The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-11-09, Page 3P ;2"T 44-e 00 '110 11 jjqr� ;-F --. , 4 ­xt7V`1­7,"T"77;' '77 4. % s ..... ..... ... rr7"T" I "M 11 . ... .................. . h undreds of 'T' trqqps; ds or Jr: propga, #-1 either n, o Ko4 #Jpq a q ilk the Makin A 1K, it Is infprqq�tlp 9 -rl qte' th Chica W.,,. Buz.gp q, among, ,go for' 'And; 4beir VI§itr to Iii1s, Cot," t A P uxil Ir,,. �tW SW za al epe, we s4,w-g , '. -0 �­­ R tt, ft, 0, ..y 0 lu T' Alpsr�' vergi IgAgO 9 siftOdt t4 ptrles� w-lict, sti e, he E yq�ts to #.Q.fqr l#q.'jh people, se, were Olt It tbroui;4, , thp I QoI&Wi oll 00 A J e nIoA At ea6 sid of tbe�l ".or May nd HoteJ;r' ' this be happy though, M4X,1:0 Apd, §414 od, tll�e OPOWAY of, -W4sWL­ , rp i. w, fiv he NeAtayed,�and, P', I there Were QTM lNG, TO. I NVE$T1 PATE dquarters law� t(jt,*,�', .W lal e -the 6 c th 4 t t I p t4ry '0 ]4Q JJP as - . im of.. the' a h' oille mjgIlty 1. �M� -r I '! 41B. qQyF0x:!x9P*T _,dydfiqo guard' bf trh lit 0t; 04rimney, fllp�Cjty" The who ihcs t. whid erfill6d' . .1 .r. t- ­A 1, 11--t . * y w,A 4q a ., a,,- 1L. -1.0pp 0'osq to iie' Ii 'd itdi on irCICZ GOT -3), WPES"=,W .:,� r Pr4qr" " r. r- . I wo: low"mmoxv dr,t K0 B�qr"ff, - To -or, Tgroutdc -at this 'hotql,, in PIU47TOW P 4ttondei­ 0' Me! �fh�_T after in ay�1.4gq, a= S 9411" -in 9. TVrl,;;,&,r.r4 I Ing y Or Without obligat on please ;!opwAr r M At 0 c the over t* my table At ft e,- .2. M4 d i�d bou ke th pressing 'his .1, egs r. .4, r0t4r' dependent-upoA, -them firiartel4ily jp6f"' lluyq�a. Iqo1d' gibeq Limited,,, ple6ure it, mQW, 'in 4)�ery' P' 3 r j ma '1,06�iljg; towa`ros Alle Wit on t s I r.,: -what d f, n6drt themgelve� in the, Itables, filled w,,,, Z4axJ On r14 les. IS ell: Address. 3 Yoir think Orr o I *6e'-V� UQ'' foer t e, ri�l Our turn; . Try. t gee ! h ewlyweds sodial aff a ra afilr tr possible tQ�i- 'the youngsters.,, think 'a odd 1n'Qef.mahy 'these days? :dct ho s,.,answer �w w 'MA OF4 Asi 7 no t ' . I I 'against tbei r-, ell 11 rev -he' 0 d, bi art of A bOt ifiipres�-. thb feeling, ed la: and a4'I3,pIjig,pbserve an -1 agree yv h e It 'one 46 said.. "Yoll'know that W6 have I pr "LifiIrarian 0 �,VPI UtlO L Ili ugh: a. r. t Ithr �hls country, blo, odless q ne 20 -A New 94A t6ry, and,. If it, IIAIJ rio(boe for, this If p ONL etople'. don't r WA� psent 'MOVE IQPg eT iough books, the Amekicau, W,, imerit, iLgb,.fiave. been in the brqeg. of,:,a� great ation wqs� told here jr soci b �AFT 'F civil .War an4ijvhRl� good would tha, d tpie'r 'looking., 1i rarian i ssifi d Ad pirtisfin fik, L Tol-` -C help,,sald Fra anywil.y?".". It,- shqu ;7 1,Ty TAKtl' ohadn't In ?ion: r t ConOjiltii:po An. Gormany? Even Berlin_ whi& some 0, n director W*?"TEP. low A4ou. Alban or�, thArt ge r eqn rov 'REvEN visits, treat