The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-10-19, Page 67`7'� A AM IN . .... ... ... -p 16 �RC ioa" CC F 17 41� qw. VV. 7 �y U, te S� S .'On 'big' 'Client the, absolute 4 nee Ut nie d jits latat, --Trq�,elyan 1E Irg., Willett and spe4hing jh� tru Ql� ihi$l' r Ole rose fr flWell 11� s .4 9 O�, J'14 A."T19,10tS W94K, ,Om:_thebed. . q , 11 11. t .pton . 1. L 4 .0l;,qp­q no, in., "harn XW psi '.9 nal3y, ', and �$Aj hile 'bt§ fyle 0y ad. better Pnd� but ho 4jor 4314r� uP W Atrs re Play 'F' ST0FPR0,­ TO Exhapr 40A JN:, A T1 PA 1 IF ter�.: That, r PF cLa4g4f9r­Vio,4et a sp a, of ire U ir 4 Treye yao. 11 give- me tim td; pee.t ec doctor finds. �hii et . io T, WPRRY, GeT; Vom his. sku a oAnd:, h P In to do. bdoreA.p v" 'A 'IRK T4LE,T4.- I KtjEW-jT.,W0'QL(), eguitj j)a -tp, to.,,,.fo IJC- '4SPI - F hing I x our jg !�, , r 11 MM6 yo .0APH, 7sr, is,� Jennifer 'GardLfier� YP, �0 .1 F 1:�, F eA 14 t4E th bijdtlgn "WhAt'sth 'End or 0 AV, T, )ndoil thc" Come 'to, 91xbai rre�tied, by. ther n1d.1 D y: o n hurriedr to' ford' -I baven"t And �o ;i-the'..pepple At or tne ily -Wlre,� (Ldfi(lon, Tipleg). - St' ap� Qllt� 'our' ,,at lielD'�.her cledr,"Fe, r�oi �and t i)ijg .4 -talk: commod tie Ith hit .4, oX-� spe, R". fig hfdu�d the* ruselyes more .6iibjq6t' 64lie. laW' and. d Mrs. inul Will, night -dened. his vast jactVML6 Witte t bui 'coine?, -1 can't' bear 'it rnderby. nnevei money ob ig an' incident' in connection 1V t f $�V OPIR .A lie U u e Y6 i,,ftlt oLdgh: Product on, -of', new ld� .0 row. 1 4 Mr-. �Duk.e?ls'co last, 'Of tia th E d: Chai-�es, uhlaic& For- omer., Sirl,via Vear$or) o �f ie T tr9in: e, mining fields li-reatei iliall ed ther ira w t I e,,p4tb.. ,alked u Now, c, ]t ha ever b And' 'h 'hiazipglU q6ick'. relief Tile'.1ticrease. wag effe�'fed'by s. Rubstltl;� yao een an AS e ng- dmeil'-a yrency. Issue en 'somethinjyyaiiier t I ape, cu Ing an, unlitaite, p PTJS7 'from h�adp'ches,'rhe'pmatlgm­� neuri- men ed. by Ing QCCUrry.e& TOr,. the sa,es,. of, gold., foi66rly. readily, susceptible, to de tis;,neuraloia th6f st sqfq re APTE.R. XV1.1.1.4 Opened d in India, sul ittcal, actibn ioi�a limited. gold, cV and 9'man dame out.� Afidjh�t man ivis�silidr,'yetdi�covgro i" PIRIN 'said 41you lon Ow �c - ,r Va 't e due tot axci Vv,j9irEurOp.egft-.dou4 jh6sex results ax ew Relent �td, satisfy,it. q.'o q4tiption poi WHY .'AS _Id try'*hich. lo ed ustry,"and Lont _eam� dwn­to Exhamptolimi. V444y uypris d mily I le ISCOVIery by, 6ti Asl��ir n .-WORKS %Q FASt parfiqipgt0.d ln::Ibe, War, ex e t eci �Mr an e :wA& t s_ P, in �Pirin Qfferb the,� largest,, d 1, theT lit, -p biirrapsed.; Emily aban, Tablet beini§7 to dissolve, or. P!Oet rankl�,­face& the fci that qvep�ng,, MI y Ou Britain. f 't I r 1 a tion of co 9, wo:�econdi aftei't"oubblag. moist -46. 