The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-08-17, Page 3• .0 •. • : , ' • •s •o •' " . •• ••• . .• • ' .• • "" ' '•-• • +4 , ' • ' • , • • 4,4 .7 44. •,+.4,•••",#,P,,,,, • ...••••, A ••,,•••••••.."•f.:7441•• 41, '•••••,,,' 4 '44 4 " • 4,444,1k •• • ' • • • • .."2 • 414 •, .• ' ' . 4'4,' • . e••••• ,..;..,,:i:.........,;',„4,..,,,,,,,.,,,,.. • .. °••."". • . i • • .4,47, •-,4•4.,.!2,..., •-•• ''''''' ''••••*'' ' • , • • . ' . . . • , ..fs+ ,4:'....A.,,,,,,,,;,,,, •' -." "•.:',4 "- 4-'44-, ,. , ....+44,404+,444,44i: . • , . . . . , . . . • 4 4 - • k• • ! . 4 '''44 • *, • • ' • • ttusiNgss. AND pi,EsDD0 • 43 HAPPY .006/BilNATIOIC • $5"." daNSHECUTIV. YEAR' Keep up with this ever-changig civilzton; Come to, the Canadian Ndtionalt Exhibition this yearand broaden yourknoWledge of things Worth while. Stroll through the great pelmanenr edifices., fanniais for their architeetural magnih- '...., •cence, and enjoy the marvellous dislys. from home and' foreign lands ,Visit . . the Motor Show anti-inspct the advance models for 134.- Admire tbecluie 4.. , -• „aristoctlef :at the Horse •Show in the New • Million ,Dollar Horse Palace. • ' ; Janinehe eocientand modern masterpieces intlietWO Art Glleris. Thrill •: • at the music otb.O.B.and':oft-tii Majesty'..s ciits Quards and thirty orb ei bards.• • See- ihn t orgeops,,..olaniorous, glittering -pageant '.*.Montezniria" where th Spanish adyenturers-clicover and besiege the ancient empire.' of the Aitccs:e • : tan a pug! e lawns that slope gently to Lake Ontario s shores •an watc • . . , the World's.charbpronshpMarthn swirnS. Experience the thri ll 'of a lifetime:, .;'• -,.,", , ',..„ . • t the world'S trofessional; 'championship sculling :races 'and etherinter., '! ' ; , .,-, • ••:: :' ',. fiatiOnal compentiOris afloat anc1 ashore. Be one of thethousandi of isappy, . •. • •• ,... • ...:: • tearefree people. ki ri:a bileilting inidwayZ • , . • ' • ' '- : ' '... ;.-The:Worltrs largest annual pxpsitido/Offrs fourteen days and nights (eXcet . Sundays) of edneatronand inexioensivereereatlen for everyone regardless of • .' age or sex. Free descriptive folder i will beforwardecipromptly upon request... aceptional excuplipn rater armageci-on•ridAlccal, agents, ,, ' •„ 0 R4 lizi.,ays, ,Se4mskip$4,.golPi! Coacher: ; • WM, ING111t Priudin " • H.F. WATERS, onerp I Manager. . 4' •• . v, CANADIAN NATIONAL thit °A11111E n ri oN ALIG.25 -to SEPT.9. 1933 • .7 New heS.. • From Germany Oper1.tving Causes .Bxocius• „ • erlin has 328;330 more women. than -intwaenorelingto theceneusthat-11 • st• been. token. The; population , e capital Germany is.noW 4, ,102,050;,,,ITliis•-e0mPar.ietWitti• 2921011 1ghtYears ago when theslast.naion •• ,,,e044.tbok 014cv.. ;the last • '2,' etionthsOt is eitlinatett Berlin hasleat ...": ns t.1.1.1 ant 1..A•tost :of' these tettbecamse husinese, has been bad'.In ecineetnence•orste generail'.teearenlie '.• • tonditionS, • ,Othr.trity rityp gone ba, • .'ausie. of:plitiaiselianges, Many:are expected to return asgoonas bitstnets ,..