The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-11-02, Page 4#.1 re4,,,rerr!r;. r 4 BEFOKPLACINP• ouRORDtR...PHorsig For .They o • itality. tool • „ 0o4" .rices Are Lower Now ..Elj4i.S. • THE *SENTINEL; ASHFIEL1I) Mr,.. and. *4, ..wheiier •t.,4ve .e9ne, 4egla llelpinK Nvittl the tarin`cwork Suanner; has ,gone th 'werlt ler-Xt. Chilttriey s. , •This part of the Iititri'r was treati4 , ....1.‘4AFK#111G'. ••••t#,#, Miss 'Yes* Andr;Nir id Visiting rel- etiYee bere ,..thia week. J. Killlatriek is :aP thi0; lye* it the Ilenie Of Mrs • 'sake •Apdrew Zion • ' Tho: Tr(?iing.' .'eop1e at MOP' came prea0110:0g,"--'0;eii-ylaY-i!":011,t. 1•10.00. in Blake Hall On Fri-. •daY, tiiTe".C.t•F°11:100Y` ie full, Of...bnyinr-- . .eitaatiOnS. , and •Will -Pnb1141101- ellerV•: thgrsdaY Mernlit; at•ItacknOivi Qntario • r.S. • ...p.i.gaelcierePrietteT, 0011 Tho'ul13$017' • . • rilaa$.0 NOYEMBER 2nd1 1933 CONTES;1;-• POPUL R now.we are enjoying Indian Simonet', . •, .. ... , . . , , • . . . . .. ,gepot, evei ing's•'• entertairiMent.• Keep Thc. dollOwing is..1thi la st Standing ' ' ' (Mrs 'Mervin -Carter of the date -If mind . - • • . of ,tb boys thici,.. girls iii he not, plofidOnye.,.spent tt, 4,iy-ecently Witil ,. - The; Blidie Ar,, Kg, 614 ' a 'llaliciive Popularity contest' • .; ;the latter's„ .fatha!,..m.,,r., ti, ue,k,ir!g.h,.4ii:r. en'. social l Friday • ,eyIening to IN' ..h.l..,.ell,. ' ':'. . ' . s4.' : :'• ''''. BOT§' • The'Millan't1T. P,'NsN-:9;:i0,40•.Peld: .the,;PraWa",'4.1.:'• $: Vas' invited.. TtiOre..11 ,..- I -., i.i..b: ,...ii •,k • . ilia': •09t9.1?ei• 'meeting AV the home Wee.'a gond:Attendance,. Many epniing, • Douglits :'-'1..c.-•”° • of Ilfrf4 .NO11 4..:1VitiTcic•611ji on ,Wed 11,1 :6)Ptfune.;:likkii•h.;-4.44a.,ontbeit' and ..44.0.:•Oew : • . nOclaY- Mrs.• T. Maci-16n. '''tat'ic' ' Gordon AndersOn viOn the prizes fpr Gordon Anderson • . • charge of the meetilaCand a very comic ',dress" :and ' :Misses Eileen. Sack .Beridotion: , . .. interesting Program was Parried .out Treleaven and IVIU'riel Blake, the fancy Jgek., MacDonald ; which 1.1.1,,bo,on prepared by. .113. M, dress .prizes. After an interesting- Douglas Finney The ;• MarY,' ;: Hardie ' Mission Band. Misses. Aliee, Shaekelton • and Batt gaYni-Qild.• ir. ,a-'iliit°P.. met in Ashfiel4, presbyterial-1..014ra .7.degen,nel and solos by- Messrs. IrlenrY „ Ronald •JOhnston. • '. -PresbyterianChurcli-have. announc; -*The,-YOun ' X..e•o les,'.80clety„tot, the_ a- meeting for Friday. evening of this on Saturday. :Mies Catherine Mae-' Horton.13mel.eaP.sdoi47ornndes.etatBonia.kAeitQ;gert::: ,L.A.1:0:bredgro:n.Wc, i'ln7an•allt" ; kenzie occupied the , chair:, 'games were played mi 'qpi.ne .t4irty. Stewart MacDonald Congratulations •are due - Phyllis asant--,- g'-'wn-a-..1-P:r4 • Clifford MacMillan Mullin-, week, . , . Blake who • won third* Prize, in , the . The Sacrament Of ,the Lord's Sup= BaKo 8Peaking. contest. to • ttYall 1.14"11:1-' (Bud) 111".`PS°11 , . • qordOn'Steward • 4 • per was ...obierved In Ashfteld Presby-' Lannon Who Won ,first prize, in the terian Church 'Sunday at the mere-, Story 'Telling l Contest and to . Vera Mervin Solomon: :ing.