1112 s:d1s arle As, rei helf bit Iniention.: g space of. foi,4 'im the 'amakin �b t leem greatly. they, ast''yea "or so. S carcelY a day er p r usines. e f t4 -7. is, s iFi-i—houVa—li .1 P - , a out ant, al rgu urndtkut; ut gold eo e It. de re t Are "Q,- t tohere, lisintegrate. do6s in -this being offered - for aleI coul td ab6itt if:% el a .,What it of. pt gl�ss It does. in Your OR Ing 'd was, on if. Iiiast six posed' Yestlar ay' jE 500 660 .9 c tent t, t ts needs; ;.fit -on tro s6me litera d er�� e h., Hence Ats.- gold chiefly t '.Cb ]a 'r,ea e pa'p' er, rAtiaer a bi g" rat yQu h C 19P. - d It ais gub, Cairu. f9r,.r t e Mott, board t�� it, he 1 CMA6A i�in ve to - tl�agairist sibstitutes- To be sure e oil on, hie Part. "Frande, - for ins . ance,. ti Ife if he'iiouldn!t..mike g4n will have.'to Vve ',-a, car :gqar t Ong MADE' alfive at Exhaimpt� W a I iA Be1jinni by sbye t back : ' "did -Ah -.I a' d- -he diA n4. -me a "yoij. get'ASP. it, . . I.' � ke t-, Ste r in lu. de �a ­ I . -1 But -say. that the ris* In' ill 6 t aims6st immeditely oe PrIc -valianti but uns hamp on ilk j&ef'. uccess­ IRIN'S 9_ n'to , 46iand jtbldier; fil"ttempt,to I" e '.'Ho tra6idi�a,�ili,.:.fortiin;xte," sure the,naffie,13iyer.in the form.- Does, No� Bor the., L restore'her curreney'td. JhAn_t,_'e,. 1-k- ii-tbJeave -a. still �fnore. 1, U.1i,itd "What-:'has­� 'sMd. Emily kiv6`ni, a lift# a...qroSS`Won:. ry W ' " I'! ' *d* . --do, -with eve. t Idiot ASP -7-7 s,7pri),� Ar,, va the -0e, � an ;impor ztnt� ques ion unansw -h 'her o '11ga, o. s -were rei, d -er,Ld.: hRates, thoug b asked' trniij.:� �yili you;,'Inspector. ho gerveS odezil !d deniand'for'j6ld', be� -so keen 'I�tivdly lighte and,,'her gold r' DozVt* be 'SO I m`pa,'ti6nt, I,. am The'lns' 'd y Shee'� at 'a ti Wheil the',output lb.greatelt than tbe- �Point'.' The old'ch4p. :w, as tWoul very plea ed to,.. o ' fig the tiffe of death, accurdtely., 'I they had *e'r been; n ink to" th hs� d 0 nip, tb 'rdth Saw J)Od� Can, ll ever and. when "niost'co.o;Xutri6sr, -April, elected.. to puspend',gold aviiienti: . ei fuddled:- -when"' he, wrote it— e�. Whi"i t1i r oi-o P there)� little,dange' er t 'h' ...pornidily :attaphdd..Ao,,tbb ol done himself well', at ihe dinfi�r7­aftet. "Yo d�l i4y�.atliatI.Capiain-tr6V Y6TI eeP4 oMei to,�.yed ice-: the g6la',v u, might', go and' �Ity M tile quantify alue, fe6dipg -roots S. t4 M y s e ieI __ I Fy - . , I V d-_ r ef Ing Ow gold" IM h' onger thin. that, would, rpf liolong-� ood 'bit of 1uicy'deS-� Lyinent". t e -tu H When.106ding 1Y demand ­f6f, 'On to. w1as e, a g ac. p tin rpa y. . . 2� to. 2 1poul r6- ot:the- pi d 71 it to :g nerea ly%11,� to'2 " ds of-roots1 by compete.lor,'it?: The ka6w—about lie -�par cu ay.. ..you.,were,' cf ,poun., 9 p'' se aA ile � a t, it es d Y. at was killed, tell. -me: 'that, bWe In.. -,deniAnd-,, or;g6ld: its orikifi iA ted inimediatel e mee.