••••:•,eontlitone .frprOve.. The ,exodus • far has, • been to.".einititkk ',dfs-: Itets. wh era, li ving eaper than in' • • JhLtowns.. • • . • ; •-• . •• • • , , • ri g h !arts:T*74w* • h orl nal • tune rak.O'f. WagnrS chief 'Werke. and; has : • evereirices•been seConil-tilYtc.•Bat= . \Vaguer •produe ... Thigyear is.the(great'OoinpoSer!S' einf-centeilaryi and the. city • s mak Ing ,,a comPletely: new ":departilre by: • , linititO'hR this': year's teitivl With the: • i,storin .',Aseciatnn of i37gner. • and . • he Bvarian'. Ifng,,Ledivig : In the• , . . , . Niblupgensalen. of the Muinch •res ••• deag (thelialae..nr_the„foriner.,Ba Varian kings), '6:0111400 e of agn ge per ''..•'.1;analiniessietre' or the .'coirtposer,:for, placedextrac • .• Iiisl'lettrs and records of :opinirfne PeSeed by hiiii;; nd" in 'this waY is tenet] tr.Make' the - exbibigO1-1.: Ficture of 'fife and the: grit W ifir•of Ibis; '1,vork. Air -eXCeptionallY: iriternst- •'.' Jig( tett iw • supplied by pc:Luc Oft • , • . • arions sent: ,CoteortS, are to • ; • t 1.1•6tiscliWansein, one ...of Ilia • . fartmi .castles .erectd. by king 1;tid- rhisenstl,•owing to its 'unione„ iLuat1onAmong wooded . bills', and , • alceft„. and the SOOnili a V ii-lia•••w.h • 1 tekvi -c-1111Pat -s" Of h'1-e'rb.lo nea s •• ...the, south, -poesesss. natural attrac••..... Withont •4 • apri. .• 4.14if Which' s eloSeinfitatiOn of Abe: fantoite ';'Sangrsaal" in the tthurg .0:iEisetincli • (the •celebrated.• iicene "Tapolittose2")7'ffIit§-lialLiti. .--,19-43e4A441'..to&''thrIlTgt nap orr-e oc;: • ....lV.siort of theelest•iiii ',on ' .,! •• he•conduto by FIn5tfl(1Oi f1 Mon herich, PAUCtieisen and. Zwicslev, Tree Grafting Bxtaordinay.,•..". ' . • :' On stnall fttrm meat' TPgOrfic'e; 'in .is, a par. tree t • 't •'. • 8ource tif in • - jt S,WII Or, a smple and. • petteant The -tree ie ' o'er' 1'100. years' old and is ti; tecegni'z'eti ian0`. . mark throughout tlio:district.,, ItS age . s• ...; e prevailing Mood-, xt01:nla Ily so. •itenSelyr. hieiiligYgrtatotti,hiiiiiniillg cOsnmpolitati character, • • ,_,., ., ,' Open -Air gpora ..";' :.• Tile; 1PW.,' Og-n-40:::111•B•tentlaiti-Oft:::* WUrtteniberg.., 44 Theater Herr Qt Kraiiss,has,iit Made P1.) he hiklg of arranging fpr. this •suirimer, oiiena 'Operatic perfortnannes in trent of t "Grasse ' Haus "' Pie -new Stutigi , . ,.. .• • : eatre, which was erected in 191**A) , • the wellkneWn .Munck arehitect, He Ltttnann.: Thepoet-lassicistie facade of..the•mcresso•Hatis" With ite nierin mntal „prOportione .will 'tenni, anIdeat backgrOOncl-fOrt.tiveselopen_talii,*.rm ,...'. apceip,---,4p offtuiroattbitu'Tfif crowd scenes ' •shonliljhe espeCiallyeffectiVe. • • . • .'. 1 ,.. • • _........_.,_;_4„;......,r. .'. ' - ' -,-:--, .' ' • . .' ' ; . .flY English' IYIiiter: A!! Xiiijibit '14‘1d:. ... ,: ..\ •• • ..• •. sp•n4yrripc,r, .. Eng. - ...Uneinploye 47-.4„... • *rt, • eye litrildirigs and, eh eronnd them With that interelt wb only novelty: ari impart. The''bo VOweled; speech of the Munich nitiz being4tailtic.ad-i134-41elinore-eitari .accents, of ,the Noth-German,14 tid tho;sharptY , contrasted intonation'. the •.