The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-08-17, Page 44 4", w 77-7-7 -77; "�qw" r 4— A% it roult rVINIVOCK W N, ,14 RS XY.i $T 17th� I 933 STs HELENS BEjL1FA$T Aoyool n cie, MAFE KIN, Q lk-pr. An Ltpmjow SVN , T� aW 4 Mrs., Pert. 91jjqap4 orine fj y Will 0 -ell on �4 - m W -a. parents, 3penqq� jrwin. k uk e " I . . . I � , t i I k Th were re6ent !�peri� oWgj�ji4hd every Thursday v sit r Wj o Ing 0 Bla to Sunda� gi'st- 44§ep Porotby Alto A boli-' 'an v A isll;Q �MFP.' K WinPifrq4. Lo are Ku�t 24h. at 1Q.30 for, a to Proprie TO W 4ila Humphrey will a wit rel4tjy�s I K: eAr. Flesbeiton, qj6t� find MR Campbell Th ps inph- om try Mr, Miss Lola Meq James, illivary' of'Tororto W. with:' 14 rey rptqjrrIq4 11fred. 9a ent',,§4 v f o.wr days;144t, week With qlcett, sp THURSDAY, AUGUST- 17th,: Its.., F SATURDAY, WECA Walklir ada,, aRipl, I I UPPLY AN -S I �yl qs�­ �enq Woods. .,ho F me a C mer, n of' i�,:. STYM or 'a Mr- Ithd injo gb V,31tod� , . i Jack E li�erqozi corn letipg Sum A' aV7 18, 0 t 'ily, lid. �Trj I ! . , a(an) ealth At T r I ! tail CAR B 0 N LEAF talph L61�(�on zivb, holiday1jij tit ill -13ORM A WIF F. ;and Me, J�i Mrs. John :�F red, McQuillil� -,A1jss,Marg ,ark'M61ntyr6:pf LoMon,, e'4 this eek. f M nd 'Bowl B �in e4�: and Atid,'Kiss..Effint CAR B 0 N BACK Motor ei'd W Toronto': or a few iiays,. a,. "McD' agh;',who .0 T:: Offi, 'a I r '�recient y, holidaying, with,,, hext parent' their retitillL they. Ver don, �istt6 ' 'u n P 1; d Ipar and e Ae d M. M Th R vith, Mr. Haekeiti gold, left frOni Toronto tn�d' IL BEFORElk tThon L Qy PLACING y" IPS' 6"L Y MCQUj17 ary 6eIingtoll 'All ia ii;ij tb��, St. k' rie Misg Mary Hakerm" PHO' !��en,,. L NE T4 , W htoon: 4 cousboiS. Q visitdd last, iveek aas pebee rniee a el, RICE q. 13 h US, FOR P ith Mr.' 6�k,'w�jit o. T rQnt4 at int il Mi§s W.. I). ',Ruth�rfor�,�� ivas� in, Ame� �C K' a pae the" Cent i,,, ;Frgug, for en Week, M i The �'Urit H44et rited' the 'Wee -,she' 'ill R n*4 �,XPUI A, a n A L�, all arve4 �Vqb 6f 'St. 11 �Avin� rl�otoie4 0" w n, wi ev. dL k,, where, atb" I n - ­ r, , 4 t- ted�by-her, --j for Jricgrdine� Bedell. Ike 0 C FU''M'- I U PQ W. 0 of Mrs -Me' N I 1 .1 .. ..a a. J�rank ii�,mn� vIsjtbd :fnd, J iiteebuich,' Mr. Milla, of' Dinebb:m yisited with in Monday Wj - Spe" the, ill!, sbn­Bay-­ 4u6st§-of- Mr- -and- M rom the hrilli r lig., story of Sa Drtig, Co in 3� b, busines trip C. Reed of WI Me Ana Irwin, his nepbQws. -.t.lie Messrs. ,Aitcbison� lerson Mrs. geed is re� Miss X Sun o aihle0h: Lumbers of Toront( Roh Mr -land Wd..Pollock:of Port. U� Igin. 