-serVice. Eight names,. Were added Lazenby who .won first prize in the !Bobby Cetighegan ' Spelling Match tvhi8li took place to ' the • COMinunion ROIL in ' Gerald 'Culbert • ••• Wednesday " And Thursday . evening "la high 'hnY's and•iglria at theHuron . ' held -" buten Saturday. afternoon.for '_ all - Preparatory -Services wereon , .., 'John' K. McKenzie - condlieted bY Rev. J. K. 1MileGilliVarY d°uP:tY . S•ch"1.- gaira. 411* • Scott . • •Bev. M Murchisonk brother of 'Mr. Sant •Murchison Of town • evid, entry--...aptup4s to enjoy The Sentinel and, Writes' asfollows in renewing ,his subscription • Adanac, Sea. Oct. .9th, 1933. :-Dear ' •Publisher, , •; " • • .1 etingratulate you on the' well '•••bilanced-Interist-you, maintain -for - yet= 'local homereaders as well as, • your evident ,-kieeire, to nniki th.,e ""Old Ranee", of; special interest tc we . sentimental '"haa .heens ". • • Wishing You Continued 'Success, J.. M. Murchison rave er- ---71n7ffsh; ,Storekeeper-; Sorry, brother,- but our :line of 'aunimer • novelties ain't * 'yet. ;The Royal. Sept, '''fainous..•aritt f1yer 11.,soon Again :..t3e, :.in •• ',Montreal . print 'to. dismantling., ' abiliping..frOm1. that: „pity, to• •: , _great Britatt.,•( Tbie .great' "train!' Ma been': 'tifitYilling,' through :the ":VVest of Canada, .1.anturequent to - :being' One .of.. the' .natior.: exhi.bits•!;... , at:•the.ChiCago• World FaIr• . • • "The ,vehiele1.,Or,the•futtire.,will'.• ba'an;,.atitenirabile .that ••can also take off. into' the, air,' .or ;an • air..., '• Plana; that - can •-.1and and .• thing the ;". highways', a speaifer, addressing the .SocietY, • of ,...tutri-; Engineertold. hia atthe, Royaliork;roron- t�, recently. : ...• • • , • ( • . Canadian seinen .:•dwarffi that ' Scotland,' 'it lake , in the. Gann.: . .•eae..Valley.: was. More, .Inagnifiq . cent that.' Loch. Lake Louise' in. the Rockies Was •. • to him :almost.'a ctileStial Virtion,... • according to Lord ..Macnallian,...; 'chitlinian.q..the, Royal 'Commis Son" expressed loaf • : • 'prior' tia !tailing .on • the Empress Of. „Briton ,for England: Informal ieliseitsaion,'�nf closer •',Working '-. relations :between ' the • Canadian railways • and • eviatlint 7- , •coinpanies • Of the 'Dominion, are- • • ..in!.progress: l„iVith Canada . lying , On.: the 'Most !direct • 'route. ' , • be- tween -Europe and the Orient.- . '• this country Is in .a Unique posi tion: to take, care of a :large pro- ; : of the traffic' now •ntoi-• ing between, ,•Europe and. the • Eartt. •. .• ..." Constituting what • Is, regarded ;•.iist• the .firtesic .collection ;Of mitrint- ' - square -tailed speckled trout ever atiaernbied 'tom the „Bathe localIty in . "••ainoe'aeaaon,, Seiton7"•.' , teen:One aveCiiicrisi of Mt vari- ety - and oue..1,44rib.6*, &Cut were entered lathi• ...NI:0;0H River Camp • Ocatt4/4' r.60.04 trocst -111,60447 f.t.tat vitt iiwal4e$1: by tLe • rotot.ia. .ntent'. of • the ' • • A: Chr,itireas. end' New, ,••re...a.,r's • cruise to the • r.....aribbe....oa and. la' , tonne the 'World zertd,4, 140 by. • the -same ship, the Empress' ..ttiqt4iii; • a Mediterrans.p. ktriiisvi" • by the .