*nglili language. Tne hem geneoue . becoming hetercigeneou • etent, Events' • ' mit" Verseag Importance of Advertsing. Lo•ntion, Eng -Major „T. Astor, M.P.,. Chairman of the • . rlg CoMPanY, sneaking at a Alncdlecui' of , the American Chamber .1)1 :Cern- meree here emPhattizad. the Irriort- epee of advertieing at the present time to bring about a trade revival, AdVertisingAitterests are making 4,, bold atteinnt .14 help tcAras 'trade 'reYiValy •Orgariiing • an advertising • • and Marketing, exhiliitionlir ; :nxt. moth; 'he paid. II is stiretii '.' to • 'acieve no.. and that wise i)r..ePP- rationie .t6 "Proiltde the 'great-. est firth:hate rinrn. • 1Viiie rnan he.. Ye done hy 't:Ma:And, "advrtriing. New the :trrit to"..adV•erti se'. • • • •• . ' • '• h 'n ettirings from • three tot two per' • nerit, . Fle POITrtinlent Jatitt, Illaini•aiten) • its three" per cent. rate. or4ar 441 wx107.11tdthh: posslbility tfbio4Int 14thr!.tit,8htlexi;;,:' to be. planed with it, the Cfovernment Institution has pit info. effect • an 017ier 4t 1,000 Ysean. no: more 'than, '4204 of .whch may be deposited: anyone day • "; • • • • • , • ,- Bride 6purile H °E r)e,: 34, Voltion; Efig„-Lady Wavertree did not aead, the wildinof her adopt- .• yveddlaeue,tittger,m1M.,ificSii.r1-1-1,;ei,inia0170, 1.11441.: • lq re; p",tillyjPai4t.to9cj1ti el;111Zne et Doannee',o4t Strand. • The ,bride ws given a vy • by.. her the ':;‘•aaCewctrill••;'' . anied tWohrdeetnais 'ho 3.1*0 or school. friends: • ' • .•• • • "• " OnlY -fifty "gnevti;wern.at the' wed •• • c, wafi.arely dcor4t, .• • ed with seY el al 'pets Of and ' the serviee as ohdrt as possible. The, bride, .Who was dr -s4 in a peal -looking frock, •made of lce-blue angel toliowOd the fa,shtOtt. of. .wear14,, PO ...stoekings. .0.ver head. and face. •ehe wore •a• veil of There was no 'rception. liniziediate;-• ly afterthe seryjee fito • TifiTed lo -•the hote1at Which -ioes. FlairWalker 'had' :Stayed the' nreVitnrs night She hanged• into travelling * Before you can reeelY'0 You mus clothee 'and they left for Svdt7erland lea11410W 6 -give. I am suppeaell to by train. , • • • ' be,„„the .richest inah. in China T have •• yfr Kayser Solteitor • already made plans for the disposal It :will .be. •rentembered that 'Lord of My Money whenL1 die."' • . Wevertifee. left Ms- 2, •.1. Q00 ;10 Ave'per S Observation BalloonsScrapped. The .hur h • b London, .Eng.-0bservation balloons, the 'ISausages'' and - other 0.ee so familiar to Canadian t'roop' •in the war tocia.are possibly on the way to oblivio. • The Air Ministry has Or0r- eil one of the latest type wingless autogYrOm''Vindinill.Wpfanes fbr ex- perithentation likelys substitute • od , hae been learned. . Air ..Minitry ,xPerts believe .01e to�a.zpt•ovEsup-a-fir'n -•• ballon for for obsei•vation work liecanie f its essel, vulaerapiiity. io attack a:nd ability to resist attaek.or retire quickly, in face Of poyverfpl hostile force. The, tYpe the Airlyfinistry has' ops selected. for its experiment bave crew of five. It • eqUipped, adT 'with ...Wirless and machihe. suns. . ea , . . . • _ ' . Bananas Worry ' • , Poi•I of Spait,Trinidad -re ban anas. &tilt. or -veget'ables' lkY of - . • 4. +71.41AA ao•••44 ,A144 • 3 14 •• • '• 0.