The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-08-17, Page 14o,",05.-7GetSpis,sos,rs • ,I,v.,7orp•ATtr,•••ffsto!,,,foit.fAtig•419141•0•7,,A77,7,07,5..•;:!-;v717,77,17,77,7'4i.1;;..,••• • 4 44,, , YPI,F7',41.A.MAAArrgrAli,16771. A;A4ACT • , A . 'PR,4 • L ;SA•4 . , , 1 ' , • . • • • 4 , . . 1 • . .... -.............,, ,-,....,-,.. , ''....., .,,,,,,,,, ...... . „ . . , • ' • 'I,' • ". Q .r. . " • „ . t'' • 00. , • • fit• • • ^ ••,• 0 .0 • ,• , • • 0 • • s • „ . • ,,,s ••• . • '''' • $2.00 PER YEA 'IN APVANCR/ ;2.69' OTHERWISP ' ," LUcKNow. oN'r. SISDAIre. August 17th /933 ' ': " , • • . • , .. ` • . coPiEs .5 CENT • • • " ____,' , .0-040— lt, 1,9 • , HE MUTUAL LieR As.suRAN‘o CO. OF CANADA • • Ouswg14,..14. ' • 'Resilient „Agent. QNTARIO••• DENTisi, , . r '" ' •LVCbNOW Hours: A. X P. X • • PHONE 53 - ' X-RAY • • •;. • PROPERTY FOR SAL -15 are • property Mirth ol! Station. Apply to Hiram. Bloom. - ' •Pott.. RENT.7--Eehind AppliTlifW. R17.110,40' Ot •Th-e.Markat Stare.: • " •' HOUSE:: FOR:. SALEBrick 'resi, • „ • • ••••denee • in good- „repair, on Gan:Obeli • , term.. •• •• . 4.M. Spence. ACCOMODTION FOR Hi011 • . • scgoot, PUPILS coinfortshie" rOosisi: With free - use of piano for • pupils. , . . studying music.' '•For further- infor, „ Motion ',.'Phong .58; ''Leucknow,'Or ' Call -'-at the Eicpreas . Office... • • 1 • ' TENDERS TENDERS -vv,A.NtED-,.. T,endeirs . will bereceived by the undarSigfied un to Wednesday,, August 23rd •at ' for Livestock Shipper.: and Buyer • of carload lots for the Farm , operative' Co., of' 1.,ucknow. Lowest or 'any tender' not necessarily. aceepted • C. E. McDonagli; See'i, " • ' R., R3, Liicknotv. PUBLIC NOTICE uNLAiirrui:, • POLLUTION OF r' , MILE : ROTH" • A 00Illplaint' has 'been. ' received ;. by the Village:- Connell asking •that '• immediate steps taken -to preverit •-. the -,pollution of the, Nine Mile,'C;ieek „. ...,..Which. flows through As ' the village is, open to -proseelition we: • . are hereby..giving public .notice . that '71-• anyone; allowing filthy material of " kind to reach 'the' river will be reqaired/ to ..make. satisfactory ,chlinges: in their,. sewage drains to sten this nuisance at 'once. . . • , • , 'hhis . condition is ,one , which . has ' • existed for some. time And. those :Who _.haVe., any .interest in ;public' hearth Or - even in ordinary. :Cleanliness will be glad to have Measures taken to 'keep the river Water -clean: At present it is Unfit for bathing and owing to its filthy. condition all :those,hving in the tothishipS to the soiith of is are prhhibited froni using it a batting. ' pool. The emptying .of any polluting .matter into. anY river is contrary law and in'. this specific instancy • • • . . warning is given to every citizen., , . ' Kindly co-operate. LUCK.NOW BOARD, OF HEALTH AND VILLAGE COUNCIL:- " sonsommil• • .. • o min, ve _s_ rst Insertion; 50e. • Subsequent Insertions, 25e. ORANGE DANCE ‘• There will be a dance held in the Orange ' Hall on , Thursday evening •August '47t11;LOCal Oretestra. Banc% ing from 8, P.M. to 1 A.M. Gents 25c. Ladies "Free.