•.:Eitipreas•• of: Australia; two Duchess:. Of Bedford troiaeis .; to the:'',West Indies " and twotity, ailLiOgs ffienIt'an- . adian •,.'ports i are .athedeled 'for . Canadian. Pacific' liners' for thht •.'.Wfater season, •,' The ,4e0iiiid reunion of ' all.: . 0116tis ' and •.observers . Who, ,,had •and. wings •before. , November 1,1; 1918, wIIl be•' held •: ' at the Royal -York 'Rotel, TOrbel tO„...On ArMiatiCe ',bay: • ,Pirst, • •pttion>wati held April; 1934. when . 4E6 watl.bno #yets • froM a,iitrin.-,4,..;/ ..liet% 'Or d,dilnOles attended.. • The . eecond•teuttitaia Is expected babe . tad' W. the Meat' brilliant 'Parlor tient, ever' held ,nt the palatial • Canadian Pacific hetet. Maglc of 'Melody," Is again ' ilIus- trated by the .graiiio4oem don- , test'. conducted i.by*`-the ,"atittne, • • ,photitec.',tino: ;"toetybutivi:„ dolt . „LreeriOnite-`10 Alt :Otitent-zafitilted,..!' .• 4.4.l1sviti. • C. MacKenzie. • ' program which included readings •°1 RAY'A OIMAT'.),YOBK 9.• •: 'RQ; ;;9,T ..CCIAR PORI° •• • . The, anniirnrnety, se*Ocee,, at ilack- etts • en ..Stinday Pcteber9th,Were: 4„aniclae ene,OffSi. .Ctreat 'creWdal thO, finest •10n4. ot ,leatlerehilii ave he OrPSenCe,.af God made 09' day• &IRMO:la:40 "PtiO....•SandaY, eYenini. flev ¥r fat'tit..gave q the Jey,to the. 'citeci:o1,, in tbeSe ivdrds, 41," :a .great Work,: 11.2. eihiPot.'ectihe .dcratn," In ..a:graphin"Piat,0„0 nt.• tbe tilnee• Of .Neheinialt„he, showed us the atrengtit o f the eneet,*;• 44oripetOititaliand :pewere:,innetei' Ode ;:nsOe-i'l • :aIrraYf' Jiut MOie 04.f. :lhqre.' Was ••tler' . . .• , pic:teirthe'" ialPreguabla fortress ••the 'innSOMed .the; rtOrd.' •Fear-. 'an1c,omprom1se.Went to maice up th deVil'a • eee In ' the. terrillic ...Assault against t .; ,Clinrch, and, the. civiliza- ton Of • -tlie ivelititatit• ,CentarY., Ne- hemiah's senie thitY the 'darkest hour life •of:.h!,f• • people; saved the. day. The force es" the .,p;reecher.'s anneal.. s: make Nehemitth'S ''yiatchyv,ard„ • y ra, ; 01 Italie. a work to do, ,I cannot wee: This, old story. has set •r • Ituisell ,Bution ., On 'Friday •Merning Bev.' F. 13'. '.• Allen ' . , (Intended for .,last ]. week) , 'Keith .-Collyer of :TeesWater and Saturday morning . 1:' misa:". 'Nora Band :of . Dnngannthr. 'hill' ' TreleeVen • 'Re!. ‘,T, L:Bnl'gesa Of.: South 'O'lloas 'spent. , the Week -end with 'her: friend ,- _ ...Y. ' .preached vdry.. he.iiifh; d,crihOjad.. • kiss, Olive Blake. • . " ,. :. ,- , •• , ;pp,p Iteriderson : 4tT1*- i." LI MaegillivarY lad.',047 .' •iiiii.,ana.Mrs. John Blake and Miss . ' 's• 4mrill.!' -4.7the. setYi0e• °P. 8..iriiiii7a14-114en'iliii'liiice 11 a e o : ing am vial e ' • ek--.414-er74a • • de,i,!; , '• 1. 4 :the: 'il,o,rhe* ef.' xi! , ;,14,,i• kr. s•., , 'hie's' . •RaYniOnd BultitUde • Anderson 'Sunday. •• Ian Davis BELPAST misses Margaret and Sera • IVIailough; :Buster, Whithy of LuclenoW are guests 'pf their sister Jackie Graham , Mr. • and Mrs. Percy Graham and: •Mrs i "Wni.