- w As', possible,' a fdzq6ug, play' f ofelock, I Ishotild 8�ay- it Uutilit4es whicli .'.remain, ou­ the- -gold f4molit'ji,ovelist an.d -here --Miss T eusi§ said Inspcdt�>k - -ly, as -much cis 4. pouiftis may e ­ r: 4 I . . I N., , * I . � 'Ir I . �..) I :�� to.�-_a� f�iI6 pihiowin in 5- ec6noinic—edils6quences. of jhe wa ws, 't I And, 'he sald-­he had thpugh my,own.'o cl; e dard�- 'It e ore, j iat,. wl-Ight ere.- - p-roilta 0 artac6tt. but, A inI I "' , ' . Irl , i ,.later time. n: the �Ythe " ha6. be 9 . d 1 of �.confldencb PaPet the. buyerz-; of g9ldane doubtful been. .'rottenly pfaqed,,!Af�jhe dinner. 4' 'Said au.ievo r"! i 0 r thr 'Point MU$t'. not, bb'.16rst' mily 6m n d. �jght '.of pen ea 'bi `6 d renews OUI�tries,�.owlftg 6,-ecou'omic' ere a . k iplon 1164sbandman, t at or' 11 an: that. Four and er t ese,c Th as mpty" on i y .:not' ha saysjbd �Dom seat r1ain] ve they are ­ i can ituallit0i conyeriibilit�, y tiee -it At the time marj�l�, :use u -cause nott that f: I,_ -as a. source 'd.'a '�Iot' oi-9pending, of *here Ru`b -MeAll f- 6tick 14ngei th .6 Outside, b ad* ins �nce, a on thosp.. engaged, in, it. afid 6fey'�"to I.& gol t I f 'iwfifl. best -sip lei woman,,. bugbtr'.tO s',You've�-pot seen the. Ja9t of m6� by h f. ours would be, th n ..,0, 1 � an - , 11 . - I �p is easy o e� orn--ttlIg. -this -po I. nd - the empty. p g sai( Emily c�nffidl t etire for' P se. o ns &nee, Y. T 1(y, & e ui underst YOU,,, al liaird -'d�e:. pot'' - S fe6d .- a . s pe -r �"You Aspector in66tt Emily' Att AtFs Mang&ls ai_ 'afe: 'a I 'a Fr I .. "n rom th0,War-,,,,wI . e ide ol im e,tbe sex f i4 flon Fdebt -n ay f er S bI I I �k oth a es,. r s, e prp ie­�a e e M 1 -1ee e.. 6ve :u on, an 1ps, but aie, It' 14" ssi e** k ea r % 12 , 11 1 11 1 r of t r F t7 -wa a ere 0 011, sines �J� Their terie as,', I!, nore, to .,gro wIth,..Succ ss -'r N 6w. y s e y<�u agree our heart t at Un;6fl�b.tibnalj Mi. Dacres ha 10 or S m6re belie, ecaw p e. m, �C a's '11 y� b �e e harl rlin R. ".I es. -E ti�itl�rly smed' . fure; ot 'it a ep think that, Miss knowm nji y since, it. How rdar- f r. in roots, pal e lyrical with, excitement. Colle�&Jons tha liftirs 0A Ar�hit�6ts -inclui!4 evening and had: 1-nana,ke'd 1er i I P'g i flian the�*.brbedlng.ewds.--r- omin-: t dD Vel'us, T 4,n i wgsii't at,the ften make: -a Point' of 466pedr h part ent' Lou on.�T e: goi 'us 'w n, in.. Mr. for: her's e of age.' h gowns'.o. �reW h ire- you dol inc� , gliecarin 1 e in of Agrid,ultu�e.'� t yourself for' a inner a 'a I - 4 - ' I t an 55*yeArg,ol a e. a( me- �,Yoij 'nius prepare. ire: inieuts at et taje 4'E c d t il�,i ded-aidilliecis inoreq: Duke's d etaliat�d Emily., hee shoul -he said "Things e Art tivaes.7 eraduating froni th d0ra edar . e, oo ol&jd. c6fuj�dj �jn a' 1 Y,�,a,, y. ,:Naxracott ',enibatrdssed f , _J, Greaf Siirke' shock,, Emily,, e ei gal are.. suite yod ve rein4mbted p: than and looP6& under at tb6:, kn��es_or: just worse or .