• • , • , A .,1 • • ".".1.1. , • • ' ' . • • • • . • • ' - . • • . I -L • WEIGHT. • • . • • than 111 wealt1.1. Gain 'his °1fidenc° June Rubher ExpOrt • ' ' • and yOu will become rich.' ••• •"Ari army, training is. good for an 'sin ets--in art t .0.ea18*-0n • lines,• arrane MY 'attack and. rny• deenee. • • r . „ • . . , 6 . • . , , . • • . $4 ' '2 • . Valued. at $538.852 .... ", -,..-•'... . ••••• . • n • Ottawa:-.',Tre79iminion Burt of ..; --.. ' ' : •,' e tatsties reparie; that eporsts.Of Caii ,: ..' ,: ...:. • .,,,J.':•.1 nadian ...rilhbr- in 'June: totalled in '•••• • . . .. . , t value 588,852, airriost the identical ,' ', •• • . . . ...,,, • • • , export of jtirle,i 190' • This produc . :.• • ' „'•-•'..,' wvvirae:iitt11.1t040i:n2Sgo' 4:07111U:1, t.tr:.9ievs;ths ien4atstail,bely,extphret i.. , ..... • s•,' . , , .s. The •principej .item of eiport. was ., • .. •-• -i,,,, , Fneumatie -tire cakin„ge:i.....the...4rturnber •` ' "., ''• • 4.04, being 32,204 'valued at 4267,782. l'hig ..,. 4W:ls_f ar•••yyjd#e jr:aena:e, -_„f19i3cr, ,•1\ley,Of- 1453. . • shOce.. with' rubber Oblee6f, 't6h;e91t9a. 'ta:l'' 'b.•e! ' • ''''' ' . • AriPther .large iiena was canvas . • , , • ing 11,0,222 pairs, Veined:At $5.,6563: 7 ., ' *Pre then half; or 63,905. peire;'Ven. : • .• ; ' .to Great Britain; 23;690 40 Argentina. -,,.....: -; British South ...Afrina and; 1•1*,,,, -.• ; , . Zea- landLgot. rtu_...20:...e081itiinthitt"1..,.....„Tig` ,export increas0•'. '•• ' • , .",. ..H. .Bubber boats and- shoes Ia.. the twin- , . 'bev Of 129,192 pairs, valued at $119,,1 186; were e*Portea. I This was,:a heaVi... ;'. to the-,I,Inited. Kingcloin: . /l* Zee.; ." .... ''.'3". • .„ increase, Alniast 3:06,9qo:pair.'s • Went ...* .- land -get nearly 12,000 pairs And Italy ' ' ‘ •••,.-----•,•, . 7-kpltying their linos to the tails of a para.> - ;...:1 • :. s:: •:.' . • 2:1;?.. ber ;soles :andTheers: ' . ...,,' :„,,,... •:_, T. • ,-,. f:, ..,. Bermuda, fieb.ermen batch shacks hY, • • ' - •'': .:'• ''''' .""'"' eitioz-,flehLiiiMedrh4eniciiiii.---The..reo- '-''''':',"''''''''7J:--,:'.'n4,'77:!;' over 19,00o. The United. Kingdom , • •,.' ,• . , contiriuga, to; take•'lare• 44.utintitiee at •'"' • • . ',...'•' ".• ''. - merna IS the lazieet, fish iii, the w6ridi '' ' : • • • '' ' 'A., Itgefs'free treneport by attaching iti •• .. ' ' ''' - .":. ' ' '''' ' • self by 'a uctionPad to thetelly of n • • . • ? • • , On the shark the ileheraen playthe • '''' ..-•;-1'. " -"•:',''''•i.:'::.''''..;.i; bg 'Ash.till it. come within reach • of , _,"..... • . .. • their': harpoon : 'It the pal) .tOo -hard. , • ' '' ' . • : ' '. • . the itnorna reta,ins its bola but46ea, . • , ..,.• :,., ,:, ,. . .. . - • • ..• , .. • .. •• •,... ..„ ---''.-;(3'.N4. ri.iiii.i. Gii.v':iiilai'" el i:f.iC Iiiia::-;4 has issued. deree, On groUnds of na- tionat eConoinforbidding the hOldng. ...._......_cinitobreh.ithliadta3:t:•Poartii014:::.si:J!::..,P:er01:e• 1.1...,t.:1et'',,..,......,., ..,......: 66- yrs : of 0.6..,isTo.oaify .;may ]at ; • '...... •• ."