---Soc„, Pat -High Rate yv.!ikortos;, 0.10P-arlitive Collier . • - • .ln±o Hydro. Aga'''. IiOwer Ralf: if.A*OaohiO* One ::11411( Whitt T,O041. • ; Manufacturers-, fay; ; Members of tlak-tnclEPOW •citi4OO! Band andtheir 'leader, Mr John Hay4-' • . •#ortli; will be honored • Friday night; when 'individually, niedais Or their 'suCceisful shoWing' tipoji their initial 'entry in the Water- loo Musical contest in lune.' The pre-- sentation Will be4'sisde, by ;Prof. F. Thieje, . director of •the ..W.at,,erloo. _Musical Sej_eety :Bland; ,who .dressYthe gathering: ' • . A ,prOgrani :has been . , ._ 'pre• , era for the deeiSibanihe event will be held oat -of -deers on the courts 00e tennis club; Friday eiteli, ing of, this, Week; When it is ;expeCted. that the. conimunitY- in iarge numbers Will „takeadvantage of. the Privilege of 'hearing-,sd ;noted a bands en .ap: Mr. Thiele. The' admission: Is 25c for AdultaLand.:10e4pchildren-iind ShoUld the •weather ,proveadiierie: the pii- ceedings. Will be. held: in thej.Town , • , ' . A street .1 dance ' follOw ', the coneert. ' • .. ..". , PROMINENTBANDSMAN fIeaIth,.. Precaution - IQ PRESENT iVIE,DAI:$ . . . , Open Air Cnacert Staged ,ItY,,Citizente "" Prohibits Swiming Band Will Be `Featured BY Address And Presentation:* Prot C. ..-- , The provincial Hy,o ElOctrie POW•;7. reeeritly. announced rate reductions, in 73 out of .406. urban , howeyer, doek not come under the, had of thespniOre. fortunate 'inunielpalitieS :although they escape higher rate Which has been.rOS,conlinended,". Cothmjssion. n 1q,,centres,„ , • Walkerton, a member et the hydro, , 3.1*YeazA, hasFrr, :pcivCd a reduction, in 'their power • rate, 'Whereby ,•their Orst ,tivo rates •are'•••;set at, a, figure. 'approaching one half Of What:Weal' manufaCturers Pay. The county -toivii's' rate:_is now 2.8 Cents per kW. hour for the .first 50 hours' pie. 1.8, eents forthe. next 50 hours,, while.; the third .rate, fOr all additional. power :cept.S. , , . 'Lneknow en the. other hand pays for similar hOurEe uSt, 4;7 cents, 3,1 Cer4e And .33 cents.''. Hydro p011rel,is. plied ;atcest,-. and the •further the municipality is from. the - source Of PoWer :the ;greater the.' beet. But : why there should :be this ,,spread • in rates vvit-lruclertoW.4.hllt--twenty--efght7iniles fill:0er' from the smiree- Of power than Walkerton; is- hard • to under, stand, by individuals', as, well as the, .10ca1?CominiSiOn.i ht.. is' an ;item, of operating expense that makes • it dif, ficult for' village. manufatturers to 'compete • With-. Similar dOncerns,-. hydro power , at cheaper rates.. visions is made by the. provincial dbrinnissiOn: , , ' The 'azinuaVsAudy' Of, the 'financial conditions of the Hydro-. Systems