'few, days. Visitip' -h ffiai.nihg forL a g er ';aunt, rbarp L Mrs.' A+h, CON Visited- 'r&enti:� with Mr. and. 'Miss Hyde., 4,rq�,,.Hyd,o who bad`bO�n 1161i I P1 LOS BuLeg as." Also The, Young People's Sq�iety lye 0SgI& Teestwa e r L s. Bertha Macl[vor'df Detiit IS' their niplith Port Eig:iii.rd�'turned home p'rogram. ap �in,- artin, da epLl-­q-e�d. �-r -PY L ARTOON -- 7' 'Miss :Laurine rOtu;rned; spending., her', - vagaition-!­With—her- 1 y. evening, i- ft.01USE C io sea MaryLjayie Irwin an Laur- fri attend 'e. pro L grant -fioine after spending a, wee with' Mary,, M daughter', n acDo ald, splendid. ends in Harold'. Bell -and child" wee of' mw ine Martin 0 I St, -Helens.. f Hu 'on ? And, e eri ... orQn site holidaAng. at'' N Win. WQOL S� t y X!g ohns visitors, Wit theirL r. k an� 'OX - grand, at, e , EWS, Myrtle., spent, t wee, vx teag4e"' ­ " '' ' �M­ - r �i �pioh iy to, South� sh Pfil fiIends in P nn6rt. yvel er roas to rqAdoi Toill amp on, in, Of 'L or it. unga n L t Tb traight, d feats, p tleigh e �an. M Mr., Noward,- VY� xisii� Floren 6. 6 acKay, R. N., nd An r$on move a Vo f ankS: to who. is, of' Lamlifon, Count,.#, :Billie: (6th ,�eqwa or d tjie,��soeq� Miarnif I�Iorida, ia,spehding b Aiide d to --o "t �gu er vaca- jeh, threk' �,j �br, with' UK Fiapk, T6dA Er who has tiken a I I W'b V a e t ar. da neA�, stuart" t d rs.,, A..'Sutheiland., and . rpther bere Mr -tfi 'd 'rtin Par of Sault Ste "geoke, lletm,' P 5 P Mr. an lor(witht'ber'�aiiter�' b CREWE Se of a� ,Mir. Ffal6igh prominent reeder: D Jo,r lVe 16i. ka' nd.f nl� P.., S.�, e Y;�Pl decision thb� base um- eh ith Mari wing ol,d acquain. ances. work. erpirip. The. B League' tilre'' HoWard Durn.W. o eric ruce 'Arst of" tl�o�,%�fek w 0. is rene 'of Pol) Angiis�' Cattle W out Miss Cl�araj Mrs. 'Di 1 utot..., �n this coxnmunft�. Dr. MaeRen 4 .3i, felt �b Ru we k t *r. Lorne Webb dartin -of Wit C so -11�. the Orptest Which,'was -later nod T wi It, friends' here. "n t -Henflock--Ck y A n h o d-'�d e-,Ajine gh n e or ors i re iv a ere. bel6ngihk 'to Mr., Pbtev Carteiri- w' 1 1. 1. . I , I. I Of ;04derich oV best - wishes -of M her bio s3ar River Tit 1 s� 44zol eitis', bf,, London' 'Va des�t a 0 i, Wlil. Ckoz, er: drf Thuirs" - played.on, Mdn� royqd by.fir6 Mri, Toni BueglAs.nfad'o a*' buisinesk t here- Wil I g0L with�bini 'Coin' sky a meeting 'and Go dsiyjjth, wa i Gr ta Webrb for e Augu'* t d ;nto -week nvinciblb r4y' to Torc few, days singing a,L N,61'v, OU bits a non. tw d d , -Q" ' " . I '­­ 't , : T e .1. j L' -,be