...:: • • _.._....._ :. .' •• , :••,:: ... .. _.:•---_,.. Clispfied: 'Adveijiiing • • ..... ':" . "'. ''''• • • .., . ,9N,'tN,S,-NgN,1:7%.' :AND :110- •• .. 1313ILT. ', .1\TI•te for ',c,i,ii-aldgue ‘.unct• • .: efetred piS'ment • 014o, 4-160,541^4 Oven: 3,, - • „ornoanY, ;193 Potb:t :st ••tiet; TOtOnto. •• , en • share ./Fz.r:4A " • 3. w41•yiiaki• 01.1 e, ;time ly•I'eaers Xi,000..i.,per• Year. : . • • , •,. :, .''• Officer lncler,--Arrest, : •.• :' _....., , . lb_ Cplleetor ot Custoins Aiere. --Thotig,IL.Adgnst--•:Kaye-er-'•-aged--'26 -ot-•,the IV ij ' d ''' • TIT ' f' - i' ' th itce them end fry tliinte. eit, with, 1pgabserit wit4ut 10aYO' flOniGneFert• .ti balast 'for' the Hudson Ba ' t • • . .. tg; tend% When the Trinidad f,egislature Op. a rst at Gosport when he Went ' • • rid. Rotterdam wth' a kambiirg • Booked for Cu 111 • 1V0.4treal..--,,-fiNiro1riOsh tramt. seam, ere:have: beer; Chartered toload grain at phurchill about the end, of ttiis This is a piehlein.-confroptitii the, sTeiseY 31,ng.7-flying Offi• cer gdWard• month 'tile Thomas waltou.....nul...:14e 7th-rateurnary d-esiffbes them as frnit chargeo Jerse • • , ran on,...• e •oriner s now on, e Wt d h e habitual] • • h • at es • •In la" nt• Nvi es ' Wdb recently wi deserting. and, be • ca go coal end will sail from here Jersey police way tris Montreal"..frOm Leith with,' a: • the :mid-day ne worried. siii,',2,41,41.16.c an ,7cording • to A.cal genta„ wsfl on a ey calledi rt.., It .stated that'Kayser Was Under rnad 2 4,000 blishele' of wheat 4r.Ant•;,, ir Are'4.etables,tancenrage loCal• market he: rdenerS • '• • • • • • Theusands*.,' of ,.biinches of :Ifananes an euildenly-debreed •a tariff •O foreign. , • '' • • • ' save• been Inverted • J.nto Trinidad • • • rr pirery. yar..train. Venezuela; '• but bY 'peeribing ttiein 'ea anti taxing theniTsbnpliee- Will • come' from Britigh Guiana pite:ed.. until .suchtime •Lits.4Trindati.;grews."-enaugh-toneetits deinand. ••• • • ' • heq•Ovtrupent recently granted., k.,000 -t�- aid- th: ;grovers jjFjjjf such: 'firneas', :they .canieupply the' local market coneninere be. sate guOtet1 aainst riselp 14 PoWers granted tp..the'.poyernor •to allow inVortatitin at foreign bananas tItity 'free .at„....4hy: •tinae. 3.a .shrtage'. • A lest, Case .to tletermine Aiimate- ly just what they loan lie hY; in Jay; .minere 'Win formed.. therneetves into :a 'sketching Chili two yeare' are 'have just, exhibition The" •ehibition nmpriied of Piiinjings and. drawings mostly witli a local flavor of an scenes, an 1A-: tare :Btu les. • Doling len enforcd. ititenee.'. these • 'artistic Miners have sought t or own .• sones' an o ects in the ;Woods and • lanes; urreninling the t4W2-4 with :the result .11kat'm411- erettsnicttresque , Snots dius of • a few zniles.,have heen itkted with sale!F•*gio r Origiatity Upon Carias. end sketching bock. • • A •• •••• • • ine Makes Rule. For 13abe-in Basket :,thre,vveeketold baby* ha:8 a record ofbeing the, • n ant •to . travel..•aerae. America WittiOntIts Mother; • • ...