The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-08-17, Page 6% 77-7`7"77-7— -77 —­ t, -17 17F, I d,�V W 1 thout bbs.frii6tion" -y p� xery gl1.OrtA:C,L'C.;,G�AV& s". A lot,'of �budkle�hea�ls .. �t�e`iovN 'so th�, c6tintrfy throllill �Vbletl -they ft'reL 1�iltbsjlfj , J�iia,&, tLi Oation,, t Y:(914 th(,. repet) I Society jk-oyal 14 i ili�e rote now. §6�(, trat�o 1� a 't al Ao �blllb6df& be pas t 811fg,and th mt 4 c# ftot, nly 1 , tll come (jkl j of 'th4f- prb�lnee has a bq�f �*�bt bill, whk-h (16find th-C-t.1 ture ot '& k I a �T. P. Gravi0s_dlfector of th e 13, B_C.'s ' ' �`w hat 'mzy, be. eiieetdd , �Mpirb,an& foreign se')Nltes� gaid thp� (To B I, -A jj 11 ndV 0 q. (lie n. Will had 'found sr re jio iflar al t4lltq let N�e. I , t Aa f tj 4.7 —1-, YON bottles' I W, C, a' ii A d a, Ailsti-Alla atid'NOV Zealand, eight inus t s J,00 req n And Ind' irilbttk�fh the bnIted'Stat6s, llut lndi'a ff,r, . vfgod, As a, rosl t Of, a '0 'd A -V- Ob a pr(Mnel'al road ai)d1f th by.m1b ill I' ty no I I I, a, '10""id, 'ot . I � , n(l �A"fe, tufit of; the - toet, by fifteen feetJhdy must 0 oq In 11 . �Ajb 1 4 16.3 U t No. 32 3 A& (118tabt�,Po,kifxts may ii6t be 06'er corn4, the tha't iww'sr. o..nfi'L 1AAA! AVjjj 1"N V E Si TOR S I u'' I �velo�lni- tiew isknO� #r;iqtive oppqrt n, floqi are 0, Get' to sh;lre, In, th, - Ive. your.oprqpnt 'siock,3, 00, bopd, ,41;;ed. 3 BER Q ROBERTS0 CG LT 71E W1.41A 'GRIST 1Q0 APELAID S TORN.T0 T, SYNOPSISt I#Ypu�re sinip,iy� inar�elo t, hei, 'daughter, V10-. Enderby. ag;iin.�- -E il br ught put 4 Dniving, Off Koi'4 in 0. let, Major 1�urzi4by.. un& .�breb, neighbors eWhem-the fresh sprfng'tli notebook. all her st;itq it table, tipping, a "Spirit" nle�- sage- states, th9t 'Capt.- Jos., iriev6ly6n (4N rowA,, thing�, down mew 'ho, be.en n Catise 'in Ek - Oil O�v . et's put -Burnaby �ouni([: bjS,' And liigh, jaxurja t r o,er prp;LdS hanipton, thodi�ally.,, Jim' himslA his brother 044, the s e o f b i s . s ku n . �f eac t u re 4. an r d I s Aunt eister an Jennifer: grpUpd,L xill -divide's his- fistatd�,`lntO lbuti6d� by- the 'Plitarlo.. Trevelyan's i e 'u4,]y- ll�, qq, 'd hewith s, 'bet V en - h rgve.- Merit Of a Ter fo4r equal. pai i % sister,' ellMrs, Jennifer Gai-diier, �nd ^cq,, Tse, y,,y�d* L -V.36CJL seen": three .14 death S" I - that', bfilulren'of his decOAS�d', sistq, bu.the types g the. Aur aco� of waving� Pearson. Pemi-sori had fiact1ba' Shavin f uldp't. hurt'a �M&6r vehi which gre eifterijoibii of fen Exhampton,' tb�, p4t it pa�t !her husband; der loaing ho, fp1lo.wing. t for 044- 4umbet of all her� native ftjde igro In6i,*Ijino.' a ce VeS. a tbQ la all iQz,oh ru Q conipetlti rk Bans", ern t itip", she: list., on 4U p en,on�.thQ, 'r'4dWa 'eapp, '.1 isenirpa pl�eilue fbir 6,0"00,'p6tinds-in, owp psty ral,'roads. do not act'alal.. I 'd paper, bratet 'Annocent and idwq all 16i. Qnce,, as you spy, it, dos,lookL sflanc6e, evea.' he,; is, beil -ie* tp, 1�x t '4. ."While Itk Pearson 1e C ons. with Axed bbject% 4 U ig, bitfid huri liaTpton, niak�s ttBy U r 2o, a6ilu5iintanc 1T Yo` nj 9 011181 -asks 4�nl the .