The Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-08-03, Page 3r 4.1 1 • lib=1,14•1..110....101•41111M11111•MMOME. M, mon.qAmi.. /A :Woman's Plass Is In the Home', coPiiilg Pinks, .Prot;Pi4.rtpti, • • su4.4r,..4 cite. w4ter,.•A IeraI ,Water, 2cups strawher- P.01Aed. bamthaklh'40,"11?lhe' kppleirddcd 0 .eranges .0;ttiee),,, entens .41tlibe), ,1 mg). ;raapherrY • or .!;., ()Chet ,Syrnp, 14e. 13B agAr and Ivr.' t ..6r•togrit.4gr forat 4 syinp,. :10001. ..'add,'ininerial' water, fruit and'ice with , re . Water naneit, tpa,,streag, -erVe: Very., Cold: SetVeS 20, , .7 ..IY1,9p.qp".§,:icleVerage; .Pra„ „ . . nges,:. ans., "(Canned) ' pineapple, .2: • 'cuPe •• water, eligat, 2:quarts ice wateror --;cup.-niataschino Telierrie a, • teMORKs1tcd. • • • ' • Shiteeze .0i:tinges,. • and font ' of the, lemensi. . Add, pineapple juice, Cut' • Prante an.j, lemen rinds into strips; tvater.and, sweeten. to taste.: Boil. till teircisr,;--atifi,72Tettaris ,water,rr-gff:". 'ter ale If to trait. julees... pont over. ,bleeks. Of iOe;; garnish with, cherries• , • said .glie:ed..lanien,_--and...5.eryle4ntlkt9e'- , ..entiCh- bowl: SerVes 12, ' Linte.Runch Eight .1arge,s0hes sugar, 2 oranges, • -2 Iirne..1% cups ..watet,-, cracked ,ice, '.. slice of Phieapine; 2, crystallized. cher,: Rub cubes •..o,k sugar, over, rind of orangeS jd limes Tjiert ptt sugar ' in a bowl and pont. juice, Of litneeand otangeS over. It. ' Add water and serve When stigar ie.' Melted, 'Clifiling• With .plenty of • cracked•icei •. Put in pineap- ple and eierriesit Moment :ofservt- •' lug; • Serves tont, -.' "Cit,.Ctis •Punch „ " • One.Ctip'sagar, cuP. water, 2 lenir' . . I ••• „Pus Vs•..cup apticcit 'juice; ,14, .C.up cherry Jack ,oia,*: *be,. .12 .quarts ginger a1e. ' • , BOW :sugar. and,Weter . almost ..ten , :pool 'and .add.fruit. juice and chill.: When 'ready to . serve,, add in.. 'er;-.41e... 'Wheliet.iii3g;.ase•--4o1ored ice cubes: and 'chortles' in. glasiees• Serves _2 • • . Grape ,Lemonade. •use juice -of 4, lin:fee'''. 2,'cups'.'graper juice, •5 drops. of .,peppermint,4." cups,. earholiated:Water.:nnd,'PlentiTOOce: :SWeeten With syrup made -with sugar and watt.. Add niinttotho syrup and. mix with 'la a id. 'Ada • ..,ice'and. water and serve ' Lemon :Recipes . Frostily •speaking, there is no,coin- -Panfon...for-a.:-..liet-sumMet-Latterncion. • or*.eVening thatmitifaises aix old-fas- hioned lemonade. Useplenty Of "onjiiice4 sugar as preferred, and ..be, sure ther.e'S iee ;and le. There are- .„yariatione; toe, that '1..eup...cOld_Water,;,_ to 3 tahlesPechis Omar: ettishedice..:: 'Add' lemen . juice, to water, Chill and. •., . sweeten •tpt4Ste.' • Serve- in. a .latge glass and the. Tempt "sliee' ,:over .the rim of the glass.' ,Colored sippers,' add a pleasitig nete, and•ate an aid to the lazy In the .Mat- ter Of rapid 1-lone,y-,,Lernonade: , Use • honey', for engat„In lenionade. • . • • Lemon. Fizz: Use„ carbonated .Water , :..fer plain Water. • , Lemon- Fiosti • Tob.leinronade: with '.aspoenful of stifilY beaten egg White; whiclm has. been ',Sweetened,: and flav- oreclwith a,dasli. of:leinen juice, Mint Leinanadef-tSqueeze the lemon "juice. over 6, .mint leaves, Which have, been,WaShed andbruised. . Lei Stand For kioeral-nyinutes before adding the - sugar and •water.' ' ••• "' • ' There is a long'21iit, of feeds yjuicIi • sI'e.synoi1yrlxou with 'picnics:. Sulad_S,, • 'sanfiWiehes, cpekieS • and.. Cake's are fear Of. them:. But, .if You. 1n.ten,d7to, settee *any' meals in the'Pen Yobr---Memis A, whole • -Sitninter •• of . Cold 'salads,' "Meats. and JandWielies lust .W.on't do' for a 'family • with. .gtowhigH,Children„ 1 'Thermos bottles,. caesetolea Whieh, are-.aittight' • and stay, hot; and .firelese" obokers., will . he'Yquable.