Of the-, Municipalities served:T.1,T', th!: ,doininisiOn' has just been. completed for the, Purpose, ofa'ate adjustments: 'These -studies are made for the ur- •pos of . adjusting- rates so, -that-each claiS. of Service s Supplied as nearly as ppssible., at :Cost and •sit that :the actual cost of .power .supplied for municipal purpose, such as Street - •Lighting. and •Waterworks, May he acually . -ascertained,' . The Power .ComMisaion'4atprovidei.that•-poiver. pplied y 'Iota! • Systems, for, vouni- tvilial'piirPOsea',:ehall. be :supplied at t;Ctutil Cost and. any .surplus lated'! during each, year 3s • handed back, in ash t� the Genera), Fund of •(Cont\intied Page/ 8), . " 'WIN Ar'llANOVElt ' • Ltreknow 'Mixed ;rinks won Second and.third Prise in a bowling event ad Hanover on Monday :night. Mrs: Well. Henderson, Mrs. Button. ' Joe Agnew and Wellington McCoy won .second prize, while third- pr?* yvent to the' rink': ceinPOsed)Pf: Mr;end Mrs,' Dave , kuston, • Mrs. RObert , Fisher and-Gteorge-liaS • TAKES OVER BUSINESS Tuesday- night, „sair. Mrs.INT: 14 Campbellretire , from, liuSiness' life .of 1.;iichnoW, atter some thirtY- five'yeara in the restaurant husirfes,s, MiSietS May Davison and 1. Mark' Wation took charge Wednesday itid with stock, ; . • . , taking 'completed; • Will continue to HANcH 1,,OCTI.ALSH Condifct the .businees, withont,, inter- Ansace t66holsk• Hon./will' be option. Miss Lorna: 6141)611 will boa Thursday, ,Aitust 17th, Assist pie new proprietots for the Under' •of the. toe lash remainder- of the•v'veek. Considerable , club; Special'. Music. •Refreshinent reney4titin-iyork-is--Planned.'Undwill - ' bOot.„Maiisiyon: dents. . he done. by Mr. George Burgess of , , , Toronto, a_ brother-in-law , of , Misti - BIRTHS :." ,Davison,' ' • , , , . ".. AITOF18,014.tirt, the'. Ti4i1gbip' of 'MCCOt AND ItAt • ' .West Wawatiosh, on Sunday, ,August .• • „WIN DISTRICT: DOUBLE hie ..A.itcha- . , ' SOno.' liang.,bt•(.8,tilOptit). ,e iii6r• Win hi Wingham •• ' " • • p. • , SMITH.-Inth.6. 'Tiownshficlit. mil, Oft thfttSdity, Wellington' mockiy, iced. lass, at. tn.. "ionic of • mr. and mit, 'Hebert Rae, Wen the right to ;enter into the next': round of the: 014,....offS''. ;Albert'. Carter, ton SaturdaY, Anknsf... 12,th;-;to-iViit 4'.1-11'62(16016'Oetit-64,:tli64tditicia1C- .. daughterFita Elizabeth Joye Mi f '-: If: this Continne, in the plasitoita. their ' And .-Mra., Sthitii Are 'frein the:.vioihity tur . of Ifivothooii toid, .m4 trittitood.. tAgt• 'encounter, Will be in :GUeliih.' Mr W. j. ViSher,. boundary •etist, . •The.611tet on Thursday was . • • • twecir.r4ficknow; Winghain and Minitit. OLLAN-Tn LucInow on Tues- " Vereat thd inelidec1, fano:S.6'416p' One 9rgoie. kistgls*.4:414443"- 44.141444***64.46,40".40144i14 I ! (lia*frird, bitated • the 18Ctit rink skittied, 16.6 Agnew And .Ctitm.-, -*jib& of tt:.tL8iPith,,,th,.. the'dnablett flln....the tiOC, stid, 14:60oy defeated. kieoft. 