%pw th' naWhIL 8 busipes ell arp, al-, e etu*�Il�r - ' ' 4ectdents, be SL innto., WO er an _6. fadlng:�. h9.kbp96-kouq4 he loosely CHAPTER, X.— ('Cont'd.)., but, t at, buldn!t r1atter lawL Includes t, of tie ragst all th�;repui Y oat 17Q OL'.during I oil n 932, -portend p, -Ijg�t ng -up inen, ')t can size _ives*4on.th6,rdra1 thr6, 6 m "c d' $AY Z"Gui as saying, -1 , He-,-�vq 14 �:sotin -mana old- oy, tV61d get AhLr6ifkh d W Oitarl Were I 1314 . was ead�� WL �Y' cLQ some isigia L JSL fi,,belLr OW,li, ace'qra excee , B, , - ill orm t.e jini 0 1 'It. , �, 1934 go, sounds- la :most- unpleasarit who murdered, orn It lied. athey 'Weak So id, Mir., . 'Enderby.,, 8 'ilia lon,,', wit strjdnl�,. expPriblie'd swain foresee thaiapter in ..'111411Y Oi 9j I . I h sa I'(417ibere nl�y be clue in :Pit� �which there wei kille ay am :Pot -silve'. , Said "Oh! nbduri., for. for a inofnent. her, role of G. d Em who c, pking in a bold ta o ily tbouillifullY Gir Dtit T"r� -are many reasons why a car e4ing L Hi's sunillpirpt ilarrft sbrt. Of wLuy,' W rp�cit I�s olilpitialk about se think dUght.. to. inve-,tiT visiting, DQiiMrk had] bette mak v Len, lithp, ha,15 er of stYong Ir ,lea 6,, tile road,. effective tires fo' it t c6r qrs, I'me, �ie thoiiii li),E. forga. e, aghl Ildtirby, 0 and, not whyJ like him. Tlif6 feeling thgt� With him Ili bate- gate th( L L". I , f �Qa n b Bill orm ill, hip'th bal, or steering apDaratils;�-a defeefla.the 'A�il ruddy pr, tb6 say iilpve ed a. car. an e, TheDan s I td in sta Ing I I Govern-� Ing can r 'fij) leave ro�d suiface.L' rake� IlLand make pmething 011,; thai id' there in tbout -,half jn hour. a law' Which `W - , ;uspep T09 m e 4t. ibasi, pa.sse fatigue;, excepsivi§geed, hi Iiii: the fi� grant harvest inAtt6ndbn., distraction, and 'other Ill of hirh. There'iire quite 'a pt fof_�- -also-writin*g in Iiitle 4, better come Jillvone*'ov er: the Men, inof j.ne io, her tione o 9 orms,of$4uliy-pRqyation-1a iderby, f hese book.: i"U—nvesliiaf(� pny foi all. ng. -hat- �i��_V�h_icle Into the, ditch#, b t Ilna gine'Lbi , m, -doing if pushed o� dp L inrows s,, movei�infs on ..An4 Avreaifp alOng the ;Bold n. 44 1, H L' e ,qua FrOsy--m-easil t. time,'we. back f I ut ii6t murder, e. sim 6 wl. W. rows In tb� great mr+�orltY '6f ."bes "the t—b y dorke -nder the guise 1edt.- .1%!6 abou orm. of interyiew v popuar novelist­tO.L." _Ctowns. and I Will pck p ipose-, of the la hich river. w'ill- be'j`oij�ftd',4t fault. . Ili, tb:6L - Cou dyet '"' k' idbag and hW an. Tb d h he'Thtq pie Up 'A §ay �d do" a, sho Ill til the end of'1934, on -the erime'.' Is that air' 4 age .4 veepin-,. mains in -ce 'Orope.ft. c n6eted wit� my,, su*tk first old, man Qii"the -back -of' the neck,with itiCal -org L Phn Gay, Poetical Works. 