•iiiVoStmeatalf you take • .piinfiCkfng setiOUSIY:: • . Ot Course, r yeti.e,re; peeking a pie• -- -etc basket, tplisi actuallylntend going ' the coulitrY, •ccild dishes, sand-, and things., ectsY to. pack aro ,.'yont hest het.. •, :,'• - • , • ,is Well to have adequate -equip.. .ipp1y p aPet eup,ziY4PW4r., Which Wpft.t.. tarnish aUci large .Sheets Pf, f'glcd, paper are .4 few thiagai ,Yett.need. you: hrbii' yuu.r p;lenie, geta wire hroll. ei• which seta. up, .Over the nPen 4re., prepete: aa„.Mhiltlgs Yen .cart tho'dayhefore,,tp..ple.n, •Petu., toes -,.for :barge,: l'heo,. '4, 'CtniPle-pf hoAra he, •fote you e,rady" to. leav.e, ili you'll, .haI5ttO"cla s to.: dice..thern; 'add•lhe .Pther ingr',edieUtPi. •Wp the .In' 'oiled:paper and pack in "the he.Aet:.. .-Olixect.'Vetfe.te131:e.APIP4 raixedvegetable salad is:ado:rig. tiofrom. the _ttaditienell potato.,alad Ifete'S ,;.the way Va.-make it:" • . :•. ' . „ To One cup. eeeh •Of cOolted-gteen pea -,S.., carrots: and string beans, add three . tabieepeons ..eech of ehPOPed •Milaile,--ratlish-es7.--celery; green, pepper, eticamber tomato. Mix them. light. ly,sayitfiractyciatiaise to which has beenc, add ed..4 dash .of: fresh. lemon juice. 4ange.~(4 actlad ofrE1edf-:•hearts4",ef: le.ttaceln a deep. bowl; Ce.yer the OP with,ciled Paper; tie it en securely and pack in. the b,asket. •-•• •'• • , A , t-lght Soup . • ',-A. god a salad , make a nourishing .sinninertheal.which is, an eaay one, t� get: Use your ..iniagina7. tion—plus 'what you have id.,,Yotir. ice iitneanci-1-:you can get,a-wide..vatiety' of.soups. • • ' Petato Soap.—Beil two pptat.cieS;..piit tpetn threugli the sieve. ,•• Then rown vne eniciii 'in hatter.- Add one can cit: .iliese.,ingredients. and season, ,Withli4S'tSalt and, pepper ',And ye:tithe:id a; delicious potatociap. •• Cream of'MushroOnaL:4Bioiva: a, :feiv. mushrooms la."Anittet .and'thieken' Of• -flour. ' Acid a can cif mash; rodn-vsottp,":a,nd yea,. 'have:. -screarn of liiiishroom. • Delicious! " Yeaf".Rolla • '• • . • ;Cut sonie thin . slices of. veal cutlet :late pieces •aboai,.fout..inelites:Square,- and.. On c1i lay a .thin alice .Of lean, bacon 'Or, ham SPrinkle,iiiitfia.littlo , ssalOPepper-r-Celery :Salt and' 'inet-,a „pinch of liethe.4.'.Roll..them. up and tie ,.• -• ' • , Melt some butter or dripping, In frying -pan,• and- brownthe rolls, :„8.11. over. . Le.L.theinilien etew'iti the hut. tet 'for Omit: twenty minutes, When ...You must -add a little' boiling ,steck, or .Water. .Put on the, lid a,nd let theta simmer. slowly.for, half ati.hour. . • • 7. • ;The. gravy 'shOtild be thickened :When thr.'' are Conked, and they May he . . se Ved with spinach. . ,•.Wartring. Over Meat 'In warming -over game or .anykind. ,et..meat. •in •grayy;', Boilirig:thashenS. it. • Get the grayy to the boiling- Peint, then turn'..off.. your ,burner and ...Pat the Meat in Just. long enough to get. -it steaming hot from, the grav.y.. • • • . There:COPnrheiSqke'ethililleti.c.11Rd"hi•enkisg•the famity..change of Padding ,oi. the substantiat.course of, a..ineah •• Here is 'a god .dish , to set before. thetii::. it .is celled Chicken.Pudding. • ' 'pudding' is Made in the .usual way in 'a hadin lined With. 