The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-11-02, Page 6, 71117-7,47141144,74,75ir 41'.1,111,7477,7 Ivr 111...+4114. 44.1, 4.4, r• • 4"..1.'N 4 Voice of he rres CunadaThe Emireand The.. World at 'Large '` • 'calla.00.4 • ' 7, • AS .19tig as losttvgo .Pil'er the 't01.). -*Pere:T.11 danger ot.„0e1A41e, reach:, En tbe *tOrill;.=7,PIlight.04f.Newsi• •• Must,r1flg linhby ..bank• A wonian whir?, Te)egate4 Aer.: bead,' to the ,chicken c0.0.0; .and. tO.91t.' widoWerF,With.41Ye. 'children ihle..the 'house was given 24 hours ":by the • renrt 't9 pUt -the P9arilor Oat and'bring th Ilniihand I Ulf!' I4s1).4•114110. .:henePt.t.0 byWs. atnY in • the,'elilekell eotin , be ' should be ableto,',..cro*. oVer Met ridili--Strittferd'Peaccitlr;Ilerald.• Our Changing:Pat:nate- - If it is: trite, as I. ,e1sIthed1. :that glacier -a, serve as :giant :t1Sermonieters .to iadicate warm aad,•cocrtie14s 94:a. - Continental 'scale 'then Canada ' can jot:* fOrWard to still milder viinteis and •warmer summers, The retreat of: :-• 'western and northern ,glaciers has Open, In progress ter yeara. and, the tact that they are•'stiii retreating catee. .tht , the' cycle efilacreasing Warmth: wbieli scientists hipie noted ell4ritY Wi/IrcenlYe:thel.Patae. attention as betere...". .T4eTe." Ptm, be rie.legt.tk, 'Mete 'erItIolsrni. of -the doctors, dent/Sts •and druggists for 114.911ttgg• this JAW,' 04 0',. If they they - anceeed, ta..-,'Itoldlag • sit theti:-4,no*PerS ,together on the ,Idea. the new ,pltin: should .proclace-,peults. "rlait .payment of ..a,toOtintti',t9,':de-ntOVS' and .tlentlatS, efii/Inclally; is tracl11101.141, . .: 1y alOW;."..4Was.AloW when ffTeos l'if.670; good and everyone lio.d tnoileY,;.•: In re- cent years • it has beepainful --•13Or-• 1( qo '0.tje§' Star., ' ' *-- -' • . - - - Preparedness • It la still the desire, cif:•itiost girls to . , , . . . , .. , •• get married,. amp. •ellioart writer,:* PTO. t49.44 it 18 a: case of 1'014 of the:'-fti- ing pan Into the. fire.- They Wonlil stand ,'abetter: chanceof attaining, heir wish•if they. wank}, first get ac- imitintad with the frying Pagi-7•Winni,' peg Tribune. • who :bas been ,keeping. a cheek On • , A.Mericansays, that these have retreated .as latish as •tifty• seventy-five feet in the past year, While In Alaska: the glaziers .are also, retreating, Aliotigh• not se) con, .iehitently Or•speedily. He helleires. thls 'retreat' is :pelt 44 a •c101:e• of in,preas- :•-lhg warmth that begin In the middle ,Tat the last:. CeatarY;, after glaciers had advanced considerably during a :Cold weather' pellod-loutteitl Herald. • -RallWay Re-60qt* _ • . Great 'Britain re9inei. . • . word that to date theinefease`in•rail • way -receipts, for the. se'dond, half of .. the ' teartie4Mmet-,-$5,000,006 ' '.ageinst a decline. of,•41.5;000,000•:in' 'the ' first she. Months.. The; idea'. that .i11. "ion, Ahota.p!!...-ivaa_On his last legs will have ;to be ,:revisedrantford Hzpositor.-- ' . .4 • • • PefenttYe. Pint.tiro • ," Som'eliody Worse than that, Selnelsody-else,notieed the, error: The commemorative Postage' stamp.; issued by- the. Doniinian of Canada : showed. • -7--wnisam Tvateatut--msaill. .wheeIs and paddleboxes.. !The Oa; ''':nhraffird.