The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-08-17, Page 2• Canada. The ErnPiTe and 'TheWortdatLar _ CANADA! • W4tirPrqof Reeks, ; • . , One' of the newest inventions is • Waterproof banks., which me,y be per- used lying comthrtably -in the. bathinb.• But there Is no :guerantee that :their contents 'may not make ; dry reading.--,Hingsien Whig -Stand, ' • 7 Rather Deubtful,Business.* •,Repotti„that over'800 'men have left - highway catkins, '10,0,Sti3r4 With, the avowed iparpose, gt taking 'bert,in:the •" harvest' are pontewhat,T.diaquieting, ,It einlply meenei 'that, there will )10...thei . .;miany ,more 'men trying to bat their ,'ways on1:4,he trans. • appalling • leas.' of .life: owing ; torthe numbeV tra- • Veiling., in:, that WO is .causing the authorities panne coneeirn and every effort is being Made todiec,eurage the practice, thoughwith little luck it .triust be ponfessed-North 'Bay Nug- get.* • Playing Stock Market. . • •. . A' ,matliernaties • professor • in. New. YoiQ has,:rortted, It out that -the edda. 'agitinsf-We- average man'. who plays ....the, stock.' market 'ar& prtsin'gly; Manyreeding that will...take' it aa • an indueenient.... to." get: In. the . . . -garne.-Hifeinilton SPeetator.; ' . ,. . •,„ -chnada!s • :Hew well eql1iI))-'u the great ; nia- jority • of • denadian• hospitals . are ;is' OrOved' by the fact that out of the., 893' 'given •agr4he,tetal,;.ito te-Vrer than 448' rciaintain'their 'own 1C:ray, depert- while,324 haVe.their oWn.clia- 'icaliaborateries and 218Alreii•-phYainai , • •• • ,theaPrdepartments,---BrobkVille' Be- • cor-er atta ,:tfotes: Dangerous Drivers. A. pereon driving:4'40 Miles an hear. an open, highway, and particularly where traffic' is not 4eayr, is. deb* no 'daP34,1k.e. There::.a,r,0.1:1Inatri,e4r:tod43* which. go 45 without effort :•• Tt , Stupidtriver who iniists. on getting' anead through: traffic who causes other ,•••driyerEr.t6:6•oomo•-ikp'ryolis;he is the :One who wilr,Paaa,••arinther ear near the,tiiii,)•ef a hill:and:Whe is certain to Picic., a turn in ..the read for another eichlbition of .how he can pass the Car 'ahead; ..."Siich,;•'a; driver is, anCe•Stratford 1;1040-Hetaid. e, per cent, 'Canadian loan went "out of the window" With a rush -was iname, diately over -subscribed. The enthusil. asin or the; British press at Canada's .return to the London :market Atter 20 year.' of absence, is quit e remarkable: The success. 'of ;;the .oitering proves the 1401 etaliding of c4nacuati credit, the stiPteMacy of London as the tin- eneial Centre, and -the success ef the Ottawa •Conferenoe policies of, ,Irriner- ial preference In trade no inaniemen' ted by iniperla11,finaticial 'co-operation 7,1Vfontreal'S.tar., • , " • • . Situn,n. nr The vractiee ,ef ,reefafring pupils to, ,write on departinental papers. In . the sweltering''„heat has, heen recetiring zonae verY severe ;criticism 'Just what is t� begained; by sottiug thesp..exv, aminatione daring the warmeat. Wea- ther ot.,the stunmer is not apparent to the public. After all, the criticiain, that has been hurled' at Me,' practice; froni all :Over the province, surely the eduCatien department will .find Sonia other plea before another year goeS hv.--BrAntford-giipositer,. THE EMPIRE. • Scotland Leading Way. • Poi England and Wales the IVIiniST ter of Health:las lautielied a campaign to 'wipe out the slums in ilVe; Years. in Scotland the Department of ifeeith ••. IS at present working On At three-year progra.m which, is operating with great suCcess..