liN-G- --PROPEA- rVIO ed� s even to -RODU( SEurorp&. last bee year , ago, W-- sitipp.y, WI& vxclI44ged,for equtppedfarzns�� I �Write Johh,-"Stark 4' we tee, reitiii f6r ersy, Ag, el '0jr' A H ' 1 ' tie t, y., WO �re in mouth, .016 Inevitable - q am e li�re 18 ari6ther d beiuriter� on , e saw matchinr,, an Is ch ce �,4 in& vdrXthin&,',eILeLt -there, w st, '!E�rQnt�, CW I have '14440 the 77 aske vv� 4W IYUPEr AILAW 11111"LuSti A" Bluel. should, not 77' Gerrn�rly??,. to whi., Pleaid ..biir.-in mind that I- doc not the Catholic' Centre ]Party, ag, e% eje4r)t that it Mllsii fw ne reply, "Well not. 4ulte the s4m, an authority ..on of. r the:�.Gqvierllme. X OFFIF I TO JkVER�r i:VDNT0Rz 6 poga*rasl international the fori�� (hen, Ili mIIst,itd4.1t6..the; oo4s hich. the 41 -of inte-1 lnventlon� arid full LIVERISRN as otir,papers are stiting.11,; - This' ans- nor.doJ *Ish,rt16 be' d6imaile '-p 6 e I A Limt. w waa a. wayEk rarian grave. Oan; li6 v . vqr, in iurn,� gives merou Of el )n sent free. Who C63n. rise to nu s in �nythlllg� i ma$y 6tale,.bilit, as -An ashes, Td -day there IS, in.oidei to W&ld,�Patent, Attorneys, 3'134nk SLUQGI$ K Y, HN I "The day'. Ottawgi d i+ha vr" * - Qthiir ilestions, and it r has -odcure, outside olIsetv'er�and belle*e me, n,. ve seen 'a fpKi,poli�e- )f ­cott6n.. gto6ings and, t full'. control, 'of �c' a-Std..dardt" for the 19, Me �,that the re�t6rs,'6t ihiii l)aper �illd,'oli'serve �vuy'� car men rowds,attenOa STOMACH PAINS' d 'd I" Tdniah said, the other side talked -to. -hundreds of'Gprmans, du Ilg Ing,thp parq:td�'of 106,006 Nazi tro6ps. imigbit-like, td Imow ian�is op -e A d6c cl Bie�6m"s P41seach tifsht ear agQ­�- A. at Will. keep past sunimpr, per a Vell�there:was of g displayed', it Y:0L o,� pkople :a b my two V14ts, to their, coui4ry,' this A y moi `ri ' ' . . orrowing. b6oks h I') WATC py glipso is, 8 s b 1i goo'd aa that -6f the.bt"r4 ..low. :piflill�ly' Af' 6ery :'b6o�pfOreJ"\fie'w*s UP] nt, 6i- your beiien nd�aud magazine -dou ter a scorQ o.. S ft� slons, adtivities ot th%- udi'st �'colcmle -d Odifferentt,'p �oiitini i recod sta :epicfinjt air 0.� I.: recelVed and recail, some, RIVES fit, some ihe'impres that - my ub][icafious, P ty s 1:By JJou. Sint6 the -cQnVreraat!cLns.'I havO­ha with X01tur, bW6--and,�'1iotqgraphs D-11" 'Ila �,Peopi6 'have been "Ineetin ere -every# AT 82 tty kiid�plct��e; p6ifid, cardi W W-0 whe In* evid-i all or are fbelifig"ou re' I Once. these year. AfUr yean You aye a Inalis, but as we ar,, v 0 �ue�,MaggIiine�: or. �'of sbrt& to a Y you gxpect,,�ind InIs:aftjer �atlfi� ire due- j?a dermany. bf the.Gor life n 'Golf Viet lit e"Is, to -seen au -y- d �%Jll "Plays. -a Ao 4n -cxcess of,acid, InAhb: st6rnqc,h -thkt 1I toss s:, t bf ge thws'y "a d e ltlkth .p w �v r trien1s, 10 "s e.utmost, �d arw 