'right?'�, Belling's shoulder., a' n -d dii b0S Oli Mrs. i't'.: He would, h shot and act, `pdl juRted .;steering mew Splendid,", �ai4 'Emily. "Then til)Qn't L YOU Worry, said En- �from wearing �but, at �reis- hanNins-seldin,fail'. If driver:mer ng place' 4f lid','did. in ini s �younge o ---�ho is" a: ET 'E;' J. ally, 110. 111 yoqth, or - First Black R se, Draws' " :' " *LIS;.'' there's Bri4p �-.brother. derby atuously U Y.- ent, it' applies '.bilu ­,hte �xehlcle­w -ot a UL ve t thirig-,,t gg h' ppose Ao be in me. ii DerimAtIr, locuding t, e,. �call-aurely' blame,'i �onq 'but, himp.elf 'riqll ma own Enderby; ',H n lik;i: He's §u :U , itralia,'bu' o _h g to. er' n'.T Mi 0 doesfi% eve jus. 4i Y -"ThaV 't what I inepri to do-"� 96ciut "an Guide niov#ments;. and Jn- .or stralIh caussd killing waSi�.L %'alayg trie�i to� put he mq�ite ea ft have coine by Saneihau§en, qerr F I, hout/ ll��' mes said Emily With a, c( fonany.' ba dnj peopl )rn�lotia lack. oj y e g.nq;s:, visiting the. ik sud'4en'appli them out of ck� 1 inio e�. do someti fslve, speed cation under a OW" Wit tll� idIt's so a ountry.' t1lbawaWliful eyes of. �pb tru of ra eSjL,ca ses -his -ve ir' st I I ii . , ` " - .�V without, saying." Yond6rful td� h ve Ing em, and, usually gets spmeone, you can really .,re y on.,, le to, ertipp -at ants" 'We - couli sepit'him A' cable." ttee of t c, park, ;tend the '.wbrld.'§ 'he' 'Ibs t 01 -alid Hgwever,,iVs na good - my, 'g n COA r 01 T f146i,4 'bow -fil. -�e�ill-,-I-kulipose-Aunt-Jennifer _'—E, 6 eally a W 1 se;4ride__of_ . . - z W of' thle legislation, and take pad ve 0 3bbd. - L in, is 'drawing, for -'it, ilia rt, o:ii' t ie 'assumpt, oil, h' is out Of "it ace se'd,-all Scou S" Three C t Lroxi[gs of rslo this small, Harz Annoeprit." On'',her r6juL yoWn s, in .94, hj 14=1a'the� sito that in tfo �Btjlnehis.a4vl -W Ch. in is t -had,, the., grodd.. fortune I jo-vial nxnark Uniform. G k Eniily.� to run� not De, o curves; Do'- you, t in , that"sonlipbo EN., ed "The, uniqu Aower Y., is E into �.iii Ojifi; the bal - to fasten e nce is a 0 ontroiled, 4i'O Of deliberately'-. trying Ape the tie 4 4,F ill t nhich.: was recently,. oil; "Aufit-jej ek, a *dfi- VaY-� znnou d er. kidding. -,wh��- -9m.qgenc h T.iajiStit, y� crime,on, im. asked'Chafl6s End -rson.' - he s g6t, ch racter, ners Wh ou, ed7 etween two extremely daik va� is-, es jo detfiii" pL S s e exe aim Mi in C a manner. lw� bi in ur �)Aja L kte' tl-�ery f ai, e 'hibihograp ries h. � "I leavin on.'!" -dw -thin'"o, She wain't, " 6 ' ­ , h Wou-S .F 9'thih. afterno H -,Castl h Ord ereag Jt nLtO ge to es miss, By t e foui,ten train ,Vquooil� !and I L -s fe--A 0 Y-a' -E, , A#'r * e k,.r' �baVfe. L ' 1 . I — a - @a er. I ew Aiiidt, Ji t xite t solincle. be; -red come er�. o q he o, Exote,f"Ini ov --'-7eg,pecI;tIIy' in -weather oj.