• Scotland ; has outstripped' England and Wales in slum clearance: -Glasgow herald. ' • Attempting Miracle.: • • ; Presid•ent:Rodeevelt, it la atated,'has deterniinedto cleanse the • United States of itt3 ,guninen •aid gangsters:. If it ...can,be den; M„, will 'do it.: • It. IS 'a great tribute to his personalitY that:the AmeriCau, people are .'already looking' to him ,per6rin the fillr'acie.. ,We cnN e it.. miracle 'Oecaime.4c,c1e• :strok the••American gangster; as 'on,: Peaed ' to, Merely; .driving hLin uktier- gretind for a spell, calls for nothing short Of it-'toiiiiireliensiVe reinorieliing of . the, American police:1end. judicial systetits.i To take these oukof,politica rapine ,iendamentiair changing..,:••the • constitution Of .eVe:ry' •State in the. iTtiinn;--,-*ceiling'NeWs.. • , Britain's Telephones. , • .. '' , '•et'untralia'.d.Reatiny.. • .... .Whilethe:nunaherbt •Itele'phcier--6,..4iiij; 7'...-."•A'affilillf:Tthere--4tre-ziinnienie,'stret Seribers in the world is ;A:44holo de- ci.ios iii Northern Anatralia :or,' what , . clined by ,000,000, last Year, In' Great Might, be fertile:grazing land; large' , , • : - Hri aii4 as a resultof a campaign areas where ig-raising ans, bacon, 'carried' ciic- by th-0-1atiniZter-Geneli'l , curing might be carried on; minerza, „ , ;Under Whose .airection telephones resourcee waiting.. to be developed. .,, , . . nunle,•411e-.1lumber'' on: the lirst; has. , Who is to do the developing -. the been increased by 65,000. -Sault star; Australians or somebody else? That . . .. . .. : , ....i..4.. is the. main : questebn: Reversing , the B*eriibbind Best ExerCis ' floiv• of poptilatiOn fatly he,r swollen not AO ',believe Mies Zelina O'Neil . a , • tr. tt, tit • 41nd You Eat" • . This pile of 'wbod outside, the town hall of 141adsay,-011t4.ia....150 '- ,Cords end Is for transients to saw before they can get a Meal:. :If yeti, . „ saw enough you get: Phld for it, , , . Tourist's •Car Stripped Of All -Accessories AuroraH-Stripping a, parked: :car • a new set of. the, all Its instrurnen and. movable accessaries,, thieves. 6 lieved 'responsible for A-.1eng seri of thefts; made a getaway...with•the loot here: ; The owner a the- e was '17reileriek Perry, Michigan tOuris Who had left 'his"ear parked • o Spraice4t..-:=--The,car,---w4s-feinid:aft the theft several blocks 'away'. ‘ Co stable.•Eleury :Slated that he 'expec 'ed to tiralee 'nu. 'arrest seen in -th case - ta. es Ir ..Prince' Does His Bit to Improve Business London., -After the Prince of Wales golfed at La Touquet in black and -White-, plus fours and a.. sehnon pink. SleeveleSS jumper, an airplane loaded with salmon pink jumpers left .that • night .• from London to Paris, they , tr Were: kold..'wittirn, a week; . n When put on a Fair hie -Sweater; er- knitteckfaHiiin'irrthe'Shetlia.--di 11- played in ft'at St. Andrew's, the style t- • for PairIele ovireatera beeame, so prev• e alent that the 'Shetland weaving trade • juinped migion a year. • . • When he :witnessed :the internat'ion4 VI 'polo' at Meadowbrook wearing hat '•with • a drooping brim Pien!ii hate ceased 4ilie-magie to be, narrow bkim- . „ r , • ....-...,-.--...- MeGill University'.,• , "SubScribes. to Many . Journals, s' med, and rollfrig,Eiind-from-'San'Fran= ", .cisei:F.to• Vienna have been; Y79111. tern., 1 e,•,_ 'ed.