*etictieit'Spetteduatil.theAS-.- ,Sie was out, and distributed. • It• -wee Wilitelitting'thatit Was in Nova Scotia the pre:Vince 'treat .vihrteb..the steamer • *Ole' her ,,hercile voyage acrossjo • England that the mistake was noticed,. --,Fredetictim Gleaner, •' ' Nickel . • , , It Is not two hundred 'years since nickel, first became know:1sta man, bat to-daY•it playea lerge, part, in 'the coin- Ai;Sercial, -ivortd. '• Cemadietna ate . ' liar- tieidarly. interested, •Sinc.e. :Canada has ;thirst -a *misapply �fthe ontprit„. The 'value of the:nickel prnapPer'prodieed bythe mines - of. the adb • di ri has reached .a :total •of five hundred Millions- Of doWara: It ' Is estimated;by the, • Sufibuty.Star that ixiOrir than thirty •milliciit ;tone:. Of ore iniVe -been, raised and • • smelted.Moneten. Trite! • ' The Wily Sex:., • • . .psYchalegleits. say .• girlsreach; ina- . • earlier ; than bey's. But ,; . :The NallWay."CaiiteRack • • • they reaen.ddle• • •••• hallway' directers .have :had in -learn t-77,:.r4ige:-..much.4ater•- - • , :_mi-the:lesson .-that the ,publici '.Crueity to, 4knimai5 • 'The repOrt that •aaninber' °tied -pie. • .whi); spent the. SUranIer In .eattages at .Hainilton peach'. • fieVe left' .behind .theirt.altumber Of Cats •and :flogi;: Chalet probably applY.16..aliktiner.,,,cottagere ,,•• n .Many parts .0i thecauntry. 'diegriteettit fact that ,Men;and .vionien • who are dinarlly accepted eta*Ood -th Othing. 'Of deserting ttelpS'a aninmis '•theirfate* death • .. Ern: 'banger Or co ; -Or'' both: They e"4 tthe'railwiTs,. •are now winning ha* the sUpport:and goodwill. of the -en" For'] -0 a !,..?,014t;:i: adio Beacons - El nder Construietion Thanks to Bad Coal Water Fails to Climb Divide • c'orwdn ue11,°';aci:e t "e filt°41 °cot' r In West Ontario -4.4g% Also t,,45 e usedt. .$6.0,000 • ing Spot 441.44.94. ; .901,--411P14-: 46.9 61/7:Ing: indo' . • , In.;.,• the. develp.0mont...0.! *33111111Pf4. 1119At lamoUe 1111.1ri was airwaYs. Weeter1-.001ar1e at, .0118. : towed 111144!-•POeb10 1111rehears r41;09",.: 'and:Included t4,,e )#0, Kr04.• ' weeli; .• gnown •ebrogid, "...en the :ttain.. will he; :•facilities • tor-- the,',1n.o.Sh4W. tlud is never late, th •gt.o'spli Cussed Odin rs,pgs beacons, dlroc. engne developed trot!b'e near 4 tiensk ,spijare,tss, $.614/11g• 14406•',. Colp The.00441 rise tpozi the ' ..•• The Sel1e0.1g;"k,10111.4 01,1,4011.0q1iv:Pi, po..no.10 0004141 Alt.A.00,'I. 14•.:13kat- 'Which is:. 'undeestend to he •tnt "a12aij watez:,t...,.aqed in thp Iocomotive Canadlan aent tp 4merlcan 41r. tit 4•cf.trisss, and the kincj of coal whlcb aYi• 1‘.4.0 keOlitQfq: ;Wed; ased„„lied 'liennthe„:canse. of the. -carried: out, however, With t4e',1FnOils;•••:'- 10cOmOtilies:tteable; They ,s,atd:;-.the•edge and under the :lntrUctlOfl of tbe departmeiii ot,M1,tI9,e0. defeese, eled up, mers and the fine leaks l'.,....The.-02..0‘dees'nott,ro,iide.• for short„,;' re • w .The. train. loft under own . nower petsi:..ve r.,.i.114TI°11.n4.trentillie.peet'ane:w ehtte:C11911r7 ar tor Deliver, 'where it Will .1)e' -Put'. 