'suet . crust: ,The pie. In ,a piedisb :which•wheirfilled. is.:!Covered ..With:inuff, pastry brushed .byer with •egg and, baked .18 the -oven: To fill 'both'. pa.ddiag‘.and• Pie 'peel • Some finuslircioine, cut, them. .roughly in .pieces 4hont one inch.. scpiaie; put TtliiTiiflrstiva4 layer, then a deep. layer of chicken ineat,', floured, and sea.' on ettivint chopped paisley; tell: hp, with. a fairer' f_pickleci4Ork-pt-imeoh.out-instriPs, Pour libine good !chicken' stock, coyer,' and either bed or b,ala.,COOrd ing Act whetheryou are •Making:a .ptid ding Or pie. --fir7rtnY'OeSe-ho1l'the-pa4-' ding ter 21/.: hours' a. least,. and .bake the Pfe for ,1 to hOurs.. oven Temperatures 'Crisp ottielciee,should :1)e• haked in, a hot. oven:: • Molasses cookies,' • Whicti barn easjiy; require•a cool eveii of net Mote than :go ,degi'oe8,. Baking pais, det biscinits Should he. Put into a mod- rateoven and-the:heat shOuld, not pe: increased• anti], they aro. almost done. PitatrY, ' requires a 'hot • ov.en atid.ther- dud,' haking'to make it' ilakY and di- , „ • . very. em4n • !BY HgLAN WILTJ410 . , J1ut ted DressinakIng r,e8891t•- ,ntehed With EterI. Pattern • Here's .a. pretty' dress that,is , print- dfortownorr for. the Country, • .The ,sleeves, tiniest vest and harrow bow,' tie of •white, crepe silk, jend.fresii smartness to 'this. lovely Printed Crepe mocleL • . •. • Carried out- in .chiffon , white ,vei e print With plain toning it,is •ex- qusitely cOol'and danty fOir .surnmer. Ire.Can also beriaade of' pique; linen. and washingellics•for, SPOrts with the Sieeves,grnitted as in back view: :I No : 26,0 &gig -To -fop sizes : , - ihchii-bust , 3.6,requirei .3% yards 39 -inch .1 HOW TO'OADER PATTER,NS,' Write y,out name and'address .1y, giving'huniber and size of 'such' -pattern's as yon Want: 'Erielese'15e in starnps or coin ,(coin preferred; wrap •it carefully) for eaCh manlier, and: saddrese your order, to,Wilsmi Pattern Service, 73,West Adelaide -St., Toronto.' ,gestible. Reduce the heat of the -oven When the ,pastry itsejeis cohied and. .yeu,„ate. ready to bake tti fillihg. 'All :egg Mixtnies,—Cnititonfilee• and puddings, should :he. baked with the .oven at alew'teinperatute..!1f the heat rises:`ehovet250-Clegtees you wilr not have .good luck with •any flan containing eggs.' : Charcoalin the Sa!nmet, ' During hot Weather a:little poWdered Charcoal., placed in a Muslin bag and suspended:in the larder Will help :to keep the contents .fresh. This alia prevents' foodstuffs which have a pre-. ' pounced flavour. from tainting .Other u ay Sci...oJ. esSon • 4.0APP,n, Vi. Atiquet 0:. .Reth,1--the. Book fo 1400, 14-19g; Golden Txt—Letus.lO.Ye., One"an uthur;' fur loy.9 is,: 4, P.ocl,H1 4041. • 4: 7','"'• • , • TU1 aomi fees the iC'',X00 'hhoht .14.31., • /3Paz.'01.4r.ries..14411 about, , Petblebein, .• • • • SPrroW in the iLandof MOah: ' • t. „ . , ,"Then :She arose, with her datighters-, . . that she:might, return from the cPuntry,Pf-140,413." The be41:t4f tIe Ilebrpw tomards that lovely land(,fron141Whieh §40.1144. 'heen sO 4ong,a wifln exileforher: band's and ehiltiren'S.Sake;.