404 144101a-:40:-'4441Ati:04ftitt4,40th,,4ii, Thotopspfit.,,,,tqtet. the latt�r liad de - MARKET $O11, oato 00:114autf-kotolifi$alt4, :c* „. • litlitdt$S-At the • %Mae; 86.00 kiniesa; Montliji; AugUatAithrti and Mrs, Detkeeti, sein . . Are Now. „ Lake, To! /Find: 'suitable • But 'Treacherous , SivinunIng Hale. : ,t • .`• Another sw imnung hole has -been' POr.rOcl to. ;the youth of. • Oio.,Iviitikge whO, are forbidden to swim at . the ."Carding s: This step fir been taken by "the 'Board: of Health • end wits felt necessary- as'& precaution ttrY health measure, as the riveris Iow .and the water' badly polluted tient . Varioussoigoie• alone' the course Of the atiream:..$wimining' at the .12tii• cOncession.cOrner was -:ban- -ned.::,:fer, the smile ' The Carding Mifl Pond has hot of late!'been popular swimmiit hole and *ill be no. particular hardship for swimmers • to he, prOhibited :from tiing this pool. But it does' impress the: fact., that there is : scarcely •a , 414 in .the vicinity that ,isto any Many Young Chaps from( town ,are now swimiiiing, atPerves!, , Lake, Whichis a treacherous bathing ' Place; and .'ivas' the., secne' of a drowning :several years ago, One youpg chap informs us that at one: point there is a' fine gravel " bottom - for some ,three.feet 'from- shore, wbich'sudden-' ly' drops away' to a “bettemleas:' It „is also' the , natural ' of some of 't,ke: bays to :sWiin. across ,thiS sizeable' .inland lake, which - is ',more. reason for alarm. These facts ',are .not • stated . for ' the.. purpose .of :cauSing these; -chaps to be deprived of :their Only Onitable bathing gharters, rather te impress . these Concerned with the :necessity, .of proyiding. r, Safe . andsuitable pool fOr' them;. be- fore a. tragedy, arouses: sneh., action. . The pool adjoining. the!,'old.,*ilter.,- Werke puniphoUse 'has been Stiggeatee• as one that could, ti1iUexpene ,.1?A ada.into,,Ei suitable bathing„pool but has: net beenrecommended: as sanitary. by the ' Medical officef„ of Ilea1tli,*1 due to some extent to seep- age, which may -find its way ,inte,..thie stream ,from . the formerly; uSee dumping ground at Treleaven'a Toronto, offieials' inforni the:local M. 0. H. that, Water ,of "small,- 'Slow : tiing-tivers, such as • floNv'through thr: Is: not at • any,' thne "approved, Of. for bathing „purpage„' , The :ideal .solution to this -local prOblent: watild ,be Ithe .building :Of i Pool; supplied. ',With Water from the dchiteatie Water.'-systent Seriously Injured When ,Cars Crash Zurich Man Intentally. Injured' In . Car Crash At Belfast ' Henry Thiel, of.:Ziirieli,suffered e fractured rib and serious internal injories that may ---prove fatal in -a - car accident : that occurred " at the Belfast intersection, 1 miles outh 'of --Imre on-Wedne-aday-morning..abont '1 hiefln company -with Mike Med :ener, the. driver --of-:the- Zurich. car were .proceeding ' south cai their return: tO Zurich frois ,Kiricardine Where: the -pair. have been: Working.