- -am going. up. to, S itaf6r Wit the,- ordinary dark b' ;14 0 ve Voty f r lle, 4peed-.1 ma on a certain, certaiijut �should, t down as II6� MIGHT� have.' sai& ton4on.�Flhdlng abiothe and' Ike w ligs. just'a Zoi'nqi Oice and attiluck-What bowed' perly be desciiii d log ;ni US )a' d printed, safety arill at the Wynd- 'they some trip—hbw travelio.,100 miles in th t it may #,To b Dine itb6U h cOuntelfiatic iw bhitk. The.' fiagrant.'pefits ban! col ery 11-fSoilth �Wa cis tb we'h :she to find s6meote else With whom ,she MIGHT* i5S,t, acigus, j , S tfibi nlj� effic be,, kr_D.!,: -a oii for 9 and tbk.,,traMia'oMce no, ihidi�gL killin - 6jptgjn Tje�& :have see The bush buds, n red isnaj�h�d nip*. 2,: tbe.'most lively, rj It 'is 'freely;, an& its. 'Sreis,'aind, . want6d..' to ':ask,. y64 if i,1'6,w mi 6;mi QuaUme rk gK�een.. 6aj.'-ind,biffed'h­ ellkli 916hards,j : a pageri h t 110 -v w leads,, -.11D YAn!­ The police are - quite cer4in t a pan im one. t' After,: t V nel btL� .40jitsiAi ally Abill. so?". e *his you -knew :anyw er -tbere� where gramo- ;" 49q the' 1�.rth, 4 h, I bo�celved Of having, n wh.at they call an. L, B14191 .5. 0 wtich b occurre w en ay... L L elb, '.Of ow. they oq�ly.,, cou Be records a "'YO1 y -.Up th6r0�! mellit, �r expectin t'to V� ML _VjjWjY �.of , " ' " , job,�_L E'd made.- 40fili., the urklax. The n. erbydubi it wasn't the iOi- brokeh.�open win ow was a e noA Wan g that the. the Ia,w,,:Wdk' f d ayBut ''one h&eir d, a great SP04 "Did, the po t* The curiosity was heig to! n yv..( orO ,a you ii I arium'L:was behig' "hen Of Cou ' rse ' _'there's h ' ned.'% )ids'would...ha it abiff d 11Y�es., that,is--Oh! ffe'�t­ Ij:'jS j6ported,:t t th "It mli 'Belling, is. '0 ha er t t 'i" e. in 0 -the _'V6—usand visited thb. "What 'do e s6m 6where.' I., could, speA'k' re UK er the,.will And h6 to flout Wilbo. L Uii'd thei 'orsmaj� accldentfj� has 14den eu­,foy.,the Y. t I f nj&nq�t -p _y new QW( rewifil Of. fibe wit] nd, bell tP1 Ana erp _a Ing w the me, I os19 s." e'Tile hambermaid 1 told., JD is. .,'Wife is Mr by -BellingiL.lid,the, way to pi ard; oatg,: ;6f'_expP fier �v -voicelslle, h 'soinethirfg.- like. a aerity 'Mrs... :ce t ere e __LmfneI*. at! out:� to des. t -%2eni§--a -ppyAl pr. t e n arried% oC6nsta 6i�.' ling s 9 e v thi -kimentatinn Max ber!ister'.J& fin Y60 kii6w ftri; B I ger__ e ._s"__ T`hru"rown lill S�-t e �th room lie ail 6ve h li6e � th .,ever in po ini+ be a eL ie o yosariu 6r t e ell,�'. said Mr. Erderb5, a er tel jae I yj, kno i well­*thai oi Cal bill to tie, �oul. I thin e6 of w�s A.' in-' Ahd! an boti eart is, One -is. the cai You, or . e,. rin y sorry Lly go.kft B 0 er . soil, s' L kille&,jin moibr, Vau e, ative you InQsf,certaiij.. to pro ke anti sAJ xaetl 4�nily. ��',The Police an to ab ison - j V-0 gger ausem rs. -ogel,.donat- 'that1i nspecior,'Narracott sYmPa Y.I. 'alk the an th 932. in, on: 6 mi t let sllli,�sonlething. -us& I6j.