• '.:117igh.SeVein.of'San-Franeisen ieared et the Chicago •Aiport With the:. eight inurid yon r t • rud 'boarded ..One Of :United Liner! The 'company:s regulatipas stiecify„L...:1141- 1es in arms shall be carried •free.• • eves • had' a baby a,baketi The COrnpany therefore 'had to ride: While it hihther' Can. etiry, k.' baby' -ip° • •.•':,. Bank •AskS. Lss. • . , •'Kfiro•ston. ,Tmalea -Not So long ago dePOsitore • of ....'currency... in,. :United. •lStates: ,..,c0910. :get out a Percentag4 , of thei .aceptinte.• ''The GOVeranient ••Savitigs ank of' lanialen, 1114sireVerseothef,,rageks....... It •ielimil;•- ing ..6 ceounte. • • .• . • %.:7The•••bankfeared.a, ruit:--not, de4 • pesitor; looking- ,,Or their men eY, bgging' tpe• 'Val* :fel fake it.. 7. ; • The sititaton • epand threfigh action '�f, the four cbinniercial ,hitnke operating in Jamaica--7113arelay s the Bank of Nc;iikt Bank Or •c4ninierdei and "ItnyliiBenk._ .Catruin-re'dnoing theiithitdeet role He • was Ternaraled custody •• for Rates at 3vhich tho vessele beve been •.,24 houre When he • Vilfs 'to`.1fP•Ye Peen chartered are Considerahly higher' than: handed .over; to •an 'esort. those re•siailirig ont of ivIontrean The ' • , ,• • • • • Thomas WeltOn charter calls' for '2s ahineie : .6d. einailee. (eight hushelS) to Ant,' • . • • • iat .. Ane_renoe---• :London, Er]4t-Til'9.tehkt.,.___in__n-T: ---•-• B. andon-the• rate." art:Wilted if. -0Iiiria;• Wpiiiitato;__Tting-liaarcome., 2s 414a to Antwerp or R.otterdata and • , • 2. • , . •, • :.• ,,,, to Lozidon. ' •'' 1 . : : • • ...• • . • .• '2k d., to•lbe Iiiiit'ed KingdOtn., • The Eiet4.41,,:_...the,INarld.steonmfe.. Oonfee•- hi1100d ta Carry.Wheet. from: Ment- tnce. : '',.... . . l" ' .'•-• ..' .. , • ' .' '.'''', • .••• rear .net..MOnth to Antwerp and • Ititit. - .This:T..;'1). IVIerga.ot the hat hegaii• ' • :life as one, of- a, large alt! poor Hang 'keng 'amily. . • ....: ' ' • . ; ' • ' •.•Teday-at tbe:•age 'of Se011eyhe .04.-•:. _ . • .• he .did'not:ask 1;114- abont the Politin4"` i trols. niillion, , :• - . • • And sp, • when ,'a. ' n ewspape .repres7- . entative ..tap. hi tn at Claridges- Hotel di.. the ; ffist,' but: 'Atiptilhowlo 'make, • • • . , in.One3',4,-,1 And :this is .,what Sir Rebell' • '2oCit-Otterilain and 2Sd at -E • H Is • the power life tar. Britigh:steamer_-kazetwood.-_-haszheen tertian' at s prsinarter. • • , • •• • ,•••• . • • • • • g4d111(1:a7..e.P.11:a117i.).s:,;71,111, :101°11g:1;14, vse.:•.1 nian have 4We , good id eaS; 'else' cult ; • • "A„menWill tell suchAnd Such '.a•proxinitbon ' • iit. in: possible Of acbieVnient. haVe hear& 4ghtrungkrits Log • • ThreeDie Ont, -Three 13,„o3E•S •• were. hnrned..tdethl:„When*..liglitnng e.t. fire to: the :lag 'Cabin'•'of Thoniae Woodnfore•' • neer+ ft " , • •• ehark.' the' reznoraapings learned here' • • 1' The dead are :•BOland,nine; Donald,. eight ; lyoodmern'$. son e; and .en ,eight2. yea -old nephew nairrett,.orant.