- The 'Crash 'occurred when •Jim Webster - • of Burlington, foriierly of this com- munity, crossed th'e .'Gravel. Road at this intersectio, driving east • The car was , but slightly , y. damaged, although .it, Went into the ditch. The Zurich" car was turned over and is practically a" complete wreck„, He. ' Webster an4 iiis wife Were unhurt. Meidener'Pthe' driver of. the other car waa:--shaken up .while , , . his., partner complaining .of a pain in hii. side was taken to the•home Wm Sherwood and Dr. W. V.1.3"ohnL,,:. ston called: -IIPOn,,examinatiOn,,,iivin7 Pteins';,revealed serious abdominal injuries and Thiel was rushed to :his homain' Zurick:by ..tehifikozes `attibu•., lance. . „ ' Traffic: Officer 'Lever Of Clinton 'in- Appreciation " • '• Upon severing, What ' have, 'beep pleasent-Iitifeineeit -relations in the village for many yeara, Mrs. N. L. NEW PROVINCIAL RIDING- The Bread, The -Bread r" V S of Health of fle-alth -',OCR• MOTTO" :TS AilIA.0.17-"AND SERVICE• - • • -.SATURDAY SPECIALS: DON' Dt. B'''REB/1 ' ' -1191AS- • ' NLIT and, •FRUIT- oArrivf.E4I4, COOKIES Our pelicious,•:Bito*N.51,MAD is 100 per . cent.d WHOLE HEAT- . . 1-1,0ELY1114N'S co. -(1•4:140Y BAKERY Phone 36• - -7 Luckiw• Lucknow Middle School Results • , •, C; Eng. •Lit. C; Can. Iiist C; Hist. 46R; .Geom: III; - Phys. Ci Chem. 46R. , Jean M. Anderson-Anc. Hist., 27; Charlie G. Anderson -Eng. Comp. Phys., 43R; Lat., An, C.• . Cecil IL Armstrong -Eng. Comp. .III;:Eng..,Lit., ; ,Can. Hist. C; Alg:' 11, Phys C; Litt::Au.."C;:Lit.„„compi- II; FrAu 111, Fr.: Conp C• porothi Comp 44R Eng,. Lit. 28. : • : ohn ,:Carruther-s7•Erig. 42fl; En. Lit„,,471t; An. Hist.-' 33; •Geom. II; Phys. C; C,;:. Let, An. C;•:Fr. Au. II; Fr Corrii, II. : T. Douglas Clarke! --Eng. Comp.Hng.-I.it. II; Can, -Hist. C; Alg. II• ' .'.Afternoon!Tek; Underthe .44ispicei of the UNITY CIRCLE:: , of, the,-UMted, Church . Tuesday,—Aug. s„ . from 3 o'aock• to • on the .Litwn at the home of Mrs. 'Belson Busliell : TheobjectOf this tea is to raise ,money for Fall Sewing , for Relief Work.. ' Th -ladies --of the-Conrmum' are ' stLyEE, COLLECTION — • r'f-,,r H;ThYs: tatAu. II;•lat • 'A'.P.•• tat., Au:if; ,11 -St. 'Pern.p. .Fr Au 111, Fr. COmP.'c Ponl.P"11• Stuart CollYer Eng: 'Comp „ !II; , Tai. Lit: II; Can,• Hist. HIT; Alg.tc ; Alg. 1.11-Latovnit. II;,' 3corn.:II;-Lat, An C, Lat. Comp. III. Fr. Au 711, Fr. Comp 77 • Colin Crozier -Eng Comp C. • Tillie Ritchie --En g Lit C. Can r.../ng. III;: Anc. Hist c;_phys..I.II; Hist. II; Alg. III; Geom., C;.Fhlra. ;-- Chem. III. : • : :Frances Crozier -Eng Comp.; C. Can. Hist, C;•-•:Alg. PhyS. C. 14eatrice M. Colbert -40c: Hist 12; ; Litt. An. TIL , • • • • • • • :: Robert' A. ThompaonAnc. :Histy C;'• •Geotri.: C; •-: Thenisen-L-Eng. Corso. .Eng. Lit. II; Can..: Iliet.' II; Alt.. • , • Porothy A. Curran -Eng.. Comp C, C; fit; •Phys. ,C; Eng: Lit 26, Mat 45R; ,Anc, Neely 41. • ', Mat. ,15; 4gt. : geom. •it;,..Chein,..45R;': Let, [ .'