet • titles,. :Says Ekperi New :Yeelt:,•••••lhere is ;still death • 010, invts1b1 1intcai fog hnnglng even,: a., dancer • irrit: Ant, ttio N0w Yorlt Acidenii •-• • "'"'"': TIP1.8.1iirirlit-d7F- : B • Metier, ,air-POlifitlen, export, Of „Stele* insiltUte•, 'HP 'made h Wert kir ProfeSeloit 7tO Oleen'' ,.. 'colia.d the akitiooqiiihilo s'etvo#0..t: • •7• li °71 li 11