82;' fornis es.:beiching, heart -W 8-1 j8t;� S, Kow, mats A U�t- Ji om llbe the eqh; ach - And 0 e a rocitio, Ish po ul 11 io h-eAltIr and ffCtIvIEy -magnesia taken-af tef iven* tfigi AwEis6 "Price" ithout�' ou the 49W p a,, jestfoili. isurated, t ",d hurt if '96m6one werer tb'Ldrit cize� eals 1.11 i-ve, st n, we, saw .,I ou 411 -be sur -pr: jil Scottish rigin ich qui0k ano 110 6itt'heard, nothing of -this of, vigorcill" OeVL blam'e'ryo dis'pOs P easIng arl,49'sing' f eatilre 'of being pbstek u.for your in 'Xhy. druj..- e erm' . jr. tiell pa' Qrdir nary for, tjos . (gratuities are incrutipil :while in 0. an It thas bebikstatbd' In a I tier be sayg " It "yo,ii 'reflect.g. lifile' 64 th� use y arrive 1.1i 4bat tjD4rIAtg *ou11Id­hardl'y. -'permft' ere.. "10111 'for'.sour acid -stornach. here the ' I C Is np§li i�, rie the'bill and t d $ oilandr, on, dlsp6sldon don'f,you,t 1,1'. V ou n itori Tt' siiould he �in, every liome, be 0. AM to. seg the8b',.tbings-m,, rep.1 187 veas we MdtQre&thr:'oU'gh,, hundreds 'of' blam�d iian Mod t JILs 4 'fies 0'eiman- territory. evelilf this�.,w6r ye . a . ra old.' drlvO� wy\, Ford., W M , of, 6t the I's, that, e. the ca ken pqo�lo:,Ar iii, pio�rldlijg-thelr in-, the hundreds or. rnlli�s, we s- arn'd.dales"tqLlc.f�ctof"F"L,, 'the: staget Alvity and" Wit' sure y. ill! hp�ses 'h g of the H Upr aC ave not -reac !�,q travel ed and of �.Jid J.,pfay ej little.golf Ir hab, froill the iidred+s can stil h be' t' ed`n 't .6filibiawlessil iiiiss' , , -LIL Ll � , ha di�ease,:t e cause can tken --little' hen eWt at-we­-arje or h , f'JJ6It: "'g. W -, -19ometfi.invw, :. .- 1-�. d�.fd­belioV - mPeop to di -b e to in n my ciup,b. c orni k th matter'of fa- — . .. I ffi'eir-diily health habits. a , ds 't ditZ0-4T1-1, can say s love s' ee n d ;te. .w0Fdg of 1fi'e C .. ........ -41 �% :, r . ­ -11"Ti - -- - aus%:� all h�re-'-toi��yeiirsi' things.- '.46iding- -phli(k. t;Is nits, loner for, qrmariy� "'+ WLho:. vigite(l. �ARE ine n' good% 6Ar, s OLDS' been rk% as Rgetfutcabins conifor6ble laio. -of -'exercise is anoflieri.and' -the the Nation Toronto, a,f6w -day, ago, iw �m keep on wo . rk. Ing trip, pub -godialis Party JIM% come into pQ*or T :PANGEROW 0 ioiel.bell:. b" to pr,�d`ucb a lM on'."Cti.b'iLtr6�ity,.gtory.:�ha�s ben all, 6e':way ftbin, Qlt oil. of eal and 'he �Veirf&t 1 and Cb I d' V'O t s the peol) �e gee g, i�- le 'is dif- rossi bein biit o so CdngirdPerednal"Servici3.aw�it res6kxegiM6, it' y exaggerited Whbtfik you, are- still" In your -fo -it neither. ��tod. ",W* I U P 116ult tib-belleve f at'nq good:,:cdn -come thing. 