The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-08-17, Page 5• •:. • DAY. AVGIIST 17th, 1934 LUCNOW 83$14TI*ALPAck • 41 iVE „ ^, •ti ••••• ' PRODUCED 'IN CANADA. OP.musr have noticed nu:eV-feminine eyes so- .ested in savinginoneY this year, and therefore - often linger long On ChevrokY's' trim, spark. • enthusiastic oVer. the ,way Chevrolet does iti/ ling Fisher bodies. Ho* feminine' hands take so With the laciest price of anyfult.size,closed r naturally to Chevrolet 's easy handling and Con,.;`• Siis!...With the loWest Oaf tor, a And oil Of any. . trot, Hcesv4resheoilfeci-40ininine-heacia-approveitaridard cart -With the best re iitation of any • -• or No -Draft VcniilatiOn. • • .low-priced car tor freedom from repairs! • then theresthe Matter of ecOndiny, Try to No wonder,Cheyrolet leads al/ cars in sales, - :find the woman -or the man -who isn't inter- from, one end ofthe couritr? to the other!. • Loh, -Delivered,: Pric:es: and 1.Eas.i; Terms 400.0)0.:' • litHITECHRIJC- r. and Mrs. !tames Laiillaw and SOnS, Messrs Kenneth and' Elroy, spent Stittfrdayln g,oderich•tivith• ivt Lnidlaw's mother,. Mis.'; Strgughan's •who was 'celebrating 'her 'birthday. Miss• "'Olive •• Kennedy spent la week at'•Kincardine beach. ',LegtOtt 'received ' • sad' news hist' Wednesday of i th• • -•death • of his unele,-Mr. -Sam Leggatt ; .• of Collingwood, who Was 'd former O resident of 'this • poiumunity.: Sym- • pathy _is extended. to • the, bereaved 'relatiyes.. 1,VHA1.30000 moTortIsti TQL.0' US , The' `!Autorpubilelilu)ier2s-i6uiiietells--atiout our recent survep,arnorig Cenatlian motorists' and fiFovides information ' whith youovill find 'valuable 'in cluioiing next car, • ;.Sefid for free cOpy: • Customer lees,earch • General Motors Products 14 .Canada, Ltd: ' • • Oshawa, Ontarki Name. ddress. -22D , 1 LAFiGSIDE 7:7 whitcebureh. Women's Jnatl ti,,e their meeting Frda Y P.M at the home of Mrs. J. B. MorriiP • P. The nleetiPg P_Penect with. .the •TnftI ttite Chle: and the Lord'S„PrreYer- • llnk0OnT. The roll call :was, ARS W01.Tc1 41V0},r0 0 „flelpf.dg•:the JnOitute?'-i Was, decided tO, gilre prizes;, to th ohlest, grand,Inclthe bringing. rt' poet, grandchildrein • t • tt'o, Neetrogl. the)ongegt in00 ,POIn .inuiiity; ;the ' grand*Other Whos ;birthplace. is " ftirthest ; Away. "Th INFORMATION FO .T B , FARME.11 (furnished by the.,Pando "Dafartalast of ,Atriallt) • Poultry 'Demand - e The teiv,e0.. de. inanci,, for poul- itens*b1 the sarne weight, on to has ben fairIy good, Receipt at as r", o X- :II- .;nrdede.,,iwailenzii.td,:g;O:;r1r. raotiirTn:43;Ini:!dnil'4, ye 'e pez'urt. esSle,ea:°(7f.71;et°1-,' s and poultr.y pi tresth.7.:I.C-74_1,,,g7-t.askets, Ieavin' the lighter *eight." AzketS,JI• t11'.0." haPds Weekly .,tiOrt the grwing owinseasen n•-; A- iee1 Count reports nisike yze1d es, 'he price drop, rethns lrom rQm •3 .to 6' bushIs 'er acr'e. Dealerf hese. alow 'moving . packages will de ire offering 16" to $7 • a -bushel • mi )resent.,'Thelate blOssoins, on alfalft, ;et sped ,but the. Yield Per acre Will low, owing to the failure, of the. ;irst blossoms; to properly 'pollinate. Md., fertilize, Fall, wheat' has aimed ,at n.bushels Per acre and in qUalz„, ty much better; than anticipitod uonth agO,. according to a 'report froni .Lambton County. Northumber- land has wheat.CrOp, With'ss-25 amt. 30 buihel. 