‘."Fer she had heard inOe..CetinftY• Of,Moab hew, that,;',,lehoyali, had.; visitedhis people giVing theta 'bread!' The.. .Lod bleaSeS;-frfthe ' , with abundance. Men Must 'de, their Pert,bat' all their toil is as nothing coMpated With what is aoo.nj1islied hYtheetIri.. and -rein. and :the chemical ferces Of nature. 43 8 coot ne riv lindre V,Ipi;q# .Enfonoeis'; Are .P1aP41' ittg Press TtOscontinexital: .in • States,. • ' New Yer4.="1.'we.,•'4aYe.• fre.M‘.N.OW. YOrIc sPtinc14 like U4r, • Ighhe yo, Vt urclAury. mOtUr.ista- wilr travel it. rtho, .1444o of a,4rOUP Of lAithw4Y, :eh" gliwets• naateriall?e, or TearS they have...been Weriting Out 'specifica; tiet,and •sPientifie.rdetails. bf a,44„a$t-,, tbr'eo.astaper:ex.nres hig1iW4y'Which ,Wetild:Perinit 100=milean-fidat Speeds: ritl le4k-1aagqT, ii;t04,1,13r; thail Is .01?,40.144q17e.ft'.p.t.'h`alt;tha( ratei-; 'Tlie,.prOject: lane artery Without, a Single proliing ,Pereeptible Vurve.,1.,“ -dities and, ,tOW.114 be Skirted- entire., ly,'• et the eXiireas,•' laneS •Iyinild' Carried: :ovetaeati o underground In tunnels. , The 7road wOuld. be as .skici-propf''.as.'.engineerliii: 'skin s itfl ilour ligur tra.,yel, We.undereti,141.4 *API, ,Peti4.yi1geicer, 144 auter49131/e. Manlk faCtilre.re, can: redtlee the Rinberent•yt bratioa of par to a Very Jew, figure!, •;, But What go94, ,,4 'PO . rOnelt reed?- ,..Even the best' bighwey• of ..toa4y, thPugh 4t tilay .194 Q-mile-an-hPlie •41riVer,.-0Puld rain bin. .e4r at 4. 1,0.9 eri4• • mile (4OfRgicL a.' 940k14/ th 41 the)nodern rhigh-apeedlipt0OiSt xnusl 'build his Car' aimOst u1id 4114.(lepeu(.* on the read -,-as Cainpbell did. t Day • tone: 13,e4oft--74or the. txecesp4ry,''esU ..To nteet Suck"a ieeI, techaWi iais have. lie,:relOPed knew' sat:facing ' in color :arra' nuallecOk,bY Sun sno, ice ou ram' This Woidxf. 1:4 '' " Jaid over. arok fm.se. $40' S:Peetisq 4i.e.,4htielpated *mild large •B.Qtyet. the: piblileM.: of •‘•everaroci.,...'" Mg; so, theplanners expect to bayc• 'only our lanes,. two of thein expres: and twO fpr. slower traffic. • • ;' • : here .:.w-otild be no 'direct: •entr; • • !`And ' she, went forth....oxlitig' it.,.(44anredelsyo ftrispoinclnitr:.oinaaneqcationfg,fhalsgth. „ Place 'where :she was'.".:would ned traffic ut were easy in those :simple: 'days. A 44iringe.. • Motorists. • weald not nee. eliffe explained; Dneri and egreip bLndegaeily . contained all .Nappii,,s their headlights at night, , Indeed, wetihr • be accomplished by ' !possessionsand he was '...strong. they wcum be forbidden, ;to da so,: for reads:,;'' 50,0 , feet., in. length, betweei, eriough7still7to-rnakerthe,7journ-ey-eir-the'llighWay.,wafild-harejts--trartr.Tiofi:' Ifie7oTtteirezid". inner • "cars inconiag 'with her," Ruth and OrPah, as W. footL, "And bertWo' datigbters-ifi-lits. 411.0 14.etratia.g •, Service' ;stations ma' be • intervals where corps of mechanic( the castonVof the times,. acconipanied . • : _ • L.' • ' • • 4t-litr- mother-in-law apart-t:rifer way -- ,hone, e though. 'expecting tp, retain to . Moab'. "And they went on the, way ,t� return -unto the land of 'Judah." • The tegion:asSighed judas,•• the ,seri of jecoh, in which Bethlehem was situ- , "And Naomi !said,. Mite her twe. daughters-in-law, Go ' return each Of yonto; her mother's Go, She bade them go back: She: Was a:n cid woman and penraleas; they were 'young. and strong and.,cotild support her. Rut: she',was' net thinking of herself, she was thinking of then)." t‘Jehovah deal kindly:with you, US•Ye have dealt with the „dead,' and With_ Me!' That .prayer is always 2aniered, andfpr' all kind. .people!: •The Lord is kind; and loves those that are kind. " - • :"Jehevah grant you,: that We • may, find teat"- A rd'Ating place, an asylimrn ax: a Married Woman's home, Was call- ed.. •"Each of you in the„hotse of. her huStiatid!.:•, The" times, wereorude and A number of outstanding autliorit- •iea are -0-Operating in planning.' the enterPriae. :Ainong them are.. E. Slit - Cliff% Of. "the Warren, Brothers road laborities,. of Boston, • who •recently ceinpleted the ,7,00.7niile darretera, den- tral, Cuban higliway,,,it a cost of 0,90,0150,000:: L, Andrew Reinhard and Harry Eofmeister, asSeciate' atchit- eels: of the $25.0;000,000. Rockefeller' bene, in New York; Captain ....Mal- colm Cainpbell,, holder of She world's fuel a quick inspection. • Ftood. Libhts, • Night•travel Would be as safe . , in 'daytime, , engineeti believe: it " the highway itself were illaminatei • and motorists ,were ',(o' diiv,e Without lights. To. this end they prOpoie," parapet vi.alls two feet high;and •made of o 'la .;:to flarik the_,biaai highwaY. • Imbedded. in., the. a.ndspade PerhaPS 20 feet apart Weuld tiihu . • • automobile -speed recordike...2.72.4cileS lar electric lamps shining, out on • per . heir; PennYpacker;: former,. lanes in the direction, thiet'ef -Recinproics of the It a Bureau a, scheme would eliminate the,dange,r1 of .Puhlie . Road's •Foster Gunnisen, of "Overhead on, ; luininating 'engineer. • •), nights.' -Another safety factor, !Putt • ' ,The• 'chief . ;Problem,. the ...experta :he ,ceatraL•gnide strips eg_ivhite,eor •-•tound; *de' the development Of .:the r ted giais, imbedded in the AEI rthadbed itself 'to permit 1.00-mile-aii-pha t. • . :union in -death :arid 'tbe ecitNe; the wild.: A: wern,an could.. be safe and. meinberS-Of-iFfarnilylied-a eonunO respected Flenly. ,under- the protection burying -place,. Gen...4'; 3)0;'. 49.:' '29.. of.a. husband. "Therf she kissed their,' :."Jehovah do so tame, and mete also." and they lifted 'up...their voice, and Moffatt .translates this. cominon forni wept. ••. They felt that it ;was the • Ana1. of imprecation, •0M.azi, the Eternalartin with the ood woniait.who hadktIl p att. thee and Death_i a:late:great • g, • • . Separatioi—i7f: loversand friends, but 'Ruth: evidently AhOaght.,,of Was•onlY. •temporitry..separation oult tas.i4 of breaking to „thein, as gem- e WeS-she--mirided-tago .With „ . • Andwhen she (Naomi): saw that ly'•gs she May, the sad ssecret that, if her,b.e left -,off Ihey ,go With ,her, • they will n 110 She ceased trying tO,persuade,Rbth to !Welcome fronther people, no kindlieSs, return: : • •• • from ani .but herself.' ,In mari.ying. • "So ,theY tWVtmintil they came: !then' het. sonS. had Sinned against the to Beth-lehem?' . Hebrew law. Gees Back to. Her Feop e. • ... Ruth Is 'True, to Naomi: 'Orpah • "And they; lifted up their voice, arid wept , again." 