66rta n,, . or Yon' Lin p . r I 1 .6 '1 d 'whichever -class' you'. termAn ai-Pil' -ko"ur Mt" is, pasi ts , "' ' , - 'lit t, eaIr r�'..onthe trave :on-tii .9opu P out 'Of lt..ail., �Ople are. 6hixid'Zitler at -kpreson L re ance wit !. whl�h:' ddserves Allot strib s -c is era- evi�ry irillagei tasteless Iown'an c y, therb ti t' d it 1Qu of* everywie. I ell of 'gehe -I + ur: loril'. SPECIAL' 1 rMAS 'gehe Is 6 Wit .10, tie day 111' July­,.`�tantliiig On. ie� $'CO.TT'S �s ores of. the'..13odelise ; (LakIi 0on- Ig...'an. "AdolLp mode.st -h Si�asse," and eets. bis ways n�e *no. one 'should ever.' Lindau, n'Southern'll kb6p the �or ti cii, 6 e! e �'E t- MULSION a� In Ilie'squhre, at.' -.0 ftnerl,'Y+ Itno." I erh s. �by �116 suggest 4 on on vaila, sa-W.-thre6 ']a ui!.§i n Prge exq. *,"Aolphi blood -stream pure. Ile ilslil pe( e 'NoT.24t-.R,.-M.S "AURANIA b brightly de 0,� in..+� AL d o ,rated With as "Chan fib I' to'b 111, 00 r quare I. is no Lou .9- he 'm 0 'Ch --blood squ Sj)�Co Of, t, VuY -book t6 NovA7 "!ATHENIAt ibrin'. 'iiio�rds s1h me ca�., '' g. hirril HP-. and . d b fill man Sit Lo ion toWay. that an entrance, 0- Z, all. to I �,k wb`e 'laog W. nd .,.b lr-�v�fte- to ih Beltast,.�iver to sbIf',frqm,6bscurx y to.suen a po. ioll [ 6 P96L t le, SU )j0CJ'.' C e ita 'd be:l: pas you by.-+ for A'. bopr 0 1 jr6ni"HAL F -ap d -'be f I AX-01tv preached,,� 'Iswistika TpqrtAnce,' pannot -H 6 �rh .4 of Id , i8ting'aishe ' d aftd.11; or -thq brainle��, gi L I . . , "traoial. pervert, "D R.M.i .,was ildiiieable the t1l 8 t dy- ec. a greA num o ssengrs-, fandticr t that, ine witi -ers Nit, .9 pa d us were. Nazi storm troopers. was ialk- to 't taken,.fn t1i e tie ff t e Interes h If! V16w -aC hi Ing t he' hotel. manager, . W, o Was 1; Will tell I': S 0w V o -to Bel fadt, Liverpool.: Glaq4QWi,!. tilris-Zliblirstvationo' ith Irish Hoipital. '#�riieps.takes ERI. THAT f 0. J()*,.itI"t" QL.,A rinq YoUi PeX abdilL'a -tvi� "IneouSe(IL "by, '.a 0-7 do 4. AK e Jobin,,D�c t k; sl -t 2 arrie, T�j a "What do.. ydu think , i , . . . I . . + . :, . I . I , . .1 , d Wa1te,rL.`NZ1e,,e- of. . thii nlov, el sye re 'I hletip SR iigI,tlxed and tl itorn 06' oa to cerdmovi� ther. plac� where Qie Counter b t L6* RoundT '0� Far0 YOU'. F a eabl ;-r' 42 :60 -know th9t I am..'not b ily cat. has a qS 168.,00,. �Iili r.,Ila seli.enx, UIQS R ake tip,,-jatir Liv&'Bilrer iried'away by� Any in verhent but'aj few I t.." :1011 Third. (Haig �No Ubiu�l nee 'EL �gu'eSrt* At 11 'oo.tba squft .,S d h -t ;diva' Er, . r . essa" )U feel health an Four bi Ate ikoti: "NO drin ji lie V 'fookibg foi dver od ksk Aboul, ()td, -special Chimstinas hotel.: an a :,I'Iiad* the opDorturtity Of gi, 110. I)IC '01' es all X7 r d that bile. Sictirsl6na, (coin. your local � agent b �,y. 9. must'f y VIAth.tut d offito Ilg wit I el oNve is" YI irgunients' diff refif.in ;thet w alki Ii iialikly. tell you fly bi e" nherialh. ilfe0s- -to be-, WreliMitiatioll; Or,fronrs tile nearest Lnnr In 3471-1, 'L : I' ­ " , ftildlim . r. . , Irouhl, Sturm looriigestlafi� Slo 'illit 1 "was -much -impre'sted, Since no bettlil dt n e, al wret .ld If a Men or�, your eh,'urc 5.Uu16ty,*: t Poisons in � the � body�'156fier 'cIub.,,or'1nstitIte?L' and swearhij.'Ir', :.Cel + '11ONY. Cith yoU IsXpeCt toI:eII"r'up- a sit thhf: time I -haie -followed. IIN, bl SpqqCbeS1 r bowel -moving v tely, with rfiefe�' V. like this catrople Salts, 0i -irt% Isiativi come tlblati :-of tlio, Niel ptl't 'QlI 1 Ill or rou4�ajq? They dowt,wo .0 ..o h Ca�pt. 'P; d; the, AoA C v6 re ntdt6st and it at, jo 0, oil.. -ellel 0-4 e- ou,noed C rurel�L, in �aiter's jifftib Liver a e. $ate. restilti, As elo' eftt� ,� 1. 1 ", , , , i. I e ofs�ato�man$ Jlp,L at east i� tli ea 4e so sy a er [ie he�dinj of T14vii ifar As Gor 4 jy. is: concerhJ4. aper, urd ti 16Y ihein by narrie: -aefiise substitutes 25C�­Jst I iald tic u "Do, you think ano t h -o Impress AV W tat is, perhAps, "t of u WWI nthat -hi Whi., be 0 411sitoi n re nest dollection' 0 Eul Opeall )Ile Pldtitl.L68' is inoor tell- d on, d' �Ololire want qcl�� the hotpl eOutside riAtMns didn't Jken witIr his- own'carrieft, ay� td11' you �Iiink? T i;`�bea thl, I I f Stay _ -i r. jl�, I fit y wing some -..-o t n i: Ili tie i of -tO4 ufing� 63 t IV It my, em tuu� 'ARELTrE"' O�i lini;' el IaLVe to:' earg oplace -aSLme eiv' S" , , . , y first 1 1 bl� 11, KIAVORR t e s about *Mch YoU'.hV;Vb f ple 0 ..Select LLY0 , , r: - $,. -C 'oil- aiid.'heard. ortugA11,,L.Sljq1IJ, U U' At �SIGNS OF P U pal France',, Switzerland. _AC bi -$To oil I f that DOW )I ItIre as just. L MACW c' a `vakift, Gel`mqny,�o:,kolfand, 13-efgitiin mo-th s 63� i3�ptemb4­fgtj a of and 3ritisli isles are Inciii(led ill Jr. 101)0'. the 'Jq- gee 'tI I IC Do rd,� ere was b 6'. orte e lkn 'this dol uniqu6 lection. the largest: 'elemoristrat Of, P h Addltym rength 1hat had* ever regi�,.�Iiiig tlfls� I Dr. D. D. Liquid freiscri r4or j)arti.ell by tho e an -guaran 6ed . Logs'd.A co�i In u III i ca to with Captain Rol thfillt I the 0111 fro it: t'. tioil,;.,94d d anywhere,;. cehtre- '6f d Tak y the 0 Ind S- h Room 421, 73 A0elai'de Strop thdigtatiot"SO'Llit, tot,"ac t y ustry, was"It be the -t-cdhd rhacefd�ot Ca Italian Balm,' to : a 1( ],�or�e Tlid: pi 1 4 0 1 btittle 35C at �dtir dru�gwt. 4 party, N vousness Sloept,cs9rips I) of the Onientf ii',of 'tfj Tria - ' I I e 14'itler d . 1 arid 1000,000 OX'f �ar pe6plty: Wbtte hol" N� as' n6t 6V 1. Auto' litioxication. e WIN v. - L Lir�uxid to tel i't �t Eor 'Pe L11L' no' one. W, g 'Do t ice days. F611t M HAT TO nn pe 9 W tC9 to be Wed Ill MirlibUrg- . t1of, .,,III op(� r affig, or foil, Por 14 , W� fi I I of feri'(aboilt �0* TAIKF-2 fei�poqnhft a d'IELt&*nCe:-Qr 50 k3ome wellinp THE GREAT, TO I C kGy n S ixt�' Millilpr'. mill, of M.g, InqsiA in of tvatet, WithOlit