„ • •:., details.' of the trakedy ' knog. The. fire -occurred snarset, ly Sttld dikrict. rhith 6tion ditflattlt: It Wks. laded.that: N(5cuirripr and his wife. were . . that said of Many;'Ibings 1.,,hve at-, ,Iu• a .roem. separated froin taIeephg hat 'Odell • . .. . . rrniao .inistnIcEi.:b41 Ilive iii-ei-eif-. . The...electrical' Stoi:ni••whilh 'set . the thipred .: • • ''' • '' . ••' ' • ' . 1 1 b the Children -ind could not .' My advide iivthar yon ;owing. al:. reach • thorn The boyS 0;Vere biirised a.t...s attempt ,the ifnpesitle...'1..bee lieyond recognition. ••• • •,.', .. , . '„'...., .•e0; ' ' ' ' ' • ''''• • .• : • .'' • • .,'" •• • • house' fl tire wee_ the•,Wpret dxperieneed ' '' "-•' '' 't 'i 0' •• I ''"''• ' • .i • •:. -"Man Men would be • rie ie:s. t us yeal. .ieavy rain aCtOmPatied it. ears heve done •••inc rnorc gond' than , • talkd lese and•Alstened " • • " • . ' terign •• • 14.X, rim ns Confidence ie• worth ...alert) or r fathers '..find_a•_basket-essei; ial, 'And• o exeess•;Ch A'rg'6 •.-tv •:' :and bize, however, • are ony minor • • ileharacteristics;• It is its extraerdinarY n • ..fOrm WhiciCputs itsjil einse bY itself: t ' • litany yenrA:elgo; strange • iir stied .frbin t'41:43!lig of Ships : ,., , i:.,•.L...-,., '4. ,, ' . "' ' " Ekt,Idi : jtiliding . , • • • , a 'Washington.. ---, , . 114',11or: f th pad. serapped two vei3Kle or -every ew one launched in 19,32 . ileCording,' b .en announcement from .the .Coin-' • • ..., • • • iVrce...)ElePilitirient.,:"-':-• , - • While .iere thArit 0 • minion' and A uarter tone, Of itierchat-h•shiiis Under • . • wood w (IS blown JageiriSt peel! tree jg 411 fiPS Ware cleeenimissioried:dniing that 511.4 on,ly 720,591 gross tons in neW „ships ;`'Were built; •the - report said, , " Great Britain, who 'depends on •It •• •• y a• igh wind and •wai 'eifnht ope •• , its fork, It germiriiitd,. pa out of he pear tree grew a ,fir,ti',ea, Whieh hilt ovi'„ i•eaehod, the heiht.„ of:21 raet, Oth treei-i Ore, in good t • •• 1 Touriss; Love ,0.1c1 Munich • • Atlto Firms Agree , .to .35-FlourWeek united $tetes..BecOveri'lidininiStra7 tor.i_here44-donfeWithlAdrs t/.T • et • 1 1 q•• ' + • •• • . ispsitsTiwcisxie.,1: • .•,: . 45.100T-JJR ••. •: no..Fits any niaciftheceinplete ••' •• directiona and'smpies.. minone. corn-. 1.).ept. kfainitton... • • . • • '• ; • automob• ileintlitt. 77; .an11 i.tn011 ed • that •.(lireetors..of the Nat ionaL, Atitontobile ek 'ter' pflicalher : Of .'Conimrce. haVe:.' agreed: The code nill coda; ivhichlins.as ifs tt••s8•5-otr 15rnAcie•, , • .n.17151 ••tVAi.r6, Of 43, cent s •an • Iloilo' foi•• cities of.•• 5o.,000• ,Ce71t a for .eitis.4indr•:.„509060 and •••ittive '250,006,.',And 40 Cents tin hour. �r und•or ;250 000 • 'I'hre. will 1:,0 no „labor. ._,„•, '. • General; Johnsen? ,, :Who the. annatincenient 'after Second con fey,- ence .directors 0f.4.t1ie Saitl that the code was. noW -up JO t he Goiet•iinynt • for ac' pt ,ra 0. re a 14 ,.:tor;.•.-1Tor:---opiti-40.n COY-- • rapped • •.. '• • • oS••quitoes to be .• .B3i Electrical f)vice . r 111 .4 1110 Yi.11:11(1 A 11 i•IOS(0i f, 0 111(11(.0.(. fir 118 It;11.1- an 1lie 0$l 140440 to (1. 