94however, a CoStlY'undertaltleg., • With -. elaghltien. . tA, glant Matiiitetiii, type Of wireless beenis being pent out. elope.: '. engine was fpl1ow1ng CO gi*O. It a a: :specified' 'course, .• These beare4 'boost If any 'Moretrouble developed, register .ona1a rrangeinent, In the • • cock -pit of a 'plane While in the airs 111 SisiriiiPtiei. Beats 89 'that by keeping Within the..scope... • . of' the beacons th.e • ot can be -eager 1.Y::1:eCinia(lny:..7.--T..wtoheele7ys.1:!Zleit:. heaCo- '• ' .ed that b Is' always an his course nstations. will he,. ---;•-• - . THE EMPiliE • . . . , • • . 44, Deity, . helps those , who help them- selves.. '-'HOe•,--revIve.d• they • ,drepped the, cild,take-it-or-teave-it atti- tude): haproved the .perylee and tendi- liana of travel, hitroduced, More .com- .fortahle rolling' stocktfeduced fares, Baked up .rail and read, advertised their wires in the spirit of intelligent salesraimehlp, and made: friends ,With, the: customer- The ;teen:Wise wee') at first slow and suspicious; ,but undonbt- ‘.4 tt‘s ,He laughed When he sat down 41 court -but When the it1(16e siooke. to him it meant 'life in the penitentiary for George "Machine •Gun" ' 'Kelly, 'United slates "bad man" conricted‘ In the' trichel kidnapping •case • seen, securely _chained, an& wlth the smile PlJe_sing, 9* his way to begin his lite sentence in Leavenworth penitentiary: ' High Maternal Death • Rite in U.S. Dire to- ,• 'Controllable. Causes .'N.Vashington.-T'':•iiigh maternal pronouneed ,"due largely -to controll- able causes",:in study released: by the children's bureau ' : Planned and -annOtated, by ;an ad- visory committee• of eight of the out - sanding ohstetrielans, of the conntry,' the reliert showed' that of 7,390 'wo- men who died' during: the:period stu- died, only 42 :Women •had••received ade- quate prenatal.; eare. 1flne per cent;',of the wOmen':' were found to have had nc,:inedital, atten- tion whte�r only whe'n 'actually •dYing. ., • •• • , • InaccestiNlity due to die,tenCe•and talc 14..'dog or:cat :them on. Yaca- • travelling public -News- -lin for, the, children lvith,:and • ' • , . : when. the holidays .are. ove ChrOalele , afire off, leaving the unfortunate ant• - , Ma's -Hit wciuld be absurd:to Call them i!pet`sbeeitusei‘Lno4niniat-thitt-iiLit •:, Pet 'id,. ever deliberately mistreated.- : :to oitiffer.#St: Themes :Times -Journal. Prefers $100 to $2,600 • • - . • liollywoodisn't „pitedy, startled,: but a young: Engltah cOniedieln.: who: has :Waged clentreptaitt:-$2,500 week 'in: . orderthat he, may head -at • 420 a. tenettoire: company 'Playing . - ; , • Shakespeare- and other • classics on a ' :London stagiy: has done the trick. „ Charles Lughton ' exPlains- that • al- .! , thmigh ;in the theatripal,Proteselon for jlx•Yeetra:_he neriiearnedthe 'Felipe". by plitYlag the claseice:. There. ' fore, he 18 quitting the -films. teiiipw giving up 'a magnificent hicoine, '11114 betniey continue his. edacitipn on the .l,legitiinate"'.'stitge.Ottawa..loar-. ;,"•;. , , ••• , • • . Western Jubilee The land that: net so• 'Peg age -vies . „ the Ne'- West ia rapidly acquiring age and tradl.ion: A.OcnnitrY-over which • • . the buffed -6 roamed: alittle more than • half a'.century agoIs new' urbanized And 'suburbanised.. The 'City �fMet :Vine Hat last 'weak. .eeiShiateif the `golden :Jubilee; of . its founding, 1.