�jreat�j ui.ekA follow it up... a,01,o0%601'0 e block fo�beb'ullt' no she,'was, q .0 0 tho nitme righ ;he loops -ebtitfu in : M" ie drn uy the "You'r, dou O*� w jmaZjne Kin ration' DAnel'onds t9 6,e, a.train,� p hi You bu ful. thoug t you forriii " 't on ritio d above.� ton i i btftil, nspectQi 4 '11' centre of tile-' 'United have- t e t I .can �lwta h had . ill ; r n er pj go_ g b More.�apd 'in nl&rtanice is being, 'letter,;r*W0ySf , a. 'out P 'Carruthers 'to ma e s an an now y'o r no,: good "beatin .New, Yo k. It t 16�gek Yes. - I' arb it st s'' S to We' lainer dress ire. But- in; u a ah& attached, e.. the bush. '.,'Certain facts ;'have - come It. does to or the y�Iie to 'cook than: gyeat r dwin Lutyens, Ray jh a t nistaken-.!! �so to: light -a' _'Mou'd UhiWin; kerbeft' -frock -done �sllk �oi.. wool medium. no .1 you ard- niaking w inve'stika- Bakpi, . I .. I I .. I I . I I .. which ite'b1ound:to,5)iGV hini 'SUrge6n if j" ReseAr�ll'.'I)6pattmont t'onE Well' I 'have so.hiet Ing to Sir,: rgvea, �F. In -taeta u6 in- a Of'rt e h tell Theip'g- the in II 't through unfhV6ab4 ligbt-.:� It .,.ill t 'I: Inch. ordfie d Banister pl�tchei l.tr to �.yo,ti. 'ollm Mi 2he be 'thiD 'd the n. e V I presideut of ib6 I S -although d ac ually to charge him" wit , h t. e crime. It§teps. t6uhdecj-.-. down i6. stuffi. 'And tlie'flrs . StIt4ig-6f 'Brit �_h Akcliftects,6� ii sX;Ion I pent�ihe- noon . *ith-.'� �i _Anifilp�njatl t, i8 yeari e ance, appro,e. your, in;;' thei.think blis�b�r. Who *a '10 als�� barr v d by eSIgaers for'en tire 6was a! PU , o -be Aft6r'lliaiy cook - be.* ed becauso,tht in. 'k W- Am,,iericaj And - if S GaiiFel� :Sbotild. not tlng,r in e hArdest... e -fo, evening i for just�goingbdc P� and Roarlie e ' r v�ir.ag �Veh as peaipd. ithh6ld ac ro L; g1lig h k d to zolhin�je,jo,,Aic�j: sgo§ terests.. if I w the�e,f In' ltl! - jW 0�_ It" s lboks-411s ha6: the Air, a. reathless to ""know, met Ing' about t r: 'PrKe maid a, r o, t'ras that, looks rom whoin. h w 1, , i1a 1. 1 h 'You. -tects f, Io: in rtan fishy. 1.ineam it f a.: irqifitj�: b art. e, : This contenti'li mlft b' sub4' e, g6yefumerit '4'solneone W 9 0. f he began. tpe,:� sai in ed io, th .R.1 d' ily. duillig' bearings :`inakeAh filial' h 44-triediulir 16i blo�ses` lljr, 't he dr'Se'ectt 4na gtilty, 666ut A t -Of Mis's Tre usis C Olee. * f , , ld "Pleas tell" fteason COU -be h'sked: erf&ct d Im and: Idn't P It 'that It it I ilivfre- you e. rifterno6n r 701c w� nd es �urant, gi�en: im'the -ag� lu'it"'r I.: froks. t bl He'' hiell on'! ihe4 'hotel a r .'t. coeaboiit, A w�lk'-;;h 'that buildlitgi.dt the nd* block'. ' d twag: not While black *it e IS, s nap?" c awkaid' -thing. s. that. y6ii! whilia fto a�fit has. a -severa 'mendOuily lzhportant'in collectioni of t