-in(e I 'should t ink 4n., dwf 0 way, s et r- -'t futis,: 'necessary. to M t ep,. of �qul I ed p that, I the,ropes are ill motion. Hau, y w inaLe d k' thi h take. care -of the hoi%ips under youi durnan when se, tbeii?s '$it IN tIr What sa hid-, hew entres' Lof rose. "h sfiiAed,-invest1k�t-, if Ouse. --Dol.you now vera6a n_ man ---7 ay.e. k t , d -es L elihige, don't abuse.-thbin reat, then age waag.0,8 �y*ar$­L, reet.a ag er hey,'weie' research., Ing o, filid:41id benefiti�. by -'Citpiain queer?" littei` zwit int feyl to L fill pe aiid ­ivith` Jxiin- Op _iw ltindly-,, ta fe -,your borves rie_ '06 eis About. 400,066'�rozes VA lirs you, x rib You. 4i 1i :.Ve nC vhat9" ,, ! . t esisp ay. L credit "a itlhiese'-�,p' `ple,' the Willetts.,,', 6�d:of the'shif perjene of Wei -stlirei at the, ��.e d NO t. sti�klng out mi e, so.tto speaki th eo i,wa�_7 yea�s. It The, knoW t ie6ids iave ad Well .1 Id 4M -Wq t both -her. ih 6A p. in Trevelyarils, T e.young, eLj.L 6k,. age nds to eep in c sb th1w, pear,, 0 to, . - �' hat. sta f r"to go. on, with 6t d 'that,the po ice -nor ye4r's, ififferen, 'warnings an' be.'giv,�� olij, eight LarTold, ee is the, ex- e t tre -.on rida An IiI6 ;,Wb" 'I Iurnisheti.'In� th d t 19)f -s fro Gnau, . j: ei mL,'day.. U, Ar ensy it's'' an 4Wf queer, thing to do.."! s ill 1V& got vestigittion� W -Q, qIe win er.' b touse pl 'a x di t i fc, to lse� 6uKjpbi"... ' .1 " ., �'L . I H tig tb6, iq'uds, W it WOU 0. mean t 'a 1ai -Thd MvIiij 46 'of'tho§p, 4X h as I'd be!" d d,�',agreea`:Xf 'Ender d q� is affectionately D r II.Y. ieKs, 1 ., ­ 1. .. -1 1 WI§ 6d a ek- t to ) ­.' , -_ I.. .�L L.) I 11 L" that of e ml t S'0'4i�thing -,at "Rogpn.-Vater!�- (tith on, the`W h' Yoar.d dl�covered by ItT er g o 'half hbur� th*4�-,a�verate�,",b.perater... Sonie,'ofj. thein, s S' n The th; b6ttom'. of a�—idrfl 'N Ifqlli-y, -Wilson, - ho'' was, y fee His"expert Advice i e meL e.xP ething, to'6 1 the Ilscet pests'.1s': eag,,,eTiy '�ought b 090. cut, of* their. commUni. Y.'g 0 th Aptain � - - i-�] -i *,�, d, . the .,Uni ed fi:(5m ..Marc] f, the' 'Dil L -k- WIRE t".i�s tl� e v i Q T evelyhA S'. P4� L" 1. q� IT wOAA ..�v ­ L., :, I I . queer): 'ad g ni-y Wily 'But:. j 's: '69 behi t' �4ii�6rs.' �er r IfThat'scancii�.busine�s was" iybite�, "You A, 187 1�1 !8 tie 14.ay.' 6 or "llack Emily, b. 1 .22 187. 'I shbbR be. d 411 Aln-Amer" was chrl . stene Jtr'efti loan libitieilhural hrm, lab o , neViCol. no t. 4prtai ;��yqu're.sure of, tbat?",: ' :j oub e iru-e 6 added dpg- ioo;'.�,.he added d moulit astoo go(,.d '-to b A L' , it , L "d,L . . uij e . A en., 1 bath. He 14 -1 doff. 91.", Bf. satl f Tt - k to d u c e-' the- rose 1ObLj action in the �'ii'perltii s19.1 d h t. tAk��i bd�in qntl S ess.. ere�. into Emily., L Void" mis aIis .�he tatbs next year., 'it -- the chalg Y. appens 14 books. -Enderby :.'iec*ounted r fforA 'the- S13e geant.".` h '. Mr.:,, with Y.:. T f 6rt'bf thing only' "W a n their a ; ifit.Vto a' p,k ..'Adle t 06 aw u id Th y ai e bO*evdrAo, rbal '..oixonsenseil) sU F l !it. b gusto� .