<11-• ling Visited.:thete,loriee and Wita greet;. Impressed by. the .Prottialon of na- tural gas in the territory" and he re, matked ::that It had oill hell for •rbaseirient" .,To -day. natural', gas 'is Medicine Hat's thief hichietrY and It • is 'an eitreinely.'linportaiW place fOr 8eiitherii. and Central-, •Alberte-•Lpn- • ;loti.rree Presa, ' .Nature" Kindness, Aff:eran ahsenee di several eel 'grass is returning to Nova Scotia's thpree and 'fiehetnien are reaping. the ' hai'VeSt, .wheih.. they regard„ as in the ' • nature of found Morie.y.:,,lt is;used for' 'inaulittiOn. end fetches .$11 th •so a ton. 'Nature ls• &ping1M tinftly , -• bit to help 'industry in thus sending the eel grass, ' 'the .disappearPnee "-Of' • which'. putilett, the, expert8,--1'nentrOtt1 -CirtZfttte, • ' The -Health:oaf. the'reePle : TIML.....constantitit 011ie_ of „spew bo* agitators hi 7' the terrible - hardships . that. the very poor labor' under,and we are. asked.:to"betieye that :nifillinis• are living on "the starvationpir 'George Newinen'arePort..for 1832. pro vides -a complete' refutation `Of -those wildstatemints 'The test of a . • acid , natie• . n't health isthe death.4ate, and, this, is.:icteadily: falling in thedepressed areas as , elsewhere. , •1n fact,: when "-"bad" areas areas are Studied side bY side,:it is',fteeniently. found. that the -the bad. area has, iMproVed. faster than. -that ettlie'gnetreineatted thetifirkaying- .a. •great`eleal, tor, the CounttY.,nai :Whale steadily..gets..,,liealthier.-Truth 'tLondOn). ; • • ••••.: .• • bad roads was pronounced a • serious • problem. The death. rate .Was mu& higher Or unmarriedthan for nutir, ,ried •Volen,•.: „.' • ' . •-!.„ , Midwives Were,said to have attead- . 11 pet cent.. Of the. women:. "The mitioritYIOf •the midwives were ',ignorant '‘gianiiiesc'" the; report said, adding, however, "the_midivives °Mild not' hive, beett respon4'bie for the large ,,propoitiiin:: of the: deaths, since they attended a relatiVelY small :proportion of thecitses": • . • BritIlit's Right t� 'It was the Ettitish and not the ;Ben-. galis: who made Caleutta; who created her trade, and who • OrganizedMadera India: :Not .11,,y-cenigneitoti1y .but hy that great work they have as ,go.o& right tp other race, Pindu or Mohannriedan, wid. to suggest other- wise • Is unworthy of ',the Einpite to, which-. they belegig.-lipndon -Morning • • Revenue' Aimpabir $2,362;801• •Ottawa. -A, net increase Of $2,362,- 801 in revenue collectins tor. Septem- ber is notedinthe Monthly report issued by the Departinent of :National' Revenue,: For the first Six Monthsof the turient fiscal Year revenues, how-' eyer declined; by $4,441,382, cainpitted with the lame period last year. Sep- ternber)s. total Wae .$18,4t1244,, as „against $16,988,443 'for 'Septeniber. -Offer-WomeiriMarrialeAanus "Berlin.L.eading; German. cigarette . manufacturer'shave turned cupid. To ,relieve.imettiploynnent among Men, the. edinparties, agree to. pay each: Woman .enipleYee ,$125 .she marries 'and giVes. up her joh. They alsoate grant. it* newly marriedmale einployees.