-,down-eVer Since ;`• •• - : Montreal'. --MeGill - onnof the largest subscribers of per •iodicals in the world-. ; • - • ' ' .StatiOtica7reempaled-shew.„.;the th univers y regularly ieceives. some. 3 500 Magazines...Some ag are inineribed.forin'the regular 'Way, • ifffrOtai: of 30 are presentation' sub- scriptions, , 'while 645: are on: the ex- change list with - other •The',.efiltire -collection 'Weep.' rated one of the best in the World by mg librarians. Proposal to ban • • • Unattended Dogs. 'orilliii7,.::•ont,-7,4,PY drug running at large in" the township between •snn, rise ana. Sunset may be destroyed on sight, "abcoraing to the terms 'of' a by.law tole considered TaY-To*n.- ihip Connell at its next.:iieetingi The by-law stipulates that.. all "clOgs. .must'.either. be :tied. or houSed. aftcr- ••ha•,- • Lord Wakefield Donates • a ipke ;s..t and forty prefer 'eitlea •if..ahe le not 'prepared' torelax her immigration laws.).';'puttin:' the talented lady 'WhO • teaehes-'half 'Of'H'I'''Vast.:'areas tor whic • she id trustee . ..• . . • .•.lywooct' how 49:..preserve' tts.,•eharm ,ok to niore .ProPt.Olp kn2ployn•lent.t=oro figure by •Meitne' Of •sYStentittle.•4itne-, net ',-:theie'tlie only ways bv which When, she asserts that the best the ;Popilnion. can'',oltimately...JustifY torn ,i).hy,si,i,.eiterelse''fOr:Vfoinen her •"White Aftetraile• nager, for health: and 'straight lines Is cheSterGuardian. • - .fierelihirig'• fibers ,Iii...tho,,,MAfiner that • 1Prevailed .'beforo. long -handled Inops ;feted: women .'eft • their: kneed.King,', •' •liton -Whig-$tandard; • ° Encouraging 'Air,Minciednena.".:. . The rain ot increase in the nuniber of ..pr,ivatelyownedairplanes in this 1 . • country has -shown .a :heavy ;filling:oft . Before and 'After..;' . • ' ." in recent 'years, an4"•:•thin*lm4es li ,. ., , . ItaCe horses; we teed; .do .triet:. eat intertifit to reconsider: ar4' restrfe- ow clay :before • a race, i'''., we; ii4vo thins that. may discourage the PriVate. •',.;itia9Wa' some folks "that did, not eat:fer. oWnee.' It • is "Certainly' 'desirable for. :leveret' daira." atter ,' a ,raCe1.--R.Ogiria, 'Britain tie:Maintain the iiigh.. standard: '.Leader-PoSt. ' .' of safety in air 'travel • which :She • has ....7,,.....-. , , justly won, but itis Surely unnecessary • .. A •SeCious:Prince.' . 'tn.,' discourage' yonthful zeel •and ' to). , At ' thira-nine the 'Prince. of. Wales cripple Britiab,'ConStruCtOrs by 'a • ted • . is still a young rain and' always pbysi, rigordas insistence on observingy for - tally fit,. In. recentYears he has be- :Malities. It is:generally 'admitted that Oorae a serious Prince.,•.ZIOng of ;bis. a: little' •rriore arrrnnindeditesa. would 'ratline 1subjects .c1,,. _isplayi amor6.• lively; flit do r.iio. countrY• 'an ' hetet ' ' lienie.of...41Y'ar-br-ings--niqfv-:-ear, • . w can .aviation.develap with.nature ,... 'nese. 'aitd-..44t4,10.ILICLIllei,tatik-'-4rile, SPOO tatteity if ';bureaucracy .perSists in : Drifted Icin,gdote; Canada. anirt fie other clipliing its .WingS7,--7.1,thidoll Mornitig Poet... .1 • :s _Platie-4b1....1V16111SO1W New, York. ---plans. of 'James and . Amy Mellisorr are still indefinite, but Mrs;* Mollison indicates she may re - Main in this Countryfor a, While, to "have a good time while her- husband returna.to• England.for a plane prom- ised•them hi. Lord Wakefield.. ' The Afollisons Were given an official leity.receptioii, heti, With the custom- ary parade, shawer_of ticker tape and Presentation. 