d on Tbursday'r .,Mission., B4tid. bro4ght eek." *.0.' is' to �be Mt kllowiiIg: the but Hi Is N.Y. rkay of Bedford h of� Mt%� on.r.4 t e .. home hel 'meeting in' the' '.At -to w.clo§q� California,' eq a ono� Tun, -while Solitlidrapt c"�. August. evening a andt'sons DiiDcan. Pas and,' iss. MagtjoL on .,Thur§day. oX Kenny.." Caila'pbell �6hd ix runs, -o ro. : onir 'o. imulatid .,the 'Uhurch oii Sat-� 30s ra� -o ur ay CL h and, vir cou no. r. in eL.L 4t IJAVe and 'A-Irs' Jess rh f:.G,ode,r o :and Doran Wb tjlc� ' Nii, , , -M '-:6 �, I Yray., a ell �Vfaft()ri - 'Ross sIAb were. �6h t 0 Error h d 'M� a ho*' netheir. Te L 'k death�aoecurie 4a -at- -��nett' anq-, Luey nitingo WWV 'jL- C r( -,w4 Mrs. Jansen of Innes are a 'Detr,oit, Suit out the, b of"Mr. and r6titifiC U Matt. 'Shackleton. 4aj, td visit- �.ih ks., Oendi�.g*fhja w tbe� infantr r witli c s 1�4 in 'thd 8th.- Goldsinjt1i's me Chi' ago gifid talso. 'Curranr no d Mrs. nr of kk the r R., Middlei iss: A accompanied sq r.�.,Win� burnt rVr e!an ly. a'no were. down, fb �,)Lo Ts. Muel.or; aged -nine ri and: B r D.; at! IAome.:and,',.,WIll ipend. the. renlaIII&A: 'llow-aid Durriri crew ra�pped :Boula�ls: olteii�ga,'ftee ate. M days McNain n-, -was 9, Miss Tbina. w t�' relativos, ill on oil S.unday­119., 'Hoato -four'm6re rung.,, M' Beatrice McQuillifi� bf the ho n. and chased Aaughtr��of Montreal "and Y see r. as,r 'Me of T, Goldsmitk W V44,,Ofa shut Detr are glad t 'ig out guest at ho' Tajlor �Zodjins tve d oih, R.N.,v when,-�R6�lajL BCD r I I . . . ­ -M ­ ­ ' - 'r e o a ay refi :.� . Z M'jr3 J tirnin,, w io w :ing'- orCSa ur ''Witt spbna� the ing,- MeN ho ofie� r Z k; 'Und me. I , ' r d'' itn s. .\,cry luell inlpio�ed ill L alth. the -91. , Bou ay was 'pas wee wi a Hdlyroo4 'W ith' he�Iouslll, e 2nd,rarI4 a Ali 1�6-4 of r F.W.O. Will bbi�; !ied, dv round t a na Bl rk 6 d' �,,,w a advance th e of,'Bir� mr, Xog ar-M&tjngLAt­t as.. eat And n-weire ut :and. two. strikes swiller. With.. lieri MacDonald. on', W B Ca,riiien, Wain ilixeW edndsda�r.' :Stot lers'and daught D. as Mar'y, �rance&' Oj re6�ot e d E AU'g.ust 16th at 30 P M h6 t mi�g' boulay to trijio�ie. Monday 1' 0, "Itolid '-'I aad di'alh A -HEALTH SERVICE 'OP or ay -1HE-,CNADIAN.l -AL, n s0 ball 'and' NiEMC ne,r, more Dn 6 h u, We'elk4nd` visitors �4�cluAod� 'AND SSOCfATIOjN­ANO 4th' �Ii&- Lorne AftcKeh'zie �6f 1)4 roit spent Miss juernice.'r., at, NSURANCE COMPANIES. a ce eexwatdi, vet�'ra at 6 Wilititai. ee enguip Woods MiS"Wi 'CANADA T. M-cI os 7jo u r And year.r rn.' 