1aothVs, words had Shown :them mere t.learly than they "been a settnid mother to them,, th Imither-of their dead hU'sbands.. • 'And they said unto et, • Nay, we vvilltetarn with.thee L.ht.4. thy PeopleY And now Namni has the delicate, diffi- . i • • , Her again Ruth's character Shone forth in its loveliness. • She steeped' FO the service of a Menial in order to support, her mother. • With; Common hirelings she entered. the field. sas a handing.th Boat the land'onithich_thi....z.... .ShOemight have :trodden, -and!. Rtitl With the land. SO the law' was ptinc, tiliauSly . : '.' • ' . Rath' S Descendants. In4,ie oflri• i on was bent to hOPY Pair, • •# , s .rejoic- 111 OW, '• angthat-ElinaelecWs-family-woulcl thui, be • coati/Med. So his beautifnl loii, 'story closes .With -the -genealegy ,tlit •family,cartied. dovim to Jesse, the fa, : ther 'or David; arid the first chaptey or Matthew continues it to Jesui . • ---',Rutles-itewardritutlyt:719b-=,-;41- • Britain Cuts Jobless 508.000 in' Half :Yam Lend-On—hi the first half of 1.9i1. Amn empleyment in Britai' ilecreaned .p8,000,• according te the. latest .goyt erninent statistics.: Added signift .• .eh '' .ca.nce,atta es to the. fignres, becauSe had before reallied .the necessIty .of :gleaner. • ° As Naomi haddoubtless the increased,emPIPYMent at the end Parting from her, or 'of giving Up all hoped, Ruth's choice of • a . field :in of Jane as recorded when the tiMfc7'!.% liOrie Of.--secendiriatriages; . .-AAnd ifvhiefi.;to green. fell : on one belonging for • .soao•noi. "1314Ruth Elimelech, a man -of wealth and of ' increase of jaha . hal • 'Orpah kissed her .moiher-in-law!! It to Boaz( a near kinsinan.of the dead was the kiss of farewell. religion; : At he came 0 lPeet-t "e" paSsed; • In. June 135,006: additional,' . Work of the 'tpapersi he said „to them gravely, "Jehovah be with yea"; and they -replied, '"Jehovah bless thee." '• Riitii7and Boa. , ...Boaz' soon spied. Ruth 'a.rnorig•the gleaners., He. learned . • , c1ave,unte. her." Bile • said, Behold,thy '',iiter.• in4atv is giMe back unto. her,"people,: d anunto'. her god." • Naerni indicates, that :Orpah had been led to the God Of Israel by .assoc,iation with her hus- band and his family, but that she &X- pectaher 'ta fall' back under the, teMP- tations of idolatry as, soon as these nfluences are removed: She also rnakes it clear that she eXpecte. Ruth,- if She goes eking with het to be a 'folio:wet of Jehovah. Retain .thou aftet thy sister-in-law." , Or .ah is a tv'met and attractive Creature, 'Clinging .with deughterl'Y affection' to •the 'mother' of her 'husband, and Clinging • Witli , an even; greater affection'. to the land of "And Ruth Said,"•Riith's words here e--amon a 'Entreat Me hot to leave thee, and 'ta' return 'from following.. after thee." The Words have a tyriCal swing' and the entire 'paisage Poet-. icai.-:-"FOr whither thon goest, 'I will • and. Where thou 4odgest„ 1od!g--Theqt1alit-y of .decision .one. he added,' a nearer kinarnal.who lived Of the moat linportenta character can in•the village, didmet claim her. first. PoSSesS'•' ••E'Ty teeisle shall. all be nv .13.6az. asked the nearer kitimen if he people!' '13,nth, who had always lived Would "baY 4. Plot ' of lend which had arnOng the 1Vleabites and loved them as belonged to 'Elinfelecb, and the kins- we love • onr, people,. proposed •to • expromptly said, that "fie.-Wbald - patriate„.beraelf for the sake cd:146:°thi. "But'," :added Boaz, "if you buy the nian . "And. thy C)rod my l God." this Was thus fulfilling part of. the duty probably the hardest thing Cif all for of the floarog of, :kin, you Mud also Ruth- to say. The natural man Clingsc niplete YOur dutY by Marrying Rath , with 'the,' utmost tenacity' to his rei :1n" Beabitess." To this: the :kinsman • ' • . a once del -nutted, ;Ind ansfared to • "Where ,•thou . diest will Ate, and Boaz all his. rights in the 'inUtter. there will I be buried," :Aee0rdi11g. td the, quaint 'Old biiStOrn of ta-king off his Shoe:and handing it to Boaz, thus •. 