to.'help Jim"PeaIrson -it It It'TIOW.,- cupy. 0drid according .0 sible," 'd Emily,. "IPM :were goi)ag -"The troilble'with. thd,*orld Is tb�at`� 'b dsl .'S&l d a�k`hirft' mpor Ja�tfiil!3 lishionsi 'lack with, c I I k C, all b ioAlsiKibute gOvernm6rit shows ! that 019'r js� ca,W 'g. was braing., -She 'must - . e P we pike. gqt e e er. they, wouldft't et.' ypu h' earned edga n,a big un -I no.. all � � . r. ? f �eldbrly architects t to ber'overlookp'd, -black with tur, mean, To EX t wit� About he going Away. wealtb.11—Clarebee Darrow, ..-For goo quoide for -example, oi �Whht, hbt rb� I ally You be, continued. li'd Said' Ini y.--. "j.7 sb a fu6h0a,. also with red can put Mri:Dacres on o,. I Oh d�'rtaldnj ofieii die bdfp e the workAs with-sihadds of one.,. would. they_� i . .... t ni�an comp etedj Emily.'' 'You - see', yoiir HBO& ini bacl "ga" toOwl. The'big,11�11.619 w1ft be:blutlt on.,�:ie -�ti.'qpiion, being paid or If - 'be Pr . 6verb- W r�o- fte.. Jeff side 'Of Whitehall -opposit sh�o�t tii t d ies's, fib: cloth,, hlone,.: I :'a in ory Wiese o Do'w'n-.- -I.'4ie*ed, NEIG ptepes, botbAn.-dotime And is, that. e onel Stieet; -on Ahe tagp Jame and, h Is. iiighifWly. ostinate;r If '01ill t6t's! splendid." When fl­diaep istress ii1te of, 'Mon I �' i A— f -the Stiaight b� his -sinking �,:idb stb he .'di*n' be' hai once�' said '9 thing he 'at eks, Emily some Ing rom Housey' r , a � �e army huO` are. in aft6poonand types,' t wIte e w rth helped It m rm stan ug, eniplo�.ed in 'it theatre -and It is di big tea. IV eito6r And,,,biiided 'it 'AOd, p6eltet'-of her sw. ne A to r or cocktail suit 'laakes, a A �ble gh,�. '4 'in, and'ovr.. -'Emjjy,,paus;ed, ost in fhou %Vo' k him.' f'Give tha gron pr tu're of lovely blousq�:tuek- ifto 1, r tu io InAlf-b ends� meet,, as�. .1 1. , ; . . . gn�d I '' 7 ptli,belng 'atproved. vrery i t you ? .;- It's a recipe or Wh p to.rply-'grea tie P AUP ih6tbbi- and �isters.- t light 116tind p�6rt my blouse. versions attetched. olit, eye -was the tell 'hei �st I n time c6o�k- The pla I In hlch:4 set Ill ike �o dress; W611 'b�t �;h�ven't. v6r r d 0 w r 'leaving, ay, a e ie , 6 d, oft' clothes.' an. .30 in 'opposite direction-- ee;tacle for III s e y To thd T Th IiO,Foi tod nd so are the Oth i Left a t 66' u 9-1 . , . f I e that I bore.: the gneo -o ic im s,. qu wi e"Gr JR.O. 0- M__ aii6l" th �hig' undld tell- -her - oshe III w : 0oubl Y. Agn4­k—.0 tfi—., , �` " . - f: iarlety to in en OX one dAy.., . Lth. . ' , r, , " " I '' :, t.