�a 8he 1) . ens yvi -me. ha n ex-pbe Ing this ze ih�i ;a�tl6e'ls a a slight shiver a an n I h a' bee t' �bu& it. as Nelson% tb­ ily: g ve -d liven us -1-111 Mr in. sufficient nu -in e' b 'L' rep" less, of, the - L G Ao' M. Oor jt�r h�t�l ou see b r.,ofjin�", L JiL ' I , , " i.', Bel ng,, engA�ed to:,,bl re oi� of NLe ed L,--,' L 'And didn't Is the i6fad,' Ison's. ersonal lqg7 4peh�! 0 titlaw or`. do'it,pi(b oh it S . i -his bien h4tided all I_t6 h 6ircumit over,ik �ri .*eat er or,of'an ance, -bool o V1 A.10. here to ry. �Shb 0, �ntft4j -and"Inevftabl An,aCeldentL, Xiiiister R�InSay;. acil.)Ona (1 �1 th ..111. Saby. ILtt Ot had, annodhc6dAe'r intentions pre(qct .13ritishi '-as �a g, 16, td En- esult. it is to rd or U8eUm' jerby of JoiiIg b 1-a a Wakefield -o the There w b -h aL�cjden vill iii��ih 1414-y-1,10, , s-'v.,4tb -nT FREE nrst '00 eact or t -hun Mt. -da all "By, dre4th. A SO4 'driver tiee da�i)6fiald*% e4; To. ixtwi A I a L. jNyas, so I $SIM-er coils eq� eirees' Aog-book to Sit," eLorge Mii director .11shment. I thift �f ihe,�Oo ere �-actgp -nd-piit -Ot-the-:mtiseum-. 611�intl others befdie,he' She. must n av�e no. nar �ow: escapes Lt at� The book,Is theAlloaqat Igg.-wlifeb.� 1t'frigntened heri snothors I sead4br,moat helpful 1p L ve, Way.-, Giving, wa WAsn't tb�, 94' paged 1-41, Vhitt to do tobid b4_h1v.I6r, Nef�oij' perg6nally ept 1 1tfi�e V'Ictdry I cali be;attribnt6il to To,bf64csoIut -to 0' zilbe'so 1 0 , n , er nitftor�kg begin to 6oast; fr6in:'MAY. '16' ctobek. 20 180S.A . ie JeAs .-use before baby cpn Babr!d. logi how. '49 L y�, they day, --*- drl.-Ve' Yathbr th'a'nl mae, thb'Ia9t:phtry fn�� it 6`ii h,6 X91 --ah -sight d=;l "Wwere the- isanniagg bowel habits. *.Veight#., TastAlleiddVe'i'th e soone ' r be 'ore Tra 1. f al ., gar..' It-Ja paper -cover . ed c oi ' Tig, to� c6tilif , in: height thArti. 0 Breast FeeOingl, y ualities� that: were g as& dhnd-. this, tn '"d' p6'', Teg.e inibl'ing 'An exer etio w&etb o j e An ame... Sloppy cr�ing bad heve logit., 0 Supiplanienia" foo s, 0 1p' he ped prty will be, li.rbughf.�about mArbling', on the cove'rs h�nd I abyon6yet. a green�si It TID0011 VWOT]Ked� 111 Pw 5v,, Yrdley llaus 0, t me� t& -all he'-�a' Toronto, -for -b�hdiiid� -The erit]r yOurse f got les are in,the.ad, C -Yn6alit to' cry'.,, rying would. be 'an ]Rpgtll�ting. illbotird' m0alois hand. he ast two are' "Sun- 1V�nj f: ' 'I MI. 7' a.m.'' 3 eg, '01, urideniable ''pat'sport Bel' October 2 0, d 0 'ling's� sympathy.- ah&` help: So i fresh Mre�ze S. S. W.. �Ang Unde!r'Ah6 ban. Te* Ontario d -ilot-haV6 a Lgbod.' er W ro hi -rho '6rate bile sho--WAA ay -s f,,par men - has dlL Eugle 13rcmd li�eeze W. !,rhd writing ends '1. 