The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-10-26, Page 8THE `LUCKNOW SENTINEL '
„TIIURSDA.Y, ;OCTOBER, 26th, 1933''
irFas' He
YY � U monVes�s
•30c up• ,
e s 1
F ecce -:-Ling �' Ble
o e
dY' ed m rs
,,. _... ._.. , .Navy 'a'nd Peach , :35c, a39c
ldren s o "
one`drb in heather'$c 'covet, r. 35 3
nuedh.s. .' Sinoo
�;^Fi ish Caw.'Ride e lacknaWCu
.',• r ••. .. •,6.75
ti, . BIr•. .,•oi : SIZE$ ; 24;;to 34
Two •Tone Basque'' Beret;, They fare knit 'rto shape ' Can .be
Waashed ';and laid flat `on a table and ,will ' dry 'to•.. -shams, Navy
Brown, Almonnd, ' Black at
hi i a.
Rev, R. T. Kilpatrick, Native of Ash-.
field Conduc d Anersay er-
*es: Ili `Bla'hurch Ieetured nivS
On Monday 'Evenin
g ,
Is there too, ,much religion, or not
enough; to meet the' a palli % need
PP nb
of. our.da and' e•non? Dos -
Y . ,. ;, ge re
1i ioti.''caus
. gtTot9uxi
r,addtotheundimmed youtho%Dominion;?_
Does, :religion,, retard .or':, Make for
sh,irituali growth of our ,land ?..',..The
late, pi. Byron H Stauffer, who'went
to help :make the ,genius of::° Congre-
gat{ onalism, m
- has a seron on, "Too
mireh religion when..I,.was-a-:boy ".,Ile'
opens, his sermon With contacts,`with
,youth. o•Ile .says,, "I want to , speak
about, a man, who had too much re-
.li'ion when he was ' a boy, he said
himself; when I invited him to corne
'to church." "Guess I am 'case -hard='
ened parson; too much church. -going
and 'Bible,. drummed' into. me", in ,my
AT ' THIS: '' TIME; , OF-- THE, YEAR •we. can .ex ect 'almost any'kind
.. _ P nd
of weather.
SAFEGUARD' • YOUR HEALTH by°`kenning your`'F E,E.T D 1t;Y
Note Our. Prices'o.-.
. .. n Fall Footwear
Growing Girls' Oxfords
1.98, ' $2.45, $2.95,. '3.45.
'omen's: Ties; . Straps and ` Pumps,..
MANY STYLES to CHOOSE FROM $2.49 ; to ; $7.50
en's -Work -Shoes 2.
en's Rubbei .Boots
"What deesh your wife shay
you when you shtay out (hic) ash
"Then 'why do you shtay out ash
late ash thish?"
Here and ere
trict recently:: The moose 'ranged
Tina 'earlrenecea0,coilitirta-alood-7-
October 1041 are,,the dates' Set
for theInternational Cover' Deg
I trials tO .be held" 'et 'Peteraville.'
Nets, Brunswick. 'Many ' letters
:,have 'beenariceived 'from -dog fan-
. dere,' both. in• the: united •• a States
and Canada. • .as to the
and•si large' entry list IS ex -
'Mgt' shipMent 'of nsParagns
, Prom. Pori Nelson, ()Warfel,. to:Eng.I•
land, aboard the DuChesi of Rich -
lodged -by • letters - from . the Old:' •
cmistry,-statifig that the' "graga".
.arrived in excellent' cOndition.
Grand Pri5 Meinorial 'Park in 'the •.'
, Per; hunter, Indian guide- and •tret
'of: the „,14berat- •Parilareentark
party. in the.: DritiSli •Houge of .
the Royal Yoilt.: • 'Betel, Toronto,
The Wild'ci•largest Map of Can?;
add, 30 fee :'high and 100 feetioeg„.•
painted. by Montreal artiste. On
the 'Canadian Natipnel "rtailWays.
Guarded by three red-Cciated dierii;v
i• bent Of the Roya.1.,Caaidian Mount*
Palice,„it. IA one Of the Meat
poPulareihiblta Of tho.gteat fair, ..
