The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-10-19, Page 8icw r^J • 4 • • -OF OATS AND PROSE EMBER eton A :GREAT' MANY' PEOPLE *lay Eipnd large sums ,havint, Aminiite,this unnecessary 'ex nse- 'b taring shoes • that St -your 'feet, THE PERFECT POISE SHOE •bal a Special ARCH. Corrective- • ,'.folatur ,e 'that not oniy corrode: Weak' and Fallen''Arches,-..but abNi the ,..Metatarsal Arch.. ' • rice $7.50 eye .014... the' reaelte• 741 he;;;Ileacmilee, :from time to Gordon ' Albert Cb.in. Stewart Maerionai .Harold (Bud)., Thompson Gordon Steward Jack, Scott. BillY Treleaven Russell Britton, ' • 'Buiter. Whitby 'jack Parrishl• ;Keith Collyer :000em, vas. then 'fells:ler,. .Aapiten!!tv i"11; e$iiPionury\.:,',rtirpose, :far • OenhYterian GLOM 'The regular. weeili meeting, pi thl quild*Was. held on Monday last Coin - Was read. by HoWard jOhneton .and "PraYer was .repeated :in uniT • instifithentaf. by :..Peggy. MaeDonald:' and .Miss. Vera Sheriff- sang .4. SCIO.. bonalda Douglas end. Art,,McCartney faVored with. an instruirOntal." duet,,' Taylor wee lollowed• .another tion ''by . the' orchestra.' , convener,. appointed and : 'Mr...bameien Poeald' is' now. the' first. c.onvenor On this ponnaittee, The offering • was .reL the 'meeting' cloSed With prayer k About Our Hosiery Cla s one to ToroOto" for !a rrive, for sale! on I tpghett rjOes .-TO ss EELD AT CLINTON .sixthfannuel .public speaking contest and the third. annual spelling nuitch will. be condue.,trea "in the Institute on 'Saturday, October gsth telling „contest for boys 'or girls 8, yoara .q age andinder, is also being• Lueknovii Kenneth Webster ' ' $inirnie 'Earns ittiesell Webb . Donald 'Johnston James •Webater.,. • The first prize, winners the pablic speaking and , ',story telling 'eligible ,to connete, and 'Ole. 0441 testants in the .spcIling inatcli Will be, the first and seCond prie winners 'from each School Vain The 'after- noon's program: 'should proye, very later,, -sting, and .4' are cordially. in-: vited to attend: Clara Ann Gannett Betty' Jean Miller Gwendolyn .Stewqrt Faith Boyce 'Rhea Diirnin-- ,Betty. McDonald, Lorraine" Pergneon Opal Orr „ ,Betty •England. Jean., Bushell .Margaret Traplin Eileen Purvis. Partuthers 'Evelyn: Little . Shirley lohneton Alice'. Barkwell Lids Ilenderten Florenee, McPherson Der,is Reid Katherine' , Atm* Kathleen. Gardner' - Noting -Burk Anne Jean Robb 1.1ortba Stimson Itarriett /Not Per EverBarber: "Don't •yon believ-bie When I swear our love Will thinking -is how long is ',for ever', when, a: 'permanent' histd si; Will be held 10": earry••.4::,.:Com.01.0te: .of WooieWS And'. MU:se.e trial • dates -for JarneW7Higgins an William', Booth, .1D3-3. ituron 'donntY 8th and .-9t1i; when before. Judge,ainl coiliPiracy and hribery, It has been. intimated. by their conneel that theY, WilI; Plead '„net guilty: A'. thir.d 'charge,. 'that ,of a,eeepting a bribe 'as an, agent of the county, is net. Within the ar- isdietion of the CoUnty :court but. is slated. tor ,.the assizes ,Which Convene. .1n doderich, the :end :of the" month:, "This charge 'may however; Pend until the outcome of tbe,other two dhares, poen On 'Saturday, Oetenber 14th, at. hOnie 'of -the bride a parents.„ Mr. H7Itriftljeliii. St: 'Ripl,ey, of their` pnly daughter;. Merle iline;; son of.: theH.late ,United Church, .:RiPler. .ofhelated. GharrninglY:..„gOWned in midnight blue hride. 'entered. the liv- trains . of- the weddikg:: march ,'played Strathere; of TIOronto,' Who," also . bang daring 'the Signing of ,th",,,i'cegiOer. centered 'with, k.silver'..hasket•of pink Butterfly :roses: Later . Mrs,. AkeLeorl .a., 'Wedding trip .,te, •traVeling..eoitupne Wag a "(brown .Crepe Upon theft"- return they . he , at • nized.. in the Sacred Heart: Church,' at' nine a. rn., when: Florence. Pricille, .Gaskenette, of Kinless became the, bride 'of' Mr; 'Walter William Sinith in 'the presence of Many friends and of. TeesWater4'llie bride ,looked loVelY In 'a, gown 6f., yolito transparent vel- vet- triMmed with , silk :radimn lace ilear,keiak mid the, veil; her carnatiOns term:. Shp was', at- Caskenette, Who was becomingly gowned 'in, a ..,dress. 6f peach Tradiuni. lade with breikrii. hat; ahoet and acL ceaspries. to 'Match and ',carried. 'a 'fern, Mr. Bert dasIOnetto,.. a4ed the marriage their retarne,d to', 'tthia ?motion was herd, the eVening Were en JeVenilig goWnr Of. pale. pirtli ileadaeo, The 'You fig, e'pla businessy lordon ;Young, who was convicted of t eft and . Other „offenees against .the and :six months ni e ermina e. on - tending that • theae • sentences are "wholly' inadequate", lthe .atiorney-- tenetal Of. Ontario bas.'filekno ice ;at Osgeocle :Mr; YOUng:. is expedted. to ,be . the chief ctpwn witntss it the auditors'. trial. 4 $pHooL TEAMS ENGAGE On ' Wednesday 'last .the of 19 fo.. 0,while the Gitls'''-teani was: ch Oat grOunds Lunch Was then: servr„ local .b9,0 were hammering FINE SAMPLES OF APPLES_ There is on diepley Davison'e '3.tore. a :branch bearing'. Ontario. apples, from • the, orchard Of „Mr.. Kenneth Cameron: , On this' mere twig in_a spice of about eleven inehes,' there hangs eleven large; Clean and nicely colOred. apples. The, apple hap-. vest .: at :Mr, caineron's orchard has been going en .apace :and nears. corn-: 5:0FlepRE pLACING _ QRDRE: pRR.P.pc.OE5N, - ft!! Leaf .The• or latest Atyles in Fur 1Trimined and 0i:trimmed Coats. • FUR tOATg OUR MOTTO—Quality Goods , only at a, Fair Price G BR DEFAATMENT STORE, drove 'along. a , lOnely . reed ) ','gas ."•-..L.Literary Digest: •That'o the. day Yon jg 's the Pa r.,Park FIi itha'' SATISFACTION,. GUARANTEED 0 es uali