.• Btuart,awion---Anc."' Hist '31; Lat.*COinp. C;. pt. COMp.:C -Alt; 24;, deorit„ C; Phke., Richard '''.0.;..„Weatlierheaci:-'Eng... 4u 11.1, Lat Comp 111 • • 4;1 37; 111, Ac , Owner:On Eng,:.:"Corall :•GeOOL. 48g; chek ,t.••• • 34R, Eng Lit C, Alg. II;:"Geortf: C;: Lai: Au, ,II; Lati Ceitip,' II; Ft :Comp ' PhystC;;[ Lit: -Att. '.C.; Lat. boMp. 'II; 23; • ,• Fr. „n. 47R;;: tin :"Conip. • , Lucti*O-iir LoWER wm, C„ Finlayson -Can Hist: C 'It!suLTS:: Ane. Hist I; Phys. 11'. The folloWing stinients who:wrote • , James E • dardner-Eng.. Conip. the -Lower 'School Ekamina.tions.: , 47It; Can: Hist. C; Anc, Hist 21: ::;et, by the Department' of Education , • :toys obtained Lower School standing: 'the subjects indicated: 'Jarne,s- Alton-LEng.„ Grant. . .,Raynerd Ackert-'-'-Eng. Gram , Edna, , ' • • Ali-na Ourren--mit. • Geom. C:;• FhYs:.1; Chain. 'O. :•• , Margaret ..Gilmare-Eng. Lit . ' •TO 'SELECT' CANDIDATE. 42; .Anc. MSC 36; Geoiri... III; Phys Mein C. - • IST‘w Riding Formerly ; Represented '1' Anna Graham -Eng Camp. 46B Two "Members, Wt. 4: NICK"" Elig* 14 31, Chem 21" .; Ing,„ EckenSwiller-Br. t . and anions Robertson; •• , 'Harold X' Greer-Geom; 'Ch,em 'ILde • : 'W. h "candidate..„' , y in . ing am: a Eelnia'M HOrnilt°°"'Lcon_. Hist. III ,CM114r.tidsteenaioiziFin,...._layne,r!n„--niZsto.e,i• ziwilxlaiilbattue. chosen dinto'gre;.preSent the liev ' I171;bnye-s. ; .IIIis;t Chem 37 'A37fg..-,....„.• 1; : G:e°1111..' Tr; . ' ean Ora am -4o° : - . . cOnting provincial .election. The or- ' Donald Henderaen-!-Eng.Lit.-.414.•__:•,...Wliliarn Hewat-Br: Hist.,; Gelig scanization, Meeting will conyenel,at. • . g. , a . . ,. , . , .., ., , , -,Jean o ps o117--Ge0g. ,,, , • - . „:. !tlian..-3,:e: : theoio, o'clock, 6,,sceek. 1 ,, etc thiaftereon..(i. meeting twhichaineea ii.47zi doi iii ntai n).,t aee t, ivaodni 1:1 II' F;j1i1Aorrirlteciie‘e7114 o:egi4nd:-°A°1137. C468:;. PH:: '.. Neollike e.. Mj°YaciiCtaTiPuinii,,Lsi°*Egn.g... ...o'ion..: .1-Iist. I;''Phys.. IL. -.. . ' - ; ,Laurine 'Martin: --Bi. :Hist .: dressed by 'Fred W;' Elliottt M.P.P., r",,,. ,Chent! 24. , : , . : -,' ' '. r .. Br.i3o.t, „ ' " • I - : „ ' . 7.• Campbell wishes to e„xpress :ta: the ,t.„ goith moot_ ac jqtik, , i 4 '. .. icelth", johnsten:-Can. Hist 11 Mary MaCCou,nell...4hrYsiOg',..Atith•., ':...'•'. - • : ',:l''‘•,,, eomnr.tunitit her ::siliCereiitiipteeitition itice; .6.4,20,f,..tht. fermei,:soatb. Rites...riding:: Lat ku., l'IT;' Lat.- -,9otopA....' . ,..- - . .P.,raso:kacitirii6h-,Br.:Hist„,.,,,z0.01.' Of the liberal' abare, of patronage shi. . . Wirinifred '; Johnston -Eng Comp • William .146itensiZOO1';'''''.. • . •'. ' ..; '... ;.:;.';,I. las:: received and ao :would; itc.itt thtt. -!ind. :Chari6s; Robertson who rePr&,'"- - • • • ' • 30R.. Eng:. Lit C;.: .