$10 inonthlY AS -A 'matrimonial -contribu- tion." ,iellaridCanal. Sets New Record -erriber'fnage–Set-s4iik .Mark -664l,935 Tons „, • •. , For • . Port; Colborne. -Traffic through the Welland Ship, .canai 4,tir the :month. "Seeteinber *.:16 the -heaviest ' thehistery ot. the • waterway.' . Tonnage- ler •the inenth • anionated to. 1413,242 tons,.,e?teeeding by31,039' tons: theAotal-for ; the: ecirfespending ;Month:eta year age,: All gritiaewith. the exeptipii. of: corn,- ehoWed".:`ele-• creases' fteM • a year age.; 'but', gains were 1'6e:detect-in; a majority' oZ..oth- er Categoiles. • The, mest • notable galas'. were Made • by .flotir ,;with,". an ...dilereas: Of,' :19,614 tons eSne4t: ,brjck and limechy 15,635tons; Iron arid steel by 8,434 tons; are tons; oke j. 38,914 tos -ed .;: .1„ ,504. therchandise.hy 46.,845 tons:9'teinstlie: Pening of 'navigation seaa'on to . the. *04. et.:Senteirther 6,641;9-35. tens. ,of freight:passed through the cahdlt . :.against. 6,052;344•tOns in . t . Once aii1; 'breaking a swimming en urance rec- • the Baidenay LTilie,near Essen, Fran- ,The nomPaPY in • also •:nl? eal _died in hospital.. , ; :7- ,the improvement of emergency }and .• buringlthe .last hours of her swim 'Ing fields through 'this area,: Whitt one new field Will be befit at Simeee• Thehaln,ofefrierge1cy ports now in •eludes Tilbury!: Northwood, Strath.: burn, Brantford and Eamtlt�n,, Beaeon the majority oti also at •Shneoe.. '4 Fraulein .1.,itaig could -hardly Move, and was in, it listless 'candition. She ,had bo be encouraged by music, noise and Shouts to, keep afloat. • • When she -was', taken hutof, the • water She7lind-tb:t:i Nviii..1514-d'iii:Wad..'''whloh:-Will--beF-opereited by 'elentrin1tYe7 ' ding and towels, and taken in an ein- are •being ;Maintained at •Walker:afr Imilance to hospital -accompanied by port,. Belle . River; Tilbury, Cluitharh,, her Mother, who declaredrtriumPhalit- Northwood ; .Bothwell, Strathburn, . ly,."t bring you the best *witiinurer in: Mungey, Londen,,. , Dorchestr wil, the World." • .• • littnis; 'Cathcart ',Brantford and. An • iFraulein- Litzig :bwiPonfi are :being in,' ar •stalled at Beeinsville' and AllaiisbUrg litrzadie-•-beaini-Are-sPat-Out--a4eng. . the "Short:, cat" ;route- from Detro8 to . BUfietle, whick-outs-eyer Birecoe While:for night flying the planes will Peipirigbe guided. by the beacon lights elfin& • „ .L,Yor, 'the . first the .established:- course: Pilots: moo, : Chine's history, **Mew are engaged as regular "policeinen.": .1i.Owever,.•have their choice ,of thef: ', • , five routes • while fiyieg Tatter ' *i The Peiping municipality, after poineo out; , Ing three1110fithS:Of inten- It Is mai:Theta- chosen ,:187-tair, stalwart, Mciaf-Pwirerfeit : stile training in .apprehentling erim- -It_-seetni-hat'yeiterday we said How long ' the 'evenings : are! • Ho*. lovely -long the clask ,:bettveen• • The Winset end, et Star!" ' , And thee the roses •budded-:. , Their 'corn begaii to taasle7,•• Then•yello* jackets swarmed to' taste A peach's brimming,:Wassail- NOW suddenly we nOtIce The falling •�f a ' • And but tonight' seineohe exclaims "The evening, how Inlet!" -lithe!. 