Palt Loitaft, Who. WAS
,Instittit0' Of. Pacific Relations held
-'10tVitiefighaiii..lrelaiid..iiiid Nor:.
',beaten ref ""flital4'
• 'Catherine Pewter, of Rohert
Standish, passed away, at ;her home
in doderich on -Wedneaday. porn in
ler ;awl Catherine O'Connor, Mrs.,
twro. yearS ago and, for ionne time
carried on a, dreig-inaking- bUsineSe
reside; on the hOMestead 'in Aslifield
-the League. of tke Sacred , Heart;
Ottholic Wornen'a league and Altai
Society. ;funeral . was- •beld` on
Friday morning with '. Requiem high
,masa being 'sung by Father ,,Lowry.
Interment Was made in. Kingebridge
Misi Ann Denniger of Walkerton.
koLean,' last . week.
Mr. Verne. HodginS, is visiting„.With
his , aunt,. Mrs. JOlin -,froilgins and
renewing: acquaintances around leie.
, ptImucr from here attended' the
.hot sutipietts at, Bethany' ,and KinloSs.
Mr. 'Chas. Gillespie has CoMpletech
the dredging 'Contract: ,,.
Reserve the date, NOVeriiher 3rd.
There Will he..,a. hot fowl supper in
the hisement'of the 'Anglican church, -
Stege Pf-esentation Far,
Mr+, and. Mrs. Harrold. ThemPSon
TaMrS4a'Y ,df. last .mreek ••-the
friends • arid !Ocighbors of and.
MrS, HorOld !gathered in
the Orange Hall 'and. presented theni
with, atv arm chair ',and Cheaterfield
table. The ',evening WaS `SPent' in
dard..? and dancing.
To. Mr. itha Mrs, Harold Thompsini,
Dear DorOthr -and HarOtdi.,
Presbyterian Guild
' The Young Peoples • Guild of . the'
resbyterian Church.} entertained the
tea; hers and. Pupils' of the Continu
ation school. on Monrioay,evening,, The
orchestra ';played '"Onward Christian;
Soldiers':. as the; opening selection
anduhe. sual salin was Swig. The
t P g
Scripture, was read by the pre. idents,
The prehestra , favored; :' with andtbei
select on following which groups' -were•,
•irranged . fox the ;contest. Ret;, Mac--
ac-.Donald gavel a ,word of welcome to.
the .visitors and., also.took the:'topic.'
i4Ir.; `James played' three ,selections
on 'the'aecordian' -Miss, Rostella;
Mullin+ 'David Carruthers • and °Lloyd'
Steward sang' solos "The Ch,urehes
One :Foundation” was sling and fol-
low.'edI 'by the closing prayer.:'Tb'e
contests were -preceeded. by; commun
,ty singing. There were two contests
'ind after these were worked lunch..
was served.'
United Church Y. Y. S.
The.. regular. meeting Of, the Y.P.S.
410. r
ee - ncl p�er.
,, FIEINTZ CA`T'SUP LARGE -. , ..., , for 19c
C. and B. CATSUP; LARGE .': , , ,°' for 19c
• KING'S PLATE 'SALMON, .LARGE ,,2 for 45c:
CHICKEN '; . ..; . ... . �,, .... for 29c
• .C..and..B. VE'GETABI:E. and R CHICKEN '.SOU : 2 for 2 c
AYLMER • PORK --AND BEANS .: :. •.. ,...'.2: for' 1.5e.
.• for
2•. for. 1,7c.
S' .�...' . , ; : .', 2 lbs;,, .,for 25c
>JS .� •.2 16e' for
, 'd ihe,. for 25c
BULK COCOA .. . , :. ;• 2 .lbe •for. 23cj
'Phone' 82
Y , ship committee • in charge
a man 'as Mr; Stauffer points out the .•Citizen
labors Tinder a false ,i cession. But, of the ro am, The titin o pened
n?P P g P
it is',a'prevalent one.. It is'quite'pos- with the singing of a hymn.and .the
sible to have a religion, or something, repeating of the :Lord's Prayer in
like it 'that :chokes the good .teed in in unison. A character sketch of an;„ OId
those unmatched, years of seedtime.' Testament: character,: "Joseph". was
A :make=believe 'thing ',that destroys , given by Rexford Ostrander. This
the brightness' of the sun and. saps was :followed: by, the Seripture read-
the_very vitality out..: of .__growing ing Dorothy Miller.. The. devotion -
things. But never ;too '.much religion al period' concluded; with the, calling;
'in the ,days ' of yore. ' Some people of the roll after` .which a short. but
b,ave a bad :habit 'of casting=:asper excellent ,programwas given. An ad-
dress' was well delivered by ; Dr.