•' Blake this *bk., ;Kelinptil. Webster. fanuly,•and.•Misa•CuOninghalln .0 art • • RevandMrs. R..' T. Kilpatrick and peorke, Barger Albert.... were visitors •with1ir..and 'son FlOYd;-•ofc'tfeerbornMith,..,1-Were Ross • Henry Mrs. ,Itoy; Albin:. on 'S'unda3". • '' 'guests Cif the former% 'brother . Mr: S. Richard, Turner „ Dicat:' lindens Pjloiiik0Anilide.:,Jiteuhrnhast7 n. •Lleyd,' SteViert 1;t0g pettersen RiselIWebb JnJmie Webster Warren Wylds : • .;* 1'Cieitrge ItobipsPhRllIy • ,GpidOP ". Jewitt. • • • evening ,services;.' which Were• vet 'Billie Scott .•• ,muchOnjoYed. and .appreciated. • :Misses ,Dprothy • Alton • and - yeri, Lazenby and Mr. Davis • spent atur- day m Clinton ,attending the County School:, 'air Contests We congratul- ate • Miss Vera Lazenby on. winning the County' Spelling Championship,: Congratulations are also ' exten to her. teacher, ' Mr. 'Davis. Mr.:2,,and Ire., :Wallace T.wanaley and family spent . Sunday.' With Mr. arid' Mrs. Willi ,Alton;', .• " • ; •Mra.‘ Geo",• and • titans ;• of Yeirdyfice Were. 'recent visitors with; her -narents,. Mr. and ., Mrs. john Campbell. -' • Mrs k • Cook of Luckllow..---is visiting at Roy Alton's. Mies' Mary Philips of Toronto...is a viiitor. with. hersister 'Mrs.; Thos , • , • Mr. and Mrs: •"'Win. Davis: of 'Tara Mr. • Norman Davis, llarriatori,-- Mr. 9nd Mfe, Chas. Calhoun and family Dobbingtim, Mr: and Mra. Ed. Bill arid family; ,Emhria, .:Mr i and • Mrs. 'Charles Reectand Moorefield -were7Visitors during' the Week -end " • Mr. and Mrs . Sam' • Morrison .1 and ons of •LucknoW . spent .Sunday with 'Mr. and, Mrs.. D. IC. 'Alton „! Very 'successful ahniVersarY ser- vices were on Sunday rpm- kett's Church. ' 'Rev. :Mr. -Farrow 'cif Glinthn delivered splendid sermons. The ' Pentland quartette from Dun- gannon and tbo Olivet quartette pro- vided splendid music. • " Mrs. Darrow Of • Lucknow a visitor at, Mr: Wilson ,Irwin'a.• • ' T. HELENS 1 raai iiIrL riabcOt. arid daughter' i4 tt .1;f4:e1 FOrd Of. 'Milton, and kiir; Pl#1,1i* 1.%?1:1#0.111dofWinithant 'IN:04.16: .#4 de..% Ivit.i4i.irto: 04 0* '1)1'nel5 , Mr.', Prank; r'144- • Y!..; -444 Mrs,„. Teb..1777Jtt 01 G -t r • >,,,t:,te ,"0.4 thie sistPr, 'Mrs: In •! Forari spent a few elayis Ashfield Owjhr to Om. her s,i.ster;. Miss 'Etucltley,""tvho *passed aWay On 'Wednettlay" last, Mr. Gorden. McIntyre rd(.:eisve� word on Friday 9f the death in Cheslei4f, his; gfandfatlier, Mr, Pet-er , ?inert who was In his 93rd',.' year, •'Mra. Redmond la 4. , *it'h Mr: and :P °rah. and ' MYsi, burnin •and Earl motored to'IngerSell1 on Monday to spend' 'the day With Mr,' Harry e•• 'Webster. '• • Mra.'Armstrerig of BlYtl; 14 Spend-. Aif.INv4b;‘'•04;...P.Iiafi',;.beeit' 'timer A if -lir- : • awarded to Mitte OladVS, KIPPen • ot VeirotatO for a".fitititn, written .tgi•• tile'. •rnuslc o flia S011ittit• tlitteleeteria,• 110'd ••:' ; 'PtenaraintY SerVide ' in theUnited- �htfre flPildei 'night Were •-leeeiVeit The $thikiiiiiefit tit: ttie1,;Sti1fS'ie W 6b4Oci104;;Oit Su '••;, . , • „.•t/ • • t• 3.