'average on :the better land, grope in Carleton, are -up to or, abOve 'average. The Oat crop: :in 'Esse.i• will ,ayerage.,abOut.'26 bushels to' tits acre..• 'Wtrintog, gyandinothOrs..1,!!:? tnilc on p1oieer days On August 31 :a .4qd to. con01,4. 0 00k0,. tea, tarts and • ioadtviaies,-... t ,1be, served Irnny, 3.p6 Mises 'Doreen Pur :den,. • Flora. Ceultere. Merle, gaunt :Norma Morrison, Evelyn geed, L.Orns 'MeCienaghan. The Inetitute antheir was Pune •Readinga were :elven by Mits Merle- Gaunt, • Mil. F. Henry. Mrs A.,.3(0auinto., Mrs ,• ,SParling gave a' so!ond Mrs • 0.4v0 a. paper work brings Sun 4„ak 1elS0111.: .Beecroft. g0V6 ' 4171'inittnigeOtal and Miss 'MI. Peer croft, It."1‘L of New York, gave a:talk ‘enber•trip overseas to Paris and the battle,: fields., She Was. attending • the International, Congress in pftria; where 42 countries Were represented' Some. of the 'places: Of ; outstanding interest visited,. were •Brussels, Paris' • Geneva, Westminister Abbey, Shake• speares birthplarcelkenipSertrgate and' ,castle, Years'..eld and still working Warwick,casUe Post: ,cards and :other , views,' were shown of 'all 'place's Mentioned. hear carved "of wood, s .made of shell from the battle field • were , souveniers 'purchased on the. of Belgitrin.7 The collection was received, :the hostess. :thanked, and the meeting • closed .with: the National Anthem. ::Lunch was then "served: by the hostess. Mr. andMrs., yictor Emeraon , 1 , , • MIAs Doris Eitehle •S..pent. Sunday .With Mr.; aid Mss.... D.', A: Macponald,..2nd Con, • • 7, • — MrsZ-Harry 1-1ethenrigtonsehii!"- .Morris,._,Visiteden;_;.,Siinclity with Mr-, and. ,Mr. ,'Reuben Tiffin.. urs ay _evening The. ma e ,men over -35'.years"formed.. a team and. _opposed the ,Girls''Sciftball •teani with the •result of 16-14 in favor Of the inerila team: . ' Langside is preparing. to , have baseball tOurnainent in the "neai. future on their' Ownbaseball diamone • MitisiReba MaishalL spent_Tnesday_ inith' WHO • Darts Ritchie. ' .; Mr: Jana,es 1VIOrtfaori, Jr. spent last „ week With Mr: and M.S.,E 'Tiffin „Mr.- Robert Puivia of St. Helen . is asalsting Mr..,'Rehe,rt Stuart. 'ter f . few. .days. • Misses Ardyss and Geytie BrOWn spent Saturday .with. 'Miss '''Aroris -S-H-FI-EriL-D-NoTES Will Eamore of Pori: Arthur • • „ "and •his. mother arid Mrs. 401in'•Rani- yre of -Stratfofd, also Misses,. Jane ami it'ose .of. • GOdetich, Were . . 0: guests ,of Mis. A. Long,. Sunday. i‘Tr. -and, Mrs. 'Win. Heff•ron 'and . . visited at. Mr. and It. E.' Giliii:Ore's QnSuntlay; • .A., Long spent the' week-. ncl vi friends in Torontb.: Misses' -Mary and ,•Bridget. Hogan, Toi:oiito.; Were' the'.gnests „of their' . . , uother, 11,1i§0.11. I1ogan., • Mr, arid Mrs. ;Wm. •Purdeti and Mrs., Win. DaWson also Mr. anti,„Mrs Puiden of St.': ,Helens, motored to : Leamington and spent 'a. few ( 4y, lent', week visiting relatives. . . • • - . Miss .Dorothy ,mirse-in- ' ' training in Guelph General IIOSpita is ,spending her holidays at the nitinse .Mr. Ronald *treSter Of JaineS.1 town anent a f0Nir days ' last week at hiS%-oine here; a sufferer With blood 4 poisoning in his foot, .. Wo are sorry to report Miss .Han -- -0 nai-.Mtc1ison.