'Romig Faller. 711-iirty Exported '1)uring Week Montreall.-Neittly 30,600,000.apOes troin., Quebec, • Ontario; and British ,Columbia Were Shipped .train Montreal} 71iiring the Past 'week, it ie•reported.: :S,hipments ,Were to Knglartd;, Scotland, Wiles; the Irish Free -State, Northern Ireland, and South 'Africa.,: . world's endurance' 'record of 1 . Women Police Protect Peiping hobbed-bair,, unmarried Chinese .girls for pall& work:, • They range from 17 to 25 years' and are dressed in natty khaki skirts and uniforms.; i They haye }Semi issued regUlation' revolvers and batons, and - their Main work will consist 'of:chits- ing burglars and opium aranionia. express passenger type in .Great Bri • tam. These new locontotivee are in. . .I.Ocurnotive Completed: 'Industrial Britain" *aka the Leib don' Midland & Scottish Railway have • completed _at their Crewe Wk.rks the .firet of three giant new locontotives : which '. constitute the most pewerful, Grades of Eggs Are Reclasse .Shopper s •May'2..Get "Al •I. !''A,".137,and 'I• C," Ot- - taiva.. Announces , • Ottawa; :In future graded • eggs -wllIco11Ist _,of; "A," "0," and "dp abOOrding to. a recent.:.entouliCei. inent, by, the' Department of 'Agricul- ture:. ,Thia.-aimPlillea the „grading Of eggsand disphices..t.ho Old System Of "specials," "extras," "first" and "sec,: :ends." .:T.: •• ,'• ' • . ." ' • 'The •words "neW Will be used •only:.in conjunction grade "At,".. and the Word "fresh" ,yeay be applied• . only , to grades "Al"and '"A"., • • Ali. eggs poinieesing the quality of grade nieyiii•7161d-in• „that .greide,ir reinective of-aize. HoweVet,:egg.i,ef different sizes : must be packed sep- arately . With. the •:size indicated:on the. Container:, • •„ '. Storage: eggs Will -Mitt- belnerinitted to be sold ina higher grade' than grade Changes were arso Made, t� ,prevent "rniarepresehtittlien In the :sale of storage :eggs. • , :addl. Machines: , If .seciety Is: to avail .Itself .9:6/the tremendous ':poteetiolitiei which fol.. .low' the! saving of laboiir,It'initat::tirst settle a vital Principle': The ,machine .actirse instead otableam, Jag. Mikes ; It IS clearly established that- its ecOnoinied .:innat be used ;Provide the itiferage nian and Wainan. ,With a lighterandmore tolerable -1stence.-7Loadori 'Daily' Herald: , ;THE yNti•EP 41tATEq , . •tin 'a CASK BaSis • . Doctors,ahtitt and*druggists •PelhanV tteoigia,` have • taken a _half4 page .tiewstalier ',4-tivertisetnent th 060 on. 4 cash bas1 ..• "NO credit” , . the threehratieheAof the hettiihg Pte,, h#4,eittenatti to *ny.lierintiAlAliatt not salitraete.rily. settled his Unpaid; eteentilti Any beet. tOtideted Shell PeteOlie Will be en cash hamt,, 4' Att,..iivotthy. The 'Alimony Worm Turns III this' time 'it. Is the. weinen who pairs. Th renting A.-Orate:6 by:default to Thom 0' Pelmet uel, Superior 'lodge Ore/fent ordered' Mrs': Dorothy Lane 1116.1 th $16•,a. Month' tVe the stipport .61 theft ifineli datiglitet. ' Jae}, Whoiii the. suit charged': -With , •cruelty and desertion. 