• Kilpatrick -id Mrs. Kilpatrick ,while -conducting thaanniversary ser- vices "" in :Blake Church Sunday and Monday eyening. Rev. •and Mrs. I. W. Kilpatrick ;of Trowbridge ,attend- ed the lecture Monday evening:and spent a day or two with•the•former s • brothers . at the old -home. Mrs. , . Treleaven and Miss Mildred of Luek% noW, and tte,,,pentland •Quartette of Dungatinon,• Contributed 'duets, 'solos -and quartettes at both ,afternoon and •,... self, What ii:slicceas1; 'where: is the Coign of. vantage? .1NeheMitth was in tonch, with headquartera • throughout the canipaige..• ;He himself. stands in': the ,•breach, then he, mbbilizei • ttri fOreei .ef ,people.; Far the .noise and tumult :of a greet national ilwakening: he hears theafl 'titnes:'-and-then ;With: the' cry-ef-thr i'eople for the better day, ie "goOr forward.•,• easy • it is •when tb,r • ,foice of •atanie great event ' or OceasiOn ijs piling • tp piit the.:armeur nocli but • the :test :is whether' , .we Port ....thidiit3riLvelien..the tumult :and the.. shouting' dietii .The apniversarie, , • , fo : to h o e • the i nreialons, must have left their mark the 'noise and ‘shouting•die-aWay, oui taslc:and eqUipment remaina„ I ,htip a great 'Work to do, .I ',Cannot eetnt , • • dotvnt .• Let na fortify ourselves, atrengtb. • nur poaition; fill-up.the•rankS;qf on 'eriMiany.te the4)uattert- ineeting ..on Sunday:iinurning at ••iei! • November 5th I..et us' .jeal...' nusly• guard: our place at the'. Lord' - "table. 19.` iiW eatre 4 6 ursda,Y, rida7 an Saturday.,, oveMber arain •ran Ie e Conquorers" . . ' A Story ar ',Pioneer, Life ?1,,E4E T c.P..-The "Shim ,starts at 8 o'eloek. instead • of 8.30 . 'GIRLS 4th coN.,..ZI14140SS We!)ster Clara Ann Gannett, , . ... • • Mr and Mrs !James Netterfkeld of s•;PeHit week -end with Ws.' 'Ai McDonald. • • .• . Miss_VeraJohnson of •liolyraOdo is spending e 'few ' deka': With •Mrs. Moffat. ..' ;Bey. 14 'Biirges,s was a caller on 'the lirie last •week. ' Mises -Sarah MCIiter' and Christine IT.whe.:kin-pesnor 4:'-•01S.etrira-tf:AirolLre`s:Spen:1 Mr: GilbertHamilton .S.Pent a feA; 'days' in Toronto. ' A number 'Iron), here attended: the Anniyeratin at .*tplopkb,00p Sunday last:, ' . Aligns .MCD.orield Is., spending.. a :few .cleya.,iri.• Tordnto before:, going' to 'Rochester' 1\I; she -intend to make. in 'extended visit With 'Mrs Wei. •: , , , • Martin, ittfende4„:the .rneetr ing at Pine Rier,*here she .gaVe• talk on ,her . trip to- 'The WOrld's Fair"; 'in' Chicaget,:.. • , • . • • Me: and Mrs. uorilon-Fraser, and end;Mrs: Alvin Fraser of •Entbro. .SPenti• the week-end.„.".volth friend4 oreptia LucknoW. ' ,1: •• • Mr:. and ;Mrs, It 'IVIOffitt 'attended th -re rtkin at tha honfc ofOr., and -Ocarge Watson and Mee. Bock On gee mtnanied • hy Mr: Smith febirrre4. ' th :Tprotiter • after spending a, friv't days. on 'the Fourth, •triends of:Miss Oliye Kohl; ,aro. • ,.?1.441 t low. she i reeoyering after. ,painful: ritiinsY ' • • ; More, Maderit. II'eyices • After forty years „ in a tfiniote COhntry yillage, sold Abel, farm and, deeicied in.