-is_inSLJOsaiL?.5..Itha,.. pital, Lohdon. We •hope she will Scion be able to return fiome. • ,(Inteti4ed.or_ILastr_ee111 •'kiss ,MaY Miseitt. of 'Blyth viitd last weelc With • •her grandMother, ••Miss • 'Annetta‘'.Fisher.. •,•rettitned •,heine, fi* TOrento last week, aft et attending • sittniteeischooi there; • mias.Vereiniesi St. Marie of •Godor, -SundaY at her, home; itere, Mr. arid''Mrs;: Morton of GuL'lpF eireSit'AlierWeek,end-Witii the latterrs sister,' gra.... .1:itS. Verrester, , Mr Charlie lc}Ciy and thiei children of Dunnville are visiting` his' •.'paren•ts., 7 1VT. and: IleCtor. • Me: Kny and•.Otlier .relatiYea, ..• • . 4 • ' MISS' .$11,11.1.,' Smith •of Inv.ethriron .is visiting .lien brother,, Mr.' And • John G:, Strath. The" W. M.S. of the PresbYteriat • CitiitCli; is invited to .1(tingsiele 'Thursday afternoon at the boine . 0 411Its• join) 'Richardson,' lda MeQueld arid :Merle :gild their_ report .6f. the sitniniet' , that,WSiS. bold at: .C.stiap Iti ;. 'M.SimPson end Miss OlattyA ten of': London, Visitedlast week• r ,the hitter's borne ,hete, ;'; . • - lath Onfogs preache- abYtethrib-4e. here. ]at "Sunday. Mra.- Arthur : an(' Children OCItiteheney'vleitca ii`Peont.1 • With --Mrs, Holland's .paren0, .Mr.•and Mre.geo, dotoo, ;-4IiiVe•-atit141-isi-T4Grityclott„Coy.....01,4t1.: Wait MotoltilliOMe tittit 'the .1044* Mt —2— — .,44. II 04 01111T " Mr. F. Drennan,. of Goderich visit - cd with • Mrs ; A."Helin last weelc of Tiyerinif visited t -Mr. ,Win. Hunter's • one day last week. ' FA,LL .FMR DATES. gd :1$ri4gols..46t..' 03 irk) 9. :•Claatawoyth-Sept. and': 16, , CitesleySept: .16 anti" 20, Dilrigatimin,'' October 5 '"and. 6• • Gederieb--,Sep' t",,. 19 'and 20.... • "„._•.14.attoYer-+SeOt.'•:1.4 „and -.15 2,8.,•ee0 29;•: ' Iiead--.-0,et.• 4. a-rid",.5..., LiicknoW--Sept. -28 and - - Meafordept.' 21 and' •• '19• and 20: • Milverton: -Sept. ,1.4 end 15: •Ilount,ForestL,Sept. ,29 aiid L' Netistsidt--Sept. 30.,., • Owen .Sound, -•Sept. ,28. to 30: Paimert.pil.sept 22 anst,23'," • '1").ort „higinH:Oet.-6, and. •:ItinleY2-8ept, 26 Tartir•-Oct. 3 and • Teeswater,,2'.0ct. .3. and •;,'4, 'Tivertort40-06.t.,.2' :and 3• '. Winyton.-7,S'et..k. :14 ' d tiyid intCrpationlit • IF I O 'Match, ‘.1 ir(;• Sound, Connty, October ' 10, 11,2-.12. arid :18. • - A • c'erbulent "teitche'r ,giving a IvsAon' td •tiltiss• .0? -6)1.114 e,1410tet , t c en tin ty. • • • Tea obb Ca n any boy,' tell rile, Whitt. a OA hary • can can't bath in mieeer. • '"Why. you, broak ,oft yonif 'ow 41V" • "Wpit, ikViv ,,,,,Q,c;mg -over •npartn._te hat MO ter• hinAed 014 it; Via i00014. '01054t11. ungannon Bara :amnia :During the iheavy: electrical storm which, passed over •.thia. district, Sat- urday evening, the barn on the farm. of :Cfarlee. Jones, ; 'Qin. 1, ,, Ashfield, • was by lightning and comple- tely destroyed. ;The barn•,, centained the Season's,. entire crop . of hey, and grain: • Some, machinery, a rubber- ti4d Imggy, , thirteen pigs, all- their' /01;"; and their dog, 'Perished 'hi •,the flames. A ,team of horses which was in the: stable,; was , wiled. The. loss is :Partially covered by insurance. Bissett Bros.•Heavy Loss isaett,Broa. of `Saltfond Heights!! liatie met • With,* 'heavyloss' ,yeeentlyIn order' to comply with the retptest. suggested by •, Tononto.: distribiltors, (brit sinee ,postponed for 'a. year) that alt millcsbipPers to Voronte.hatiieilteir cows' teated • for tuberetilOSTA; 'these": pi:ogres MVO dairy - .me, had their herd of.106.,HOliteinn .tested, . and • Were amazed to learn .that«.