0:belldlled to he ltvhig In San Diego, tbti Angeles Tithes. • • .. . , •-54:thq1ly Subsidies aro. lie* hi .10re. • have 'to inty...00titriltutlens th dea. funds; Which ate dtributhd, ti Men acct -din g "thl,",thealte of their'. Month:, let one Child:. The lather, or totii; Children Mai tetetve. as luti,eh tit ) s. a triont • • r •41. sr. Austrian -German 'Border Guard DoublecL, • , Guard railwaY etetionoti; fife • AustriniOetinair •litirdei• Whore Austria hag' tecletibled 'her guard to ..supViet S'a•ti--1;t'OP-ugtradritiTtr,firitito6us,-ilir'jltiv--tift"';.betWeelitiiiik,,gesivertintentr-tarat alarming obiti.4 reeetitiY.. with. the attpthated'AstaSSilhatioa. Of Oh ahnellot. VOWS, *Yea will nritfee 'there' " now two t.nLrkt,o • • • 'tended forduty on' the heaviest Anglo. ,Scottish expresses .' • In these ee'rviiesy .involving nonstop rune With verli, , • heavy trains,the new: locomotives,• Which are of the 4-6-2wheeLarange: be.tible to 'haul:trains. Of up - to -500:tons weight without itssistenee' The 'present accelerated sehdduie of.tht Anglo-Schttish expiesies;*hipb in theceurse; otthe .490. Miles journey *peen Euston and Glasgow or Edin ,burgh had: t� surnionnt.the Shari •ileattoeit wimmite of 015 :feet: and 1;014 ;feet' above sea level reppectiVely, • require theeneploym` eistiotiocein' otiyei , , with ,a. larger -beilef ,eapacity. _This . is a feature of the , new .,engihes,whihat introduction will obviate the neceasiti., ,for .considetable.diiplication and pilot • ink Of, trains during.the peek cit, seaSonalholiday, traffie.. •' del s , . am cense • ..4a77-Moriey:Lmdei London A 207year-old girl.hat ap ;lied., for.; and., obtained a. license't4 • rim a, money -lending business.; • , `,The'lgirl told :the Lord ',Mayor '.011Pro the-41ansinit'• }louse :her frither2fko: , • • • • • . giVen'' her' the: equivalent , of $5,00(. with Whieh to, start thebusiness. was thesecretaiYand-it direetOr: • • "Then a " one -girl lepiripany; queried his Lordship.__ • •, !!..Yes,". rep* the .enthesiagtic :hp"; plieent. „ '93ut• propose to.• have 4 :.As'theleity and police did not anpest it, the application wai'gtented: , • , WOMen .511011.141 Share, ,.ParliaMentary 'Duty GOde,rich, Ont, -"There Is no geed' reason Wily half. the inember t oil!. Federal Parliament should' not: ' lie • Wornei0 deeta:red Hp!, yw, , W. Mat. ine and SicnhiOholailPEilndbd.,4 s16f(3-ry°01: tP11117'11, up a .0.,,,,cendidate I will vete for her' Their' cies6 conteets ter surpass these, Of- then, especially In theft' knowledge....„.,. of education, ,pUblte relief, "eationar health, child wo1fet'e whit larety afi blrth• contrbl," he said ' ' , lintottsdou flurry:it • -' Of SatoOil §hdb.ury,. Ont.-,-4uat a teW "hoWl ers' read at 1)1Vigi:citl 6' Teachers' COW eentimi here: , . "The'explOtien,e.t the 'Medians. tea' place.feeCatiSe they refused tO sigh to' • path of elegahee,,'' , :"Argentina is neted `ter,,,ite; theiee• . Witieh i§.1reien...* the }mei," • • ,1%t ' :Pitch:Me atones are 'nil:niggled late theLliatted. ..0tatet in,:ettek The; it ralatiiiiiitcdlf diatileadt ' aliththeit.genniLP.614.11tete,bate.loyel.:_4.,..L .Dala dati , .4