'they Were nif ed Blake; a '�d Dkenn 2ruc L -in,. NrissWi. n the week ruck, out'jo c Sch inicer, of Kitcheirier, is tM gu.e�t of, fi4 q� iand at. 'lid Teeswater's'' L :, . , �' oil.'G.' Mae-' usand ?At and :0 h orel tosh f' Vineland "it. Mr- FLATULENCIE t nd. an .0 n acc6mpanje by Mrs E Munro as , elit Sand ay wth.. rs. n sa *bo:bas been spoWdink'her ation FlokA ave prnin , of Dtibgrjannonj­ el, parents, Mr., OW S, b -q n, 4eiiing Teese'r's unifOr d" l . e -1 d r Ander I t Andy'. Thompson 'rbdols' U der 'no.rinai Olive Die�na g an, Irs., in Mr. J.: R., Wallace, Mr&- Thom, Mt� era amou 9 gaSr is,,,pr(isont' I �k6tt. is dii oukid by �boat On, SLAtUrd, ear aw. we I AS Lplaying I I . 1. 1 A. -I II& and jkllan .]of i on W42 �ila­ the" iTite§thlei e gqs- a M t use u 'PqTllrqL I�TiSS tty Taylor- r0t 0V;. �'teoiNN,4 or s�jn that i d,� for last, week) e1iing: for. ant Be �rhqd t� li�i Tieqdak for� a mo or. IT d w ell it' WhriiIatet h I y;S1 veraget Mis§ o n4 1 a at �b t as -h fri S �Ihb':*66nta'ctions' of the b o wol� twh f6 Isabel, -IlAc i 'sbo* them. eak. will a �nd'LtM;o we�k th wit end X.dr%V�od,.a p -------- -p move t e contentgL of:Ah I alonir wee urnif r a h. he Rip- ...I .0aches Juhio Ingtitut.ers. ,ew..,dayg iwith, Irwin was �pecbfid, jiigh it W arr 6. b6w� at' Camp, kint ii 'wit -j ebbsihs here. n- I I � L I .,:. . ', "� i... . L '. ., "' rt'- '.' ' . . a average oi 286' and 15�146d- 84.4' To L . I I., I I , , L - i S'� is es pen -a. 7. -the- intestinal tratcL 1 Dove et,'Hort6 tPeatfice Trel av-�n� 'onlipapti tted -'.218 and: t ee urn are, ueg a of t 'cousi'll ays- w'Ith �b . cousin r in a. e. to.urne heir" It Iededr ve pro-:: -, I t 'd r. at�ulon&meani n exces.iii Mra, John N.-,MacI,�enzh b h Hort' -792 Xiar on irles,, an to k4 -at ter: 9pen -Z' -ih t 'e, in.t ar home" in d' y LY d d r su I . y p ey cl . Cott, ion. IS U r�, ar 0 77—., al w hem - A. M ii,the L mily d �ue't6 on6,of t ul ''ert:.. tin r, ii�ntation' b6-Arst fe'r# Of40d;�Mir -Afthlit. Culbert. �of 'Dungfil& 0�izid her hich occurs hen t ere is i rs. Margaret' MacKenzi e,l a�nL Mr. un 4aughter Big.Y Nettg' at Chaw :; L iii the diet, of augarsd, starie es.o c ng on S d Ana ng ose w o ir. 4ohn L. L McKay, visited: **ith iuioge�i-, the. iri'dig'e' s'tible' resi�ue of Donald, reunion. coarse; and whole grains, lols.; cousin :A vejetitb 1`h4rlie'an ngUS­ McKay of con.; 4, ........... . a .,a 1111C pl, o occur �,*e6k. I I r. . 