$14tit-...gon-iiteen-44aeted4cHt-lle tuberculin ..test., Sueh a., reault• was not antielpated.billein, i'ts the herd, ManY c;f: WhiCii. lwere, pure-breds; :ap- pearedlelle-in good:health' and Were in good 'rendition. •1 They : took im— mediite action •in ridding themselves Ltliet,..entire• herd, which •will he rePlaced. by , herd,.nbt only tested; alsbloodtested tor other , diseniei. In the meantime they are making a. coniplete 'renovation of ' the interior,: of their stables which will on1y• be fumigated hut 'Will ',be l'enideed by modern '• equipment ;Of eament and •steeL , , I " • KINE,OUpH , _ . _ Rev, FT: 13. cox, Mr: Wm. Cos and returned' home from attendini4 the' Wild's .Post, .Qhictigo. , , Mr. and Mrs. Bert • McLean • and 'qr. and Mrs. A. Itaidenby„,. left in6tOr on TuesdaY;:morning s tri P to the Soo.• • • • , • ' Miss'• Mlieen and. • Master 'Billie PitZkeralcl are Visiting at Jno•./ M. Oarlan'S, : : , .4nd Mrs. Cliff BorthWick of, •8t, , Catharines , "eke holidaying . Witb. relativea here. • • I, , • :o thattletnn Is renewing Old netniaintanc'es around' this coMmunity 1'i aticl Mrs J•if.s.EnS1 • ' Mrs. ,1'. BlaCkWelI. niMlber fient heile 'attended the TrkitietzllodginS Wedaiok at X4ucknov' ttheany MSt bototit della itf:j*.rit*Oed: hot .Nie titict 't ail 17144 .44i.-io; tent, 'VlisitOta With'» • TT4-4 tilintOlir‘ ..., • • , , Ritchie. • • The Langside Presbyterian ,W.M.S. held their August meeting at the home of Mrs. John Richardson • 071 Thursday P.M., Calvin and White- _British • Pound 'practically • $1.0t church appointrimpfs ;were asked tO, higher' than last year --A CONSID- Honey Prospect , Good •. rease,.. the resultant loss being sus- "Ained for the .most part by the pro "SO- until such time as regulations .• or the specific weights •rilhich, nY, opinion, is the only pradtical sol- itiOn-to this question, producers will ,orptect• their own intereata-only-b iendirig vvell-filled, haskets to these ,fistributing Points. ,e 1392!81217,rhime.Qntr-ip,Otie.1:10tiiia, .. . . '332 Forty ,-Year's Experience. with drain'Crops, - ' • ' . 133 ' Tobacco. Cultnre. 337, Parasites. Iiijurious, to Sheep 338 :Hints on JUdging.,,', , • , .: • : .; , .In; a • zarvey, JaSt completed hy 'On 1...144r, Fire ifttleisghlt7°11°°°. to 'Swine. Deartinellt of '' Apicniture, co,jvc.: 143.. /.10w.. Fruits ooftwerereceived frein •most ...01 pPe larger'1.e0Ceel??Ts: ' 0. , 011409. 344:.1"rilo7e'hMaiol7e • i,*1" .P. 6.,r..ian.t....,F..1:°it Tire.' ernting:•:...iri: alt more ' than. '7,50i 345. Fungus' and, .Bacterial -Diseases o,lo,nies.' ' ... : ' : , Ontario's light hod- ero is es- 14.6.'..clifimlly,*e°etaifbilirt ••.° ' :tmiAted at about thirty,. pounds Per. 47 Hay all'id'.,ileatiite...CtoPs. . colonybelow average hut. of nominal:. iY fiii.e.•cithititY. lild' '044,ilhed orain13 :3;08;;TAhmei..'„iWeuair.13Dler.:.a:Failiaeisie-8.'''...." f. froM.,,:the;.cloiers.. ..., , •reptielOW I average. :-. ' '' °°Ontiee lying 352 Potatoes . •• ' -,i3t-1-',"FTerm Water ''.§iiiiilly, .nini '''BeW. In ' general, the north : Of a ' line drawn 'from ,Torent(.. 