-Cen. Hist '44R: .. .teonard •Madttoneld-BOt. • ' : : the same go:td;_t.0.1 and patronage be lented "the,:old. Mirth -Mtn -On ridihd..,( Geo.in.4(); Phys. q.; Lat, An 0, Lat ••:. $,I-orall5". - Moore -Gram, Bk."- Hist' • extended to, . her .:seeepOte *Weer '.:The:'.11Cw'' tidir4' '4ielti,d°8,..4111 6f: c,,';'oili3O., C .1.'1,. ,4i.I. 4,4A; i.:., comp; ,'c \leng: , : :: - "... :' . /,.' , : :.", - -. .• •''' .. , 1 • May. Davison -, and IVIery:'*atsOn. : . t`ltr,4ttio'tivj,.a.:f .N.thlii.:t.s:w.litu,t:"0:fif.,:.G7oitdherleh:,-3t.to-. . , Margaret M. Macttoptild-Eng. Lit ' Catherine- Pattersont:-Arith.• ,I.I Eng..Comp,11; •Alg,,, II.; • OsOrd:, IIT•!•Ohaisa c,. :Reitt-iti orsin:. ..dcog,:.: • ,• : EDDING.BELLS.' whiia „added ofotir 'teiiimiliipa fii' KiniOita; ,Httroii‘. : CulrOpe: "4nd ; Carrfek. ' Bruee.: Ilie ' hiC1;14e Crisahnil: '''III';';' CFile:.enl'A. ii'°;;IILI.a;t*F" Aril!. C,.. ellni PI'i;aCi';': 8.. tuldlients.",rittri:btiAil:f It' Mikiitl'e:'.4":11ftel" : ",, ' "•k:-."' ., , . • . • ...,. : - ....- . , , 'P4 VY : • ' : ''ind,:tlie; l'inagei therein. It is taken ':I/Iiitihe •L'mlitb"gik117-At tf18t• ;11it'll'ni*. '''t',,; (.1'16;'''',:tlilt.' :the., ':Zi'4r.'' . ' 'A.' ,piStiy... Sunoner, „ inedding !tOOir:. tt.:),eri.04:aaridtatil .ttbh:t 'otti.i.eirsdit.ettl;11.: ,gloillii.eltb".6'11..cL'P'ethh?ett6.'let6,.m°::".ivti.o4o6Elle;Oz1.41.4ei.LAIILCd: ':118:011e161:1•0:frt..trit'itaii64'1:1Pii..:1?it.' 'il.t6nit eyrie:: been , . . :. .. • : : • ,- . , . , ,iprettloolelk,Sirintutrtidt,o:. ,j1.4.11akn1.1:.digt},4,,,.,11.ht". noininated„, and ,:ntlie taitt,t44i0.:ts ,ar.e ;Hist II;?: Phys :: IL . '-". ' ' - 1 4 .. , :VS I ..E.-Trg6L-v-A. -x;-Iirihr: ..... : .. ; whetk :ivlioly. :,,,..iiiie„ daughter of ,1,44.,.. likely, . ,. , , : , : .. : , , itt..,1e;Ssie., MaCK. enzie,-H, GeOni. 1., 9;...."-I-':hys.,.v.pR,N1.R. , i.,,citAt ..raiftEr.: .., , , ,,.. ,,.:,,. : Walter ' rlitildginai Itslyro.Ody,; , Was, . $.tl.gligIRS MINOR 11‘illtalS • .." • ', , '• ' : anitsti 'IA 'Marriage AO " . Me. ' Jelin ,L114ry • it • .1VIseliCod.:--:,,PhYs:: III; Cherei: IL, T,honiptan Taylor,' 'iOn ,, of " Mt, , MP' mite..mitoritthqii,-Anc.. Citti t',•.- ' 11,;, TeittAnderaiin And ' Companion' Arc .. Atta'.' ' john tayier, ' Sprague's, , Road iii pelt:, ltev. p, Ee elysdalo:. of •GiO ph , - Phillip, ' 3/40iter..,, :rico," urod iti r s• t•,, '' • Jessie • A.lilticRae•Cati: 11.14t. ...11. '.'' Pillaged': Into ' Diteh, : . " ,. '''- .;' ..,- ''•":" :.'".:''''',";'! 1 6111eisteti. . _, , , , . . , vzhe' ea., , of t e, infant son , of Phys C, Lat.' Ati, 'IL ' ,, '' " ' • ' Iniared When '. Their : MatarcYcle!, .....„-The-bild&Whe.:.WAS.•••.gitten--in-rnar--; '•-••. • _ . , • , • .. , . . . . ,, , .. • ,61-Irlealiie„,,,,p7*"'.h:'0,41,;0.F, r:iiiid:iiii•in.I.Tder,i;dtn,ga,Tithiet)liiittthilei,,' ?h* 0, d',":.'Chein.,...,•!''t atl,,7, Ati:',.1.1*,,-....La:t.:•:'',.'tlibinda.