1 ' i "' in, the'� !. .. . d e I argaret and. I. �r her"� 'atttild Ijx� Amos'-PaIn4e of Kific"Iardine, an& This a mosi t e�d th h- erjeli p orse 'ra. e it 0 ok person Wno �i8� conaiiflated, G' d 0 t b Mrs. Jose h h1r. Chestbr Palm4r because M L ' h '6�. '' , p C"I'ng� -gpent the visitors. at T. L etroit were Xondfi 14141 i in -'Oil bun- b da4glitet? ek1end,'with her - the Sub ca�es,� ibe:- teontents .......... owel are retained- for a corn ndsay� Who It 'f� Calvert -Fin ay folik ti as day. tiVel _ _ ", . 11 L C 'I'j . . 6. ��ii b 'bureh f Fi " ' .. . t.'It ' , . ' ' "" ' ­ *, "I � -1 , . dlark'j� N, r., And g Mrs. red McNTOIIIY' and: V. OeAt6r billpor Unity §peh .'the w6ak-end Ong or mady eld�.- r thq I i f or arn diugbt�r Doris,. and Shver 'hbtL nq versiry'ilerne & on Stinday,. with ga: a ro ucti 1friends I!e ar g t :Se t4ionto," ar6 ite g6 d I o e :a tendange g Dot of- Mr' p C61a ffensi nd.l."the con-' L' -Mrs. jL* y is'on �,bei .way to�r a ion is "Dy 'J d e ieved "assing'ifte ga pati Ill ge Ho'gking �*a ;6- Almer Ack6rt-, tit 'Present' e -Mrs 'C Jhe- m6inifitarid, Edi-ar 'and if S, Kirkland to her ion.' nen were, e onald reu-ni on MI k as zzie a,cjj ja ents. w;!s, he at tbe�A o� id ebonald 'hom y— n such- ases, R. is adVISaIlte to The BAkeball W A' Ik , I �, � - g 'iknbst A pla and, Mv�.. r n at mile -River -e "join _red L, M ­the_ '�nnfla with e#Len-joj e _if4 rs ar Itipley'Lon, Wedn6day of��I'a- be n �coarse Vegt�Llt pwtoes -a" togethei. Mr., and Mrs 6 n fa o Vi _5 in favor -of and .,wbdi ll�' diet. e-kr�in -eertii *with consider ble' toitighAge a'not 8, Ma rgaret AfacIntos a A, vdr -and "Wir gaidc -n were 'rece vi.8*t;-� 1ya:s held' Oil' August '3rd',, ..... (�r.Y-Fitala. son -en t6r-tain tbe�, beatL di6t� AFir1j. Of "U ingspri ge.s in, bohor of Mr. and Mrs. ia,41ie 'best for'some'-pe6ple. hasebaill pla'� toch-, yed, N SITING -TQUCHI�S bw iriday byening. r. The�"other 'caus, of gas in ''the- in' s�Ish and "kin r�sbridg �-re841fod: acebitted a :pOisitlon'' in, �,oiio 'of tb' tea ne 'in putrefactibn�%Thjs­tai ter in at victor, li "I h roilt b ill be mo adid% 'w little boy' 'af -Sc WK% A04 w 0 ying ffp1sive as it rises offi x -of a was '.played 4 . . I oi : an'.wbo. e. seen f'6'31� * ' A.'. ante oftbal l' wore, fall - to -6ieins 'in tho the 'pultj�j�dtiojl forn ences. iej. ' q e girls e ad source. q ,pro ein. :in� twelfth 'coikOssion" nd sof "t� C niak� "ItIorses :,b �eii th sur#71'a9ked the, mother. our diets ",at. 1�, c hich,t Alany ip ey riends. Attended, tb�,� 9P r a-,bor'se ary, �In. much meat inay' have bie" d ftinerill ot-James' fi it ia b, ir US 1, were' arris7'AMbeardine, near �d saw' him�r he il* fe " " � Clile,'� fo,jatk, Of