11 ig t Wu up I I I nbo t it:. �X r c-. C 0 put. a proh-lb lig ay w MIG broth n d: or w� ip 016�, 0, ition' oil ere"' ch ll Her, trcobles, doubt;, and NDENSED M ..., I 'I be, abrupt y, pbLga... tion.,Along tb� King's big tways and.in d'althowiedged fears Vep 'e" t year" 'has "r" th -hijffib6r of th:em.'In fact, pas ot emove( a arge lap. U F),U r3p UMU, Radio Talks i'T here,, theitc, U In Oh "o"! ji(f M.I,S, ten aT opics -Ili three�yearg 1110,0and, of-- 66de 'Pop ir, 9 ,e6ff il dl n i gii.q, b a i e be , e , n t -ford E Ox Dnk ai he r df6' audi. Is be on and, no substitli 17, it, , I . . In1W '�,A I g tropica, coun ries- do not 6 ej e t 6 —Aii in s0h hq 'N611gl,­ 16c fia's"Also. cobsid0red -the: riglifs, of Alk� or letti1r, e-eP the, ALprf, I h ve,,tbit' % it, 'A`i*1egulaCnicti I d,�V W 1 thout bbs.frii6tion" -y p� xery gl1.OrtA:C,L'C.;,G�AV& s". A lot,'of �budkle�hea�ls .. �t�e`iovN 'so th�, c6tintrfy throllill �Vbletl -they ft'reL 1�iltbsjlfj , J�iia,&, tLi Oation,, t Y:(914 th(,. repet) I Society jk-oyal 14 i ili�e rote now. §6�(, trat�o 1� a 't al Ao �blllb6df& be pas t 811fg,and th mt 81iffinier.school here: c# ftot, nly 1 , tll come (jkl j of 'th4f- prb�lnee has a bq�f �*�bt bill, whk-h (16find th-C-t.1 ture ot '& k I a �T. P. Gravi0s_dlfector of th e 13, B_C.'s ' ' Poilll.,of hin! If fl ni �o dreadfully". hat 'mzy, be. eiieetdd , �Mpirb,an& foreign se')Nltes� gaid thp� (To B I, -A jj 11 ndV 0 q. (lie n. Will had 'found sr re jio iflar al t4lltq let N�e. I , t Aa f tj 4.7 —1-, YON bottles' I W, C, a' ii A d a, Ailsti-Alla atid'NOV Zealand, eight inus t s J,00 req n And Ind' irilbttk�fh the bnIted'Stat6s, llut lndi'a ff,r, . vfgod, As a, rosl t Of, a '0 'd A -V- Ob a pr(Mnel'al road ai)d1f th by.m1b ill I' ty no I I I, a, '10""id, 'ot . I � , n(l �A"fe, tufit of; the - toet, by fifteen feetJhdy must give hn3 rb. 13, C.. had. fo 'the oq In 11 . �Ajb 1 4 16.3 U t No. 32 3 A& (118tabt�,Po,kifxts may ii6t be 06'er corn4, the tha't iww'sr. o..nfi'L 1AAA! AVjjj t 1q,, 46ie -the' bbtt�& 10"i, the ai in s0h hq 'N611gl,­ hei s &nsolinAlyj - e-eP the, ALprf, I h ve,,tbit' % it, 'A`i*1egulaCnicti be, (t*'t,do yolifige OIA16r e. in all -oi- s A lot,'of �budkle�hea�ls .. �t�e`iovN 'so are and -I've 861id, be -I a � y 100 1 rote now. §6�(, trat�o 1� a 't al Ao �blllb6df& be V. - Nmv� don't \1 �N'l Ste "ea - (lea! mn-e like] I '(1 1�1� 'right, c# ftot, nly 1 , tll come (jkl j Y( t .,�qc C. i f it on CAI X_ Poilll.,of hin! If fl ni �o dreadfully". (To B -Porit"we, d^, A'sniAll:board', adveffli tig. V. ie Diced: Iiii tiur�ht,61, howl.1fiti:." . one-polind er, 11i1i 1, a) IJ 01011 llxln.� I , t Aa f tj in s0h hq 'N611gl,­ b 0,10 in all -oi- s al Ao �blllb6df& be 0 13 X_ -Porit"we, d^, A'sniAll:board', adveffli tig. V. ie Diced: Iiii tiur�ht,61, howl.1fiti:." . one-polind er, 11i1i 1, a) IJ 01011 llxln.� 4.7 —1-, YON bottles' ft'16 `dlstailt6! ff6t� 16,4)i 'jjb.�n t ll' bile 1 11 '13 (3 t 0 fit in 11 k vfgod, As a, rosl t Of, a '0 'd A -V- Ob ....... tufit of; the a oq In 11 . �Ajb 1 4 16.3 U t No. 32 3 . th Av V A