••AndersOni -itni`•'''.'of IYirsi-if:''' ''''. ' • " - '''',.':,,r''''. et , . ciag6' hSt her 'brether• Mr. *)11AtrSt E un ittiyfi ,pi4idotii was boite oato , - :lido.: tfet,.scid:::ttng, • C'citop Alit;. .0 AbdOrson of Queen's 4i7diy tendon ttodgine: 'Of ,Totoeto,..loohot ehetro,,,,,,. ingit A ottot...ot:, whito .Frotith tl..... t6i by Mts;;Vgiiiiiii Janseni. and lei.: ng Lit 40; 'Ctill. Hist 2fi:;.; And, Ilist,,, .tprtherly .',‘Of. • ZiticknoNyi ' Arid TOO., - -,;,...,.; .. ., ...,.'21.• hti,Shitini: Who .tv!ere.,. intiniate ,"frienda. 18.; G6t.!0,,' 84; PhYs. 47R,.tiont: 27: 'friend, Ilayiiibrid-Opitwright ' alt.() of .' • • ' ' ; '',4 , kOtiOY, 11.jiliiiik ,the eigttlfit of the teL- of. OA' kuelletsi . both' couPles belie': It41.10.14elgalltiie, Lit , C.,. ' An Quens Ave, 'Agtrsd. in • a ';ndot6ti- liteti,:.*fs: it. l'4iideY, Sant "O. Pro- Potivoi. of detoiO0'. and ,icoidciits of 114t,6-; debni4 ff: PhyS., flititsfil, est6ls'• totidoot II0O,t • dothWati .nileesMe'l!''• ' , • : ' . , .. ," "... 8t. " tsiSas A corsiiirstIvoist 'short 17. . ' . , .*: ,' ' .,:ThuridaY...1tot'S phief,;.'injur WAS...eit , ... Aer-t4,,41astet4irkaato..te4.-tlistk#444441*. . - ' t", • -"i- Atte 4/ "Oiiiite ftiii4410;04 A..' IT 43.1i4- :CA as held at, the home ''. Of Nits..Wil.)tOk *,, one otitM *Eta appardttly In tood; 'Ilf; '.tilo..:•11i,. 'Ilt;:'" drui! "Hi's.t. .ttI' rod o'', htol:co log.' `14otli, • Wei'6. takeh . . , trodgias.:, In the :littertiOtin, the . bride 'llid groom . lete .t6i ik: ii,ibitit . tilt' 6h.tietylth: ;:d'hi'rtithil..; ..t'rhre,ityttli* ii:n:eilltoPlh,di ,',4,1!',,',1„.t.'plr.00111!)).L.pi.t'.6111):••1,1. '''f,. r.'''',11P ;Ili °et. °'ti".'6VOI:e4;Ylioti.t:th.°:.'ttte4r1,et, ' on , t'1;01 it nii411101 11:OriliOt.41, Ontetia..':gin hrlik fed! Mike. early: Friday Meriting and ,b.eretlik' Mitili-Eng... CeiiiP. 0; tr,im,:* holidays oild,•,m,prd ildi,ag • it .tiPtiii, . lcrilty.'Witli' li'iliWn". ACCeStOrlee,•,,. ' ' .find'hiiii deed it tOfttile Of loura later.. .dtiiiip,; - '',,' , ' . , • ' , Stung , ,'ilio. dvt, ot; 010 ,iyiabbin'e;,. • ,.. , , ,.,..'4 i EtitVelthig . intt 'SOW Of rosewooa 0111C it *Alta shock_ itsi,,Vit.•• losch ',46" int: .C..r. .dits,'Ilitsto. In' rio, ,.A.,-A.,,,•t„•;,;_tiri.:ydro• ' tietir . Nit:Wall, When. 6 .1idd . ' Otiotiti. *6te 'poto-tit .0On 'fbiehrte :tfilfitit 'iciOlc Aide hi 'Bethel tellieteiY. ' 104o. Nikon"ClOOnii-, g3l. .Ph'Srg,. 'ItUiii10, 11101 ',.to. loSe tOtit'ilk,WitliAliti ' : -. - . ! ..".'''.'::i. . 00,tftOtitieriiiuotiitclitict.,..L4 'tilti!ilo;.-..:idttio4tovetittik,,.„1!to:r. ii-,-,, the: utotliot 0.:•-.0110O.L...11',,,-- .--1-. ,'. : '''' ' - ',' ''otgo.',...D.hihi'_ilot.o.,th'AitCjOsfilt:-z,'""""'""41 1Vicit:3410 ' .,,,.:,,,.:„.,'... ' „ ‘" . ' 4••••••••••••• elmasowl INFANT' 'DIE§ . • • - Norval E. •-ltiaer4e-deo. gist, C.'. titig lejotiee to the flair4. , • • ,. • , ". • 1