r the gatre n 'Thuraday A gus Mth, Mrs. wki': just nai Ing -On his. et. a o babit'.,or 69erdise bow itaebel t, Con ay' 'be "'regular e.) viWd the 'Mehi YbA Y there !lot' 10 is sister in of' the bast h6m Hartiso, Con. So. NO.T,. A. CIENT d r6ilst ream" to 6e a br6the 6fAfie,-dWqawed: T�.o inipdrtaC -diit, bd%eilmIn The lady, at the window- of 'the.. ere a enjoyed, tnerjjsjvc� h'tl6n, are y U. F. b fiblo impor, ant '. considering The', RiMe' re .you sur6 t, in a 4e* hours.,. (to the' Pofterj: --'A t:Wii c6diiion�, Aribtfier point hoti�6d th 'ir' August nueetink, t the h ltf�gkage is, In -4he compart- anNfaeL�tiniiri OM Met. F e� _OtL,�,%' rot�. is oil, sTent, d Whlitdver. tbat 66 arrie- d mPtor ft Mrs. idhin,Wyld '.CO 6- AA . . , $r r P I in a.1 I ulre s nuibin er sis ers anjd resti ig number h6 .0 argely the All persoM Be ore Ileft, be ond' oeli,, return�, they intend f, abnLorMal conditions wbieh result 0 d '148 f j on, her e p ure, a arii, 'ptly- as" ohn's Ne, ing�npt A— c' 0' 1) pe r, �een e 'Fait at ChIca t&` d' "if the Martin Th t6 g 0 bowb ri u"A'"y r;f 'Lv'�know and . ..... . . x r �tfiit 0-dars'e 'foods 'ate .-ndt to. nk gp sag.t.f.ei �,use, is,� t ere renewin WC; NOME IS IkOU ksftv iavate. jivritaf, et, i9-%n6t*tbb M e t Only deifi, Was Miss 36r'y 9 marriag# Jr, clean SdENtt �'MPNIT09! and, I'§ 'well hor., She STIAN a ion' m iltt ;C .,eag 'W ' t r r's, 'seedred if is to be pio,-, he .4 DaUr 0*jim r Aie --- ----- ME CIFM be e 17�1 P* - fa It 9114o 00 oaftnribe�vv world notw* 6j3jd­ kept ft(, F Sir h hu a f 11 " 14 '11 1 Wi .'i 't. p in quite ijj� I r Pat" ol, I tio6rithed een k dmkjj� CxwdawL% Ed' aW So*6 M o' j 'X,' abnr.tQgI Id Ook a e""a, of, ftrwi rj6 tht -M" of th On! gun&Y, Abku,0 6tb', D, f. C", W . 4:11a sr-He�! 2�dd' 'Witthims th* World digtie ot 111 . "; esv*64 interm to zien, I . "� ; 1.. 1 , ; 13falke � ol 'Cahime: ,d ftsft *Uta OubactIV000 to, The Cb rittl" Jkle=4 ljoultof Q, &�Clrt *213 am amth-i t �Iitb. 9tit Ai T T 7,7`z 'k I xtr, -nealth, Y ;W yy ru n -ll, -A Abd d. I Pfl-k-lohtlY�, thi-- h�,,Al6kjr =11i'lal i�F ? �ppy, % 41W qjlo� vlew '91564ta", rod. Who Ijj#d'Ltfi-�'S 1. 1 , I , '0" 'Of 1'nrrjnt6 who q6jjk�' h two V��4 pfop atj,d'j'a t "t" !lid SbAl-tod ft t . ro ln','orddr � to: M6., 441811, fo Ir iLgetthng-dinner -aiid'�. 6"tibZ. �td. oyi, lfizb�, rmttl�. whe J' 9'..tho" latest enity )e rAug et, _d vyl. I 4.. .,a t, n 'it I t A,he 'litin Alow camp antuot. vrph �, Tw fleally rgo a L iw� ilikit-, 116ii W1.6 N A)6� Ak -40 win;ie,r or e in -V 'eat A bf I thfk vAhik "h4i N