'of , Medal* at city -hall: The flyers were guests of the Adver- tising elnh at luncheoni with Jai -nes Mattern:: • • ; • ' • ". °- Fkerich ,Aviatroc Clanna. New Mark ..orly, .ren e ene, rouehdr, 23% year -Old aviatrix,' ciainied a World al- titude record for women on Aug. 2 with in -unofficial height of 0;0.00' metres '(10;680 feet);• " ,Mies ,Ribucher reached* her* height • , World Police .Chicago ..Chicagq, .eoromissioneile. And -ehiees, from 14 •tordikti, countries and 32 :of .ithe ,larger , . the. 'United :States;•''in,,,adouoit repre- sentatives froin. the • 'Vatted .:'States •Departinent;ot.JOstice, are lin Chicago. etending . a; three-day .international .00aerono p.olice •inetirode...• •,:' La. t •U'S Delegate - ti M. :Cox ,saile 'Un-; expectedly, for New Nroll'E7iTi.i'll-e;Iliter Europa Oil' August. 2,, 'Was„the lard +inetlein, 'delegate :to the, World,: Oconomic,-,-..e.on-ference;:te leave. . Len. doti. ' Cox -plan'nod,-"te.:-,•re-• m.att .*1-.41i, at loot 'rtlid"August: 2. •. • . • ' ,• ,portidris-; of the Werld-wide' 'EmOre ...-)ver,'wlifch,1-rinder Providence,he Will; . '',g1-44--t411a.)16 U'le--ate'l1fOrt, ithate, In P..10SSeSS:4 . - Safety ' First:. . . •''.1..pg.', itch :a43;,_ . it to the. -i-hr-44-e-,---zTire: ''''.`,11,TiSI. ..i 1:171T.-- 014! necidents.. are .d no , .Wail •a`nd 'gni ire; '' . . to ,preyentible. eaus.ek That ''iS• the. .Wiiskt.. 'F)ii,des:: : It .06.es' net ,follo,w • [hat anyone was- , • Ak1th' the United Stitea;determined 'eulpitble... Blaine may net, fairly. Re' , „ . to cozArol"produdtion. ne.rnaiSer.....what ..ragiom,q, thel,roaChirre' or the inert if • &fret Conntries', • may .:. dil,', the...Aline preventive 2m easu reit' :V..e..re. brie. :tik.,..'.ni , rto#riis to 'te,:'atifi.04ellin,g,.',..y;lipti , t.44. 15?.:e.:41'.1'tse .the danger was•Iiot.foreS,een,, • :Vvarld.'s 'Wheat.',hiTi ,.tiv„ill: not be , aver- Mef:hirtes onvio'Us1hatee. ibeir perila;: fkoWing. and •,,ifie.,n' tifer.e-Wili,16 zriare, ,,htit .it ...i.S. not ' truethat' it ,roacbirivry ' .. t 0 tri an d ' ler ..it,' ' That. tiniii, rn.4:i.rmit..be i F.. -pro'..,ectrA afe4tte:tiits will not'....ati'Cur, 'lie.reand tiiere.;1,4'•":no,reel'r.e.A..aorT, for; '1•:?:i.Tri.TeP• !}1 V./tin fai#Iir 010 ',V fig ifbe , . the SkYrodketing Of Wheat priues.-•-bnt heed -,f,../r-prOtectitonl; -Mat bare be'Pri ' It . a p pears. to, .114; '..ii.n 'fits' , Way,, •' wi th overle..:,k cij..or .th o a gig Ibneteesary-or .. . :./TrwillectS. for •reasortable. vfhiiat pr,.leoa ' that ,iatsr, tike • ii•qt•I to:t4f,1 .,th .,' one ; place : .. 01.0te hrtgb.t than at any mow ,ap.rit:: • II' ' ' .' '. • tir'Arettst;.thr'ee y‘Tars,---Otiay ; fear ', r.,, ',Nov elt1 "(.1c,Sa 'there are many 'ace:140TO orraby...-a t t ri b u tali; e to ,..l.lie me,. 0111114 1.e.ven; tkion'gh, they were catisedi„ , by 11.14., tr. s,e, ai.,...a 'Ma:Opine.; 'and ma tit • inidt,,, • thilrii iii'i. (mialtption : yiktf.tr,vii,t 1 . ...witV,-.4-6.. /1.1:rlit.tY,. Illito.ayi..Pan dins., ore. . . , .,. . r a pi-.. file eatig4..ot, itrittry;' it ta.':.brit . ; ,..nrieon-rmon; for wOrkmen*to, he at fault:',1 . , . 