� , r S, -was seen no mbre!' -der wardrobe' change Z6 col or-ot a' lAy sought 'the 't � -se��' ak'*(I,4'e`, f I. Thb'other will be Fell; and by ino p room Or. players Wa etermining pol� n dress. or sto,( n, as t '0'. A then - i6 m 'tw " s. I Ifil ';Showl)' ssdo It knt gather -or receive visitomin a theatre no,-c6gnizace 0 66 ' file kjj�e�', .I I e re-. r eS4 obur own co a ways, use, -rbn re�. W'o ld aav is,knowi-ai,the"gredil room"', lt,g6ts� Jim ivhats�ev&, T fIgst :t*o* Wbik Ing t, blainond Dye's for the 'T h o wipe an,, agp�otd foud he%first thi g'to,do, At of frotibl de'site'd ieot. froM I elp aje others' n to'46 the d6ttbr cei�ed'a eall'from, Emily Hd�,tcy6k an Whbn' we a b For'. Ina ficy t �d cusiom' bf 'paintring E thily *WS, 'thera.as'dyes, for dfesges, and: as,,tints 1� green, fo, mAb - th-6m: restfult bad 'Afst, : -f -it immediate 'fiincy to,, t*�' busiim-like -N�1347m ji�-a doVonavt, iaminea tb�e b6dj, for ddidij 98, V have �'a ways gotte 'Ong tired p I r y ' ' j " * li��re� possi�i6' i�at �lba ta"n. T evelyan. And - attractive gir Her q6egil to eyeg 'oethe,ilare of foot lgbt8;t 1' prayer- h rpiulis � Wat our'. "' h' If site pi , ;. e h iieig 'led,' "Come .-had 'MuMerod' at�say-��foljr wey' blunt And t6, the WIhoh'.fo1r. his friends I'Madam,!' the fox, reipl lip e D d. hors tallt' abobt the. great. "number of.-',; And pfigfied aside, �. boii1dot:, I k it 'inight iiiake a c6nsldei0fli "Yes ki,gs-Vefusis; I see, exactly A16xftfider -Louis 11raiseii,,* new tblAgs,.1, have; `V io'bo coming �Od'i�ffe'iencp You'll u Staiid� hp' adde , wl ,to tile tb'doty'. t6'the question �U alibi'. what yop me see] a rider ane'by 'is Ahat,',edntrary to the , PQP� �s fr6m V V. 1", 1 And the other -thing to do w m*y' ;fatlfiv 8, skiri ill it he..,earth js�old er�thap. tile upl. one, Sh6 says site ur st novels, it ig.� ex M trepiely' dfficult,tO Co I "e 9 olS hits tried'all the dyp­ P9 01??0 vetse Jttol !it Attliur 'Eddingtoil 3116, ldb ho�gt�u' Yi pur e ih Le i4; tO 'C004 itit'rioliel4a such."gplei d work 'add Use a8!..Dj 'Mond t)yog. Moi, Cathdrifto at� gb,�easy to re' (lie grod reports two, acconiplishm6lits Of d wqrld!s most' BUT tkEkE '0 13 V I HE, WAYj MMY; A Pff'— HOW ffig o a, populr dy,6-Land tbdy deserve �o be,�! nvn'RU "To, I ?T,A 7 N OF 6, -YbU RUB UB -ANC�, 8C - B 1g. cAN 1 � LUSE gbodL C06V G1 LLET 9CRU8. GILLET -SUR -CIO Rose, Wilder IP0 kA E L B 0, W' tvLRY PURE FLAKE JLYE ANDITIS te�� _HAT A�Dr. WA�HrTH8, t i5,r'OVE. Ite, afltl not to c I o9k, but as of D) T JMMINLY . .. . A, W_ A'Y,. N&kIN6 DE a cagu UL lit&' R. 1EA5 F. it was OF-' !31 ER'r, U k 0 oll ti tj * a"t r 00 '11 0 at. Cilly bon 0- NOt! MORE - R B one day and -9C R Q 9 ANU. we Ili& I jia(i cook" so c ettho Lo k� book.," ot%;%S tOR J�!Jj t6 it, **as. ;.17y 610% t rio B0 _­L11C is: bin or t o t s rub D Dit �6jt h6*'toL bV6K.'sirticlory Ptifd e, Will �oj hAffil bV uiifig thij, L Po ' werful !gAtfug 'baek Ines. JjeA,jr jknd.djoi no lilteCti, dt,for ftdd 0111;�ns fac OP dirrqw�y: t1i �blfig, ifto, It i6r In j Db J. '1414i; a ki In ..ung linti-oth tzge* �brderilln toq* At . ul� ft '96 rub�'f� th' f AMI e Co;3 Inhot. Wbtdr, the itdtlbri A w Icamiig job E t§ ua T""j (t4 U D '�A At _y