• live in the cW• Where they could enjoy the eonifbilt; 'about their, Tire: or lelittired-ei▪ Sdi • On the • first Morning the Wife asVolte before „sunrise anti about tinto yori ti, • • • 1 • ' „ ..4tiivtiori+.• 111• bittl1,-04 ffri 'zioottftroolot,i, might to tvbit'iet tifod, tb tliette;7new, t ' ' .• "Ti/e Zion •Young • people -spent r very , enjoiable evening on Ittoriday in 'Zion Hall where they entertained piling- and 61d. at a.linikeive'en Socia' Tbosewlao arrived in coatnities .proved, yen entextauijn to. the,..ort4oOlcers Prizes were, given for comic -dressed with "Sessie-A-ndrevir--:and :M+ • john ' Ritchie winningfirst.. and Mi •Bill Hunter and SidneY' Smith seci. ond, prizes: The evening% was spent in gOn4 and Contests, .after, whicF a journnl !Wee read .;by 'Miss Normr Anderson. • Lunch . was then served. Mr. and Mra:., Clifferd' 'Eastman and family of Port Hop and • Mi and Mrs. Bill Eons, of Letchalsh spent • the week -end With '1,1Mies Myrtle and Mr Boden Ritchie' . • ', -Miss ""Jessie-Andrevir-H-is-Visititie Mafeking 'friends.. ',• :Rhea Mullin,. Betty Jean 'Miller, ties' ..Gwendolyn Stewart Faith,. 1�yce , ' Betty (McDonald:, Jean - 13uShel1 Betty .England Beryl •Solenton Doris, Lewin, • • •torraine PergUson Opal. I4Iliaricarruthers Margaret Traplin • Mary McQuaig •Pansy.' Chanintpn. 'North. Ritchie.. 'Evelyn, '1,.ittle, Mary - Reynolds Oladys, Catimbell, Fileen Piffyis Shirley Johnston •' ,To/ Carter • Alice. Barkwely . .• Eileen Moore,. Lois "'H'endethcirt, , ties Doria.lteiq • • Lois • Hunter"' ' Florence • McPherson Kathleen Gardner 'Katherine r ATgtipiN fladys Penrose Nornia Burk '••1 ilertha. ,StiMsOn • • PhyliSs 'make Rena Millet Dnfina• • HOLYROOD • Mr.. Mark .Sphnaton Spent, 1116iiday aftorrioon at Mr.; Andrew BarrieW , and Mrs HOard Berrie called On Mrs., AiliSter'lltighti Mendayi • • '• • " •'• Wendol:yr!' Atkett. H• trent- , , ford ,sPent the Week -end,' at tier hOilie , ti Aper Aeliet,tetiterialpea al on afthillottil tea Ibipz,voeek, :e4.:,01;!-,0,•.,,1:11.!' tornd. 81)6tl ,14,.$unity at' lqrs; Duncan ktitin'S. • ' • •• „. • " Mr; Alek ,m•tiX,entiti Of • Ltirigaide epent Sandhi,. at, :Richard ' Ellifitt'it. .,rnest.,--••Ae er • 'Catherihe Reberistin-iipetit 1,4tidstlhy bvbrittig. itt• tAtheilt. Aeltatt's; city' ediitten OtleaS 1•1t. new . . • , Mrs: 'San' Kilpatrick of *felting is Visiting with her Mater Mrs. 'Mac Atidrew• this week, . - The Ora/igen-len. Will entertain -the Community to a social• evening on •Fridny November . ard. Ladies bring Jonah.'Everyone 1Feleorne. :TEE. NINE MILE, RIVER , • •• " It's it...long. •way' back to ,LaclinOW • Where the Nine :Mtie River flows.,. I 'don't .know where it comes. from Nor exactly Where it, goes,.. But in • its nice cool 'current I'd like t& dip my tOes. -It's .a long Way back to Liteknew - pre the. Nine Mile irinS. Its babbling. Crystal waters , • - •Ilave relied by tons . and 'tons, . . . • • And, furnished ,real enjOymerit:. EP thoOsends• of. her 7..sone.' ICS' a -long way back to: LucknOw,... Whereasa boy .;•. , • iAnd ,in that 1%4 ;Mile River plaTell with Childish joy.• " -.11 needed not a 'plaything - The river was :lily toy. ' „ :It's a long way beck to -Luelcnow' Three thousand miles or More Of: lake and Plain.