d' Wedj� a. pey-mit, Auttial .111 t Willi every niotninp,when you got up, T1(e, anotlier of% 'Aohie YR Ilje� . rot, we ha'd',seeli 'ii6g, With a thi� ar,' wffii the THAT SOOTHES NERVES t tile'. Octbbe� inigration Ago Years in x o r. Xkpaikuft� �Mi008 te�600nful' So IninUtbs bO ENRICHES BLOOD after eating. And abother' been far Kroa . ter thlak it, �y L s, a yeftr An old-time, "glaud WOMI, �'I d. IN, 05*1k before go to be BUILDS NEW VIGOUR' IR (a, Aga. colApallies and,.'in NvHtte�l lip , lomll.y: In. to p, ess D S t--�Ta'ke -the' new 0 istriptivil (aide Phjllip�l M,111CM Magrie Also 6f Tetit'potr,� aon P1 LE 'Albad'Noises due to 6ongeiR s Drall , , 0 tford Y121tils, kfid oo futs!4W d (I ay. lt.lfilt tbol(; otausta 14-Y Cot&, -Ft , 'd At all good Drug & Dtpt. Stores -Bac� k 'I I it g a.in 11 g tli e deni. or A, ti j. 0. LEMUR t Willilipeg... nthe. tb Ait, -ork City ....... .... it,e* j;aterit'ied The inhiii, reai6n for lis Sales Agents: Harold F. Ritchie aAli* olon joite tlid tirrip oldest 1?lecoiVdry tlrdate� magical Results aCot Ltd., Tprohto, A '�'d' you hve c,,,,, le Don't ldt"Pjle� ore,§erioos, to o. 111d. Ilib'st, fil' fl n g A: ilan'i�eiou bli- Tb itN rbrry, about cc ditibns-i diown r, m. lb,n WEIAK ME o 1,11 bride a t�ste- directions Milk of,M591nesiA sottl fit I �vo , d( , Iffig' r dre to$ 101110111MIG L. at Tnke K R'A lillip Wbf di, d --1-"D7 -- - 1 1. - 11clitrhic tile, acids -strongthen, t'lle arredtbil 11hrfif Ing ftoni I to nVer, 'We ldlov !tbio %v6hdorful otinotfin6, N�Itfthin th 6%�ajna building,, eriliai it I Notetab e'CtIbi�innid nclic; 9torhitch jiaifig, c, Ili' t01160- 0" . I I a ptim ot 11, Moving Is me It g�n gave "i od i4oi 11!�Wjtha t 'YOU'11� 'it . rWill Stop t fd make ou fAc kub,�Nfinard's in tly, It head d offier' Try gain. y0V[ C�%X� bg Stj)ir mt [you" 'Weto 06 I ' '. L' prieratbs sore ligament fiko ndN# PeNOn-, RESULT.�. - I njmat�6110 koothe:: �ftrla'. on the lleelC�� *an" It dhyt�ftlt did residefito 6 inflA .Of ful Y61i get, At - . I - w I Cot h4va, tho­'G*'engt� to.di;'yetUt Buf.4�:-be 6nic OUR, GVAUAlftAi� heals. :, ift Wben 'IL8 r.00 gd we ehr fill 114r� tit kt I thb aval't-, 11(lil Of real moo, 0 ely Mil of M 11()nI �6u bt�Y7'7 ­ $2 Pull Pit e Woinell at g� onci dozen 11EMICoNr". Si1Iipcs1tftJeS'L 11tet,ed by 1, 17 pIll'Ce 0� t1l t'$k t6rItt4L SuCls. Aj Lydia k� LL M&A 601d bee y And�bur for' L42.06 on the tq liesiaL BANX: OF'.'T0ltQ14T0'o caighablc,,any� wo 3 ee ;sk ihd )[iftti horugds' 6ublihg, ill) I,' of "The wollt tirrie, WIthih - t 01 J .�UnMIL�Jofq]g -.If You Ciro "Set tile -of i rah-o*A &6�ltlditt often U84 jZj mea y ul "biLt is t 10 clicilbe. Yft'wal k 006ful to bd say t treating its falrly'oi nott us. ............ Millk to 'your honestY; You dr6 Istate o&61 tha fesul -Old r '#NIC N itf A a My ad V Ly