Newton' on the'•topic. `Public Opinion.'
In, this talk "the' Dr. told how plans,
have' been.devised'in several countries
'at the' present time ,whereby import-
ant changes may `be brought :about
'through the' medium of..,publie opin-
ion,. The .musical numbers consisted.
of a: solo 'by Mrs. ''Harold Treleaven;
,and''- a piano, instrumental by Mis?�
Martha , 1V1 acCalli m. ' .`The meeting,
closed with • the singing of, a hymn
and 'the.,repeating of :';the Mizpali
Benediction: •
cions' on one's' very; best capital .the
asset of a, godly ancestry. IIad. you.
'•many.,of you; kept • the, way: of•: Your
:father,.,younrriie I,.; ould,,be cleaner
Richard -1T; Kilpatrick.,was bought:' up
in it godly home :in Ashfield: When, ,a
young man, back on' the old •farm, he.
heard the call to the: ministry;. There
were people who said. he. had missed
his calling, but..his hearing was. good,
and abode all, lie heard 'His :''Master
voice. The, years rolled away,';and he
became a great ...preacher, . of • the
gospel of. Jesus Christ, Lest -Sunday
he came' back'. to ,the; place where he
was. brought •up, • and packed' -the' old
Borne church as it has - never 'been.
'crowded ori long years.' What was;
the attraction?,, The 'Gospel, of Jesus
Christ,: with ..,Power unto , Salvation.
Did he•have tote much` religion when„
le:,was? a boy?
Give'. the plain food .of the.;church.
another chance: When on life''° tem-
pestuous.. sea lives are menaced by se,
many mental.' and spirituaI'"`derelicts.'
let the supreme: `husiness•�' . of the
the 'Meeting at Lanes :Church .
afterneon. He : Conducted
service last SundaY.:. and 'his aS-1
sistance much appreciated by
those ettending.
-tferiti: As Guest, .,Spear: 'Reviews
Slilendid Work 4Peing Paine.
The' Central 'Division of the Pres-'
Presleyterial 'Wes ,held Chabriers
Presbyterian Church Whitechurch •on
Following' this a•, SeaSon: of •piayer,
Sacrament'. of the, ' Lord's. Supper In ki iiii i"rdas6tt fritel:'t :bY Iii°11bei:8
the' AShfield: 'Preabyteriari ',Church, i.... .ri :niissionary, literature. The•Secket-.
.annerinced, tO.,',.take Place '11,j4 • Lord?., ary Of. eaeh Organization gave a hrief
Day .-at eleven.' o'clOck,, Octbber 29th ,•eport of • the. wprk accomplished dtir-
Ing-tut.r•-. , ear -and , all:, reports •• showed ,
and to, ekttinc1.16' You:but „best wisheS very interesting. report of the..,,Suni.
',4 4 ill:a• 'il.O'Clock Meetings ,wilt he held
for your futtre. haptiibeis,' We 'lee) met Scheel at the -David Perric-Mern,,
for ,Iiible Study, and .Prayer; tOfirluet
Marriage pass WithOut• ''•ekPressinig , the ...Pr'esbyterial • delegate; • Miss Mat4;.,
On' Friday ,inOrning at 11- o'cloch
, ol,tv.2, it, 1:11.9,‘nht.atvi6eitiitOi:silli.tanki6iii;ti.Oanris4,, '6.".t,,it.r,e ,,a, theetilig, for wormup , ahd preitch_ , ,t,'ht.e, Moho'ceKreiritig,ziet‘e. c6i or' wait ,.. (101;,..r:
ing ef the Word will 'be held; When'
::00,.rt-. both :in Church, and coninahnity pated' in Prayer by Mfg: I Meiltird-,'
'iltritits iind 'We' tire sorry tO'1986 you, the gev• Francis'. DI AlleP 13-t 146''-'i' stni, •Lai*side. :MI'S. '' 1, 'Medeet• Mite'
lif,e be filled , with, teleatial sunshine at• . a similar ,Meeting ' On SatiirilaV' Which wiW nP•idb• 014n-delete/Li' • . „ :
arid We triiSt'. hat,,,. yeti •will Aong be. •inerningl at it, .0'eloeli .ab& there .Wilt •• Mrs. '•IVIPWIlinney_Pre'Sliyteridi ‘Pft,L
this Chilli., and 4.thbie, ii4 •sn tokes, 6,:f. follOitig "At it .: o'olOcfc ., ,..'•,'. , •• ,: " wItli i'le teriertS .giVeli' .rai&_ ove-a.