1T.01 • ntenakian DOM; Outlook Optimistic Own Shopping In. Western Cana • . ,.,„ ... . El4s..1.Viiiety Desco;144ots...; 11017 WO9ciptgek. Resident .. Ropi;04,4::: .Sis:ter. Had .,0)-1. .1--junclred: ' .. . After Trip., ixf, West . '. . . . • -_,, ,KT,, , .. . •, , 4,41.4. A,V,11:11e1t,Y.:7,.. ; 7 ..1 ' 1 Trood;tack.According to . Colin. E. Mrs. R.firah1:4XliagraV,P1.. Or A0nro, '$41:40140q?•'w4°' cet04•4'''t°' Iiis 49.14. I', near. SydneY. Anntrelia is 1,04, tears, 'here•leS.t week after : an :exletided triC .. .oid, but is §,tilr young and• fernitonoto the Rocky Moiintaiits,'West:prit..,Pan.. - enough, to likephopping,. travelling • fide,. is'noticeably ,optiraiatic, hy train la Sydney to do i.f tiesplte. ; „"With„prospects of a generally fah her years;; . ' • - , • ' *--',- t.cn.);- 41,.,-.09)416-.plappfii-gil ,a4celitidually, . • .•, • ,. . .., . • 1.4lice. *pet. "ceutenariape she :tlittilt.P.,, line one, •ChilditiPlia 04 604 OA 1•1.nttni ' : things, have ;changed, '•For: example ':',tes, , and, the Canadian, West. -aro • :when, ste+was a girl she r,enrembers 1 11°04410, up," deplered..1.grt,$40111a44., .1 t working at h :windlass ten hoUrs. a!, fi.k).ealcing' of the err:4) 'sittratien. Mr, s! day -during- ,a .dratight in. ' order to '.•Sht1eriat.41.:At*Vi?4,t1reaglteut thq • drew iii4ier 7for.,•“iinrig cattle.' 'Then , . V .S. in id:West ,o articnigtiy ie 'North tia.. waetk. -tae :do Light , .6rolte' !the , flOods. • ;Oita, the crop., :MoStlyjnixedfarrning ,... , came and:she ;Was tnaraoried, in 'att1,..leolted; very ,good „.'fa'Aiberte, •lie.,*nan.----- ,ehoriginiKa. 144 fur 'eight -.,days. ... .::' ' ef:lightfreinfall1lhey4lOoked only fair . ,,I .§.,1,1e,.1144' 00- -'11esCe1idnt01inninclink.. , end, I Sintiterly in',1110,14dried-out". regleip . ' .. . , • , • , . age of pi dia .izilkh. better than Mat. right through: to •Wfuulpee the held. ' two -,. great,great-graMphildren;" •• .00 cq,.sa00.40y.,T.44.2. „' ....., •, -..• $'.111,er,,,Mrs:.,,'• Aerhat.: who died At the. . frOot'Mopee',14*' te,itegina,"•, ant .' .. • , looked eiteeptionally 840; Mr: 4uthei; lapd', tor:1.1101g' theiii. as "the - lineal. l' U. S. c pinmOdity jpt.100* . ', ever saw." „This hraa is practically alk . ., ,:..,jaicroa‘e •' 1)urig. July,. •wi„ido.,,t,,,..,ano ..4op,id_provide a..i.m.sinpei' ' :.i)iWic0a:\l'fi:olilg''°fill'e.---.041°teldeSiet4ttIllaii:P4PirLt•Y"' . (1 1°' :''''' ti )1)Q' ' .e. °A at. -.14CUI11:49.;i1 i'4:&II*7:;°11 t:. !II: il laSag".g et,1%11 ::::: • AP i Ile" il S - • - ,' S Wd - do i :I ,. . r 441:141"ctritilvetIlleel.F.(74,eth141drei44:.4. jt9eU4ly(ilY":294:47418Cli'e.t;sa,Cikilt,siiert_t.i1;iAr' ta'42:i°11::i,414;e:g;:4.9;4;t:7:9:174:e14411:4pt:(1:1"i...ta:s4r.' ei:14: 1..i'imrle e:106Lirilatl. • ': •• , . ...• . „.r..-dreeMrpcira,rteldla:-,-t-W.livteh-e-k08:,-0--sta,lifindr--itliketa...--k%:-L'Ii; . t:geho°enillyt,401-iiiii:-:091xt St,d'1 nil: i-illtehy9'et :di.'911iii.'0,...":11::or•Itfl irl4ilte:17tc5:'7:t41"-oal.:171 1.:*1':,' ended jniy. .15, 'an ••.igerea•e' Of .100.1,01-. .114Ttehler mr.2eel°t'P.11. il'11geillites- bring •the in : wAfi 65.1. ‘'' .. ' ' . .• . ' ' crease for !the • last. live 'weeks to; • figoro for, t4e. wee:k. entle;d, jitie 24 ti) 'a, screeitOf hoe wire in 'fKetti of :the more than :five per. cent,. . The index 're:dialer, . Which caught •maiiy • Of 0,8'2: • '...iTla' w•es partlY 'eliminated by' rigging • , . :discontthrt 'to the t:eurists. ''T.Iiis Iran, • 'overheated' the Mator, causing. eamC .• , . . ... •• . - . • ---•••••••:-.,.