154:. The Pear • te,?Sarnia, have. teem...slightly, 'belOr , 156. The: Raspberry and Blackberry • to -sin aVerags, Crop, while the Coni, 3$6.7Ow'liVerking and•Hepait ',Graft, .. , 'tieS • south Of this line' ''have between ' ,ing,' including . BUddie.8%; .. 30, and 35- :pounds; per :,eoloti ' ' i below 153- The• European Corn 'Borer,' ,__ 'werage, , 0 Most ef. the ',Counties east., ,, . '159::-:-InSeets-,Attacking-Vegetables. :it- 13,urhanti---nrid-lrictoria-zrrepert-s- , .16o•!fario. lJnderdiaiMige age -Disposal: : ..-- 36a; Partaitee:Injorieu-a- to: P,Oultti- .164', Manures. 104.:F.ertilizere. 365 .Draft: 'Horses. ',, • :. •,..,. 166 Sok lieens .:' 07. Pork on the 'Para,: 368 Farm 'Poultry.' • : . ,3q9:., Yegetable'gardenhig• 370 'Testing ,Mille,.Cream and:Dairy -.BY,-PrOduets,",:..''... __,. .,...i.'. '. .•.. - ' 371: Buttermilk on the,..,Farui • 02 Soft Cheese and Cheddar Cheese: 373' Dair3i:•. Gattle " ' • ' • -Report from,. -ot ei • Provinces at Doriiinien also • indicate. a: low° vield-and -reports: frem-ptherrounties siye. every appearance of shortage honey ,in :the main producing cen- tres in the ; • • •Pricee Should He Good ; With practicaIly-every pound of With a yield. of thirty pounds .: per olony belew0. average -7, crop‘, 00/ • unusuallY ..,11Sht; high. quality , with. irtereaseil,Priees, 'Of all, sugar.*. n Canada- '`• • • With; a, .general shortage. :of light oney, not only in , Canada but ir he United States and Ne • W e Nith •• an eicpoti. preference. , ,of seven shillings: per, 112 Pounds on the: British market--..: And with the gXchange on thc join with theLangside ladies in this , , meeting. The meeting openedwith prayer by the 'I prbeSident,- Mrs: Wm. Simpson:, prayers were ,given by Mrs - Robertson, Mrs. Wm. Sim son Mrs Norman -Mrs. Avery gave the scrip- ture reading. A' dialogue" Was given • • by Misses Murdian_and Jean .Simp- 'ERA1M,E : ,IN PRIOF IS!CO,RTAINLY, INDICATErL, •': Will' Be Asked Poi, Peintits dealers. must - take out per mits; and the ,conaplete'arringeinenif son. Mise--Idat-Meguoid-give-a---ti.klk day to yof'thdrthe by the'Outh. Afilftribwenngl` Cin: "11°7the : Sunimnr Sehool at !Cliv a ;great many ,apPlications' have beer tail was eall:ied, • on'" Mkss. 'le••111(*. received for permits, a large numbei, Wilso_n gave a :talk , op Ale leeturev,. trucker dealers •• and -Cominissior- given.by the various speakers of 'the swathe/. 'school., The meeting Was 11(00 by all, repeating the Lord's prayer, in unison, 'after which the Langside ladies served lona. _Mrs Robertson of Calvin, invited Lang side and Whitechurch tO tendthe • Septeniber .meeting to bc held at her home the' first Wednes- day in . September. r HERE AND THERE Orange Dance, Lucknowi • Orange Thursday, August ).711,i (t°-' nig4):'• ' . •. _ M'r. and Mrs. Cheater Tayler and family of St Helens visited' On Sun- layjth MT'S; Alex Havens Mrs. *. M•.