• and mountain:• . liaye .to -.cross before • could. reach' the ?Id home village : And .that creek I :loved' 'of yore. ' • - • 'I' think ;Of • •heppy nibitients= • • ('Tyvere ..belter to 'say hours)." I waded -in, its :',Waters: '1 '4 Or on its banks Plucked ...flowers.. • . . '• As :fair, as any blossom • One gets ,'Iterit garden bowers.: ' . , • • • ,.1 see 'tbe.,little bridges That 'crossed the .babbling 'brook, ". „Whereon at basking f••;infia r ltited:"th stand end took, - Or,: ;With the Urge of Walton, To Iiind them with a hook': . . . • ' And then there were the deep' spots • . . Where We boys.' loved to :swim., • I'd dive in ; from,the• grass bank ••.• •.L.,67 race „witi Dave and Jim .httilt • ' 'And seine of us wereslim. .. • • And When the ...lee • had •covered pond frorri shore to •shore, • Nve4i1 have ,the merriest kind Of time (Juan glassy fitter: As. obed with skatewhen 'schbol •". was -mit We'd Skim it, o'er and , If , that., river' hait been :deeper,. Or had , run with SWIiter fide, • ; .Or if it had been farther Across 'iron Side , to. "Side, 1 •; ' 'Do :You think •I'd like it better?' L 'couldn't ..if ' I ,It's ; a *long' wey' back, to Luekriow Ten, .t*enty,thirty • years-, : Some. filled ,with. lots • of 'Plelispre And Sonic, alaS,, -4 With tears,' And Some ''were 'friglit. With brii3es • fulfilled, And Stung were with fears. . • It's 'a long,,way bad s Ludkno* 13eyoncl.4.these • thirty' . years, • .-; And leo:king/ back 'I , seem .te, sde Par .•kiletet•� 'stiiiie‘o than tears, Ahd aineng the, brightest mein'rieS • That 'gine. IViile Creek •tippeerS.:, • Beek' thirty years to, tilelinotis 1Viy thoughts •,take me.; fersOoth, ' TO When the Nine" Mlle .1:II:yet': • Made glad. -years of ynittb! That's ..*hyi a 'And an 114 "acing IS • , , • • t.. • t AN fle'.THI,Etig. • • • Agovism.• tpcKislow, •„ Mr*,' Chas., theinenis spending; • few days With her -seri Jack • of town ' We . welcome Mr: and Mrs!. • and ,fainfly hurk:'• '•••• MrS' Mary Moore returned hOMe: frem,' visiting Seri- derdon „ .of (Reelivitood, 4LflQnt.orget _t h. Orgnge I:tall:Thursday evening ;• , , Mtl,. and.' 'Mo. Jae, mans and family are inlaying: Ante • their neW home on ,atetionstreet fertnerly owned by the late Abe Bittni. litte -w5lconie our no*" 8edOen Master, Mr 1ty tao,cCorueiig. burg. alsohis -wife an'd , 'Mrs, .luo- Hayes Of, Kintougli id• visiting With 'her' ' • ,•• r, • • • Ns( - few pt,"tbe,cb•iiciten ate' confined t� their'h.:tines, h Wit:jfititellee in .otir. ' • , Kenneth. ''.danieron lhs pack • of 50'6 Ipitetbi".•cth4, 1406 poo: ttplilbg tO•paek yet, t Ba41,.;..aeked., :..ilttje...redtile, gitted • ettid to9t11.0i,, fife obiictss Liberty. • ••t, P, 4)13Ltill .80aker, ,(4,..LahOr meeting) "And • *licreel ,aalt st.,04,14 Julius deeaar,t6-. . iitit,. *lieip. is ..'ifeaep,' Attila ,the Y"t",61"q' ti•dn't.(4ell;".1.101lEtleitialgtie,-Iiiiii;•: • iiihalr,' ' . , • ''' .. . ..... . .-..." "•[ . .4 ' . ...Erithualeatie :. %heti ''. "!.:Stiftill lit:. -., , , bey's, ao the Vasa, 'etiii, 'Abii- itlii.'..'