---..........._ .She left, 190 descendants. ,ChleagGI—Awthe. police •tell ti storY; _George Grayes alnyiSt '6O1V the nreblein, OE joblessirees.'' „ Asked at the detective intreriU wh he allegedly'. married*: three : wenie :without getting eny' divareeS, heL•wa tooted a So. : • • • '.01 WAS out, of. ‘h.: JO6',:hnd.. After -left -,the 'ilDet one it 'occurred .• to hi'e that A had •hetter' niarrY the others 'so., I • would be sure:, Of , pip,ce to . • nt pests. • ', " . In the United States the main hi Proseion-2-Was4the--confldence,Tet"th , .citlzens. in the future They OPeaied . tobaVe •inuch• faith in their Pranidenti .and were ..axtreinely optimistic as to • the•retUrn of general,prosperit4' y The same held •trU?:•in the Canadian': n vest • to a • great ,eigtent, ' the peepler..- shoWingelmilar 'confidence that they . eat and sleep." •' 1' • ."*: Wife No. i caused arrest, Rescue,• 70 tears Ago •Recalled ,by 'Sinicoe's2CoUncil woriru,doinica Iast ,Week-rentenillered'adeedtif 74 years ago, and at --a special meetihralised •a-rEitelutiOu to enniftieme 'rate •the. hero - :ism 0! the late 'dahlia', Wells; well- known 'Siincordan'' a An earlier day, who---on--JUIY- 24-1858 " eavecrtlie-lives et two --boys Who were cireWnifig. in the River Tyzine. A copy of the rehohition was fcirwarded•te. a sister residing, in Simeon ' • 'Financial Post on:Adverlitising "Those business men w)io have not ••been:adVertising in thejltist'..few yeitra are coining in again,”: says the Finan- cial pest.. `7q.ley .find that. they have to do so to get. the bueinesd and;,that. they:!have to : astjNiertiSe ninek more than they otherwise, :would to ''tegn:91.. the • ground Inst as: a -result -70.f their lo:, silence., Xvery business depres- sion :Of • the past has undereed .this lessen; but a lob.Af.business Men have to learn', it anew. each . Strong Man Pies Blood: to .Patients .30g ;Atlantic :city.--;''Spilte" Howard pro thssional ' strong. Wan and Wrestlar,. claims to bethe•champienblood donor. e.said when he gave e :pint of blood last week; for a worrien. fiatient: City Hospital tf 302 'd ti after an hour and • 50‘ minutes of hniraling upward'. She .Claiined to, have bettered by'500 metres the.record • of Ruth •Nichols, United States. / 4 would come .through: in gopet..phrtiie, 'Within a :period of time: „.. • , • .„ One 'thing •noticeable partioniarly - as the neat and tidy appearanCe of • the western cities: Their •busiiresn'::.• • Streets. are their residential,. ' seething, are clean; neat and generally", sinart;':despitn•the leek •of shade trees; . . • umber'On.Relief o • r- Pig Improvement lnacinent- : ploynieift Situation in. ••, ,Onttario Toronto;There has been a rode tion during' May and June .in- ,tlie number of 'persons In .Onta,rio ,receiv-: • ing-'direct -relief. of approximatels• 25. per ;gent.; .a.OcOrding to report Is- sued by AT...4.. Ellis, direeter of the . ,flu_reau of -• The totaltomnlier Of lieddi of tem- - dies and Single mon ,Oit • relief os • July '1 Of 'this Year Was. 382,000,.:DAr. • :ring the firsts eight 'menthe -the 193243 fiscal year... the toter, • had reaChed 506000. 1930-31 it Was ,60•000 end in 1931,32 it was 230,000 , odd 9111 :ref. eiThor!ttgh the oaD. Is ptott ay, :ill:: r:pnef years ti rero, et ciistn $ a07 t'In sark o. Business Reviv'al Blamed conforen.cc:.,Failtirl Londen,arnerr denzens, Canadian • barn Slenator Michigan and a mein bar Of the United' 'States World Con• • ferenee. Delegatibiw-on,his: way ,heniet told ;a 1.40ddon;relitirter• that "we taint • over. here with hellea for•Ahe',Coliter ence higher than °were realized. We..5•gint. liere,"he:aricledi,„!'