4 pinch of. Charcoal added ; to wetet in ..whieh out ;flowers are kept ' Will help t� preserve' the blooms., • • . . • • • ,: • -Laundry. •. ,*hen PreSsiag White -silk goods, use. iron meditim heat:. An ever -het . _stiff.d_ may. cause to ctselt; • Soine•• houiewities. .eiipetience±diffL. .chay in ,Ironing men's, Soft Collars. ,They 'Should be .friao :Oat On the right side,"then the.1-Wreng. • To' • Oliviate,Wrintles.on. theT:COrrierff.' begin- . . the band: ' • .Adda, little gum umraliic tci life Water used •for .damping pleated,. ,dieSSCS be - tote ' It Wilt then..be, fpund that the Pleati hotter affei • ' 'On the initsid 'edge and Work towar .It troth* a ''gv:rnreilt,. With; buttons on it, Place first 'en .a -thiCklylolded towel. •The buttena Will sink into this. sat 'stitfaCe awl the spates betWeen thein ;Can be Irene& Mere easily and: snioethlY: • -men-leand.oeCiiatien.S., ,tc! • The announcement of the ,Ministry. of • 1..abee-SaYe.dinproveinent is .rnost,., . marked- iron .,'Etad ,steel manmffae ,engineering; ehipbuilding . and,- t111:9 reapersse lgyalty totheirNil he pi was:s repast and liinpassedehi-.1' v.I341t)fl:IrPetliS' rt::117:1;1;c:nri'dt• g;a: ts. rdtiele:-eu"ktOta:i:Y;:n1410:9, teittle -harbor ser that .she was the. same young woman' trades, and lehetn. At 'Meal time.he bade her join!' •the boattling-hotise, ..road trauti ed upon.se favorably .throughout Beth:: 000 in get. the , Word along that • not only . should eral, engineering .and.Ot 11 000 in the . she ;be alloWed 40 „glean among: the cotton, textile industry are regarded ' stariding Sheaveeand not merely Where the...iaheay0§: hadheeh. taken up, but • • also that. the young men' should put,. • posely:leeVe out liandf ula of the graAmericans Barred It.Crirei.jeanudis.trhieiheineoasis, her 13tos.o:azeell,:et,,.lvt, ktith. told in 'wht fi ' ld h h d a at Once Planned .th'takeadvantage,',Of Prize 171Prfer; and atitl*..' •"'1411° ' • leatiiiifg74Wrielight-eti, „ ' the Hebrew law .requiring Man 'to • .9r6ear.Pastares,".hasbeen'b'arted from marry thechildlesS:wido.w of his 'dead 'entering "lassie by, the Soviet anther'," , brother, • To 1. MAWS.' frank ..:,statement mimes for .a reason that has ;not been. , thatlae her near a, 013, .ea, should •,exPlaitied .f.. :••• ,,marry hetrhe et once consented,if„ its pcitir othe.r...ikthervaus., litod.lik northern cruiseon the liner 'Tungs4 holm Mr.,. Connel y:, also . were barred, but. theyhaye :continued, tits ward Leningrad -An the, hope that the tallng.. v. ill be, • clmlmflged. • ; the nature.. of ..nitta that ' labor m4 he :said tohe its..,oWn. Johnson, •• , k'hotiseholder,.hit a burglar With wirelese EvetYthing has ita'.use. —Ottawa Journal ancient thought union in life meant . • , 4 MLJTT AND JEFF— By, BUD FISHER THIS IS A sOrr Jot -,AtNs u4c-,T • IMPoR1At4T4 C oTTA WAVE, Tht,S. RED ,FLAG to wAkk) Pe.oPt.e l',1•10'fcet Atotft 'r.C• FOY Tb 'BLAST roov.).1 1c..e. m1/4:rt-r k 'rtte.-. tO. -GCAFF:'‘IAT viAs wiN ' DIRTY DOnl.g•CkdSt• OE 4-liityl)E11, Ne.),d: ..4tisc ttliall•IOJt.11•A",t.titS,, ?, ' ' ''• ' tCl-tuLT2...,!. .•:..0 • . .. ;• , 1314STIki 'muscat 41"416' • e. That's Gettnig Even With'Mutt , il 16610' oaf) blDsI4 Ioti See Rt-ty VioLiNT18%. . ' • '21 t‘% • ' s