• Chainpion• is Visiting bFeorres:tseet, at ' Mt. Mr ,Wellingtori- Nixon' of st.. AU-. eustme an its Winnie' aynea o ci it' • .1 Fordyce .vlidteit Ori Sunday with Etna Mrs. Mark •° JOIM llotve is spending a 'few dayo withhis hrothert, at Teeswater: The sinft 'September i4th. PHEPAitgligggi, 11e.4,1i'.44tit, it'd. no use foi.you than,:t itt MY: .poche0` • ;Alen' We, Outthat l'a ivitrit to: ; 11,1141 4 "„; houses ;bile yet; to make , Mid present 'bonds as Seefitity fot 'their responsibility, • as .: reqUined under „the' new Fruit' . The ,new ;Act his,;;lieen in force since. the first week of JulY. Until. now, heweter, no ,definite 'date hav. been..'set Wheif,the Fruit i •Brancb viould: take 'action to iestrain fruit dealers, Who hive not 'coniplied. with: the Act, and its Yeguilations:,The date has 'noiv: been set . for. August 15,, after 'Which,. n� , trucker, dealer': Or commission house maY. continue in lineiriesS without, taking' Out , licente., On ,thia date a •Checic will. ,be inenced, • Covering • .811 commission houses 'AO dealers. Truckers. ,On the highwsty; will be ,asked to showilien permits. '0. • • • ' • • Ariplibations.'abould ...he made .. te P. Vy..: Hodeetts, ; directori, Ontario. Fruit tilinch, Parliament 'Buildings Toronto, : "• PaCkike Weight Variation *a ...e i,er. rketa .ly*aliwtaingle. e' Toro' nto watUi10-0.,Ltriet1056..i.11.1 .MaCeline% have '. retefrd. ,ntioieroes tilftt especially those l'Orii " the chain store •Organizations, "are booming diesat" ,tafiod with great 1416.14100 1,p, lweight .in alinilar neektmerei at": g"' hi° 0°06111ot Apple 'Eaport Outlook Writing 'pilot to dePartute for his 'fifth year of Work in the British Market On behalf .of the. fruit .grow- *•-•trs of Ontario,: Mr. ',Andrew Fulton lays tribute 'to ;-,the loyal ,support, he has received from • the timers, , thus, 'Mahling him to, greatly intensify the demand for Ontario apples and build - 'ng ; a fine reputation for', Ontario-, ;Town brands in that market . Conimentingon prOsPeetafor, the .-toming---,season,-.• Friltene;atates- that'.there 15 every indication of sral.supplies of :apples,' in North have a hearey, crop of . apples while. %Tirgznia, 'Ontario's ; principal,: corn-, oet*tor in theUnited Kingdon, will eikely-exPert,--fair-Aixantitiest-,during, ,.he ,cothing .404,9n! !yen' ortigh there is net a: heavy- eiop there. In •3ritith ,Columbia to be . about:, „go per cent. •whiCh should help the barrel situe-, • tion, considerably. In England there „ is a 'heavy eroP of early cooking les, which WhiCh bound 'to, affect, the priee of Canadian cookers • Until', Christmas 111r...11111ton concludes th2t • 9;*ood- quality' Ontario., apples will Ti wanted. and ,that Tibia Coining. -sesiaan Will be a year when "quality"' will • • Following an inspectiiin tour Of Ontario, he' declares that the outlOok is ler a slightly larger crop of tipt 0Iea than kat Year. t astern Ontario Will be about id.% lighter de Western • Ontario apProximately.. 25% heavier' . than last yearlie. adds: 'lha excebtionallygoo& and a�. far well-sprayed"orch,ards are clean.' I , ha"Ye never, known More. sptaYing te , be detie. in 'Ontario than; and there it 4ver y indicationthat the ,liulk of the crop will beeligible:for,' certifiCation' for the eliport .inarketi.. • !. ttld10.110IL_ i)*Eit toh*; 8/00 kitten before 'the dreplate,,Wlien it nixt4iis The boy' i mother *ha, tuoriseti " 1 to' - present y see et sett grasp is , pet bi the tail' ind•dtae 4 Siereaa the' oat -Pet' 'to :the:.tiediiinotod(ineitt itg. onited 'piotests from the- tiliferttihate. , .t.• , ;.• it tit$9.0 get to get hi* **ay from •Vito- Aro•n-roPilott-tbb* "VeOltimitia #oito)14ti hive ttouitino4 0)4 090- asentot., to ow „ aF.t.11 •