•WC• : •!*0-03frefet,F7a-lni.khit*7 . •Pro ,r,e,,tird•1;14rt),760,1-61 sinportant countries.; like periiofls; aro E IittIe nior,e':caileeited• When 'they are on the lilig.r.nde:'Thia..inade •the telittin-ifilire indifferent la' the:need fek . I.Y.O.rat,10.!.4 • ..„ . . , • w.as ie• n m e a one tine., e wonld. accept .no paY,t, ,After brief...rest an a Cot 'it alked,011t Of the bespital. • University . of Toronto Registration Statistics 'Hon:: at "Terento' liniver-sity7"Terent0r WOIDBEILSBatlitiS6B1IdS,.. 94., so; 10;2. or,7461, there were 301' n u ange •ituoht,8 fror.:;the..,cliyi at TOM -1U', •••-irerk sent the largest •ntonberrameng the: &Unities: Went-. werill,-secend., • Wel-litlitmx-.4hitiNtak" Shoed !mirth; • • • • .0 C WIiiiiCl b •the • women's ••,inielver , ,definitescancliision-Orthei-ionie ()glee. . 40t t ry r, notber; Wheat .Acrea•ge. rte'du6tion; The West, we ltelieve,..aS W1,1440 , Will heave alTigh Of relief l'f the Whole roposal, artifigiai, red:Lir:0as hip -WS Up,. There' \is lib, evidenCe that in_the :titT?:t few, , years grasshimpere, ,(4116, ' Worth's, drotfghl, rust; hail, root rot . . taking' ton a Wehlern Canadian aere , tige;''' • The Only possible adVantage, or restriction progrant Would be to '' put. vertain .acreage .1•11C+VIt „ ,sopii in whela ot6er use,,,"partientarly' tbasif Aliatrldts 'where tbere have bee troy:, failures for lent, or; five: yearS Macon'. May ,.lytake * Flight to' Spain, ma6id,.,...inin uniteds;54ti.,. trti,,r; 1. le Macon Mayo make, a trins,Lkt..., lc flight 'within the, t:115 •,,1,11..; the flf Paper, toport • , 'itanadett * they Ailed 'Pay" todaY 1.4..t;eiti don, ;wh en,fhe', *.114404.004041.- ••• t °tit *s. When the • ,ne.‘,0- airport' wopitt ,b'e ready, to iir,eive:xJtgxhiic,f thd wa,4, tOld that it Wl1d 11 Aiyoar -hotote-gi 44artromitirekdr. A .1 • ... .s14.,14° at the kical range;:. the 'iteire 154S: „ • ,. orri•••••a •••., 959:, Men -957. Raw . Fish, Blamed Mollison's Decorated...by 'New, York:Mayor ••••,,• • 5- ttt't" 114'or john O'nrink 0.,Me..VVA7)4.4.111111.8.•41,-,tt.fiktr(t- nit. y n sop Itioliteritti; S'itit,yith, het litishalid;. •• ,„ • . •,a.fit. ..as rer,epilau tooroinli.op: gow o, k c,Ity* ' • 494, .•In .Case Atenconyer.-Pish frOln Waters intas „epee, in which tY40.1Z . carry 'flit gernis [0 liuniam ;utatias ;Ite*:•i500!tcd,...4eto.EL"De . V. Health, • '"Onr dePartinent,,, 'after, careftil• io Vtistightion ot a recent typhoid .cit$0 ha§ .0.nelitiled it developed 1) 0111 • in 084 tit ken' rfo.in tint() 'Fraser r v,pi ant atop ih the raw .state/,' he . • 44,380 - VithOrS View otta largo, niviihei frorn the 1.1nitet1 gtainit and man) flaini abroad, .01 010 • •,.‘v ere . 14,,18( vi:afierw Ki1l4.11 tli t oui,11 the P1 11111 liont nurklimo dul ing! the month •01 . • SaysBees. ' Tell of Early 'rat tfoosCoti 11 fth thio; calodoi pri)phomIta an early ,fall. • -bases IiIs 4fifiiiiiCtioir on a studY" .01 hirda and boos. •* X44.:04.4.1 hat r ot-49tr. , , rt, rimmer.04. how; ierY oilittil'on at this tithe Of year. %•Thil genpally., (10,...not;. feather nittg•-•,t1 1114 of August. ,T4obees teat .fitatwaliihg , for Winter,`'•Safit Witt, ttotik •