10 1180. r 0 it A liewjliVike Jelt,if. is ityedieted; ,w1•11 ;cilia the' wingolhinAi•og„,hes fitiatrht. ited by Frailk GoVer,,,chairlinin cOnifil it tee, ,the tissilfian'ee'ot PioNoieor fdwif engineer; ho Invention ,carailetk 0; 4. oistap :s • e;„„wsli.do'i42 "r ••• t •i'. . Thilatittual liniyist 'season hr MuLeh • 4TV iniffei iv ti31.. Yis'it ars -ae IlOclO.. lug 4 nib ' the '''cli,s, fret* 'hal f h d 01 on 'M ,• ' . ' ifierent direetiog„ litill'•a cot -11)4(4e' .,' .litiugt, :1S •inating if self nianirciii.Y.,in •` _ :•00.-aspe et ' p int atmosphere Itt• .parltS, '. .1'01%1S ' MI d ''*tillltr0;44, 1101els„.,resteur te off! C4 f es., ' 0 n 1T , lis080 W10 foitl' 0: „,, • . • „,. i wh . . • ,.. • hale, - 11 'N"asI' oe; st'14.-!on. in mithicil • ,.. it .... . • .. •• . . ; . • . re ft n .poipiiil. to • realize- Oa oot, .."In ith41, eren.fe4;hy hlir000so whion everY %•;11 -:...!:tdir,14,,1qmvols.ti il 014 Illsrtrkic'.161V11 1110 •- 41 ,r. ' ' ' , idelf hi: funienis. ,tor its ''"\leniiiiicti': • 12. r . ' I ;. ell" ni' •.0'014)mill:err •n • . traY1Olng . ,•: . . "• 01 „ • Co iuy life i1fl fid" into 11 (nrgf1g ' ernittionot 'tourit contra, • • . . thn• „Whoa ,There tt Atttoiti, ';toinfid"; 81(1 • . itiolAttr(lets.1. Alt 0t0r41111111014114411411111, ,4 t at)aligerii ;keen ...f`• • tiled ,.ktrililint• to' kill "eVerY) 'MPS to that th.y..miFht 111)011- 11.1 The rged 861'001r eS With nieCeA nnehnt:0 lnt ot tho ifolvre tintqaitt itoar • ',„ • 14 • 14t A.7 • rieez4 bring the: ••Mlblort h14. wife, •tniniet••AlOY• fyo• Lumber tiportS, .• B4C. "theater fell Colnnib 'mills "hipped ovel'seS a f(1141:1'.0N„0,- 300717. fee, haftrit: Aieton:re; .•thel •:4t lvate of.: this yenl% „-tiu101115 :t4; • volt •Xitigltom Ineronsod • 6.5 vier mott,1. tO Aust mita:28 Per eoutti.frif . oil114 A rticeit 100 pet: o.'ent.. W.a t &Ovum e • shipmentS. for the 'lerlOd c 14h .41(1j' PO' 0011, 4i1e0t thrill for tht 1.0111.slio77 d ing Six in yeAr, • ' Drstk Opg, Bit.,1* , deg, running ai Urge in. the tothship between sunriseonitsum,' uity1bci. destroyed oft ;:4ight; accoNt• • FOR -SALE' a6kercsivult. esHop, Locaiec, in Tlvtdo. Complete .Equinment, Two FoteS, • Pneuinatic, • liamtnet anti Ciitter, illis,YLtheanci a verli obmplete stack of toOls,. will sellas agoing concern•Wthl-favOrable-.Ieade Or *IN sell rnciiinery' • separately; "07, bloc • or •piebetnel. • ' WATKINs',•• • - ' 73, VVest Adelaide Sts,' • • •• Tordrita . ITIS one thing that 'heIRsis. to warm 0' dialit• potic in Min- ncd'. Then %In!: liniment Pan eases off I gendy • 4•• • E NERVES • Yieldto tititA • Viegtable Crukttfioutid •••• When you ae6 just on edge k ,• • ' you .cate.t, stand . the •clift.- TV. ; yob' ale Ii"''' -table end blue, try ibis 4' in. 98 out of 100 Vomit fePOrt •*'•••,• •••., 14 ['benefit.•• • •• .- • • - 't • • - • it win give yot jtsttheettti •: • ' • ' • * •. J ; • -» energy' you need, Life Mil k teeth • ••• •••• ;Werth living' tigartic .4 • • t 1 1 • ( eyed bY Tay Towlymiti coituotatiul lit' Meting. • The Ono. lbtonAliht flogs musuetther 00.0 •• fuutiul; not 0.,•1. Wita' teo# lit a•voivoo-d• nano • , -7 • ;t6 the fares tt pt. sistin es, JOhlISOIT;;11144. hey trsi ••tufd krget 44. . .• . . • . • • if$SLIZ N 12 •'' • A , ' • • taaik4O+4•4...