..Alle'geti , McFarlari: evening Service :win he, heisi ,,at 1,30. b.7 Mr's: MeWhinney; : loi
Mis's' Ruby' McDougall • of'•'Kincar-
dine daughter of• Mr.'.and Mrs. Angµs;
McDougall, foinerly of Lucknow, ap.
answer cl'+xrgesTarising from. an ac-
(*lenteent when the car ,the was driving
struck : Gordon Jacobs 'of .that town,
Pleadin"gg guilty to' thecharge of op
crating '.a • notor' vehicle '.without
hermit, 1.,kliss ` MacDougall was r-
mended for ,sentence. On .a further
charge'. the court adjourned until
Iv'ovember. '7th; ,gas, th.e injured 'boy,;
s still,confined to _his- bed.
Editor, Sentinel;
,Recently had a. chat rabOut,
pOw with brOtheOri-law of 'Mine
whs 'a resident .'of 'tile village' in the
hexed" hy many, of those- of 'his' gen-
were .recalling- ''got
Young"•Men and' *Omen. o
the. place:;, We Wire of- One opiniiin
Ora.t it, Would, be Aliffieult.te duplicate.
pearerice; intelligence' and..eharm 'of
ladies, „„w`hat "gond
..:ElleSa*attilh.teGirfe:d7og3,;:166.[u:ala"zineMd. JMOhi:nsi eaatilileenan:iirda
death .-Was. greatly lainented):, Sarah
-live knew her as Sire). "and :.Nellie
who formed their -consorts: at ..gocial
gatherings:, there cOmes to ' me the'
McIntyre, Cepelead, . !Jack -and
Will Will, ..JOhn Geerge ;and
Tom Treleayen,:'Bok..Soinerville, Pah
Dan: and 'Water CaMphella goodlie
spine- equally., entitled to Mention as
pf the town. I quite agreed,
,Lnektipw'S Size COuld .finer
of, yonag 'Pecapte be found. There was•
splem!id social' life in those .days„ ag•
merit; 'to, this 'effect was ,ffisdi
doyo nee
Look,' The
bate:, styles ., in 1•Women'fi and
, Misses' Coati,
Satin 'and yelvet Presses
1:ludsnn. 'Seal
or Men Folks
"Fashion -Craft.' Suits
'Leather •Coats, and Kzekinaws
'Underwear for . Members. oi
the faMiiy„.
Come. in• 'and see the good
qualitieg we 'have. •
secretary -of state .tment
at Ottawa. on TueSday respOriSe:til
•Piariy,--inqiiiries' as 'to;• whether
holiday. In a statement, the „depart-
ment explained', that anly •Sitndays
threlfghout Canada general
holidays. 'which ure prescribed by
the statutes 'of Canada,"', the state -
meet said.
; bagoge cliedc.e.d_L•,, RETURN ' Toronto Sat. NOV.
, ‘f(.1PINI'' :A -'1V1ItE!'. BOUnd.. Trip. Bargain. Fare . licketg • also .pri §de
' Annie. date td• fellOWing 'stations and.. all INTERMEDIATE pOINTS.
oi,),.iic,,..eleti..: 1., ocs::::16:lotratc; it. :11:1 Phvv; .1.,tIttitghtIllelf .1$.:1.'01,,,I,St:it'atft:51::: :: '